Well Yea Forums,what is your opinion on this matter?
Personally,i like Persona 3 more just beacuse of the style.
Well Yea Forums,what is your opinion on this matter?
Personally,i like Persona 3 more just beacuse of the style.
Other urls found in this thread:
P4 > P3
P4 > P3
P3 > P4
P3 > P4
P4 > P3
P3 kinda dragged towards the end and Tartarus sucked.
for me, it's persona 2. the patrician's choice.
What? The game drags for the first half because nothing other than "hurr fight shadows" happens.
Agree with this, the one exception is I would say their stories are pretty much equal. The cast of 3 is pretty much just as good as 4's, the only standout is Junpei.
Based and truthpilled
4 had the better characters and gameplay, 3 had the better story, atmosphere, and writing. Both soundtracks are equal.
I prefer P3's music but otherwise yeah.
Persona 4 is the superior game but I got more attached to Persona 3 by the end
can't find a fault with this
Gameplay P4>P3
Music P4>P3
Cast P3>P4
Story P3>P4
Dungeons P3=P4 (Both games have dungeons that are just hallways and occasional abstract rooms)
Final Boss P3 > P4
In conclusion, P3 and P4 are both equally as good and I hate to see people fighting over these two games when P3 and P4 are opposites of each other thematically and, in my opinion, completely different games.
I don't really care, they're the two worst games in the series other than maybe the spinoffs that I don't care to play
I guess P4 since its gameplay is less retarded, but unlike P3, I can't even be bothered to finish P4
>worst in series
That would be 5
>Not 1
I think you guys are underestimating just how janky the first two games are in terms of gameplay. I liked them for what they were but I could never see myself going through them again while I could maybe play P3 again for completion.
P3 and onwards is braindead, it's just "hit weakness, use all out attack" ad nauseum
And yeah, P2 isn't good as a video game, but it at least gives you more to work with than the later games since you can still switch the Personas of characters other than the MC.
P1 has straight up the best gameplay in the series, I don't see where you're coming from at all with it.
Why is P4 so bright?
I prefer P3's music in all honesty
P4 is slightly inferior to P3 in every way.
p3 has the least replay value of all thanks to tartarus.
>Music P4 > P3
Anyone else a sucker for this kind of art style?
Maybe im just a sucker for the color blue
Only thing I disagree with is the cast. The entire investigation team and a good number of s-link characters are a joy to be around, while I only really liked DA MAN and Shinji in P3.
P3 undeniably has the better story though.
Yeah but P4 has a long ass fucking intro too
1 is literally the worst game in the series and only contrarians think otherwise
Why did they replace this:
With this:
When this is what should have been in the PSP version:
Because P3 was dark. P4 was intentionally designed to contrast P3 and offer a different experience rather than just rehashing everything P3 did.
By what standard?
It's janky as fuck and some of the dungeons are PTSD inducing
Also wasn't a fan of the story myself
p3 fes>p4
P4 was still pretty dark in some cases though
It's just turn based combat with a bit of strategic grid positioning thrown in. It's the same as the other games with one or two more mechanics. I don't see how that makes it hard handle.
The dungeons are considerably more fair than oldschool SMT (barring some bullshit in the SQQ), and unlike literally every single game between P1 and P5, they aren't devoid of level design
The fucking final dungeon in PS1 is a nightmare
Also yeah SMT dungeons are fucking crimes upon humanity too
2 is honestly more of a chore to play
P3 waifus>P4 waifus thoug
I really enjoyed P5. Which one should I try next?
I haven't looked into P5 ever since it came out,what's it like
At the end of the day, as long as it's Meguro, it's always gonna be good, enough so that it's up to preference.
they wanted to nusona fans to try oldsona so they made some music that nusona fans like me would like
I just like most p3 related art
they're both shit and neither is worth even playing
Probably P4
I'm the other way round. I think from an objective standpoint, 3 is the better game, and does most things better, but I have such a personal/sentimental connection to 4 because it was my first. P3 is the best Persona game, but P4 is my favourite Persona game, if that makes sense.
When i was a teenage dork i really wanted to dye my hair dark blue beacuse of the MC
Thank God i didn't go through with that
Depends on what you did and didn't like about P5. Between P3 and P4, P3 has the more serious story, P4 has better character interactions (caveat: if you end up liking the characters), P3 has the slightly more complex gameplay but you could easily say P4 cut the bullshit and added more QoL, both of them have entirely randomized dungeons like Mementos with the difference being P3's has a larger number of smaller floors while P4 has a smaller number of larger floors. They really are two sides of the same coin with P5 trying to strike a balance between the two in many respects.
Or you could start transitioning into the broader MegaTen starting with the DDS games.
I think i'd recommend Nocturne instead of DDS if you wanted to get into MegaTen
But for the love of God don't start with the SNES games first,those are the videogame equivalent of Vietnam.
It's like a more refined take on Burn my Dread's MV, which is a masterpiece. It's clear that they didn't have a high budget, but they used abstract art and unorthodox composition to make up for it.
Ah man that opening instrumental really takes me back
Start with the PS2. Go through everything SMT on that platform; you should have a PC that can handle emulation. It's honestly a golden era of vidya and we are blessed to be able to step back into it at any time.
Kinda sad how SMT went full handheld in this age
I like all 3, but I have a softspot for 4 with that comfy small town vibe+music. But the truth is kid, They're all great, but 5 is objectively the best video game of the 3. Any preference is valid. My rankings are like 4>3>5
Unsurprising given how fucked their parent company was before Sega bought them. Hopefully the delays with V is because they already have a bunch of spinoffs in mind and want to set the foundation for them.
Thanks, guys. I think I'll try P4 as it seems it's the more accessible of the two. After that, it'll be Nocturne, because I'm afraid I'll be burned out on Persona if I try to play two of them uninterrupted.
I'll get to it the moment I beat Hollow Knight. The Radiance is kicking my ass.
>forgetting Raidou
Hold still while I glass you
Man what's with JRPGs and their fetish for spinoffs?
i mostly agree with this, though i liked the social links with the investigation team better than SEES, i liked the non-party member social links of 3 better than 4.
the teacher, the businessman, the dying dude and the little girl with the divorcing parents were all kino S.L.s
persona 4 sucks
Money. it's always money.
The Publisher or Parent Company sees something that's popular and want it to be more popular, so it can make more money.
Hence why just about everything is getting a Mobile Game now. Because they're lowest effort to dev with highest profit reward. Your always with your customer in their pocket, and they're engaged more.
Helps with brand cohesion. When someone buys a Shin Megami Tensei game they generally have a good idea what to expect, and any major changes from one mainline game to another (for example, SMT2 to Nocturne) are made deliberately with the intention that they'll form the basis for the franchise going forward. If Atlus wants to get experimental and try different things, they'll give the games different names like Devil Survivor or Persona or Devil Summoner and so on. Plus reusing assets, especially for a franchise like MegaTen that requires hundreds of individual models and animations for all the demons, helps keep costs down.
you should do it bro
Can we have a thread without P1/2 shitters implying their games are even playable? I played them. The stories, characters, and music are great. And I especially love 1st person dungeon crawling like in P1 and older megaten games. But fuck off. The combat is unbearable even by persona standards. P1 couldn't be more jank, and P2 couldn't be more boring.
The duality of man
I really should not,i don't wanna dissapoint my parents even further
This guy gets it
Persona and SMT core gameplay honestly aren't too different, it's the things outside of combat that make them differ. For me that's enough to still burn out even if they're different series, but to each their own. Also play 3 before 4 if you're going to play the whole Persona series. Unless you can handle the whiplash of losing party control after having it in 4.
