Well at least you aren’t this guy

Well at least you aren’t this guy.

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I literally am the guy in the pic

You say that but I'm guessing he gets more pussy than me.

Imagine fucking your bf and getting to cum on Isabel afterwards

cringe subject or not that painterly style is pretty impressive


I will never get the appeal of tattoos

I mean, at least it's drawn well

Thats gay stop it.

Well this aged poorly

The neighbor's dog doesn't count.

this, its dumb but the artist is good

that's a really talented tattoo artist

I agree

This. The crash tats are cringe, but Isabel? Think about it. Cute puppy girl from cute home making game girls are likely to have played. This man probably slays more pussy than a violin maker.

colour won't last a year

shy guy on the left and meth crash on the right

wonder if this guy looks worse now

Greg McSoy
Lieutenant of the Faggot family

post timestamp

I wish I enjoyed things enough to consider making tattoos of them.

>a violin maker
what? is there something I should know about?

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Is that the fucking Titan design of Crash?

His waifu will always be with him...woof

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Atleast its pretty well done

Don't, he might tatoo it

>T. Bill Trinen
At least he's dedicated to his waifu.

Do you think he's virgin? I can't imagine this guy having sex with female.

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>he doesnt know

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nintendo fans when will you stop being so cringe

don't listen to him, he's playing you like a fiddle

>I'm here for the job interview

Why does Yea Forums hate women with tattoos?
Is it some age old highschool mentality philosophy that women with tats are damaged whores?

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Yeah, basically that

Nice tattoo, dude.

it's a fact, not a philosophy

also indicates bad decision making, like all tattoos on anyone

that's like the only decent tatoo I've seen on a female my entire life

Every other whore gets some ugly tats or something way too fucking out there for anyone to understand to be unique, thing is it's retarded when most of them get 'em

I like whore tats though, like womb or the ones the bitches get above their butt


That looks fine, it's not some colored vidya/pop culture puke tattoo

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>self-conscious anonymous cucks shit on dude who loves vidya enough to get inked with it

this and the fact that it looks like your skin is dirty

>not shouting to the world who your waifu is
>not having pride in her
get it together

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at least the actual tattoo work is nice.

>tattoo mongoloid predictibly totally doesn't regret his decision, at all

I kinda want Sekiro tattoo with Wolf taking a stance before 2nd fight with Genichiro, but I know I will regret making next year once even greater Fromsoft game come out.

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Evrything is better than a t.ranny. prove me wrong.

If you're going to do this why not go all in and get an upskirt shot? Even one of those silly little Isabelles in a "Shut the fuck up biiiiitch" shirt would be better.

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Yes, muh skinny-fat pasty pimpled body is a temple, we get it. You sound like you need to have sex.

>making a tattoo of Isabelle so the guy buttfucking you have something nice to see meanwhile
that's nice

How hard is it to shave that fucking shit off, jesus christ.

Imagine being crippled for life because you asked some shitty back-alley tattoo parlor to put a cartoon dog on your spine

Is tranny now word filtered?

soiboys *honk-honk*

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>Is it some age old highschool mentality philosophy that women with tats are damaged whores?
It's age old wisdom because it's fucking true

>wowww please stop saying the character I play is any good!

Literally all Smash players except eSam.

That's based actually, and I don't like tattoos usually

More like elementary pattern recognition.

Wow, that was a triple projection. Nice.

>At least I'm not like X guy
I understand why people say this sort of shit when watching my 600 lb life or Horders. But it tends to promote complacency and procrastination.
Don't look at people you think are below you,as if that makes you better than them. Look to people better than you, and aim to be them or top them

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Best gal tats are paws on their lower back or on each side of their groin.

Isabelle is awful. People were claiming she was top tier after ONE set win off a top player by another very good player. That's just retarded no matter how ya spin it

>choose to get a tattoo, mark your body for literally the rest of your life unless you pay for painful and expensive removal.
>Pick a video game character.

99% of people have no business getting tattos and only look trashy in doing so getting tats of pop culture junk. Unless you've been in the military, mafia, prison or part of some isolated jungle tribe the fuck you doing with tattoos?

Want to be unique and express yourself? Take up drawing. Want to immortalize a memory? Taking a fucking picture.

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Isn't this the tranny everyone keeps pretending is female?

you sound like a faggot and i don't even like tattoos

I was just trying to imagine the kind of dude who would use mongoloid in a casual context. The weak "Whoa, Projecting Much!?" response spun out in the most weaselly sarcastic tone just sealed the mental image desu. Most anti-tat guys i've met fit this bill.

you're really engaged in this, huh

wonder what stupid tattoo you have. lmao.

no its a 15 year old girl (female)

She looks like she fucks Bill Trinnen

>That picture
Thats actually a neat idea. I'd like to see other cereals as an option

>wonder what stupid tattoo you have.
A heart with a ribbon across it that says "mom"


This cringe gatekeeping

What's on his arms?
Whats on your arms?

I can make out a blue shyguy and Crash in the OP. So it's all shit tier vidya tats.

incest is pretty gross dude

Why ruin your skin with shitty embedded ink? You're beautiful just the way you are.

