FFXIV Thread

Did your class end up being better, about, or worse than you expect?
Level 74 BRD and I still don't know how I feel.

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MCH and I love it.

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Yea Forums, FFXIV is now on the switch. I'm now playing it, check my screenshot out.

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MCH reporting. Everything is awesome. Though I'm not sure what Flamethrower is used for anymore.

is ACT working yet?

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This isn't a general. You can talk about the game but stop thread linking.

How often do you think they get raped by Vaulthry?

I feel better about nuDRK than I thought I would. New TBN is even more busted than before, they aren't as immortal in big pulls as before but they can still manage. At least my Dark Arts replacement button is an actual attack now.

I'm conflicted. Level 73 DRK. I really loved HW and SB drk although SB drk was a tiny bit unforgiving if you fuck up.

Now we're just pretty much a weaker WAR.
But then again, I really fucking love WAR

>Can only use Aetherflow while in battle

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Reminder that there are people too retarded to even play with a controller.

Spoiler me please:
1. Who's fat dude?
2. Is Solus bad guy or good guy?
3. What happens to Zenos?
4. What happens to Elidibus?
5. Why is final boss - Hades?
6. Who is Emet-Selch?
7. Does any of Scions die?
8. How relevant is Estinien?
9. Does Sidurgu appears in story?
10. What happens to Varis?
11. What's the city where final battle going on?
12. What's the ending?
13. WHat's the main plot twist?


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>dressing like sluts
They were practically begging for it. It's just like those BBM tags on sadpanda.

I think SMN is good.
It's really different, but it has always changed a lot between expansions, so I'm used to that

Yes :_: best girl dies


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Fuck off, tranny cutscene skipper.

>Expect expansion to be rushed and bare bones but make up for it in writing.
>Game's actually balanced the best it's ever been with a smooth progression across old content, forms of content that were once ignored now have more purpose, progression revamped so as to still take plenty of time but not be as repetitive, new scenario is actually well placed and structured, overworld areas are extremely well designed and have purpose due to reformatting, rebalancing and inter-weaving of old systems, character writing finally handled well, sound design is superb, art design is on point even if it's kind of doing the same thing a third time (both prior expansions had multiple "desolate wasteland" locales), core content is strong.
>Only real issues are that they accidentally botched a few classes while improving most and that you can really see the lack of budget and resources shining through at points.

If the next expansion doesn't overhaul shit in terms of budget/scope/content, it's doomed to be compared unfavorably to Shad.

how do i level up fast in this game so i can play with my nerd friends already at end game, they got me into this game anyways

>Now we're just pretty much a weaker WAR.
Well, this is wrong my guy. In terms of damage
PLD>DRK>WAR=GNB right now

buy a level skip

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Duty/instance issues.

>Why is final boss - Hades?
I sure hope it is, that would be pretty dope.

Leveling has nothing to do with it. The story is mandatory. You have to do 100s of hours worth of quests to reach end game.

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Huh. Well then. Sweet.

wtf lol why would anyone play this game if getting to the good part takes 100+ hours

1. Play the game
2. Play the game
3. Play the game
4. Play the game
5. Play the game
6. Play the game
7. Play the game
8. Play the game
9. Play the game
10. Play the game
11. Play the game
12. Play the game
13. Play the game

Don't rush it.
If you don't enjoy following the story even a bit, the game is probably not for you.
You can do old content with your friends thanks to level syncing

In terms of FUN

unironically just buy a level skip

unless you think your time is worth less than $2/hour

the good part starts early but that's subjective to the player

That takes a fraction of a second, but what does mounts and shit have to do with skill culling?


NIN got fucked. Damage output nerfed with Duality removed. Can no long silence without Jug.

AST main, the changes made me switch to WHM

>lvl 74 BRD

I would've thought trannies would be the ones obsessed with the dogshit story.

Playing SB, finished the introductory quests with the first 2 zones. Where the fuck's my trial by combat/saving Raubahn tier high octane chad quest? Why am I chatting with randoms and picking flowers in Rhalgr's Reach?

Didn't know there were actual queues. My internet shat itself so this is the first time I had to log out. How long does it take if I'm the 800th now?

What did they do to monk? I don't really have time to play ShB at the moment.

God damn there are so many level 70 quests. Does each level have this many?

Should be just everyone laughing at WAR. Too bad it won't last because they will overbuff WAR as always

Play just a bit more.
The problem is that the pacing slows down again when you get to the Far East.
Splitting Stormblood between two continents was a mistake

>spot the retard that didn't read the patch notes

No. There are literally three level 71 quests.

So far from what I've seen, DRK are always the worst tanks, I much prefer the other 2. Not seen GNB yet.

Just started playing this anons after I got bored very quickly of WoW and wanted something to play that I could just hop into.

I am playing the free trial now and at 22. Really want to play dragoon so I'm lancer atm. Is dragoon fun?

Also I got a code for a free HS, whats the cheapest way of going about getting the base game and other expansions?

I know the first 50 levels are boring, but I'm not having the worst time so far

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Flamethrower just seems like something to use for AoE when your oGCDs are all on Cooldown. Since 4 Spread Shots are less potency than Flamethrower if you can get it going for 8+ seconds.

I've never been a huge MMO guy, only game I truly have any experience with is Ragnarok. I sub to FF every once in a while and fuck around. One thing that always gets me to stop playing for a bit though is dungeons. I feel so clueless and useless when I go into them. I feel like I'm expected to skip all cutscenes and expected to know all the mechanics up front. I typically like playing for the story and playing blind. I'm not very far into the game, I only recently beat ARR as Samurai because I can't stop collecting Triple Triad cards. Am I overreacting to how people will react to me playing blind and for the story or should I always look up guides for every dungeon I play? I feel conflicted either way I go about it.

Amh Araeng is comfy as heck. Music is good. Mords are based. Everyone's friendly. The First's equivalents of beast tribe races makes the Source look like a piece of shit desu.

I'm not a tranny and i never skipped cutscenes.
Unfortunately i can't. My new job eats all of my time. I barely have time for sleep left.
Being 3rd worlder sucks.

No, they'd be more obsessed with getting to lvl cap as soon as possible to start raid trannying it up

i'm not really sure how i feel about it, honestly. i don't immediately hate it but it feels really bound by the blood weapon and delerium windows where you have to hit every single attack perfectly or you get dumpstered
the good news is the class is basically complete at 70 so it's not like it will radically change between then and 80 so i have time to get used to it
also yeah tbn is silly now

The first 50 levels aren't that bad, the real bad part is the massive heap of shitty quests that come after hitting level 50.

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Why pretend to be delusional? Mods banned this game before in the past and they can do it again. They're just being generous for now for some reason even though they banned like 3 other multiplayer games this month.

How the fuck is anyone supposed to know this? ACT ain't even working for shadowbringers yet and there is no high end content to test the limits of the classes at endgame yet. The game has barely been out for 24 hours.

