Halo Reach PC won't launch with Forge and Theater


>The PC version of Halo: Reach will not include the Forge level editor or the Theater replay modes at launch, the development team for Halo: The Master Chief Collection has confirmed. 343 Industries doesn't know how long it will take to get them ready for PC, but it will likely be "a very lengthy amount of time".

>"We need to properly give both features enough time, so they are a true PC-first experience," lead PC producer Michael Fahrny said in a development update yesterday. "When you look specifically at Forge and what it truly is, it is a 3D editing tool that was built completely for console. In some cases, it’s built to have mouse and keyboard support, and in some it’s not—and that’s one of our biggest challenges right now with the feature.

>The team's main focus is finishing the main game, after which it will try to get Forge and Theater finalized "as soon as possible", with help from studios Ruffian and Splash Damage.

>In the same update, the developers revealed that players will be able to import custom maps from previous Halo games on the Xbox 360 to PC. Maps made in the Forge modes on Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4 will be playable on PC: to prepare, all you have to do is boot them up on Xbox 360, or Xbox One if available, and upload files to your file share. When the time comes, you'll be able to play them in The Master Chief Collection on PC.

How do you like that monkey paw, fellow Halofags?

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Other urls found in this thread:


the best halo on pc is custom edition and this won't change

Good thing you can import maps from the 360, that should last long enough until Forge releases. Theater sucks though. Honestly this isn't that big of a deal since it's coming anyway

I already knew this, it doesn't matter in the slightest.

Also, I will instant-quit/leave every match set on Forgeworld. I do not miss that garbage one fucking bit.

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But user-kun, the good shit is only the Forgeworld variants.

Hemorrhage can die in a fucking fire. What a fucking shitty map. Fucking fuck you for whoever voted for it back in the 360 days.

Nah, fuck that shit. I never want to see the cage in my entire life ever again.

Forge was great. Being able to build crazy custom maps was what made Reach multiplayer worthwhile.
They absolutely need to get this working with an unlimited mode so you can place as many blocks as your computer will handle.


Forge and Theater were niche things in the original!

Campaign and Online are whats important nigga.

Once you quit thne your team might have a chance at winning

Nothing wrong with forge but recycling forge garbage in matchmaking is terrible. It should be forbidden. In Halo 3 there weren't that many forge maps on matchmaking so it didn't matter, not to mention Foundry and Sandbox were pretty easy on the eyes overall.

Cool, so we're getting a discount then?

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It'll take years for Halo 3 even to achieve a level of content and success comparable to CE, this is true.

>thinking you won't have to spend at least 30 burger bucks on release for each individual games

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Who fucking cares reach is trash anyways

Lmao just mod it

It's better than a broken, unfinished product (looking at you bioware)

>In Halo 3 there weren't that many forge maps on matchmaking
That's wrong. They made so many maps from foundry

Each game is $10. ODST is $5.

They already announced the pricing, animenigger

it feels like they were more popular in the mlg playlist, maybe I remember wrong

Have they announced a more specific release date for MCC PC?

This news is just to soften the blow so to speak, to the fact that the pc version is actually never getting forge editor.

If you played ranked playlists most of the time, you would barely see custom forge maps. They were more common in social playlists, but still rare. Bungie get less shy about them in Reach because they were lazy fucks.

are you boys ready for a more juiced up version of Forge?

It was cool to see change compared to the same constantly. I really hated that towards the end of reach they removed that elite vs Spartan game type. That shit was dope

Oh for fucks sake someone please forcibly remove Halo from Microshit's goddamn hands. They do not deserve this franchise. A bunch of fucking nerds were able to put out a fan made Halo game for free and much better than what this shitty company can pull off.

343 and Microsoft absolutely fucking suck.

