How true is this chart?
How true is this chart?
Other urls found in this thread:
Luigi is not literally Mario with a different coat of paint.
not very
it's very specific and situational
about as true as that "girlfriend" you tell everyone about
How about this one?
This is one of the dumbest memes that's ever come out of Yea Forums, this and every edit and version. Everyone knows the kid that plays Toad was gay
The same as every one of these charts.
>Shits on every character in a completely arbitrary "Lul so randum! XD" way
>EXCEPT the one they like, praises that character and the super cool guys like OP that play them
Considering how old it is now, I can only imagine the author was in his early teens when it was made.
honestly. everything nintendo related is obviously underage and garbage.
Damnit I played Toad and you're right
>the guy who picks wario is the coolest guy in the party
ultra based
nuh uh
sneed feed and seed
>actually a good person
Wario Chads are fucking assholes and that's the way it's meant to be
Not even remotely accurate. Bowser user. I am neither a younger sibling nor do I drive backwards. I am very competitive, but also a practitioner of good sportsmanship.
Sister was always yoshi. Straight and the one who did the walking over others.
These things are so fucking gay, literally just zodiacs
I main Yoshi and it's pretty accurate except I'm bi.
>tfw always Yoshi most of my life
>always just "ur gay lol"
>Not gay
I just like Luigi bro. He jumped higher than Mario.
>played toad
>fucking sucked at mario kart 64 when i was a kid
>turned out a bifag
This chart's never been all that accurate, OP.
Mario often being the confused parent or sibling that doesn't play video games fits pretty well, but I don't see the growing up to be a homo with Yoshi. What is it?
I always liked Yoshi, but it was because he could fly and breathe fire in Super Mario World. People who fixate on the egg shit sicken me.
This one was always inaccurate and shit because of how small the roster is.
>played yoshi mostly
you shut your whore mouth and stop describing me so well you fart knocker
thanks danger dog
>not picking Mario and exerting your dominance, showing everyone why they're "Mario" spinoffs
Yoshi, unironically.
>That popular Youtuber who copied this image verbatim (only omitted out the jew part in Wario's description, and gay in Yoshi's description), and presented this as original content
Are you me?
More like everything on Yea Forums.
This board's average age must be something like 16 with the occasional 35+, maybe a few 20+ too
I just like gorillas, how does that make me a stoner?
These are normally gayshit fagtime for queerbos, but as a Wario main, I'm finding this one to be pretty accurate.
Isn't true anymore, now that people are aware of it Wario is played almost exclusively by turbofaggots trying way too hard to be cool. See also: Ridley, Dedede, Wario in Smash.
Why do you expect quality and age on Yea Forums?
This is the dumpster fire of the internet, where quality goes to die. You come to Yea Forums because there's no standards anywhere.
Expecting them is on you and makes you the dum-dum, not us. Of course Yea Forums is all high schoolers, what the fuck else would or could it be? Reasonable adults who don't just come to kick the fire will be pretty put off by the slew of bullshit.
Where does he fall
I didn't expect anything, just stating facts.
If you feel personally attacked you shouldn't be here since there's a +18 rule.
she went to another school tho
hey thats me :(
Off a cliff
Where does she fall?
autistic gamer girl
as a toad player, extremely true
Where my funkybros at?
Do one for Tennis Aces
>all Bowser/Dry Bowser players are family people
Post the one with wow races
Seconding this
>play toad
>shit at vidya
>not a tryhard
What is wrong with me?
On my dick, sucking it
>funky player is described as cool and not as a ultra tryhard faggot: mega edition
whoever made this must not know much about mk wii
My dad was a wario picker and I liked playing donkey kong, my fat friend was a yoshi player and is not gay. I find marijuana really fucking boring and much prefer drinking as an adult.
