SGDQ - Summer Games Done Quick 2019 Marathon

Summer Games Done Quick 2019

Now: Super Mario World
Next: Bonus game (OoT) (embed)

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is boring

fuck hbox


first for fuck traps


Reminder that the one runner with the female asian couch member did NOT bang her

thank you anonymous :)

tranny op

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cum mario

Who is this extremely rich Anonymous guy?

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time to jerk it to astolfo i guess

Wow Anonymous, you are so generous!

wow all these anonymous no comment donos, really makes you wonder if someone is laundering money here

They've gotten 50K in half an hour. They'll make it.

gotta love all these (((anonymous))) donations :^)

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shoutouts to anonymous!!!!, they are so generous

threadly reminder, don't be like megurankposter, be more like miiarankposter
>doesn't do //s
>does it for attentionwhoring and for reddit karma
>cherrypicks votes despite "hi/v/emind collective voting"
>gets angry if list is touched at all
>does //s
>couldn't care less about anyone's comments while shitposting on Yea Forums
>votes herself and no changes unless mentioned otherwise
>literally opposite ranks of megurankposter without the extra S ranks

Dude it's fucking rigged to begin with.

>Anonymous donating hundreds of thousands of dollars within hours to charity
Why do people say Yea Forums is bad again? Look at all the good we are doing!

Oh shit he called "anonymous" donations out lol

>anonymous donations

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y-you too


What game would Astolfo speedrun?

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>just shotgunning anonymous donations with no comment

I hate the final day because of shit like this.

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>$300,000 for the worst oot category that will guaranteed be full of execution errors and shit commentary by a norwegian twink

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shoutouts to anonymous no comments donations, you're the best!

>just because the runner is trans

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anonymous is so generous!

Imagine spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to donate to an event that only donates a fraction of your donation to a charity that only spends a fraction of what they get to import Refugees to Europe and to give Medical Supplies to ISIS fighters

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why did someone arrange m&m's too look like a red fish pooping in a yellow pond?

And here I thought they were a notorious domestic terrorist organisation

Based tranny OP

I'd rather not be like either of them.

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Please share some of your fanfic based GDQ shipper user

>80% "donations"
>20% actual run commentary
Having bad time here.

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Updated Pokemon for A tier.

SSS!!: PunchOut!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat / Super Bomberman 2 / SMW (race) / Dark Souls
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2 / Mort the Chicken / Glover / TRAG / Pac-Man World / Star Fox 64
S: Streets of Rage / Alien Soldier / Chasm: The Rift / RE2 / Divekick / Shrek XL / Last Action Hero / Nex Machina / Dead Rising / Remnants of Naezith / Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3 / Chip and Dale / SMB3 / Invictus / Grand Poo World 2 / Banjo-Kazooie / MM2 / Tetris Effect / LoZ: MM
A: The Hobbit / THUG 2 / Marble Madness / Ranger-X / Half Minute Hero / Bloodstained: CotM / Super Mario Sunshine / Silent Hill 3 / Nuclear Throne / Starcraft / Jumper / TMNT 4 / Ristar / Cave Story / Minecraft / MM11 / MM3 / Zelda BotW / Bomberman 64 / Pokemon Let's Go
B: DMC / Spyro / TMNT 3 / Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Metroid / Castlevania: SotN / Metroid Prime / Skylar and Plux / Kirby Air Ride / Kirby 64 / Ape Escape / Crash Bandicoot 3 / PunchOut!! (arcade) / LoZ Randomizer / Furi / C&C / Sonic 3D Blast / Koumajou Densetsu II / Sly Cooper / Diablo 2 / HL / HL 2 / Rockman 4 / Tomb Raider
C: Sonic Generations / DKC2 / LoZ: Minish Cap / Final Doom / Bwaster Master / Solomon's Key / Jackal / Contra 3 / Ninja Spirit / Castlevania / Perfect Dark / Slipstream / Pokemon Crystal / Splatterhouse / Sylvester & Tweety / Clustertruck / Dark Souls 2 / Gauntlet / Mario Kart DD / Hyper Light Drifter / Cannon Spike / Skyrim
D: Portal 2 / Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland / Outland / Contra / STFU / Timespinner / Castlevania: PoR / Prey / Uncharted / Monster Boy / Textorcist / Deltarune / Hylics / Laffy Taffy / Boogerman / LLB / Looney Tunes / Rhino Rumble / Aero the Acro-Bat / Octopath Travler / TAS Tetris / Transition
F: SMB2 / Ducktales 2 / We Love Katamari / Catlateral Damage / Castlevania DOS / FE Fates / KH3 / Quake / TAS MKWii
ZZZ: BL 2 / LoZ: LBW / SMG 2 / TAS Celeste
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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They're not wrong, there has never been a tranny run higher than F.

