Risk of Rain 2 Thread

FIT huntress edition

RoR1 are welcome too!

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Other urls found in this thread:



Someone host plis

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EU 1/4

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Huntress might be fit, but Artificer is FAT


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How do I into monsoon?
I'm trying to get the Deicide achievement but even when I rush the first stages and then farm 3 and 4 as some anons recommended in earlier threads the enemies scale so quickly that I can't progress. Is it just a question of rng and getting the items you need in the first 2 stages?

comfy eu monsoon

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Xth for plant and engineer best buds for life

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stop trying to sully rex's reputation, enginigger.

monsoon us midwest


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Fit And Thick?


nth for change REX's shift

post full image please

ded game 3/4

rex is pretty damn fun to play. also arti definitely feels better with the hover, though i wish it didn't descend so quickly

milky chrysalis + artificier's hover feels a bit silly
unless you're fighting a stone titan then you're fucked

How much milk can she produce? Is it greater than this?

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badass EU monsoon, 2/4

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Invalid ID lobby.

wtf I love math now

monsoon US midwest

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>second stage
>see gasoline printer
>ah, why not, I love this shit
>get to stage 4
>everything is slowly burning around me
>got my first aspect of fire drop in 150 hours
>proceed to rape the game as burning mecha plant
Damn was it fun. For some reason I just love stacking gasoline, maybe it's weak but it's so satisfying and it constantly continues with each lemurian's death. Also was extremely helpful against overloading contraptions since they didn't regenerate shields. Wish I got the aspect drop on somebody else though, eventually died as Rex because of his healing shenanigans


>some retard activates meteor in the lunar shop
>kills good run

>he fell for rush the teleporter meme

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don't ruin my sick triple kill

real gamer hours EU monsoon

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I actually really like current Monsoon balance. Run lasts around an hour, after that you either dead or achieved god status and it's time to obliterate.

still open, 2 slots

STILL OPEN, 1 slot

You need items. The type of items doesn't really matter but you need items. The fact that using the teleporter advances the difficulty bar means that rushing the tele is fucking stupid. The best thing would be able to have a good set of items and still grab the BFG but that, obviously, doesn't always happen. Prioritize the chests over the BFG. If you're going faster than the bare minimum for the BFG then just stop.
>don't spend time opening chests because you're going to another stage full of chests you're going to also skip
What a fucking moronic piece of advice. The only real question is whether or not you want to spend time grinding for the gold chest but you should be finishing a level with as little money as possible.

the new boss and boss item is pretty nice

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scorche acres is so much more interesting than any other map
i hope they do more like that rather than wide open plains again
playing around the terrain is the most interesting thing in this game in my opinion, like when you get dune striders stuck in that cave in the snow level

>rorbooru is fucking dead

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Eh, I don't know. It's rather linear map and can be a pain to traverse if you don't have mobility. I didn't like it at first but now I think it's ok. Nothing mindblowing though.

works on my end

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If you don't have mobility it is a chore exploring the map.
I've also had greater imps bosses spawn on the other side of the map well outside the teleporter zone

>Distant Roost is small, can clear half the level in 5 seconds but alright for a starter
>Titanic plains is big and empty
>Wetlands Aspect is full of retarding bullshit like random walls that block bosses and awful tele spots
>Abandoned Aqueduct is sparce and big fucking circle (circle ain't an issue, size of circle is)
>Rallypoint Delta is good if not for those fucking caves and every boss in the level being goddamn massive AoE
>Abyssal Depths hurts to fucking look at and is just a pain to fight bosses on
Scorched Acres is good because it has true fucking terrain variety. It has actual, usable verticality and consistent but not annoying terrain, a somewhat unique aesthetic that isn't dominating and space to breathe. All it needs is a flying boss that isn't vagrant so all that negative space in the center isn't wasted and its great.

dead as in, no new content since the game's first week

if hopoo wanted this content to last us a few months then why did he make the new fucking boss spawn on a grand total of 1 (one) map

daily reminder that the wisp is the best green

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>small early access indie game doesn't get a lot of fan-created content after it's "flavour of the month" time passes
not really surprising to be honest, sad but that's just how life is

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>All it needs is a flying boss that isn't vagrant so all that negative space in the center isn't wasted and its great.

God the first fucking time I read something sensible on Yea Forums.

Too bad they already made the groove tender for that level and I doubt the will make another exclusive boss for the area, sad

you fucking retard that's not what I meant, the game has received lots of oc, people just don't bother uploading it to the booru
fuck off with your stupid cat images
>inb4 replies with yet another stupid cat image

Its the only good green.

no need to be angry, user

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Just make the tender hover around the center of the map

wtf don't bully cat posters

>fuel cell
I'm gonna punch the shit back into your intestines

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Bullying is necessary and a tool of evolution, how else will people know when they are being annoying and stupid?

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1 slot for hot rex lewds EU monsoon style

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education ≠ evolution

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coming lads, wait for me

nice black screen sempai

Lobby's bugged THANKS HOPOO

too late now I'm on a shit pub

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>pub ever

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US East, Monsoonchads only

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More like know exactly what buttons to push.

still open for 1 more

fuck this game is dead


Spent two hours on a run and didn't see any gold altars. Just looked it up and the wiki says that the gold altar only has a chance to spawn when you get two items from a shrine of chance on the floor previous, not sure if more shrines increase the odds. Just a PSA for those trying to get Aurelionite

So what god do I sacrifice a newborn to in order to see a golden statue for the first time? At this point I guess mercenary is just not something i'll ever get to play.

