SGDQ 2019

Summer Games Done Quick 2019

Now: Super Mario World
Next: Bonus game (OoT)

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Other urls found in this thread:||

God please stop

he was gasping for air within the first line

>Cringe singing
fucking die

threadly reminder, don't be like megurankposter, be more like miiarankposter
>doesn't do //s
>does it for attentionwhoring and for reddit karma
>cherrypicks votes despite "hi/v/emind collective voting"
>gets angry if list is touched at all
>does //s
>couldn't care less about anyone's comments while shitposting on Yea Forums
>votes herself and no changes unless mentioned otherwise
>literally opposite ranks of megurankposter without the extra S ranks

that was actually based.


Redpill me on speedrunning, why do they go fast?

>That singing

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What's the best run so far?

Attached: QU4.webm (800x450, 2.92M)

If they're being forced to only play remixes then they might as well just stick to SilvaGunner.

Let's get up and stretch our muscles anons!

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Holy moly that might have been the worst singing that has ever come out of this shit event.

Who wants to trade dick pics

They got the 'tism.

absolute madman

Nice spending GDQ with you but I'm out. Remember that ESA exists and its coming soon!

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The only good thing every time about these threads is how the last one always goes out with a bang. Fuck GDQ.

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Couch was great for LGE. But this announcer needs to shut the fuck up.

what you getting

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One last lopunny posting please for the road

So what games are you guys playing?

I just started playing Gris and I think after that I'm going to play Baba is You


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I missed most of this GDQ. what are the best runs worth watching? most cringey, actually good runs, etc?
pic unrelated

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It's 19 Degrees Celsius in Ireland lads and I got heat stroke walking my dog. Don't know if I can handle much more of this.

That was fucking based and you are all cringe for cringing at it.


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He started off way too high for that song. It was going to fail and everyone knew it.

Whats with these shitty ass remixes this gdq?

Shut the fuck up.

Let me guess, there STILL isn't a good "Catch 'em all" game with monstergirls, right?

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Threadly reminder that Doctors Without Borders:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

Attached: charlie57.png (621x781, 365K)

26 in the UK and I literally died

I want one

>cute pubes peek

cringe and fake list

Also Ireland here, starting to get dark and looks like its about to rain hard. Thank God.

So is fun allowed again in these events?





Don't bother. The guy's hopelessly autistic and won't be satisfied until everybody knows it.

>potatonig can't handle the heat

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I want to fuck this vampire or whatever she is

I feel like this is a half decent one for a change

stop it

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That will be $10+gratuity

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>Another 10k donation

Sexy snek.

>look mom I posted it again!

These donations are just getting embarrasing. 10k from anonymous with a generic comment.

Are there any YouTube restreams?

this is money laundering right?

What is the gimmick for the OoT run? There IS a gimmick, right?

It was better than that attention whore yesterday.

(((very generous anonymous)))

I'm not leaving the house untill november.

Didn't they hit 1.5M yesterday? They've only raised ~180k since then total, and need to double that for the OOT incentive. Can they really squeeze in hundreds of anonymous no comment donations in under 2 hours?

>Just as I'm about to post, "$10,000 from an very generous anonymous donor."

What happened with Katamari to end up being bad?

>Doctors Without Borders
>helps anyone because they aren't aligned to any side

how fucking obvious can you be

T-thanks, you too

>heat stroke

I wish we had that weather. We've been over 38°C during a whole month already.

>Can they really squeeze in hundreds of anonymous no comment donations in under 2 hours?
they've managed every other time

>10 fucking thousand dollars anonymous
Fucking literally who has 10k to throw out on an anonymous donation?

The gimmick is flooding western Europe wit Somalians! HYOOOOOOOOOOOOPE!

It's too hot, these temps just ain't british.

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Yesterday they got like 50K in 30 minutes or so, so problably.

>this song
knockoff pogo garbage, lel.

They did 150K in like an hour for celeste.

did I miss a tranny freakout or something equally hilarious?

hey look, it's the Meatboy game no one plays because of EGS

I hope you get hit by a truck of peace.

