Why aren't you making games?
Why aren't you making games?
Other urls found in this thread:
The process of creation is torturous to my psyche
I'm dumb but lazy.
>this embarrassing akabur ripoff writing and gameplay
>this D tier throwaway art that normally would never even have been acknowledged considering the amount of incredibly drawn stuff you can find ANYWHERE
>20 fucking thousand dollars
This is honestly insane, just how thristy is the market for just about anything that resembles a game? So much potential and no one's jumping in to rake in the cash.
It's porn.
That flat british girl makes 200k and as far as I know she doesn't even show her nipples
I'm making a VN, does that count?
FET is a masterwork
Is Book 3 finished yet
I cant draw or code. I dont know what resources there are to learn. Plus my hand coordination sucks ass from my literal autism. I had a good idea for a game too. But I cannot think how I could possibly make it.
you can play through it all the way
The ending is you strapping Toph naked to appa fucking her and then landing the bison in public for all to see, then all the other characters high five you
Man I think a small dev group could break off of the video game industry and live like kings making porn games.
Trainer games are absolute ludo
>$19,217 a month
I'm lazy and 90% of the things i want to make/create is out of my reach. So i end up making a shitty Mario clone or a generic broken fps.
W-What should I do?
Name one other game that has my pregnant wife ask that I turn a spoiled brat into a sex slave and to rub my dick into other women's face as a fuck you.
That's why he makes 20k.
anyone else get triggered that Patreon even allows the creator to boast how much they make per month? It boggles my mind this person makes $19k a month for this shit
Because that's work and I play games for fun?
I started outlining my game's story today. I'll need to find somebody for graphics and music but I know enough programming that I should be able to do the rest myself
Masturbate. She'll know and bring it up later and it'll advance the sex scenes. Fucking her over Mai has to be the hottest thing I've ever experienced.
Also fucking her over
Because I'm an useless piece of shit with no time nor patience to learn
If I ever reached that amount with my stuff, I'm likely going to have challenge with IRS of my country.
Cus I am talentless lazy moron.
how do I play this game
I already have a hard time finding the motivation to play them
pornfag aren't humans
I have too much self-respect to make a porn game.
Don't have the necessery autism to write thousands upon thousands of lines of code and remember how anything is supposed to tie together.
How hard is it to make a generic sex simulator in Unreal Engine 4?
Can I use the dummy blueprints system?
Having 2 models basically cycle through animations
But I'm, art is fucking hard, and I'm slow.
Nobody is going to give a shit about my game anyway.
ITT: cumbrains
Yes to everything. These guys are already doing it.
Study 3D animation.
That ""game"" is so fucking awful. There's literally nothing there, it's clunky and with awful animations. Even the shittiest Illusion title is miles better. How the fuck they make so much money?
>No longer creative
Jokes on you faggot, I write and come up with all sorts of stuff.
Unfortunately, all of it revolves around reverse rape /ss/ and similar fucked up shit.
The sex is 10x better than any Illusion telescopic dick bullshit
>paying thousands for terrible cartoon shit
I make games for a living.
Lmao. I played that shit, in VR even, it's fucking awful.
>this whole post
what the fuck am I reading
Same. I was going to learn how to draw but I realized it was ultimately pointless since my stories paint a more vivid picture in my mind than my artistic skills could ever hope to match.
That guy looks more kino every time that picture is posted
But making porn games isn't about making games. It's about pretending to just enough that people keep giving you money.
>Maker of the greatest game ever in existence hasn't released an update since April
>it’s me
How has this not been taken down? Unless the creator turned every single character in the game into expys, isn't it illegal to make a profit off of this? Or does this fall under some weird fair use loophole?
Companies avoid smut like the plague, and they won't mind as long you don't use the ip's title.
>see Something Unlimited
>akabur ripoff writing and gameplay
But there's not cuckshit
Mah niggas.
Akabur's latest project is really becoming a mess
Why aren't you making sex games*
> fail at making a battle system in Renpy but can do the story and inventory system
> fail at making the VN story parts in Godot but can implement battle system
I keep jumping back and forth between the two
A fetish I didn't know I had.
>updates cease
Milfy City hasn't gotten an update since February
Im gona start soon, should i make a porn/erotic game first to get audience? or just try to copy my favorite game without fanservice
I am too stupid and don’t know how to code.
>game is put on "indefinite hiatus"
lmao you can activate your dopamine from literally thing. looking at Yea Forums activates your dopamine receptors. this is scare mongering horse shit. go be a buddhist monk if you don't want to be a slave to your """"desires""""
for me its Azula
me on the bottom
getting 19k a month it that much.
a code monkey makes that much
The art for that "game" is ass and I don't know how people wank to it.
I miss Sara.
Because I have no imagination or creativity. Nobody would want to play my shit.
the azula storyline is the best cause youre her brother and everyone knows incest is best
I'm making an RPG on RPG maker! It's my first game and potentially my Magnum Opus
It's sadly got better art than most weg do.
>fail at making the VN story parts in Godot
>RPG maker
>that part where Katara says she doesn't have sex with Aang anymore because she prefers (You)
Can someone explain to me why this guy isn't getting reamed up the ass by Nickelodeon's lawyers for earning 20k a month making a porn game of their characters?
