What have you been playing on your comfy 3DS?
What have you been playing on your comfy 3DS?
Right now bouncing between Link between worlds and Summon Night on the VC (hacked of course). Super comfy
Zero Time Dilemma
Why are the puzzles here much easier compared to the first two?
Earthbound and DQ7 as of late
Hyrule Warriors, Amoebattle, Super Metroid, Hot Wheels Track Attack, Pokémon Conquest, and Super Princess Peach
What is this?
Ocarina of Time 3D. I've legit started playing this game like 4 times now, never even passed the Forest Temple I don't think. Just past the Forest Temple last night and now I'm confused as fuck as to where to go next since. Don't really wanna look online because I think that's cheating. Also, now I can go back and forth between the time, so now it's even more of a clusterfuck. Where's the OWL to tell me what I need to do, reeeeeeeeee.
I don't wanna use that stupid stone either.
I don't have one but there are some games I want that I missed. Is it even worth it at this point to buy a 3DS? And which version is the best?
Get a 'New 3DS XL' and homebrew that shit
Layton and the azran legacy
Last summer and played and finished Dragon quest 8 and loved it, it was my first dq game. Which should I play next? I own iv-ix
dsiware strategy game
Yo-kai Watch 3.
One of the best RPGs on the 3DS imo. So much content in it.
3, 4, and 5 are classics. 4 and 5 are a little more structured.
Of course it's worth it, there's an entire library of great exclusive games available on it for free and you can even emulate older systems. It's great if you're into portable gaming. The other poster is right that New 3DS XL is the best one.
Finished hotel dusk after starting it almost 8 years ago.Now playing my 5 years old TWEWY save and also started DQV.
On 3DS just SMT IV but not that far.
Shouldn't you just get the definitive version of TWEWY on Switch at this point?
I haven’t touched my 3DS in a few months. I really need to go finish Fire Emblem Awakening before Three Houses comes out. I bought MH4U when it was $8 on the eshop and never played it, then got into MHW and came back around to MHGU on the Switch. I feel like I missed out not play MH4U.
Take a wild guess.
Not too much, GU uses a lot of 4U's maps and 4U is kind of lacking in features.
Just finished Persona Q2. Didn't like the first one and, big shocker, didn't much care for this one either.
Probably gonna move onto Bowsers Inside Story.
One of these days I'll get around to Xenoblade Chronicles, but I want to finish 2's Torna expansion first, and that's gonna take a while.
Ah, Torna is a long game? That's good to know. I just bought it but mainly for the code for the XB2 expansion pass, since I'm still working on that game. I was worried that despite the lower price it'd be really short because companies like to do that thing where they severely overcharge for DLC compared to the amount of content you get.
Right at the tail end of Luigi's Mansion. Pretty fun game, glad that I finally got it and Dark Moon
I know you didn't want help, but you have to go to Goron City next
Can you play it without playing the other two? I've been considering it for a while but I have so many games to play.
Someone just casually dropped a link to DQ8 at the end of one of these threads and I didn't see anyone notice it so I figured I'd pass it on.
Is this patched with the orchestral music and/or uncensored content?
It seems to be, yeah. The one thing I don't know if it's the English dub or undub so I was hoping somebody else could test it for me before I download it because I'd prefer to play it dubbed.
chrono trigger with twilight menu
recently i also realized this console can play all of the mainline pokemon games in its entirety from the GB era to the 3DS era. shit's baller.
I want to restart and replay Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, but I'm indecisive and can't decide on a main duo.
You pick two characters from this list? I say Riolu and Fennekin.
how comfy is Xenoblade on the 3DS, user?
is there a cheap way to get a non-XL new 3ds?
They can't be the same type, but yeah 2 of those guys.
I keep wanting to play Soul Hackers but then find something else to play. However, I just started playing the Professor Layton series. Thankfully, the DS games are still really cheap.
Oracle of Seasons for the first time. I only had Ages as a kid and Seasons feels like a romhack.
Good grief man, why buy the DS games at this point? You're literally missing out on the DLC because you can't connect to the internet, but you can get it with a modified ROM.
Persona Q2 and Mario and Luigi BIS
I don't remember 999's puzzles ever being that hard. VLR was certainly a bitch though, and I haven't played ZTD so I can't comment on that.
As much as it’s memed navis tips always guide you in the right direction just play sarias song and click talk to navi.
After the forest temple she says something like ‘death mountain looks pretty ominous, we should check it out’.
Honestly with how she's constantly screaming at you I'm not sure how he could have possibly gotten lost.
Considering how much the Switch port neutered the battle system, it’s probably for the best that he sticks with the DS version of TWEWY.
>how comfy is Xenoblade on the 3DS, user?
Pretty comfy once you get into it, but there’s a lot of subsystems in the game to figure out that can make it seem daunting at first. I still haven’t fully worked out how Affinity works and am stuck on finding the items for that one Kneecap Rock Colony 6 quest to get the portable gem reactor.
Depends on where you live, as far as I know the regular N3DS wasn't released in the US. I have to say though, I've tried both and I'm glad I went with the XL, it's more comfortable to hold (especially with one of those $5 plastic grip accessories from China) and I prefer the bigger screens, even if they are more pixelated due to the resolution.
I was actually not sure if the Switch version was worth playing so I was hoping someone would answer that for me. Good to know then.
It was, but not like a standard wide release of just the base console. There were a bunch of limited deal theme bundles and shit.
SMT Strange Journey Deep (JP version of Redux)
Thankfully the game is easy enough that most of the systems don't actually matter all that much. The only roadblock is one boss near the end where you have to know how to play Melia, but as long as you have everyone's ether-based arts leveled you'll still be fine.
It’s a shame, really. The new music and pins are pretty cool but the battle system just isn’t as fun as the DS version.