Move randomizer you cunt

Run would've been an F even if she wasn't a tranny.

race is comfy, but not that comfy

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Or you know, the run was just really boring and so was the runner.

what did it take to make you so butt mad you post shit like this all week?

this incentives are so fucking greedy
I swear one year they're gonna have a 1 million dollar incentive

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based, fuck yurocucks


Rev up those no comment 1000 dollar donations


someone posted the list? which reddit?

MP2 went over estimate by almost ten minutes, and had rubbish commentary.

Don't need to imagine. Don't care about Europe (irrelevant part of the world) and no shit, they're called Doctors WITHOUT BORDERS, of course they're going to help whoever needs it.

I'd donate $1,000 if Bubbles screamed Fuckin Niggers live on stream

Yes, she.

>a collective list

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how come so many of the zzz games ended up in prime time? god that borderlands run was terrible and who gave a shit about celeste tas? WOW LOOK A COMPUTER CAN DO THAT HAHA WOW I CANT DO THAT HAHA WOW

>putting pokemon anywhere but ZZZZZZ tier
yikes and I thought you where cool


What are you listening to while having the stream on low volume/muted? It's the AoE2 ost for me

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dude, boobs

Unrelated, but I just saw the Punch Out Wii speedrun. Holy shit Zallard is an absolutely BEAST BASED CHAD for doing half the shit he did in that run. Even got away with am "Are you shitting me?" at the end of it. Someone needs to do a Virgin Metroid Prime 2 vs Chad Punch Out Wii picture if any drawfags are up to it. Pic not even close to related.

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Being trans was part of it, but that touchy faggot on the couch getting his panties in a twist constantly over the dude on the end of the couch, the runner literally breaking down and almost crying because they fucked up once, constant time wasting techs and didn't have anything interesting to say about the run itself but wanted to talk about other people who had nothing to do with the game or the run/community who run the game. Of course it fucking stunk, the tranny was the piss flavored frosting on the cake of shit

>only donates a fraction of your donation to a charity
The rest of your post aside, this is just wrong. The Paypal link you donate through goes DIRECTLY to MSF. GDQ never even touch the money.

Was Majora's Mask really that good? What made it noteworthy?

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>no e

cope and seethe
megumin is based

>$10,000 in three minutes

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Also forgot to mention that he was SIX FUCKING MINUTES BELOW PB. That's fucking nutty to me.

Is it just me or is the announcer begging so much harder for donations this year?

Literally every time I tune in it's "Nice good donations but DO MORE WE GOTTA HIT THE NEXT GOAL".

Except for the 6 figure salaries of the people running the event, right?

Zallard is a fucking legend
Watch his 2games1controller blindfolded marathon run if you haven't yet

How many trannies hes there been on screen so far?

>still $83,000 short of OoT Any%
I really hope they fail it.

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Threadly reminder that Médecins Sans Frontières:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

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if for some reason these donations aren't false, this is precisely why late stage capitalism will fail. large corporations like this will be the only people with money, as all of the hollow retards give away their hard earned cash to people in charge.
thanks for funding the 1%s trip to a terraformed mars niggers. the rest of humanity will be left behind in this dump of a planet because of this shit

looking so far like a s teir

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These announcers sound like shysters, like televangelists.

found it on /r/speedrun in the vod megathread

>6 figure salaries of the people running the event
>[citation needed]

imagine being this cuck

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I did not know that you could duplicate those blocks.

They seem pretty friendly here.

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It won't, the bonus games never ever fail, they always either rig the numbers or just drag out the intermissions until it gets met.

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BASEDD demon poster

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there's a 0% change that the 300k goal isn't met. It would be so awkward if they didn't shut up about it for hours and hours then it wasn't met. This whole thing is a fucking scam.

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where the p-balloons at

no way, (((anonymous))) got this

that isn't him lol

>everyone hates OOT Any%
I never followed that game, what's the problem? Too overdone and overexposed?

>come on guys, we've almost have sent $300,000 in medical supplies to ISIS in exchange for a 17 minute run. lets get this chant going!