That's where I'm currently at. All the filler quest after ARR.

>WoW cuck who thinks only the latest endgame is worth playing.


>raid trannying
What does this even mean

>tfw WHM
>tfw lillies give us 3 free instant cast cure ii's/medicas
>also btw using them gives you a 900 potency AOE

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it triggers me everytime i look down and see the aetherflow gauge empty

It's because the Shadowniggers weren't there to teach them to summon and become feral assholes.


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I have no idea what these people are on about. I've seen people moaning about trannies, discord servers, blah blah blah for ages. It's as tired as sneed at this point

Why would I spoil myself like a retard would?

>first started playing hated the gameplay but stuck with it cuz I wanted to play RDM
>It fucking sucks ass and feels slow as shit to play
>switch to SAM because whatever samurai aesthetic is cool
How is this so much better?

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She comes back though.

Speaking of lalas. Isn't it kind of bizarre a lalla WoL can do all the same things as say a male Au Ra WoL? Seeing a midget launch itself into the air and try to impale you with a spear has to be the most bizarre experience.

I usually just play and listen to music after work, so hopefully I can push through it all. I really wish I would get a mount already however since every fucking quest is a fetch quest atm.

Also will I be able to roll dragoon once I hit lancer lvl 30 with the free trial?

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I skipped literally all of the cutscenes and don’t care at all about the story. Honestly it’s the worst story I’ve ever skipped through.

one of his finest creations

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First 40 really, but yeah.
If you're going Dragoon, be prepared to die a lot and be the butt of jokes such as "How do you drown a Dragoon? Put an AOE Marker at the bottom of a lake" and "A Dragoon walks into a bar - the rest of the party dodges it" or "Dragoons are the worst employees - all they do is ask for Raises." - in short, 95% of DRGs are shitters, because whatever attracts them to the class shows that the player is retarded 90% of the time, and the other 10% is "Muh animation locks" being blamed for standing in front of the boss and getting cleaved or jumping off a cliff or standing in an aoe etc.

Kinda reminds me of pic related.

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Aether is a hell of a drug user. Lalas are already capable of clearing a Midlander in a single jump and can sprint just as fast as anyone else despite their legs being a third the length of the other races.

How can I tell if the cute miqo'te party member in my dungeon is open to getting bent over and impregnated by a cute futa?

He's in

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same energy

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Admit it Yea Forums you're going to hang out with the rest of Balmung here right?

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Clearly you haven't watched any cutscenes if you're asking that shit. Most of those might not even be answered yet - it's day fucking 2, give us time to level and do the quests, if it answers them at all, we're still on the first patch of 5 major patches and a bunch of smaller ones, there's a ton of shit to unfurl storywise that won't all be out on day 2, christ.

Nothing fundamentally changed, got exactly the tools we needed and lacked. Only gripe is that Attonement should substitute Fast Blade because I have almost no fucking space left in my hotbars.

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You either buy a story and level skip or you grind hundreds of hours of Story.

Prease enjoy (lol).

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DRK is so God damn fun. I'll be honest when I say I hated doing anything with DRK in storm blood. Playing DRK was like chasing a cat and you were wearing loose pants with no belt and they would fall down all the time, and you also were wearing flip flops.

>skipped all the cutscenes yet says it's the worst

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Don't watch guides for dungeons, and don't skip cutscenes if you want to watch them.
You can say that you're in a dungeon for the first time, and anyone even slightly reasonable will understand any mistakes you do.
If you die to a mechanic and still don't understand how it works, just ask and someone will most likely explain it to you

Oh, well hang in there because HW is worth it.

Not sure if you can play actual jobs instead of classes in the trial but I'd be surprised if you couldn't, they probably want trial accounts to get that far so people can get a peek at the fun stuff.

Oh fuck

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You'll level up within the week to start doing fun stuff with your buddies and they'll get you up to their level in no time.

>1. Who's fat dude?
Thats him! That's Janny!
>2. Is Solus bad guy or good guy?
>3. What happens to Zenos?
>4. What happens to Elidibus?
they try to complete their plans
>5. Why is final boss - Hades?
because he's the bad guy
>6. Who is Emet-Selch?
an ascian
>7. Does any of Scions die?
everyone's gotta die sometime
>8. How relevant is Estinien?
about 3.5
>9. Does Sidurgu appears in story?
as relevant as he's always been
>10. What happens to Varis?
see answer 3 and 4
>11. What's the city where final battle going on?
the last one you go to
>12. What's the ending?
the part where you run out of msq
>13. WHat's the main plot twist?
the part where something happens but you were expecting something else

I fucking miss Flash though. Our AOEs don't generate extra enmity, only Shield Lob does.

Is that zodiark?

>Clearly you haven't watched any cutscenes if you're asking that shit.
Exactly. I haven't even bought the expansion, but I'm still interested in the story.
I tried to google some spoilers but i only found cutscene skippers on youtube.


jesus what a letdown final boss

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You don't need it lmao.

Just keep in mind there's a difference between being a dumbass that comes in blind and learns from his mistakes, which is rare, and being a fucksmudge who didn't care to watch a video and keeps repeating the mistake, aka most of the playerbase.
Watch a fucking video. 5mins of your time saves 50mins of wipes for 7 or 23 other fucking people you selfish cunt.

Everything generates extra enmity now you donut

Ehhhhhh. DRK is so braindead now, its ridiculous.

Its just a 1-2-3 spam, and throw in oGCD 1/2 when they're up, and oGCD 3 and oGCD 4 if you have the gauge/mana. Bleh.

What are Shadowbringers mounts?
We had horses, dogs, birds. Now what?

Buy the expansion and play it yourself, faggot. Or wait a few weeks and try youtube again.

if they do badly it's because they're retarded, TBN alone is the single most busted mitigation skill in the game

>Muh trannies. How’s it hanging little zoom?

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No, your Enmity Gen oath is on and everything generates enmity - only shield lob generates EXTRA enmity. That and Taunt, now.

>bent over
Did you bring a stool?

If you are ready to pay attention and learn from your mistakes, absolutely don't watch guides for dungeons


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>make a pld glamour I like from crafted gear
>said gear is now vendor trash
>no longer want to use it

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>NPCs wearing that comfy looking gatherer coat
>you still can't wear it as a combat job
>several old midlander faces
>players can use exactly none of them
This will never not bother me.

I thought it was cool...

Which was pretty much exactly what DRK was anyway except now you dont have to mash an extra button to make your skills actually do damage

its just one of the things that is always taking up space on my W-Bar, along with teleport and random menu options because when you're in the field you often have to switch quickly between combat and travel.

sayiing controllers have 8 million or whatever slots is technically true, but you have to use a LOT for things you can easily just click on with a mouse

What do Dark Knights think of the changes?