Yeah so where can i get this game without paying money
from the internet
you have a fetish for poorly structured sentences?
yeah i found it lol was easier than i thought
Bare minimum a court case is going to cost $50k, and if there's any chance of arguing fair use that price could go up. Viacom has plenty of other legal concerns that are a higher priority and I'm not even sure how much you can say a porn game is damaging them since they're sure as hell not going to capitalize on the wank audience with Avatar.
The people who should be looking over their shoulder are Youtubers making six to seven figures by lifting other people's material.
Jokes on you. I already had those issues before porn
Honestly in terms of content Akabur is shit compared to this
There are stranger fetishes
>Youtubers making six to seven figures by lifting other people's material.
You mean the lets players? I thought most companies let that happen because it's free advertising for them?
t. disgusting ayy lmao
stop it, John. we know it's you.
So what's the most profitable fetish to appeal to on Patreon?
19,000 for a WESTERN meet n'fuck? what the fuck is going on?
Furry or incest.
Incest if you want to keep SOME of your dignity.
That's what happens when you think you'll have enough Patreons for it to be worth doing but you end up making less than minimum wage because there aren't enough Patreons.
Isn't that not allowed anymore?
There's nothing wrong about sex between a landlord and their tenant.
I am currently developing a 3D trainer.
Ain't that the truth.
Warning, some things are not meant for mortal eyes
Every 3d WEG that involves you and 1 to 2 roomates, who are strangely close to each other, somehow has a incest patch floating around.
It's a pleasent coincidence.
i want all anti-anime fags to see this and then kys themselves
I think the West v East shit is overblown
but would it kill some Westerners to remember what good art is?
Why don't people just make a subscribe star at this point? Is there a "patreon recommended" page that makes suggestions to what people should support? If not, I don't see why people don't just link subscribestar instead of patreon.
I saw a porn with a "step-aunt" in it recently.
I guess they forgot that literally half of real life aunts are step-aunts.
Sooner or later they're gonna have step-teachers and step-pizza-guys.
someone, somewhere is fapping to this...
Art is hard bro.
Yes, I use grapheon to look for overpaid porn game creaters, does subscribestar have a similar system?
user, I haven't drawn in 10 years and I think I could draw a better fapbait than this. what the fuck, I gotta get back into CS n shit. There is literal EZ money waiting to be made and all I have to do is debase myself and make furry/fujo/shota trash!
The fact that we dont have a Toph game yet is a motherfucking crime against humanity. And I dont mean a porn game you degenerates.
The whole appeal of the bitch on the right is her "I smoke 20 packs of cigarettes a day but I'm in the sweet spot for my voice before it sounds like Carrie Fisher" voice and I guarantee the game won't have that, so why bother?
akabur has shit tier writing. ''TAKE IT BITCH'' no style no grace he also always lacks a fucking face
I always think about it as well, but I remember that I mostly do traditional and there's a huge drop in quality when going to digital despite the ease of all those tools.
But I am making a game.
Damn but look at those realistic backgrounds!
>Guy makes $20grand a month by ripping off other IPs and making porn visual novels from them
>Nobody cares
>Some guy makes a browser game from a Nintendo IP at almost zero profit
>DMCA'd out of existence
How has every legal team in the world not stomped this guy's shit in yet?
We are on it but we are doing it on our free time
I'm steadily approaching the 9 month mark of learning to draw so I can create my yuri tomboy dating sim, but I've hit a wall with scale. I just can't get perspective right on sizing up body parts based on their distance.
I can't find my Obi-Wan image so here's Cin Drallig instead.
Is there no market for high quality scans of hand drawn cels? I would imagine that would be a thing.
If I wasnt a dumbass I would pander to furries. Those guys have a victim complex and support anything furry.
Can I play this game on my phone? I don't wanna install this on PC.
if you're drawing cartoons you're not really supposed to have realistic perspective, morphing for effect is more pleasing to the eye
Unless it's extremely high quality, i doubt it.
Are you retarded? This isn't an amwf thread. That post was anti-porn.
How do u start to get some audience or people to pool you money?
You're literally just checking off the qualification boxes user
fuck off 3dcg is fucking terrible
I'm definitely going for stylized, but I want to have a solid grasp on anatomy before I start drawing the way I want to. If I know how it's supposed to look, I figure I'll know better how to warp it without it turning ugly.
I used to write scenarios to galge and we was in comiket to sell ours games
good times
Is the korra love route out?
Cuz he has money to battle the suit, and probably win becaue it's a parody. Also, people tend to turn a blind eye to the porn industry because normies might find out about it and taint their IP.
Toki, since when do you write video games? Since when do you WRITE?
Incest fags shell out boatloads for anything resembling a game, furry stuff is beyond oversaturated though so you'll need to add a really niche fetish to it, or be a good/unique artist
Can Steve Buscemi fuck his mom yet?
I worked tirelessly for about six months with little to no income before I finally got my first few patrons. Then, slowly, more people trickled in. In the summer, things peaked. Interested people, I got from communities interested in my particular niche.
Remember how for the longest time if you googled Avatar the first image you'd see was futa-Katara with her dick shoved in a water balloon?
That's anatomy drawing user. Its ine of the hardest things to get right because the human eye has an incredibly keen sense of "realistic" anatomy. You can stretch quite a bit here, but if a muscle group looks out of place, it is usually very apparent.
