ITT: Unsatisfying vidya weapons

Weapons that are:
> Weak
> Ugly
> Sound bad

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It's a great starting weapon. Combine die in 2 hits and it's accurate.
You fags just don't understand the purpose of a starting weapon.

no fucking excuse when the pistol in hl1 feels heaps more satisfying

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I've played HL1 more often than 2, but the gun from 2 is far more memorable.
I remember tons of weapons from HL1 extremely vividly, the basic gun isn't one of them.

I think that's one of the msot satisfying weapons in the game.
Especially in MP. Everyone always underestimates the pistols in video games.
The Pistol in nuDoom is unironically the best weapon in the game and the pistol in GTA IV kills anyone with a headshot. And they're always 100% accurate. Your own aiming skill is the only limiting factor.

klobb from goldeneye

>The Pistol in nuDoom is unironically the best weapon in the game

4/10 made me reply

It is. Try playing online some day, scrub.

Plasma Beam and Screw Attack in Samus Returns.

shotguns fucking suck in every game i've played.

buffalo rifle in duke nukem time to kill

walk at the bad guys retard

oh so you are that one guy who plays online i always wondered who it was and it turns out its some weird dude with autism for a garbage pistol

you played the wrong games

the bug on launch let you hold RMB then hold LMB and you could unload a 'charged shot' of like 15 bullets (or however long you waited as if you held lmb firing 1 at a time). It was pretty fun watching a combine ragdoll go flying with 15x the physics force

Any weapon in Bethesda Fallout

>the one guy
Nice deflection for your pathetic lack of skill, user.

Is this thing ever worth using over the shottie?

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It's not even in the MP, unless you mean the pistol from Unto the Evil which is different to the SP pistol but also sucks, albeit not as much.

Especially in CS. Holy fuck, why do they even exist in that game?

only good for grinding money and rive orbs

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>Nice deflection for your pathetic lack of skill, user.
I gota say its got to be hard being number 1 when you are literally the only one lmao

Any DOOM 1/2 weapon

>3 frames of animation
>sounds like it was recorded through a tin can
>enemies die all the same

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>the USP is far more memorable than the glock!
>USP uses its own ammo and doesn't share so it just becomes a ranged crowbar
>It does pitiful fucking damage and is never touched once you get the smg.

What a faggot.

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Learn to aim.

>combine dies from 2 hits
Stop playing half life 2 on easy


t. zoomer

Every gun in borderlands 2

learn to play a game with a population above 1. Fuck even quake 3 had a grand total of 10 players lmao

sadly, I agree

I dunno about it after the recent balance change but it was better than shotty.

Not him but fuck off, people like you are the reason why instead of an improved PvP in Eternal we are getting some garbage asymmetric meme player vs demon shit that even less people will play. Doom 2016 MP was decent.

The MP7 has a zero chance of actually hitting the center of the crosshair even on first shot. The USP has a zero chance of missing the center of the crosshair even when you mash the trigger and empty the clip in a second. In other words the USP is the primary fire of the Glock except more powerful and the MP7 is the secondary fire of the Glock except less powerful.

>not having that pew pew sound stuck in ur head along with all the other classic hl1 sounds

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OG Doom Rocket Launcher

Both Q3A and nuDoom have plenty of players, dumb zoomie. I know this because I actually play both games, unlike you.
Any more deflections you want to throw at me?

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>Not him but fuck off, people like you are the reason why instead of an improved PvP in Eternal we are getting some garbage asymmetric meme player vs demon shit that even less people will play. Doom 2016 MP was decent.
nobody liked it so nobody played it. It was a slower version of quake 3. Maybe if you actually played a decent multiplayer game instead of jerking off alone as HARDCORE DOOM SLAY3R you wouldnt be so sad

>being this much of a zoomer

you are so dumb even tifa thinks you are dumb

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My friends don't understand why I dislike bl2, but all of the guns feel so anemic, and the enemies being bullet sponges only compounds on this feeling.

>Halo CE shotgun
>MW2 lever action 1887
>F:NV Dinner Bell
>Doom double barrel
You are wrong

>battlefield 4
>shotgun with slugs
>instant kill someone across the map
lmao who needs snipers

This piece of shit in Warframe, anyone who's leveled it for MR will know

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It's more useless than the fucking handgun in Doom 1-2. The damage is pitiful, it only kills officers with low health count at 26 instead of 40.

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Most Vanu weapons in PS1 and suppressor

>being this much of a zoomer

2 headshots, dingus
why would you even aim anywhere else?

weak bait


>nobody liked it so nobody played it

People still play it and there was quite a sizeable population of players well into 2018, it's just dropping off recently. But that's not the point, the point is Redditors like you spouting your shit opinions about le singleplayer good multiplayer bad constantly, drove the devs to make the total shit decision to make meme asymmetrical multiplayer that this time no one will actually play, unlike the MP in 2016.

>has to post quake because nuDOOM has 0 players because he isnt online

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Medic weapons in KF2, though the AR is alright when a commando is using it.

Suppressor was legit, vanu weapons had nothing on my Gauss Rifle.

The HL2 pistol sounds like throwing one of those July 4th poppers on the ground. It's sad.

> Zoomer
> Boomer

Just post more shite guns, guys.

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>Team Ninja does Tifa better than Square themselves
Might as well put her in DOA6 at this point since Dissidia is on the soft engine.