Awwww Thancred's widdle tantrum when Yshtola BTFO's him is adorable.

Why do you need extra enmity beyond the tank stance bonus? I haven't even come close to losing hate on anything yet.

where's the 34

I was expecting her to be a fussy, immoral noble, but she's actually a sweet lady. Pleasantly surprised. She even liked Alphinaud's picture.

I miss Dark Passenger and Abyssal Drain's long cooldown is throwing me off. Otherwise, I like it.


There's no level booster for DNC. FFFFFFFFFFFFF

>I miss Dark Passenger

You've had shit dps then, I've run into two, a RDM and a BLM, that I had trouble keeping aggro off of on a few pulls. Nothing major or massive, but noticable enough that I had to actually use Taunt and focus on each add more than just aoe spam.
Honestly I'm kind of disappointed in that change - I didn't have to work this hard to keep aggro as a PLD before, and even then, it feels like I'm only spamming my aoe combo and my single target is just there for shits and giggles now.

Yeah, but the old DRK was still more interactive in its toolkit. You still had to pay attention.

Now you just check if you have 6000+ mana or not, and if you have 50+ gauge. Everything else basically plays itself.

tanks have a tough time with initial aoe threat right against competent players right now

She cute

> tfw leveled all tanks to 73
> they all have their gimmicks and shit expect DRK
DRK is a fucking abomination, im sorry for the bros that mained it

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where do you find the shit for crystalline mean gatherer turn ins? i cant even find nodes in any new zone

I liked being able to inflict Blind.

What was he being a faggot about?

> tfw cant parse my lvl 73 dungeons
i feel you bro

>doing final frog boss on dungeon 2
>he does his tightripe mechanic
>music perfectly syncs up everytime the moment it starts singing "WE FALL"
fucking kek

gatherer log

Why do fags post spoilers

i feel you
literally 123 and mana dump with dark arts
fell cleave when meter reaches 50
literally 5 buttons, meanwhile gunboy is pressing a bunch of shit and providing nice utility on a very short cooldown

>Did your class end up being better, about, or worse than you expect?

Summoner here. Titan isn't a mini tank anymore. Hes just another attack pet that will give you a shield to mitigate some damage. The enemy will always come for you. All the pet enmity goes to you.

Kinda pissed off so far. That phoenix better be fucking worth it.

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Where do you think you are, user? Yea Forums has always been faggot central.

do i have to unlock something? it's only showing stormblood stuff

> 25 second cooldown
wtf were they thinking bros, how will DRK even compete

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You can wipe 2 times and nobody will be upset. And stopping to ask for the mechanics for a boss is a courtesy that people want you to do.

>Finally got into SB expecting the worst
>Find shirtless shotas training in Kugane
Why didn't you tell me SB was kino?

What would you do if you had your own minifillia to protect?

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As a SMN I find it hard to believe anyone cares about Titan-Egi at all. I think I've summoned it about once since ARR

I'm coming in late on MCH, but I'm mostly enjoying it. Only level 49 though, so my Heat Gauge seems pointless at the moment. Kinda sad the Rook Turret doesn't stick around longer (unless that gets resolved later?). Can't wait to level it further.

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Too bad she has the personality of a doormat.

>tfw bard buffs are gone
>can't give tanks palisade and help out now

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brainlets complained about Heavensward DRK so now we have this abomination instead, I'm so fucking mad
at least with Dark Arts spam being dead and gone we have slightly less antifun mechanics than SB DRK

Jesus she is practically begging for it

Why is she doing that? Stop that.

I can count the number of times I saw Palisade on myself in the last year on one hand.
I can count the number of times I used Palisade on a tank as my BRD in the last year on 2 or 3 hands, tops.

honestly thats an upgrade from the cardboard cutout she used to be

Just use your chocobo to tank. They still have their tank abilities.

Thanks lads, I think I'll do my first couple of attempts blind and try to pay attention, then inquire with the party if I'm struggling. I always get paranoid that I'm ruining it for everyone but I don't want to ruin the experience for myself either.

Cannot wait for anons doujin request of this scene

headpats for days.

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leveling summoner uhh
what the fuck do i spent my aether current shit on before 70
i got uhhh painflare and fester? is that it?

That's because 99% of bards don't use their full toolkit.
I use as much as I possible can.

I'd still ask about Important Mechanics pre-pull if you can. Some of that shit really will blindside you and not be obvious.


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you mean /ss/ requests where she turns and rapes the aura boy
honestly I'd like to see one where she does it before she's turned anyways. It's not like he can tell on her, being spaced out.

haha imagine if she didn't understand the feelings in her body when she's around daddy thancred. what if she had to ask alisaie and then alisaie gave her the talk. haha wouldnt that be weird? how do you think alisaie would show her?

I do not find fat people sexually attractive but I find them aesthetically pleasing. Why is this?

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Titan was great for soloing hunts. Sustain+enmity reduction skills kept them on titan while you killed it.



No dickwad, the changes did not make the class briandead and did not remove "interaction", you stupid cunt. It removed a worthless barrier skill and cut out the worthless tasks needed to be functional. What is the point of having to press dark arts before everything you do?? It had no benefit, it was worthless. Everyone is fucking glad it's gone. Kill yourself you stupid shitter. It doesn't make you sound more hardcore, it makes you sound retarded.

It finally happened

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Someone that asks for help is never ruining anything in this game. I'd far prefer that to obnoxious assholes who watched a guide and "know" all of the mechanics. Going blind is the best way.

about to get into ff14; dragoon or scholar?

Jesus christ AST seems so boring now from what I've seen so far.

>this is aesthetically pleasing

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sounds like your dps is trash, flash-kun

As someone who jump potion'd a DRK in SB and played around with it for awhile, I wholeheartedly concur. Having to press dark arts before anything is retarded and makes anyone with any sense ask, "Why the fuck isn't this just a passive? Why do I have to do this constantly?"

That's another fear of mine. I feel like overall the best option is to watch videos and read guides but it just doesn't feel right to me. I'll just continue to wing it and hope I don't fuck up top hard.

>lv72 Scholar
Sacred Soil is busted now and that’s cool since I love ground target AoEs (shame about Shadow Flare, ever since Stormblood really)
You can use Excog and Deploy on yourself now, kinda pointless to do so but honestly why couldn’t you before?
Everything else holy fuck


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why do the cute and nice ones always die

Fucking GLAD

>happening constantly as a healer since there are only 3 of us left after the gutting and everyone else is desperately grouping up for queues
>also getting piles of cracked crystals for materia 7 and 8

almost makes up for only having 2 spells left

Don't read guides. MTQCapture has all the quick n dirty mechanic videos you'll ever need and without spoiling any related story, either. Anyone else is a waste of time.

Pretty much. We used to have 3 charges, now we have 2. It used to be integral to building up to use Dreadwyrm trance. Now Dreadwyrm is just on a timer.

