Name a more bullshit and fundamentally broken Boss fight in vidya

Name a more bullshit and fundamentally broken Boss fight in vidya

Attached: 350px-Unknown_KHBBS.png (350x384, 56K)

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>kingdom heart babby having trouble in his fantastical action-adventure game made for kids
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Attached: JUST.jpg (1000x563, 155K)

Have you even foughten this fuck? The Sephiroth fights from one and 2, Terra from 2, and Dark Inferno from 3 are al great bosses that offer challenge but they aren't so broken that you have to cheese the game to beat them

Attached: Dukehigh.jpg (1200x1600, 488K)

He's only a true pain in the ass with Terra. Everyone else you can dodge roll + thunder surge like mad

But that's still cheesing, I genuinely want to know how they intended for the player to fight him, it cant really be to just dodge and use thunder surges

I bet you think dark souls bosses are hard too

Someone post the webm of Terra getting raped by YX

Darksouls bosses are for the most part well designed (besides DKS1 shit like capra demon) and are managable with time but not when the only strategy is to cheat the game to win

>hasn't even fought him

>Some people are bad with english

Would a gif be alright?

Attached: 7FBD0396-2D3B-4492-815C-FABFCE94ECFD.gif (480x270, 3M)

yes just like the vanitas blanco boss

Vanitas is better that MS BS, I beat him as terra with a regular set, bullshit but somewhat manageble

>Dark inferno
>great boss
>that offer[s] challenge

Ahahaha the absolute state.

>and Dark Inferno

>even the best strat requires RNG to be in your favor

Attached: hitoshura.jpg (664x777, 224K)

the optional superboss of KH3 that is behind a battlegate at the Keyblade Graveyard.

He is a joke of a fight. Schwarzgeist felt more like a proper superboss

>you need to be 18 or older to use this website
Then why are you here you kid

Ah man.
>What's that? You brought in STATUS IMMUNITIES?
>instawipe party at battle start, try again faggot

It's just his game's regular battle theme for him and it's more blood than anything else in that game will get pumping.

he wasn't? because the fucker was harder than all the boss in the game combined

>his own regular battle theme plays in his boss because you're just a random encounter to him

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The set of rules going into that fight is just wild. I don't know if anything can really compare.

That said, the Mysterious Figure is pretty absurd.