HL2 has awful gunfeel for 85% of the weapons

bro the shotgun feels so good though
I haven't played a game since 1995

>Redditors like you spouting your shit opinions about le singleplayer good multiplayer bad constantly, drove the devs to make the total shit decision to make meme asymmetrical multiplayer that this time no one will actually play, unlike the MP in 2016.
oh no no no no bros nobody played multiplayer and now i am ALONE! AND NOW THE EVEN NEWER DOOM WONT HAVE THE MULTIPLAYER THAT "I" LIKED? OH NO NO NO NO NO BROS

>sound bad
that's every single weapon in gta san andreas, when I got my copy at first I legitimately thought something was wrong with it

NuDoom doesn't have public servers, you fucking retard. Are you actively trying to make yourself look like a mongoloid?
>inb4 "I was merely pretending"

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literally every single weapon in half life 2, honestly

> FEAR shotgun
> Serious Sam double-barrel

i like the tifa in the remake too though

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I mean the crowbars pretty satisfying

>NuDoom doesnt even have fucking servers so few people play it
oh god user stop im going to die

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Lots of people played the multiplayer. I got many, many hours of enjoyment from it and still do every now and then, you can always usually find a full match. It did as well as any non-CoD or Battlefield MP FPS would do on consoles.

This, how come hl1 guns are a lot cooler than hl2 guns.

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Wow what a well written argument, ive changed my mind!

Wrong 3 frames of animation and sounds like shit

god those things are satisfying to use in tf2. Shotguns should always be at least 2 hit kills in every game.

i put hours into sven coop, i love that hl1/tfc DING

post the fucking counts nigga,

stop replying to him holy shit

>Lots of people played the multiplayer. I got many, many hours of enjoyment from it and still do every now and then
>user was literally playing with himself
>user is literally just a schizo playing doom matches with his imaginary friends while he masturbates
oh nononononono!

I miss the charge shot bug, they should have just made that a part of it and added effects for it to make it look/sound better

>6 servers from list are redirectors
fuck this im staying with Wolfenstein enemy territory

>arguing with trolls or downright retards
lmao. Don't be silly, friendo.

>play KF2
>Get AA12
>Go ham on a group of trash zeds
Never not satisfying.

Here's your final (you)
Spend it well.

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Rushed game.

It's objectively more useful than the Doom handgun because Doom has an alternative weapon that deals the same damage using the same ammo but fires two rounds with perfect accuracy consecutively.
The guns in Half-Life 2 are balanced. MP7 is very fast, inaccurate and deals shit damage. USP is fast, accurate and deals mediocre damage. Python is slow, extremely accurate and deals high damage. In Half-Life 1 the Glock deals moderate damage fast with accuracy and moderate damage very fast with bad accuracy. The MP5 deals shit damage fast with bad accuracy. The Python deals high damage slowly in high accuracy. In other words there is no reason to deal 9mm damage using the MP5 because the Glock has better DPS. In Half-Life 2 the weapons use different ammo and have entirely different properties. The MP5 is just a shitty Glock with a grenade launcher and wastes the Glock's ammo.

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She's not bad, I just feel like they could have stuck a little more closely to her design. Not just her perfect breasts, but the overall design of her clothes.

come on now, the shotgun and the crossbow are satisfying, and so is using the gravity gun with the saw blades, discs and barrels.

i actually hate hl2's shotgun more than every other gun


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>Energizing Bane?

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Seconding HL2 shotgun is gross, same with rebar bow, AR2 is good, gravgun is good. everything else is blech, even if effective

>just beat morrowind
>using medium armor, adamantium cause it looks nice and i don't want to run around in indoril as a nord barbarian
>go to mournhold
>learn about adamantium weapons
>get excited
>finally find the vendor
still pissed

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lying faggot

> i got no argument so ill just say u dumb or trolling

>other people didnt like that stupid shotgun
finally i am not alone

Because you are, and you're not gonna bait me into one by calling me mean names. Find somebody else, my dude.

>half life 2 pistol
pop pop pop

>half life 1 pistol

I love when people don't realize how busted the tf2 shotguns are
People don't expect a Pyro outside of Flamethrower range to three shot them

I thought HL2 was just okay and kinda boring.

>half life 1 pistol
>half life 2 pistol
dont even use it
>black mesa pistol

i really dislike the sound. shotguns are my favorite weapons every time.

Any of those large machine guns in Call of Duty like the MG42 for example or the M249. Never found those to be particularly effective and just slows down gameplay

Crowbar,Gravgun and AR2 are the only good guns in HL2

Beta weapons look fun tho

it was exciting at the time of release because it was like
but now all the mods are dead and nobody wants to wait a year to load a half life 2 level

Any weapons from Fallout and Elder scrolls
They don't look or sound horrible, just unsatisfying to use

They had the same guy who did the entire music score for the game also do all the sound effects for all the weapons and everything else as well, everything except for the voice acting. It explains why the weapons are kinda hit or miss, when you have to make everything from scratch without audio samples to just plug into the game.

pretty much
only a few rare guns are really fun/satisfying to use, even more so on uvhm. And some are just sad like splatguns and nearly every goddamn assault rifle.
>nearly every post i've made about bl2 has started with "i like bl2 but"
game has a nice core gameplay concept but pretty much everything else in the game detracts from it

Play games other than Call of Duty

It's louder. It still sounds like shit and is godawful to use.