Irish are a delicate race and not built for heat

We can meet this OoT incentive thanks to you anonymous! Keep it going and POYO

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There is no gimmick. Any% is the same shit everybody has already seen before. 100% showcases such a wide variety of skips and tricks that Any% looks like a joke in comparison.

Anyone know where I can find a list of the music used for that Mario World romhack the other day?

I thought it was pogo as well.

a tranny ran it and was awful at it with the like accent and like other shit

That's not a Gimmick Run, that's the standard situation.

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>My own clone!

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The only good thing about these threads is the lewdposting.

......ery mainline Pokemon game is good, you just don't like some of the design decisions becau.....

Attached: 715f4d34e7b21cd66c3793710038919a--jessie-pokemon-sexy-pokemon.jpg (704x1134, 81K)

>trailer for a game that released in 2018

Charity stream for Edo when?

Attached: bean.png (617x549, 80K)

>Can someone please donate to help me meet my rent payment incentive? I'll POYO your borb!

>26 in the UK and I literally died

I hope you get better.

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Dang, that sucks then, thanks for the answer.

You ARE getting a slice of this SGDQ cake right user?

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FUck robots

Attached: boxes.webm (480x268, 2.25M)

She's the princess of Hell!

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It was an hour of a tranny who sounded like Chris Chan. Other than that it was kinda boring

Are you ready anons?

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>i feel so ashamed
no you don't

1 thousand guys, let's make it happen!

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The next GDQ Express at TwitchCon will have a donation goal to pay Edo's bills for that month

The only one who can consistently pull 100% is ZFG and I think he didn't attend so why bother?

>tweets about how she can barely pay the rent, begging for donations, etc
>also at every GDQ all week
>also went on vacation to Japan

this looks like the next tranny

Is she a top or a bottom though?

Notch. He does it every year.


ok I take it back that was cute

this is literally you

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>user gets stabbed 12 times
>stabber has a bad cough
>give them both some tylenol


Never paint your nails.

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bye midnaposter

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>telling people at GDQ to be hygienic
>when that monstrosity that touches all the prizes is there


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What's her monthly grocery budget?

>gave 2 million to a immigrant flooding organization and all i got was a shitty cake

Are they going to get $1,000 per minute in this next run to meet the oot incentive?


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Shoutouts to the tech crew!

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31 here

>1 fang

Prize Goblin is sacred fuck you

I'm actually a bit more worried that they won't make the 100% incentive for Chrono Trigger, but I'm sure that would make most of you fags happy.

what the shit is that

>user gets stabbed 12 times
>stabber has a bad cough
>give the stabber money and bulk supplies


That stamp scares and confuses me.

How come they decided on the number 10k for their obvious self donations?

Apparently it's as high as people donate. If she gets $900 a month she'll spend $900 on food because I'm sure she thinks she deserves it and can splurge. She is as fat as people allow her to be.

uhh user..

>Mother's Basement

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That's called a kid.

You missed the very next tweet which was, "who's ready to get drink, I'm buying"

a fire hazard, thats what it is

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what the fuck does this mean

god he is a genuine retard

>male twink Luna speedrunner



No, this is the princess of Hell.

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I find it funny how people say that the limited dex will make for a better play experience but there is still going to be some new version of the genies or ultra beasts that completely break the game.

>Tales of
>more content and production quality than Pokemon
I'm a Talesfag.


Attached: 1448700153507.png (473x675, 361K)

Just about every SMT and Persona game
Almost every Dragon Quest game, including the DQM spinoffs
Almost every Final Fantasy game
Every Xeno game
Every Tales game
Breath of Fire III and IV, and some people would even say Dragon Quarter
The Front Mission series
Seiken Densetsu III and Legend of Mana
Tactics Ogre and all of its sequels and remakes
Every SaGa game
Star Ocean II, and some would say III and IV, even though I think those games are shit they have assloads of content
Valkyrie Profile I and II
The Wild Arms series
Dark Cloud I and II
Grandia I and II
The .hack and GU games
The Trails games
Most Phantasy Star games
The Etrian Odyssey games
A fuckload of other one-off games that aren't part of existing franchises or series. There's also lots of stuff I decided not to include because they're either really old or a product of their time.