I'm playing PQ2 and about to fight Kamoshidaman. I'm still on a quest to find every worthy 3DS game. I know I'm missing a few Laytons and Ace Attorney's I think. I'm trying to decide whether 7th Dragon is actually worth it, because I have tried playing that game in the beginning a few times. Just seems like a shitty no effort JRPG. Girls Mode 4 I will delete because it's just Japanese girl hogwash but the soundtrack seems to be good. I'll give Style Savvy a try because I heard it was good here. And I want to patch Maplestory for 3DS but I dunno if that is worth it either.
You speak Japanese?
People still play that?
Style Savvy is just the English name for Girls Mode, you know.
There was a standalone single player MapleStory game on 3DS. It was Korean only but it got an English patch.
Also, Maplestory 2 just came out like last year. So yes, people do still play it.
Well the one on 3DS is different. It's a single player platformer/action RPG it seems.
Ha, fuck. Well Style Savvy is good then.
etrian odyssey nexus. my team is
>hero imperial
>soverign gunner arcanist
feels good
Have you played 7th Dragon 2020 on PSP? You should check those out. PSP has a really good emulator on PC so anyone can play it.
What's the deal with Nexus? I haven't been keeping up with Etrian Odyssey in a while. Is it just like every game combined into one or what?
What's a good grip for the 2DSXL?
Playing this right now since it got an English patch earlier this year. It's nice so far, hopefully it reaches insane heights by the end of it. Right now I feel it's copying too many story beats and character traits from the very first game (which I guess is the point). Still, I love how this game focuses only on one character, I was sick of the other 3DS Phoenix Wright games where they had to jump back and forth between so many characters each chapter.
ive only played a little bit of IV and V but yeah its pretty much an amalgamation of the previous games. it has most of the classes and a lot of older dungeons are included in the map it seems like since they reference dif lands and shit
Are they gonna translate the second?
It's the last Etrian Odyssey game for 3DS, basically an 'allstars' game of sorts where you're exploring all sorts of old labyrinths (with new floor layouts and all that stuff, of course) and have a bunch of classes from across all games to choose from. It's an excuse to reuse assets one more time while making one huge awesome game. Also has a few original bits.
Technically spoilers but not really. Sorry to say but it's pretty much just a whole game prequel. DGS2 is where the real meat of the story is. This is part of the reason why Japanese players were extremely disappointed with it when it released since they had no idea when or if the rest of the story was coming.
They're in the middle of it and it should take them less time than DGS1 did according to them.
Shit I wish I knew that before I started. I did find the pacing to be quite slow. Hope the translation comes out soon.
Super Metroid (wall jumping sucks)
Wario Land 4 (quicksaving now makes The Big Board go from infuriating RNG to a complete joke)
>tfw I actually got stuck on the why can't Metroid crawl part
How do you get out of there?
Where do you get snes and gba cias that aren't full of shitty romhacks?
Don't use SNES cias, just use the emulator and download SNES roms from any old rom site like you used to.
In my experience the homebrew emulators don't run as well as Nintendo's VC
Bravely Default, and Senran Kagura to destress
For SNES they do. For GBA, yeah, you're better off using cias.
Just gonna bump this. It's not too bad but I feel like it would just enhance it.
Who buys a fucking 2DS
What does everyone's 3DSes look like anyways?
2DSXL user. And someone who couldn't find a new 3DS XL. I didn't want a used one because I've had a bad experience getting a used one.
Where did you get that one with the Boo on it? I want it so much.
You get it after posting "hey guys just got a 3DS, any underrated gems or essentials I should get?'" threads for a year straight
Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia. The voice acting is kino.
Alpha Sapphire
Bored out of my fucking mind trying to get a Wailmer early
Can anyone help?
Dragon Quest 8 with the orchestra patch doesn't work for me at all it keeps throwing an ARM error.
Does anyone have a prepatched EU copy?
Is this still a thing to play?
I lucked out and found someone selling them used on Amazon Japan for about $60 and paid another $20 after all the shipping and fees from my forwarder added up. They're much worse normally.
I'd like to try my luck at doing the same with the glow-in-the-dark Boo faceplates, but I've never seen them go for under $100 anywhere.
This game only exists for people who desperately want to play Mario Maker but don't own a Wii U. It is inferior in every other sense.
Persona Q2
Probably the last good game ever on the 3DS.
Wish I could by decals for mine. But I got sweaty hands.
I'm enjoying the game of the year
Oracle of Ages
It's also the last game ever on the 3DS.
Will the physical edition be super hard to find?
should i play monster hunter on citra ? is online alive in 3ds?
How is Hyrule Warriors on the 3ds is it playable? I only played the original release on the WiiU and I read that you can play Ravio in the 3ds version and I want to try that.
Nah you underestimate how long portables get games. If the vita managed to get games years after it was stopped being produced then the still selling 3ds will also get a few.
Probably way easier than Yo-kai Watch 3
I just finished Q2 and smt4 and taking a break from strange journey since bullshit boss(you know the one) is busting my balls so instead I’m going to finish DeSu2
I might start DeSu over again. I got to like day 5 or 6 on my first play thru.
Soul Hackers>Strange Journey>DeSu2>SMT4>SMT4A>PQ1
>he thinks its the same person every time
God I wish I had your RPG stamina. My 3DS RPG backlog is growing because I can never play 2 in a row.
Why is soul hackers so loved
Also explain without spoiling
Definitely recommend them the first ones way better but the second one is great
Grew up autistically playing Pokémon till I got better taste so it’s been ingrained in me
the vita is still getting games in japan even(afaik)
2 is way better than 1
>Why is soul hackers so loved
It's the only 100% true to the classic SMT game on the system, it has awesome music and a cool 90s vibe. It's the most unique SMT you can play on the 3ds. It's not for everyone but that's okay.
Want to get Radiant Historia, but i have a copy of the original i never touched laying around here somewhere
Jesus Christ can anything sink that system for good? Because not even Sony can, apparently.