Well fuck me.

I approve of this post

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us central


You don't need to go through a gold portal to unlock merc, you go through a celestial portal. They spawn randomly but only after you loop at least once.


Nigga they spawn on the 3rd stage of each loop

Oh, shit, okay thanks.

stealhkit barely works most of the time because enemies like stone golems/titans don't lose tracking

If he doesn't get in eventually i'll be shocked
I also want to know why the fuck the Tender has meathooks as an attack. I legit thought it was Scavenger at first.

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if bullying fixed anything this entire site wouldn't exist

Haven't had a chance to play yet, how's the new guy?

I've never played arti until now but wtf why is she so tiny

Why is the Commando's phase round just a copy-paste from the first game? Shouldn't the ability be adapted to the new dimension? Enemies don't clump together as easily and trying to gather them in a straight line is a waste of time.

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It fires out sidescrolling set of pixels?

I've never been bullied tho

It's pretty decent for long range snipes, and there's the bonus that it resets your weapon bloom so you can continue sniping with pistols a little bit longer


You are now, kid.

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ror1 host when pls

I did this yesterday with artificer solo. It was fairly incidental as I was actually going for the 5 lunar item unlock, but it turned into a pretty great run. I think the key in my case was getting the prion accumulator with 3 fuel cells, and 2 glass shards. I was 1 hitting early bosses with this combo, and with the topaz broach you get a bunch more health as long as you're still killing, staving off death.

host when?

I'm not sure
when I'm playing him he seems weak as fuck
but when randoms are playing him he can one shot bosses
People keep using his 3 for mobility which is awkward as fuck because its a jump 180 spin attack, when what its actually for is pushing enemies off ledges, into walls or into your 4 radius
The 4 is pretty cool, even though its actual damage isn't very high, immobilising groups of enemies is always useful and every enemy hit in it heals you, even when its dead
So the goal is to hit a group with your 4 and then spam your 2 on them till they die

us east btw, 2/4

>tfw Blazing Brass Contraption horde in Abyssal Depths inside the fuck-cave


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be there in 5min


rightstorm a best and what the game's balanced around

Finally got a new SSD and GPU and did a fresh install of windows, feels good to not be stuck in 2011

Someone US east host RoR2

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She was, but then she got buffed

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whats this? how do i connect?

put your penis in it


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you got wurm in ass

>trying Trascendence on Rex
I don't think i never regretted a choice this fast in my entire life.

fuck daddies

>being this much of a shitter

we already started, wait till we wipe

come on now

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I was really thinking, if cost health to cast shit, maybe it won't take shield from it or not.
I'm dumb but i try stuff.

It's offset by the shield recharge. Just make sure you have good movement speed and run away for a few seconds. Might want to stack shaped glass with it too.

open when

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ugly rat

Watch your mouth

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what is with 2hue and ror threads? Is this some kind of ancient pact?

primordial blood pact
it's forbidden to speak anymore of it

Cutie, also where is Remi?

Lets just say its been that way for a long time

I'd rather watch my mouth than any of these ugly rats you are posting

let's just say gay retards are everywhere so it's no surprise that they are in this thread too

The health cost is way too high to be able to use it in fight in my opinion.
His healing makes it that you can go shoot and spam m2 way more and for more prolonged time unlike the trascendence one where you have move out or hoping you won't get hit to be able to deal serious damage again.

some fresh orginal content

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This is some next level stuff

excellent 10/10

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Damn i was actually thinking about making this lol

Right here
Why are you so rude?

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I don't know what this is parodying/referencing

Remove the gearbox logo and we are good.

One of the best covers of all time

He doesn't understand true beauty. Shit taste

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outstanding post

Huntress feels better.
Is it because of the item changes?

iirc everything huntress has does over 100% so yeah

US East


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us south/east

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could you stop trying to induce my gag reflex? those monkeys are really off putting ew yuck


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Is there a reliable way to move pots to open up the doorway on the desert? I hate skipping it

playing engi and place turrets
on top

cute artificer
have another

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I want to kissartificer


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obviously I mean with the other characters

What's your favorite addition this update? For me it's the tonic.

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Clay Templars easily

this is shit

playing arti be like

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I'm in a weird place with clay templars because when I see one I think "AH SHIT A CHAINGUNNER", but when I kill one it feels somewhat satisfying

That's a big arti

Is it just me or does the attack missile green seem really strong now?

not big enough

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it's like the opposite of buffalo and both take around the same time to kill

I think buffalos are just really mundane. From their attacks to their deaths

Fuckin' plantbot is awesome, dude. Once you get rolling it's incredibly fun.

