How the fuck do I increase this shit

How the fuck do I increase this shit

Attached: wtf.png (693x197, 19K)

I have 4,167 POINTS BOOSTED / 6,167 MAX POINTS yet it won't let me redeem more than 100 points. Yesterday I could redeem all the way to max points, what the fuck is this bullshit.

having the same issue
i don't fucking understand

Attached: mad.png (185x291, 106K)

>can only redeem 100 today
>yesterday I could redeem 1000
>the only game I bought was max payne like 3 days ago
doesn't make any sense

spend money

Similar situation, except it would redeem only slightly below Max Points (by ~a thousand).

Launch any game you got loads of achievements before for 30 minutes.

• You get 100 every day.
• People who participated in the first two days got an extra 1000 per day.
• There are now four "qualifier tasks" which increase it by 500 each.

Besides that, you raise your boost capacity by spending money. It's explained all over the event page that your "boost" capacity is increased by money spent on Steam, either prior to or during the event.

Maybe you did two of the qualifier tasks. Pic related.

Attached: Untitled.png (282x412, 25K)

His image would suggest that he already did that, you dummy. He's asking how to increase capacity, not how to get points. Why is Yea Forums always such a horrible source of misinformation?

His problem for sucking at the videogames and not getting loads of CHEEVOS

My numbers are also off by 2000:
So yeah, something is bugged.

People who participated in the first two days of the event got 2000 extra, and the qualifier tasks also give 2000 total, so maybe one of those is being counted twice in the number that shows up.

As far as I can tell, 4500 is my correct boost meter capacity.
>started event with 100
>got another 100 on day 2
>got another 100 on day 3, as well as 2000 for participating in the first two days as part of the big adjustment they did that day
>got another 100 on day 4, as well as 2000 for the four qualifier tasks they added
>got another 100 on day 5
So that's 4500.

At one point, when I looked at the Pit Stop FAQ, it did say I should have an extra 2000 from my previous purchases on Steam, but that's not there anymore so I've been assuming it was a bug. MAYBE that accounts for the extra 2000 I'm seeing now, but it still won't let me earn points up to 6500 so it's bugged either way.

by killing yourself

You're a fucking illiterate retard. He has way more than enough achievements to fill his boost meter capacity. The boost meter is not upgraded by doing even more achievements.

Cheevos earn points, but points are not the bottleneck.

> can only claim 100

reread the posts you're responding to.

Oh ok, didn't even realise, thanks.

He's probably getting easy cheevos like a scrub. Nothing that couldn't be fixed by getting cheevos you actually want to show online.

I want to fuck the hyena

>Corginiggers at it again
yeha nah, fuck off

Are you retarded

Fuck off retard.

Just telling how it is. Don't play the games if you can't get the cheevs.

Fuck off retard.

PIC literally shows 55 completed achievements and 16k+ points for that.
What the fuck are you talking about

Attached: hm.png (138x130, 42K)

>100 points every day
>"Do these things and you will get 2000 points a day increase"
>Get the 2k points
>Back to 100 the next day

What is Valves fucking problem?

>>"Do these things and you will get 2000 points a day increase"
If you're referring to the qualifier tasks, it doesn't say that.

It says:
>Complete these special Qualifier Tasks to increase your max points!
>Each completed task increases your max points by 500, enabling you to complete Grand Prix Quests and claim Achievements below.

Boost meter capacity increases have never been permanent. The name is misleading but you've had four days to adjust.

All players will begin with at least 100 max points, and for each day that you participate, your maximum will increase by 100 points. Additionally, for every $1 you spend on Steam, you will increase your maximum points that you can earn by 100 points.

Where does it say it isn't permanent. It should be.

Maybe it should be, but it's not.

>you get 100 capacity
>you can earn earn 100 points

>you get 100 capacity
>you can only earn 100 points, not 200, because yesterday's 100 capacity was used

That's how it works. That's how it has worked since the event started four days ago.

>have 4000 points before max points
>"You already reached your max"

this, what the fuck is this bullshit
jesus christ, valve can't program anything properly anymore

Did Valve outsource this event's programming to a third-world country?

Attached: Untitled.png (614x407, 34K)

read whats below the 2nd pic

did anyone win anything from day 4?
im still waiting

>Upgrade your maximum points or wait until tomorrow to claim your points
I obviously don't need to upgrade my maximum points because my maximum is already 2000 higher than what I've used. Are you referring to the "wait until tomorrow" part? Why would I need to wait until tomorrow to use the last 2000? I'm pretty sure "wait until tomorrow" just means wait until I get my next 100. It's very likely that tomorrow I'll be stuck at 4600 / 6600.

Attached: Untitled2.png (488x222, 9K)

I don't understand this shit, I buy games but I don't see any points being redeemed or anything. I just boost once a day but it looks like I'll run out tomorrow.

Attached: 2019-06-29 12_35_14-Steam.png (1269x332, 76K)

Buying games increases your point cap.

Redeem points from playing games with steam achievements.

Who is this cutie?

Principal of UA

The principal of the main academia in My Hero Academia