Ellie likes to listen to the Sonic Heroes soundtrack when she makes pizza.
Ellie likes to listen to the Sonic Heroes soundtrack when she makes pizza
Ellie really likes Kingdom Hearts and doesn't realize that belts are supposed to have a practical purpose. Mom and Dad won't let her have more than one belt on at a time though.
Based Ellie
I forgot what this comic is about.
Ellie likes to think of me while she masturbates
I actually owned the Sonic Heroes soundtrack cd a long time ago because I randomly found it at Suncoast.
And here's Ellie all grown up! She looks almost normal but her neon green nails and the countless Japanese anime songs on her phones music library let other people know to have a bit of patience with her.
The End.
It's ok for girls to be autistic.
It's a book for young autistic girls about masturbation
There's ones for boys as well.
autism and masturbation
Someone post the full version it's always a riot
>what's going on in there son are you playing video games?
God i want to fuck Ellie
I have a fetish for retard girls
It's a book about teaching autistic children how to masturbate properly and privately. There's a boy version, too, but the boy looks like Ben 10 and not a memeable little girl.
It's another "kid's education book which is almost transparently the artist wanting to publish drawn kid porn" book, and an autistic girl being bare as fuck is horribly incorrect
I have a fetish for seeing little girls all grown up.
anyone got a link? i've always wanted to read this
>A girl can be autistic and still be chasen by chad cock as long as she takes a little care of her looks
>If a dude is unlucky enough to be born on the spectrum his chances are next to zero even if he's /fit/ and has a pretty face
is this your first time seeing a comic with nude girls masturbating?
Just google "Things Ellie Likes."
lurking this thread
thats borderline pedophilia mi anĂ³nimo.
So was it targeted towards autistic girls like Brie Larson?
Brie is a child at heart and has only repeated bullshit she was told to say to keep her job.
Piece of advice for anyone here who's still a virgin:
Go for the autistic girls. They're fairly easy if they're high-functioning enough.
Don't just pump-and-dump 'em though, that's not nice.
Can you imagine how this went down?
Yeah, I'd fuck that.
i have one for seeing grandmas/old ladys as they were when Young
>falling for fungusfoot brie
>child at heart
>not total cunt with a victim complex
Don't infantilize her incel. Shes strong.
Why did they make her look so cute?
thanks, i hate it
digits of truth. And I agree [especially not pumping and dumping ] Any recommendations on how to find said girls? I only know of Conventions being a spot to find them, other wise they sound like they would be shut in robots like many of the anons here.
She's a fruity ass feminist libtard to a T
You see those interviews where she snaps at her castmates? Bitch needs to be bred and left in the rainy streets. Maybe then she'll learn.
I tried to approach an autistic girl through instagram and se just ignored me ;-;
>Don't just pump-and-dump 'em though, that's not nice.
Thanks for the advice
i didn't realize how much i liked it until i worked with retarded tweens for a while
>28 and 48
I doubt Charlotte LinLin ever looked like that. Not even Oda can tell me that
anyone have the boy version haha
go nuts bois I expect: reaction images, tranny, and vidya edits ASAP dont let me down.
no faggot dont be a faggot
And here's Ellie showing a magic trick!
Do girls really get horny from bicycle rides
Hang around comic shops, vidya stores, and fast food places.
They also like to autisticly play Pokemon GO in parks.
ever pump an autist while she's catching pokemon?
find it yourself, lazy dumbass
stop being a faggot you goddamn chimney sweeper
Oh, Ellie, that's sooooo you
>tfw assburgers
>tfw can't stand other autismos at all, even if they might have similar interests
>tfw can only deal with normalfags when drunk
Yeah, it's not exactly sexy. Sorry user.
I met a few because I was in an autism support group in college, so the opportunity was just kind of there. One I actually fucked the same night I met her, which is how I lost my virginity.
Most of the girls were... not exactly "shut-ins" but they did have that tendency to hermit. Sometimes you can get them to hang out with you and friends if you push them a little. Sex aside, they make good friends if you're looking for someone who's fairly chill and just enjoys hanging out playing video games, drinking, watching shit movies, whatever. Just try to be understanding of their varying degrees of social anxiety.
>ever pump an autist while she's catching pokemon?
yes. community day is basically spaz breeding grounds
A fetish of some sick fuck I think
Kellen Winslow could use that book
Women have two major biological transitions in their lives compared to men, going from a weird overweight little girl to a 10/10 amazon to a 8/10 cougar to a mega-gremlin-grandma is not any more bizarre than anything else in One Piece, especially considering she's popped out like what, 50 fucking kids?
If their vaginas are grinding on the seat, yeah.
probably super easy, barely an inconvenience
She think of me
Sounds like you and your friends were a bunch of faggots who self diagnose yourselves as having autism
I want to go back
HOLY, why did they make her thighs so thick and orgasmic?