What are some must watch runs from this GDQ so far?

got bored at the start of pokemon and ordered a pizza. with mushrooms. anything interesting happen in the poke speedrun?

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Tiers are fucking retarded and Yea Forums was better off just rating out of 10 without anybody keeping tabs.


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It not being met would be hilarious.

glover is great and short.

rygar was great too.

trag was a lot of fun

>Come on guys keep shoveling your money into the money-furnace! Keep donating guys we've got this!
There's no achievable goal with donating towards something like this. No one will ever see this money contribute to any tangible good whatsoever.

this honestly

I unironically enjoy the lists as they help me figure out which runs to check out after the kikery ends.

Did Let's Go Eevee really get WR?

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OoT will succeed but wasn't there an incentive to make chrono trigger a 100% run? Did that make it?

I dislike change to letters, but lists are useful.

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>leddit fucking lurking here

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It just hasn't changed enough in 6 years to really impress anyone. Everyone knows what the wrongwarp looks like. It's too short of a run of a long game to really showcase anything impressive. Skipping to the end and using the same tricks Cosmo was using when he was still Cosmo is stale.

it was a meme category but yes

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300000/17 = 17647$/min. That's a costly run lol

Why would anyone seriously want to run Let's Go? Especially since nobody cares about Eevee so even if they where the most boring person in existance to want to speedrun Let's Go, they would be doing it on the Pikachu version.

Fuck the Dance Dad.

>muh dance """""dad"""""

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It's not even based in anything Yea Forums says, its just some attention whoring retard trying to make their word gospel worshipped by people who can't think for themselves like

>dance dad

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Lol there is only a single legit donation. More like SUCKERDAD. Faggot actually got tricked into donating. Ouch.

Caleb pointed a gun at her head to make her type this, didn't he? What a monster.


dancing like a retard all week isnt enough
hes gotta attention whore in donations too

fucking faggot

Seriously. What an obnoxious attention whore.

Because it's a pokemon speed run without the the RNG

>we both apologized
The fuck did caleb apologize for?


So they actually did end up smashing huh

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

$3000 per minute

Here's how that went.
>"Hey bitch, get over here and SAY IT!"

>It just hasn't changed enough in 6 years to really impress anyone.
IT's changed significantly, retard. The Cuco section isn't even in the run anymore.


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pikachu/eeveee version was an incentive so somebody wanted it

Apparently Caleb needed to apologize for prompting her to prove her claim.

how big do you think dance dads cock is haha you just know he is packing a 9 incher

Still not worth it

>complain about things
>provide no solution

No one needs you.

This, fuck your artificial SSSS++ ratings

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Its really short and only does a few tricks to get to the end of the game from the beginning. Its cool your first time seeing it, but it gets stale fast and most people have seen it by now. That said, any% hasn't actually been in a gdq for a long time now, so its really not that bad to have it again now.

Being a male in 2019

>people receive compensation for time spent and services rendered

What happens if the incentives do not get met? Do they just show a blank screen for the duration the run would have been?

>sorry I don't go for arby tier roasties

>caleb grabs her by the hair

He apologized for being so chad that she felt insecure and had to get attention in such a pathetic, embarrassing way.

it should be illegal to donate without providing your full name or some kind of identification

Oooh I'm positively shivering with anticipation.

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>We both apologized
lol fuck off, the nerve on these bitches

>charity that helps warmongers

what happend to kicking cancer's butt?

He's a LITERAL rapist

They said several times that an unlucky crit or paralyze (from Thunderbolt) can end the run though

Her ego will never allow her to admit she made a mistake so it has to be both of their fault.

Eevee is faster.

The solution is a rope

Yes, but compare that to normal Pokemon where you can lose the entire run if you look at it wrong

sgdq is helping warmongers agdq is helping making cancer awareness pamphlets

i don't care if you're excited for the run or not, i'm just correcting the lie that you told.

They bonus game incentives are never not met, if the donations are slow they drag the intermissions until they are met, or just rig the numbers. The other bonus incentives like glitch runs though don't get that treatment, they actually can fail.

She lied about something he didn't do so he had to apologize for making her lie and openly call him out while trying to ruin his life on twitter you dummy


I think OoT is overrated, donate 5 (you)s if you disagree

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>having a resource to see what's worth checking out is somehow worse than having 0 resources and having to randomly guess for myself which runs will be worth watching
Have sex

Are you still here, sperg? Begone, fucktard.

I thought Caleb was shunned out of the community for saying the N word and streaming it on Twitch?