Stay mad stupid cunt

If I play this as an MRoe or LionMan will I be accosted by fags? I just like the strongman aesthetic.

Most people like to help, they enjoy it.
Your fear is extremely irrational

You're not in wow anymore lad, you're safe now from the shitters.

wowfugee here
>hit a level on WoW
>ok what did I unlock? oh... nothing. but the enemies I was fighting just now got +10% HP
>hit a level in FFXIV
>fuck yeah new skill, oh shit next quest available at the rogues guild I wonder how are we going to find the 3 treasures oh fuck new dungeon
this game is fun

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Depends on server, but yes. Roes have the funniest glams though. Bara Dressman, Muscle Moogle, etc.

>having to press a useless button before each Souleater or Power Slash makes the job more "interactive" and "intelligent"
I've played it since Heavensward came out, get bent

I said fat people, not morbidly obese literal monsters.

Some of her Savage videos are very rushed and skip over essential information though

yeah, leveling fucking sucks shit in wow nowadays
120 levels with like 20 skills prinkled about
getting a new skill every other level plus all the class quests feels really good

>retards unironically thought drk would get monk treatment in his own expansion

>every scene with Ardbert and the WoL
>WoL is suspicious as shit of Ardbert over time realizes that he really was just like them and WoL could have ended up like Ardbert if they were unlucky
>they become friends over time
>he's totally going to disappear at the end isn't he

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>pop overheat
>suddenly I'm playing Stepmania/Beatmania
Jesus fucking christ my fingers hurt
And don't get me started when you pop it and suddenly there's boss mechanics you gotta avoid while keeping it up.

I only had three spells to begin with and they made lilies fun, so I can't really complain too much

Good afternoon, I hate faggots.

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Do you honestly think anyone that has to watch a video is doing Savage?
But yes, I only go to her for normal videos

i bet she will loose weight in later patch during city restoration

"Ahhh, neither you or your town changes you know we got your back my nigger. " or something to that effect with a playful tone.
>El Goblino del Bong Localization
We won't be outdone. Consider us your partners in crime in either a retarded and overdone voice or generic and bland. Many such cases. Sad. Imagine defending this shit.

Fuck ascians for introducing summoning and fuck Limsa for bullying kobolds. We could've had chill bros like Mords on the Source.

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>urianger keeps throwing his AST cards as if they were shurikens
What the fuck.

if fat people aren't in denial about their size and dress appropriately, they can look good. especially if they aren't lumpy and misshapen. like just a perfectly round pot belly. in general, smooth round shapes are aesthetic

Nah that would require effort on their part for models. She'll just die from a heart attack and be replaced or just be ousted and disappear forever.

>Rak-Tani Greatwoods theme
That's some good fucking shit.

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I don't even know what this means

Is THIS your card?

"It is now, faggot!"
and then he pulls a Gambit and the cards explode.
Gambit class when?

>NPCs use exclusive skills and spells as if they aren't even player characters

What the fuck?

Furfag is looking for a gay chat room and straight people need not apply.

I use guides in Savage, because my static only does a few short sessions per week (a situation I'm extremely happy to be in), so progressing blind would be frustratingly slow

>how astards ever recover

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He's my favorite Scion. I love how weird he is. He probably had a fucking blast with the faeries when he arrived there considering they leave him alone.

>That poster who brought up what the Exarch's outfit looks like on Thursday after nobody ever caught it.
Fuck you, devs.

Good job outing yourself as a cutscene skipper.

I'm enjoying BRD a ton when I play it but it's utility bothers me. I really think the songs should have some sort of weak fluff buff to feel like an actual bard. I'm at least happy it's gameplay wasn't harmed

So Titania being referred to as King is a Koji fuckup right?
If they wanted a gender neutral prefix they could have just used Ruler.

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>NPCs are player characters

What the fuck?

Reminder that the Crystal Exarch saw Y'shtola and Alisaie naked when summoning them since Thancred's summoning showed him being naked as well.

>not brown

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I think pixies are supposed to be asexual or sexless considering they actually use they use the referential of "they" almost exclusively.

Urianger has autism. Why wouldn't he throw cards like shurikens?

He didn't care, his only love is darkness.

>I think pixies are supposed to be asexual or sexless considering they actually use they use the referential of "they" almost exclusively.
So Ruler would be have been much better.

>Fae folk are basically Eldritch horrors compared to most entities
>They can be whatever they want to be

Go read Berserk, the fairy king is a gorgeous woman-creature.

He's peak chuuni.

Most likely we will have to kill him like we will kill his friends

yeah fucking right

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Though girl looking I take pixies are all genderless. "King" sounds weird as they look like little girls with wings but they aren't exactly females at all either.

>get to fairyland
>all the fairies are scottish and cute
why is my dick so hard what the fuck

I haven’t seen any rothgars running around but everywhere I look is full of roes

Whos the bigger chuuni?

Urianger for throwing a card at solus trying to harm him or solus for actually dodging it?

It's a larboard thing.

Just got lvl 77

The beginning of the expansion pack was really good, all the up until the faerie zone.
The faerie zone was so godawful, was on the level of the moogle shithole from heavenward. The Titania primal fight was pretty cool though.

The Forest Zone is just as bad as the faerie zone, but at least it doesn't give you eye strain like the faerie zone does.
Thancrad and Minfilia are unbearably boring and shitty characters.
Y'shola is boring as fuck too.
Solus showing up in the forest zone is the only saving grace

After the forest zone the sin eater invasion battle was really cool, but you immediately go back to more goddamn boring ass thancrad + minfilia shit.
The return to the starting zone seems just as bad as the last two zones, if not worse. Boring fetch quest shit.

The third dungeon is also really shitty, which is a shame because the first dungeon was really good, and the 2nd dungeon was pretty good too.

Really big shame that the story is so goddamn boring, and the scion characters are so shitty. The beginning of the expansion was so promising. Hopefully it gets better after this godawful thancred minfilia shit i'm doing right now.

I don’t get it
What makes roes have helmets but not the rothgar? Is not like they have any special features like bunny ears or horns coming out of their face
Just make the helmets bigger niggas

He's just aping Berserk, where the king of the fairies is a woman. Purely an IDGAF title.

Solus has lived for eons and does dumb shit to annoy people.
Urianger isn't even thirty and puts on a show both to throw people off and because he thinks it's cool.
Solus is a jester, Urianger is a chuuni.

>That remember-berry dungeon with Alex
The charm of self-reference has worn think somewhat.

Berserk is a Jap take/view on Western mythology.
The whole Titania fight is a Midsummer night dream reference, so trying to use this logic on XIV with Titania is retarded.
Even then, for Berserk the raw Japanese text uses the gender-neutral kanji 王, which again just can roughly mean Ruler or Sovereign.