All of these games listed have either more content than Pokemon or have better production values, often times both. Some of these games are even on the Switch or 3DS. To say that Pokemon sets a standard for content and production values is INCREDIBLY ignorant. Only the biggest GameFreak apologist could ever say something like that.

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Gives a fuck about oot any% let it die.

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Holy shit, that eBegging bit was actually funny as fuck

how many donations do they need to stop fucking singing

wow hard to believe there's only 2 more runs left before it all ends.

I like these corny doofuses


Fuck Niggers

jesus don't make a webm out of that

>parodying sad crying african child donation commercials


Ehhhh one last one for the road, bye user!

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Making fun of abused animals, I hope people whine on twitter

Code to break out of faggotry

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prize goblin

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why user?

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That dude looks more feminine than every tranny that has ever been in this event.


Why the fuck is this the only picture shad deleted off of his site?

Don't worry.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-06-23 12-41-48-29.webm (730x699, 1.37M)

Heck yeah that's the attuitude I like to see.

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split second was the best since it had a chad with his GF on the couch and he kept fucking with her more than he played the game

this dude getting interviewed reminds me of Quentin

stop touching your hair fag

Fuck that guy.

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Don't worry, there is no air to get a fire going, it will just choke on the smell, like everyone else.

She looks like she could go for a refreshing glass of water.

Bros, where can I get a Luna Lovegood twink speedrunner bf?

W-what the heck?

Why is my pee pee reacting to that?

It looks like there was no rate the run post for Pokemon so RATE THE RUN

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put your fucking gloves on greaseball



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I don't even like the Tales games, but I've played enough of them (Destiny, Symphonia, Vesperia, some of Berseria) to know that they don't look like eye cancer and usually have more content than your average Pokemon game.

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only pokemon romhacks


how do I get a sweaty grease gamer bf

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That's it?
That's the princess of hell?
The prize segments remind me of this

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Reminds me of BARCODE DYSTOPIA stories. Imagine a future where everyone gets stamped and programmed into Speedrunners.

Post more stockings/legwear

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Canadian opinions do not count


Watch landorus T, Garchomp and Excadrill still being in the Galar dex

Why does this guy always looks greasy, unkempt, and smells like a smash tournament?


Literally who

A little person. A child, I think?

Attached: iu[2].jpg (780x520, 31K)

Post more sexy demons

be marginally attractive and not have an opinion (or standards)

How can legs possibly BE so superior to shitty feet?

>go take a walk to the store after he beats lance
>come back
>interview going on
what the fuck, are they really stalling this hard? Are they gonna stall this hard for chrono trigger? cause 100% would actually be worth the cost for how long it is, instead of this retarded $300k price tag for a 19 minute run.

Bad game, Good commentary bringing the run up, 7/10

Because he's Prize Goblin. Every GDQ he comes out of the grease pits to shill, and then returns to his home in pits. No one truly knows who he is, just that he must shill.

Too bad he begged for forgiveness for it on fucking reddit

Koakuma no!

They stalled last night for like 20+ minutes while shilling for Celeste.

Does anyone happen to have a screencap of this idiot that shows his eyelid color.

I don't want to fuck up the lewds by getting a stupid detail like that wrong.

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here you go user
kek good one

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>acting like they really want OoT Any% to be in the marathon
>like they weren't in control of whether it gets played or not the whole time
So sick of this.

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Oh he's gonna hate posting that soon

based prize goblin

You already know that problem mons like that are going to get through. My money is on the genies getting in over the ultra beasts but I wouldn't be surprised if those min maxed mons got in instead. There has been a decent amount of love/pandering towards gen 5 recently. It had the second most amount of mons included in detective pikachu.

are you sure

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the only way that would be acceptable is if there were solo region games with NO outside Pokemon, but specific(possibly the 'third' iteration) versions allow for previous region's Pokemon, mixing up all trainer fights and gym battles
then you can just cycle up, still getting two main versions with their own compact experience, then a "full" version with NationalDex that you can cater to the more hardcore crowd with
but they're not doing that

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I'm sure they can compromise!

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I'm not sure why, but I have this weird intuition that Prize Goblin would make a good father figure.

That wasnt his gf

>Recolored Amiibos
Don't they already get prizes from devs? Why do they need this?