Does he heal other players in multiplayer, or do his abilities only apply to himself?

based and brosnanpilled

as foretold

Only himself. Also he definitely feels tuned more for Rain than Monsoon. Monsoon unless you get some amazing early items he gets fucked pretty hard in my experience.

exactly at least clays feel threatening

>Only himself
Could swear I heard Hopoo and Ghor say he'd be able to heal his teammates too in the E3 demo


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US East Monsoon

US east

try placing a turret then jumping and mashing e

I couldn't get it but all is forgiven now

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you can't jump on the spikey bit of the teleporter and walk up?

wasn't high enough

seems close enough you could jump at it and hit e to grab. Sounds like you give up too easily

trust me, I more than a couple minutes trying to grab it in various ways. The screenshot is deceptive because of the angle, it's quite far up

It definitely doesn't currently, unless thats a bug.

I tried to join and my game softlocked

>elder lemurian horde of many

>overloading greater wisps horde of many

stack dem guillotines boys you'll need them when all that spawns are malachites


>Steam crashed
Sorry butt

I feel like the late game just isn't possible without guillotines now.
I had a 60 minute run where I didn't get a single one and I just couldn't kill anything.
Feels kind of wrong to have the game balanced around a single item like that.

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I'm Hopoopoo! Thanks for the money, IDIOT. I nerfed everyone in a PvE game because JEW JEW JEW JEW JEW JEW JEW JEW! Crits suck, so now you need Guillotine! Notice why I put Artifacts 2.0 WAY FAR AWAY FROM NOW? YEAH FUCK YOU NO COMMAND 4 U

I grabbed the first game due to the sale. I like it.
I've also only made it to the third area once so far because I keep dying horribly. I can't tell if it's better to try and grind so you can open all the chests in an area or if you should try attacking bosses while still underequipped.

Grinding areas makes it easier, but also it partly depends on how lucky you get

in 1 I think the usual strategy was to rush tele quickly. You'll usually get enough gold to open chests as you're fighting the boss and clearing out the stage, and that way difficulty doesn't jump up too much

i usually rush tp stages 1 and 2, then stage 3 you have more freedom to take your time


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Why do people say Engie is easy mode? The fact that he has to stay mostly stationary means that uness you get a hardlight afterburner for perma-shield, enough damage to keep imps away, AND the required fungus, he'll get 1-shot after 25 or so minutes on monsoon.

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Han-D is best boy

everyone hates him because he's boring and a waste of a character slot.

>play RoR2
>host is an absolute brainlet trying to do Rex unlocks on low HP characters
>can't dodge worth shit, he dies
>leaves game right away, game dies
>same fucking retard, same result
>get into 3rd fucking game
>retard there, but he's not host at least
>but this time retard steals the host's item
>lol lobby ded again
I'm beginning to think RoR2 being popular was an absolute mistake. All of these retards, spergs, and shitters are absolutely killing any kind of online play. Boo hoo some fucknugget stole an item, nice job being a faggot to everyone else.

Absolute brainlet. You lay your turrets and keep searching for items while they do the work. If it's a boss, you lay your turrets and then, depending on boss, either shield them and sit in the bubble, or keep running around while the turrets act as a distraction.

what did you think you were getting into

quickplay is garbage
play with anons here please, it's the place where you can consistently find good players without resorting to >discord


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nevermind, it doesn't protect against malachite so it's shit tier

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Okay I have like 30 hours in 2 and I have most items, but how the fuck do I get a good portal to spawn?

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Gold. Phoneposting right now

Gold portals need gold idols to spawn. It's RNG.

Holy fuck I think I mistook a few of those idols for chance shrines. Thanks man

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It happens. Also Blackout is a bitch to get anyway because you need a heavily stacked offensive build because that boss has a metric shitton of HP.

There aren't always games up here.


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>haven't unlocked Guillotine yet
>keep wiping to Malachites

"okay I can only take one chest if I want to rush the teleporter"

>rushing the tele
This is truly the worst meme.

>taking 6+ minutes checking every crook and cranny just because your mom is jewish


vanilla rainstorm need 3 more

>rush the teleporter

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US , EU?



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hand over the zip folder and you won't get hurt

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Eu rainstorm

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why is rex so much better than everyone else

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It's just going to be the 1st thiccmod all over again where the guy never drops a link

>That female merc
What's the point, do they get off on teasing or something?

It's not done yet. I have to fix some rigging problems on the knees and hands. After that I got to finish up some other models and after that I can finish up the texture.

the real "thicc" user always dropped his links
If you're talking about pic related it was just a render some guy made but he never figured out how to port it in game

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who needs wings when you have brap power

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what's with all these rainstorm queers

god i fucking love this i just wish it was for huntress rather than artificer

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I, too, enjoy playing monsoon where I must rush teleporter every stage and if I am dealt no guillotines or bullets or crowbars I just lose at 60 minutes in if I can survive that long.

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>tranny opinion
>tranny pic

Well said, fellow rainstorm bro!

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I always thought rushing tele meant rushing it for the faster acquisition of cash in order to buy the chests in the immediately area, instead of wasting time waiting for enemy spawns so you cold farm them

>malachite lesser wisps boss nearly instantly kills me
just how fucking strong are these bastards, fuck

>Still haven't found guillotine
What's the condition for unlocking it?

you're correct

500 elites.

Check the logbook. It's killing a few hundred elites

worth it

they are absolute god killers
health of a tank
hits like a tank
and fucking disables healing

kill 500 elites

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Just from a stray hit, one malachite lemurian deals like 600+ damage from one fireball alone

But nonon doesn't fire a bow?

So is the game worth it or is it still too early in development?