What game? Halo online isn't fan made. It's Halo 3 with hitscan BRs

why is this a thing with literally every halo game 343 has launched?

is the author of this article braindead? We've known about this for over a month at this point. Why do writers always feel the need to overemphasize trivial details that no one had a problem with


some nigger reported me to the 343

need find out if he do it or not

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>Halo on PC is gimped again
Why don't you guys just get an Xbox already?


they were able to do a tiny tiny flighting of 100 people or so for june and that's it.

reach will probably be out by september/october at this rate

Nobody can make Halo anymore dipshit plus Microsoft owned the Halo universe since 2001.

Who cares, Forge Worlds shitty grey garbage makes every map hideous
I only want reach for another legendary campaign to play through, game is just a gross middle ground of Halo and CoD

At this point literally any other company can do better than 343. Even Snoy, even fucking EA for christ's sake.

So they WILL add it. Just not at launch. Okay? Disappointing, but only temporarily.

Why is this bad?

Reach is shit anyway so who cares

>dude, just pay us for a part of the game and we promise that we'll deliver on the other part later on
>dude, just trust us
Fuck off, /hg/.

This is bait and you know it, Snoy makes shitty movies, you want that garbage in Halo then you were probably a fan of them pushing gameplay and level design aside in Halo 2, 4, and 5. EA is shit and you should be shot just for even thinking of their names, Bungie is dead and it's time to give up on them.


They're taking so long with reach I highly doubt we'll get halo 2 this year

that's what I meant

it's more or less halo 3 but not quite

What monkey paw? We are still getting it.

at least input settings are pretty good this time.
The time is needed if we don't want shit again.

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Is the mouse sensitivy working right or is it more sensitive in the horizontal axis like halo 5 forge on windows store?

Fair enough. But 343 has been pretty good on their delivery times, so I doubt they would leave it unavailable for very long. If it's not planned to be released some time in July, then that's a definite problem

it might still be off but it felt good, we need to get them to fix that.
I know why it happens, the horizontal and vertical scale has never been linear between the two even since halo 1. I assume they use the default settings (which is NOT the same for both) and do a multiplier on that. For example you need to set horizontal to "4" and vertical to "7" in halo 1 to get 1.0x speed either direction. The default value is "3" for both.

Too bad it has shit netcode and is filled with like 90% sub human south americans

If anything you MIGHT get Halo 3 this year.
I feel like they're saving halo 3 before pushing out halo 4 because of how popular 3 currently is on mcc.

How is the aiming on PC? It it actually good or is it trash like Halo 5 and Online?

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In H5Forge I set vertical to 4 and horizontal to 2 and it felt 1:1 to me at 1080p

They're releasing in chronological order, so I doubt we're getting Halo 3 this year.

they really can't get anything right, it's amazing. I don't understand how people have any hope for Infinite

have you been asleep for a month

I haven't seriously followed Halo news ever since Halo 4.

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Why can't they just release games in a finished state?

Yeah, they delayed Halo 5's forge for the same reason. It was still a piece of shit producing maps that look and play like garbage. This bodes poorly.

When the FUCK is this thing coming out?

Oh man, you missed out

Nah 5's forge is fantastic, well worth the wait.


Halo 5 has the best Forge in the series, go suck Bungie's dick somewhere else.

>Halo 5 has the best Forge in the series
Post launch content doesn't count you actual underage zoomer.


Yeah, no. Their series had been arguably in decline since 2 and most certainly in decline since 3. You'll learn about false dichotomies in freshman English, champ.

I liked how Microsoft is consistently dabbing on PC players by gimping their selection.

And why are we supposed to follow your autistic rules?

Why should they? You maximize your profits by drip feeding your consumers.

>giving us their flagship series
Shoo shitposter shoo

>post launch doesn't count
>le zoomer meme
what a faggot lmao, go back to your dying arena shooter

but what if reach pc forge is based on h5f pc

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>give us incomplete parts of their flagship franchise
>this is not gimping
Fuck off, Halo Waypoint.