>black mesa pistol
Play with HD pack on HL1.

The double barrel shotgun in World at War was based and redpilled

i want to argue with you because i like it but i think you are right


>install the hd pack for the first time
>its literally a squirt gun i had as a child
I giggled so much the first time i picked it up

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Try Serious Sam, Vice City, FEAR, TF2

I dare you to play CoD WWII, get fire bullets and you win instantly

Yeah bro stop hating popular game, consume consume consume!

it was revolutionary for it's time. Honestly it still kinda is revolutionary today, because now there's games like BOTW who ape it's gimmicks

ebin strawman

Every gun in HL2 is shit. The fun ones are always low on ammo. That entire game revolves around the gravity gun.

I just dislike games with bad gun sounds. Gun shots are overwhelmingly loud in a room. Like ear splittingly painfully loud. I'm not saying we should hurt people's ears for accuracy, but I hate when I'm playing Max Payne 2 or Half Life 2(just examples) and the guns go plakplakplakplakplak. No, guns go BOOOOOOOMBOOOOOOMBOOOOOOOOOM

That's a big gun.

The Halo 2/3 pistol
No scope, weak firing sound, though the design is alright (obviously it's different in each game).
Thankfully Halo 3 ODST added back the scope and they haven't removed it since.

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Planetside NC Jackhammer was so much fun to use.

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Shotguns have been awesome in many CoDs. Akimbo 1887s in MW2 is a meme for being so OP. Or a Silenced SPAS in Black Ops, that's guaranteed 40 kills on Nuketown.

it was great tqbh I loved magdumping it
but SMG felt like utter shit if it wasn't for GL I would not be using it at all

Basically every gun in Borderlands 2

At least the explosive shot is good.

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Warframe has a ton of weapons that suck absolute fucking ass.

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You don't know what the fuck you are talking about, you don't even know what the damage tables look like do you? You're just guessing based on your feelings.

The glock did 8 points of damage while the mp5 did 5 points, and then the MP5 did 8 in source. The RPM on the gun is so fucking high with a big mag that the dps it could put out was great.

Stop talking out your fucking ass.

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Max Payne 2 gun sounds do hurt your ears though. It's not loud but the pitch is annoyingly high.

double shotty from nuwolfenstein has to be the worst shotgun ive ever used in a video game ive played

They gave the MP5 the same damage as the Glock in Source? I thought that piece of shit couldn't get any worse. Did they forget to make it inaccurate as well?

>USP Match

this. fucking SMG in HL2 sounds like shit only combine gun sounds somehow cool, and that buggy attached thing sounds like basketball


Yeah, in WON there was far greater CoF and speed so control was more intense and the gunplay great. Meanwhile in source you can just tap away like a rifle.

For you

>no fucking excuse when the pistol in hl1 feels heaps more satisfying
Well HL1 is a far better game so of course it's more satisfying.

The BM pistol is great since it actually sounds like a Glock. Everything from the slide being racked to inserting a mag sounds perfect.

contrarian meme spouter

Call me a contrarian all you want, that won't change the fact that HL1 is better than HL2.

joke of a gun
the assault rifle from hl1 is pretty weak too

It's the definitive "gun enemies use but you don't"

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Did you actually think before posting? Something being a better game doesn't just automatically make all of its weapons more satisfying to use. Your logical connection makes no sense and you obviously made that baseless claim just to advertise your refined taste of liking one game over another without the thought of justifying such a position ever entering your mind. You're a partisan brainlet with a fake opinion.

Every single weapon in GTA V

Half-Life 1 doesn't have an assault rifle.

SMOD really made that gun worth using, instakill headshots

You sure are mad.

It's not bad for taking down enemy shields.
Obviously a plasma pistol is a lot better.

Yeah, RE7 flyswatter, it sucks.

Maybe stop using them as long range weapons you fucking dunce

ok. I don't know much about guns but I meant the one with the granade launcher


Maybe you've played with the HD pack installed and the 9mm SMG was replaced with an assault rifle, while still using 9mm but having a beefy sound. So no wonder you got the impression it's weaker than it seems. Because it literally is. A bullet fired from that gun is the weakest in the game.

Post satisfying guns

GTA San Andreas has the worst sounding weapons out of all the 3D GTA games. Some of them sound like a guy making weak PFTPFTPFT noises with his mouth.

Okay, you start.

The magnum in Black is orgasmic

user... i loved using that in 3, i actually racked most of my really good kill streaks using it
pls don't bully it

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That is a shotgun with a revolver skin and I can feel the input lag from here.

This. It's crazy how GTA gets no flak for its shit-tier sound and graphics in prior to IV and V

better than pistol if you are too lazy to tap-fire

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What was so bad about them besides not being as good as Daedric or Glass weapons?

Even with quad shot, this shit right here was so fucking weak it was almost unreal. Was there a fucking damage value out of place or something?

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It was a single player PS2 shooter, of course it controls bad. But the magnum firing sound is great and your character actually recocking it after each shot feels super good


you are the human equivalent of a strip of rna biochemically designed replicate bad opinions

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>Actually thinking HL2 is better than HL1, let alone a good game
zoom zoom

In games like FEAR, KF, and Stalker they feel amazing
In milsim games they are OP because they have realistic range
In COD and Battlefield they are underwhelming and shitty

I use MG42 in BFV and it's so fun to use. COD can't do an MMG justice.