Fair, but HAS there been anything released since Q2? I don't see a single game on the upcoming list, not even some cheapo eshop game.
where can you get that color scheme for the buttons it looks so much better than the stock n2dsxl?
I have Soul Hackers sealed. I want to play it, but I really ought to complete a play thru of DeSu, or IV or IV Apoc. I get to about 70% and then start a new game.
Stop being wrong user
It's fine if you're playing on New 3DS/2DS; the original 3DS, 3DS XL and 2DS have issues. Same with Fire Emblem Warriors.
iirc it lacks some of the options of the Wii U version, and doesn't let you play random peoples stages.
Soul hackers I’ve heard is fairly short
That's a pretty good line.
I just didn't enjoy 1's plot and the characters sucked ass except for a few of the male ones and Mari. 2 drew me in more, the only thing I hated was Ronaldo.
Gameplay wise 2 is generally better as well.
If you haven't touched the original i would suggest just playing Perfect Chronology. While the new character designs aren't as good, the QoL stuff offers a lot of improvements (in typical Atlus fashion). However don't play in Append Mode, since it relegates all the additional content to New Game Plus so you have to play through it twice. The new stuff isn't really worth it to play through the game twice, so just do Perfect Mode where its included in the game as you progress.
Cristiano Ronaldo is in SMT?
Fat Ronaldo
no it's gay communist ronaldo
Not him but that seems like a really strange option for the game to include. Why would anyone want to play Append Mode in the first place?
I really want a 2DXL but I heard Nintendo did something to prevent the R4 from working.
Playing Flower, Sun, and Rain on an R4. It's a weirdly comfy game and feels like when Suda's humor really started to come into its own. It's kind of incomprehensible if you haven't played The Silver Case, but I'd also imagine that if you had no idea they were connected it'd be fucking crazy when you start seeing the connections.
Also if you play it don't force yourself to do the Lost & Found puzzles, all you get are some extra costumes. Just do the ones that interest you if you want.
Append mode's selling point is being able to experience the game as close as it was to the original DS version, so i would assume it's for fans of the original game.
Redpill me on this one with no Wii U memes. Is it worth playing for the levels made by Nintendo?
Virtual console games
Well the Wikipedia article for the game mentions the connection to that game in the first few sentences so I'd imagine it's not that big of a spoiler.
Always thought it was weird though how they localized that game on DS but not PS2. I wonder if that's just another case of SCEA being dumbfucks.
I never played Super Mario Maker 3ds.
Ahhh, like the classic modes in the EO Untold games. That makes more sense.
>if you haven't played The Silver Case
Completely untrue, the Sumio "thing" is just a nod to SC you don't need SC to understand the overall plot.
Keep in mind append still has all the QoL and balance changes, but lacks the Vault of Time and additional story materials outside NG+
Boutta get a non-XL New 3DS. Should I get based white or based black?
The PS2 was on its way out in 2008/2009 and the DS was king, probably just didn't make much business sense to localize a game from 2001. Plus the DS version has some additional bonus content. I'm surprised no one's taken the DS script and hacked it into the PS2 version yet though.
As for why it didn't get localized back in the early 2000s, 9/11 probably put an end to any plans for that.
user did you forget the entire second half of the game and the 24 Wards and Sayaka Baian's suicide being explicitly mentioned in the guidebook (albeit under slightly differently localized names)
I'm gonna change that dekinai into dekiru with the power of games for little girls. After this I'll try an RPG. I wanted something light on gameplay with plenty of easy reading.
Flipnote studio, the best game ever.
>DS was king
DS had a very weak start it was a meme on Yea Forums for having no games the first game that wasn't just another turd and actually used the 3d in a original manner was The world ends with you as far as I remember.
FSR's port came out after TWEWY IIRC
lol I meant second screen, I'm going to bed now.
Anyway FSR isn't as good SC or K7 but I for sure like it far more than NMH
Good night user
The 25th Ward is Suda's best game btw
me and my bud do pokemon playthroughs together where we battle after each gym battle then bet money on who wins the final battle after we beat the game.
right now we're doing ORAS (i played it a few years back) and it's pretty comfy. gen 3 is still my favorite.
link between worlds has been good, but i'm trying to find a game that's based in multiple dimensions. so i bought a 32GB SD card and thew every damned game i could find that was recommended or seemed good.
Finally fucking caught Wailmer.
Why did it take so long?
>but i'm trying to find a game that's based in multiple dimensions
In what sense?
Did you get Morph Ball??
I wanted to catch one early so it was a 5% fishing chance. Took me over an hour.
metroid samus returns, but the screen on my OG 3DS is fucking marked up by being closed too much, it somehow got dust inside it, and using that control pad sucks, I really want a new 3DS
Any games on the 3ds store worth getting?
Grass type is for little bitches and Totodile is best water starter. That should help limit your choices.
Picked up Ultra Sun to quench my Pokemon thirst until Sword and Shield.
I'm liking it more than the original Sun and Moon games.
Liberation Maiden and all of the other Guild01/02 games are super underrated
Mutant Mudds is best played on 3DS because the 3D effect is fucking great in it
my favorite games usually feel well crafted and like a constant flow of new and interesting ideas that really try to challenge you.
Some of my favorite games are Braid, Gorogoa, The Messenger (before it became a metroidvania), Golden Sun (not the most challenging but still), Pokemon Gen 3
I can't recommend picross 3d round 2 enough it is a great puzzle game. The first one for the ds is top notch as well
>recently finished TWEWY
>swapping between smt: strange journey, persona q2, rocketslime 3 and demon's crest
>occasionally play the picross games, nes remix or golden sun
Loving it. Might play kid icarus or radiant historia next
Crimson Shroud, Ace combat, Link between worlds, smt: strange journey redux, rune factory 4.
Get a new one and hack it.