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why are people hyped for a 10 years old game

cringe and zoomerpilled, halo 3 forge is the only thing that matters

>why do people like things i don't like

>need a little more time to work on a feature that isn't native to the PC in a franchise that hasn't been native to it for almost 15 years
>complaining when good work is being made
Shut the fuck up, you fucking no-brain nigger dickhead.

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its not even a remaster, just literally the same game everyone already played
why is it seen as the second coming of christ

Microsoft may not be complete dogshit but 343 is. they didn't even have the balls to do this one themselves.

halo is garbage anyways, who cares

>still caring about this trash fire when they showed everyone live on stream that it's a lazy port emulating controller stick movement with the mouse instead of raw input

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Literally what? Fucking proof? Nothing stood out in the gameplay footage shown, and the game supports 4K at unlocked frame rates, how is it lazy?

It doesn't feel like it's emulating stick movements, but the framerate is definitely locked at 60 in the current build. The mouse aiming feels slightly off because of that.

It does and it has a better Forge than Reach and wasn't grey, I really don't understand why it was so hard for Bungie to just build off of Halo 3, you fucking cock sucker.

>selling better and better each game

> gearbox software
> making anything good
They fucked Combat Evolved up and Custom Edition doesn't make up for it. Go commit neckrope.

>> gearbox software
>> making anything good
half life 1 expansions

3 is literally a straight upgrade of 2

Literal garbage that stands on its own two legs as a cult classic, made from copied assets made as a cash-grab to finance Borderlands. Just like Combat Evolved.

At least they're releasing the game one by one.
I know that might seem bad when you see the xbox version with of all the games at once but that's what made the game broken in the first place.

Too much over one huge release instead of working on each game one by one

while we are on the topic, anyone else know the cause of this error?

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>vaporware should be counted in the launch of a title
You're the reason the gaming industry is dying

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>launching without the best part of reach
well there goes my purchase

you're just angry because you're not a bad@ss

Halo 3's forge is dogshit, reach one is for master race, you have to admit even if you hate the game

> fucked up something as simple as desynchronizing campaign and multiplayer weapon values like the console version did, ruined multiplayer on PC
> broke transparent shaders, refused to fix them, used shitty prerelease models
> broke bumpmaps, broke specmaps
> modders have had to fix this 15 years later & these retards still somehow nearly got picked up to dev Halo 4
> somehow this company hasn't gone under

Gearbox is a shit company, shit developer, and you're a retarded faggot.

You cannot disable VSYNC afaik so whatever

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>numale weeb
>has a single digit IQ so he cant read

>current build
Do zoomers have such a low attention span that they cant listen

dont care, im only here for the single player

>meme arrow followed by a space
not even going to read whatever unbad@ass thing you have to say

lmao neck yourself newfag the nigger's right

based and #badass-pilled

Yup, this and Halo 5's, Reach was so fucking grey.

Are they really porting this shit on the unreal engine

>muh forge world
Fucked the framerate and was nothing but bland grey Forerunner walls anyway. It was trash, you just liked it cause you were 10.

it's solely for the title screen UI elements and bloat

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Don't care move on to halo 1 2 3

I just want to finish the fucking fight!

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What kind of incompetent monkeys do they have working on this shit? Isn't half the point of Xbone that it shares similar architecture with Windows 10? At this rate it'll be fucking years before the rest of the games release.

So MCC has been released. Which game's multiplayer will die out the fastest and which one will maintain it's playerbase the longest?

They honestly sound like they have no idea what they're doing. I doubt anyone at 343 has ever developed a pc game, or at least a proper pc game.

1 will die out fastest and as much as 3 fags love to shit talk reach, reach will last the longest

Didn't play any other game after 4, but even if constructions were bland, the forge in general was far better than Halo 3


I'm kind of scared that they somehow manage to fuck up the optimization and it then requiring a 1070 min or shit like that.

Both are playable on the xbone. 3 by far has more players. Usually 4 is tied with 1 for the least amount

Isn't 3's forge the best anyway?