So hopefully we can wrap this little character arc up, didn't mean to hurt your feelings with my post user. Maybe one day you'll stop worrying what other people think about you and start shining instead.

I have absolutely nothing against tattoos what so ever but this is honestly a shitty one imo. It looks like a melting sticker was slapped on his back Feel free to disagree

Tats (good ones) look great and improve upon you.

Bad tats make you look like a twat.

>not even a lewd

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You are not beautiful, but shoving ink inside your skin won't make you beautiful either.


cringe af

What a gigachad

tattoos are for mentaly ill people

At least that actually looks nice.

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get on the gains train and trim that berd my man

Nothing about tattoos improve your look. It only distracts from your natural looks.

What makes you think you're not beautiful? I think you're beautiful.

Most tattoos are bad ones

Based and underrated

At least the drawing itself is pretty good.

it's high octane autism displayed by angry, seething babies who are too controlling and cry if they dont get their way because mummy gave them all they wanted because they're socially inept freaks

I can't imagine being this milquetoast.

I am beautiful, you aren't.

what is the point of this tattoo? i honestly dont get ones like this. out of everything you could possibly get.... you choose to get some flowers on your forearm?


We are born in God's image. God is perfect and beautiful. Therefore we are perfect and beautiful. When you deface yourself you deface God.

A lot of people I know think I'm beautiful. I think that's enough

I too have played Bloodborne.

I like Isabelle because of Animal Crossing, not smash. :)

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>fictional sky man

It's really not as bad as you might think

>does Yea Forums hate women

>t. roastie with a tramp stamp

You think wrong.

You sound firmly latched to the material. There is an entire realm to discover right beyond your eyes but the Adversary has lain clouds over them, I don't disdain you, I pity you. Somatics suffer a fate worse than death.

You guys are just jealous you'll never be this chad.

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Why is it always religioncucks? You faggots always use god to explain your boring ass outlook on life. No, not everyone is beautiful or perfect. Tattoos have been a thing for thousands of years for expression and marking achievements or even status. I know who I am as an imperfect being and some ink on my skin doesn't change my character or make me a bad person.

So how bad is yours?

Isabellefags continue to embarrass themselves with minimal effort

>Hank Hill ass
just off yourself at this point

The absolute state of plant gang LMAO

You can say that again, the age of Shillabelle is over now that Nook is the main man again

That's not even Chad, it's just gay.

I don't even mean that like an insult, I mean like he sucks a million cocks a month and this is just stating a fact.

>having tattoos
>at all

Enjoy the skin damage and removal costs + reddened marks.

Yeah, i agree totally with this.
I would never, under any circumstances, get a movie/tv tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that "fans" actually have tattoos like this.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like certain movies or tv shows will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

idk man he's got a shadow the hedgehog backpack
if hes a gay that's still pretty based

Interesting. I'll keep it in mind, Doctor Strange.

got this last year what does Yea Forums think about it?

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A material being referencing material to comfort itself in the face of knowledge of the immaterial. This cycle perpetuates. Shut the fuck up bitch.

>Want to be unique and express yourself? Take up drawing. Want to immortalize a memory? Taking a fucking picture.
Or, get a tattoo. Fuck off, stop trying to tell people what to do.

because nigga IT'S CORNY.

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They probably like flowers, or like the design and wanted to get it. It's not really a riveting mystery

I would put down every single piece of scum with a tattoo if I had the chance every single one of you


>that weak back hair

> Getting a fictional 15 year old tattooed on your arm
Guarunteed pedo

>having back hair

He should start lifting weights. Would still suck him.

Based retard

It's against our religion (judaism)

It's a woman actually. She said she was in her 30's, disowned by her family, and got it as she "relates" to Futaba.

Fucking personafags.

>not having back hair

Enjoy your low testosterone levels

Got my first tattoo earlier this year. spent around $700 for a piece on my chest. Holy shit making my first tattoo go on my chest was a mistake, I was not ready for it at all. So much fucking pain. /endblog

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>recommended section flooded with videos shilling this kid
>”15-year old girl DOMINATING Smash!” or some shit
>look her up
>it’s a dude
once again men prove to be superior in every way

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big nuts though for doing it. What was it user?

That guy can't be worse than this guy I know who has a gigantic FaZe tattoo on his forearm.

this. I have a pic of the actual thing too

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Fucking kek.


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Would have been better on your arm to be honest.

good shit man

I agree, but it's a terrible design choice for a tattoo because it'll look like shit once it ages a little. There's a reason tattoos both today and throughout history tend to be in a more sharp and high-contrast style.

Could've had it on your back, then you could look like yakuza whenever your shirt is off.

>Not having pride in your waifu

You weren't ever gonna make it

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>which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists

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meh, too many lines and too much detail

thanks dood

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And this is where we cringe

Violin strings are made of cat gut

hairy faced chibi

>not getting porn on your body

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post tatoo then, you degenerate

Thanks dude, my dating pool is limited to people who play chibi robo in 2006 under critical analysis

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Tattoos are for fags. Nice back though.

if I ever get a tattoo
it will be this and nothing else

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I can't tell where the fuck this is on your body

ribcage I think

Having tattoos all over your fucking arms like that is already "hey, I have literal SHIT for brains"-tier no matter what those tattoos are.