I'd recommend taking an anatomy drawing course at your local community college. Tends to be pretty cheap and you can get the fundamentals you need to practice on your own.
I do
>6 patrons
>$11 per month
...y'all invited to my 200 ft yacht
>The only thing you can think about when playing this is Steve Buscemi
I can't fap to this.
Not him and you probably hear this all the time, but literally just think in 3d. Scale and perspective is hard as shit for everyone, but can be trivialized by having a fuckton of guidelines. If you're still having a hard time getting better then go down to simpler objects.
I've heard drawabox has a good mentality that every shape can be simplified as a shape in a box. Draw the box in your desired perspective, then draw the shape in the box
Link your patron, user. I'll support you!
Not with that english user, western only refers to 1st world countries
i think i can at least do on par with this art wise.
how does one get started with learning how to make a game for patreon money?
From random posts I've read and screencaps, you can earn literally thousands per commison for making the most degenerate shit. It pays really well.
The demand is so high for this kind of porn in the west, as socially "Drawn porn" is so fucking taboo no one will be public about masturbating to it or drawing it. Hence the insane amounts of cash for fullfilling a market need.
His question was acutally about how he rips off other porn makers and why they don't sue him. This is at best a lazy clone it seems so it's not even worth going after him.
Nintendo got pissy because it was using their brand name without their permission. Which is understandable as they want total control over their products.
is it $11 including taxes?
I'm working on something right now. I've coded switches, two new sorts of hazards with a third on the way, and Victory and Losing conditions. Soon we'll be able to start on level design.
Thinking about adding a grappling hook that swings in a basic pendulum. While you're grappled you can jump or dash (but you dash at a tangent). You will always swing under whatever the current gravitational pull will be, and gravity rotates every time you hit a wall. The hook will also serve as a weapon to take out enemies that I can introduce in later stages.
I'll take some time in SMM2 to brush up my level making skills I think. This project was dreamt up from the basic design question "what if Mario couldn't move left or right?"
Because I'd have to learn how to do programming, assets, animations. That alone is worth at least 7 years of hard work and dedication, if not more. And let's not forget game design, which is not so easy. Sure I've played tons of videogames in my life, and I know what makes them good or bad, but that doesn't mean I'd be able to create a great one myself.
>just team up with other people bro
Yeah, no shit. That's easier said than done. Not everyone's gonna be as passionate as me, and most people have other priorities in life than helping me with my stupid dream game.
If only we had a patreon like website that allowed all kinds of fetishes. Would be great but patreon just bans anything they dont like.
>Google Smite
>Fucking Arachne hentai 1st on image results
What is google anyways
>3d cg
>3d real time
2 different things nigger
I have faith that, in the future, you'll just type your game idea on a compiler and the game will pop up automatically. No more ifs and whiles
Your dreams are unrealistic.
Your sense of humor nonexistent.
Please don't use any bullshit lines like
>I was just pretending to be retarded
on me.
Take a
angle and I doubt they would touch you. If they did claim your either an ally of LGBT rainbow or your being oppressed as one.
That Ty Lee is a disgrace.
Some things activate them more than others you idiot. Drugs for example.
Nigga are you autistic?
>porn artist starts a patreon
>literally posts nothing on it, specifically says he's only doing it in case people want to give him free money
>they do
How do I achieve this level of laziness
>a code monkey makes that much
You think a code monkey $228,000 USD per annum, damn your going to be disappointed when you get out of school lil' zoom
Not him but that was clearly a joke.
What game?
>guy says goofy thing
>no shit it was just a lighthearted remark
NORMAL conversations don't work how you think they do, user.
all that many and he still refuses to hire an artist that is worth a damn.
I can put up with the cringe dialog, the typical edgy modern MC, all characters being written wildly out of character if only the art was half decent, but it's not. it's shit.
This, like many of those other low effort porn patreon games I cannot for the fuck of me figure out why so many idiots throw money at this absolute garbage.
Please stop pretending to be retarded any day now.
chicken scratch
Literally hundreds of eroge.
men do stupid shit when they are horny
I’ve tried but I’m lazy. Maybe I’ll try again next month
You also shilled your game on every gamedev thread on Yea Forums. And you still do. Also nice get.
Impossible if male, must be born female.
both equally terrible
Quick, post your million dollar hentai game idea
The people of Yea Forums are literate enough to enjoy my work!
Pokemon trainer trainer
Persona but you fuck shadows
3d games that don't focus on strict realism are some of the best
Hard mode: No copyright infringement
>nearly every important scientist/artists was a massive sex fiend that did nothing but jerk off or fuck whores in their downtime
Einstein was a literal manslut who fucked any and everyone he met, did he blow out his happy box and lose his think thinks too?
>nearly every important scientist/artists was a massive sex fiend that did nothing but jerk off or fuck whores in their downtime
I'm going to need a source.
To make money off of patron you either need to make an appealing game for 6 months to get people interested. Or make porn.
Knowing Yea Forums 80% of us don’t have the patience for either
Issac Newton died a virgin.
They just started the first 1/5th of the slave route goddamn user give them time
Waifucucks are cancer to gaming
A taimanin asagi game that plays like Fallout Shelter and Lobotomy Corp. You play as an orc leader building your underground whore house in charge of luring the taimanins to capture and rape them before they all can infiltrate and kill you.