>Can still play all custom Forge maps on PC. You are not barred from any content at all on release.
>The mode has only been delayed for the sole purpose of making it function well on a drastically different input

You need to stop using the term Monkey's Paw because you have no idea what it means.

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5's is definitely best, only problem is a lot of the pieces are too flat looking. They just need a few different textures you can apply and it would be pretty much perfect. I mean people have remade Death Island and shit.

that's because VSYNC is forced you idiot

how are you guys playing the game? is there a playtest going on?

Someone leaked the game yesterday or something, I missed the download link though

On a technical basis, 3 had a couple solid maps made for it but it's very limited and stingy. A lot of the best Forge content had to use glitches and tricks, as it was intended as a gamemode supplement rather than a genuine map editor. Things like Foundry resulted when Bungie saw how nuts people were about Forge. Reach improved some things, but limited the real Forge stuff to Forge World maps which got the job done but kinda fucking sucked after dealing with them for a while. I didn't keep up on 4's Forge at all. And then 5 technically has the most customization, basic scripting, and can practically build entire maps entirely, to the point that there's playlists of nothing but community Forge maps.

3 had the old-school workarounds, 5 was the diverse sandbox of potential.

It got leaked and you need a steam emulator (goldberg) and an alternate microsoft account

I'm gonna try to upload it on goygle drive if I can

>entire maps entirely
man my brain's fried

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I can understand theater but nigger are you high? Forge was what kept Halo Multiplayer going

Because playing them with a mouse and Keyboard will make them at least 2X as good.

Reach really isn't that good

Thank you, finally, someone said it.

good for you trannies

the trannies already decided you be doxxed and get your dick cut and paraded around all boards.but ultimately your terms of banning are up to me

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lol 343 are trash
Bungie where the fuck are you

recuperating after getting the activision-blizzard dick out of their asses

>if you don't like my shit game you're a tranny

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Yes. Reach forge was a massive downgrade from 3. Forge got worse and worse after 3.

Trannies love Reach though.

>wanting Bungie back when they hire trannies
You Bungie worshipers need to be gassed.

>trannies love X though
every time

get new material, trannies

Sounds like my money won't be available to them at launch on PC.

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halo reach was great tho, especially the multiplayer

the speedrunning ones?

Bungie = soul
microsoft = soulless

No, but it has the most content in the series.

not him but I can live without soulless forgeworld maps

and I don't even hate reach

How is 5's anything but the best? Sure many of the pieces are too simple and flat looking but I'd still take that over the binary industrial and sandy pallets of 3 or the endless gray of Reach. The terrain sculpting options alone make 5 the best, and that's not even getting into all the crazy scripting options.

Did you like waiting for object to spawn in just so you could merge boxes?

The multiplayer and campaign were both garbage. Only decent thing was Firefight.


Whatever you say, tranny, go dilate.

>the speedrunning ones?
All of them, it's their favorite Halo game and their campaign.

Xbox Game Studios/Bungie (2001-2007) + Halo = soul
Bungie (2009-2010) + Halo = soulless
Xbox Game Studios + Halo = soul

only poorfag spide like reach

Even that was garbage.

Why are they taking so long ? Other developers can develop extremely complement PC ports in a fraction of the time this collection has taken

Go to bed, tranny

there is no xbox game studios/bungie
only bungie

i am already banned.

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if youre interested in halo at all why do you even own a pc

I sold my xbox in 2012 after realizing halo 4 is garbage

Nobody is interested in 343 Halo.

>URL with greentext and a sentence at the end
Is this bot posting?
We already knew this when it was first announced.

Xbox Game Studies kept their asses in check, tranny, soon when they left at the end of 2007, Bungie went to shit. Can't believe the Cult of Bungie is real.

>Nobody is interested in 343 Halo

Attached: HalomorePopular.jpg (1200x1200, 238K)

Wrong, tranny xbot. You mad Halo is coming on PC?

nobody is interested in 343 Halo and Xbox Game studios didn't keep anything in check

>Reach gave players a huge selection of options including snapping objects and phasing
>worse than 3
Reach was objectively better than 3's forging.