The white model will get dirty faster, but the black one is harder to clean
I tried playing Blaster Master Zero on my hacked 3ds but it crashed the console whenever I start it up. Otherwise idk what to play on it as having all the 3ds, DS, GB and Snes games keeps paralyzing me with indecision whenever I try starting it up
Is it possible to hack a 3DS on 11.10 without using a flashcard or making an NNID?
The new 3ds hack guide says you can use something called seedminer to get the exploit, then hack it.
BMZ has a PC port now so you can just play that if you didn't know.
Pokémon Y, Omega Ruby, and Sun.
Not Ultra Sun?
no smt has writing THAT bad. this is a spinoff called devil survivor
Is this a scam?
fantasy life
probably has a minimum sell point and if the bids don't reach it then it is cancelled
The Hylian Shield edition 2DS XL is what got me to buy
Tell me what it's at six days and twenty hours from now.
The biggest crime is that Dynamarisa 3D never got ported to 3DS.
I want a 3ds, used to have an XL but sold it. I wasnt a New3DS but not the XL varient cause XLs look like garbage.
Does the hack for the 3DS work for 2DS as well?
I saw that, but Seedminer still needs me to download a DSiWare title to my 3DS, and I need an NNID for that.
OoT 3D. I got this game literally eight years ago, but have never bothered to beat it for various reasons. I'm finally getting around to doing so.
someone give me a 3ds
Persona Q2, very enjoyable game.
EO Nexus, getting subclasses real soon but have no idea what to do with them
Christ, the XL screen is like twice the size.
Yeah, but the XL is less pocketable and comfy
Honestly, not that great for 3DS games. It shines with GBA and SNES games though.
It would actually make sense if Ronaldo was in SMT, kind of like how it made sense that Dante is in SMT.
Q2 is essentially the final 3DS game to be released. Ever.
To be fair no Touhou game got ported to consoles until the Switch era.
Been playing Soul Silver but I'm taking a break because the grind is wearing me out and I've been switching between FF Theatrhythm Curtain Call and DQ Theatrhythm
Yeah, I think I'll go with the white. Mostly because this is after my old black non-XL shat itself, so I'm ready to make the switch. Thanks, user
Stole some styluses from gamestop yesterday. I wanted to buy rhythm heaven for $8 too but I couldn't do both at the same time.
What an unusual combination of character names.
go mow some lawns kid
What? How did you steal them?
...I'm 22. It was just for the fun of it.
How do you get custom themes on your 3DS these days?
They were just in a pocketable plastic box on a hanging shelf five feet from the door.
how is it not that great for 3ds?
I think he means that it stretches them out more than they're originally intended to be stretched so it actually makes the graphics look worse.
I have both version of Yo-Kai Watch 2, but for whatever reason, I could not get into them. When Blasters was released, I was told to give it a try. I managed to find physical copies of both versions and bought them. Loved that damn game! So when Yo-Kai Watch 3 was released, I wanted to see if I could get into it. Managed to get a physical copy, the only one in my entire city.
Currently over 200+ hours into it and I'm still going. You can play this game for weeks on end and still not get everything. There is so much content, it's unreal.
What won you over that 2 didn't manage to? Not him but i've also tried playing 2 and didn't get hooked
Why do people say that site is shady? I've literally never had a problem with it. Don't even get any ads because I use three adblockers.
Been playing through the fan-translation of this.
I'm not quite done yet, but so far, it's probably the best of the next-gen Ace Attorney games. It definitely *looks* the best. They play around with the 3D space and have a lot more camera angles and multiple characters on screen than the other games, which really helps the world and characters feel *real*, and I still have yet to see them actually do anything meaningful with it, but just having more than one character on the witness stand at a time feels like a genuine innovation that feels like a genuine innovation and not just a gimmick, like sensing emotion or the reflection pool.
At the same time, I can totally see why they didn't try to localize it officially; there's a lot in the way of Japanese stuff that *HAS* to be Japanese, can can't be "Eat your hamburgers Apollo"ed away
Just beat Castlevaina IV, thinking of replaying SMTIV.
The fuck do I do for a 3DS system on a lower firmware? It's on 9.9.0-26U with only the homebrew launcher so far.
I dunno why they didn't just localize it but keep the Japanese stuff intact, it's not like there's not an audience for that. I mean this is literally the company that made Okami, they should know. But whatever, what's important is that it's translated now.
Hey it's dan green EO man
I still can't name my guilds
The third game has strategies that 2 did not. For instance, in a battle, you have an area with several squares laid out on both sides. And your characters and the enemy can move on those squares. Some attacks only affect one square or several. You can move to avoid attacks, but each Yo-kai has a different time limit where they can move again. This means you may have to move when a boss is about to attack so you don't take damage. But the enemy can do this as well meaning you have to watch them before you attack and if they move, move with them and attack because they have time limits before they can move again as well.
The strategy as well as the story of 3 kept pulling me back in and I am thoroughly hooked.
not having $8 to spend as an adult doesn't sound very fun
>At the same time, I can totally see why they didn't try to localize it officially; there's a lot in the way of Japanese stuff that *HAS* to be Japanese, can can't be "Eat your hamburgers Apollo"ed away
I can't believe the amount of people who think they didn't bring it over because it's too Japanese to localize. All they have to do is handwave it as Phoenix having a Japanese ancestor and that's it it's not an issue. It wasn't brought over because they would have had to fully commit to two games, plus games with Phoenix as a protagonist don't sell as well.
Also, if you're a fan of the multiple people on the witness stand gimmick, play Layton vs Wright if you haven't.
Dragon Quest 5 so far, think i'm near the end. What should i try after it?
not that guy either but 3's battle system uses a 3x3 grid instead of a wheel, so you can put your healers behind tanks. You can also move them around to avoid supers instead of just having to stand there like a bitch and take it
Hot damn user
Get a bunch of name of Godzilla monsters and throw it on random.org
GodMode9 that shit, throw Luma on it, and then update to your hearts content
>games withOUT Phoenix as a protagonist
But I don't want a guild named Moguera or something
hope that's a zoe reference
Not him, but having to commit to two games didn't stop them from refusing to localize Edgeworth 2.