You forgot all the people with a little sister playing peach with the control half plugged in so she thinks she's winning
>tfw used to watch her controller out of the corner of my eye to make sure I was going the way she was trying
I mained Yorsh and now I frequent Yea Forums daily, it's true
Fuck yoshi is spot on
>coolest guy
oh boy, somebody better tell him
This. I hate how meme Yoshi being a faggot character. I just wanted to play as a cool ass dragon that can fly and shoot fireballs when I was a kid.
why is yoshi always gay lmao
cute cat
>tfw first time finding out yoshi has a fandom
>tfw they're mostly gay or literal toddlers
I still don't even. I just thought he was a cool dino, where did all this faggotry come from?
I pick Luigi because he's endearing.also Wario because he's based
Blame Nintendo.
I pick Luigi because I love Luigi's Mansion
>wario good
>rest bad
Probably written by a Luigi, ironically.
Yoshi hasn't had a heavy-hitting 9~10/10 game since Yoshi's Island.
Spamming HI I'M DAISY is the pinnacle of fun especially when you win and every scene of the replay shows you doing it at least one. Everyone gets mad forever and stops inviting you to play.
That still doesn't explain the rampant fagdom.
it means nobody will ever talk about Yoshi for his games
Someone ought to make on of these for the Melee roster
Wario isn’t a Jew he’s just a New Jersey Sicilian
Have you tried sucking dick?
I didn't even get into Yea Forums until after I turned 20. I specifically avoided it as a teenager because it looked like a place where teenagers made idiots of themselves, but where a small minority of older uses could use it quite functionally. Indeed, that there's a lot of stupid fag 14 year olds is part of how it works. It's a place for fag 14 year olds to learn something without being embarassing for everyone involved. That's how you work Yea Forums.
Too many "thats" and a fair few "thes" as well.
>Funky Kong aka watched any time attack video on youtube and has now tasted the meta. Will always use the same bike.
Im gonna do one of those with Smash Flash 2 and UMVC3 characters
>Mario: Either someone new to the game, or someone hiding their true power level in plain sight
>Luigi: Always someone hiding their true power level in plain sight
>Toad: Most likely someone who's annoying to go up against, is usually the character female players actually pick
>Peach: I don't think I've even seen female players pick her, especially if Daisy or Rosalina are also on the roster. However, the AI when it's controlling her can be a massive cunt.
>Donkey Kong: Most likely someone who thinks they're funnier than they actually are, likely to parrot "EXPAND DONG" and other tired memes. Once in a blue moon, it's someone cool who actually really enjoyed the Donkey Kong Country games.
>Bowser: Usually, someone who doesn't bother hiding their true power level. Merciless, and also possibly into bara.
>Wario: Either someone who's actually really cool, or someone who only THINKS they're cool.
>Yoshi: The quintessential furry pick. Bonus points if they display femboy qualities. Female players usually go for Yoshi as well, if they don't choose Toad.
Yoshi main cope
Main Orange Shy Guy
What am I?
Is Homur ascending?
Updated for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Dat peach dik bulge
White and green a best
If you go on /soc/ you'll learn the majority are 20 somethings, just like Yea Forums probably. The under 18s are probably lurking and too scared to post.
I miss the 30+ threads, only they have any semblance of taste culturally speaking.
I remember when /r9k/ had a /25+/ general. I don't go there anymore so I'm not sure if it's still around.
I pick Weegee because he has a funnier voice than Mario.
>King Boo
Unironically me
>he picks baby rosalina
>that babbby Rosa description
>knows things you could never comprehend
every time
White is bland af man. Green's torpedo tits are killer tho.
>Marios are normalfags
>Luigis are hipsters
>Peaches are annoying
>Toads are tryhards
>Yoshis are gay
>Donkey Kongs are stoners
>Bowsers are little kiddies
Warios are retards that try to be funny unless Waluigi is playable. If this happens, they all move to him.
>tfw when played only boo, link, and yoshi
I play daisy because I want her to step on me.
wheres the one with female villager?
>pick lightweights because fast acceleration matters a fucking lot in a game where you're getting smashed with a shell or some shit every 10-20 seconds
>pick lightweights because excellent turning + piss easy mini boosts
>pick lightweights because the others feel bland or underwhelming as fuck in comparison
>pick Toad because his shroom cap looks like an afro and had the objectively best VA at the time
>pick Toad because he claims he's the best
I mean, why would I pick anyone else? Nigga fucking said he's the best. Why the fuck would a vidya game character lie to me?