What Pokemon do you want to fuck?

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…..I saw Pokémon at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet it in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
It said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Squirtle!” but it kept cutting me off and going “pika? pika? pika?” and closing its hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard it chuckle as I walked off.....

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>Super nervous right now. Sitting next to a celebrity...
This little fucker took my seat. What should I do?

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Legs have always been the patrician choice.

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This. Rise up Gamers! Show him what we can do!

Yeah, the picture of them kissing is just hearsay.

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It bothers me deeply that they keep shilling these incentives as if they're not going to make it. And normalfags eat that shit up.

>OoT Any%
Of all the OoT runs they could of gone with they went with the worst one? Why does anyone want to watch some guy fuck up the wrong warp for 20 minutes?

I want to hug her.

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>they're trying to get people to donate money at a fundraiser

You sure about that

Wow wtf I hate Split Second runner now

>Mother's Basement

don't you have your girlfriend's nudes to go and shill, Geoff?

Does he make anymore videos like this?

>I went into this event in the mindset of a small stream, not the major professional event it was.
A small stream is what it goddamn should be. GDQ was ruined when it got too big and started presenting itself as a "major professional event". It's no longer as comfy or enjoyable.

>all 96 exits
how ill would you have to be to watch all of that

You can see that the top spots are all sponsors, and you can see how they space them out to make it look like more donations over time

That wasn't him lmao that guy was clearly taller and built differently

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Based Brazil

>tfw thought that said transbot

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She's a vampiah not a demon

By acting in a disingenuous way. It's not that they're trying to raise money. It's the method by which they're doing it that's tasteless.

How does a person come off as such a smug, condescending prick when talking about Pokemon games?

>25c per millisecond of this OoT run

Lame, but the run was still fun and his girl was cute.

It just works

Koakuma yes!


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all of them


Vintage reference

She's just better and as a bonus she has a giant hot demoness for a mother.

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Oh okay, it's okay to dick your fans because of the process of sausage creation.
How could I have been so stupid.

I would be in a gangbang with the three runners playing SMW desu

>Mario "speedrun"
>it's either a race or romhack

Attached: Yuck.png (600x550, 34K)

Remove Split/Second from S/S tier rankings lad

how can gamers be expected to rise up if they can't even break $2 million


>It's another race

So fricken tired a this

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aaaaa!! i freakin' love video games!!

Attached: aaaaaaaaa!!!.jpg (1152x646, 31K)

The idea that you would still try to push this narrative is pathetic. Everyone saw how they behaved with one another. You're going through life as if people have no reason to lie or hide the truth and you're expecting others to take everyone at their word. My dick is 18" long and I can deepthroat myself. Is this something you believe?

>wake up
>more nintendo incoming
Why nintendo always attract the trannies? They should be called transtendo instead

races are the best part of GDQs though

>everyone in the comments seem supportive

So basically he's apologizing because of a bunch of twitter dangerhairs who didn't even watch the event saw a few clips and called it problematic? Who the fuck cares? The actual audience of these things seems to have enjoyed the run.

the different color grading on each capture card makes me want to die

ah fuck it's another let's play

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>(((anonymous no comment))) is back again

based anonymous no comment

>The idea that you would still try to push this narrative is pathetic.
what hahahaha

It's fine if they do like 1 race per event, not this many.

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Wow, is Pokémon actually this much of a dick to fans?

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why would you donate anonynously with no comment? I mean fucking come on, COME ON


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>not liking races in a speedrun event
I'm still waiting for a 16-man Super Metroid race to happen at one of these.

>all those anonymous uncommented donations

Attached: 1555863932345.gif (250x250, 912K)

More like Fufu @ QQ lmao

It's not breaking 2.2 mil, is it?
of course it will, this whole event is a fucking scam

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>Anonymous "No Comment"x20

Why don't they just not announce them?
They make it way too obvious


>baaaaaw I want the same run I've already seen 12 times!!!
actual autism

It's literally called a donation incentive for a reason. If they just went "ah fuck it you didn't meet the incentive but we're doin it anyway" it would lose its effect.

>all these (((anonymous))) with no comments
you WILL donate to GDQ too, right Yea Forums?