>google a book about an underage girl masturbating
No thank you FBI.
The same way guys get hard from playing Bayonetta with the controller vibrating too close to their lap, yeah.
I don't play the game so I wouldn't know.
what in the fuck
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Personally I hate people who self-diagnose.
>"Hey so remember when we had a lot of parents of autistic kids complain about their kids masturbating in public"
>"And then we made that book about tom"
>"Wasn't just the boys"
>"Cool I'll get on it"
So you hate yourself? This story just started making a whole lot of sense.
>the masturbation page is legit
>not working up some neck pain to metal while you're in the kitchen
I wonder if that Jonathon guy takes comissions.
Imagine getting rule 34 straight from the source.
sauce pls
>illustrated by a guy
Yes, but for entirely different reasons.
>black boy
every time
source pls
huntress wizard is hawt. also thick line art is very visually appealing to me
I love Sonic Heroes!
Let's hear em, since we're here.
She wouldn’t need to masterbate in public if you made her into a cock sleeve. It’s better to treat the condition, not just the symptoms.
Ok I will
>read the whole thing thinking it's all gonna happen offscreen family friendly edutainment
>literally five pages of a little girl masturbating and playing with her mosquito bite tits
I know right it’s pretty badass
did someone say autism
I bet this thing has a cock
Always thought some written porn about abusing people like this could be pretty good but I have no idea where to find such a thing. Its hardly like I could google it.
its their fault for not wanting to JO with him, can you even call yourself a team if you cant JO together?
I hope this girl has a cock
that head is floating.
What's this?
Don't bother telling if she has a cock.
>brown tiddy autistic about godzilla
Please don't have a penis
No she fucking dossn't.
She does too!
SHe doesn't, don't worry
>brown tiddy autistic about godzilla
Please have a penis
>autistic women
What audience is this appealing to?
I'd like to have that conversation with her.
The mom needs r34
Its a fucking manga where people look like giant candy dicks
I'll just show her WHAT I'M MADE OF
I feel glad that I got all the autism beaten out of me as a kid while still retaining the intelligence bonus it gave me
Aussies and Europeans
Seriously. You ever see those videos on YouTube about artists trying to date and stuff? They're always Aussises or Europeans.
Buy her dinner and she'll talk about whatever you want
>artists trying to date
Imagine that.
He would watch porn on planes and team busses.
Sorry, typed this on my Nintendo 3DS and it auto-corrected autists to artists
An OC from Tumblr. Artist is CaptainAnaugi. She has a thread on /trash/
>the most physically powerful character in the manga is severely autistic.
what did Oda mean by this
And what fucking section of the library is this book supposed to go in?
what's the difference?
do not search pure nudity on google images
I sometimes think so as well, but then you encounter a retard in a real world and they act like a retard and your penis goes flaccid.
Nah, she's clearly a cunt at heart.
>this one piece character's design isn't realistic enough i refuse to believe
His soul consists of pure dad jokes.
I mean it's flat out bullshit King Kong won, so I can see people believing that before the internet.
that just means you're more self-aware than most autists
>that old dad
>that young looking mom
now I get how she got autism
out of all choices, he literally went through body modifications
Yeah, totally! You're so smart, user! Hey, let's go back to your place and watch some Godzilla!
I hope my constant pleas for you to stop masturbating in public don't rub you the wrong way, hyuck hyuck!
Looks like Kisling from Okage if he'd comb his hair.
>Implying people didn't already do this
Eh, most girls i know who are probably on the autistic spectrum are alternative types who just don't feel like they fit in with mainstream stuff.
I just wanted a response.
>tfw havent done it but seen a screenie
Will I be flagged?
How do I meet girls with countless Japanese anime songs on their phones music library
the one genuinely autistic woman i've known was batshit insane
she wanted to ride my dick but she scared me
Honey, at this rate you wont be the only one having a stroke.
Sometimes she has a cock in her mouth
Post her nudes bro
Go to paheal and search for huntress wizzard
With two 'z's?
Crazy is never worth it
Okay, but only if we can re-enact that part with Godzilla blasting his Atomic Breath down Ghidora's throat, except it's with our pelvises.
Crazy in the head means crazy in the bed.
I doubt it. There isn't anything crazy outside of a couple of images.
Where can I read these fucking comics for free
I suppose.
I kind of wish I wasn't such a borderline case, though.
What the fuck is this thread dude
"Ellie discovers bad dragon"
Sure, that sounds fun~! Okay, let's go!
Dunno, but do go on a vlog on youtube or blog here if the National Bureau of Background Investigators, the FBI, the NSA, and/or combination of the aforementioned government agencies knock on your door.
You just find them.
