How do you deal with the every increasing realisation that you are becoming old

How do you deal with the every increasing realisation that you are becoming old.
As you move further out of the demographic and the focus moves from you.

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fuck jannies

focus on what

You're always going to be you even though your body's rotting.

I talk about videogames on Yea Forums instead of playing them.

People with dementia think that too

Keep gaming and having sex. Just turned 36 and still enjoy games and life. Still good at games too. I can't relate to guys here at all. Dudes in thdir late 20's saying they're losing reflexes and shit. Im sure i have but its not that deep.

>being too out of it to give a fuck
Sounds good.

Making the games I prefer myself

IS that the BOOM headshot guy? ha ha what movie?

>dudes in their late 20s saying they're losing reflexes
they're just lazy and busy with other things in their lives - reflexes decay at a very slow rate if you exercise them regularly, way slower than someone would notice until their 30s/40s even if they're an elite athlete

I've stopped playing new releases. The industry has moved on while I stayed behind to play the games that were released when I was the target audience.

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You deal with it by realizing you've got a lot more money to spend, so you actually are the target demographic.

is that FPSDoug

His name is Doug and the movie is his goddamn life.

I try to make the lives of zoomers as miserable as possible.

I turn to the number of indie games capitalizing off my nostalgia because "they just don't make games like THIS anymore".


you were never became the focus bro, only the 1% family is the focus feg.

>tfw I remember watching this guy in those "purepwnage" videos with my friend in HS

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I used to think FPSDoug was fucking jacked when I was younger

why would the focus move from me as I get more and more money

Because you should be buying it for your children

>You should be caving in to the screams of your unwanted children asking for games above their age range just to shut them up

That's because these fucks haven't done any exercise since recess in 4th grade. If you're in your 20s with back pain because you can't take care of yourself, you're pathetic and deserve to be a vegetable.

your friends and family will shame you for not living like them, so you'll have to make a choice: make them feel ashamed, or become a "normal person"


I just compensate by fucking 18 year old girls