Tats are beyond degenerate.

Everybody can tell you're a jawlet even from that angle

>Well at least you aren’t this guy.

you know i used to say that because i never liked myself much but now the amount of people i can say that about has increased exponentially so i feel pretty good about my disposition these days


I have clef airy ribbon bombette a start fairy and miss warp as well at the stage you fight metal Mario on in sm64

Faeries are real

hey,i remember you from another vidya tatto thread a long time ago.

Indicates bad decision making and most women hit the wall at 30, so they're value drops hard. Most of the women that get them end up single mothers, lesbian, or downright undesirable.

yes. It's never a scientist but almost almost at all times minimal wage people with no higher than a bachelor degree

Never was, ever will.
Sheep,goat,pigs and cows more like.

tattoos, especially the subject matter, are semi-permanent visual cues that this particular women makes horrible impulsive decisions based on emotion and little logic. which is to say that a prominent tattoo on a woman is usually a good indicator that she is a slut. same with unnaturally colored hair and piercings among other things.

You're breaking my heart here man

this, except even moreso than hair dye and piercings, because at least hair dye is only temporary and you can always just stop wearing a piercing. Getting a tattoo is essentially branding yourself for all to know that you're low-status.

You just know

and it's not to say that this doesn't hold true for guys either. it's just that in society, at least now, these indicators lower a womans value rather than raise it or remain neutral for a guy.

the only way for a guys value to lower is if they get cringey ass tattoos like the OP pic related, which are a nice visual cue broadcasting "i am weak as fuck and you can walk all over me, but i probably only ever really challenge and lash out at other guys because i'm insecure"

Everyone and their mom has a fucking tat these days, there's nothing cool or interesting about them. Won't be long before not having a tattoo will make you stand out more.

based real niggas pick cruel fate

More like,
no thank you!

why are you so based?

> P5 tattoo

tattooing seems to have come an extremely long way recently
these tattoos look amazing although I'd never mark my body as our lord and savior jesus christ asked us not to

tattoos are originally tribal markings that signify your belonging to a particular clan

most women have no business having tattoos since they cannot lead a clan

under the arm looks like mario's shoe and a big dick


that's fucking embarrassing

daily reminder that throughout history tattoos were used to mark criminals from west to east

Yeah, but man the skills on that tattoo artist.

So what?

>autist shows off vidya tattoos at gym
>it's always the zelda logo or kratos

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>people on Yea Forums on a saturday summer evening now know what's cool and what's trashy

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I agree 100%, and I I wasn't being gender-specific in my post at all.
In my line of work, I encounter a lot of people from all walks of life. And the almost always the ones with the tattoos are low status. It's almost like a cultural divide of some sort.

>Almost got a BOS tattoo back when there was only Fallout, Fallout 2, and Tactics

>now that Fallout 3, 4 and 76 have come out Im thankful I didnt get it

Attached: BOS.gif (400x476, 31K)

I'm also not Anthony Burch

I was thinking that if I ever got a tattoo, it would be 8 bit DK on my arm. Tell me how cringe that seems to you.

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Tattoos like that one are okay. It's only a sign of instability if she has a lot of small ugly tattoos that don't really mean anything. If she has like a few large ones, then they're something that she really wanted to do and put a lot of thought into. Small tattoos are quickly done and make her things she's being "wild" by having it, but she's too afraid of being judged by it. That extends into every aspect of her life and being pulled apart like that drives her crazy even though she doesn't realize it.

Why is it always white people getting tattoos of stupid shit

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The number of tatfags at the gym honestly amazes me. You can't swing a stick without hitting one.

Very cringe, unironically.

If you want a vidya tattoo, it has to be subtle so normies can appreciate it and people that get it would get it.

well tat's because you're a giant faggot user

So you mean like a triforce? Sounds lame and overdone.

Tattoos you get on a whim are fleeting moments in life that you consider to be glamorous and popular at the time, but their luster soon behind to fade away and become meaningless as you get older. The only reason you should get a tattoo is to either remember something extremely near and dear to your heart that you never want to forget so long as you live or to keep in mind a state of being that embodies the obstacles you overcame in life that lead you to this moment in time depicting you as a stronger person than before. A tattoo should be a statement, not to others, but to yourself.

>it's a horrible impulsive decision devoid of logic because I said so

you are the first person I've ever met that argues bigger tattoos are better than smaller, more hidden and less obnoxious ones

absolutely based post

t. tattoo'd roastie/cringey beta

No. Tattoos are fucking dumb.

t. arrogant closeminded nigger

Why are tattoofags so defensive every time?

you really need to try harder my guy

Not really, I've accurately pointed out exactly what you are.

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Isabelle is cute as shit though. My girlfriend would love a little tattoo of her.

>this particular women makes horrible impulsive decisions based on emotion and little logic
This is literally all women, though.

not all of them. you'll find out some day.