>5 is objectively the best
I disagree. It goes for things which should make it objectively better (complex dungeons, longer year, more serious plot) but none of them work. The dungeons are handholdy and braindead, the story has clearly been rewritten too many times, and the serious messages of the game like social ostracism and rebellion are quickly put to the side for "shitty adults >:(" and killing god again.
Not my picture. But Raidou should be the last one you play in my opinion, once you're deprived and gagging for more MegaTen.
Pic related.
Imagine taking a concept like killing God and doing it so much you run it into the ground
Fucking Japs man
What Persona girl do they use to make money with though?
I should say what girl do they push and market to make them all of the money merch and shit wise. I don't play these games, but all of these type of companies pick on girl and do this.
Are you asking this as a roundabout way of finding out which girl is the best fapbait? Why else would you care?
As a Senran Kagurafag I just wonder if other companies do this shit or not like with Yumi.
Not really. They kind of used Rise for P4D, and they always add a new girl when they remake a game.
I prefer Persona 4 for the waifus
Aigis is probably the closes thing
I mean Aigis what has like 10 times the merch of every girl combined and get's put on the front cover of a lot of shit.
4 is incel's wet dream
3 is an actual group of people who have differing beliefs who end up becoming tight friends after starting out as mere classmates and seniors.
How bad is Tartarus?
both are an incel's wet dream, one is more honest about it than the other
Well, that's largely because P3 doesn't have an explicit mascot character.
boring, but you can literally butt rush through it, so not that bad.
Reminds me of that time i played P4 infront of my dad and he asked me if i was substituting these characters for real life friends
T-thanks a lot dad
our parents understand us better than we think
Gameplay 3 > 4, brainlets can't work around tactics
Music 3 > 4, cringey tier NOW I'LL FACE
Story 3 >>>> 4, one tackles death and the other is scooby doo
Dungeons 3 = 4, having themed mini tartaruses doesn't change shit
Final boss 3 = 4
3 is much better than 4. 4 got peddled for so long that for most faggots here, it was their first persona so they are very attached to it.
Not really. I sincerely prefer P3/4's dungeon design to 5's. While 5 tries to be complex with puzzles and a linear path, the others are honest that they are just a small maze, and are more immediate in terms of gameplay as a result. You don't need to stop every 5 minutes to have a character explain how to complete a puzzle.
Tartarus detractors will cite how many floors it has, but you should bear in mind that the floors are really small, and you can have your party split up to find the stairs.
everybody played 3 first m8
I really like Persona music but i find myself cringing everytime i listen to it
everything about Persona is cringe but I can't stop myself playing them
>cringey tier NOW I'LL FACE
Bro, you were so close to being based. I would also put P3's final boss above 4's, just to credit the fact that it did the "deus ex machina skill to beat god" first, with the whole HP gimmick on top. But if you don't think that cheesy J-Pop is a perfect fit for the battle theme then you're just jaded. It's so fun. It's not like Mass Destruction is any less cringe. That's what gives it that uniquely Japanese feel.
I doubt that.
At least 3 tried to move away from that, but brainlets wanted happy go lucky trash.
Based. P3bros, get in here!
>Letting the MC change their weapon
Why haven't they brought that mechanic back?
Also fuck the deadline system desu
If someone caught me listening to anime theme songs or J-Pop i think i would kill myself
But man just
yes I too was impressed by that Shakespearean masterpiece of a mute highschool boy fighting demons and having sex with robots
Can I grind through them asap?
no. only contrarians think it is the best game in the series, but that doesn't make them wrong. the being contrarian = being wrong meme needs to die
My favorite is 4 but to be fair that’s the one I started with and before I played it I did not like anime that much, I know this is probably gonna sound stupid and dramatic but for better or worse it changed me as a person.
Yes. People will tell you Tartar Sauce is shit, but it really isn't. If you play P3P you can heal much faster, plus your teammates don't bail on you when their tired.
I mean, you can in theory rush through them without fighting anything other than minibosses, but you do need to actually play the game to get exp, and you are expected to spend some time on that. If you're having to ask, maybe this isn't the game for you. Tactics is not a system designed for the impatient.
>If you play P3P
DO NOT trust this man.
This. It was kino as it fit into the theme of the MC being a jack of all trades who can adapt to any situation.
Remember: if someone ever criticizes Persona 3, just yell "tactics!" and that person is instantly wrong, letting you win the argument and claim superiority for your favorite emo Eva ripoff simulator.
Agree with this user, 5 is objectively the best from purely a gameplay perspective but gameplay is pretty so so in persona so it doesn't really make up for the story. It would be the best if the whole game was as well made as the part up to the end of the first palace is. IMO 3 vs 4 comes down to purely personal preference, I find the s.links and general tone of 3 a lot more relatable. I also unironically liked the AI party members in the context of the game.
Shut the HELL up, user. P3P is perfectly fine. Yes, the cutscenes are butchered, but the QOL improvements are worth it. The FeMC route can burn in hell, though.
>Agree with this user
I don't think you do. I don't think P5 is that good gameplay-wise, as hinted at by my opinion of the dungeon design. The battle system is satisfying but having the shogi slink bonuses makes it disgustingly broken (and I hate them for adding the "press R1 to autoselect the best option" feature.)
You mean all the shit that makes the party members feel less like individuals (getting tired, acting on their own) which make the game ridiculously easy? You stink, user, as does your taste.
user... how could you say that to me?!
Riddle me this 3bab, why is it that P3 is required to have all that needless bullshit to make the characters "feel like individuals" when there are dozens of JRPGs that manage to make characters feel like individuals without removing gameplay in the video game?
This guy looks unreal
If I don't give a single fucking shit about anime waifus and other anime tropes, will I enjoy the gameplay of persona3 and 4? (I'm straight btw and don't jerk it to 2d anime girls(boys))
being able to swap out party members from hifumi, and mishima making it so everyone gets xp was the best thing they did to persona, being able to actually use everyone for once rather than 4 people for the whole game like in the others felt great because I'm not gonna bother waste time to grind someone up to then leave someone else in the dust for the rest of the game, they better make those 2 social link bonuses just a feature thats available at the start of p5r and p6.
Why not? Why do you have a problem with a game doing something different to service its overall ideas?
Answer the question. Why is removing gameplay required?
>The game that introduced the social link system was the one that moved away from being a incels wet dream
What the fuck are you on about?
Based and correctpilled
I'm not deflecting. I think it's good for the game, because P3 makes a point of how your party members are people in their own right, not just additional skill slots.
Tiredness and Tactics do not "remove gameplay"; they force you to actually look after your party like a real leader, which I think adds to the gameplay.
If I can get serious for a second and stop RPing as a hardcore anti-P3P activist: I think that P3P is fine if P3 isn't your thing, but that it should have been rebalanced around the changes.
>which make the game ridiculously easy?
so you're admitting the game is not balanced without tacked on effects?
No, they're mostly designed as dating sim/friendship sim with added dungeons. Unironically play a real Shin Megami Tensei game instead, they're more focused on dungeons and gameplay and the story is more about apocalypse and alignments and shit like that.
People have a problem with them when they become a hindrance.
>P3 makes a point of how your party members are people in their own right
Why is this required when other games are capable of doing the same thing without removing gameplay?
>Tiredness and Tactics do not "remove gameplay"
You are operating under a false line of thinking. Adjust your mentality to account for the fact that these are supposed to be video games.
>all these anons saying P4s gameplay is better than P3s
I seriously cant fathom how you'd think that. Its severely watered down and lacks many of the features that made P3s combat more endearing. The dungeons in both are a drag half the time but I usually put on a podcast or something so it's less monotonous
Is it because of tactics? Can people really not take 2 seconds to tell allies what to do?