Finally a real answer but which Luma would work on that firmware.
Since you have the homebrew launcher, you can just install b9s.
Damn right it is, the Imperial armor reminded me a lot of Jehuty, so there
What's up with the name Southern? I don't get that one.
The game revolves a lot around the interfacing of eastern and western cultures, and how there can be conflict where two people of almost polar opposite cultures interact. It's a very *Japanese* game in that regard, in that it requires the players know a lot about Japanese culture in a way that nobody except a native-born or ultra-turbo-weeb would know.
And there's a few cases and characters so far where a major point of the case is whether or not a given character can speak Japanese, and the way the translation team got around that was neat, but hardly elegant or professional.
Also the game has actual Sherlock Holmes characters in it, and I'm pretty sure a lot of the decision to localize the game hinged on how much of a headache the Doyle estate would cause Capcom, and whether or not it'd be worth it in the end. Evidence suggests the answer is not.
The Southern Cross from Ace Combat X, sometimes i feel like cutting the N and have Souther from Hokuto no Ken, but i love ACX way too fucking much
AAI1 works far better as a standalone game than DGS1, which is pretty much entirely a prologue for DGS2.
The newest one, I would assume.
Start here
And if you have any further questions, you should check out the /hbg/ on /vg/, there's guides and shit on there that should help
I think the reason some of them are really easy is because some of the mini-puzzles (like match the sides of this d20) are repeated. If you beat the game, there is some evidence of why they decided to do that from a thematic perspective (and arguably story perspective). Some of the overall room puzzles in ZTD are just as clever and tricky as VLR and 999, but those repeating puzzles aren't terribly engaging. Also, maybe if you already played 999 and VLR, your brain is already kind of used to the solving room puzzles the third time around so it might feel less challenging.
Izuna Legend of the Unemployed Ninja. I got tired of playing the 3DS Mario games since I'm not much of a platformer fan.
I'm thinking of selling my old brick 2DS, since I can probably jack up the price a bit for some clueless retard since it's hacked and getting a 2DS XL. Would it be advisable to sell it first then get the XL or try to get them both on hand at once before I sell it? I was just going to backup all my stuff to put on a new SD card or can I not do that?
>Izuna Legend of the Unemployed Ninja
You're the only other person I know who is aware this game even exists. Never hear anyone talk about it for some reason. Which is weird because she is really hot and this board loves waifus.
Didn't they not localize it because of the use of Sherlock Holmes and how the family of Arthur Conan Doyle was a bunch of dicks about his state of copyright?
If that's the case, do they not care what the fuck Japan does with it at all then?
Most likely. Also nice trips
Copywrite laws are weird.
International copywrite laws are even weirder
And post-dojin culture Japanese Copywrite laws are the fucking king of legally gray mountain
Dragon quest VII
Thank god i installed as many games as i could before freeshop got shutdown
I'm slowly rebuilding my 3DS library after a horrible accident.
Trying to build a collection of definitive 3DS titles. Like, if, in 30 years, Nintendo was to make a 3DS Classic Mini, what games would be on it?
This is what I've got so far. (Plus a few games I've been meaning to play through)
The only things I think I'm missing so far are the Bravely games and SM3DL. What am I missing?
Every Etrian Odyssey game, obviously.
>Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+
>Codename STEAM (it's actually pretty good)
>NSMB2 (it's not that great but it's still Mario)
I was thinking about those.
*EVERY* one? I've never actually played them, is there a definitive one or two?
I've never played the EO games, should I play the remakes or the DS originals?
Remakes on Classic mode, though for a first rodeo EOIV should be more welcoming than the remakes
The remakes literally contain the originals inside them so there's no reason not to play them.
Put Shovel Knight on there. It's multiplat, sure, but it's a definitive game on any system.
ProjectXZone and ProjectXZone2 are good.
In terms of Nintendo 3DS stuff, probably Pokemon too. You have X/Y, ORAS, SM and USUM.
Devil Survivor: Overclocked and Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker.
Smash Bros....
Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology
RE: Mercenaries
Aw shit, good catch! I completely forgot that was a thing
I picked this up off amazon for 99$ new. Pretty sure it was a special sale, so keep an eye out for them.
yeah, it was a thanksgiving sale back in 2016-2017 i think?
It was Black Friday 2016. The only day Nintendo decided to have these based models on sale for NA
so NA N3ds's are really rare then? Glad I got ahold of mine then
Been replaying SMTIV. Hoping I don't fuck up the neutral route like I did the first time I played it.
>I really need to go finish Fire Emblem Awakening before Three Houses comes out.
You don't really NEED to do this, it's not like they're connected in plot or anything. And if you're just trying to play the old FEs before a new one you've also got Fates (technically three games) and Echoes waiting for you.
Anyone know where I can get decent themes? Maybe a collection of official themes?
based af
I just broke another one
You can get them for that price too at gamestop, white or black. It's where I got mine and it looks brand new.
Back when freeShop worked you could download a big package of official themes, which was actually a really bad idea because it gives you more themes than the 3DS can hold so I had to spend something like 30 minutes deleting the themes one by one until I was under the limit, because they deleted very slowly, and worse I did this a second time on accident once so I had to do the whole thing all over again, though on the bright side there were some themes I hadn't gotten the first time. There's also a couple Splatoon themes which I find odd since Splatoon has never been on 3DS. Some of them are pretty nice themes though. This doesn't really help you, I just wanted to share my story.
>not that guy either but 3's battle system uses a 3x3 grid instead of a wheel, so you can put your healers behind tanks. You can also move them around to avoid supers instead of just having to stand there like a bitch and take it
That sounds a lot like Ni no Kuni DS’ movement grid. How does turn progression work?