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Never got the point, harder to get an average than just putting in all of the numerical scores and making a mean value out of that

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Damn she actually made him give her the dick huh.

No, those are the general opinions of the board you choose to spend your time on. If you can't handle it and have to go into denial then maybe you should take a break from this place since it's clearly not healthy for you.

>incentives do not get met
name 3

>using OoT to bait donations for an organization that imports mudslimes to europe

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The japanese name for the Super Mario Stage "Way Cool" is
>マリオスタッフもビックリ コース
>Mario Sutaffu mo Bikkuri Kōsu
>Mario's Staff is Just as Surprised Course

You do have to provide it. It's just anonymous on their website and when the announcer reads it. MSF gets the name and other info, though.


>It really does help to talk to someone as an adult
She makes it sound like this is the first time she's tried doing this.

lobotomy chicken

Who is this faggot?

They're shilling this one too hard to let it get missed

Who and what?

That's every pokemon run, since half of the speed is from having the bare minimum level and pokemon necessary to beat fights, usually with X item abuse.

Diablo cow level.

>donating for runs you can literally find on youtube in a couple seconds

It hasn't changed ENOUGH to merit $300,000. Does this statement suit your palate a little more? Because that's obviously what I meant and you decided to take every word verbatim and ignoring the spirit in which it was written just so you can try and stir up some sort of semantic argument.

Imagine buying a shitty game purely because you want to speedrun it.

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don't worry (((loading times))) will help to get the incentive.

Are the commentator yuropeon?

>couch guy shilling every other sentence for donations
Shut up you fucking nonce.


The guy is even more popular now after hiis ban.

how much longer do they have to meet the oot run? isn't it next?

Thank fuck for that.

Quick! Dilate 8 numbers you can remember!

What is a yump?

>hair dryer
fucking what? faggot

just donated $4.99 to kick cancers butt gang up nigger

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thats a shame too
it would've topped every single cringe compilation

>It hasn't changed ENOUGH to merit $300,000
That's not up to you to decide, little dude.

There was one this year for a no name game, but I can't remember what it was. I remember the runner being bummed about it. Obviously the major ones always get met with "anonymous" donations, though.

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>Sorry I didn't hit it earlier.

>"We've reached 6 million thousand dollars during these 60 minutes!"
>muffled "wow..." by the runner that does not buy that bullshit

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how has this SGDQ compare to others in viewership? do they keep getting more viewers? I feel like they can't fake that.

Go get your slice of cake you faggots.

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A stupid meme jump on one of the switches at the end of a bonus level or some shit, it's stupid and pointless.

Obviously. This is my opinion. I don't speak for other people. This is implicit with all of my posts. Why the fuck are you still responding as if you're going to be able to come out on top of this shit?

why are people cheering the runners on for pressing buttons is there something special they're doing?


Whats your comfiest speedrun?

for me it's OOT 100%


I'm so fucking hungry.

why are Americans so repulsive

They most certainly can esports companies do it all the time

Why do you have a hairdryer on hand at all times?

Oh man it looks so yummy right?

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>100k dollars in anonymous donations within 30 minutes.
Woah that's awesome people really still love this event and it has as much support as always this is totally not forced or fake.

Also can someone honestly tell me why this time around there were just about 0 transgender commentators/donation readers/runners/interviewers etc? Did GDQ finally decide going woke = going broke? Is that why these anonymous commentless donations are ramping up?

has the user who donated $40000 in 20 minutes come back?

Less viewers than usual, more """anonymous""" donations tho

But this ngo is the human trafficking one...

why are people cheering soccer players for kicking a ball is there something special they're doing?

they probably have crushed up pink pills in them

Fuck off reddit

>can't eat it too

There's 1-frame trick to jump off the Switch. Somebody said they'd donate 100 dollars for each one that they landed.

he is. He's not allowed on couches or to do any runs, but unfortunately for GDQ most people literally could not care any less. He served his time so twitch doesn't care either, he makes them to omuch money to actually punish him.

Where's based midget belchy?

The announcers, couch, and crowd are shilling for it hard and it's almost all they're talking about, so we're going to start seeing a bunch of anonymous donations for thousands of dollars in the next 30 minutes or so.

is that a transflag cake

>literally 1 bite of cake

Don't worry, 90% of the twitch emotes in the world are banned in the chat so if they do a tranny interview nobody can make fun of them.