>tacked on effects
Eh? No, they're part of the game. Every game isn't balanced without the bits that make them challenging.
>when other games are capable of doing the same thing without removing gameplay?
So what? MGS3 didn't NEED the ladder, but it serviced the feeling of anticipation and progression.
>these are supposed to be video games.
You act as if these things completely take agency away from the player, but that's not true. They give the player more factors to take into account, which makes a turn-based game more engaging to me, but ultimately the player can still tell party members how to act, and can still choose not to run their party members into the ground in one night--remember that the opportunity cost of going dungeon crawling several times in 3 is much lower than in 4.
Persona 4 Golden has P3 beat in all aspects.
4 has better gameplay than 3 and I always preferred the lighter tone of 4 compared to 3's edge and death. Also 4's aesthetic is just better.
P3 wins the Story category, and more importantly the Not Having Marie category.
Half of P3's cast is more obnoxious than Marie
It's not bad once you get the hang of it. You usually end up rushing up floors for the section boss.
All the cast in P4 are more obnoxious than Xenoblade(And P3)
Persona 4’s story is much better paced than P3’s, so it wins.
>Much better paced
>3fags can't defend their game so they deflect
this may be the most ive agreed with a post this year
then you have shit taste nigger
Nigga, shut the actual FUCK up. You literally did the same thing. Fuck OFF 4nigger.
p3 has better everything but gameplay, and even in that department p4 is just barely better
It's a fair point. The month where you have to think about killing Ryoji is pretty empty, though the thick atmosphere makes up for it.
There's a difference to deflecting within the same series, then bringing in a completely different game series in order to build your deflect.
I'm not the same user you've been talking with but even i can see that you're just pulling shit out your arse.
My opinion on P4 just gets worse and worse as the years go by, whereas the opposite happens with 3 and 5. Probably because it was the first one I played when I was young.
Finished 2 last year and really loved it. Kinda wish EP would finish translation for the PSP but whatever I'll have the play the PS1 version soon.
I loved the PSP remixes a lot, and coming off of Persona 3/4 I really loved how different it was. Losing S-Links wasn't as bad as I thought and being able to talk to demons and get them on your side was a nice take on the game.
The music really sold the game to me, I used to get bored of the themes in P3/4 a lot, but there was something so intense and extreme about the P2 soundtrack. I never got tired of the battle and boss themes, they were loud and intense, my kind of music. I also loved the map theme a lot, something very sombre and dull about it that really contrasted with what I'd hear in P3/4
>P3 > P4
Going to have to disagree with you there. Maybe they were better written but I never actually liked most of the party members of 3. They felt more like coworkers that you were forced to associate with more than friends, and their resentments of you and each other weren't fun, even if they were realistic
as opposed to p4 where everyone sucks your cock? nty lol
Persona 3 is literally "It's Supposed To Be Shit: The Game"
3fags are probably the most delusional group of people on the board.
This. They've aged terribly, gameplay wise.
Yeah, fuck off with that. We know it's you, faggot. Kill yourself.
Man fuck you, I play video games to have fun, not to remind me why interpersonal relationships in real life suck so bad
The games are pretty interchangeable, its just the atmosphere makes people think otherwise.
It's not like they were horrible throughout. They start off suspicious and cold and warm up to you and each other over the course of the game. It gives some weight to the events of the story.
>I'm not the same user you've been talking with
Then why do you feel the need to come in and defend him with this "it's ok to deflect in THIS way" routine? Faggot.
>Acting on their own
But they don't act on their own, they follow general commands like weird glitchy robots. Letting you control individual party members makes them feel more like individual people with their own thoughts and feelings as they take stock of the situation and act accordingly.
>They felt more like coworkers that you were forced to associate with more than friends
Thats exactly what they were and thats why their bond by the end of the game is that much more potent. In P4 the protag comes to town and everyone is on his dick the second they meet. Everyones just totally cool with confiding in this stranger and letting their deepest insecurities run rampant.
P3 everyone treats the MC like thee creepy emo special snowflake faggot that he is. Eventually everyone goes through their own arc and learns to change and appreciate what they do and dont have.
Its basic writing, mate.
>In P4 the protag comes to town and everyone is on his dick the second they meet.
P5 has the same problem, I can't relate to these Gigachad protagonists.
When P3 wants to do well it executes it nicely but the pacing leaves you with some months with nothing to do. P4 always kept the ball rolling.
P5 tried to take the delinquent route where everybody looks down on/avoids the MC from the start, but this kind of just disappears after a bit.
Nah, it's very good and I love it too, it's the reason why I really like mekakucity
Also P4 has a better development between characters, in P3 they are just roommates and that's it not counting the school trip
Wrong. See
This is correct
Everyone's on your dick too in P3
>P4 has a better development between characters
Reeeally? There was barely ever any conflict between characters in the first place? Whereas P3 has Yukari dealing with her ressentiment toward Mitsuru for being a better woman than her, and gradually coming to understand her and become close friends. What does P4 have? The character dynamics stay consistent throughout because that's what's marketable.
I prefer P3 moreso because of how it handled its story and themes. The entire calendar system made perfect sense here, seeing as you were living on borrowed time. Tartarus, for as much of a repetitive chore as it may have been, was a continued progression upwards to your final destination. The Velvet Room being an elevator also facilitated this journey, much like the limo in P4 leading the MC to his own destination. Along with the defeat and amassing the shadows tied together with one another and the plot wouldn't be resolved without all these pieces in place. The fact you had the choice to ignore your friends to ensure a peaceful end for them. Final boss. Most everything tied together with the themes of the story. Death wasn't just used for shock value, but mattered to the plot and characters who were changed by these experiences. I felt like P4's streamlining of combat took away from what depth P3 had. I enjoyed weapon-swapping, with the naginata being my preferred weapon in P3, so being stuck with only one choice of weapon in P4 hurt a bit. The party system while it hindered a bit during battle, added to the immersion of being the leader of a group of individuals. I liked the party started less like a group of friends and more just working towards a common goal. Party members grew and developed not just via the MC, but on their own and with each other, which was nice to see. Their personas evolved not due to your direct intervention but as a result of personal development. There wasn't as much dick-sucking in P3. That's not to say P3 had no problems because it had plenty, but it just left a much greater impression on me that P4 in the end.
Also, Elizabeth
Not really. And not to the extent in P4. Die, chie
Honestly i didn't even read what the fuck he deflected. But mentioning xenoblade randomly is retarded enough.
It's more jarring in P3 because all the S-links act as if the protag was some big life changing person when all he does in most of them is stand there and tell them what they want to hear even though it was against their best interests. 4 has the same problem it's just less bad.
That's not the point though.
>Muh dick sucking
Why do people cite this as a problem specifically to 4? All of the games do this, some worse than 4.
I always feel like killing myself after finishing a Persona game
That's fair enough, i was pretty much just skimming the thread until i saw xenoblade brought up so i wan't paying attention.
3fags: "Every flaw in our game is in fact a deliberate design choice meant to push a specific mood and tone."
Also 3fags: "All of these deliberate design choices in 4 are in fact simply objective flaws and proof our game is superior."
>no fusion spells
>characters don't get tired,encouraging grinding
>easier dungeons
>less store variety
>no milf teacher lover friend
>All of the games do this, some worse than 4.
Not to the extent of P4 though.
Every character in that game wouldn't know how to breathe if the MC wasn't around them at least in 3 and 5 the characters can function and do shit on their own.
Also Dicksucking is only a problem if the cast is garbage. DeSu2 sucks off the MC more than any persona game combined but it gets a pass because the cast is really nice.