I wish TEW2 wasn't such a terrible game

you can barely 1-shot somebody if you get a headshot, at real long-range slugs don't do shit, frag rounds is clearly superior anyway

Good bait, look at all those replies

I think it was their side game, while the real team worked on Ghostwire Tokyo. I mean, it barely had any marketing and they announced it 8 months away from release. They worked on it for only 2 years, while TEW1 was worked on for more than 3. Even I think lead director said that their budget and development time was shorter this time. They didn't ruin the plot too much, because Ruvik, Joesph and others are still out there, so they can still make a good comeback with TEW3.

The entirety of the dark souls trilogy.
All weapons feel and sound the same.
>oh I got this great sword, it looks so cool
>*slashes with it*
>nice, it hits hard, decent weapon overall I guess
>gets a zweihander/black knights sword
>exact same moves and hits, exact same feeling, enemies react the exact same way
dark souls combat is garbage.

ok fake hl fan

Why would you ever use this weapon?

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Weak ass sound, small effect on enemies.... I mean sure it fulfills the roll of weak and boring starting weapon. But there are ways to make them better.

Stop taking bodyshots scrub

That's a big gun

I think there are like twelve guns in Warframe that are actually fun to use

Based bonkle bro

you're trying too hard

all weapons are shit in that overrated franchise

>TFW you will never again trounce the shit out of your pleb fiends after school using double klobbs while yelling "IT'S THE KLOBB! NOTHING CAN STOP THE KLOBB!" at them till they cry.

All the nu-wolfenstein guns except the flare gun grenade launcher and bolt action in Old Blood were garbage

>shoots 18 bullets at once
Great gun

well there only five of them anyway, but, yeah, I was pretty pissed that they were so weak and only in the post game. Especially so when something as ugly as the goblin club is so strong.
Makes me wish they gave them at least a high enchant value, or made them available on vvardenfell alongside the armor with that one plugin.

not him, but not all games need or should have multiplayer

>mfw Steam no longer lets you install older versions of HL2 because of literal DRM update reason
>18 round instant burst no longer works in new versions

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Ah fuck.

hl2 pistol is great
pap pap pap pap pap

Actually I need to re-check it. The missing burst may be Mandela effect. Stand by.

Nope. They changed it so that the right mouse button does nothing and holding the left button causes the pistol to fire every half a second. In vanilla holding RMB and then holding LMB for 10 seconds or so would reserve the full mag and releasing RMB would expend all 18 rounds at once.

Honestly this
People like to meme Doom as the greatest fps ever but the guns feel like shit in vanilla

every single gun in hellgate london except for the stupid bouncy rocket that thing was fun

Literally any FPS that uses wimpy magic staffs instead of actual guns with feedback. I don't give a fuck how powerful a fireball is if I'm yawning while shooting it.

this + elder scrolls
those games are for faggot fucks who have small cocks "WOW i love the lore!"

magic in pretty much every first person game feels like shit.

>he doesn't know

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>feel like shit
They're not amazing by today's standards, but they sure as fuck don't feel like shit, unless you're a fag who doesn't take in-game performance into account for weapon feel
>shotgun one-shots undead humans and can one-shot imps. Has great range to it as well
>chaingun can tear through weak shit, flinch-lock big shit, and fucking snipe
>rocket launcher deletes groups and does great damage
>plasma gun has fantastic damage output and sounds cool
>BFG, fires a big ball of death and a fuckton of tracers that will annihilate everything in the direction the gun was fired, but they come from you, so you can be hitting two different things/groups at once

And don't even get me going on the Super Shotgun

It's good to get rid of flood infection from in CE.

HL1 pistol sucks too but because it sounds like a laser gun not because it sounds like Fisher Price: My First Pistol!

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Yeah I see what you mean
I was really thinking of just the pistol but I completely forgot about how varied the guns were. I'm also the type of retard to play using keyboard only controls and not use the mouse when i play it

Amid Evil is especially bad at this.
>Dude dude dude! This weapon fires PLANETS!
Oh okay is it fun to fire though?
>Dude it fires PLANETS!
Oh, its actually just a pretty rocket launcher with zero feedback and its surprisingly piddly too. The steam community are idiots.

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Not sure if you knew this, but the pistol can snipe too. Just wait for its animation to end, and it'll have perfect accuracy every time you fire it. It does suck though, and I wouldn't wanna pistol start every level like other people do. And honestly, I think I'd probably hate playing Doom on keyboard only.

If you feel like playing it again at some point and don't want a more advanced sourceport like GZDoom because you're a purist, Chocolate Doom stays pretty close to home, but lets you rebind keys for WASD.

Yeah that's how I remembered it as well. Shame.

Holy shit. I've been playing half life 2 and mods since it came out and I never knew about this. I didn't believe you and actually looked for a video. Interesting.

I thought the mp7 sounded nice.

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>nobody wants to wait a year to load a half life 2 level
Excuse me, are you playing on a computer from 2001? Today even on the shittiest od laptops you can load a level in 5 seconds.

Every weapon in L4D2

Don't forget challenge runs

>thought it would release a HEUG beam that can go through enemies.
lol it just throw a harmless bolt of light

Can you link that? I've never heard of this until now.