Read above, even Dark Horse comics fixed this mistake in their TLs. Koji's just a hack.

Again, Ruler works better because that is neutral while King specifies male, and Queen female. Monarch and Sovereign can work as well.

>gay hrothgar
he could have just said hrothgar

>tfw no cute rabbit GF with instant transmission
How do I go on, bros?

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I liked how he actually took it seriously and sounded super offended when I initially pretended not to remember him, looking forward to those bro bonding scenes

I hop they fix all of the hats soon. I miss my pointy hat

leveling scholar levels summoner at the same time because they are derived from the same class, arcanist
so if you want to get two jobs at once, a healer and a dps, pick scholar.

Wait, I thought the Shadowbringer DLC also gave access to all the other DLCs. Have I been bamboozled, or do I just not get them until Shadowbringers is out of early access?

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I'm fully intending to find/make a mod to just give them decent tits and be done with it, and if it's easy, alter all those text instance to "her".

You don't get the rest until July 2nd with Full Release.

73 MNK, sad that we lost a GL management tool (Old RoW) and Howling Fist. Anatman and Enlightenment may or may not make up for that. Leaden Fist buff is okay, I suppose. Finally getting a full on AoE combo is great, as we're not limited to PB Rockbreaker spam for packs.

Yes it gives you all the other expansions

It's for the best

I know the kid couldn't help it buy that scene made me really hate the little shit.

you have to wait until release
should have bought from a key reseller too, its 10 bucks cheaper

That's a bit extreme desu.
Fags and "politically correct" fucks can go kill themselves, but I see no problem with something sexless since it just averts the problem of political correction all together.

Yshtola told him off for still being a bitch over the fact that the real minfilia died, so he flipped his shit and ran off.

Newer fag here.
I finished ARR a bit ago but these 100 quests are a fucking slog. Ive been at it awhile and im only like 30 down. Will I miss much by getting the story clear item? I just want to start HW. Fuck.

I still don't see how you can fall off that, what I do know is you can drag people into the pit by casting Rescue on them, which makes being a healer a little less insufferable.

How far through are you?

2.1-2.55 is the worst part of the entire game. Keep going user. You'll get there eventually.

no, skip ARR, do HW, skip SB

I've finished ARR. Im like 30 out of the 100 in between quests. I'm just asking if I miss much story in those last 70 because this shit is mindnumbing.

>should have bought from a key reseller too, its 10 bucks cheaper
I did. I got both the base game and Shadowbringers for $35 combined. I just registered the keys on the official site.

expansion is so good it feels like i'm playing a completely different game, at least from SB
i'm having a great time, just got to rak-tika
does the eulmore general guy remind anyone else of revolver ocelot?

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They're hoping new people will get annoyed enough by the wait(especially if they pre-order the months in advance) to shell out for the current expansion anyway. Bit of a bait and switch.

>pay $25 to skip a relative handful of quests
>pay another $25 to skip the 2nd expansion
>do HW
Nice goyim, reinforce that "HW is best" meme

My Dark Mage is only 35 so I'm hardly a pro but I feel like there's pretty much no reason to have Grit on all the time. I thought a big part of the class was turning it on and off.

Again, 2.1-2.55 is the worst fucking shit.
Also if you're not in Ishgard yet that means you're not done with ARR. That just means you're doing the patch content for ARR.

>2.1-2.55 is the worst part of the entire game
The fuck are you talking about? The last few patches of ARR are the best part.

Urianger please.

I didnt know key resellers had early access keys
It says July 2 on cdkeys.com

It helps you position for deployment in raids, where otherwise you'd have to target another person who might just randomly run off-center.

You miss barely anything. There are summaries out there.

>Only level 49 though, so my Heat Gauge seems pointless at the moment.
I just realized I'm retarded and need to go do the job quests for Hypercharge and Heat Blast/

Should I boost WHM?

Licensed outlets have pre-order keys, don't know about unlicensed/grey market resellers though. I got mine for cheap on GMG by stacking VIP discount with a pre-order discount code.

Viera get pretty milky
>should I pay to not play the game

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>this whole cutscene


Did anyone get a screenshot of Tesleen's face?

In the past you could deploy off your fairy so I suppose it works as a replacement for that, and of course it’s pretty pointless in solo content.

So many plot threads for the later expansions are set up in ARR, don't skip anything.

Friends moved data centers since I last played so I've already played the game just rerolling.
Debating if boosting a WHM is then worth it because I've already done 1-70.

>"What if we made Zorn and Thorn be in Shadowbringers, but this time they're waifus?"

Yoshi-P may have gone too far this time.

Were the Ascians the good guys all along?

Not having protect or aero 3 is throwing me off but I feel like my mp doesn't run out fast and lucid rework is a godsend.

sad times bro
no more support and utility skills
DPS only
respect the content

>people are STILL shitting on DRK because power slash combo died

Look retards, you used power slash combo like, right at the start of a pull and maybe after tank swapping in and that's it. The rest of the time it literally was a job of spamming souleater combo and blood meter moves except you also had to press dark arts every ten seconds

Now the job is the same shit with the annoying dark arts spam cut out. The fuck is the issue? You retards wouldn't shut up about how bad dark arts felt and now people are unironically lamenting its loss? Neck yourself, faggots.

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You joke but the game could totally work as a standalone single player title. It would be a fucking massive game too. Robots can play all the dungeons the only issue might be the primals.

Oh, there's nothing idealogical about it. I just prefer fairies to be bite-sized hot girls with wings.


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Are you using mods? Pretty sure that top is the hyur hempen top.


these jinpu and shifu buffs make sam shit out so much damage

My friend said to make a character on Brynhildr but I fucking can't

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New Lucid throws me off since I need to be pressing it so much more often, I might move it to the main crosshotbar at this rate
It used to be all about Aetherflow and Energy Drain :(

>was a beta RDM main in Stormblood
>decide to turn it around in Shadowbringers, leveled PLD at the end
>maining PLD now, constantly queuing for Ghimlyt Dark since there's a Poetics bonus every single time with all the new people coming back
>constantly feel like a hero and a chad as the new people fail mechanics and I salvage wipes over and over again since I can heal myself and and both dps even if the healer dies

We're all gonna make it bros

Ironically RDM has more buttons and seems more complicated than PLD now

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>PLD finally has a mobility skill
>my dumb ass keeps forgetting to use it and I just walk to enemies

>in-game it's a spooky cutscene
>out of context, it looks like she's getting a facial

Level 67 GNB right now. can I possibly reach 70 by today?

While i barley used it Power Slash was one of my favorite attack animations across all the classes. I would toss it out just for fun even if i did not need it. So im kinda salty they removed it.

I would love for them to find a way to give you an option for animations to use for some skills and let you use older ones that got the axe. I miss mutilate on my NIN as well.

Viera hempen gear is just midlander hempen gear. While that stuff is cute its pretty half assed.

