Steam Summer Sale

Based corgi bros back on top

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Do the qualifier tasks even reset though? If they don't what the fuck is the point of having them

Valve is just winging it at this point

this event fucking sucks and is constantly fucking bugged

just give me free badge levels

What the fuck even happened to us yesterday? I hadn't been paying attention.

Can you replay games for the 30 minute achievement?

Or is it one redeem per game?

Got some steam keys from past bundles
add me if you want to trade anything

Harebros... We lost

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Seethe harder

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volvo literally rigged it so we would be last

how soft would her tummy be

how will all the dog hating niggers and muslims ever recover?

I wonder what team Hares are going to sub for on account of being cocksluts and all.

I met it's just going up at random intervals, like when Yea Forums did the teams thing

You faggots won the first three races. It's not that hard of a stretch to say that everyone conspired against you.

Dummy cunny bunny

So is this thing broken or what?



Is it worth it? I haven't played any space shit ever

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Dumb pedo user

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you will get bored of it.

Dispite being attacked 3 to 1, we pulled through corgi bros

You say as you post kemoshota/loli

Based Chorgi (Chad Corgi) keeps dabbing on dog hating Muslims once again

it's truck simulator in space

Wait for star citizen

I'm not going over $80, what do I remove?

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Why can I only claim 100 points from the achievement quest?
Wasn't limit supposed to increase each day?
I also bought a game yesterday and I was able to claim 1k+ points. Was that a temporary one-time only increase or what?
I don't get how this thing works.

Everything, weeb

should i get puyo puyo tetris or puyo puyo champions?

that's a lot of weebshit user

I've had some success trading in these threads the past couple of days, so I'll drop this here if anyone wants to take a look. I've got quite a few games that different anons were looking to buy, so it's not all crap. If you check my profile comments, everyone I've traded with in the last few days left a positive comment, which is a bit better than just saying "Dude, bro, trust me, I won't rip you off."

if you want more money for the sale coinbase gives you like $40 in free crypto for taking little 4-question quizzes on some shitcoins

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It's fucking shit man.

I'm lonely and just need to play as cute girls.

>steam sale

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Fun fact, only actual Redditors care about looking like Reddit.

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These events are so fucking stupid. Just bring back flash sales you fucks

publishers would have to agree to sell their games even cheaper, which isn't happening.

ppt for singleplayer, ppc for tetris-free online puyo. you will get bodied online anyway

Is EDF 4.1 fun without a group of friends?
How's Atom RPG, Caves of Qud?

Also, is Rome 2 good yet? How are the DLCs?

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Any answer to this?

30 mins is only to allow you to redeem points from a game with steam achievements

Ok real talk do I get the 5$ discount or the badge?

they changed how it works, now it's
>Any extra achievements will still be available to redeem later, you won't lose any points!.
so if you have like 10k from one game in reserve you can keep drawing your free 100 every day just from that


>Turtle wins
>finally get my discount voucher

Yeah, I played through most of the campaign alone also the story is unironically good


Do i have to boost in order to be eligible for a free game?


What the fuck is the point of the qualifier tasks? "Here you can have 2000 points! Oh wait no it's only 100 points again, get bent faggot."

it raises your points capacity.

The winner is decided at 10AM. You can't win before then. This is just shitty webdesign

Garry's mod can fork you some good points

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It raised it by 2000 one day and that's it now it's back to 100. I just want the 5 dollars off so I can buy something

>Corgi 1st again
how long until valve decides to reset their points back to 0?

Yeah, I can also claim 100 points today.
I don't even know if it's bugged or supposed to work this way, this has to be the shittiest event so far.

it can be done only once, the 100 points is daily

I've got 17,000 for 100% Skyrim and 14,000 from 100% Human Fall Flat (rare achievements worth more)

>corgi taking this amount of a fucking beating but is still in 1st place

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all of them
and pirate them instead

Once im done, half of your points will still remain, i hope you will end in fifth again

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second is pretty good though

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>have 363 cheevos for tf2
>event is only registering 120 of them for points

what the fuck man

>choosing gay profile shit over cash

>The charts are reliable

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>not a reddit nigger
>dont even like dogs that much
>team I chose starts winning
>hey, nice, small chance for free ga-

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so this shit was only a 1 time thing?