They’re mostly freaks though
What do you call character design like this?
>You just find them.
Thanks Sherlock.
brown tomboy
So just Fujos?
There are three books as far as i know, where are the other two?
Considering how some of these people operate for years with flimsy security the alphabets can't be that effective. Same goes for radicals with crazy opinions.
I wish I could give better examples but I unironically can’t.
You just stumble upon them.
Mainly you can tell though Yea Forums dog whistles like hearing them say Kek, calm your austim, I shiggy diggy, waifu, etc
I’ve met several at stores, at work, anime cons
It’s hard to pin point but you just know
>take the AQ test out of curiosity
>get 33
>seriously consider life events and come to the conclusion that I'm probably quite deep into the spectrum, but not bad enough that a diagnosis would provide any benefit
>explains why my first and only relationship broke down
Now I've convinced myself that I'm too autistic for love. Should I give up on it and just focus on what makes me happy, or give it another shot with someone that might be more understanding?
It's ok for girls to basically everything. Always some incel will excuse them.
Who the fuck CAAAAAARES
What you SHOULD be doing is fucking your cousin or some shit
Ah, I see.
post spectrums
I don’t know
Tried looking around but no dice
> delicious brown
>tomboyish hair and attitude
>Autism tier of Godzilla trivia knowledge
Who read my inner desires and made the perfect woman?
I want to wife a qt autist girl since I too am autist.
Probably wanted to recharge his crystal.
She is kinda hot to be honest.
SHe's my OC
Artist is captain anaugi
It’s memable
The source material is supposed to be educational
>They’re mostly freaks though
My weeb ex-gf unironically believed in simulation theory and that I wasn't real
Well shit.
We are brothers now. I hope you like JRPGs and Fire Emblem 6-8 because there is alot of that.
>goes straight from making pizza to masturbating
Lucky you!
Maybe he can pacify Ellie with the power of dad jokes
>"T-thats the s-seventh time this m-m-morning s-she has d-done i-it.
You seem upset by that
>tfw your pic is just an edit
Star Vs the forces of austim
43, but how the fuck does it matter?
>clinically diagnosed with autism 6 years back
Did I do it? Did I outgrow the autism? Or is my shitty memory about strings of numbers fucking the score?
Now THAT'S autism.
Do all autists jerk it in public or just some?
Is there a way to test for autism before the kid is born? God I can't imagine having a son like CWC or something. But it seems like you can't know until they're old enough that you would get judged hard for abandoning them. Do you just hope you get the good autism and they become like a math genius or is there a way to train their autism from a young age?
>where people look like giant candy dicks
I love this series but that made me laugh
Is there a male version of this?
>Don't just pump-and-dump 'em though, that's not nice.
Listen to the trips of truth, Yea Forumsros. The autistic ones will pretty much never cheat on you as long as you're nice to them.
Yes. It's called Tom likes Things. It shows the kid stroking his cock while fingering his asshole. Really sick stuff.
>Post your powerleve
Sorry, I hide my powerlevel so well that I don't even know what I'm capable of
>Did the AQ test out because I was sure I had some form of mild autism.
> Gets 14 as a result, 15 is the average for men.
So I am less autistic than the majority of mankind.. what the absolute fuck?
Not formally diagnosed, but highly suspect it. Until I was in secondary school (when my trousers were too tight) why hand was on my willy more or less all the time.
Looking back I'm astounded that, I was never caught doing it. I would probably have killed myself if it happened at secondary school.
oops, read wrong, 17 is the average for men.
Yes, and?
Why does it matter if she doesn't think you're real?
Is it weird (Or possibly even autistic) that i was hoping that this would be higher?
Only a touch of tism.
More likely means the person diagnosing you was more of a retard than you.
Not him but I think you're on the spectrum
Jokes on you, I don't have a gf!
>no autistic gf to talk about godzilla with
why even live
We can talk whenever you want, user!
You may have answered wrong. For example, you may not realize you have sensory issues, even though you do, if they aren't present enough in your daily life that you notice them.
Who cares fucking moron you could still fuck her and feel it right?
Nobody on this website is allowed to call me autistic anymore.
You aren’t a real girl
>tfw no ellie gf
Do you not?
K sperg
>tfw you will never have a cute brown autistic gf to watch kaiju movies with
Because she used to be someone who I deeply cared about and to realize she is fucking insane and delusional is very disappointing.
I'm better
Yeah, it was tight as fuck.
I have to go to work now. Don't be shy~!
You can’t have my babies
I want to be a dad
Just show me your fucking tits already
you all now remember that girl that made a video about covering herself in peanut butter
Hey I fucking know you, well fuck this is awkward
Fucking gookmoot still won't let me post images.
I got 25, kind of what I expected.
