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based Brazilian bros
I'm assuming Mexico only just has FF2 released there.
I knew we had shit taste.
China and Canada are actually based
Based frogs and latvians
Objectively wrong chart because what the fuck is, there were probably 5 people from each country voting
Based Latvia
Nyet, I don't think so.
The memes are real.
What's up with those guys in the middle? Ha...haha.
Based Germany
no wonder everybody hates us
Some Spic exlain this to me
Wtf France
>Tactics not on the list
Mexican weebs being an elitist loud minority with access to internet.
>Only for countries for 100+ voters
Not exactly 5 but just as worthless.
Italianon here.
FFV da bes
6 was 3 here too and people mix it up.
Also based, but surprised South Africa having good taste in FF games.
based potato lads
bullshit. People here don't even know FFXIII exists.
We got very autistic with the snes era our scalpers and retro faggots for snes are 10x worse than the U.S ones
>Brasil has the best taste
>North germanic/nordic shares the same taste
>Russia shares taste with some latino country (Bolivia or something)?
>Canada, Brazil and China likes the same shit, just memeing into reality about canada
>Irish streetshitters literally likes the same as the meme streetshitters
>Italy is the sole euro country that shares it's tastes with Pakistan, some latino country, POOland and South Shitea
>France is literally the same as their muslim colony Algiere as well as Iran, SEA and some other latino shitholes
>Brits are literally brownies in taste
Only shitholes like FFX and based leaves love FFV what a good day to be a Canuck.
I'm sure 7 is more popular here.
Ok this is pretty based from whoever voted for it
>Test market is 200 people from each country represented
This is why and how the media controls everything you think and do, no matter how benign the intention of the media might be.
>that tiny speck of 13 in central Africa
As long as no country picked XV, I’m happy.
Are people really so stupid to believe this horse shit?
Nobody would waste their time actually asking people from all these counties their opinions on a fucking JRPG franchise
>only god awful places like India prefer 12
Sometimes there really is a diamond buried beneath a mound of street-shit.
It looks like 2 random ass countries did
based Lithuania, doesn't care about any weebshit except Dragon Ball Z
Of course no data in shitty central america
Sucks to live here
Italy was super doxxed, there's no fucking way that many of us like XIII, I was expecting X for a realistic answer and if not VIII. Next candidates would have been VII or IX.
There's no way any of that is accurate.
I live in the UK and was born in Brazil so that explains my fantastic taste, also Canada is based
X is the best one, boludo.
>Poland picks FF2
could not be more fitting
it was on the ds, look at dq9
There is no fucking way X is the favourite on Chile, most people dont know of anything other than VII and IX.
>Russia - 1
I'm calling bullshit. Noone knew 1st one, there weren't SNES here either. PS1 tho.
Not him but X is the last good FF game
Why are XI and XIV not included?
It was the death of classic FF. FF9 is the last good FF. FFX is a competent game that barely resembles FF.
Spergs don't count the mmos
cringe and homopilled
>France is literally the same as their muslim colony Algiere as well as Iran, SEA and some other latino shitholes
France is orange, not yellow, colorblind retard
other orange countries are latvia and uruguay
>tfw irish and my fav is XII
V, XI, XIII-2, and VII follow it in that order.
yikes and zoompilled
What? France is brightly coloured while the other mentioned countries dark, maybe you need to get your eyes checked
I'm 27 years old
canada, china have a different color than brazil my man
Half the games that follow from it are fare better so nah
You could basically swap this map out with "pure whiteness" and nothing would change.
>inb4 incoherrant rage from anglos who think they're white and manifactured jewish animations
Weird since all 3 countries are basically the same shit. Granted Canada might use perfumes to smell like shitty flowery feces compared to BR which just smells like shit
>Half the games that follow from it are fare better so nah
what would those games be?
ok I actually laughed, based schizoposter
you have been to brazil my man, have you? people here use way too much perfume, fucking french inheritance
>France giving a single shit about FF IX
fake news
I'm finally going through with V Custom Classes. It's nice being able to actually make some fun combinations early in the game.
Don't blame the frogs on that one, you guys just smell shit. Hell, i've met literal indian street shitters who has less shit pebbles clinging to their ass hair than the "normal latino"
Canada did something right for once.
Based and spaghettipilled
That's fucking bullshit, FF VII is the most popular and pleb choice here just like in the US.
ok, pajeet
>super low vote threshold
Keep posting this every week
I'm Russian and my favorite is Tactics.
it is their fault tho, rio was projected to be just like paris and much of our culture (including the perfume stuff) came from our bourgeoisie competing to see who is the biggest frenchboo and the rest of the population copying them
XI, XII, XIV, and XIII-2 for starters.
I'd also entertain calling X-2 and XIII-3 better for gameplay alone.