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Blood Bowl 2 is $5 right now. It's a fun turn based strategy game where warhammer races genocide each other while trying to take a ball into an endzone. There's also a Yea Forums league, and rookies are more than welcome in the fourth season we're about to start:

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I just need 2k but I still don't get the conversion, is it 20 dollars for increasing the max capacity to 2k more? Help me Corgibros!

>tfw everyone wasted their slows on corgi

please give me Sonic Mania, Gabe

>that pic
>not reddit
go back

Only Valve knows.

I got it from here, so I guess we're all redditfags

yes it's a one time thing

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>gay profile shit

>corgi jumps out ahead and then eventually gets overtaken by everyone because of overwhelming attacks

get used to seeing this

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>16,443 Points Boosted / 10,947 Max Points
>12,502 Tokens

What the fuck is going on?

This. They realized it wasn't much fun when most people already know what they want, buy it all in one go, and then literally can't participate in the week long game. So now they're wizarding up ways to make it more interesting.


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money and then badge if you still have any left

>people attack corgi
>corgi gets faster

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Corgi would be first if gayben didint suddently halved their points tho

> Claim 100/9897 Points Now
I was able to claim almost 2k points yesterday, what the fuck happened?

why are all teams going so slow now? everyone is going at 0.1-0.3km per tick, but corgi and turtle that seem to never get 0.3km


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anything i should get? or maybe remove to lighten my wish list? would kindly enjoy autistic help


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Team cockatiel masterrace. It is always at 2nd and with way less people than corgi, so you actually have a chance in getting a free Cyberpunk 2077 game.

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i can't believe steam would try to scale based on teamsize yesterday, if we're not first place everyday it's rigged, retweet steam now and demand they undo any balancing efforts fellow redditors. i spent 700 dollars on my 0.00000001% chance at 1 free game so far, don't make my money go to waste!


You can't get cyberpunk from 2nd place.

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>picked pig
>nobody attacks us
>just slide right into 3rd place unnoticed

feels pretty good

So hare is 100 km behind everyone else this will change.
corgi is only 20 km ahead.
corgi could still be beaten.

>5000~ boosted points/ 9000~ max points

I got a 100 point increase to max score like everyone else but it appears I should be able to claim 4000~ more points, yet I’m not able too.
Can I get some answers or clafication

Is this the one where a kid fucks a ghost which then push him into fucking his sister?

same shit here, worst part is that i claimed it so im probably on 24h cooldown without getting my full points

>hare is 100 km behind everyone else
it's just 25~ km behind corgi though

btw my reccomendations

-wait on aoe 2 def edition
nioh, grim dawn, torchlight 2, trails in the sky trilogy, kings bounty games, xanadu next (or just falcom games), naruto storm 3 and 4, lords of xulima

another pro tip, download cheatengine to speed up games like final fantasy 3/4 and kings bounty and some other school games up to 2 or 3x speed with no crashes, really makes them old slow games up them from 6s to 9s. Fuck that pure experience.

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Wait... Why?

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the maximum points you can claim do not reset (I know fucking retarded, right?)
so you get each day 100 more maximum points. thats literally it. enjoy the event.

So they're done giving out awards, wtf

You can though, prizes are given to the first 3, 2nd and 3rd members just has less of a chance getting them

You guys just lost tho.

they spiked
rip pig

no? what makes you think they are?

i like anime but all of those games are terrible

the awards page hasn't updated in awhile, it's still Cyberpunk, Seriko, and Three Kingdom


Hasn't quite got to the sister fucking, though

>all these DLCs
Is legendary edition worth it?

Did your schizo meds wear off?

>contrarians picked the other literally who animals instead of le epic internet meme dog
>complain when it shows their team has no chance of winning
valve should've made your team random

they give out 900 games a day, it can barely put a dent into the millions of people who have those games in their top 3

>implying you won't get shutdown by valve again

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Just give free shit to everyone


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Legendary Edition has all the DLC, so yes from a money point of view, I guess. It only adds extra teams, so more variety.

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did they silently nerf pig or did someone refund a bunch of games?

It's 600, retard.