Where's the tranny with the pile of diapers?

you can easily fake viewers by hosting the stream on sites, sometimes hidden on the bottom where the person doesn't even realize the stream is running

new games trying to break into the esports scene do it all the time

Donation comments were a mistake.

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Getting plastered%. srsly tho I might have a problem.

Eevee is cute!

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Mario runs are so boring

SMW or SM64?
for me its SMW

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>Also can someone honestly tell me why this time around there were just about 0 transgender commentators/donation readers/runners/interviewers etc?

There were quite a few, start paying attention.

Guys what should I eat during this cape run?

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>Pink, baby blue and white
What did they mean by that?

Are you liking this run of flying over every stage? Well then anonymous how about we meet that OoT incentive?!?

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money laundering done quick

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what is it with numale nerds and eccentric facial hair

Where is edobean and her CUTE! voice???! I want more poyo~ xD xD cute!!

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Astolfo is a man. He would hate trannies and cave their dumb heads in.

Will OOT be run by Cosmo on his chink console?

Got it!

Also what's the current world record for SMW 96 star run? Is it sub 1hr 30min?

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Melee all trophies

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The Somali Republic of Minneapolis is harsh on trannies.

Someone Reply to it with the pornhub link anyways

>cherry picking from an event that attracts absolute autists and degenerates
literally rent free

This is why I hate the last day, is nothing but the announcer begging for donations every 10 seconds.

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lol you exposed yourself as a fatty


How can I get a hairy chubby gamer friend

>tfw work for the doubletree hilton
>tfw busted a fat nut right in the cake batter this morning

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proto not there for some reason, and no trans in organizer group

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Color me shocked that wabbit doesn't like the list and does everything they can to change it.

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not money laundering, retard

You niggers see trannies everywhere

>unlike you snowflakes I'm not so easily triggered



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There were still some trans-runners and interviewers, but ProtoMagicalGirl was the alpha of the trans-clique, and when they (all of the five personalities) got banned from event for being liability, many others just didn't feel like coming.

That's like saying Jews aren't actually white

if they get the 50 grand they need in the next 20 mins im filing a police report

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Casual play? smw every time. speedrun? sm64.

>spend years practicing SMW
>finally get accepted to GDQ
>showcase your skills
>the entire stream is focused on some memeshit 20 minute OoT run
ultimate despair

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There was at least 3, 1 for Metroid Prime 2, an outrageously low effort tranny running Katamari, and another one for Celeste. They would not stop talking.

Mario runs are boring

no they exposed themselves as jews who cut a single cake into servings for 50 people

post your address, I will come over and play some vidya (I won't molest)

it looks like a DSP stream

I'm a simble man.
I see Zelda. I donade.

Haven't seen all that many runs, is the Punchout run still the best?

>Retards think this is money laundering
Based on what exactly?

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I have been constipated for the past 3 days and just took a gigantic shit. I feel 10 pounds lighter and my pants suddenly feel very loose.

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Got bad news for you, user.

OoT is overrated.

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The runners have no clean clothes.

whatever fatso


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>Ok, so back to the run-
>And now the runners ar-

No one is forcing you to watch, i'm just here for the shitposting

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>We're past the halfway point of our Super Mario World 96 Exit run in front of a packed house, and less than $50k to go to meet the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Any% incentive.

>We're almost there!

>Thank you all for your contributions!
Man next year they're going to do 500k donation incentives at this rate.

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>protomagicalgirl got banned
source on that?, too good to be true

It isn't.


Lots of the donations are read as anonymous, which is PROOF that it's money laundering of course.

Instead of supporting SGDQ I'm gonna support Israel instead

Why are people so upset about the list?

You are fuck retard

They're going to make it. The rate the donations are coming in it's going to be met in ~15 minutes.

Checked few minutes out of curiosity. Why are there children playing game that came out 10 years before they were born?
Also why are people paying to see ocarina of time? Sounds really retarded.

Wow (((anonymous))) thanks for the $250, $180, $500 and $130 donations! Keep 'em coming!

>he hasn't had a full slice of cake in his shithole of a country
I pity you

>planet fitness.jpg

That person no longer exists please be more respectful to narcissa in the future :) thanks new friend!

every nintendie game is

>You are a fuck retard
You are a fucking retard. I win the argument.

I detest Eevee with every fiber of my being.

he is even updating the list as we speak for that yummy yummy karma

what the actual FUCK they got like 20k in literally 10 mins

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This but unironically, ALttP was truly peak Zelda

The fact that it pisses people like you off. That is just it.

