>say words
>money stolen
Say words
what'd you say fag
>using ingame chat
>using any sort of online vidya-oriented chat service
>thinking about talking to other players at all
I told a guy that literally scored three goals from sheer luck to "Eat shit you fucking nigger i hope a thousand jews come to your house and steal your wife and steal every single penny from your house whilst you score stupid rebounds like the cock nobbling faggot"
>be a sperg with zero impulse control
>get banned
I see nothing wrong with this.
>24 hours
>money stolen
This. You assholes are just outsourced A.I.
Try acting like a person and not an animal.
Refund or Chargeback.
Never buy games from that company or devs again.
Problem solved.
i hate this meme
best modern Yea Forums meme desu. Always makes me laugh.
>permabanning yourself
And you wonder why you were banned.
Your money was "stolen" when you exchanged it for the license to begin with, fucktard.
>only banned for a day
How is this money stolen?
It was never your money to begin with.
>Act like a faggot
>Get treated like a faggot
>break rules
>get removed
If you want to act like a savage just do it alone in your own home
>pay membership to a club
>be a dick
>get kicked out of the club
You even signed a fucking EULA you idiot. Get fucked. They should kick you out permanently.