The transformation will be sick

Yes it does, even without Stormblood only ShB early access I can play with SAM and RDM

Playing SCH. Is disappation still useless?

Bro PLD feels so fucking chadlike now
>Pull literally the whole dungeon to parts that need the adds clear to pass.
>Just spam Eclipse and prominence and heal yourself to help healer out

Actually disgusting

Rate my job choices going into ShB.

Its the viera undies now

Don't ask stupid questions

I just got to the burn. How much longer until I start shadowbringers?

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not long

Honestly most fears are pretty irrational


Here you go user, cant take more, got vid of it.

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>doing Holminster Switch as a PLD via leveling roulette
>last boss
>healer lags up and dies to a mechanic
>everyone else dies to a AOE at the last 10% of the boss
>tfw managed to solo it and almost blew it at the end when he did that chain attack and thought it was a instant kill but you just take a shiton of damage
>survive it, heal up and finish it off

PLD is just great in general, they can do a bit of everything.

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>entire group blows a mechanic
>can punish them by forcing them to sit around for 15 minutes while I solo it

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That's good. Also tsukuyomi was a fucking fun fight. But I'm ready for Stormblood to be over

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Yeah, pretty much. The fairy is now automatically resummoned but your extra AF stacks can’t be used on damage & MP gain anymore as AF skills now only do heals and mitigation. Plus fairy gauge doesn’t accumulate during Dissipation buff so you can’t use it to boost that either.

>friend wants to play on the same server
>can't make a character for it
am i fucked?

>Implying 15 minutes doesn't give me enough time to take a shit, get some water, and fuck around on my phone while you carry my ass like a bitch

You can still play together as long as you're on the same datacenter.

Why would you make a new character anywhere near the launch of the expansion? Are you braindead? Pray that there's another world on the data center and you can cross world and transfer later.

server locks are updated like every other minute, you'll be able to make one in the early morning / late at night, or at any point of the day during the week when people are at work
if you can't wait though, just make your character on any server in his data center, you can server hop at will in-game

The funniest thing about it is when you boot up the game, the words you here are


I'm sure it's just a conisidence, but I feel they are taking the piss out of all those WOW Classic posters.

thanks anons
im new and i got the game gifted

For some reason i really found this moment a very cool

>Still no dick shadow edit
Kinda disappointed to be honest

>there's now an indicator to let you know which attacks you can Stun

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>why would someone make a character when an expansion launches
Are you braindead? Not everyone is a NEET in their mother's basement.

That Thancred rp fight was way too long. Maybe if there was a chance you could die, but just spamming 1 for 5 minutes sure is boring.

Honestly this feel is great.
>Both healers die during Titania somehow
>I just single handily heal myself and the dps when they need a quick top up.
Who needs a healer when you're literally the Chad of the tank classes

what's the name of their theme

Not him but why would it even matter?

i kinda like the exarch, i thought he would be more high and mighty but he's pretty chill


>Servers all congested

Thanks, Squeenix

I'm really shit at paint user.
I literally don't know how to shadow and shit

Weirdly Im enjoying warrior even if we reached the brain dead bottom pit.

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Is it worth it to do the MSQ roulette on the way to 80? I haven't done it in forever and I know you can't skip cutscenes now unless you close the game.

Two solo duties and another dungeon.

I’ve always been mildly interested in this game but now I think I really want to start playing it. I don’t want to buy a level skip or anything, but please be real with me: this seems like a very verbose, cutscene heavy game with lots of quests in the storyline for each expansion. How long would it take me to go through the entire storyline (not including Shadowbringers) from the very beginning? You can be rough with your estimates, that’s fine. I’m really just looking for a ballpark amount of time I have to sink into this game to catch up with current content.

No time like the present to learn a new skill.

Only if you're a dps and don't want to do fates

Should i get FFXIV or just wait for the next big MMO. not huge into MMOs is it good for a casual player?

Find a video or something to watch and watch that while the cutscenes play. Its pretty much a good chunk of free xp while you do something else on the side.

And be careful when using the cutscene skip trick. Ive had a friend get sent to the gaol cause somebody reported them for doing that.


Literally 2-300 hours if you don't skip anything.

>just got to THAT part

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yeah, they last a lot longer

Almost two months of pkaying for a few hours every day.

I think it's worth it and would do it again, but not everyone is autistic enough for it.

Like 150 hours or something
Keep in mind that this isn't WoW, all content is current due to level synchronization and "duty roulettes". Max level characters in Shadowbringers will still do primal fights and raids from two expansions ago with their gear and level synchronized to the content.
It's not worth it rushing to end game if you enjoy the story either.
There's a very generous free trial, start there.

So anons
Do you like 5.0 more than 3.0 or what

>not huge into MMOs is it good for a casual player?
It's the best MMO for casual players

Better for them than having too many servers

there will be no more mmos. ffxiv works because it had a fanbase with xi and it's practically a love letter to the final fantasy fans.

DRK is better than I expected, but I still think it's less fun than it was in SB.
Bloodspiller and Quietus need to do something else. The Blackblood Gauge is really fucking boring as it is because outside of Delirium it feels like I'm wasting GCDs on not getting mana back. Make em restore mana without Delirium or something so that it doesn't just feel like I'm putting off Edge of Shadows later for a Bloodspiller now by not continuing to Syphon Strike.
I don't even know why Darkside exists. Biggest waste of a "mechanic" I've ever fucking seen. I know it'll never, ever happen but I'd honestly like to see it be something like Overheat, where you gain stacking damage buffs as you SUCCUMB TO THE DARKSIDE more and push it to the limit, and have to vent it with something.
I'm never gonna not be mad about Salted Earth getting its cooldown doubled and potency reduced, even if it's obviously because of Flood of Shadows existing.

I'll keep playing because The Blackest Night is the most fun tank button and I like Edge/Flood of Shadows. I just wish I had more mana to use on them. Costs down to 2500 across the board or Bloodspiller/Quietus giving mana would be great. I don't know where DRK stands on parses, but it feels strong, just kind of uninvolved without SB's fast paced up and down mana management.

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do amazon preorders take long or is this code really gonna get sent on the 2nd

I won't lie to you. I've been playing hard for the last two weeks, and only managed to defeat Ultima Weapon in that time. (2.0 final boss.)

I'd calculate it would take about another 6 to 8 weeks at that speed to get caught up to Shadowbringers.

Lads, I'd like a summary of everyone's opinion on their main to see what else I should level

Drill is crazy strong and the whole kit feels a lot more fun. Ironically forcing a 1>2>3 into MCH has resulted in them using it less than before.

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The visual shield changes are the best part of the new expansion

What's the best mmo for non casuals

idk probably like EVE online or something, or an oldschool FFXI private server


It's perfect now, we do everything better
can't wait to get my angle wings

>Tank queue times are shit because a bunch of DPSbabies decided to pick up Gunbreaker

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Largely plays the same. With the removal of heavy thrust, I like that I move around less for positionals after every Wheeling Thrust and Fang and Claw combo.