Attached: 1421784787113.jpg (261x271, 27K)

You're saving images of shit people say in discord to use later because this topic matters to you for some reason. This is not the behavior of a careless bystander. You're waiting for an opportunity to talk about this shit. That's pathetic, bro.

Oh yeah, I really enjoy barely being able to see the game and what is usually a curbstomp instead of a race

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Because there's so few legit donations they have no choice


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Anyone have clips? I missed the run

because they've been caught out reusing comments from past events already

has there even been a race that ended with a sub-5 second difference?

>poorfags watching the game on a 12 inch screen
Let me guess, 3rd worlder?

>16 tiny screens in one
cant wait

Rabbit feet

because it's a scam

yep. twitter trannies ruin everything yet again.

How many times are they going to do 96 boring exits


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are you watching on your phone or something

>no reason to lie or hide the truth

Yes, he could get sent to the gulag if people found out he was in a perfectly normal relationship, are you retarded?


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never. not a penny if its going to MSF

For all the shit you guy trow at GDQ you sure donate a shitton to them

>only 3 orbs god willing


these fuckers sure are greedy

>god willing
>the bitch ruins it
woman stfu

She probably also smells bad. I mean she is just a female version of fat neckbeards. She spends her time in the same company.

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I have literally posted about this twice, ever. What the fuck are you talking about, I saved that pic from another thread hahahaha why the fuck are you so mad. Is that you?

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>thinking people here donate

>anonymous no comment $1000..
>anonymous no comment $2500..
>anonymous no comment $500..

I know what it is. You're misunderstanding. They set the price for the incentive. Acting like it's such a shame that people didn't donate enough in that case would be disingenuous because they were in control of it. If they actually wanted it to be played they would set the donation incentive to something that could be easily met; not something that is extremely difficult to meet. They're acting like their ultimate goal is to have entertaining runs, but their actions display their ultimate goal is to extort people while ACTING like their goal is to put on entertaining runs.


>We only get three orbs inshallah

Super Metroid 4way-race at I wanna say AGDQ 2017?
First and second were within a couple frames of one another, third was 3 seconds behind.

holy shit she's blowing up like a balloon

at least 96 times

Says the guy pushing a narrative. Why the fuck would he pretend not to have a gf?

where did you get this picture of my wife?

>I saved that pic from another thread
I know. The fact that you would betrays the fact that you give a shit for some reason. Can you explain why this matters to you enough to save pictures of worthless shit?

I'm not American but isn't the IRS, money laundering and not paying the state a pretty big deal regardless of political leaning or whatever? I've always been told they'll get you for that no matter who you are? Could GDQ realistically get away with these donations being "fake"? I mean it's publicly streamed, all the information is somewhat public and a charity has to report their earning right? I think someone last year made a post on how implausible it is they're doing something straight up illegal.

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The middle guy looks high as fuck, can he even see anything?

OoT Any% is shit.

Wall impact imminent

cool, was just wondering if any of these races didn't end up with some fagola choking and ending 2 minutes behind

Reminder that Yoshipro is confirmed banned for Glover, GDQ skipped uploading the run.

Why does he smack his lips after every sentence?

I fell asleep but did the Dark Souls run last night finish as a SSS/SSS+ stream like it was turning out to be during the first 20 minutes?

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>gay furry art before the world wide web

nice findo

>water levels: the game

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Strawman. You're also insisting that there's no other reasonable explanation to avoid divulging details of your intimate relationships other than the threat of death. This is why you're wrong about this. You're refusing to approach it reasonably.

Remember when retarded Super Metroid viewers thought GDQ was going to crumble when they removed the kill/save incentive lmao

Yo, sick reference bro. Every knows your references are outta control. Hella tight.

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Calm down ViceroyOfMonteCristo. If you wait a few years im sure that asian girl will dump her bf and fall for you.

That fat grenade is going off any moment, hit the deck!

Jesus their movement is great

I don't. I saved it to post here ITT to repsond to an off-hand comment. Stay mad paranoid fuck.

This doesn't fall under that but in case you missed it the LoZ randomiser race was pretty close. One guy found the princess room, the other guy found and beat Ganon first, but he couldn't find the princess room and the first guy beat Ganon and ran straight to the princess room and won.