I have 100+ hours in the game already so take as you will

i know i know, but i enjoy playing huntress way more than artificer

>retard with everything cheated
>retard with nothing unlocked
>both want to play drizzle
>both do whatever the fuck they want
>buy blue portal
>use normal portal nonetheless
>activate portal at random and leave as soon as the countdown is over
Hopoo you made this game a casual fest and you are the only one to blame.

Then don't worry about it. More should come later probably

do you just heal the entire map?

The basic game is all there, their schedule is just more maps and characters, I doubt anything will drastically change on the way to 1.0. It's fun to play for a few hours every so often, not the kind of game you can just play for days on end in a row, it's simple short and a bit repetitive but that's the whole point, it's a lot like Binding of Issac except it's a genre that's actually good.

anyone who plays drizzle deserves the rope

you couldnt see the border even at the top of the cliffs
I honestly dont know how much it healed since I immediately died the next level

how do i unlock the new character lads

Darn, sorry for your loss.

Take fuel array from landing pod to the top of stage 4
It blows up if you lose over 50% health, and can't be obtained with MUL-T in singleplayer

Carry your drop pod's fuel array to stage 4

Open the hatch at the back of your pod and take the fuel thing to level 4 and find the robutt at the top of the level. If you take too much damage while carrying it it explodes and kills you so you basically play with half health with it on

I was two hours into the run, it was its time

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>MUL-T now comes down in a unique pod!
>literally just so you can't easymode the new character with him

hoppoo you fucking frauds I smell your bullshit

It's easy to get the new character with literally everyone though

But get two characters, have mul-t take it from the back of the other guy's pod.

Honestly they should just make it so MUL-T can't pick up the fuel array at all, considering how easy it is to just play multiplayer for it
The challenge isn't that hard anyways, I did it on Monsoon without even knowing what to do with it

the point is just that mul-t gets two equipment slots, trivializing the whole idea of having to deal with this shitty thing taking up your equipment slot

I didn't do it with him so I wonder, does it still explode if you have it equipped but cycled to your other slot?

He doesn't get the array, he has a special pod.

>trivializing the whole idea of having to deal with this shitty thing taking up your equipment slot
Oh, I didn't even consider that. Imo the hard part was just dealing with the 50% health thing, which Mul-T would help a lot with. Honestly I get such shit rng sometimes that I don't even get a use item until stage 3 or 4 anyway.

I meant if you play mp and take someone else's

Oh for fuck's sake, I had a run that was 2 hours long the other day with nonstop flaming/overloading elites and this is all I got?

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what difficulty?

I was killing FUCKTONS of elites every single level at that point

Play monsoon


when is glass aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

never and when it does arrive you'll see the same old shitters complaining that it isn't fun

anyone else experience stuttering after the update?

The meta revolves around wide builds now. Commando and mul-t are also generally weaker now due to the total damage change, but not enough to matter.
Your skill as a player has been made far less relevant for the early-mid game.

The only damage you will ever have now comes from chaining proc items. If by 40 you don't have at least 1 of each proc item in the game, throw in the towel.

Some greens are worth stacking for damage, but never print away the rest of your proc items for it.
57 leaf is even stronger now as a result. Same with teslas.

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>get Dio's gift as the guaranteed red item
>6 runs in a row
fucking make it stop


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>guaranteed red item

from the guaranteed golden chest in stage 4
you do know about it, don't you?

gold chest in hell. one always spawns in the same place

>imblying I got time to farm money
nigga always rush the tp otherwise you are gonna look silly

I do what the fuck I want

I always make it far in the runs even if I dont rush

>I do what the fuck I want
you need to be 18+ to post in this subreddit

if you clear the tele and somehow dont have the 3k gold to open it I dunno what the fuck you're doing

>rush the tp

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>1 shitty red
>or 32 whites

>implying 32 chests spawn in one level

What are you even trying to do?

educate you


Even if you had that many chests to open to choose from, whites aren't worth stacking outside of guillotine. A lack of damage is going to end your run far sooner than a lack of speed or health.

Pre-patch I'd certainly take the whites.

And people said I'd never drop it

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unless it's just dolphin porn, in which case based


holy shit user thank you, also how do i apply these mods, ive never done anything of the sort before

>Your skill as a player has been made far less relevant for the early-mid game.
What makes you say that? I've barely noticed anything different.

I feel like you're all exaggerating the changes.

Drop it in your game's Data folder. If you're jumping right into the game, tell me if you find any weird things or bugs with the model

Are you the ryuko merc user if so can you update the mod!

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Because it doesn't matter how good you are at the game if you don't get damage items.

At thw highest level: Objectivly, mobility and healing doesn't matter, because a skilled play won't get hit. (So long as damage is accounted for).

Your ability to both deal and aquire damage was nerfed, directly because of item and mechanic changes, and indirectly due to the increased item pool size.

Does it matter enough to be routinely felt and observed? Depends on your difficulty setting. But even then, barely.

But technically speaking, the above means your skill matters less than it did pre-patch.

holy shit yes
you truly are a god
you're planning on moving the thrusters up, right?

Can't move them, don't have the tools to

I hope you do Mako as well as MUL-T of course

weren't you making a whole new skeleton in order to use them?
if that doesn't help, can you make a version without the thrusters?

both are super great, just tried em out, havent found any bugs at all yet, also is there like a collection of other mods for other characters here?

