*beats his wife*

*beats his wife*

Attached: vpmo9v542cu11.png (500x500, 384K)

Was it ever proven?



*defames her ex-husbands and destroys his whole career for the lulz*

Attached: Generic-Female-1.jpg (476x565, 25K)

he didn't but took the fall for it regardless

>falling for literal reddit propaganda

You guys gotta respect other people's cultures.


*beats the case*
*makes more money than everyone here*

>be completely innocent
>everyone knows you're innocent
>still dropped by sponsors, banned from competing, and universally mocked by the internet

roasties, not even once

Yes and?

Download complete

Roastie lied

sounds based

>falling for the r/kappa bait

>female lies just because
>ruins innocent guys life just because
Ah yes, the wonderful female gender. Pure cancer.

I cant believe they let the virginia tech guy go free

Can't even mention his name in Capcom's chat or else you'll get banned. Infiltration redemption arc, when?

next year when his ban is lifted


doesn't matter if he's innocent, he is done for.