Memes have a way of poisoning your mind. Only Rise seriously sucks your dick in 4. The rest
>Yosuke, Teddie etc. suck your dick for your prowess in battle which is exactly the same as Mitsuru and Akihiko doing it to the MC in 3
>S. Links suck your dick which as noted in
>Is worse in 3 because in 4 you do things like help Chie stand up to thugs or stand up for Kanji to the police or find the old woman's letters whereas in 3 you mostly just stand there
And even then, Rise slobbering on the protag is similar to Aigis doing the same thing
>B-b-but there's a plot reason for it!
You know as well as I do, Aigis' fixation on the protag didn't need to be portrayed in the way it was. It could've been done much more sparingly and subtly. Also the heiress/princess of a multi billion dollar corporation not knowing what hamburgers are and needing the protag to show her and help give her the courage to stand up to her mean ol fiance is worse pandering than anything in any other Persona game.
Why do you have a massive hate boner for P3? Rent free, and take your YouTube normalfaggot meme back.
>Characters explore dungeons on their own as a sort of B-team
>Characters stand in the lobby like mindless robots until talked to by the MC
Every character in p3 wouldn't know how to breathe if MC wasn't around. At least in 4 and 5 the characters function and do shit on their own.
>Yosuke, Teddie etc. suck your dick for your prowess in battle
No, they suck you dick for doing the most basic shit.
>Aigis' fixation on the protag didn't need to be portrayed in the way it was.
That's retarded.
Persona 3 actually has a story that takes place after the protagonists death, you know?
You mean the story where the group falls apart and isn't able to move on after he dies and gets trapped in a time vortex since they're so dependent and overly attached to the protag? That story?
I just... is this your mind after playing P4? This is some retarded ass shit.
>Yada yada mindless robots
It's because their on a mission. They have to stick together, because they don't know where Tartarus goes too. Also having multiple parties go in at once would be a hassle. Only 2 people in the game can communicate with their personas. And if one (Mitsuru) is in battle, she can't communicate with the other party.
>No argument
As expected from a P4fag.
You mean the story where they sit around with their thumbs up their asses and create a vortex that threatens to wipe out the immediate area until they all get collectively smacked in the face by Aigis' discarded emotions?
>Characters stand in the lobby like mindless robots until talked to by the MC
>Characters explore dungeons on their own as a sort of B-team
Every character in that game wouldn't know how to breathe if the MC wasn't around them at least in 3 and 5 the characters can function and do shit on their own.
Gameplay: 5 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 3
Story: 3 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 1
Characters: 4 = 3 > 5 > 2 > 1
Dungeons: 5 > 4 = 2 > 1 > 3
Music: 4 = 5 > 2 > 3 > 1
Final boss: 1 = 3 > 5 > 4 > 2
Waifus: 5 = 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
Overall: 4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1
it's a lot more than P4, I actually can't imagine that cast even interacting with each other without GigaYu
That's objectively an argument, fanboy
>It's because their on a mission
So is the 4 cast
>They have to stick together, because they don't know where Tartarus goes too.
It goes up and there are even more party members capable of battle
>Also having multiple parties go in at once would be a hassle
>Only 2 people in the game can communicate with their personas. And if one (Mitsuru) is in battle, she can't communicate with the other party.
When is this ever established? Also Mitsuru's Persona starts to have communication difficulties before the end of the 2nd block, she's basically useless communication wise and in fact putting her closer to the rest of the group would make her more useful. Did you even play the game?
See now this is the definition of no argument. The 4 cast explores the dungeons on their own while the 3 cast sits there with their thumbs up their asses. Cope fanboy
>moving the goalpost
sasuga p4fags
But they do. There's a prequel manga about Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko all hanging out before brotag arrives. And in the Dancing game Rise and Naoto are established as being close.
sorry I don't care about spinoff fanservice
We're not talking about that non-canon shit user.
We're talking about what happens in the 60 hour video game.
That's not what that means. Leave it to a 3fag to throw around buzzwords without knowing what they mean.
No nigga, have YOU played the game? It doesn't need to be established you absolute fucking retard, its common fucking sense. Why would she be trying to communicate, while fighting a damn shadow?
>Litterally has to bring up spin-off material because he has no argument.
But you brought in the Answer as an argument? They're all equally canon you must realize.
Because she literally does that in the June Full Moon Operation? "Help help we need backup stat"
Gameplay: 5 = 4 > 3 > 2> 1
Story: 3 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
Characters: 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4
Dungeons: 5 > 3 = 4 > 2 = 1
Music: 5 > 3> 1 = 2 > 4
Final boss: 3 = 2> 5 > 1 > 4
Waifus: 3 = 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
Overall: 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4
Yosuke sucks your dick because aside from Teddie, no one else knows his insecurities and the Protag dealt his shadow personally with no help. He also introduced him to the power of Persona which would bring excitement to his boring life and allow him to catch the killer.
Teddie sucks your dick because you made a promise to him (along with Yosuke) to stop whoever was messing with the TV world. You were also one of his first friends.
Rise's just another Lovers character
Everyone else just kinda respects him
The Answer is a canon epilogue to Persona 3
Meant for
The Answer isn't a spin-off retard. It's apart of P3FES a mainline game.
>Everyone else just kinda respects him
Yukiko and Chie become obsessed with him on sight even though they treat everyone else in school like shit
p3 is 10/10 for narrative and atmosphere and 7/10 for gameplay
p4 is 7/10 for narrative and atmosphere and 8/10 for gameplay
The dancing game is a canon continuation as well as the events of Arena.
They're all considered canon. Sorry. So I'm not sure what the argument even is? "Oh no Atlus says this is how the characters would act in the future but that game doesn't count because I don't like it even if they all are equally canon"
I can't stand Persona 4's aesthetic, most of it's music, and most of it's cast. So 3
I should reiterate, when I say "communicate" I mean what she was doing before Fuuka came into the party. Giving instructions, letting the party know where they are, etc. Also, her powers aren't as good as Fuuka' s anyway, she needs to be in the front lines (or waiting to be in there)
p4's music was fine
everything else you said is correct
No only Chie becomes interested at first because he's the new kid. Yukiko doesn't really want to talk to him and is just following Chie around.
Naoto feels like the only party member of P4 who is an actual character, the rest of them feel like tools or personal pets of the protagonist
Based. Gonna have to agree, I don't like P4, but it has some solid tracks.
>No, they suck you dick for doing the most basic shit.
They suck your dick for dragging them all into a supernatural TV world via powers nobody else has at that point, then summoning magical powers which nobody else has at that point to destroy weird monster things, then when the rest of the team also get magical powers you're still above the rest for being able to switch between powers which they can't, and as far as they know you never had to confront the supernatural manifestation of your hidden fears and insecurities which means either you're so easy-going you don't have any or you went in before them and did it yourself without any help.
The main difference that sets 4 apparently is that you the protagonist end up being the trailblazer. You're not a new recruit into a group that's already been operating for years before you. You don't even have some cat to lead you around and tell you what to do. By the nature of how the events in the game unfold, you end up venturing into completely unknown territory, so naturally the rest of the team will follow you being that you're the most experienced. This is further reinforced by the team having no third year students on it, so there's nobody that you're supposed to look up to and be deferential toward. And that's not getting in to how just by encountering their shadows you're dealing with their repressed fears and insecurities which means just by virtue of simply being there you're closer to them than anyone else. Were it the characters from 3 or 5 (barring the 3rd years) in the same situation, the dynamic would be extremely similar.
I didnt but i like it more overall.
Exactly so her communication is a moot point anyway.