Not in the slightest
I'd fit right in in a doujin with the ugly bastard tag
As a Yoshi main, the only thing accurate about this is that I’m pretty much of a pushover, but I ain’t gay. I don’t see why people who main Yoshi are always considered to be 100% gay.
Funnily enough, I’ve believed in zodiac. OP’s pic screams nonsense to me.
sure sweetie
Someone took a few gays as representatives of the Yoshi mains
Whatever helps you sleep at night, dipshit.
Congration, u don it*
*be the same as everyone else playing this game in singleplayer
>main Yoshi because I found him to be fun in SMW and the pretty unique gameplay mechanics in Yoshi’s Island.
>“Nah, you’re gay. The chart is always correct, no exceptions.”
Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to believe.
Yoshi has always been meant for the younger audience so kids being a huge fan of him is to be expected. Where did you get the idea that the fandom is mostly gays?
I pick Mario because he stars in some of my favorite games and I like him.
I also pick Ludwig, and that's more accurate.
>Why yes, I play as Dry Bones. How did you know?
You know a Wariofag made this if they’re the only one who doesn’t have any negative about themselves.
>Gotta blast
Why should he?
I am a DK main and a stoner so that is at least accurate for me.
>someone actually made that chart
there's some very scary depths of autism out there
>someone took the time to write all of this
>someone is working on a version for the entire new smash roster as we speak
SEETHING yoshifag
>this whole post
He got it wrong. It was a smash player chart but functionally it was the same. I won't post it to give the fuck views but if you really want to see it just youtube 'what sort of smash player are you'
All Wario players I've met are extremely insecure faggots.
Correct. Also K. Rool.
>says the chart is not all that accurate since not every mains represent all of that are mentioned (ex: Not ALL Yoshi mains are gay)
>”SuRe SwEEtie lololol SeETHiNg YoShIFag lmao”
Whatever helps you sleep at night
You can tell this fag plays Wario and sometimes DK. I main Toad and he's completely right, though.
s-shut up! i didnt pick the yoshi life the yoshi life picked me you fagot
Unironically switch Wario and Toad and it's correct.
>toad is always mean
i just think his voice clips in 64 are funny
have sex
>gets bothered that people actually called out the chart
rent free
I liked his Mario Party voice better
>Yoshimains still coping
I can’t see it clearly. Low quality as fuck.
Stop using a phone.
Sure, sweetie.
The Link main is me exactly.
Sure thing, sweetie.
>main Toad since SMK, discovered Toadette and fell in love with the character, mained her in every ensuing game (Toad in games without her), got 9999 VR in MKW 10 years ago, make six figures a year
>when playing with friends the mega tryhard of the bunch always picks wario or waluigi
Sorry OP my anecdotal experience disproves your gay charts. Please have sex if you take this seriously.
>still coping
i knew a guy that picked Wario all the time and he went on to service gloryholes for fun
>No matter the game Skelerex is a bro
>Plays Bowser
>Is gay and into bara
Should we tell him Funky Kong was THE tryhard's character and every no life neckbeard used him online?
Barafags might just be the biggest Chads on the Internet.
Can you two dumb motherfuckers just stop already?
This chart is not true at all, I pick Luigi BECAUSE of the coat of paint (green > red) and my abusive roastie mother plays Wario instead of Peach
are you black?
is it just me or is bowser jr just missing from this, i cant find him
>played Mario Party DS with some people back in high school
>chose toad since I used to play him in 64 when I was a kid
>one of the people I was playing with says "the one with the chode picks toad"
Is it true toadmains?
I still don't know what to say to that
I use Funky because he reminds me of Ricardo.
>Literally says he's #1
why would I not pick the best boy to ensure victory?
