When does it get god?
When does it get god?
It already is god.
Fuck him.
>VTMB threads literally died after the abysmal gameplay demo of Bloodlines 2 was shown
Most cathartic e/v/ent of 2019 so far.
After the optional tutorial.
>tfw started browsing VTMB threads with sequel announcement trailer and enjoyed the lore discussion and clan rivalry
Really wish I hadn't avoided them until then
What happens if you eat Cain? Do you become a gen 1?
I pretty much only come here for Yea ForumstMB threads most of the time
God removes you from reality the moment you attack Cain.
God eats you 7 times and Caine takes over your body
If you meant good then around 10 years or so.
That is roughly how long it takes for nostalgia to set in.
idk man after my first time playing i kept listening to the OST and went back and played it a few more times within the year
I mean, this is nothing new for VtMB threads and you should know this if you are not a newfag. These threads pop in and out from time to time, especially around October.
More threads are probably gonna come up as we come closer to the release of B2. VtMB threads are one of the few games that has still survived the years of Neo-Yea Forums shitposting and now Nu-Yea Forums shitposting.
That's true but it also seems like the threads have mostly gone back to being about the original. I didn't have high hopes for 2 but the videos still seemed disappointing.
In reality that's entirely the GM's call on how it all ultimately works and whether Caine will exist and be anything like the stories about him.
Around the hotel. The game picks up right before that.
Nothing wrong with the first game getting played for the first time. Shit, I only played it like 5 years ago and had contemporary classics when they came out.
Pro tip: hit ~ then type gift exp 200 and hit enter
also money 5
it's giftxp
fug your right, I got the "money" cheat right.
it's you're
>a 2019 videogame can kill a cult following since the early 2000's
You give the sequel too much credit.