why are there no video games with accurate armor?
Why are there no video games with accurate armor?
fun gameplay > realism
Take a look at War of the Roses
Kingdom Come:D with realistic armor is complete cancer, fuck realism
why are there no games with accurate archery?
Arrows bounce off mounted knights in heavy armor in Medieval 2 Total War.
If bows weren’t effective against full body chastity belt virgins, they wouldn’t have led to phasing said virgins out.
>b-b-but muh low draw weight toy
Firearms are what led to armour phasing out you retard.
They were phased out by guns.
Same time when they'll make katanas bounce off iron plate armor.
So far only sekiro has done that.
Shame the game died, free to play only brought in the spergs
fuck off
>short recurve
Nice 20lb draw. Now try to penetrate bone or even just fur/hide.
you're thinking of crossbows and muskets my dude
the reason bows were always popular is because they absolutely fuck up the vast majority of soldiers (who couldn't afford high tier armor) at a distance
>missed the point
And that's why archers were shooting in volleys, not 1on1 combat. And real bastards would leave their arrows in the mud or feces over night so any penetration would be fatal over the coming days.
it's the .22 of the ancient world. Underestimate it and it will still shoot you dead
hundreds of arrows bouncing off you doesn't do more damage than just one
>create realistic amour
>add bows
>bows are now mostly useless against anyone with just a breastplate at long range
>anyone who is fully amoured is now invincible to all bows
Don't be stupid. More arrows increases the chances of landing one arrow in an open part of their armor.
If hundreds of arrows are flying at you the chances are good that one of them will hit a weakspot.
uhh, just add crossbows then but make it a compromise between the two.
Only one of them has to hit a gap and scratch you. Of course by the time heavy cavalry in full plate were common archers had switched to 240lbs crossbows and early firearms.
you cant cover 100% of your body and be still be mobile in any meaningful way smart one. a volley of arrows is bound to hit some opening in your armor and as they said, the arrows are dipped to cause infection so even if they so much as give you a scrape you're fucked alot of the time.
I am reasonably sure english and other knights from countries with few horses did just that in the late medieval/early rennaissance periods.
>fire bolt
>fire bolt
>hit - 20 damage
>dead becuase enemy ran towards and wacked you with club
>Fire Emblem Three Houses gameplay
Shoot to stun, get cut during the stun.
Or Shoot to stun, aim and shoot to kill the stunned enemy.
Isn't there any way to play it again? Or fatshark doomed it to oblivion and memories?