>All this "coping" because some shitposter is trying to piss off some Yoshi mains and other anons who said the chart is not true/accurate.
mario's literally the worst racer in 64
stay mad Luigi cuck
I would pick Toad a lot just because he made retarded noises. But my friends and I all wanted to be Mario for the most part. I didn't enjoy heavies very much back then.
I'm Peach and gay
Not even a Yoshi main. Just thought this whole shit was ridiculous
Stopped reading right there
I play Dry Bones, Larry, and King Boo
What does it mean?
Fuck im gay
>And, without fail, he's going to grow up to be gay.
I don't understand why this always happens
Yeah it does. Simple fact is if you're into really cutesy shit past a certain age, there's likely something wrong with you. And fanbases of crazy people do crazy shit.
This isn't a dudebro thing either, because it applies to women too (adult Disney fangirls are all insane).
t. Mario/Waluigi/DK main
The only chad-choice is captain falcon mii + blue falcon kart.
well that baby rosalina entry got me bang to rights
I pick Mii because I can use the Captain Falcon costume with the Blue Falcon on the F Zero stages and pretend its not a dead franchise.
>still repeating the same word or using other variations
>"that would makes him seethe even more lolol"
Shitposter(s) being shitposter(s), I guess. Never thought that Yoshi mains who aren't gay shouldn't exist in Yea Forums's mind. Might as well roll with this "prophecy" if you're that mad about someone saying otherwise.
Not denying that some Yoshi mains are gay. Just not ALL of them, though. A gay Yoshi main wouldn't really be going out his way lying about his sexuality on an anonymous board if what has been said is true as seen above. You guys need to cope, honestly.
lol okay then
I've never once met a good baby Rosalina. Base Rosalina players will always be on the podium though. The only time they not being 3 better Rosalinas already filling the spots.
have sex
Even better. People who play babies belong in a gas chamber.
>tfw used to be toad
>was an asshole kid
>almost never play multiplayer games due to embarassment
I main Yoshi and I have to confess that I'm a MtF. I didn't know at first but when I played Yoshi in Mario Kart, it triggered the femininity within me. The way his tongue moves when he tries to eat his enemies reminds me of the time when I got the vagina. The doctor gave me the dilator and I pretended that Yoshi was licking the insides of my newly birthed pussy. When I play Yoshi now, it reminds me of him licking my vagina. I can't play as him without getting turned on.
Every Wario main I've met is obnoxious and one of the most disliked people at a hangout
Every Captain Falcon main I've met in Smash has never heard of F-Zero and thinks they should be respected just for picking the meme punch man
Normalfags always fight over picking Luigi and Donkey Kong, I have never seen someone in my life pick Mario
You grew up in California, didn't you.
>tfw picking Isabelle because furry, not ironic furry
Stop taking him seriously.
Aren't there more than one?
I've been looking for this for hours can anybody sauce me up?
Samefagging exists. Lots of faggot OPs do it at every avenue they can to feel validated.
100% True. I was a Yoshi main.
My sister picked DK the first time she played with my friends. Later, I found out she likes the BBC.
Nice comebacks ;)
Sorry. It's hard to know who's being serious or not on this board what's with so many shitposters here.
I pick peach and I am not a lady, so not even a little.
ooh we found a yoshi avatarfag too
rent free
no, in the southeast.
I main toad cuz he's my fav mario character.
this is retarded
Eh, not really an avatarfag. Just felt like using this image.
For me it’s Wario – greedy, overweight and with a crude sense of humor. The life of the party, the coolest guy playing right now, the Alpha Chad. Who am I referring to, you ask? That would be me, of course. Clearly Wario is the only pick for a strong, handsome, funny, charming, smart and outgoing man such as myself.
Pretty much anyone who pick certain characters are going to be their favorites.
Stitches user
>Nessly Crunch gets a new stripe on his shirt for every person he kills
>Bobser had secks with Peepch, yielding an eggsack with 200 embryos
>Shamus can poop in her suit. It wasn't meant for it but who gives a fuck
>everything about Coke Zero Shamus
I support
What do you expect nigger? We were all young back then.
haha very funny. yoshis GAY yoshis GAY AHAHAHAHAHA
everoynes LAUGHING
im not fucking gay you fucking faggots
who cares
I always picked Toad as a kid because if I got hit by an item, Toad’s scream made me laugh.