Noncorgichads eternaly BTFO ahahaha the salt jesus chris this is amazing

They won't. Its saturday yet valve still went out of their way to "fix" corgi back to the usual hyperspeed. All because its the biggest team and reddit boys are the ones with biggest wallet and mouth.

they are gonna come up with new ways of getting 2000 points everyday

you mean non reddit users


How do I even get points to add to the race
I played TF2 for a bit, won a couple games, got more than 5 points in every match, but got nothing

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so even less of an impact fagtron


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>came in first for day 4
>didn't win shit
Eh, I don't know what I expected.

the awards are still updating.

betaanimal detected

No idea. I've been playing path of Exile but it still shows 0 points for every objective.

Sonic and Sega Allstars racing

Forza Horizons 4
Ridge Racer Type 4

>be retarded enough to not join the winning team
>call it reddit now
Why is Yea Forums such a room temperature IQ board

>corgi loses
>2nd most requested game is a 2-year-old euroRPG currently being sold for $20
nobody believes this, right?

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you shit you're right, there is a chance. A lot of people just really want sekiro and 3 kingdoms

Two questions:

1) Anybody know if the qualifiers reset? I guess we'll know tomorrow.
2) How do you complete the "Play New Game" task? Does it have to be some shit F2P game?

Dirt Rally 1&2. You don't need anything else

Anyone remember 2011 Steam christmas sale? Where you could gain coal and had a pretty high chance of getting games for free by getting christmas related achievements?
Those were really comfy times where many games invested in some sort of christmas theme just for the sale.
I won three games in total: Dangerous Waters, Flight Control and Sanctum. While they aren't GREAT games and one of them requiers autistic amounts of knowledge, it was still fun going through challenges and adding more to your steam library.

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All this event proves that people are giant fucking morons. Your maximum points capacity is increased by buying shit, 100 points a day and doing those 4 things on the list for a 200 points capacity increase. You then get points by either doing challenges or playing a game with steam achievements(preferably one where you already have a lot of achievements) for 30 minutes. You then claim the points,click boost a few times and get tokens that you can then use on useless profile shit or getting a discount token.

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they are expensive and both are good.

Yeah this it's probably one of the better racing games in existence

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>How do you complete the "Play New Game" task? Does it have to be some shit F2P game?
I got it from playing the same shit I play every day.

No, you just have to play any game you've recently bought.

I don't have a wishlist but I chose Corgi just to make it less likely to get the prize.

I had the same thing, don't know what it is.


play a game that you never played before.
it can be f2p game but it has to be the first time you have played it

lost virginity maybe

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I hope Gaben gets gangbanged by a pack of niggers

this desu
>look up steam sale event on d2
>ughug niTTRo POINTs discountpitn stop free shit mumbo jumbo
>oh lol ok yellow is clearly winning
of course I'm gonna join the winning team

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You have to put points into the boost to actually earn rewards right?

So doom eternal as a reward is confirmed

uh huh


i only got one 5 yurop discount, seems like no way to get another with how retarded this contest is. i don't want to waste it, should i just get cyberpunk? need a safe purchase that i will surely play

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cringe reddit dogs

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>"TOP 3"
>Cyberpunk and Sekiro consistently top 2 on previous days
you sir, are an average steam user

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ofc, if people are getting cyberpunk then they're also going to be able to get doom

sure but you can buy stuff that is only or under 5 euros as well.

>getting cyberpunk on steam

Get it from GoG.

What kind of games do you like bro?

why would you actually spend money on cyberpunk NOW when you can't even play it until next year's april?

Seethe more, Corgi masterrace.

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Do your tokens reset from anything? I had 32,000 on day 1 from dead by daylight and then got 1 discount and a bunch of steam levels, but saved enough for a second discount, but when I used the first my tokens all went to the trash. Then I rebuilt back to 11,000 and they all disappeared when I refreshed the page again.

Post 75% discount deals, none of that 20% bullshit.

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both steam and gog version are drm free
steam has guaranteed refunds while gog is worse with that so go with steam.

>years ago join a tf2 server
>server says "type !achievements"
>do this, unlock every achievement
>oh shit wtf
>flashforward to now, see you can get points for achievements
>boot up tf2
>get 16000 points
>boost my profile from level 40 to 64 in an instant
Thanks Gabe

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cyberpunk can be bought right now but doom eternal cant yet. so its nice to have confirmation you can get it.

not 2d or f2p or anime stuff, i strongly prefer RPGs and FPS. I got hitman and shadow of tomb raider this sale.

the discount is valid only until the end of summer sale

i know but there are bound to be better deals from now until april, and even if there aren't, preodering stuff is always a bad idea

Lads I'm out of boosts for now and I can't spend anymore money for more capacity. So good luck to the other buns in the team. I'll try to keep boosting with the 100 instead.
We had a good run this time.