Attached: 1560237842631.jpg (275x458, 23K)

will there be a song in 2 that tops this?


>I doubt anything will drastically change on the way to 1.0
You mean besides adding the final stages and boss, and Artifacts, and whatever skills 2.0 is.

there aren't really any songs or levels I can think of that have the level of comfy as this or the cloud level, they all just go fucking hard Deadbolt style, which is fine too.

Has anyone figured out the name of the Blackout achievement in the xml file? Blackout and BlackOut don't unlock the achievement.

The skeleton is in order to get a model onto the armature that the game uses. I can't edit the armature at all in order to change the position of the jets.
This is the only one so far for this update. Every update, everything breaks and I gotta go in and fix everything. Sometimes I only need to fix a few things, sometimes I need to rebuild everything I did.

Will EVER be a track that tops this?

>I can't edit the armature at all in order to change the position of the jets.
hopoo went too far this time

I swear, if this is coalescence AGAI-

i really like this mod user, i hope you make many more

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I hope we get proper mod tools for models soon, that sounds like a massive pain.

us east/south

Attached: wut.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)

Seriously, what's with every single fucking enemy being an elite in loop 2? I even had 2 malachites just spawn normally on stage 1. I can't get past loop 2 monsoon anymore because everything has a TTK of at least 10 seconds of firing at it directly.

Attached: 1555056817360.jpg (516x536, 20K)


Lewd versions when?

>he plays monsoon

Attached: 87D8SGFD78G.png (900x1200, 1.69M)

>thighs are even sqeezed by the socks


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lol, drizzlet

>20s cd on royal cap
ok cool
>100s cooldown on quantum vase
wtf hotpoo

ded game

why are you playing with random people?

Anybody else not like the new map?

Its really annoying that its split up by gaps and it feels like there is a lot of backtracking because of it. Also:

>No timed chest

Attached: 1557064955798.jpg (676x698, 160K)

There a items for everyone thing like in ROR1 yet?

>not surface tension

Attached: 1523903123525.jpg (800x793, 188K)

there was but its probably outdated cause of the recent update
also it was shit anyway


fuck magma worms on monsoon, you get a 3stack of being on fire for even being near one; just burned to death through 2 bucklers while sprinting and an old war stealthkit, not to mention "hey let's spawn 2 elder lemurians alongside the boss on top of the player even though no mountain shrine was used and the spawnrates were incredibly low for this area, lol gitgud"

>sock squeeze
Yeah, I'm thinking modanon is based
Do you plan on still making regular fem versions of characters?

That is a banger too, imo coalescence is highly overrated

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>malachite imp horde of many
took off maybe 1/10th of their health bar, great job hopoo

(it passes through terrain now)

its not easy but when you get shit like the black hole cube it's very satisfying, like MUL-T's harpoon gun

And then everything became malachite bullet sponges and we obliterated ourselves from existence, the end

Attached: 20190630032644_1.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

host when

>have tough monsoon run
>2 shrines of the mountain on plains on 1st loop
>"ok wew I can finally get diecide"
>overloading stone titan + 3 other titans
>nuke 'em with 2 preons and shaped glass
>no achievement
>check diffficulty
>forgot to reset difficulty after last failed run

Are you planning on releasing a modfile with all the custom characters and one with just lewd vanilla survivors?

And was opinion always shown as tusks on Artificer?

Attached: snNZyqe.png (227x419, 138K)

>if cost health to cast shit
Your logic is intact, it's Hopoo who lied to us. His skills don't cost health, they just damage you instead. Difference is super important here.
Actually, whole shield mechanic is kinda dumb. There's literally no attacks which penetrate the shield and go for your health. It's pretty much just health just with separate regeneration. They could've made concept much more interesting and fun but instead they added another fucking defensice mechanic with barrier. Now it feels dumb.

lads ive lost the link to the ror porn archive

>no mod to make Arti/Huntress have an obscenely peachy and fat ass

Attached: 1532286800836.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

>Yea Forums seal of quality

Attached: 1557005121552.png (586x265, 54K)

How do I get past stage 10?
I keep dying

oh man wait until Randy hears I'll never buy borderlands as long as I live

Hotpoo comes to you and let's you bring back any character from RoR2, but you have to make Commando more fun. How do you redesign?

If it's not too much trouble, would it be possible to have the mega list each individual mod, instead of bundling them together? Or does the nature of the way you have to install the mods necessitate bundling them together?


Never stop moving

I've got to compile everything together every time. I was planning on releasing the individual bits, but with the way Unity works, there's no reliable way for those individual things to work in the future.

Flashier animations and sound effects on basically everything
Roll gets an iframe
That's about all it'd take, I reckon

As for returning characters, keep them all locked out, especially Acrid and Chef

make his m2 larger and louder, make m1 shoot faster for a bit higher dps let him shoot while sprinting I kind of like commando so I wouldn't radically change him or anything, but he does just feel like holding m1 and m2 with the occasional r press or dash

I hope they remove the sound for when malachite spawns.

The constant dingdong, god fucking damn.

does someone have the wolverine picture frame meme with commando and enforcer

Attached: Sprxymsh556.gif (150x150, 117K)

Any plans to bring big tiddy Ryuuko back?