Nice try. Imagine google searching weird Yoshi fanart just to falseflag
It warms the cockles of my heart that the term Dobsonian has gained currency in the video gaming vernacular
My buddy who drew the same picture of yoshi on every piece of paper and chalkboard throughout highschool turned out to be closeted
You sound like someone I wouldnt hang out with.
Back when I was part of the Mario Kart community the resident Wario user was a flamboyantly gay homosexual with massive insecurity issues. Take what you will with that, OP. In fact I think he's unironically the one who made that picture.
This made me realise that I'd watch the adventures of Shy Guy, Dry Bones and Roy Koopa. They're a great team.
Wario is the best. shout out to my other big niggas DK and Bowser.
How did the Yoshi fandom avoid becoming one of the most cringiest fandom in the public eyes when Sonic, Undertales, FNAF, and that horse show fandoms gets shit on constantly?
Try harder next time, baitfag.
Yoshi barely has any good games
Sonic has more mediocre to bad games than good and FNAF after the third game sucks ass. They're always ridiculed by people outside of Yea Forums about their game's qualities and how cringey their fanbases are. Yoshi has only one or two good games and yet he and his fanbase don't get mocked by a lot of people outside of Yea Forums.
There's barely any characters in Yoshi. It's what, Yoshi and Baby Bowser and Kamek?
Why do people keep deluding themselves and thinking maiming Wario in any game somehow makes you "cool" or "based" or whatever the fuck? You're literally using "gross yellow Mario". His whole shtick is farting and being unpleasant to the other Mario characters.
toad is the best
they deserve it
I know that. I meant that how come Yoshi hasn't attract people to shit all over the character for having a lot of shit games and his fanbase for being full of cringe? Sonic was shitted on constantly by people who keeps bringing up how most of his games are "bad" and his fanbase being one of the most toxic, autistic, or cringiest. I don't see people saying that to the Yoshi fandom outside of Yea Forums.
The same reasons why people deluding themselves and believing anything in Yea Forums
Yea Forums aint special
What do you mean by this?
Every possible rendering of that sentence is troo
Probably because, at the end of the day, is still a supporting Mario character, so more people know/acknowledge him from that rather than his own games.
Additionally, Yoshi games are just forgettable at worst whereas Sonic has stuff like Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. The closest Yoshi got to that was New Isleand's ending and that was still nowhere near as bad.
Toad is absolutely 100% factually correct
These charts are only good if everyone is getting shat on
The clear favoritism is just pathetic
Main Luigi because I kind of relate to him in some senses. Also Yoshi, because I found him fun in SMW/SMW2 and I always was a fan of dinosaur/lizards.
Played DK back in the day and I've never touched weed in my life.
Yeah, that makes sense. What about the fanbase, though? It's not as big as Sonic's, sure, but so isn't Waluigi's. He and his fanbase are hated and mocked by everyone after the Smash e3 trailer because of a few trolls harassing Sakurai. Daisy and her fans were hated by a lot of people as well before she finally made it in Smash.
>pic related
Fuck I hate New Island. I may tolerate most Yoshi games I've played that aren't Yoshi's Island/Woolly World, but New Island was the most insulting one in literally everything.
hipster faggot detected
In those cases, their fanbases were rather loud. Whilst Yoshi's does have memes attached to them (Tax-fraud, "haha") they aren't really vocal in the same way that Daisy and Waluigi's are and Yoshi-related memes might come off as more subdued compared to stuff like "WALUIGI TIME" or "HI I'M DAISY".
>tax fraud
There was a joke in certain places (mostly Siivagunner, I think) that Yoshi commits tax fraud, in a similar vein to proposing "Kirby Does His Taxes".
No, I don't know how that started.
Seriously, what the fuck is it about Yoshi that entices gays so much?