She didn't. People are just shitposting, she isn't there this year because I had plans to visit friends anyway.


I'm drinking cactus cider.

It's all so tiresome.

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Not banned, but heavily implied he was asked to step down from staff.

Hope they don’t make it haha

OoT is one of the most overrated games of all time.

did she apologize for trying to get him banned from twitch too?

Attached: sue this whore.png (621x565, 60K)

That's some fantastic proof. Better let the IRS know some tranny thinks people are retarded to "prove" this is money laundering.

Peoeple REALLY want to see that OOT run, DUH.

God I really want to try ramen. I looks so good.

a twitter meltdown, basically the guy went from tranny to claiming he had multiple personalities and they had different gen ders or some shit like that. He basically became too crazy to handle even for a tranny friendly event like that

>why this time around there were just about 0 transgender commentators/donation readers/runners/interviewers
You ever wonder why LLK was so fucking annoying?

You should have said "We"

Oh there is no better feeling, when I was younger I had an impacted colon for a while and shat something so dense, so massive and and so unholy that it was physically impossible to flush so we just put it in a black bin bag and threw it out the window.

That last part may or may not have happened but the rest is real

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Proto didn't get banned you retard they just chose to stop going.

you've never had even instant ramen?

Damn, you are right.

Excuse me, why aren't you using all five of it's preferred pronouns?

If you didn't play it on release you missed the magic.

You don't get it user. No one thinks its actually money laundering. It is just an old GDQ meme people post because it pisses off random people.

Can I get a quick rundown?

Attached: spooky.gif (712x812, 372K)

based traps and cuteboys hate tranny scum and are nothing alike.

>I got caught for making up a fucking lie because he wouldn't fuck my thot self like caveman did so I could leech off his fame
>but it's k i'll still leech by pretending we're friends now :^)
fuck that's angering.

>black bin bag and threw it out the window.
That would just mean you have a bag of shit by your residence. How does that solve the problem?

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Good ramen is just fucking amazing honestly
get out with that trash

Attached: [Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 01 [237246D9] 00_16_31.png (1280x720, 2.74M)

Will truman recover or is he too far behind still. It looks close but theres less than half of the race left.
No more cake please.

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I've had shitty western brand cup noodles do they count?

>No one thinks its actually money laundering.
You can't be this naive

Hee hee ;3


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Something must had happened in the background, they dialed down the trannyganda a lot compared to last year

incentives are so fake.


>/srg/ dead before gdq is even over


You DO want to see the OoT run right?

Attached: msf.jpg (500x334, 38K)

When I was a kid I was really into NES/SNES games and those all came out 5-10 years before I was born

No authentic ramen is a million times better.

>Caleb "Try To Take Off Twitch You'll Get Taken To A Ditch" Hart

Fuck me, I was joking. No one actually believe this you spaz

Roastie accuses caleb of grabbing ass, caleb immediately calls her out for lying, roastie deletes tweets.

>based traps and cuteboys hate tranny scum
Oh, so you're a fetishist. Do you also believe blacks have gigantic penises too?
Guess girls like Linetrap aren't actually trans.

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true, except for the boobs guy

no, go buy some real nipponese instant ramen at least, sapporo ichiban is a good brand

Let them eat cake

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Reminder that GDQ is literally money laundering

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It can't be helped.

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what pornhub link

Attached: 1561605003203.png (505x665, 429K)

Normies really like OoT. They always pull out the SM64 or OoT incentive when they're desperate.


Maybe a few people who get swept up in the memes, but anyone who has been watching this for more than a year or two knows its a joke.

>attentionwhore being an attentionwhore and accuses Caleb of #metoo
>Caleb's response is literally just I barely met you, who are you
>attentionwhore tries to get more (((proof))) from others in an attempt to get him banned from the venue
>fails and takes the tweets down
>"y-yeah guys, we're alright, he apologized!"

not really, no



being a cis male you shitlord

Attached: lilnig.gif (284x214, 2.61M)

>Do you want to hear another donati-
>I'd love to hear another donation.
This dude is hating his life right now.

$10,000 Yetee bombshell OTW

he railed the coont of knitler and made her into a normal, level headed woman who is actually pretty cool.

Gosh I wish that was me

don't forget the part where some weeb linked a video of her masturbating to the twitter thread

Only seems that way because of Proto not being there. Most of the same people are still there.