You may have just gotten me interested in YW3, since I loved the DS version of NnK.
Just make your own themes.
What version of the 3DS should I get?
Always go for New, though whether it's 2DS or XL or whatever is up to your personal preference.
Small N3DS all the way.
It's better in every single way. At least content-wise. Some faggots complain about the story (as if it was any good to begin with), but they mostly bitch about Lillie no longer sucking your dick at every opportunity.
I cannot help it user
Oh fuck, the time has come for me to subclass my etrians, time to spend the next few hours deciding on what to do
Whoa, what? What did they do to Lillie?
The combat is more or less auto, but you still have to move them around to avoid attacks, purify them to remove status ailments, and charge soultimates, so you're not just watching everything happen while you do nothing. There's books that more or less change "natures" so you can make them primarily focus on one kind of action.
There's a fast forward button, but because things happen generally in real time, having it on fast all the time isn't the best idea, since you might want to slow it down to normal to have more time for something
Kid icarus, metroid ,
There's a 3DS version of Atelier Rorona with really cute chibi models but nobody ever talks about it because it's Japan only.
Is there a CIA for the Japanese release? I can't find a clean link.
Play through Metroid again, I want a sequel for the 3ds ;_;
No reason to, if you want portable Atelier then you get a Vita.
Or a Switch.
Your standard black but it’s starting to chip off. Ordered another cheap one from a cheap site, I wonder how it’s going to turn up
Animal Crossing New Leaf, I started a new town shortly after the New Horizons reveal trailer.
Or that. But the Vita has 10 Atelier games and the Switch has 5, and the Vita is cheaper so its just the better Atelier machine right now.
New plates came in, I'm happy. Playing Project Cross Zone 2 and it's pretty good.
Want to pick up Happy Home Academy as well.
>mfw we only got ONE(1) traditional Metroid that takes advantage of a second screen before they stopped putting two screens on everything
Been playing a mix of several Zelda II romhacks on fceumm. Suddenly the game is actually fun once you fix everything that's wrong with it
What concoction of romhacks you got?
And it was a remake.
>Nintendo never rereleased Virtual Boy games on the eShop
>there's no good working VB emulator on 3DS
What a wasted opportunity
The default black and blue n2ds
How would that fit? The Virtual Boy used VR, not 3D. If anything the Switch would be the place to do that since Switch has VR capability.
Just hack it? Unless you have a tiny sd card and don't want to buy a new one or play a fuckton of non-DSiware DS games there's no point in not doing that
Been thinking of getting a new one since my old one got bricked, is the new 2ds xl good and comfortable? I always wanted the metallic blue one but it's a lot more expensive since the NTSC-U versions were only sold in asia and the 2ds xl is cheaper and looks good.
They're pretty cool, there's a 100 of them and they have two side goals each. Not being able to lookup levels is fucking trash though since all the ones you find randomly are autoplay or instawins
Also , is homebrew doable without anything but the sd card? Last time I followed the scene you needed an old ds and a magnet.
I would
>never had a nintendo console before
>just bought a new 2dsxl on a sale for cheap and hacked it
>so many games I have no idea what to play
No, just the sd card and the ability to put it into your pc/phone
You've NEVER had a Nintendo console before? Man, start with Super Mario Bros. for NES.
a link between worlds. are Phantom hourglass and spirit tracks worth playing?
Spirit Tracks yes, Phantom Hourglass no.
I mean, I had a Dendy when I was little, so I have plaued the NES ones
Phantom Hourglass is okay if you pretend it's not Zelda. Spirit Tracks is just bad, and the duets are borderline impossible with a 3ds mic
Play Super Metroid faggot
Any recommendations for games with elves? I love elves.
I've never played chrono trigger before. Is the DS version on the 3ds a good way to play it?
Ah, in that case play the Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country games, as well as Mario 64. Also you can't play it on your 3DS but download an emulator and play Banjo-Kazooie at some point.
Yeah, it's fine. It even comes with new content that leads into Chrono Cross. Some people don't like the translation but that's mainly nostalgia.
I just started SMT IV a few days ago. It's pretty fun so far
Rune factory
Which route are you going for?
Probably chaos because it sounds more fun. I'm not super far in yet though so I haven't considered it too much
If you can emulate, the SNES version will give you a native 240p image vs a slightly blurry 192p image blown up. The DS version is fine, though the new content isn't anything to write home about.
Which one has the most elves? Also, can you marry elves?
I think 4 does, and yes you can marry all the girls and date them in 4 as well. 4 special comes out next month on the switch so if you don't want to play it twice just get 3 (ds game) and play that in the meantime for 4S to come out
>4 special comes out next month on the switch
In Japanese, and without enough extra content to justify buying it over playing the 3DS version.
You can pirate Switch games, you know.
I assume it won't be long before it hits the US since the trailer was in english. But there will probably be a fair amount of QoL improvements that'll make it better (hoping for a nicer RNG)
Yeah, I do.
I have over a hundred hours in my main file of Kid Icarus Uprising, beat it 101%, started a new file now to take a break from EO and only now i've found out you can reflect shots during flight stages by using the barrel roll, what the fuck!
Then why did you say buying?
Why do games have to lie like this? If you can't count on 100% to be full completion, what can you count on?
Because someone having the ability to pirate on the Switch is up in the air instead of a guarantee like with older systems like the 3DS, so I default to assuming they'll be purchasing their games.
Well, you are correct.
Seriously, do what and said. Check out the picross games.
You should check out snes games like Demon's crest and Bahamaut's Lagoon as well.
If you want to get into 3ds games, all the smt games on it are good, smt: strange journey redux is a must play if you like dungeon crawlers.
Stella Glow, only because I heard you can romance and impregnate the antagonist
Just started NSBM DS on my N3DS, feels inferior to NSMBU in every way.