>All that generic fetishbait in S
>p3 is 10/10 for narrative
the last 5 hours of P3*
I'm gonna have to go with 3. I'm a hardcore P3 fan, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in the Iwatodai Dormitory where I would often chat with Junpei in the Ground Floor and help Shinjiro with the cooking, but one day as I was talking to Yukari, we went to my room for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on the "other" earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"
This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Mitsuru-senpai and she agreed that you would be PERFECT for S.E.E.S, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Mitsuru said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
Is the entire SMT/Persona fanbase one of the dumbest audiences in gaming?
Digital Devil Saga is better than both
Legitimately yes.
Monster of the week is literally KINO though.
There is always the ones that suck Bethesda dicks so no. not yet
it's more like the first hour, the entire sun social link, the last 10 hours, and a few other spots
Move Rise to D, bring Elizabeth to S, bring Naoto to S, bumb Makoto to C tier, bring Yukari to S tier, and bring Nanako to S tier. Other than that, its alright.
>Sun social link
No only the last three ranks. The rest is melodrama.
No but it operates very much on
>Old good
>New bad
I legit have no clue why I put 4 there. I'm pretty sure I mixed up 3 and 4
Persona 3 is literally JoJo part 3. In a sense
3's music is better than 4 though
3 and 4 both have perfectly good music though
It is the definition of the contrarian FFfag who thinks he has discovered the JRPG hidden game
>check it out, I'm playing the REAL series now. Nocturne? Persona 3? I've played it all
>I see, how about Ys? Mana? OG Dragon Quest? Breath of Fire? Suikoden? Phantasy Star? Grandia? Valkyrie Profile?
>I don't know what any of those are but Nocturne is the hardest JRPG ever made (aside from, heh, the Demifiend secret boss in DDS1, the hardest boss of all time naturally) and my favorite FF is X
4's music is better because it has no songs I outright hate. This youtube.com
is awful
Persona is only good for the music and characters and 3 is the only modern persona with both
"Sucking off" is just an easier way to say that the cast can't do anything on their own.
Everything they do is with the MC and they solve their problems because of the MC.
In P3 and P5, characters go off and do thier own shit to benefit themselves and the plot.
Like Yukari and Fuuka hacking into Kirijo's files because Mitsuru is hiding shit or Ryuji trying to find where the track advisor drinks.
I hated the PS2 versions of 3 because you couldn't control your party members in combat
Ended up never finishing FES even though I've beaten P3P multiple times at this point
4's music is largely pretty decent but there are only a couple of songs that are really great
3 has a good mix of songs that are utterly fantastic and songs that suck complete dick like the one you posted
That's only Yea Forums and you're mad that nobody like P4.
absolute shit taste
>Hating on based Changing Seasons
This better be a joke, user
Persona 4 probably, even though I've only played Persona 3
You are not me.
P4's singer is garbage compared to Lyn and Yumi but that's it.
p4 is objectively worse than 3 in every measure except gameplay and if gameplay is all you care about, other games in the smt series do it a lot better anyway
>Like Yukari and Fuuka hacking into Kirijo's files because Mitsuru is hiding shit
But then it turned out she actually wasn't hiding anything and they could have asked at any time lol. I also seem to recall Yosuke and Rise being the ones who plan all the trips and Naoto being the one who makes the most progress in the investigation. Teddie and Rise also act as trackers and Kanji intimidates answers out of Adachi at least twice.
what about waifus
Let's see
Persona 3:
Persona 4:
My viewpoint is solely based on the opening music
Nothing can beat this: youtube.com
Yukari and Aigis are awful waifus though
>I also seem to recall Yosuke and Rise being the ones who plan all the trips
With the MC around.
>Naoto being the one who makes the most progress in the investigation.
She doesn't.
>Teddie and Rise also act as trackers
With the MC around
>Kanji intimidates answers out of Adachi at least twice.
with the MC around.
>Everything they do is with the MC and they solve their problems because of the MC.
In the real world the other characters take the initiative almost all the time with the MC doing nothing besides deciding who he personally spends time with. It's only in the TV World where the MC has unimpeded leadership, because of reasons already listed above.
>With the MC around.
This is irrelevant if he's not actually doing anything.
p4 has a few great songs but p3 has more overall honestly
p4's battle theme is one of my favorite songs in the entire franchise though
>P5 comes out and is critically acclaimed
>You faggots are still grabbing each other's throats to see if 3 or 4 is better, having no regards for 5
Never change,Yea Forums.
>The MC is standing there in the frame so it doesn't count
Naoto absolutely does. The investigation was hung until she joins the party. Even if you want to argue she doesn't, it would be a complete lie to say she doesn't contribute at all which is still a point in my favor.
they suck, one is a robot and the other is morose cunt
>one is a robot
>With the MC around
How the fuck are they supposed to plan a trip without everybody saying 'yeah, we're interested'
Also all of this is because P4 has much less 'cut away from the MC', just say that and debate if its good or bad to do so.
>One is a robot
I don't get It? How is her best feature, make her the worst?
my first persona game was 3 so therefore is the best
this is undeniable and irrefutable
fuck you and your opinions
>persona 3
Amazing tier
>persona 2
Incredible tier
Still doesn't beat Persona 4's God tier
4 has the best Q2 battle theme
5 has the worst
robots are creepy
5 is almost universally agreed to be the weakest game in the series, every Yea Forums poll places it barely above P1/2 which a total of 15 people played
>every Yea Forums poll
It's been 3 years user. Stop seething over P5.
5 is shit, get over it
You can't talk about 5 for the forseeable future because it's ripe for shitposting. Have you seen 5 threads recently?
Take your meds please.
Persons 3’s story is neat but at times I kinda hard to take seriously. There’s times where it also feels rickety, like they haven’t figured out the characters and day to day life aspect yet.
Persona 4’s story seems intentionally stupid and whacky so that when it have it’s serious moments, they feel all the more impactful. And character interactions feel tighter.
Overall I think persona works better as a scooby-doo knock off like 4 did.
P5 felt like an edgier KnD
Switch the cast around and i agree. I didnt like being stuck with Yukashit and Junpei for most of the beginning. Junpei turning into some asshole out of needless jealously sealed the deal on me not liking him. Fuuka and Ken sucked ass too. And i really dont care about the walking toaster. Im sure that the majority of the people that like her just to stick their dick in a toaster and dont actually like her for anything else.
Persona in general is shit, 5 is the least bad.
Post your favorite SMT song
Why are you in this thread?
Yeah, in terms of graphics and gameplay. That's about it, though. After Kamoshida, it goes downhill. Having Demons back was beat, too.
I hope whoever wrote this did it ironically but knowing the purseowner fanbase I kinda doubt it
Mechanically, Nyx is actually a really bad final boss but if you count the Answer 3 does have the best final boss.
The Virgin Nyx
>Wastes your time with 13 forms worth of filler before the main fight
>Skims the Wikipedia articles of the tarot cards to seem "deep"
>Silly design
>Final form is a slog that takes half damage
>One of his big attacks is hiding behind a shield like a bitch
>Theme is only appealing to soi boys who clap when they hear that Aria they recognize
>Ultimate move is a cheap shot that will only ever get you once and then never again
>Vulnerable to Armageddon
The Chad Erebus
>Plethora of dangerous high damage attacks that can't be grinded past
>Ultimate attack is very clearly outlined and turns the fight into a fun and intense DPS race
>Doesn't waste your time at all, either you lose quickly or win quickly.
>Cool genuinely unsettling design
>Doesn't talk, only goal is to kill you not give a boring sophomoric lecture
>Theme song is an original composition that gets the blood pumping
>Has never seen an Armageddon spell in his entire life.