>You mad Halo is coming on PC
Nah, I really don't care, tranny, I'm just laughing at you.

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Well, I played the vertical slice.

Ran great, played perfectly fine. It just isn't very fun.

Reach was rather staid and suffered from an extremely boring visual palette and uninspired level design. I'll go back to Halo CE.

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lmao I doubt that many people are excited for Borderlands 3. Nice fake news.

I wish you were right, but welcome to 2019.

And the entire collective Halo playerbase is laughing at you, tranny IGN microcuck

time to go to bed Alice

>second shittiest game in the series won't have forge at launch
literally who cares

It's real

I know they are tranny, are going back to resetera or reddit anytime soon?

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>worst game in the series
>better than anything 3 did
nice bait

Every version of ce that has multiplayer is based on the fucked up gearbox

>poor reading comprehension skills

This, why do people like Reach?

No thanks, 343/microcuck employee FRANK O CONNER (the lord and saviour of microcuck 343i apologists) HAS A RESETERA ACCOUNT AND POSTS THERE, I have seen the screencaps on /hgg/

why don't you go join your trannylover-friend FRANK O CONNER on resetera, KIDDO

in fact, I've heard not just Frankie but MULTIPLE 343i/microcuck employees have resetera accounts. Really MAKES YOU THINK huh? Doesn't it? Microcuck IGN shill?

Why haven’t you become a Doom fan?
>game is more popular
>threads are actually fun and reach bump limit
>threads aren’t filled with 343 trannies because everyone just loves Doom

Why haven't you played any FPS that just seems fun and interesting?
I have Eternal on pre-order already as of yesterday anyway

>can't look vertically
>shit-tier music
>boring aesthetics
>jewish protagonist

>5's forge is ba-

Attached: Halo 5 forge duck hunt.webm (720x404, 1.04M)

I just want to disable V-SYNC

Why don't they just make a dedicated map editor like Far Cry has?

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They really ought to just backport features from later Forge iterations.

Wrong on every point.

I am


Lol that's fucking hilarious. How did they get the spartans to be so small?

Reminder that Reach launched with Forge while it didn't with Halo 5 for consoles. Reminder that Reach today, a game at least 8 years old, is going to launch incomplete on PC because for some reason PC's can't handle a game made in two thousand and fucking eleven. What a 343/microshit apologist cuck you are.

>wrong on every point
>implying doomkyke isnt canonivally a literal jew
guess again faggot

That last point is probably my biggest problem. I never got sick at foundry even after hundreds of variations in custom game. Forge world on the other hand I got sick of it within 4 months.

He's not though.

got a mirror uploaded
already had the goldberg fix implemented, should work out of the box
probably won't work if you're running win7

It's actually a visual trick: the TV is just an open window into a massive room where the other players are bounce padding and dashing through the air.


is this the installer?

I hope i can run doom eternal well, Halo would have been something i could put my time into but doom will probably be out before a fucking port of a 9 year old game

That's great, maybe I'll dl 5 again. Shame about the game being 100 gigs

yeah bro just run it
turn off your antivirus if it won't let you run it

Does it have the entire campaign? Multiplayer?

Look at that godawful weapon bloom. Reach was shit.

One level

just tip of the spear, nothing else

Still inferior to El Dewrito, got it.

Retards like this don't deserve to be spoonfed

I only see Frank on there, I don't see anyone else, I think you have them confused with reddit.

i'm a retard, the goldberg fix isn't in that file, you'll have to do it yourselves

some virus or other fuckery. that wasn't in the one I downloaded

did you guys also know it also won't have splitscreen?

honestly this is a huge amount of time to wait for a gutted pc port.

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I was just baiting

i'll have a look at the goldberg thing but is the game not safe to run on your real steam acc? Whats the obstacle?