Can you?
The original NSMB was an absolute piece of shit game, it blows my mind that it was somehow successful and well received but it all worked out for some reason because most of the other NSMB games have been pretty good.
Yup, you can.
>up to Kamoshida
Hope you’re not playing on Risky, either way, enjoy
Luigi's Mansion
I bought it last year and completely forgot about it
Is the 3DS version of Sims 3 worth it if you want a portable Sims 3?
I've been meaning to play Soma Bringer.
Chikorita, Froakie. Go.
>want to get faceplates
>don't want to spend 50 fucking dollars
Someone explain to me how that pricing makes sense. They have to cost a few cents to make.
seems to have mixed reviews.
haven't tried it personally, so who knows.
Mario kart 7, sonic boom fire and ice, dragon ball extreme butoden, Senran Kagura Burst, and smash bros for 3ds.
Return of Samus remake. It's okay, but not great. Fighting the same three boss fights over and over again is not fun and they could have just made most of the metroid encounters non respawning mini bosses if they didn't have the means or ability to make them all little more unique. Parrying just sucks as a mechanic that slows down exploration due to how repetitive it is and how the enemies control the flow of the encounter. Lastly, they went overboard with uninspired progression blocks the encourage the worst kind of backtracking and puzzle solving to get missile and energy tank power ups. Everything you get feels more like a key in Resident Evil.
The lack of story and characterization is great as the gameplay is hardly ever intruded upon and the art style isn't overly offensive though it still isn't that great. Given with what they had to work with as far as remakes go, they definitely put effort into trying to make something out of a very dated gameboy game. Like I said, it okay but still not as great as Zero Mission and Super
>have 90gbs of games on SD
>only play Mario Golf
its actually better on the smaller screen i have done side by side
Have you played AM2R? Side note I have to give credit, at least they C&D'd AM2R because they intended to make their own instead of to just continue sitting on the rights and doing nothing with it.
Been playing Aria of Sorrow, finished recently Fire Emblem gba and liked it a lot.
What are some other core GBA games besides the metroids? Non-jrpg recommendations will be appreciated.
Cyndaquil is the cutest buddy
Megaman Zero 2 and 3 are the tits
How do you change the picture like that?
With the program I use to make the roms into .cias
Oh that's cool, I didn't know there was such a program. Now I can make my own instead of having to download them from some place, thanks.
I can't decide what RPG series I want to start.
Right now I have the complete 3DS libraries of the following:
Yo-Kai Watch, Etrian Odyssey, Shin Megami Tensei, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, and one-off games like Fantasy Life, Rune Factory 4, Radiant Historia, Stella Glow, and 7th Dragon-III.
I'm leaning towards Bravely Default right now.
>I'm leaning towards Bravely Default right now.
You ARE aware of the whole hyper-repetitive portion of the later game, right? If you're not able to stomach that, would go with SMT or FE instead since my BD run took me almost 80 hours to get the true ending.
No, I wasn't aware, actually. I've heard nothing but praise.
Is the combat interesting enough to make it bearable?
>Is the combat interesting enough to make it bearable?
Assuming you can get some enjoyment out of experimenting your way into horrifically broken cheese builds, yes. It will also make any completionist stuff for trying to see as much of the story as possible go down a lot smoother.
>Is the combat interesting enough to make it bearable?
Meh, at least grinding can be done in an instant since you can put the game at like 8x speed.
The game does get weird which is something I wasn't used to when I played BD back in the day and I thought it was interesting but now I'm kinda whatever about it, it tried I suppose.
Should I just name my guild Spiceshot and be done with it
>death mountain with flaming lava pouring out
Why Spiceshot when you could go with Spicegirls
Because I don't like the spicegirls
The Spiceshot was the name of a custom flame-element weapon I used in some game a long time ago
Sounds like you should just take the hit and name it The Spicegirls.
And make it an all man guild
but I don't like the spicegirls and I wanted a guild with the little potato with glasses heading it
Potatoes are meant for one thing only
do not
why does no one like the potatoes
they're adorable
I could hack my 2DSXL but I'm just lazy to get it started. I have a 32GB inside it without much space used. I actually own quite a few of the games I wanted to have for it but them translations calling my name. Love me some ace attorney
it's incredibly easy to hack a 3DS.
just follow the directions in the OP.
>Check out the picross games
Which ones?
post game in EO3
How can I know what type of save game uses?
My custom theme.
Post yours.
This, the only way you can fuck it up is if you are illiterate and don't put the files in the right folders
Even then, it'll just crash instead of straight-up bricking
I know the pokemon games use 128k. I'm not sure if just keeping it at 128k for every single game causes issues or not though
I haven't made my own yet,
but I've been using this one and I like it a lot.
It's got some nice musical theme to it as well.
I only like their union skills. Celestrians are superior anyway
Celestrians are alright, but only the ones that don't look like vanilla elves
>download random taiko game
>select the random song button
>ends up on 2hu song
>play it
>raymoo and friends appear
>win raymoo skin for no misses
I thought only the nendo and that one game that has kirby in it were the only 3ds games in 2hu in them. wtf what other games have them?
Looks really good. When I created mine, I had to cut a ton to make a good loop for it.
Is magic always weak offensively in dragon quest? I found myself using it for healing and support more than actually attacking with it
I don't know what I was thinking.
It's not terrible but it 100% feels like it was meant for console.
Plan on playing Link's Awakening DX after
>I've never played the EO games, should I play the remakes or the DS originals?
the remakes change more than it seems at first. In short, exploration is much easier in the remakes. Try the remakes first, but also play the originals at some point.
I beat Fire Emblem Echoes which was fucking kino, and the doujin where Celica fucks Blant was even more kino. Now I am playing Dragon Quest 7 and 40 hours in.
Just bought a New 2DS with Kirby Planet Robobot.