T. Froguire Le Scat
>has to count the MMOs
Bullshit, that game wasn't released outside Japan for years. It's very likely they meant FF VI which was III in North America.
Algeriachad reporting in.
People literally only care about cs;go, gta and fifa here. Every other game might as well not exist
XIII’s great
said no-one ever
Dude, French was behind every evil in the fucking world for what, 5 centuries? Only when the anglosphere stepped up did thing go better. Hell, the last 2 centuries fucking Russia did more to the world than France. Techology, social, whatever, while French people remained in their WW1 mentality and got quicly surpassed by better nations.
Unless the voters got it mixed up with VI, i don't see how that one won.
Even if I didn't the only post-X mainline games that aren't better than it are XIII and XV
>t. Seething Anglo still upset his people are the villain's of modern history and will soon render themselves impotent with Brexit while France continues to become joint ruler of the EU
that is true.
SNES was a big thing in Brazil even when the PS2 was already out. I grew up playing SNES and old computer games like Little Big Adventure even though I was born in 1996.
I've never know a single soul in Argentina who has ever in a million years heard about Final Fantasy
I wonder who could be behind this post
>Canada likes V
Didn't expect that. This place is full of VII and VIII hipsters
FFV wasn't even localized in North America back in the day. This image makes zero sense.
Name 1 thing the anglos did to others, that the french didn't do worse
I agree
Maybe try going outside?
discrimination against fellow whites
>Brits cuck themselves
>While Canada, USA and Australia is THE biggest powers of their spheres (well maybe besides Canada)
>This is somehow the end of the anglosphere because island inbreds cuck themselves into oblivion and starvation like irish potato nigs
Playing through 9 for the first time.
It's incredible how in ten or so years Square can pump out 7, 8, 9 and 10 right after the other and now we're lucky to get anything at all in a ten year span.
Come on FFXIII isnt so bad, and no im not trolling. Yes its slow and fairly boring until the game opens up, but thats the case for the all the modern FF games. FFX opens up at 60% of the way through the story while FFXIII opens up at 70% of the way through the story. Its a very small difference, but Final Fantasy has always been a small corridor that eventually gets good when you get travel options.
Except for XIV, but thats an MMO, cant compare apples and orangutans.
Can we at least agree that XIII is visually impressive, the world is amazing, the design of everything is superb, and the overall storyline is brilliant? Though as much as i like XIII, even i will admit the characters are (for the most part), boring and very one note. Snow remains one of the most annoying characters ive ever seen in any game to this day
Inflicting their native """"""cuisine""""" on the anglosphere
When? Anglos are respectful towards their subordinates like scandinavians, germans and minority whites in the meds, france and so on. What else can you ask for?
Portugal just kind of chadding it up, huh?
Claire Farron is my mistress, you faggot.
Toast sandwich is amazing and actually a good way to civilize others by offering them actual food. While the french picks up a few snails and say "eat this, it'll make you one of us"
>god tier taste
I'm Italian and that's fucking bullshit, everyone's favourite here is either 8 or 10.
Except that USA are the started the trend of handing their woman and society to shitskins and cuck themselves to death and are the ones that do it the most effectively too
amen, she walk on my ball and penis, penis and ball, everyday.
That's what I mean. Inside is the only place I herd of it
I also never played a single one vine solo a joder
>*are the ones that
Hey come on, british food is good. A little basic, yeah, but hearty and filling. You honestly gonna look at a home made cheese and potato pie with tomato and HP sauce and turn it down? Absolute munter
the entire history of UK and America
What are you going on about? Go outside for once. There's no big replacement, minorities are still minorities, and will remain minorities. Cuck this, shit-skin that, you read like a paranoid schizophrenic. Life doesn't revolve around politics, and race, you know. Also, it wasn't the United States that started getting all friendly with non-European groups, it'd be the French, you ignorant faggot.
Come on lad. Im british, and no, we werent. We treated most of the world like human garbage Im not disagreeing exactly, some countries need to be covered in tarmac and made into a car park for the real world
Why is Portugal so based bros?
We weren't, and that's something to be proud of. God speed. Don't let them take that away from us lad
Is the steam version of Final Fantasy 4 good to play or is the original better?
fuck that graph, best FF is IX and everybody know it
IV confirmed for the patrician's choice
>there's no big replacement
Oh yeah the white population dropping from 80 something % to less than 60% and whites already being minorities between the children aged 1 to 10 years old in the US means nothing, no replacement happening
>Life doesn't revolve around politics, and race
I disagree but here is not the place to discuss race and politics
> it wasn't the United States that started getting all friendly with non-European groups
Regardless of that they still are the ones that do it the most
That's right, chabon. I never imagined we'd vote for X, i thought 7 was the favorite here
Based China, Canada, Paraguay, Croatia, and Belgium.