>capture low ranked ninjas
>rape and mind break them with various torture rooms
>get info to lure stronger ones until you get them all and win
>implying MITY isn't an entire team of like 3 or 4 people
They aren't retardedly trying to drag their project out for 3 years and end up with zero content like Akabur.
>Get Computer science degree with lots of experince from interships
>Earn $1 million dollars per month to afford my cardboard box in california
>Job outsourced and now can no longer afford card box
I still wish I smart enough maths wise to be able to afford a cardbox in califronia
You're not trying to tell me "that" is good art right?
Man, I wish Breeding Seasons diddn't crash and burn the way it did.
Cloud meadow is shit compaired to it.
>Heavy Metal
>not good art
are you an artshitter or a weeb? Either way, you're wrong.
>Give them time
>Pateron model insentivises the creator to drip as little content as possible in order to keep the big bucks coming in as long as possible.
Fuck if you make like 20 grand per month, I would not blame you but as the consumer you are getting fucked.
Survival horror where you have to escape a mansion before the ghosts that haunt it fuck you to death
This has no chibi shit, it's way better than akabur shit
I know this thread is glorious bait, but I'm a musicfag and if anyone needs one, I'd love to join a project. For a sample, here's 2 songs I made the last two days:
a boss theme
and a final boss theme
Read those letters by James Joyce to his personal cumdump, or read a bit about Shakespeare's affairs. Or look up the shit Schroedinger did to ladies.
Autists don't count, they all die virgins, but that's why they jerk off.
>Not just any quads but a get.
Nice, what's your game?
I know that dynamics with sampled sounds is hard, but this is produced REALLY aggressively. It's like it wants to be face melting metal but it's xylophones and keyboards instead.
The games with actual atrocious art posted here probably don't make much in patreon.
Then you have pic related, making absurd amounts of cash per month.
The art, by itself, is not awful like the others, but the problem is the amount that is tied to it.
That's not a source, user. You're taking a couple cherrypicked names out of a vast sea and saying "See? A majority of geniuses like to wank with poop. "
Split between 3 or 4 people it really isn't an insane amount of money considering they can basically never put it on a resume
you have a point, i've always been rather shit at mixing. it's worse actually because the drums are the only sampled parts; everything else is MIDI
Come on nigger show us what you are working on
Is there a twist ending where you end up having a wholesome ending with one of the ghosts?
That actually makes it better. You're pretty good at layering and atmospherics and stuff. Have you tried some more minimalist sounds? Like whats your exploration music going to be? I feel like you know a lot about music theory.
Work harder and work faster, and I mean this in the best of ways. Want to see more of your work.
1. furry
2. incest
3. abdl
any combination of the three for multipliers
>stranded off a shipwreck coast of the shipwreck o nan island ifroileld withe shipkeks
>monster girls
That pic made me angry not because of the amount of money hes making, but because the game is shit, bad writing and art.
I'm trying my hardest, user! Update somewhere tomorrow! Tags: through_wall sewer filth
This is my game!
Thanks for asking!
Most of my stuff is minor key because those are the kinds of melodies I most enjoy. It's kind of selfish I admit but hey, it's different than most game OSTs. Here's an example of some exploration music I've made: soundcloud.com
As for Music Theory, I actually don't really know shit about it, lmao. I never studied or anything. I guess I've just listened to so much game OST that I kind of get "the rules", as it were. My biggest problem is probably my paranoia that lowering the velocity will make the song inaudible, which causes most of my songs to be too fucking loud. I'm trying to finally put a pin on that, and if you listen to Timmy from School, there are a few parts which are a lot more "atmospheric"
the vast majority of 3d porn games are low quality and youd be hard pressed to find something with any style or soul
What planet do you live on where Albert Einstein, Schroedinger, Shakespeare, James Joyce, Nikola Tesla, Beethoven don't represent the biggest geniuses that ever lived? Sorry I don't think historians compiled a full list of the masturbatory practices of Eli Whitney and Ralph Lauren but I think we've got a pretty decent cluster to draw data from. Oh and I guess you can add "nearly a third of every U.S. president had a personal mistress" as a scholarly source. Napoleon had several mistresses and if you know your history you know nearly every major king or emperor did as well.
Just jerk off you fucking idiot prude
Might as well use the opportunity to tell everyone to play Claires Quest, I found out about it like a month ago and it was a 4 hour fap session that left my dick sore but fully satisfied.
That shit is great and has nice art unlike a lot of wegs, its still in development tho and you can get it for free a few weeks after is avaiñable for backers.
>This seems like a cute fun game
>Oh hey look a link to the game
>Your tail covers your virginal butthole.
Oh dear, as much as I like corruption of champions and other shit, being fucked as Kobold feels wrong.
I hope you make lots of money though user.
How is this even legally allowed??
So do I! Thank you for your mental support, user! Sorry it's not your cup of tea.
>james joyce
truly the thinking mans brap poster
It's cool, to each their own.
I'm an idea guy who can't into programming
>brain is ideas guy
We all have ideas user, but the thing is? can you make them real?
Programming isn't even the problem. Art is. If you can draw and paint, there are tons of softwares around that lets you make a game if little effort.
What about Newton?