Ideally they'd have 15 tiny screens and 1 larger one being interchanged as the leader changes but I already know they'll never be able to put it together so just let me dream.

I'd rather donate to not have it, i mean, if i was the type who donated to shit.

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Money laundering is where you pay yourself with illicit funds through a 3rd party intermediary to "clean" the cash. It's incredibly unlikely MSF is being used for money laundering. The winter charity though? Seems pretty likely based on the absurd salaries the charity pays itself.

>Hunchback of Not-Your-Game

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Totally not a fake donation

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really? someone upload to bitchute please!

would vintage fap

>If they actually wanted it to be played they would set the donation incentive to something that could be easily met
And thus defeat the whole point of it. You want to maximize the donations you can realistically get for any given incentive, and I guarantee the OoT is gonna happen. The only time they've ever missed one was some stupid Twitch bits incentive.
I get what you're saying about the way they're acting about incentives, but you have to remember that the runners and couch commentators have no influence on what the incentives are set at, and probably only a handful of the donation announcers do.
Plus, the harder and longer they can milk an incentive ´throughout the week, the more money they get. You may not like it but it makes perfect sense for what they're trying to do.

his reaction is so perfect

Again, I'm a Talesfag. And no. Holy shit no, a lot of tales games are ugly as sin and lack content.

You're not giving me an explanation. Why would responding to a comment that has no impact on you matter to you? I want a reasonable explanation. Do you just do things without reasons?

I remember a Mega Man (X?) race that was really close.

How many bans has there been now? I think we're up to 4?

tech killed the stream to tell him to stop having fun halfway through, picked up again later on but the """glitch showcase""" was dogshit

Will you quit LARPing like you're that one guy from /vg/?

>regardless of political leaning
Look up Lois Lerner to realize this is not true

Well, I think the fourth player in that particular race did choke and die on some boss, but it was super hype between the top 3 anyway.

This race would be 96x more interesting if they banned the cape.

I already did during the KH3 stream. I donated $50 hoping it would increase my odds of getting my donation read. Instead:
>$5 donation from "Remy", asking if those guys found his ingredients
>$5 donation from a guy saying he got back from work and he was "Sora", and saying, "Using a shield as a weapon? That's just goofy!"
>$5 donation from "Ingredients", saying, "This looks like a good spot to find me!"
>mfw I realize, was the only way to get my donation read by having a stupid meme or pun in it? If it's not a meme or pun, does this chick not give a shit?

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>eat 30 meals a day
>drink diet soda
might as well go all out, dude

Hahah imagine smelling her smelly armpits! And then imagine her making you smell her feet, forcing you to inhale deeply hahahaha!

>Do you just do things without reasons?
Yeah. Also I 'm about 99% its you now lmao

yeah i love when they fly over everything

base and cutepilled

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God why even have donation incentive games. They WILL reach those goals thanks to fake donations because if they fail, it would ruin their image
The runners that doing those games are already there, why the fuck can't they just let them fucking run without any of that bullshit?

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>mario cape simulator

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>The only time they've ever missed one was some stupid Twitch bits incentive.
You've just outed yourself as someone who has never watched these events before. Donation incentives are not met at almost every event.

Like I said. I know why they're doing it. That doesn't make their behavior genuine.


you got what you deserved

A man can dream

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>it's a one hour and thirty minute race

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>10 minutes in
>two runners are almost synced
>third is few seconds behind
This race is really impressive so far.

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>saving thumbnails
I hope you feel embarrassed

Smelly gamer men > that guy

>Like I said. I know why they're doing it. That doesn't make their behavior genuine.
lol you niggers are operating on feels versus reals. Learn what money laundering is.

It's impossible to get 96 exits without the cape, retard.

user, it's a 100% run, they can't ban the fucking cape

You've conceded the argument by insisting that you aren't in complete control of your actions. Why should anyone take you seriously if you can't even explain why you do anything?

That's right, because you do have reasons for doing what you do but revealing those reasons would expose your bias.