Recommand me some good games that won't waste my time (I hate mechanics like leveling, loot or rng stuff), I need my game to give instant fun.
Can you do a system transfer from a vanilla New 3DS to a cfw N3DS? Would it mess anything up?
It would fuck everything up.
Yes actually, I got Crystal recently. Game still holds up
Been playing lots of Aria of Sorrow. If not that, the Mario Advance series. Basically using it as an expensive GBA emulator.
Battered and scratched because the bastard on ebay who sold it to me neglected to show the damage on any of the photos before dodging all my messages complaining.
Other than that black in a rubber controller case.
So how does GBA work on it?
FE Birthright. I don't think i like this game very much but i cant stop playing. Played on casual because dont have much experience with the series and its just too dumb easy to enjoy plus i get anxious about which units i use. Also like half of my army is people on pegasuses with naginatas. Im glad that this game allows you to make an army of horseback exclusives cuz they're always the strongest. Also i hate the baby mechanic and im glad they went away with it.
>Also i hate the baby mechanic and im glad they went away with it.
I finally graduated a few days ago but because of the heat wave where I am I don't even dare turning on my 3DS and damaging it. I plan on playing SMT4A, I started playing it for the first time in late 2017 and because of college and work I never finished it. I'm near the end when Asahi's gets killed by the big snake and I plan on completing the game this summer, as well as FE Echoes and maybe Pokemon Ultra Moon.
>Also i hate the baby mechanic and im glad they went away with it
There are baby units, they're just not connected to the plot at all so you can safely pretend they don't exist. But if you want to 100% complete the game you'll have to get them too.
>I'm near the end when Asahi's gets killed by the big snake
>near the end
>Played on casual
I never understood that option, as it removes any last bit of challenge to an already pretty easy game.
Why would anyone play it on auto where you cant die and cant lose?
aaaa fuck, i thought they were gone completely
Really nice. Favourite thing to emulate in it. I use a Virtual Console Injector made by some Argentine from the GBA forums, so games look all official and use Nintendo's emulation. Nintendo is full of shit when they say they didn't like GBA emulation, the only "issues" are no save states and sleep mode, which are non-issues for me.
I recommend you hack the fuck out of that 2DS, pronto, and play whatever the fuck you'd like.
I hacked my 3DS last week and wish I would've done it sooner.
shit's very easy to do.
Should i go for all the diffrent endings in smt iv? i only did the one where you side with boy with fluffy hair, that was in februar. how does ng+ look? how long would it take me to clear the rest of the routes? i know i need to finish all of them before apocalypse
Not him but i absolutely went full auto torwards the end of Revelation 'cause i couldn't stand those shitty maps anymore
Puyo puyo 2!
The game is fun but I am still burned from the pokemon disaster.
Man, the series is fucked.
Well ok, I'm "near" the end. I know the very last dungeon is long and boring but I'm still more than halfway through the game.
You don't need to finish all of them before Apocalypse. All you need to know is that in the Neutral route Flynn revives Masakado to remove the ceiling over Tokyo. I would just move on to Apocalypse. It's a better game.
playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy at the moment. first time playing the series and I'm enjoying it so far, albeit it's insanely goofy. just got done with the second episode. I got a good chuckle when Maya channels Mia to help cinch the trial and it just basically looks like Maya's tits got bigger.
Based on your criteria I would strongly recommend the following:
A Link Between Worlds
Mighty Switch Force 1/2
Pocket Card Jockey
Samus Returns
Shovel Knight
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Okay hacked my 3DS awhile ago back when the Free Shop existed. Last I knew it was taken down. How do I go about getting games onto my 3DS now?
Download central intelligence agencies, install them on the federal bureau of investigation and play
Technically EO2 and EO2 Untold are completely different games. The two dungeons share almost no similarities other than the tilesets.
EO2 is a more punishing dungeon crawler. EO2U focuses more on having well-designed FOE puzzles. The floors can feel more like puzzle gauntlets than dungeons.
Thanks friend.
Playing EOIV, what the fuck do I need to git gud?
The first level is pushing my shit in.
Do I opt for skills or mastery for my classes?
Also, what classes? Fucking Clifford the big red dog is pushing my shit in just on the first floor.
I wish there were some actual controller add-ons for the 3DS.
I would love something like pic-related to actually be a thing. no idea if it ever actually got made.
Rule of thumb in Etrian is you gotta keep constantly using skills otherwise you just won't be efficient, get some skills you can use but don't upgrade them so much to the point they start costing more TP and you run out of juice too fast, that's when you get some mastery going, but of course it all depends on the class and what you plan to do with it, not every tool of a class should be used, specialization trumps over jack of all trades
Got a hacked 2ds XL about a week ago, playing through OoT right now.
Can someone recommend me some gems?
Nuevo mito de la luz: El espejo de Palutena.
It shouldn't be that bad. EO4 is the most accessible game in the series. What's your team comp?
Having a Fortress to tank damage and a Runemaster for nuking will make things easier.
Christ, I can only recognize, like, 8 of those fucking soulless abortions. When's the last time Pokemon wasn't a mistake?
See Additionally:
Soul Hackers
Devil Survivor
SMT4 Apocalypse
Etrian Odyssey (4 to start with if you haven't played any)
SteamWorld Dig and Heist
Fire Emblem Echoes
You just don't care about what you have no nostalgia for that's all
Fantasy Life. Very cute game, music is really FUCKING ANNOYING though so I just mute it.
I did Bulbasaur/Fennekin and liked that.
Gen5 is soulful.
>own several vitas and 3ds’
>tfw playing kid Icarus and ninja Gaiden back to back on a comfy recliner
Absolutely based. Literally thousands of good games to play between the two when hacked.
Good joke.
Fuck off retard
Don't blame me for vita having no games.
I constantly struggle with moving games around because my 256 gig vita card fills up with games so quick