Same reason someone buying art that's just some scribbles for millions of dollars is suspect.

Whose money are they laundering exactly?

SMW is so overdone that it's turned into an hour of donation reading
I'm out

He's not a trap, he's a disgusting tranny. Either you're a newfag, or you're a tranny trying to push an agenda. Traps don't take hormones or believe they're girls. They're just gay twinks who look cute.

You son of a bitch you tricked me!

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I'm actually just thinking of making some entirely myself because nowhere near me sells it.

I think there's a asian grocery store that recently opened so I'll see if they have that.

cursed image

Guy who is not a weeb here: Only Anime I've seen is Pokemon/DBZ as a kid. I don't play a lot of Japanese game, and I generally prefer western games.

Actual Ramen is fucking amazing. There is a place here in South Florida that is run by an old japanese woman and her husband. They basically can't speak English but they make the greatest ramen in the state. It is so fucking good. I got at least once a week.

fuck all the runs left are shit tier, was skyrim any good?

its just a coincidence

neck yourself tranny


Don't let your dreams be dreams!

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Hate to break it to you but Sans Frontières means Without Borders.
This sort of thing is kind of the point.
Donated 5 dollars for seeing charity dollars in action.

The spoiler tag is for porn you FUCK

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I've heard more about OoT during this run than about SMW.

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Are you a hairy chubby gamer friend

>please stay this is still a race BELIEVE ME

to be fair this was their goal all along, everyone knows smw is boring as fuck. literally hold right and fly: the game.


>Traps don't take hormones or believe they're girls. They're just gay twinks who look cute.
Stop consuming pornography.

Attached: mark)viewkey=ph5a751b5a698cf..png (489x808, 326K)

>no caleb

he obviously relented and gave her the dick

I've seen this shit before. Is it a fetish? or for laughs?

Attached: what the fuck am i reading.jpg (1043x987, 486K)

imagine flying all the way out there to gdq to have a run for just one day and it's basically turned into a giant advertisement to fill the organizer's pockets even more that you can't even talk about the run

OoT any%? That will be over in no time.

>people actually believe this isn't money laundering
Yes, because there's 1k+ people out there with nothing to say after donating EXACTLY $1k while remaining anonymous

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I don't want to go to jail though

Could have been worse, but it definitely could have been better too.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-06-29 10-38-35-18.webm (1434x800, 2.86M)

>was skyrim any good?
If you have seen one skyrim speedrun you have seen them all

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Donation Reading: The Run

>this is still anyone's race

Literally only said when the race is over

Legit garbage run.

>Boring game
>Race without any tension.
>Donation spam ruins whatever there was.
>The incentive getting the spam is boring too.

PMG ruins multiple runs because doing announcer work means all those runs will suck

He isn't banned but he did have some sort of falling out with the staff a year ago and has been trying to vilify the event ever since.

fucking cheap ads

Yeah but I know that the "anonymous" donations coming in will hit the incentive.
GDQ wouldn't want their sponsors to think they couldn't hit a goal, now would they?

there goes my hero

>not taking a pic of her thighs
Dammit, Skybilz come on!

TNT is fucking destroying the other two. This is sad to watch.

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>Guys we are running low on money compared to other years what do we do?
>I know just make a super high incentive for a short run and pretend every is hyped for it, that way we can fake donate hundred of thousand of dollars in just a few hours
I mean can they make it more obvious?

Attached: 19849845949.jpg (309x309, 41K)

You're right fuck borders and laws and shit

What runs are worth watching for awkward shit?

Attached: 7ef630174c9a360ec27135affd04b550.jpg (3000x2300, 434K)

bro its just a bunch of generous rich guys that always donate during the last 24 hours :^)

You need to find a cute manlet. Or just invest in VR.

Attached: 1540078931940.webm (1280x720, 1.64M)

Seeing as $1000 is one of the presets on the site, and you have to manually put a name and comment into the donation box, yes, it's not surprising at all that most donations are anonymous.
If you made enough money to donate $1000 would you want everyone to know you watch this shit? Use your superior white intellect some time.

>streamer hot video
>hot video

>making anonymous donations into a gag/meme to inspire genuine donations to play along while also acting as a smokescreen for fake donations


Yes... please no bully

Where is edobean and her CUTE! voice???! I want more poyo~ xD xD cute!!

Attached: 7E89BEFD-B97F-4CED-A26C-BAAA525F45DE.jpg (256x308, 36K)

damn guess i'll watch something else then, cheers bros


go back to /pol/

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Prove it

That fromt teeth.