I feel there are a lot of days when it could be closer to 30, though.
same here
guess i'm just doomed to live in solitude forever
You now remember the foam adventure.
where's my autismbux
trannies should be gassed
this is a Netflix book?
uhhhh cunny?
The fact that Ellie is wearing tights makes it extra hot.
>I shiggy diggy
if i heard a girl says that casually i would immediately, put a ring on her
Look at that face it tells you
>I bang a young qt and all I got is an autist daughter
I was diagnosed with Aspergers at a young age. And ever since I've been part of special ed programs and have developed a deep, deep self-loathing because of it.
>let's make a book to teach autistic kids how to jack off
>let's make sure it provides them with sexual images of the opposite gender in a different race, so they'll always have that image in mind as they transition to adult sexuality
the agenda never ends
There's like three girls I knew who in retrospect were almost certainly on the fucking spectrum, if I'd fucking KNOWN in the early 2000s I probably could have got in that. Instead, I wondered what the fuck was their intent was instead.
Especially one girl, who basically spent a year sucker punching me and then flipped the fuck out when I asked one of her friends out. Before turning up dressed in a thomas the tank engine-liveried dress at the same thing and telling me I'd lost out.
I'm still ??? about it two decades on. The bigger question? Who the FUCK names their kid Fern?
Here's my advice to aspergers people on how to tell if you're accidentally being annoying to someone:
1. You're talking
>Ask your mother.
Understanding? Rare as shit.
Mental illness in men is scary to women and something they try not to think about, if you are lucky you will find someone that when you fuck up won't just sit there like a piss baby staring a hole into your head, she will actually communicate.
On second thoughts start drinking more tap water and focus on yourself.
>mosquito bites
Ellie is easily a Double B cup.
If black guys want to take one for the team and fuck an autist girl they can have her.
I got to several bases with a couple of tard chicks in HS
Current GF is an aspie who seemd normal enough on OKC....
Torn on ending it with her, or trying to get some fucks out of her
>Most of the girls were... not exactly "shut-ins" but they did have that tendency to hermit. Sometimes you can get them to hang out with you and friends if you push them a little. Sex aside, they make good friends if you're looking for someone who's fairly chill and just enjoys hanging out playing video games, drinking, watching shit movies, whatever.
This is exactly what I have been looking for all my life.
t. Dog
bros its not fair why cant she be real
tfw you reasise why your 8 year old cousin loves to sit on your leg, straddling your knee
I wonder if its a shit a feel to be on the spectrum compared to other things where you're cognizant enough to know you're fucked up rather than being deep enough in the special pool to not feel like or be aware that accepting help or concessions is an admission of defeat.
I don't have autism, the best early guess was dyspraxia but it actually turns out 25 years in if you actually talk to a doctor you can sometimes get a real diagnosis from someone who took 8 years of debt, so its actually CMT.
Having hands that don't work and feet that make you walk like a clown but a brain that is functional was a bad mix. I refused and rejected any kind of assistance as soon as I was old enough to realise it lumped you in with the helmet club, which was around 8 or 9. At one point I remember not being able to fucking read and learning through that so the help worked but I wouldn't have it.
Sometimes it worked out, they stuck me in the shithead math section because I literally can't count properly, but I threw the mother of all shitfits because at that level you can't get a pass grade in basic math so I got bumped up and scraped a C. For every 1 of those there were 3 other "hey want to use a laptop" "no fuck you they'll just fail my work because they can't fucking read it" moment.
The funny thing is I don't regret it. I figure if I had I'd be here equally ashamed on the other side of my complete lack of will instead. The only thing I'd change is paying a little more attention and pay a little more respect to the few people who worked out I was a proud little shit and got me through the rest of my education through reverse psychology and outright calling me on my bullshit.
So that's my advice to those who want some sweet legopuss: there's a good chance that they have a functional brain and an incredible sore spot for their shit, so find a way to both deal with while also not conceding to their particular issue. Don't pretend you fucking love lego and yelling.
It's the opposite you retard.
Young women have better eggs than old women.
Men produce new seed unlike women that have their eggs from the get go and only gets worse with age.
Did you skip biology?
Are you sure you could handle a tard?
Honestly I was raised without any real help but merely threats of being sent to a special school. On the other hand it didn't exactly endear me to normal people either. So there's the superficial competency, but I can't muster myself to give two fucks about those who merely indulge in their issues.
>She was 15 at the time of the video
>Promised she would do a nude version as soon as she turned 18
>She'd be around 19 now
Well lady, a deal's a deal
Name? I need to add it to the backlog il never finishing
Wait, she was 15? Ah well.
Aho girl
Stupid Shoujo
Guess you are a pedo now.
which one was that?
>retard girl fetish
Oh, come on, that's just fucking stupid.
Oh you~
Oh dear