>Twinks galore
>6-pack /fit/core galore
>bara galore
>"nah, Imma take that hot slice of dinosaur"
I see. I always did find it strange how people don't seem to acknowledge that Yoshi does indeed have a fanbase since they acknowledged Daisy and Waluigi fans. Was surprised nobody outside of Yea Forums had constantly mocks Yoshi fans for some things like cringey fan-related stuff and the memes (which I feel like they, especially the "haha", were used to insult the character and the fanbase). Guess they managed to keep it to themselves for the public to not make them as their acceptable fandom target or whatever.
Not very. Friendly and considerate aren't words I'd use to describe myself.
I pick Shyguy because he was the only character available on the DS version if you were doing shareplay.
Yeah, that's about right. I kinda notice stuff in certain fandoms that don't really get noticed (like how people constantly mention Sonic OCs, yet the Mario series not only has RPG OCs, but also Koopaling OCs in some circles, yet nobody bats an eye). It's just that fanbases like Yoshi are too quiet and the bad games to unremarkable to really be made targets like the Sonic series has.
It all started with that one tumblr post where someone said Yoshi did nothing wrong and another guy made a shitty mspaint picture that has Yoshi saying "I committed Tax Fraud".
I think it's because he's cute. People like to corrupt something that is cute (Isabelle, Klonoa, etc)
*I forgot to bring up that Pokemon are corrupted as well. Probably the most corrupted besides Sonic, I think.
Well, that definitely explain so much. I also expect why Yea Forums is one of the few rare sites to mock this fanbase is because a few or some actual cringey Yoshi fans such as that one guy who asked about Yoshi's egg on one thread and started that "haha" meme were vocal and obnoxious here so it made the Yoshi fans just as acceptable as the Sonic fans, UT fans, horse show, etc.
I did, but I didn't like it. I can't be gay.
>hating Mario, Peach, and Bowser mains
dumbass wariofags
Based wario players
>probably has some kind of autism
Yup. Dark Blue Shy Guy is the best color desu.
Wario main. Would gang up and bully Yoshi kid every game with Toad bro in Mario party while having an engaging competition. Yoshi is a pussy.
fuck off
Wariofags are obnoxious faggots. Not as much as some other Mario characterfags, but still. I fucking hate Wariofags for thinking they're these super based and epic meme lords because they picked the fatass character that is known for farting and being a gross nigger in general.
>that guy who uses Shy Guy in MK8 because he grew playing MKDS without having a cartridge
>Shy Guy
>Orange, even
Based is what you are, user
I liked Yoshi because he was like, a friendly dragon.
>mfw ROB won't be in any future Mario Kart games
>we're stuck with Pink Gold Peach and Baby Rosalina
this desu
this. shit is tryhard as af.
t. Wario player.
>Zeedle's up air is called the prostate imploder
>Trained by Michael Vick himself...effectively uses minimun wage imigrants
>From her wacky tacky beamy arm to her bulbous blast balls, she can turn the tide of any 2:00 am wal-mart fight
This is where people go when they've been banned from everywhere else on the internet. It's a quarantine and the mods allow specific threads to stay up even if they break rules in order to keep us from getting bored and shitting up the rest of the internet.
screw off
>not the most tryhards
Freedom of speech lol
You ever notice that the people who are against corporations having too much influence in government are the same people who think corporations should censor speech they don't like?
Yeah, pretty much. Pretty hypocritical at times, but that's how we are as humans, I guess.
lol if you say so
No wonder this board gets worse and worse.
Enjoy the ride or leave.
Those are literally the only two options where you aren't suffering pointlessly.
It's a mixture of both for me. At times I enjoyed it, other times it's just frustrating to the point where I said I'm never coming back this place ever again, but still come back here.
It's like I have Stockholm Syndrome for this place.
Every single person who plays Wario is a massive faggot who thinks they are hilarious.
Yoshi picker here, it's all true except for the gay part.
Mario is who you pick when you don't need any gimmicks to win.
