Why aren't you playing nuBattlefront II?
Why aren't you playing nuBattlefront II?
I don't play shit games.
Because playing the copy of Endless Space I got for 99 cents is unironically far more interesting and challenging.
becausw they dont have huge maps with combined arms gameplay.
Because I don't like star wars any more
get lost EA shill
Because playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker, that I got on sale, is far more enjoyable.
because it took them too long to try and emulate an older far better game
Because I felt really burned by Battlefront 2016 and I'm worried about that shitty mindless multiplayer which Battlefront and Battlefield 1 had
my autism bothers me that the long dc-15 is just a bullethose instead of a high power blaster with slower rate of fire
and that the small dc-15 does that instead
partially this. Waiting 20 years to follow up a game is bullshit. sorry i grew up.
I am, just took a break. Already maxed all the clone wars hero cards to purple (plus boba fett) and now I'm almost done maxing out infantry and vehicles.
can't wait for ashoka, ventress and clone commandos :)
god damn the non-default weapons look ugly as shit though
This is 100% a shill thread. THere has been a peak of youtubers shilling BF2 as "i-it's good now". sage
It's not amazing but it's pretty fun. Definitely better than the 2005 game at this point.
Why do the Clone appearances have so much SOUL
Actually I take that back, it's occasionally pretty amazing. Grievous is the most fun lightsaber character I've ever played in any star wars game. Even MBII doesn't have anything like it.
This is easily verifiable.
What games do you play?
Never liked Star wars i fail to see the appealing of the series .
not being able to have multi seated vehicles aand having vehicles as a reinforcement instead of just getting it off the floor is a complete stepback. also i dont like how the only time grievous has 4 sabers out is when he does that one lunge ability, which from what i remembered was buggy as shit. i liked when he swung them all like a maniac in the original.
fuck off
>can't wait for ashoka, ventress
Confirmed? I want my nigga Windu
*rolls up on ur point*
I can't defend the original grievous over the new one at all. I can defend multiseat vehicles and obvious stuff like that but Grievous is so well designed.. I'm amazed how well his movie abilities work as gameplay abilities without feeling forced. It's like he was meant to be a video game character.
I don't play shitty games from shitty companies.
game files have prerecorded audio for characters like grievous taunting ahsoka
Sims 4
Do they still have those fucking lootboxes that give you a legitimate advantage over other players?
If yes, then fuck off
no retard
No, it's like battlefield 3 where you have to play the class to unlock more stuff
i want to hear what you have to say about no multiseated vehicles. that was so fun before and i know tons of people were annoyed about it being gone now.
I said I CAN defend the classic multiseat vehicles over the new ones. I can't defend no-multi seat vehicles in nufront. The TX-130 definitely looks kind of naked without the turret guy on top, but it is what it is. Mechanically though, the vehicles are functional, the weapons are pretty well thought out. The problem is most of the vehicles just don't control super well. I'm hoping they fix that. The BARC speeder for example, is a nightmare. The animations are great and it feels amazing until you try to aim at something. I did finally get the hang of aiming with them after lowering my sensitivity and had some nice world of tanks matches on kashyyyk with the AAT, but overall I'd say the vehicles would definitely piss off/scare off new players.
ok sorry i misread your earlier post
I do, but can't deal with how they butchered supremacy, 100 points plus 20 units and that extremely fast bomb countdown is boring
Why would I play a Dice or EA game
This. Combined arms is fun. If I want to do NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING, but fly around in a jet or ride in a tank and blow people up for 20 minutes, fucking let me just do that.
One of the worst aspects of modern game design philosophy is this trend in trying to funnel the player toward whatever the devs THINK should be important to you. Player expression and agency is important, but for some reason despite customizable classes and gadgets and guns being the norm it feels like with every new wave of games the sandbox feeling in MP gets worse.
This game always looks so amazing every time i see it. Very good game graphically. Too bad its EA and Disney here though. Two cancerous companies.
>You play Battlefront 2?
I don't play shitty games
>What do you play?
Battlefront 2