200 hours if you're doing all the dungeons and raids as you go.

Don't look at leveling as "catching up", this isn't like WoW where only the current patch content is relevant and the story is a complete joke

Being able to spam ninjutsu as a ninja feels good, bruh

I love how they keep reusing the main theme as a motif for all the other songs. It's fucking great.

>story instances finally ilevel synch

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Anyone got a PS4 layout for gunbreaker?

90% of XIV music is just bits of old FF music stuck together

They've been doing that since HW

>had to wait 20 minutes for MSQ roulette
>as tank

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Only played up to level 70 so far but this is working out
Rest is obviously on the second hotbar. I keep buffs mostly on the right side and shit like heal and provoke on left

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If your wait time is more than 10 minutes you might as well just do a trust run instead since it's only going to be 10 minutes more in the dungeon at most.

I like it because I treat it as a break and just alt tab whenever the videos start playing and the rewards are pretty nice.
If you really don't want to do it, don't do it, I'm glad that the forced cutscene watching is there, it wasn't really fair to new players demand they watch it at the inn and shit or start the fight without them.

Thanks. I played DRK previously but wanted to try gunbreaker and was losing my mind over where to put things

Yeah, just play on your phone or get something to eat while the cutscene plays if you don't feel like watching

Does the trust dungeon DPS AI not ever use AOEs? They just do single target combos unless the group is fuckhuge I noticed.

Get used to it. Your days of instant queues are over until they fix the healers.

>yshtola made me fail the indiana jones segment

Bard is my only class above level 20. Currently level 71 and it was easy to get used to the new kit. It's better, slightly stronger and far fewer buttons to press. Overall a fine improvement

New player here.

Is there any point to leveling alts when you can be any class anyway? Other than just aesthetic reasons I guess.



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Almost 0 reason

i remember when i had exarch as BLM he did some aoe on small pulls
but alisae and the dancer lady didnt do shit

>Summoning Feo Ul quest
Holy shit Yoshi, what's wrong with you

2 real reasons, either to play with people on a different data center, or if you want to be able to get Savage loot more than once a week. If neither of those appeal to you don't bother.

>tfw just did that on one try
Would you fail if the owl statues looked at you? I noticed the owls were all facing to weird directions so avoided their faces and finished in one try.

Does someone have the fanart where where they finished recording the Stormblood movie?

Any Bard Players here?
I wanna see what your hot bars are setup like

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Anyone else kinda disappointed that they're using the plot twist ascian theme from SB as a general suspense theme in shadowbringers? This bothers me more than it should, I guess.


this one?

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Yes but there's also an actual rolling ball trap later

Yes thank you

>Seto talking about his old friend while he sits on the edge of the cutscene
>tries to open his mouth and say something but just leaves

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>fps is capped to 90fps now

What the actual fuck SE

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So I fell for the memes and bought this game.

I picked healer and I've been casting stone over and over at non challenging enemies that barely scratch me for the past 4 hours while doing boring fetch quests in almost silence.

How long am I going to be doing this for? Even ESO was a bit better than this.

>he actually fell for it
LMAO we got another one lads

Just do the MSQ and try to enjoy it I guess.

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Level 30 until you get your soulcrystal.

I thought it was the old petrifying version at first and when I saw it was the SB version I died
>take away shitty spell
>make important npc use it in a crucial cutscene as if to say "see? look how useful this is!"

That's not going to change how he deals with mobs.

did you think 'it gets much better after 50' was a meme?
the base game's still incredibly flawed, but the expacs are a hundred times better
watch a lore video on ARR and buy a skip to Heavensward

tell me how my boy BLM and SCH is doing
this will affect whether I resub or not

BLM is the best its ever been.

>"you'll be switching summons mid-battle now! you'll feel like an actual summoner!"
>still a dot mage with a baby chicken

This whole Emet selec thing is so stupid. I hope there's a huge surprise later on

like every expansion, new PLD is just old PLD but better

>Only the default trusts have dialogue
I swapped Alisaie for Y'shtola in the well and she didn't say a thing the entire run even though Ryne and Thancred talked a ton.

Honestly I don't see what this game could pull much more than it has already. This has just been a low quality MMO so far. I've barely seen anything I can interact with other than collect hurr durr 4/4 eggs from these interaction spots that poofed into existence for this express purpose. Also why does it still use tab targeting?

I dunno why do I even buy this shit and I doubt the nips will give me a refund.

The art is great though, sort of. Well, the character art. The environments back here look like ass. The armor is A++++++++

I can't even log in it doesn't show my character. How hard it is to fix this so I don't have to refresh this shit 24/7 during peak hours

I mean to be fair the fuck would she even talk about with those two?

Blame raid trannies

Mch is so fucked. Im really regretting buying this expac

Just had a run of the first dungeon where the final boss almost did his big spin thing three fucking times, the DPS derps literally could not understand the concept of slowly moving in a circle. I want to die.

Solus a cute.

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>tfw enjoying monk
Dont let the balance trannies know

>he fell for it
>didn't even try the free trial up to lvl35
This game is for people who've never played MMO's and trannies.

Lay down with dogs and wake up with fleas

>that look the red one gives you as she's leaving the first time


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Females dont need personalities they to look attractive and take my fucking seed.

>decided to ignore the new tank and dps meme and roll with my recently discovered love of playing whm for shb
>my girl looks cutebas fuck healing too
>cant play any more til monday because of work/life

It fucking sucks lads.

>the df is somehow worse than the trusts
glad i'm running through that shit with trusts the first time around

>Everytime l boot up the game I end up watching the opening cinematic again

I just can’t help it bros, it’s that good. I’ve rewatched it like 10 times already. I’m sure it will get old eventually, but it’s so fucking kino. I still get chills everytime.

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can you fucks hurry up i want to talk about the ending

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>Want to concentrate on the game
>Craft some items to sell
>Items are selling as fast as I can craft
>Millions of gil an hour
>Want to stop but as soon as I walk away from the summoning bell 10 more items sell

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man these threads really mellowed out after EA

He's the best character right now. Hope he ends up fully joining us without any backstabbing.

wtf dancer is fun as heck

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>There are already people with multiple level 80s

Don’t you people have a fucking life

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>no backstabbing

You should know better than this by now

Those giant pools of gil are part of the game

>without any backstabbing.

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He's Ascian scum user, no matter how cool he may be

>story is more kino than heavensward
how'd they do it bros

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He gave a pretty good argument why he does what he does. I would like to join him.

what's the fastest dungeon to spam to get from 60 to 61? anti-tower?