>After Kamoshida, it goes downhill
The eternal cry of the mentally retarded
>5 literally ends with the cast agreeing that society needs to change itself instead of them changing society and with all your adult friends working to change the system from the inside out to help you but the character people think is the voice of the developer personified is the retarded teenage delinquent whose dad left him saying the phrase "shitty adults"
Who is the canon waifu of each game? Choose wisely.
Nice buzzwords, 5babby. Back to your dead containment thread, no one likes 5 besides Mommyfags.
P3fans are lazy with their arguments because the general consensus is P3 being the superior game.
Robots are lovely.
The canon girls are essential party members
>Doesn't have an argument
>I-its bait!
FUCK off, forever.
Eeeeeh...I mean,It would only be fair to mention the ludicrous chie posting,yu thundercock posts,Kanji being gay threads, I love Fuuka! bro and that really fucking deviant aegis drawfag to the addition of autism. P3 and P4 has their equivalent share of faggotry.
She does nothing in the story
gameplay wise not story
Doesn't she confirm the killer's identity?
This user is right. Yukiko is still the best party member, even in Golden just because of her massive SP bar.
If you look towards your right you can see the famous P3 vs. P4 exhibit
Here heated discussion has been going on for ages with no agreement ever being reached. I'd reccomend threading carefully if you ever were to enter
No, she acts like a retard and only gives them that info after they already figured it out, great job yukiko, that would have been useful six months ago
Yes, she suddenly and conveniently remembers that Adachi was the last person seen with the murder victim, something that nobody brought up for the last 9 months, not even the police who had to investigate her death
Before you take too much time to think about that, look at this funny group slice of life scene hahaha Yosuke's so funny
yeah she conveniently forgets about it until that day
>Not the first post from this IP
>Grrr Yukiko dumb
>SEES and the Kirijo Corp good for taking "there's evidence to support it" as valid proof and blindly believing Ikutsuki even though he worked incredibly closely with Mitsuru's grandpappy.
Nigga, who are you quoting? No one said this.
shit, I've been figured out
abort mission, abort
I mean it's dumb but I still enjoy the plot though. I'd rather funny slice of life than inconsistant serious conversations.
Remember how Adachi brings a girl known to the public as a crime witness in for official police questioning into a police station filled with security cameras (CCTV systems becoming incredibly widespread by the 1970s), and nobody ever sees her leave and there is no record of her leaving, and nobody questions what could have happened to her or what went on
It's explicitly stated here by this fellow acting like 4 is the only Persona game with contrived writing. Don't forget 3 is the Persona game where Aigis was somehow able to take out all of the rest of SEES by herself even though she was up against Akihiko, Ken and MC along with everyone else just so Mitsuru's dad could die.
tbf yukiko being dumb was more of the devs fault with that changing killers shit, ikutsuki arc was fucking retarded though
I'm the guy you quoted, P3 is the same but has nothing to distract you with except "let's wait for the next full moon I guess"
Remember how those same cameras would also have not seen Adachi leave? And he'd have a valid alibi being far from the actual murder site?
>Don't forget 3 is the Persona game where Aigis was somehow able to take out all of the rest of SEES by herself even though she was up against Akihiko, Ken and MC along with everyone else just so Mitsuru's dad could die.
One of the many things the P3 Movies improved from the original.
Would you recommend Digital Devil Saga to someone who liked P3 and P4?
I want to try them out but they seem really depressing.
Yes, they're fun as long as you don't go for 100%
t. Started with 4.
>Aigis was somehow able to take out all of the rest of SEES by herself
Yeah why wouldn't she? She's a fucking robot while SEES are normal human beings.
> she was up against Akihiko, Ken and MC
What does that have to do with anything?
Play Devil Survivor, instead.
They get let depressing
If you liked Final Fantasy 10 you'll probably like them a lot
Aigis should be more powerful than all of them, she's a robot
Yeah I'd say go for it. I haven't finished 1 but the characters are entertaining and the music's.
I stopped playing because I didn't like the Ps3 port
>blindly believing Ikutsuki even though he worked incredibly closely with Mitsuru's grandpappy.
They worked close with him. what's your point?
Aigis is a robot and took them out before they even had the chance to pull out thier evokers.
So the main characters of Persona have these things called Persona they can summon.
don't samefag. nobody is that retarded to agree with you.
>really fucking deviant aegis drawfag
You mean this?
There's also 8 of them. And of course they worked close with him, which is why "geniuses" like Mitsuru and her father would ask for more evidence besides "oh yeah it just works lol" if the writing wasn't contrived.
What about "The movie did this so much better" is me agreeing with that guy about how the Aigis vs everyone thing wasn't bad? In the movie they don't even fight because they've already been drugged and captured.
Robots are faster, she could instantly shoot rubber bullets at them to incapacitate them faster than they can even react
>Rubber bullets instantly incapacitate them
>Getting hit in the face with a giant metal sword doesn't
Okay lol.
You just proved my point right because Aigis is fast enough to disarm them.
P3's pacing is so bad it makes P5's look like a breeze in comparison, for all the shit the latter gets for being a slog at least it's nowhere near as aggressive as the certain months in P3 where fuck all happens without covering it.
It's objectively the worst of the three in that department.
stop reaching
So let me get this straight, Yukiko forgetting=bad writing. Trained team standing there like morons except for Yukari=good writing
Stop being a fanboy.
Persona 4 has worse pacing, especially in Vanilla P4.
5 is significantly worse than 3 and 4
the story and characters are absolute garbage. the gameplay is better but who in their right fucking mind plays persona games for gameplay
So let me get this straight, 8 people getting knocked out by a super powered combat readdy robogirl made to kill super natural creatures made from the conscious of humanity=bad writing.
>who in their right fucking mind plays persona games for gameplay
Everybody that isn't you.
Without their personas persona-users are just normal humans
I just want to suck Mitsuru's tits
Yeah SEES standing there gormlessly while Aigis took them out one by one and only Yukari drawing her evoker before Aigis reacts is bad contrived writing.
>Aigis shoots you with normal bullets while charmed
>Totally fine
>Aigis shoots you with plot coated rubber bullets
This is also evident in Shinjiro dying to a revolver bullet. 3 is the only one with this problem since 4 and 5 wisely don't leave characters vulnerable to Cutscene Injuries
Yukari can't do anything against Aigis lmao.
1 is a unironically SOULFUL dungeon crawler from the era when they still made them oldschool, get out newfag
In battle they have summoned their personas, they're battle ready, this happens before that. Like that's how Shinji or Junpei died
4 and 5 also don't have regular enemies and party members who use real ass guns in battle which means there is no problems with canon damage vs gameplay damage.
only autists like you would take gameplay as canon.
>who is naoto
>who is adachi
Missing the point. Why did only Yukari draw her weapon? Why didn't she use Garula on Ikutsuki since he is a frail human? Why didn't anyone go for Ikutsuki? Why can they withstand regular bullets just fine but regular ones are just too much?
4 has Adachi and Naoto
there's a charm to SMT1,2,Kyuuyaku, even if..., where it's so jank that you can break combat with some ingenuity
The scene is still contrived for other reasons. Why did only Yukari draw her weapon when they knew they were about to fight? Why didn't anyone aim for Ikutsuki?
I liked P3 dungeons better because they were all in one place.
>Everybody that isn't you
Play SMT you fucking drooling retard
>Why can they withstand regular bullets just fine
>Only autists like you
I think everybody can agree the plot involving Ikutsuki is pretty retarded. He isn't even a fun villain when he's uncovered because he's killed right after.
>Another cutscene contrivance
At least with Shinjiro, he wanted to die so he has that going for him.
Now let's talk about Persona 5 references on Persona 2
speak for yourself retard.