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they said this forever ago though
and honestly its annoying but as long as multiplayer and campaign are intact i can wait a bit more

>real steam acc
it doesn't run through steam, the goldberg steamapi circumvents it
i wouldn't use your real microsoft account if i were you

>have to use glitches to do basic things like phasing objects through the ground
ayy lmao

Go back, nuDoom, reddit tranny.


>missed my chance to download the MCC pre-alpha last thread because i thought it was a fake bit miner.

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Even the HD version of halo 1 took the fucked up lighting of the gearbox port.

And its full of Brazilians.

we already knew this months ago.

If you just want to play customs, just download the Halo 5 Forge which is available for Windows 10


No one plays that nonsense

>The team's main focus is finishing the main game, after which it will try to get Forge and Theater finalized "as soon as possible", with help from studios Ruffian and Splash Damage.
I'm okay with this.

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Yeah no shit, hence the 60 fps lock retard.


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>extremely complex and time consuming
Weren't they developed on PC in the first place?

No but with the beta beginning on a small scale its likely it will last and expand over the course of 4-6 weeks so we can expect a release in either late July or August depending on what type of bugs they found (so far they labeled several major ones they were aware of before it began which are being addressed).

How come nobody is talking about how they announced

- That they would be porting over maps and gametypes from people's OG fileshares in 3, Reach, and Halo 4 (one time only)

- That in line with the new progression system MCC is getting, older games may get brand new content, like new emblems, armor, visor colors, etc

- That they are going to be trying to resoring the shaders and other stuff from the OG version of Halo CE on xbox to MCC, since MCC is using the PC port as of now without those

Attached: HALO-JUN18-THEME-IP-Product_Page-Image_Gallery-01.jpg (702x432, 90K)

I cant be mad, if that shit came out geared to controllers it would be a bitch on mouse and keyboard

>- That they are going to be trying to resoring the shaders and other stuff from the OG version of Halo CE on xbox to MCC, since MCC is using the PC port as of now without those

>the amount of people stroking this guy's cock and being hostile towards anyone who played it early

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you lucky cunt

i fucking hate you niggers that just parrot that shit around ever since the 'mcc halo 1 is downgraded' video that clearly haven't got the first bloody idea about hce on pc. yes, gearbox broke several multipurpose maps, bumpmap rendering on bsps without dynamic illumination, an entire subsect of a plasma shader and so on.
custom edition moved way past that shit years ago.

Hold up, thats was fucking made with Forge?
This entire time, I thought 343 remade it. God damn, that's some good shit

343 stated that it was one of the known bugs for the build to randomly crash, as for cause can't help you much

I wouldn't say all of it, but a great deal of it at least. I think they also got Kornman working on MCC now.

Can you play the campaign on CE? I always assumed it was multiplayer only.

It leaked as soon as it dropped, nigger. Everyone's played it

What the fuck happened with the Halo CE and 2 PC ports?

You just need a custom main menu to get the "singleplayer" button, then you can load in the standard campaign maps.

They're going by chronological order
Reach, CE, 2, 3 and 4

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nice bait newfag Yea Forums is a gearbox board

You know I kinda hope they give Halo 5 Forge the same treatment for a good PC port because this shit looks amazing, just imagine what this forge would be capable of with mod support

why would a pc port need split screen

Actual answer: Yes and no. On a technical point, Reach's was a big improvement. As stated in this thread, getting objects to float and shit was a pain, especially if you wanted a lot of them. Merging also wasn't fun. Reach fixed this. On the flipside, Reach's forge was extremely dull and lifeless. Everything was fucking grey, and the maps were fucking awful for forging. Forgeworld ended up being pretty shitty, being worse than both Foundry and Sandbox, though the landscape was nicer. Halo 5 seems to have the best forge, but I've never actually fiddled with it so I can't give a real opinion on it.

whats forge?

How do you boot this?