Give up now and save yourself the head ache
Ideas are cheap.
Dude. 20K a month is insane. They'll definitely take em to court if they ignore a c&d.
Is her route out yet?
>Be poorer for a long time to fight some law suit you might lose
>Or be rich and have lobster for breakfast from letting the parasites leach.
I know what I would choose.
Book of lust
I'm being an artist for a vn. I get paid once in a while, it's something.
You may not like his art, but he makes mad bank because unlike other porn devs, he actually fucking updates his game on a schedule and fixes bugs quickly. He's a rarity.
I'm not a game dev but I got 8 years of software dev experience at this point. I considered doing a porn game before and I'm confident in my smut writing ability, but I can't do anything resembling art for shit.
I considered commissioning art up front to get around this and it might even be feasible, but ultimately I make too much at my current job to really go for this.
What are some good /wegs/ with good 2D art? Im tired of seeing cheap 3D abominations.
wasn't tesla pretty big on not jacking off
same as einstein
not til december or january next year id wager
it's worse than akabur's shit but has a lot of content and actual gameplay so it's worthy of the money.
Tesla, yes. He chose to remain celibate his whole life despite the fact that he had a lot of admirers. Not even joking, fucker was the ultimate chad. Einstein I'm not sure, but it could very well be the case for him too
I want to impregnate the Fox girl t b h.
it has been many years since i researched that topic so i don't really remember, newton and many other great men were very negative towards jacking off and sexual excess as far as i remember. One of the better ones was some famous doctor, one of the fathers of modern pediatrics talking about impaired development caused by jacking off in young boys, wish i remembered the damn name
Wish i compiled a listbut that's a ton of work that i put no worth in back then.
Just wait until the foursome with her, her mother and her ex-husband.
I am.
>patreon-funded porn game
>it's actually good and gets finished
name 5 games
Dreams of Desir-
>actually good
Really? I hope I can steal the mother from the ex-husband.
>patreon funded
>it's good
>get's finished
Choose at most 2.
I can only name 1
The only dev that has ever finished his games and made more is ICSTOR. He has the best games.
>80-90 underground comics will never happen again
Man, my uncle have hundreds of heavy metal and the European equivalent and they are awesome
that might look ridiculous, but it's like 6 bucks for every backer, so basically a pack of cigarettes.
also Mity is not one guy alone, so you have to split that between i think 4 people and that's before taxes.
in the end it's juts a normal payment for a normal job.
I am, but I make shitty mobile games for corporations and the government so I'm actively helping the medium get flushed down the toilet.
So uh, Without spoiling it whats the best route for the fire nation?
Name literally five
>game lets you fug a catboy
Because Nintendo is extremely anal when it comes to muh IP, and shitting over passionate fans is their fetish
Also, not many companies want to risk the PR of recognizing that the porn even exists, so they are pretty safe from IP autism
porn is dangerous and is one of the causes for the fall of this civilisation
I don't understand why these games are so ugly. they're literally pornography but the art is fucking atrocious. I can almost believe that there isn't a single good 2d artist that wants to work on a porno game, but what about all the 3d games with ogre looking characters? even when "developers" are extra lazy and just use illusion games to model their characters they somehow manage to make everyone hideous. at this point I wonder if it's some kind of fetish that I just don't understand.
>doesn't post game
they deserved for making an account.
What's ABDL?
A guy is being groomed by his mom, but he really doesn't want to and her attempts become more desperate and rapey the more she fails.
Adult Baby Diaper Lover
basically diapers
How the fuck did he jerk off that his cum landed on his hand like that? When ever I do it mine spills over along the back of my hand.
>we could have TrainerFan making the perfect writing for a serious Azula game with decent art
>but he bailed as he was a lazy fucker that never pushed his writing as hard as he could
I'm still livid mad.
Based convincing argument poster
Don't remind me.
why does this trigger you?
Can't draw, don't have the extensive 3D background, DAZ looks horrendous. That leaves text games but if you're not Fenoxo that market doesn't exist.
>game has babies
Hey, we're looking for a musician for our project, I see you like Persona music, we'd like our OST to be sort of a mix between DMC and Persona.
Our project is a singleplayer/coop hack&slash about a band of very violent musicians whose live performance is interrupted by an alien invasion, which makes them even angrier
Sharing contact info is kind of a mess here so heres our twitter if you wanna check our stuff!
Snow Daze, Princess Trainer Gold, probably 4 elements trainer since it's got a shit ton of content and is about 85% done, (suprisingly) Orange Trainer, and fuck you there's not a 5th one the rest are all either tiny or suck ass
>tfw your favorite porn artists don't even get $500 a month on average
problem is, if I don't jack off all my creativity focuses on drawing porn or include my fetishes in shit I'd rather not let them be in
Depression fucks my productivity, and I don't know any artists willing to work for something that might not have a positive return
current generation of men is an absolute disgrace to humanity
i've temporarily given up my real game and am going to make a hentai game for quick cash
any good booty/titty tutorials?
Are you really one of the devs for this? This art is really good. I see you've made a couple other games, but they all kinda look small scale. As a long-time erogamefag, I highly encourage you to start a Patreon for a Orange Trainer-scale project, drop the paywall and post updates on f95zone. This stuff looks really good, but I worry you're not hitting a wide enough client-base with your current approach. F95zone autists are starved for good trainer content atm, only MITY is really delivering rn. They'd hop all over this
I've been tempted to, I think my arts better then that but I don't know how to make games. I think Ill just try to draw doujins later.