And the ONE fucking gun that felt really good to use, the Combine AR, had a tiny magazine and very little ammo to find.
Had to make way for more gravgun memery, I suppose. Fuck I hated that thing.

It sucked

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Cheap, useful in chokepoints early in the game. Plus, the Nova works pretty well st medium ranged provided you aim for rhe upper body.

The pistol could oneshot gunships for all I care, it's still a super unsatisfying weapon to use

such a shit gun. Sexies gun though

The pump action on BlOps 2 with long barrel was quite a beast too

>looks like shit
>name is shit
>only effective if someones fellating the barrel

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It is pretty good compared to all the other shit weapons, why do you hate it?

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Not cheaper than the pistols. Also, even the pistol you get for free is better.

> Sound bad

The sound is the best thing about that gun it's nice and thunky

I've never played a third person shooter that had a good shotgun

Worst opinion on Yea Forums of all time


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showing off in combo videos

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Nightmare Beta fucks Phantom up

did you never played tf2?

I liked the beretta more than the shitty glock

that looks like you took an entire xenomorph and turned it into a dildo

>real life shotguns are practically sniper rifles that fire in a tight spread and can shred a fucking car
>video game shotguns are 2 foot ranged poop guns that fire a spread that travels in 90 degree angles past 2 feet and miss everything
I fucking hate shotguns in video games.

everything in san andreas was awful

I only use snipers and SMGs because they actually feel good to fire, rockets fucking suck and I hope they balance them better in BL3 so they can actually, you know, one shot weak enemies.


plasma pistol was so good in CE and never good again, it actually felt like a main infantry weapon, it had range and could two shot grunts, it was really easy to replace your AR with it, in other games you might as well just have a plasma pistol if you aren't using other weapons, they just replaced it with the shitty storm rifle instead of buffing it to it's former glory.

But Beretta can't hold 17 bullets in magazine. Even if you count one in barrel.


every gun in this game

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>am I cool yet guys

I am based and coool cant say the same for you user

used to be one of the best guns until it got nerfed
was the Cuck-9 because you cucked the CTs out of there M4s with running headshots

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>9mm grenade launcher

it's the FUTURE for fuck sake

Who the fuck used this over everything else in their arsenal by that point.
Least used weapon

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This user gets it. The HL2 USP is shit, just like the game itself.

-instead of the MP7 primary fire there used to be an MP5K SMG that had no secondary fire
-instead of the MP7 secondary fire and the AR2 primary fire, there used to be the OICW which is an assault rifle with a 20mm grenade launcher
-instead of the AR2 secondary fire there used to be a Combine Guard alien gun
-the AR2 weapon model used to be the Incendiary Rifle, which would fire projectiles that set stuff on fire
-the AR2 was called AR2 because "ar1" was the AK-47

Basically most of the weapons in HL2 were weird compromises hastily put together from unused assets and cut content.

Attached: HL2betaweapons.jpg (800x600, 70K)

if they upped the firing rate 300% it might be fun to shoot.

How does this gun work that it needs to have two sides to fire whatever projectile it is?

If MP7 was replaced just by OICW, it would make much more sense.

me because I wouldn't want use any of my depletable ammunition when I have a recharging option.

The delay between shooting and hitting helped set up longer juggles

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pretty much, this whole thread could be warframe weapons. the game has so many guns and melee weapons that are actually fucking dogshit to the point they struggle to kill even when completely built.

Also, the AR2 doesn't actually have a 3D first-person model, it's a 2D sprite.

This. You use the hl1 pistol throughout the whole game and never touch the smg/assault rifle

>ugly as fuck
>tiny mag, smaller than the handle
>unusable reflex sight
>the thing that looks to be a gas piston is actually a fucking grenade launcher
>no stock, not even a folded stock, it just doesn't have a stock at all
>sucks to shoot with
>no damage, no acuracy
>only relevant because of the grenade launcher

I hate this gun so much

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I agree. Then in MW3 nearly every automatic weapon had a piercing rattling sound.

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>burns your fucking eyes while trying to aim

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switch to smg to pop grenades in people's face?

It sounds like a box full of pebbles being shaken and visually looks skinnier and weaker than the hl1 hd version

>not liking god tier weapons like the Lyuda, Pimpernel, and the Kitten

ANY sawn off double barrel shotgun that fires both shots immediately. Killing Floor had it the best, fire one barrel per click or alt fire for both.

Every single gun in Fallout 3, probably because nobody at Bethesda has ever even seen a real gun and they got interns to smash pieces of metal together in the parking lot for the sound effects.

I don't think it's a sprite, it's just a 3d model that is perspective UV-mapped. Basically instead of having fully textured surfaces there's just a texture projected forward onto everything that is visible.

>game has super satisfying pistol
>sequels guts it

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It's not that. It's that Fallout 3 is an Oblivion reskin and none of the guns are actually guns, but some weird jury-rigged damage spells and so all of them have annoying input lag that makes shooting them unbearable.

>>enemies die all the same

>shoot plasma at zombiemen
>some die normally, others gib with a crunchy sound

Doom is the shit, man

this sword was weak as my morning piss

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it's a fucking horrible weapon in a fucking horrible game deal with it retard

I've played Doom since the shareware demo and I've never once gibbed anything with plasma

Doom is a pretty shit game overall. I always preffered Wolf 3D to Doom.