Have they fixed the merc bug yet?

Had to re-rig and rebuild the current Ryuuko. I might eventually, but I honestly want to try and make SOMETHING for every survivor, so it might take a while for me to get back to it.


wait 3 months for that

Oh, that's a bit of a bummer. I assume lewder versions are gonna have wait then, too?
Who are you planning on doing next?

Yes new build is sent to QA team.

Attached: qa.jpg (1132x612, 159K)

Kanna replacement for Rex. Rex is built pretty weird and I want to screw around with his files. It is VERY likely I'll just replace the flower/plant bits and then keep the robot parts.

Inumuta for commando maybe?

Attached: Dngog0rVAAAj32T.jpg (1200x675, 101K)

How's the robot part going to work with Kanna? Or are you just gonna put her head ontop of it?

>not a girl
gay desu

Attached: melon.jpg (800x450, 95K)

Whoof, sorry to hear that. Hopefully we get workshop support or at least a modloader or something in the future.

based heteroposter

I'm actually still not sure what to do for commando. I'm open to anything at this point. Even something that might not fit Commando's guns akimbo style. I have either Lara Croft or Noel Vermillion as ideas, but I'm still kind of iffy with that.
>implying I would ever neglect those melons

Just had a run with Rex where I got meat hooks
shit is disgusting

is she going to be sitting seductively cross legged on top of the robot parts

How close to accurate is this?

Attached: EB8eyoO.png (455x365, 15K)

Rex is a big bot. Post desired piloting/sitting position


US WEST - Late Night Shootery, back after a long time of not playing

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I need help getting the new dude pls help

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what about our favourite bing bing wahoo man for commando

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Can you animate her? This is a pretty important question

Just have kanna crabwalking in reverse as a replacement for rex

braindead retard

I really don't want to go to quickplay but here we go i guess.

She won't really be animated, but there is a distinct possibility of jiggle physics. This may be the biggest reason I am interested in doing this for Rex.

host when

Imagine that legs are crossed (body-chan isn't flexible enough)

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Would you be willing to have a Dante that doesn't have his signature jacket? Because there isn't really a way for me to do it with the signature jacket.

hmm i see the issue, that's ok though. il go search for some cute waifus that could work



not drizzle

Attached: robocop.png (681x687, 663K)

I've only found the horn so far, give me some goddamn new items game

Also note, that was a legitimate offer. There is a canon appearance of Dante being shirtless if I recall correctly. So what I would make would essentially just be commando with commando's helmet with Dante's hair and pants and bare chested.

>first stage
>just rushed to the tele
>no items
>3 fucking blazing stone golems
ha ha

This just looks like a spider demon from Doom, user.

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ive only recently started playing dmc (part way through 3) so ive only seen him without any jacket in the intro. but either way if there was a dante id probably go with a jacket one so its alright.

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We're reaching whole new levels of gay here

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It should bounce between enemies infinitely, hitting them all once.

Stacking magazines should increase the number of times it can bounce.
>10 mags
>fire once
>bouncing forever
>can fire again
>now whole map is nothing but bouncing shots

but that's just glaive

>We only have 2/3 of the enemies
>the final 'blighted' enemies are not in game yet

Just had a good run end after I picked the headstomper red and catapult myself into the air right as a vagrant AoE happened
Dont trust the headstompers


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glaive is gay and does no damage not to mention no range

the shot bounce should hit every enemy on the map no matter what

>turn his ability into half of huntress's kit
Just give commando an aoe knockback around him where he spins in a circle for a bit.

Just as fast as the other survivors, just feels slower because of his size.
Probably want to start off same as Artificer, hooves, drinks, and wax quails.

you let enemies stack up and R them so you can spam right click on high priority targets
but yeah hes fucked without mobility, need at least a feather/quail and some move speed. also large groups of lesser wisps out of reach of fart cannon literally rape his plant/robot ass

>Just give commando an aoe knockback around him where he spins in a circle for a bit.
Or better yet an AoE ability that fires a piercing shot at everything in range around him, which knocks back and instantly kills anything up to 100% health and also it makes me not gay anymore

Firstly, hes the same speed as everyone else. Secondly, he has the same hitbox as robotboi.

Fire your R at enemies. Wait until healing, apply artillery to face. That wasn't so hard was it?

pretty good, fix that last part though

also it should make your dad work at nintendo

Hopoo give zero fucks what anyone thinks about characters, they are never going to change anything

What are the chances for a lewd alternative of her?
I'm assuming you'll first do her fully dressed

kanna modeler pls respond is this doable

Image saved as a potential reference. There might be limitations to the model, after all.
Likely not as soon after initial release, but maybe eventually?

ok just let us know if you need more ideas you wonderful son of a bitch


No but like can you do for Kanna, i.e. youtube.com/watch?v=5Pr-I0V0ZOc

That way her assets are roughly where the plant bulb would be, allowing easy viewing of possible jigglebones

I'm only half-shitposting; would this be possible?

not him but the robot legs are equidistant and placed in a significantly different place compared to where humanoid bones would be so it would require a LOT of elbow grease as opposed to just deleting things from the top of the model and adding stuff to it

Given my current knowledge of Rex's assets, not now. It would technically be possible, but not with what I have at the moment. I'm mainly aiming for the plant parts specifically right now.