>when mithra eats too much cum
damn you blackeroni

So if a shard throws too much elemental aspected aether at the Source, a calamity happens in the Source and the two shards rejoin. But at the same time, if a shard is swallowed up by light/dark (any element?), the shard is lost and cannot rejoin. So the First is at the same time threatened to be consumed by light and also to cause a calamity and rejoin with the Source?

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DRK questline writer.

PLEASE don’t post any spoilers but just answer me this...Is it kino?

>wasn't able to play much yesterday
>only up to the part of the Alisaie quest where the dying retard runs away from camp
>can't browse threads because everyone is ahead of me and will spoil it
it's an abstract kind of self hatred

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Whats the best balance between damage and utility? I've been leveling NIN but I don't like the damage that ive been putting out. Would you recommend Dragoon or Monk?

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So I'm confused, as a DRK. Should I be pulling big for the 70-80 dungeons? I'm trying to pull more than one mob but god damn the healer always seems to have trouble.

Runs in the 70-80 dungeons also feel really slow. I actually feel faster using trusts. Anyone else feeling the same?

Time to suck gabes sweaty cock in the hopes of a refund.

holy shit healing is fucking bad now why did they go through with the changes was it because of discord trannies?

How are you enjoying your adventure with uncle Solus?

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When is Estinien going to go and wash his armor, does he like the color red that much?

I barely started SB so I have accepted my fate and welcome any spoilers desu.

he is based

yes, its better than Stormblood

Convince me to level SCH.

why? it's the least fun healer

I wish this was Alphinaud's.

Think of it like liquids.
If some lemon juice gets into some water, they mix. If you try to do that with oil, you just get water and oil. A world of pure light/darkness can not be absorbed.

That's why I need someone to convince me.

I wish he was in the party the entire time.

>you'll never be a female miqote girl who has ghost Arbert as your boyfriend
Feels bad.

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Skills keep getting pruned for lower level stuff just so high level can function. It's the biggest flaw of this game.
Otherwise, back when ARR just launched, there were a decent amount of more skills for low level tasks.

Just level SMN instead.

What does Zenos think about us ditching him for Ascian grandpa?

>talk to the rabbit after they bring him in
>"we found him sleeping in a tree near the ruins"
You know I thought the whole summit of the garleans was to make us hate them, but Solus continues to make me like him.

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Final trial is Kino of the Ancients.

Yo anyone? This is getting frustrating because my runs range from 30-40. I only had one run that got to 20-25mins because the healer was able to keep me up.

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There’s no way you’ve already beaten it without rushing the fuck out of it and skipping cutscenes/text

>lvl 80 WHM here
while leveling up i had 0 problems with wallpulling tanks, i even spammed holy most of the time
just time your cds right and pray your healer isnt a shitter

>Mfw my dps ques have been faster then the dps cucks who swapped to FotM shit and they will get bottlenecked with retards at the trials and dungeons

Not taking any chances. Finishing the story first and then going back to level the new classes before I get stuck with those idiots.

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He's immortal and can vanish in and out of existence. He fits exactly the stereotype as someone whos powerful enough to just not give a fuck and do what he wants.

I'm doing Dohn Mheg and every single time the healer isn't able to keep me up during the second half before the first boss.

I'll be using all of my cooldowns(obviously not at once) but it's like an inch left before the enemies die yet I die still.

Level 80?

I want to finally start playing XIV. Which jobs should I avoid?
Also, do I go with a catgirl or dragongirl?

So anyone gotten the optimal MCH rotation as of yet? Also the drill is strong as shit.

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Nothing, play all of them except whatever you don't find fun

Male Elezen or male Highlander.

smol dragongirl is the greatest

What does Yea Forums think about cutscene skippers who are rushing/made it to 80?

They gotta do what they gotta do, but I'm taking it slow so I don't run out of content in just a few days.

Probably wowfugees. They don't give a shit about story.

i don't care about how other people enjoy themselves

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The MSQ between ARR and Heavensward is making me not want to play this game anymore, it's soul destroying.

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This is the framerate uncapper for the anons who has 120hz+ monitors


>solus brings back Yshtola from the Livestream
>she comes in naked
>he snaps
>hear the job change noise and her clothes zap on
I love how between this and Hildebrand the changing of jobs literally on the fly is completely canon.

I thought they fixed it?

Are trusts actually competent or do I need to wait a bit to level healer due to gibbering retards in DF?

Because they're autists who will be the first to call the game dead and say there's nothing to do, plus lorelets posting misinfo on lore discussions.

Best two tracks.

they won't wipe you but they're fucking shit at dpsing

Use trusts, give me instant queues.

I just tried the first dungeon with trust and it is faster than I expected it to be. Pretty good if you just want to collect chest gear.

I'd rather handle shit dps than tanks with bad gear who never heard of a coooldown in their life

if you're not tanking then expect nothing but single pulls
and even if you're tanking you should single pull because these cunts don't know what an aoe is

It's sad that I don't know if you're talking npcs or actual df players

Trusts are faster for me than dungeons. Maybe I've been having bad luck but DPS always feels too slow and I'm stuck doing single pulls because healers can't keep up despite me using every fucking cooldown in the book.

Why do tanks only pull two groups at most now?

yeah honestly I should've specified

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Not overgeared, new tanks, trying to play it safe but not retardedly safe?
So which is it fucker

Protect is gone.

shit gets scary when you pull more than two packs in the new dungeons

I was talking about the NPCs

>be me
>No shame asking everyone in my FL for queues
>Getting ghosted once I ask if they wanna do dungeons together.
Damn it.

>73 DRK main playing since 2.X
I don't know what's going on but healers can't keep me up if I pull the whole group. Even if I pull more than one mob, I'll have some troubles and I don't know what's going on.

more than 2 groups will probably actually just kill you except for some cases in 5.0 dungeons.
t. PLD using HG and Arm's Length (for slow) liberally

How do I graduate from being a dirty clicker? The thought of using my right hand for abilities is weird, and if I used my left, I wouldn't be able to use the mouse for camera movement.

Healers can't cast protect anymore. And now that they don't dps, packs take longer to take down.


I still manage big pulls just fine. Did Ghimlyt Dark and had no trouble. Healer seemed to do fine.

>And now that they don't dps
>he actually believes in this


get a controller

left hand = keyboard, control movement and skills
right hand = mouse, control camera position

Literally Stockholm syndrome

Deal with it, they introduce important concepts in those quests that you're expected to remember

Since when don't healers DPS? Their options were simplified but are definitely still there. I know as WHM, Regen having doubled potency and Holy being lower cast time has been great.

I've done 20 dungeon runs in ShB so far. Not one of the healer did any damage.

This unironically

Are you pulling all the way when you use duty finder? Because holy fuck it's starting to piss me off only being able to grab one mob.

I want to fuck those jesters.

Just because you're DFing with shitters doesn't mean healers can't dps.

I've been mashing holy more than ever before since the switch.