So why has Rabi-Ribi still not been at GDQ yet?

Attached: rabiribi_nuda.jpg (724x1024, 155K)


This run is fucking wack. It feels like a solid 80% of this is literally just the commentator and host begging for donations or reading donations.

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I am not going to post my bear chest

AGDQ will have 1 mil Mario 64 incentive. Calling it now

>tfw 6ft
>will never be babied by a large breasted lady
Being manly is suffering.

is metroid/zelda race the only cool upcoming thing? OoT could be cool but it'll be over in less time than it takes to cook lunch

why does the game look like this? It's been a while since I played SMW but I don't remember the forest and trees being brown

Funny how that goes at GDQ, his record for the game is the worst by a good margin. None of these players are even top 5 in this category though.

Proto is why i completely lost interest in Mega Man blocks even as a Mega Man fan.

Attached: 3-MegaManBattleNetwork4RedSun_70_480x320.png (480x320, 111K)



Attached: jFn.jpg (638x357, 27K)

Why not
What about your bear belly

Post your game bros

Attached: IMG_20190629_213824.jpg (2976x3968, 2.55M)

>he doesn't want a six hour comfy chrono trigger run

>72 hours later
wow rude

Attached: f98bfc94ea8a26f07b0b59b8738ef4e0bd32303e745d8d4be194f354926d729a.jpg (1500x1500, 1.08M)

What did I miss regarding Caleb?

>That fromt teeth.

That fromt teeth.

That. Fromt. Teeth.

>>>>>That fromt teeth.

that fromt teeththat fromt teeththat fromt teeththat fromt teeththat fromt teeththat fromt teeth


is it possible they hit 100% chrono trigger too? I'd really hate to see it not be met, especially af ter they got MORE for a oot run.

So what actually happened here? The accusation she made is way too serious to just brush off with a "oh lol, we both apologized," especially if nothing actually happened between them. He could have been banned from the event. Couldn't he basically sue her for libel?

>$300k for a 15 minute speedrun

SMW looks hella good for a game from 1991 tbqh

Sexualization of young females.

Attached: 36GmjCo.png (467x646, 445K)

>annoying cringe voice
>fat as fuck
>cucks paying to feed her as much lard as possible
Is this what every american female is like?

if you clear every exit everything gets a new aesthetic

Does anyone know where to get a good SNES controller with a USB cord? I have a SNES but it's shit and emulation is better aside from the different controllers.

Read the fucking thread

Attached: sup.gif (558x418, 605K)

Thankfully he stayed away from X because of Caleb. God bless that choking ginger.

They completed star road way earlier, before world 4. It's the routing because star world is an absolute fucking cock to do and it's easier to have it 30 minutes into the run than an hour and fifteen.

Oh my god you guys, do you think they'll meet the incentive? I mean it's down to the wire at this point, I really think that they won't meet it and just sit around with their thumbs up their arses for an hour

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Split/Second is the best for that.

Attached: The Chad Lounge.jpg (640x640, 60K)


Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 1.4M)

That is prohibited too

>Link to the Past + Super Metroid Combo Randomizer
wtf does this mean

Attached: 1561811129978.png (710x698, 77K)

Yes. Why do you think so many people try to be one?

she probably got drunk at a pool and decided she needed attention. she deleted all three of those tweets after another streamer replied to her accusation and said he was with caleb 90% of the night and didnt see anything happen

Really? I follow these threads and never actually go to the stream, Now I'm going to check

Attached: GDQ is fucking gay.gif (280x158, 879K)

he could, that's why she "apologized"

Dude.... really...? Ugh...

From the thumbnail I thought it was your dick

Attached: almost.jpg (384x390, 15K)

There's no chance it will fail. Enjoy the run.

I hope they meet it too user, but I'll admit I am a bit worried

it was very nice to have a comfy mm block this gdq

everything you go into a room it could change the game from link to the past to super metroid

It could be comfy or it could be FF9 all over again depending on the announcer.

wheres your melanin?

You are in for a good time

what happens if the incetive doesn't get met?

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Reminder that she is not his gf and they did not bang, just look at the body language

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Why is my dad doing the commentary?

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I'm really confused, is it awkward or cute, I don't know if I want to watch it or not

Oh it's fucking cool. Doors in ALttP take you to SM and vice-versa, with randomized item locations. You can pick up Metroid items in Zelda and so on. It's really neat!