NA West Host When?

It's ok user, it can be a horrible bone-crunching abomination
Godspeed user, maybe one day my shitpost idea will be possible

you know you want to

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How does Corpsebloom stack? Is it wise to have more than one on Rex?

No, one is enough.

isnt corpsebloom trash?

it just needs a bigger hitbox

Could try to have her kneel on it if that pose doesn't work out. It'd show off her ass too

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People think it is however it can be rather good if your character can't get proper healing from on-hit items. Artificer for example can't heal all that much from crits because she relies on slow heavy hitting attacks. Rex is also should benefit from it because it'll boost his R or extend it over time which is great.

i know this will be the wildest stretch of my life but Vex'ahlia from Critical Role

Attached: CU9PHsUWIAEyhKZ.png (545x756, 251K)

Just get one and keep an eye out for rejuvenation racks.

Haven't most of the models been skimpy wear? And this is a normal looking elf from a tabletop rpg session?

but how does it stack?

yea i know, it was a stretch anyway. i just really like the character and thought it would be fun to play huntress with a mod for her

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I want to learn 3d modeling to make dreams come true like our modder friend

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Heals more but reduces the amount per second. So it stacks like shit.

same, i just dont know where to even begin

There are tons of blender tutorials on YT. I know where to start, I'm just really really busy right now.
I know low poly is such a meme but I would love to make simple models

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Quick, who do i play this run?


Each corpsebloom boosts the total healing you get reserved but halves the rate you're actually healed.
Rejuvenation rack is applied to each corpsebloom tick, doubling your healing rate. If you somehow stack 9 racks you'll have 100% of your health refilled every second.

I've posted it before, I'll post it again. This is the tutorial I started out with.
Although it's using an outdated interface, the core concepts remain the same.


Do you make money faster on Monsoon or not?

bookmarked ty
don't think so
Corpsebloom makes it so that you can heal a maximum of 10% HP per second though. You can only change that by picking up more corpseblooms

It's a decent healing item if you don't have godly healing already. It fucking sucks on engi (for obvious reasons) and on rex, because it's better to have bursts of healing than corpsebloom regen, since you heal to full faster thus lowering downtime on your m2 and R.

>Corpsebloom makes it so that you can heal a maximum of 10% HP per second though. You can only change that by picking up more corpseblooms
No. Rack boosts each healing tick, not the reserve corpseblood stores. I bought four of them at the newt shop as Rex and had one hell of a time recovering half my total health each second.

arigatou, i will begin my learning, master

Attached: god bless.jpg (860x483, 76K)

in that case it sounds like corpsebloom text is wrong or something about the item is broken.

I'm not a fan of the wisp spawns in this update

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I've just tried out the Command artifact mod for my first mod, it's not bad but has problems with items launching off to the side never to be seen again, does anyone have any idea why Rex is still marked as under construction when I'm running it though?

How do you go from this low poly stuff to the massive amount of vertices that are in your models?
Surely drawing it up first doesn't work for that.

They are so many and seem to hurt so much more as well.
They are the fucking bane of Rex with his shitty fucking M1.

elite lesser wisps that not only hit hard but are tanky as shit and get knocked backwards when you hit them so you can't take them out quickly make me want to uninstall

it seems like it fucks rex's R over a lot considering you want to group up all the enemies and mortar them, and it's a lot harder to group up stuff in the air

Take advantage of shift's ability to slam lightweight fliers into walls for instant kills.

>mfw malachite bighorn bison - horde of many
>on rallypoint delta
>right by the shoreline
>as rex
Is there any better feeling?

Attached: sponge.jpg (612x612, 32K)

Where does Rex fit into the survivor power rankings?

So instead of stacking stickies the strat is to stack guillotines with a couple of crowbars right?

Yep, best damage item by far.
If it's mp, it's best to let one player get them all since all it takes is just any amount of damage.

Attached: babby.webm (1000x558, 2.69M)

It just took me 15 minutes of nonstop shooting to kill one (1) malachite stone golem
yes I had a guillotine

Attached: 1558226857449.jpg (398x376, 37K)

>A guillotine
>a (single) guillotine
There's your problem user

I was nearly an hour in, how am I supposed to affect item spawns


EU 2/4

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only 1 to go
EU 3/4

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i printed 17 stickies and it ruined my run
fuck you hopoo

Attached: 1544706910845.jpg (2696x2232, 647K)

Be right there

dang someone stole my spot :(

Can anyone host on EU? My internet sucks

too early senpai wait for the Christmas sale


EUW, 1/4

>17 stickies
How did that ruin your run? Aren't stickies insane?


They really have to add timed chests to the new map, goddamn hopo

Let enemies build up, R them. Hold down M1, continually tap M2 to keep rapid fire your M1. Use jump and SHIFT to escape danger, use SHIFT to stun golems that are about to fire on you, use SHIFT to herd enemies into your flower power. Get crowbars, get Tougher Times, get Backup Mags, get critical glasses, get Cautious Slugs, get medkits, get monster teeth; do you even fucking video game, man?