God I miss Heavy Metal
Study anatomy.
Not wrong. Even eight years ago a THOT like this would have been relegated to the casting couch or at the very least shamed off of the internet. Clearly there is a marketing drive behind this- probably a Jewish father who is also a producer.
Don't bother making doujins it'll just end up for free on everywhere online (panda and nhentai etc etc) and it takes months to finish making a doujin you sell for 500 yen.
Stop using King of The Hill for your ass references holy shit.
Fucking this. Drop Gumroad, its for BR artists and no one likes that site. Make a patreon and post your shit in a F95 thread. Talk with your community and you'll be surprised how quickly you grow.
t. Went from 2-3 paterons to 250~ in like 4 months when I stopped using tumblr and starting using F95 and talking to my fans. There is nothing more important then communication even if you update slowly.
Imagine watching 3DPD porn.
I wouldn't paywall shit, Id just have a patreon up. If it doesn't make enough money I'd just keep taking commissions.
>$19k a mouth pimping out kid show characters that are between the ages 13 to 16.
They could at least age up the characters a bit to make it less creepy.
the faggots who pay for this crap LOVE shitty art work
If you're set on doujins just make a patreon and do time exclusive and paywall shit. Like your supporters get this shit early and others have to wait 2 weeks to get it for free. You have no idea how easily that works and how desperate people can be.
I wanna make an Xtreme-G clone. That aside, I wanna find an Android game someone once recommended to me that isn't on the playstore. I forgot its name. it's a survival lane-racer where you tap left or right to avoid obstacles. retrowave inspired simple vector graphics, electro-neon theme, chiptunes. You're just a white arrow.
You select the level you want to play by tapping on a letter of the title.
The problem isn't patreon it is the whole financial aspect behind it.
Banks and PayPal don't want to get involved with incest.
>wrong image
Working on ero-scene animations right now. Aiming to have a demo out by the end of August including the first few days of the story.
>tfw too many ideas for porn games that I can't choose to commit to one
meh what is wrong with that
equivalent to a panhandler
Then mush them all into one game.
concepts are way too different to be able to mush them together.
But I am.
Here’s some assets i made. This is a 6 month old pic so there’s a lot more now but it shows the style.
It’s basically 2D Skyrim.
I can learn to draw, can program, how can I get away with a patreon scam?
Fucking try me.
Please don't be a RPGM game.
I will be back at it at monday.
Just another day of rest while I plan how the engine deals with some shit.
You don't even need to get away with it. Just keep drawing and coding 6 hours a week and keep talking about delays. If you're lucky enough and have an idea that is not total shit then you might get rich without doing almost anything.
Do it, user. Show us that it's possible. If you ever get rich then remember this reply, put it on a screenshot next to your 10k/month patreon and tell everyone on Yea Forums that anyone can make money by doing absolutely nothing.
It is, but it’s completely custom.
Pixel based movement and combat akin to something like Zelda also they’re Parallax made maps so they’re all very detailed.
Again, 6 month old pics/assets
Now the real question: is there sex in it
shill your shit or I put a bullet in you
>as far as I know she doesn't even show her nipples
she has and does
I bet you can't even prove it
No, although I’ve made nude sprites in the files for testing purposes that can be changed.
Reminder that around 1/3 of young men are incels and rising. MGTOW is also rising with 60% of men avoiding women at work at all costs, which will eventually translate into avoiding them altogether. This figure was 30% just a year ago.
Porn games are only going to get more popular.
Dont say I didn't warned you:
>A Danganronpa dating sim that works like its original game counterpart but with porn
I like the characters but for a long-term project its a really tight leash in creativity
>A game where various characters from different games/animes give you JOI
>A game like Stardew Valley/Rune Factory but there are girls everywhere you can fuck/get fucked
As much as I like this concept its quite the coding challenge to even set it up
>A more action oriented game about dreams where there are monster girl nightmares that want to melt your brain with orgasms, you use your own projections to protect yourself, these will be party member girls you'll unlock and level up ala Pokemon/SMT, you can also fuck these
OC characters don't seem to make much money aside from the eternal Summertime Saga and a few more that have been there for ages.
There, just to name a few
>my dad works at patreon and he showed me her nipples
Making games for the primary purpose of money is a bit terrible.
But when you're doing a challenging shit like writing an actually good MSX 2 game not made by hideo kojima, its fun.
>that 10/10 porn game that got abandoned
whats her name Yea Forums?
You could easily combine the dangaronpa, random anime girls, and monster girl nightmares. The stardew one though you can combine with the last two. Your Danga and Stardew/Rune Factory are bases for the game mechanically, where as the different anime girls and nightmares are gameplay elements. There is literally a game just like that except its an island survival game called R-life. Go check it out on F95 and maybe you'll get some ideas.
Monster Girl Island
I am a dev too. What would be a good game I could base my game on? I don't know much about porn games except Illusion ones.