Good thing the OG Doom shotgun is a sniper

Zombiemen will gib when the rng gives you a max damage plasma shot.

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Actually I just tested it. I was both right and wrong. I had in fact never gibbed anything with plasma because I've never wanted to waste plasma on hitscanners. Now that I tried it, it does actually gib them which I didn't know.

What a fucking pointless gun

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Any weapon that is not in Dead Space 2 or Duke Nukem 3D is not satisfying. FACT.

honestly that's amazing

That's why it's nice to have piracy. Even preservationists know it.
>“For more recent games where there are no physical copies, that’s a real mess,” Kocurek says. “There’s so many interdependencies and the companies have a lot more control. It’s going to be hard to work around.”

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Am I weird for liking the PM in STALKER?

Maybe if you're a fucking moron. Even on hard there's so much 9mm ammo that the individual damage per round of the pistol is never an advantage over the higher DPS of the smg.

inefficient fool

It's literally more efficient. I'm sorry you like standing around twice as long waiting for things to die.

ammo capacity is meh, does little to no damage against anyone wearing something more than light armor. Even with laser perks it gets outclassed pretty quickly. On top of that its fucking rare, only people who have it are fiends and silver rush

>killing floor

Sniping was fucking horrible in Black Ops 1.

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Now post good vidya weapons

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>sounds bad
That's literally the best sounding gun the series.

>Dump everything in a fleshpound or incoming crowd in 2 second
>Your stuck reloading each individual shell, getting swamped
I really don't know how bad it was 1 but christ is it annoying to use in 2. Not worth it considering it's cost.

>playing CoD after 2
You only have yourself to blame, kid.

Not even CoD4?

Can someone explain to me why everyone jerks off to the FEAR shottie?
It's kinda meh outside a 5 meter radius, but it just happens so to be that 90% of combat happens in really close quarters.

Your so right.
>Not play Black ops 1 & 2?
>The 2 best games in the entire series?
user you missed out, they were both their respective peaks in the series when they came out. None of the games after it have come close to how fun these 2 were.

>CoD 4
>anything but utter cancer
Vet better taste, my mane

The M3 tore ass up until the 1.6 nerf. Even more so before the jump nerf of 1.3 (or was it 1.5), as the weapon has constant accuracy, even in air or on ladders, and a couple of shots always land in the center of the crosshair, enough for a helmet-less 1hk.
You can just picture jumping from behind a corner on office, oneshotting the closest enemy and disappearing behind the other corner before anyone has a chance to aim at your head mid-air.

>300 posts
>no mention of the Mozambique

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All the pipe guns in fallout. Ugly, worthless and sound is shite

A lot of the new guns are pretty nice, but theres definitely a point in the games lifespan where EVERYTHING before it sucks shit.

>playing MUTT OPS

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i was very underwhelmed by the starter shotty in nudoom. the rest was good though. howd they fuck it up?
>mfw tearing through faggots with the LMG

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that's not saying much. The Halo series had abysmal weapon sounds untill Reach.

Goldeneye guns had more punch than anything in Halo 1-3

wtf was the deal with this thing?

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>weak as my morning piss
That seems like a bad analogy
Most days my morning piss could saw a tree down

why does it EXIST
even the fucking double barrel feels like shit but this is a whole different tier of shit.

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In 1 it's completely identical to the starting shotgun aside from being semi-auto, reloading slower, and having two fewer shells loaded. This is already pretty shit, but it's also the second most expensive shotgun in the game behind the AA-12

>colt pistol in vice city
>colt pistol in SA
>pap pap pap pap pap

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If you think the Berettas are bad in 1.6 and 1.5 then you haven't played CS GO. The weapon is absolutely useless there.

Its aged poorly

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How's the Doomstick? I didn't touched KF2 for years now and i was thinking of replaying a couple of games for shit and giggles.
I'm still survavalist being a jack of all, master of fucking jackshit.

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I don't get it either. The gunshot sounds metallic and annoying, gibbing kevlar-armored soldiers to literal blood mist is not cool or badass just stupid, 12 rounds is not a magazine that any shotgun of that size can have, and the input buffering causes you to nearly always shoot at least once after you've already wanted to stop firing.

All Destiny, and Destiny 2, pulse rifles and high magazine auto-rifles. They all sound like sloppy wet farts and have no impact whatsoever.

No it didn't. Republic Commando and every part of its gameplay was always shit. The gun probably wasn't even that bad, it's just that every enemy is a bullet sponge that takes 90% of all of your ammo while your AI friends keep missing with their infinite ammo they refuse to let you borrow.

I use it and I question why I do every time. Usually I give it the extra damage from teammates while enemies are electrocuted and then get the highest chance to electrify. I electrify big enemies and then just ignore them and let my team handle them.

>stack crit chance and damage bonuses
>melt everything

That there is your pistol in Quake

>all those guns in gungeon that were designed to be shitty

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Just use Lucky/That Gun if you wanna crit everything to death.
Ammo's less rare too, not that .22 is that uncommon in NV.

I think the FEAR shottie has the same myth surrounding it as the AI. The environment and the small decal detail really make it all shine, but if you tried inserting the same stuff into a game like STALKER it would fail. It's great for the specific tasks it was meant for, but the same systems shit themseles once things get more dynamic.