>Can we at least agree that XIII is visually impressive, the world is amazing, the design of everything is superb, and the overall storyline is brilliant? Though as much as i like XIII, even i will admit the characters are (for the most part), boring and very one note. Snow remains one of the most annoying characters ive ever seen in any game to this day
No 13 had a shitty garbage setting it was generic syfi bullshit and Michael bay transformer summons, the story was incomprehensible garbage even for a ff game
Have you done the Fiesta yet?
>Can we at least agree that XIII is visually impressive, the world is amazing, the design of everything is superb,
Yes to these
>and the overall storyline is brilliant
no to this
>Spain VIII
>Not VII
No fucking way. Also, how exactly did the chinese play FFV beyond pirated copies?
If you actually wanted white people to remain the majority in the US you'd vote exclusively for candidates who support access to abortion, sex ed with a focus on safety over abstinence, rendering condoms and the pill free through public funding, and uplifting the black and latino communities in your nation so they're not majority broke as fuck.
Only way to stop the poor from outbreeding the wealthy is to make it easy for them not to have kids, only way to stop poor minorities outbreeding poor whites is to reduce the ratio of poor white to poor other.
FFV has been my favorite for awhile, I'm not sure why the rest of the country likes it since I know it isn't that great
wft poland...
blupilled and faggot zidane cock sucker
mexico is full of weebs and the bootleg market has always been strong
This list is fucking horseshit. Most games are in countries where they didn't even release until like this decade.
Puerto Rico, 7. Jesus, I thought this island couldn't get anymore shittier
Brazilians can’t read English and hate JRPGs in general. Those voters probably just went with anything SNES related.
your food is garbage, like in most of the world anyway
t. frog
Or even better if the 1965 immigration reform never happened and Kennedy never lied to the population that the demographics won't change as a result of that.
>Brazilians can’t read English and hate JRPGs in general
wrong on both accounts, you'd be surprised
FF VI was one of the most imported games into Mexico by retailers for whatever reason.
Our VI was called III too.
False. We couldn't even afford PS2 to play ffx.
>tfw only played II and Crisis Core
I don't know either but I guess it's accurate
>no source
The fakest shit on Yea Forums right now.
Never heard about anyone in Sweden knowing what Final Fantasy IV is.
>Has never gone outside and interacted with other people.
>Has never gone outside and interacted with other people.
Maybe there's a regional divide, what province are you from?
Based France
Dude are you fucking colorblind
Based ross-i-ja
How do you know you're not colorblind?
You guys really didnt like the story? 2 planets, one natural and full of monsters, the other a biomechanical shell-moon where all the humans live alongside their machine-demigod captors/owners/guardians. But turns out the machine-demigods are actually planning on killing all life at the same time as a sacrifice to bring back the 'Maker' who will (hopefully) remake the world in a better form. The problem being that the machine-gods are bound by their own nature to be unable to kill Orphan, the generator of the shell-moon, so they instead hire/enslave humans and gift them magical powers, as well as a mission and a time limit. Complete the mission, you turn to crystal for a couple hundred years, fail the mission, you become a crystal zombie monster. The machine gods grab 6 humans, give them a mission to crash the shell-moon into the lowerworld, and force feed them EXP while keeping them safe, so that they can be strong enough to kill Orphan and kill all life.
Thats grossly oversimplifying it, but its definitely my favourite FF plotline
Our food isnt amazing, but its a damn sight better than France. You got wine, cheese, and bread down. Everything else is utter shite. At least we have a decent mix of everything to at least an acceptable standard
That must be the zoomer cutoff then.
lame and shittastepilled
the background lore was interesting but the actual presented story was "meh"
and that is not even counting how XIII-2 and LR messed things up
How comming on 2020 africa is so fucked up they dont even play video games unless they are being run by whites or muzzies
VI is probably the worst SNES era FF to play if you can't read English.
lol, keep telling you that dumbass
look at your obesity rates and think again
fat and sugar =/= good food
I put that down to it being a JRPG. For some reason they love to over-explain everything a million times
>We need you to destroy cocoon
>What? Destroy cocoon
>Yes, you need to become strong to destroy cocoon
>We dont want to destroy cocoon, but this guy is making is destroy cocoon
>Here's an incentive: Destroy cocoon
>Hey guys theres not a lot going on, wanna go destroy cocoon?
*Destroys cocoon
Its a good story, but they definitely could have told it better. I'd love a little more backstory unrelated to the Fal'Cie too. Taejin's tower looks so interesting, but they never explain a damn thing about it, like what its for, why its so tall, what kicked it over. Though we do have to recognize how great of a location Oerba was. A dead villiage, haunted by the crystal remains of the previous residents, covered in a desert of crystal dust, while 7 windmills slowly turn in the background and Dust is Dust is playing. Probably my favourite location in ANY game