>reskinning a rom
Sauce? Genuinely curious
>the closest thing to children game has is 2 quests where they died outright, one quest where she's a zombie and you have to tell her real dad that she always knew he was the father, a quest that's almost a romeo and juliet reference but doesn't go anywhere past passing notes, and finally a quest where the little lizard girl is alive but you have murder her and steal her tears immediatley after freeing her from her torment, and give said tears to her ghostly father all because some retarded wolf spirits wrongly thought it would uncurse a cursed city but atleast you get the best spear for your class in game as a consolation prize.
just imagine if neets got basic income.
ethots as a profession would reign supreme.
Because I'm worthless and skill-less.
>that dev who makes thousands a month
>still can't make deadlines
>complains and takes breaks for his "health"
I cant draw.
Alright fine, it's My Very Own Lith
It can also be a catgirl, or catfuta, if you're like that
the dream game sounds interesting
So pretty much mash everything together with the last one (Dangans and random girls) with a sprinkle of Stardew?
Do you think it'd be more interesting if the girls you project were original or from vidya/anime?
Dungeons & Prisoners
Even just the demo is a great porn game framework. If it just had the content behind it... Alas, it's been years without even a status update, let alone new content.
You can base your game off anything as long as you have good art or are good at animating pre-set 3D models.
I like original designs, but it'd make sense if the game takes place in a dreamstate for the projections to be "slightly-off" representations of established characters. Like you can use a projection of your favorite anime girl, but it won't actually BE her, it'll be a psychic recreation of your idea of her. If that makes any sense. You might get more money that way but I think original designs would make your game more memorable.
Oh I meant the art, is that from the game? The style is cute
meanwhile masters like patreon.com
Need more loli games
I guess.
But what I was saying was you can make a Dangan type game with anime and game characters with nightmare elements. Like going into the girls dreams and battling there to progress with them Persona style.
Or you could do the same thing except with Stardew/Rune Factory. The Stardew or Detective gameplay could be the grinding and unlocking aspect of your game towards certain characters to unlock. Where as the dreams or nightmare could be the aspect of unlocking different aspects of said character.
But in the end its completely up to you.
Oh, yeah it's from the game. I don't think the artist who did pic related and (Lexivine) is around anymore, though
You can't reskin an NES game as a MSX game.
Different CPUs, REALLY different video chips, no flips...
Yeah I intended to use OCs but Im worried people will ignore it because of it, here's one of the main girls I designed, I also use her as trademark for my stuff
Isn't the MC Aang? Or at least possessed him?
Why do you think he hid his earnings. God I hate people that do that.
You change characters depending on the story and route. Love path is usually an in-game character but people always find out its you. Slave routes you're just some random dude.
I’ve looked around for lexivine stuff and there’s very very little, that’s really sad.
O shit mosbles for real? Still salty you dropped that persona game man
It's a nice design, but it wouldn't really grab my attention personally, I'm more into monster girls and cartoony designs and stuff.
I think if you make all the characters anime girl OCs your game won't attract much attention. If you want to draw anime girls and make money you should use existing ones.
well, there was some shit going on with the development of that game, but yeah, I'm salty too, that's the main reason I want to make a project that combines all I want in hentai so I don't lose my drive to work on something else
I am, but it's not porn and I'm not that confident in showing it
I am lol
well it does sound interesting, I'll think about it, thanks user
Was persona H a solo project? I don't remember seeing any other team members for it. It's a shame you never did much else, your art is definitely good enough
echoing what this user said it seems obvious that using existing characters would probably give an initial boost in interest, but i can see how it might feel a little restricting
We were 2 people working on it, me (art) and a friend (writing)
I know how that goes man, tried for years to get people to collaborate with me on my project. Just doing everything myself now because other people suck.
yeah, well this guy was and still is a good friend of mine, but we sometimed clashed on what scenes to make (different kinks for different folks), I just decided to make my own thing from now on
I like your game but I avoid all the sufering, love the parts where I fuck the dragon and the fox girl.
Are there any good porn games?
That isn't Rance
oh I could use existing girls for party members and OCs for enemies
i love her bros...
>20k a month for shit that belongs on newgrounds
Reminder makeup is a lie and she is ugly as she so are most thots and pornstars
fuck every faggot who pays for this shit
She looks way cuter on the left, on the right she looks face as fuck, might as well fuck a real doll.
I've considered throwing my hat into the porn game arena, but I like working alone and I'm just a fledgling artfag.
whats your patreon name again?
Gonna pirate your game
What the hell? Did you really redraw the RPGM tileset? For what purpose? Fucking make unique assets, not traces of the generic shit you're trying to get away from.
I am, got a little over 100 patreon and I started 6 months ago. And commissions are even more profitable. Drawing porn is real fun and easy
Bro you need to get an artist and some better inspiration. This looks bad and the gameplay sounds boring and stale as fuck.
Futa and furry fags will pay anything.
Because it hasn't gotten to the point where if you type in the title (of the IP, not the porn parody) in a search engine, it's not the very first result.
If that happens, you can guarantee Viacom will C&D it.
But they release a compilation of all the days recently right?
Looks like something that would air on MTV or Comedy Central
Noble Privileges.
>tfw the 0.1 update was more content than the average 0.9.996.F update of any other game
>tfw 0.2 doubled the content
He basically completed the entire route of a girl each update. Even with only the two updates we got, the game is still more than most others put out.
Alright, but please tell me you don't give this thot money so you can't fantasize about her falling in love with you.