Bandit guns are fun as shit, even if they usually suck stat-wise. It's like using an Ork shoota.

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To press shooty buttons of course you silly. The real question is why does the standard nailgun exist? You can use the shotgun if you don't want to waste two shotgun shells. You can use the nade launcher to rain indirect fire. But there is absolutely no reason to ever use the nailgun. The super nailgun is simply objectively superior.

Stuff like Resident Evil 7 and 2remake are really starting to annoy me with how weak the weapons sound.

All Half Life weapons are subpar at best.

I know what you mean but holy fuck does it suck to use nearly a third or half of a magazine to kill someone unslagged in uvhm. And the legendary varient fucking sucks too
at least the sawbar is pretty fucking great

>literally dominated the pvp meta for the series existence despite multiple nerfs
are you fucking retarded?

Mass Effect 3 had endless good shotguns (N7 Piranha, N7 Crusader, M-300 Claymore, Reegar Carbine) , most of the guns in that game were super satisfying, too bad about the rest of the game

Most of the guns in REmake2 sound fine. It's just the shotgun that sounds like shit. Especially compared to the upgraded nuke shotgun in the original. The pistols sound pretty good. Better than the original, where the pistol shot has this weird nearly imperceptible delay that makes it feel like you need to force every bullet out of the barrel.

the colt was so nice in vice city. Having to stand still to fire only made it cooler imo
>mfw gta 3 m16 and shotgun

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Kindly kill yourself please

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>Remington 870 Folding Stock

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On top of all of that it shreds through ammo and doesn't do enough damage to make up for it

I tried playing doom just by upgrading the pistol it was awful

What the hell happened to "IT'S KLOBBERIN' TIME"?


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You didn't okay it? That's to bad, you honestly missed out. Both of those games still hold up on all departments to this day.

>game is entirely centered around guns
>99% of the guns in the game are shitty references and/or just fucking suck to use

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literally useless in halo 1, projectiles were slow as fuck

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I don't usually jump on the (you) train but straight-up fucking kys my dude

Better than stock though.

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2remake's are also just dogshit in general. Zombies are bullet sponges and your guns are peashooters.

The ergonomics on that front grip.... gross.

Fuck you.

I guess it's kind of creating energy inbetween the top and bottom and that energy at the end combined with the battery of the weapon help "cast" it outwards, akin to hurling balls of plasma rapidly. for how deadly they are in everything outside of the games that's pretty fitting

it was still fun to annoy people by killing them with it though

If there was one thing tripwire got right it was shotguns.

Rising storm 1 aged like aids, but getting 100 yard kills with buckshot was real satisfying

>gta 3 m16
That thing was a buzzsaw. The sniper sounded great, too. Having gore turned on while using the sniper was like deleting limbs

Speaking of Gungeons last update,
>No Cosmonaut, No AM-9000 past
>No Ninja hero (Hunk mode) with bleed out, No ninja vs ninja past
>No Jenny ,No Shrike past
>No resourceful rat hero, no ??? past
>No sams sword gun
>Only 1 bloodborne trick weapon, instead of making more for melee weapons as opposed to the wooping 2 in the game
I still love the game but fuck me man, was I not impressed with the last FINAL update. The game still needs more stuff & instead of adding it they decided to move on to arcade cabinets.

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you sound like such an ungodly faggot please end your life

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Honestly a good alternative in 2 at this point, with how much it's been buffed while the AA-12 has been nerfed.

I'm pretty sure that's Bones from Quake III.

The pistol being weak in Doom only makes picking up any of the other weapons much more satisfying.

> Escape From Tarkov
> Load slugs
> 1-hit kills shooting unarmored torso
> will break bones and black-out legs in 1 hit
> can snipe with given proper scope on shotgun
> Load buckshot
> 1-hit kills shooting unarmored torso within 20 meters
> aim towards general face area, remove head
> someone wearing a eyeless face-shield? eye-shot, Fallout 1 style.

> 12ga autoshotguns with 10 and 20 rounders

> 10ga TOZ

The only objectively bad guns in the game are the overwatch rifle and crowbar.

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It starts out good , but by mid-late game it becomes useless, the upgrades for it are pretty weak, while spilcers get a big health boost after you kill ryan.

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Late-game that gun felt amazing. Especially against the final boss.

Doom 3 weapons had bad sound design. They weren't useless or weak but they sounded pathetic
>rifle is a stapler
>shoutgun goes 'boof'
>pew pew plasma

jesus yucky christ

>Postal 2 Sawn off

Go back to playing console shit

He said in every game he's played. Maybe he didn't play it.

>energizing bane
>in spain, stays mainly on the plain
Okay, I chuckled.

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>I've played HL1 more often than 2, but the gun from 2 is far more memorable.
Because it's the single worst pistol in all first person shooters to date, yeah.

halo 3 pistol sucked

L4D shotguns. They're shit for anything except for crowning witches, and they don't sound loud enough. Even a tier 2 shotgun isn't good at thinning out a horde, and tier 1 pathetic.

>Using any kind of laser/plasma weapons in New Vegas
All of you who did this have no soul.

All NV weapons feel like shit.

Only weapon i liked to shoot was the antimateriel rifle. It was my gunfu.