Another thing, get a single Corpsebloom. Emphasis on single. Tested long runs with 1, 2, and 3. One is perfect. More than 1 and you lose more health than get back when you mortar, especially when you get Backup Mags.
The way procs are now, stickies got nerfed. Not deliberately, mind you, but critical strikes were proccing other critical strikes. Add the fact that stickies can proc a critical strike, and attacks were doing quadruple, quintuple the amount of damage. They acknowledged this was neat, but ultimately unintentional. Desu I don't see how stacking 17 didn't net him good kills, though. I'll still take a sticky over a medkit or Monster Tooth, even as Rex.

Attached: Risky.gif (331x331, 75K)

stickies got super over nerfed
damage is always 180% now, and scales off of the attack you hit with.

join up fuckers , 2 slots left

To go further, if you're feeling randy, get Shaped Glass after acquiring a Corpsebloom, but not before. Enjoy deleting everything.

>legendary chests now may spawn on other maps
>didn't see a single additional chest since update
>not even at abyssal depth

Attached: 1743542_tm1.jpg (848x480, 35K)

Oh fuck, also pick up Foreign Fruit or Gnarled Woodsprite. I get Gnarled if I don't have a Foreign Fruit, but I always give up Gnarled for the fruit.
>But muh royal capacitor
Late game Rex DELETES. Keep health up, and you can mortar forever.

I remember the first time I got to like wave 25 was because me and some anons went 4 engi and kept finding sticky printers

It was broken in retrospect but I thought half of the fun in this game was about just that; breaking it

Stickies no longer scale damage so they were nerfed outside of the whole crit fix.



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Stacking guillotines has elites dying left and right. Get yerself some glass, some crit glasses.

So only the rate at which they proc increases? I didn't know that. Shame. I would have decreased the rate at which damage scales, but I'm not hopoo so whaddo I know.

Yes, it's 180% now and +5% of chance per bomb. It's pretty shitty item now.


anyone got the phone wallpaper of RoR 1 character select?

>Rushing tele means skipping chests
>Not using the horde of enemies that spawns, to open 85% of the chests super quickly, then leaving
No wonder you retards think rushing teleporter is a bad strategy.

Yea I have it saved

Attached: 20190628_202246.jpg (1821x2520, 1.06M)

gold drop during teleporter event is halved

Thank you based user.

And it's still more than enough to open most of the chests. Open 1 or 2 on the way to the tele to get items to help with boss/make sure you get enough gold overall, then hit teleporter(usually by 1:30, with two chests), then kill everything, and you should be able to open more than enough chests. I bet you're one of those retarded faggots that spends 5 minutes checking every nook and cranny to make sure you didn't miss a single chest.

Get on my level boys.

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Anyone know where the environmental log spawns on the new map?

can someone post images of the ingame female models?

me neither

Same. I'd report it, but hopoo is near fully using the fucking Gearbox QA.

how do I get the new items? it can't be just random

check achievements

they just say "find this item"

Those ones spawn randomly, yes.

i'm getting head stomp LITERALLY fifth run in a row. Last run I got fucking two of them. What the actual fuck, Hopoo?!

Attached: 1462478761139.png (900x900, 448K)

guess I'm really unlucky then, haven't found a single one in like 8 runs

I like head stompers

They're dogshit, man. Golems can aim straight up and kill you while you're ballerinaing up there. Clay Templars, too.

>Stage 2 combat shrine
>Greater Blazing Wisp
This game is fucking retarded now.
It's literally more effective to clump enemies with cube and just start indirectly applying proc to the thing you actually want to kill.

You absolutely should not be getting a blazing GW on stage 2 unless you spent 30 minutes on stage 1. I'd report it, buckaroo.

t. 200 hours on Risk of Rain 2.

I got overloaded horde of bells on stage 1, 4-5minutes in.

How did you get bells on stage 1 at all?
>I'd report it.

Attached: 1354159958857.gif (200x163, 1.25M)

I got blazing titans from rushing stage 1 tele with no items, on rainstorm

This patch is fucked.

Oh great so it isn't just me.
I have been getting raped left and right for trying to do Mauritian before stage 6.
Absolutely fucked up shit have been spawning more regularly now.

He would make great engi

I'll report it then and call you friends so I don't have to say
>user saw a thing

>finally find a golden shrine for gold coast
>farm up money for it at cost of getting no items
>boss has 20k health
>get it down to 4k before beacons reset
I want to try again when I'm even more OP but I feel like he'd instantly kill me

REMINDER: It has been found that alterations have been made to the unfinished HAN-D in the game's files. His grappling hook heals you upon contact with the enemy, and he has a few more details added to his model. He's coming home. Unfortunately this means Loader is out since his hook was given to HAN-D.

Attached: CHA-D.png (768x1024, 22K)

I literally played with people from here Yea Forums when we got overloading great wisps stage 2 from a Mauritian.

Don't know if they are here to confirm tho.

>RoR2 threads are slowing down
Host, soon.

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3/4 EUW

Gearbox QA put in hard work.
Hard work testing BL3 instead of RoR2.

Hey lads, on a god run right now and figured It'd be a good time to get new items. What are the new challenges, if there are any?

granted I've had things like this happen before the update


Attached: 1559090076514.gif (480x480, 669K)

>Update goes live
>I find out the Merc glitch within minutes of playing
Fucking embarrassing. I hope hopoo will give them a MODICUM of shit for that.

post comparison between old model and current