>>Monster Girl Island
A shame, but we have Monster Girl Project. Granted the guy only have 3 girl right now and only 2 of them are really completed but at least he's working.
The most baffling thing is that she's only manages to be average even with the makeup on.
Maybe she was just in the right place at the right time I suppose.
This is my favorite.
feel too brainlet
though game maker and rpg maker look interesting
I need more games anons p-please help me
Where's the good robot porn games? western or eastern, I don't mind
Some post some loli games
Don't underestimate horny teens with their parents' credit card.
>Hypnofetish games are getting purged from patreon along with anything involving transformation because someone somewhere on the planet earth cried about it.
Why do they have such kneejerk responses to every fucking thing.
>average of over $60 per patron
It's amazing to me what a certain minority will shell out for porn. Some furry artists make absolutely ludicrous amounts, and I hear some actually hate furshit but keep doing it because it makes more money than their art possibly could otherwise
A Spell for All.
At least until recently. Updates are slow but it’s getting them at least.
>loving a whore clad in an inch thick of makeup with shit colored eyes and being a titlet
Get standards.
I have cum literal gallons of semen to Azula and Ty Lee
when someone going to make be trap game where you date cute boys instead of the western sissy fest that tries give them breast.
You sir, are a brother in arms of mine.
Boys are gross.
I actually knew a furry artist from work. Your assumption is about right though it’s less that he hated it and more that he wanted to draw different things like non lewd fantasy. Problem is that almost every furfag in the city is filthy rich and shells out obscene dollars for his commissions.
Well the problem with that fucker is that hes making linear platformers "get raped to see some H-scenes", not really anything outstanding and nothing we haven't seen before
Really the market is fucking full of these types of games, WE DON'T NEED MORE 2D LINEAR PLATFORMERS H-GAMES!!
>when an ACTUAL gay game for faggots gets more content than other H-games
Just fucking end it
The second I found out you could impregnate Joo Dee in that game is the day I was okay with this stuff
The whole "average and trying too hard" shit hits exactly my fetishes, though. Sucks that she never covers her eyes because seeing the soulless monster inside them kills my boner from what would be decent fapfuel.
Have they made substantial progress in it actually being a game? I only check every 6 months or so because every update only adds like a picture or whatever
>Clearly there is a marketing drive behind this- probably a Jewish father who is also a producer.
There is no mystery or conspiracy behind it. Just a lot of thirsty fuccbois.
well too bad it'll get shutdown
oh sweet jesus when
>adding to the GwenConomy
so you cant make male to female tranny games?
>Hate futa to the point that it’s a turbo boner killer, will immediately remove anything with even a hint of it from my folders.
>Almost every game with my fetish that gets regularly updated or has been translated involves futa despite the two fetishes having no immediate connection.
Being me is absolutely suffering.
The art in this game is shit
They completely overhauled the combat system. Still confusing, but much better than it was before.
This looks like it has quality
This is just average
Looks like talent doesn't matter when you want to make patreon bucks, you just need the right girls and fetish shit.
I want to make a TD, but also cash in on the adult game hype, how to merge in a good way?
Not anymore which I don’t give a fuck about. The problem is that they’re removing anything with hypnofetish too because they’re “gross.”
The fucking plebs of patreon’s administration never cease to disgust.
Do any of these porn games need audio work done? I'm an audio engineer at a music studio but I taught myself WWise and have done sound design for years, seems like I could make some good money on the side
Audacity isn't hard you WWasted your time sucker~!
Most do. Just email some of them about it.
>mix TD with sex
You invade a girl's fortress.
If you win you get to fuck her.
Pro Tools or die, scum
Just steal material. There are so many rip offs.
most use royalty free music to get around it
I don't think you'll find a lot of people willing to work with you, less even pay you
They all do. 99% of the games are either completely silent or they all use the same ~4 royalty free tracks.
How would that involve tower defense if the player is the attacker?
I guess the opposite would work, armies attacking you and you get to rape the female commander if you defeat them.
Please tell me this has futa on trap
do you know any good futa on trap doujins?
>i now remember a fairytale existed and fell apart
goddamn that had good art
I think it's easily one of the best and more importantly most complete and consistently updated patreon games, don't know why people have such a hangup about it. Did you only try the admittedly quite shitty book 1?
monster girls
Because making games is a fools errand.
I'd rather just play good ones.
I'm trying man, but I'm too damn stupid, and being a wagie limits my time for other shit
i have no artistic skill. If i did I do it in a heartbeat.
>Nagusamigusa -Futanari x Otokonoko-
>I dressed up as a girl and got tied up by the sadist big tits housekeeper who then fucked my ass!
>Kareshi Mochi Otokonoko ga Warui Onee-san ni Zenritsusen-zeme Sarete Otosarechau Hanashi
>Crossxdress afters part 5/6
>Joso Ona Ecstasies!
How do I progress in game development? I haven't gotten to the plot yet, but have a few scene and endings ideas. Got some character ideas too, not an art fag so I'll probably make some crudely drawn renditions later. I made an engine last year with some basic physics in it for the character+enemies (it's a metroidvania-type game). Also no fucking clue on music and pixelart at all. It's likely I'll end up making some of the basic tune/art style then offsource it to someone after I launch a demo and build some hype