Almost all of the guns are great, as are gauss rifles. Too bad gauss rifles are very rare and take high energy weapon skill and thus you have to make due with the shitty energy weapons for half the game, unless you stealthboy past the death claws and rush the YCS, dumping literally all of your points into energy guns, but who the fuck is powergaming new vegas in 2019?

Bethesda is truly the worst

>dude what if we made a sniper a game where you fight in enclosed ships 80% of the time
>also it does no damage lol

Every single one of Borderlands 2's weapons. Literally every single one.

>Almost all of the guns are great
Oh, fuck off.
>unless you stealthboy past the death claws and rush the YCS, dumping literally all of your points into energy guns, but who the fuck is powergaming new vegas in 2019?
Everyone? NV is nearly a decade old.

>Oh, fuck off.
I'm not wrong. Especially the single shot rifles. Shotguns aren't nearly as good though.
>NV is nearly a decade old.
I'm saying that BECAUSE it's old. What's the point in playing it that way now? Better to play it naturally and get into character.

doom multiplayer felt like halo dude.
and I always thought Halo's multiplayer was its weakest element. quake 3 really isn't even similar at all.

The fucking Plasma Rifle IN THE SAME GAME felt better to use.

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Any multi-laser weapons are fun

Same user but, I forgot about this abomination.

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t. never used grenades

not that user but it was definitely underwhelming despite the fact that i really wanted to like it. it really could've used improvement in so many areas, sound, damage output, etc. at the time, it was a huge letdown coming from matches in bad company 2 with the thump-thump-thump of fortay fahve for a few hours in NV and you get pew pew with less solid gunplay than a laser pen.

>Republic Commando and every part of its gameplay was always shit.

The fuck are you on about?

>you could spit farther than this thing could shoot
>only good in close range, but the flak Cannon exists
>literally a fucking soup can design
>the sound of it shooting was similar to a turd in a toilet

Fucking why

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This, holy fuck thank you.
Stay based, user.

yea if u think sticking cut up spaghetti in your anus and farting it out in a blast into a empty hallway sounds like good.

Literally a weak sounding gun with 0 recoil/movement.

That's your piss, not mine, dipshit.


That design looks like trash lmao


The AR in Halo CE almost falls into this category if it weren't for the Flood, it useless against anything other them. Halo 5 finally made it useful, only in the easiest difficulty settings tho. If you play Firefight Warzone, you'll realize is the starting weapon for a good reason, it'll take you an entire magazine to break through an Elite's shield and, during the time it takes you to reload the weapon, that enemy's shield will regenerate.

Grenades feel especially bad due to how poorly 3/NV handled screen shake. Hope that conversion mod comes out in my lifetime.


>during the time it takes you to reload the weapon, that enemy's shield will regenerate.
That's because you're not supposed to fight elites alone or without power weps.

It was underpowered. Usually people play SMG with silencers (which lowered the firepower) and it underperformed, literally no one used it.

>That's because you're not supposed to fight elites alone or without power weps.
Yeah, there's literally not one part of the game where it tells us that, people who go fresh into Warzone get their asses whooped until they learn to only use the starting weapons to "farm" the Grunts.

Literally what is the point

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That's because the mozambique is good in TF2

Nothing wrong with preferring stone over bronze, I guess.

It's useful for sniping at medium range when you want to save Nailgun ammo for Shamblers. Usually when you don't got a Thunderbolt.

Honestly I've been asking that question myself too. I can not think of any situation where I'd want the regular Nailgun over the Super. Hell, even the regular Nailgun two lanes of fire make it less accurate at longer ranges.

Disposable 1shot plasma weapons when you want to kill MiBs, Commandos, and bots, and doesn't need skills to be effective.

trent reznor himself made a mod for doom 3 to fix the sounds.

That was from when he was still attached to be the lead sound designers. He ended up leaving because the protracted development was cutting into his schedule (being friends with Carmack can only go so far before the lost money starts taking a toll), and Chris Vrenna took over.

t. zoomers who can’t into tap

making dumb combos, and using it with gunslinger is kind of fun

casually using its an awful idea though

The electric stun slowdown is kind of nice. And you can peck weaker things to death with exactly the number of shotst it takes and not feel like you wasted ammo. If I pump 2 shotgun shells into a normal glyphid, it feels like a terrible waste.

Maybe I'm a contrarian but I always liked it.

>Shit in CE
>Friends called me a wife beater in 2 and beyond because the melee on that thing was fucking brutal
Plug away a bunch of needles, backhand a hoe with the Needler, and bam, free easy kill. Shame it was absolute trash in CE, because it's one of my favorite guns.

The best shotgun is from the only good CoD
Advanced Warfare
The TAC40 I think it was called, just a wall of plasma or some shit, but so fuckimg satisfying to hit those meatshots

>Install mod that makes limbs twice as hard to cripple but 0 health on a limb detaches it.
>Still shreds peoples arms and legs off while dealing no damage to their health.

Funny as shit to turn even deathclaws into a living torso.

akimbo 1887s were so goddamn broken though

I don't see the problem with it. Its DPS is lower than a gatling laser, but it's more practical in every other way once you attach a recycler.

Shit I've been looking forward to/hoping to get in. A mixture of scrapped content people have found & my own autism.

>he can't headshot combine

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fuck all the shit weapons that exist only as reference to something and to bloat up the loot table
at least rainbow mode exists so that you dont feel the utter dissapointment of wasting a key to get a trashcannon or some shit

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