>3 is the only one with this problem
>4 has Adachi and Naoto
I like all SMT games though P4 is my favorite
I don't understand the ridiculous infighting in this fandom
Why not celebrate a great series?
If they're in battle you can assume they have already summoned their persona and have enhanced physical attributes, but before that they're just normal humans
Chie is more of an insufferable bitch than Yukari ever was. She literally does nothing but bitch and complain in the main story and actually berates and assaults the males when something is 100% her fault. What a terrible character. How the fuck did she gain such a following?
It never comes up in 4. There's never a situation in 4 where a Persona user gets killed by a single bullet.
don't bothering posting if you're gonna be a fencesitting faggot.
Yeah, Ikustki being a villain was great IMO
>Taking literal combat serious
Is this the effects of autism? Do you think people who are unconscious during gameplay is Canon, too?
>You can assume
There's the crux of the problem right there. At this point it's all headcanon
tomboy fetish
>Why didn't anyone aim for Ikutsuki?
because they didn't want to kill him.
>Pretending Ikutsuki being a villain was a good twist
Peak contrarianism
How did Ikutsuki learn about the ancient Nyx prophecy?
Why was there a prophecy if it ended up not mattering anyway and Nyx was just going to descend regardless?
What was the point of the Nyx Avatar? I get the point of Ryuji the appraiser but why did Nyx need an avatar after that?
Why did Mitsuru's ultra successful grandpa become a nihilist for no reason? Why did Ikutsuki become a nihilist?
Why do 3fags shit on Adachi/Izanami when Ikutsuki is literally exactly the same except even worse?
How did Aigis "seal" death?
Why did the Kirijo group trying to summon Nyx suddenly activate it and make it a problem? Wouldn't it always be active regardless?
Why did splitting the Nyx Avatar into 13 pieces prevent Nyx from descending?
Can't we just agree to disagree and just appreciate both games?
I think gameplay story segregation is a narrative problem and it's only present in 3 in this series. It takes me out of the experience and has been complained about for years.
I'd rather fencesit like him than let a single part of my body touch the waves of shit discussion on both sides.
Story is more canon than gameplay, it doesn't matter the game but guns are always treated seriously in story, like when Adachi points it at Yu it's treated like it would kill him, or the whole cognitive Akechi situation where again it's treated like a gunshot would kill them, but then come gameplay you can get shot a million times and it doesn't matter, it's not just persona 3, it's not even just persona, it's a lot of games in general.
I like Ryuji's final persona.
I think you're right to assume it kills you if your guard is down but I think it's also fair to assume it wouldn't kill you if your guard is up. I mean sure gameplay isn't as canon as story but surely the fact everyone is fighting incredibly dangerous shadows is canon.
>How did Aigis "seal death"
With Jesus's help, of course.
>Why did splitting the Nyx Avatar into 13 pieces prevent Nyx from descending?
It's explained during the beach trip.
>Why did Mitsuru's ultra successful grandpa become a nihilist for no reason? Why did Ikutsuki become a nihilist?
It's explained in the game. At least for Mitsuru's grandpa. During the beach trip, also.
>How did Ikutsuki learn about the ancient Nyx prophecy?
From his research
>What was the point of the Nyx Avatar?
To bring about the Fall
>Why did Mitsuru's ultra successful grandpa become a nihilist for no reason? Why did Ikutsuki become a nihilist?
That doesn't matter and not important to the main plot.
>Why do 3fags shit on Adachi/Izanami when Ikutsuki is literally exactly the same except even worse?
Because Ikutsuki isn't the final boss of the game.
>Why did the Kirijo group trying to summon Nyx suddenly activate it and make it a problem?
Play the game.
Music part is objectively false. 3 shits all over 4 and 5 in the music department
Part of the reason I'm so bothered by much of the discussion is when it devolves into P4 being bad because its lighthearted and P3 and P2 being so much better because they're "deep".
I feel like there's a ton of stuff that each game excels at but most of the time people look at worst of each game and use it as ammunition for a never ending shitfest.
>Not a real answer
>No it wasn't
>No it wasn't
>Vague and evasive answer
>Vague and evasive answer
>Vague and evasive answer
>Ikutsuki is for all intents and purposes the main antagonist and responsible for both Strega and Nyx
>Never answered in game
I'd suggest you play the game.
So P1 and 2 are in the same universe as 3,4 and 5 right?
I vaguely remember 2 being mentioned in P3 and P3 is connected to 4 and 5 so
Nigga, how about you go kill yourself? It's literally explained in the game. Did you fucking copy and paste this shit, just for shitposting reasons? Kill yourself.
This. Fuck this user.
It's not. I don't know what else to tell you but these things are either handwaved or not explained at all. I never get an answer in these threads besides screeeching and deflection so I continue to bring it up as an objective flaw in 3's story telling.
I just gave you an answer
I absolutely agree user.
Freudian slip.
>I actually can't imagine that cast even interacting with each other without GigaYu
Really? I mean, some characters clearly only meet each other through the story, but the main first three were friends beforehand.
I'll answer the ones which already have explanations
>Why was there a prophecy if it ended up not mattering anyway and Nyx was just going to descend regardless?
If Nyx awakened naturally it might have taken millions of years, the Kirijo group sped it up
>What was the point of the Nyx Avatar? I get the point of Ryuji the appraiser but why did Nyx need an avatar after that?
Nyx Avatar was also a result of the kirijo group trying to awaken nyx
>How did Aigis "seal" death?
Sealing technology already existed in persona, play P2, don't act like it's new.
>Why did the Kirijo group trying to summon Nyx suddenly activate it and make it a problem? Wouldn't it always be active regardless?
Nyx was dormant
>Why did splitting the Nyx Avatar into 13 pieces prevent Nyx from descending?
It didn't, it prevented it from calling and waking up Nyx
>Ikutsuki is for all intents and purposes the main antagonist and responsible for both Strega and Nyx
But he's not the final boss of the game like Adachi/Izanami is
Yes, there are vaue hints of people from the last game(s) which usually connects them. I think the only game not in the same universe is Innocent Sin.
>it might have taken millions of years
Where is this stated?
>Nyx Avatar was also a result of the kirijo group trying to awaken nyx
Where is this stated?
>The events of P2 occurred in P3
Where is this stated?
>Nyx was dormant
Why would it be dormant if the feelings that brought it closer were more active than ever?
>Why did splitting the Nyx Avatar into 13 pieces prevent Nyx from descending?
This comes back to Nyx existing for millions of years before the events of the game and continuing to exist while Nyx Avatar is split up. Why would this suddenly prevent if from working?
Splitting hairs. It would be like if in P5 Shido slipped on a banana peel and died right when you got to him.
>Where is this stated?
In the game.
There are two timelines
P1 -> P2IS is such a massive fuckup they have to try again
P1 -> P2EP -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 (spinoffs not included)
No it's not. The burden of proof is on you and since I know it's not in the game, and you know it's not in the game I effectively win. Feel free to namecall, deflect or post a smug anime girl etc. to concede.
Ryoji directly states that the Kirijo group created him to call Nyx
>Ryoji: Yes. Shadows are here to facilitate the rebirth of the maternal being. She will begin to awaken as she is drawn to me... The Appriser.
>She is a great entity... There is no comparable word in your language for her. Ten years ago, a man collected a great number of Shadows and contained them in a laboratory... That's where I was born. ...But the unification was interrupted
The fact that they have to awaken Nyx means she's not in an active state
P3 literally says the Kirijo group split off from the Nanjo group, from P1/2
Nyx isn't awake, the Appriser wakes Nyx, they split up the Appriser before that happened, reuniting the shadows is what caused it to happen
Play the fucking game
All that says is Ryoji specifically was born when he was called by Nyx. Not the concept of the Nyx Avatar itself. The Nanjo Group existing doesn't mean the events of 1 and 2 happened try again. Why does splitting the Appriser in pieces suddenly stop Nyx from coming? That's never explained. He's still there in 13 pieces observing but for some reason that doesn't count? This all seems very contrived and arbitrary to me...