Same here
Faggot tier: Wario mains who have never touched a Wario game
Mediocre tier: Wario mains who have only played a single WarioWare game
Acceptable tier: Wario mains who have played the majority of the WarioWare games
Nice tier: Wario mains who have played a Wario Land game at least once
Good tier: Wario mains who have played and beaten at least a couple of Wario Land games
Great tier: Wario mains who have played (and/or completed) every single Wario Land game
Based tier: Wario mains who have thoroughly enjoyed both the Land and Ware series
>mfw the Yoshi was literally me
I didn't turn out to be gay.
This is accurate, I'd be a Ludwig player if I played Nintendie games past the age of 12, and I smell horrible.
For some reason I thought Toad makes this "OH WOWOWO" noise.
I play Rosalina but I'm not a waifufag. I just really like her because SM Galaxy is my favorite 3D Mario and the storybook gave me feels. She's also a heavy driver which is a plus for me.
the old king boo description was better
He does.
>tfw Based tier Wariofag
He does when he gets hit by an item. That scream was his falling into a pit scream.
What a little fucking faggot
Fuck off, picking bowser, drybones or shyguy are the only choices in any mario game.
as true as it gets. lots of butthurt yoshifags upset about being called out ITT
When I was 6 in 1997, I would play as bowser all the time. Now I'm a waifufag so I play as peach.
Yeah, okay. Whatever you say.
>Would be Enlightened tier but stuck in Good because I haven't played Virtual Boy Wario Land
>acting like yoshifags are the only ones saying it’s not accurate
>at nice tier from playing wario land VB on a shitty online emulator and emulating WL4 years ago
>skip to ascended for playing demos of funny pizza man game
Not a Wariofag, but I would I be nice tier since I've played a lot of Wares and two Lands?
>drybones description
>mfw Based tier
I'll be enlightened tier once I get off my fat ass and play World someday
Real men of supreme taste
Have someone done Sonic and Sega All Star Racing yet?
thanks danger dog
Wario has always been my favorite since I loved the Land and Ware games, and played a shit ton of Wario's Woods through out my life. Wario's Woods is a criminally underrated puzzle game, I'd out it right under Tetris attack and Magical Drop.
For real though, I loved drawing weird fucking shit when I was in my teenage years, and the style of Wario Land 4 and the original Wario Ware just fucking clicked with me. I was already playing him in all the spin-offs but when he came out in Brawl, my friends fucking hated me because I'd just eat all the items (since I was a Nintendo sperg and that was their one way to beat me), and then just clobber them. Combined with the farting, his crawl animation, and me constantly doing the laugh taunt, spamming bike for fun, and pic related, my friends HATED playing with me. Sorry, for ranting/blogging, Wario is just my fucking bro for life. I'd say he and Diddy Kong are my two favorite Nintendo characters.
This chart is stupid, really.
But don't you ever wonder if he gets embarrassed when he poos eggs?
>tfw random player
No, because I don't see the point. Nobody does outside of one guy.
Yoshi fits me except the gay part.
Instead I'm just a hopeless hetero virgin.
There's plenty of fish in the sea, user, so I wish you luck in finding a girl who'll like you.
it's existed for awhile, user
>Rosalina, Iggy and King Boo
yup sounds like me
>implying Luigi pickers are anything but the second born children, children with massive inferiority complexes, often both of those simultaneously
>Dobsonian vendetta against blondes
I smirked
I was a Yoshi main in my childhood and still play the character on occasionn and I was always regarded as pretty kind, and i'm unsure of my sexuality to this day.
>creator makes them all bad
>except for the character they like
Thought this when I was reading the creators description of Yoshi players
Maybe. I'm not gay but I have a lot of gay friends and I feel like theyd pick peach all fucking day. Personally, I liked yoshi because I thought he was the fastest besides toad but toad was a weak bitch. I liked to main donkey because hes just the perfect character to piss someone off with. Mario was just boring. Luigi was okay. Didnt want to play a chick in peach. Wario was okay but never played as him often. Bowser was fun when you could just bump into people and spin them out.
Mario kart 64 is the best mario kart.