>download goldbergs steam emulator
>apply goldbergs steam emulator
>run the exe in mcc/binaries/win64

I mean when they released, in 2003 and in 2006, how did they fuck that up, I mean the original devs that ported Halo CE and 2 to PC why do they look and play so much worse than their Xbox counterparts?

probably because it was a last minute port job along with them having no real interest in PC after two

Well the game asks for xbox login. Better not ruin my account with this.

Apparently someone posted a pirated version of the insider flight online. Anyone got a link?

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As long as Forge limit sizes are increased I'm fine. I know they won't be cause lol consoles. But it'd be great.


It's in the thread user

it will likely ruin the account you play it on
make a new one, all you need is a throwaway email
there's two in this very thread dumbo

Gearbox are the worst PC porters and they must be really fucking cheap to hire if big studios are using them to port games. Just compare 007 Nightfire on console and PC. They're literally retarded.

so you can play splitscreen

sometimes pc gamers have friends

Yeah, on the internet.

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internet friends aren't real friends
gotta couch multi sometimes bro


343i is aware about the file.

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Oh boy, I can't wait to import all the shitty maps I made when I was 12

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yep, 5's forge is some shit


>Postums: With Halo: Combat Evolved coming after Halo: Reach, a lot of people have been asking about our planned improvements to HCE in order to bring it more in parity to the original Xbox version. Essentially, what we are planning to rework to be more aligned with legacy than the original Gearbox port to PC that is used in MCC.

>Michael Fahrny: We’re not targeting it for the launch on PC, but we are continuing to investigate what we can do to bring CE back to parity of the original Xbox version.

>But, what I can say, is we have dug up some original Xbox devkits that we are looking into utilizing.

>Umm, also we do, well, I don’t want to publish this right now but, but we also have working on so when we’re ready to announce that, we will, but I don’t want to put that in this blog.

Attached: programed pelican flight halo 5 forge.webm (800x500, 2.96M)

>make a new one, all you need is a throwaway email
They could ban hardware ID too.

Thanks, boss

Thanks, I'm dumb. If I play the pirates version, can my main account at all be banned even if I use a throwaway? It's alright if you don't know

Forge is the ONE thing that everyone should be able to agree that 5 actually did well (late release aside), yet you still get retards saying that somehow 3's or Reach's is better.

then play on a different machine through a vpn
or get a new motherboard

if they bean you through ip/hardware id maybe

WHo cares about map editors and replays, you fucking nigger? I just wanna shoot people's faces as Master Chief. And even if they didn't include it, modders will find a way and probably gonna be better than what 343 comes up with. They're fucking shit.

Any evidence that they can do this?

Hope they do the same to Halo 2 as well.

no but it's a program running on your computer made by microsoft, using microsoft authentication servers to verify a microsoft account, so the possibility is there
the question is more would they put in the effort to do so

>literally only have to port it to one OS
>literally the OS of the company that owns you
>absolutely 0 foresight to maybe think you should get some senior Windows 10 engineers to help the porting process
>so fucking scared of fucking up again, you're going to Half Life 3 your game right out of relevancy
Only Microsoft, god damn

That's just the thing. From the tweet posted by Tyler they seem like they were oblivious. twitter.com/343Postums/status/1145004291750420480

I'm happy to wait and see if people start screaming about hardware bans, it just seems unlikely. Especially if they are wanting people to buy the game on Steam. Personally I don't give a fuck about xbox accounts because I don't use them.

Well that's fine and dandy but some people don't enjoy being thrown on a map that they've never played before. Not knowing where all the spawns are is a bitch.

Ah, partially finished games. The TRUE PC gaming experience.

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>implying windows 10 engineers have any idea what they are doing
>are also porting it to steam and by extension windows 7/8

>>are also porting it to steam and by extension windows 7/8
oh right, completely forgot about that.
But still, holy fuck it's going to be atleast another 3 years for halo 3 at this point.

First they mention E-sports and now this. They are fucking it up big time.