I've been watching runs every now and then but I don't remember seeing any trannies when I can remember them being on the screen all the time during last years gdq. Did they ban them or something?

she needs to show her panties

When are we hitting the LOBOTOMY CHICKEN incentive bros

>super cape world

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>he doesn't know about smw
The entire game in casual and speedruns is cape sim

Money laundering requires cash. Don't interject into a conversation.

>comfy podcast guy

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> because if they fail, it would ruin their image
They've failed to meet donation incentives multiple times before though.

bro what the fuck are you talking about lmao why do you care so much about this

Donating to charities is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.

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>speed run
>literally jumps above all levels

who approved this shit?

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How's the race? Too busy watching fightan

they tried it and they abused their privledges by showing their tiny dicks thru their girl underwear, as well as proposing to their awkward tranny girlfriends and even kissing them on stream, which is totally unwarranted and unnecessary.

That wasn't a thumbnail, though...

I've watched every event since AGDQ 2013 and I genuinely can't remember a bonus run not making it in besides the BOTW (I think?) Twitch incentive one. I should've specified runs I guess.

>That doesn't make their behavior genuine.
True. Do you also complain that actors in a TV show aren't being genuine? It just comes with the territory.

Female underwear flashing is the highest of tiers.


What a total bitch. If GDQ is doing something criminal why haven't you proved it yet, you retarded dipshit? I bet you believe pizzagate is real too.

it is, you should see how much ceo and rest of powerful staff get paid

Is there one debate club dropout trying to turn everything in this thread into an argument? There's a few going on and they all have the same typing style.


i fucking hate you. you don't know what a speedrun is. get out of this thread and never fucking return

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I really dislike zelda speedruns.

did they meet the TASbot celeste run?

This. You should never give money to strangers.

So what does the SGDQ tier list look like now?

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>regardless of political leaning or whatever
Ideally, yeah, but the IRS is run by soulless drones that dance to the will of who's in charge, so it's a toss up.

>Learn what money laundering is.
Hilarious irony.

based seathorne was just biding his time

>angel hernandez game
thank god that faggot isnt behind the plate

Sexy nipbote

donating the last €500 from my €5000 i saved for this event. going to put it towards the oot run, taking comment suggestions

Haha imagine puking after because she is a disgusting landwhale now and then killing yourself because every girl in America has to eventually become a fat fuck because they don't know how to not eat McDonalds and Cheetos.

Holy shit is this actual autism?

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You're the one who cares enough to save pictures and jump at every opportunity to contradict anyone who states something you don't believe about someone else's relationship status.

This is not the behavior of someone who doesn't care. All I did was bring up that their body language didn't match up with what you claimed, and you're refusing to acknowledge the idea that those words you're hiding behind could be misleading on purpose.


yes and it was godawful

Yes. It was shit.

Your failing memory is not my fucking problem. Lobotomy chicken.

It's basically Findom if you think about it

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come on man wtf is with the hair dryer

Do you not know what including means?

Thanks, anonymous poster.

isn't a conservative in charge

You retards are pathetic. Stay completely assblasted and keep watching, you morons.

What happened here? It seemed like he pressed on new game intentionally…

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proto was the head tranny and he went off the deep end so gdq axed him

>Money laundering requires cash
Yes, cash. Not easily traceable credit card transactions that are connected to names.

I looked away, wasn't Seathorne behind?

I didn't claim GDQ was doing something criminal. I stated the exact opposite regarding laundering by stating laundering requires cash and GDQ is not taking millions of dollars in cash. That money is already in the banking system and accounted for.

> and jump at every opportunity to contradict anyone
>This is not the behavior of someone who doesn't care. All I did was bring up that their body language didn't match up with what you claimed, and you're refusing to acknowledge the idea that those words you're hiding behind could be misleading on purpose.
Jesus christ, what the actual fuck are you talking about, this is bizarre. Fine shes his gf?

Right, this is dull so I consider this the end of my service. See you fags for AGDQ.


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>Shout out to my friend Janni

What was so shit about the TASBot Celeste run? I enjoyed it.

do you have any proof they launder money? you nigs scream this shit every event but can't provide proof of any kind

>being american

>new job
>throwing money at gdq

The last save file is called "FAG"


I genuinely cannot understand throwing so much money away to this event. Even if I had a bunch of money I wouldn't be throwing it down the drain for something like this.