>Why does splitting the Appriser in pieces suddenly stop Nyx from coming? That's never explained. He's still there in 13 pieces observing but for some reason that doesn't count?
Nyx wasn't coming, she was dormant until Ryoji called her, they fucked up and split it into 12 shadows so it never even got the chance to awaken nyx, they can only call her when they are one, what about this don't you fucking get.
It's also stated that the only thing that gave Ryoji a consciousness and made him special was being inside of MC. Why does 12 out of 13 pieces being free and one being semi-free not count? They're all the Appriser so what stopped them from eating shadows from Tartarus to replace the missing piece? I understand it, your game for 14 year old Japanese boys isn't complex, I just think it's all very bad and contrived writing that doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Sorry if this offends.
Just find another Universe Arcana and bring back door-kun
>Why does 12 out of 13 pieces being free and one being semi-free not count?
They weren't one and Ryoji was the most important piece, he was death, Nyx's true arcana
Door-Jesus kun is gone
So was the Reaper.
I can also play this game user
Why didn't Naoto set up cameras to catch the killer?
Why didn't a famous tourist spot or anywhere in Inaba have any security cameras?
Why did Nanako get sick and die for 5 minutes?
Why was Teddie in the Velvet Room?
Why didn't the police know about the midnight channel? You would think that it would've been well known in a small town like Inaba
Why do 4fags shit on Yaldy/Nyx when Izanami is literally exactly the same except even worse?
Why does Adachi have a Persona but not Namatame?
And? All I'm saying was that Ryoji was the core of the Appriser that the Kirijo group created, without it the shadows are basically mindless, they can't do anything.
Yeah 4 has contrived and shitty writing you're right. Now that you can't deflect what are you going to do 3fag? Your only weapon gone.
P3 is superior. The gameplay "improvements' made in 4 only serve to make the game less challenging yet at the same time more annoying.
Elizabeth isn't going to let that happen, not until she's done fucking him crazy
I feel like this is getting away from the main point. The driving force of the plot is a bunch of scientists got together and somehow knew that mashing a bunch of shadows together would summon Nyx. Which they wanted to do for...reasons. This is after they learned somehow about a magic prophecy from somewhere that ended up not mattering in the slightest anyway. These savvy businessmen and scientist saw a magic cave prophecy from some backwater Indus River Valley shithole and decided to base their whole lives and company around it for some reason. What did they tell everyone else on the project? Was it just Ikutsuki and Koetsu doing this shit? If so, they pitched it as a time manipulation device but Yukari's dad didn't raise any concerns with this at all? He was perfectly fine letting a corporation manipulate the flow of space time?
>but Yukari's dad didn't raise any concerns with this at all?
Please play the game. It's an important moment for a certain character.
I did. Kind of undermines him to make him a self centered greedy asshole tbqh.
no you didn't
Also Mitsuru's dad.
And now we're at the stage where you stamp your feet like a child. I accept your concession
They don't say how it happened but the whole team went psycho (except for Yukari's dad), Yukari's dad was just a scientist so why would he have any sway
He was the head scientist and the one who completed the project remember? Actually I don't remember if he was the head scientist but he was incredibly important to the effort.
Eiichiro Takeba was a brilliant scientist whose talents immediately gained recognition, leading an invitation to join the Kirijo Group's research on Shadows.
While researching the Shadows, the scientists learned about the prophecy of the Fall. Many of the scientists willingly embraced the belief and shifted their research towards bringing about the Fall themselves. However, Eiichiro Takeba objected to the belief of Death as a deliverance and during the final stages of the experiment to create Death, he interrupted the process and forcefully separated the harbinger of the Fall, Death, into thirteen parts. Before Death was separated, however, he left a video recorded warning that would not be seen for another ten years.
He was the head researcher, there's nothing inherently wrong with making a time manipulation device, here's how it went down
>Kirijo group collects shadows to build a time manipulation device
>The team hears some prophecy, goes crazy and tries to use those shadows to call nyx
>Yukari's father breaks up and sets all of the shadows free to stop the process
>the shadows create the dark hour and tartarus, pretty much all of the scientists die in the chaos
don't respond to bait user
Yukiko is best girl!
>there's nothing wrong with a time manipulation device
I know what happened but nothing before point 2 is really explained in game
Grow up.
They do explain it
>What my father wanted to create with those monsters' power... was a time manipulation device. Imagine if you could control the flow of time... eliminate unwanted events before they occur. With such a device, you could shape the future to your liking. However, under my father's direction, the research began to stray from its original goal. ...In his later years, my father seemed to have only nihilism in his heart. Now that I think about it, his madness may have resulted from his struggle to break free from that...
I meant the things listedThe desire to build a time manipulation device makes sense from a megalomaniacal perspective.
Building a time manipulation device would be one of the biggest scientific and technological feats ever, it's not a surprise that they pursued it
Not worth it unless you're incredibly self absorbed. I'm sure a brilliant scientist like Yukari's dad has at least heard of the butterfly effect.
Objectively 3 is better. It's not anyone's but your fault that you gor bullied so much that you begin to think you have a friendship with video game characters, you fucking losers.
for me
P3 > P4
P3 > P4
P4 > P3
P3 > P4
P3 > P4
love transcends species, i'd love an ai gf
also yukari is the best girl in p3 i don't wanna hear your shit
I love Fuuka!
How was your day?
Do you have the folder still?
I misread that as Fuuka giantess. Wouldn't that be funny haha
I liked p3 mega dungeon more than p4 dungeons but I agree for the most part.
>damage burst fight without any interesting mechanics or story
wow what an incredible fight i'm glad i didn't bother with the answer
The cast and story were so much more engaging in 3. 4 has way better dungeons but that's secondary to me.
Most importantly: Elizabeth > Margaret
This. Having to wait three turns to do damage is so much fun. I don't like my bosses having powerful attacks because then I might die. I also consider a boss giving a high school freshman interpretation of the arcana to be full of depth and quite engaging because I am twelve.
nyx was cool as fuck stop being contrarian
i will grant that it probably isn't as fun on repeat playthroughs but the first time you did it you can't tell me you didn't have a good time
When Nyx used a tier one fire spell in the final boss fight and I wiped out my eighth health bar in one turn, I knew it was another style over substance fight that would garner huge amount of praise online.
I do!
I updated it a few days ago, I hope you''ll like it!
Fuuka is big where it counts, her heart!
>style over substance
how big is her heart? show me on a diagram.
>Wojak poster loves Nyx Avatar
Imagine my shock.
i guess everyone has their own tastes, i fucking loved that fight
Nyx is hardly the worst about it. Everybody knows that's Penance from FFX holy fuck that fight is bad
Persona 3 is by far my favorite game but I also love persona 4 I love the cast(junpei being my favorite) and it’s themes really resonated with me
if you watched the anime then you'd know the themes of P4 are even stronger because of Narukami's shadow
>theme is for soi boys
This big!
Like I said I love both but the themes of death hits home with me do to me thinking about life and death not trying to sound deep but it’s themes were the ones that felt the most to me
Anime scene was really good but it’s outside media
>went from telling me friends are pointless
>voices a persona mc
Life is truly ironic
Ive kind of come to the conclusion that as a whole 4g is better, but at the end of the day I like 3fes more