A hat in time

Is it worth picking up on sale for 50% ?

Should I buy the DLC?

Is it boringly easy?

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I just bought it. So far it looks like a good game, the only dlc that seemed worth it was the multiplayer one but it's only on sale like $0.10... I didnt get it. You can play the game and get it later, that's not a discount.

Its fairly easy from what you would expect from a platformer. However, the first dlc adds a challenge mode that is fairly hard, and on top of that the game is fun

The multiplayer DLC is free though...?

I might just pull the trigger on the base game for now

So the ultimate edition is a must for longevity?

Have you tried out the workshop levels yet?

I personally havent, but from what i heard, they arent bad.

There are Trannies in it so no

Been playing games since I'm 8, turning 33 this year and yet it's one of my top 5 games. Highly recommend.

Unless you just want to pay for sound tracks you'll never listen to, buy it later

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Pretty sure he means the nyakuza dlc, which costs like 6 dollars and is only 10% off (but ultimate edition is still a good deal)

It's a cute and funny game, what can go wrong?

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Ok what’s the tranny shit I keep hearing about this game

people are angry about a trans flag in a really obscure spot that the camera automatically turns away from

There's a transexual flag decal in Nyakuza Metro. That's literally it.

I got it at release for full price and I don't regret it.
If I were you I would get it with both DLCs, without them it feels a little short.

Hat Kid has a penis

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Games awesome, think ps2 era platformers, the DLC adds a fair bit of content.

Wow. I thought there was some tranny npc that was important or something.

why are they putting trans stuff in kids games?

Why do people care so much about fucking shit like that in the game? It's not even "shoving it down your throat" like all of you /pol/fags claim it is you're not even going to see that in game unless you specifically look for it.

Ignoring your horrible spacing, yes you should if you like charming and cute 3d platformers. It is however, very short, very VERY short, getting all the time pieces (including the ones in the DLC) is stupidly easy and takes very little time.

cause they want to and its not literally slaughtering the kids and killing their families

i didnt know it was in the game until people started getting angry about it.

Most of the time it's just people who hate being reminded that people who aren't straight exist.

the dev put a tranny flag into the game

It's worth it even at full price, so yes, it is worth it 50% off.