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celeste is boring, tasbot is boring, combine them both and you get a boring run.

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>nincel shit in ZZZ tier yet again

Rip Truman run.

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The absolute state of Truman

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You guys are being faggots. Quit being faggots.

you've done gods work lad

I don't give a shit if she is or isn't. I'm getting on your ass for caring so much. It makes me wonder who the fuck you are, like the guy who would vehemently defend that one Asian chick at a previous GDQ constantly stating that she has a bf. Turns out that guy was a friend of that chick and was trying to defend her because he's a white knight cuck.

So who are you and how are you connected to either of these two?

I think you're confused. The people you were replying to were not saying that GDQ was money laundering. Quite the opposite.

Whatever you write add "also the game" to the end. did someone sabotage him? He genuinely seemed to be confused why that was there

I like SMB3 better then World.

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>less viewers
>1.7m donations

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I'm done, you win, whatever.

i gotchu

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Imagine all the stuff you could buy with that money people are throwing away at this scam!

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Congratulations, you have taste

They are both fun games so that's alright.

"Anonymous donated 500$, no comment." Has been more common than regular donations. There was even this weird hour or two where the 'no comment' was replaced with random single words. It 100% seemed like some non-native english speaker was just picking out words they recognized and using that as a comment.


You must be really naive. He did it to punk out the crowd.

fat dog

That's okay. They're both amazing!

You're an alright faggot.

Someone should scream "Fucking Niggers" on stream again, I'd donate $10,000 for that again

Why the fuck would you care about OoT any%. It's like 15 minutes.

I could buy at least one whole video game.

SMB3 and SMW have a special place in my heart

>just got a job and I can't think of a better way to spend my money than donating $1,000 for ocarina of time on GDQ
Damn these people are pathetic. Haven't they heard of saving? Investing? If they're going to throw money away, at least give it to someone that matters like a friend or relative.

I could finally finance a single college textbook.

But it wasn't his cartridge no?

post some Mario girls

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>"If everyone only donated a dollar..."
>minimum donation amount is 5 dollars

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The donation reader said "metal niggers" on stream yesterday. Not even memeing, look it up.


>Learn what money laundering is.
A thing that's not happening at GDQ

the commentary was also audio poison

>Why can't I afford a home? Stupid boomers!

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Someone yelled Nigger yesterday from the crowd.

One whole PS3 with 1 game

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Hundo or nothing! I want ZFG!

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I'm her real bf, what now faggot :)

Because some people like glitch fiestas

None of these donations are legit.

What type of OOT run are they doing?
Any% if so fuck that stupid boring run. At least do something interesting like MST.

Did someone do it before?

>desperately refusing to accept a dude's casual admission that his couch girl was a friend
>being reasonable
If you wanna fantasize that that there's a conspiracy to hide that they're secretly fucking for some reason, that's up to you but I don't think it's that deep

>this whole comment chain
Holy shit you're deranged
You're reacting like a literal shipper

There was a clip of that and it was not what people assumed.

>dude its money laundering lmao
You're a retard

He said "metal knickers" dummy


Minimum 5 dollars to get read


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>1 game

>"Anonymous donated 500$, no comment." Has been more common than regular donations.
How is that evidence of money laundering?

What is mst? LOL sounds FUN xD

wait they met the fucking 300k incentive

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>Stop worrying about bills
>help my parents more than I currently am
>buy endless video games and weeb shit
>Hang with my friends more often
A guy can dream

Attached: shiyou ga nai.jpg (960x751, 49K)

That was metal knickers you dumbass

30k MORE viewers than SGDQ 2018, yet 100k less in donations, actually.

it's any %
they're asking for 300k for a sub-20 minute run


The reason why it's even brought up is because of their body language which was clear. If they're not fucking already or soon it's something both of them will consider a regret. Clearly.

Reminder that Doctors Without Borders is a scam

Is that you Edobean?

>no comment
smart, no paper trail

They're averaging $1500 per minute

Werster back in 2013

>Any% is dead
HAHAHA no wonder he gave up on being a man.
Also he's the only one who bought a expensive chink system to save time on the run.

Attached: any%dead.png (803x40, 4K)

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lol fuck off spergmeister