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Well I changed my wishlist after finding out that cyberpunk could be up to 90 gb.

hello underage

Start adding shit to your wishlist and automatically get emails when they are discounted instead of begging for random recommendations every sale.

>Cockatiel was either 2nd or 3rd
>Somehow not in top 3 on the 4th day
What the *chirp* brod? c'mon, we can get to top 3 back!

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borderlands 3

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how many days is the race anons?
steam only shows up to five right now.

>but doom eternal cant yet.
Yes it can. Are you a fucking imbecile? It takes 2 second to check its steam page.

thanks lads

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So I'm assuming that they won't award games like Doom Eternal since they aren't purchasable?

It ends July 9

Without changing the theme of the sale, what kind of sale gimmick would you have implemented instead of the current one?
>set up a minigame that basically works like those old drag racing Flash games
>completing tasks or unlocking game achievements gives you upgrade points to spend on improving your ride, the list changes daily
>races pit you against a random ghost with approximately the same performance level from a random opposing team, winning gives your team points and losing hands some over to the opposing one
>teams are randomized
>winning gives the team members free games and the e-peen points just like the current shitfest event

it is purchasable and they are awarding it

I'm doing my part!

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Wat? These were both the same number a hour ago. And no, i did not refund anything.

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How is it not purchaseable, retard? It has a price tag on Steam.



I don't a flying fuck about the races and the animals and whatever that shit is

I CAN'T find the offers, where are the offers, where is the shop

Please help me

only got around £11 left to spend

What one do I go for?

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Statistically speaking, what are the chances of me getting a free game from corgi winning this shit?

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Oh shit, I didn't know it was purchasable now. What about games like MCC that just say coming soon with no option to buy?

Fuck my face with a footlong
The raceshit disappeared after my third attempt
What the fuck is going on

Smaller than on any other team.

>from lvl 8 to 50
>there are literal cucks who payed reallife money for this numbers
If I would be one of them I would have killed myself now

Search by the 5/10 $/Euro tags and then pick a genre with tags, the front store is useless for finding cheap shit unfortunately.

imagine the stench

it says coming soon on the wishlist. no need to be an asshole my man.

no price tag so it wont be awarded

You can't smell 2D

Tales of Symphonia, thank me later
(also check out Trails in the Sky)

How do i get 15000 points quickly?

>find a game you have a shitton of achievements in
>open it and idle in it for 30 minutes
>get thousands of points

Buy 150 dollars of vidya.


I'm looking for a good JRPG, does anyone have tips on what I should pick up?

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>Have to waddle through endless scroll to find a proper UI other than pushed games in my face, useless categories and raceshit
They did this because users are getting more and more retarded. People are so retarded they can't use a table like UI. Fuck them with a knife.

That's fucking disgusting. What the fuck is wrong with them?

Tales of Vesperia is on sale, and Dragon Quest XI is also great, but is not on sale

Imagine being a pig right now.

Fate extella link is pretty garbo. I would say remove SAO + Zombie but I haven't played those games so I can't say just how bad they are even if I would never touch them. God eater 3 and Root Double are good though.

>wahwah stop calling me out on being wrong


If you want some modern 3D ones:
Tales of Berseria, Vesperia
Trails of Cold Steel
Dragon's Dogma

>being combative for literally no reason

epic personality trait

Extella Link is terrible man and I say that as someone who likes Fate.

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>Post words he doesn't know the definition to
if anyone needed proof Reddit corgis are here, look no further

>Valve creating fake tension by pretending that every team is neck-and-neck
This is the worst Valve event in the history of Valve events

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>does anyone have tips on what I should pick up?
Pick yourself up with a rope

He's right though, you're trying to epically blow someone out. Meanwhile, the other person is just trying to be normal and have a conversation with you.

This is why no one likes you and you don't have sex btw.

So when do XBox and PS start up their little summer "sales"

>$1=100 capacity
>$150 just to gain enough capacity to get premium reward $5 off coupon
>capacity doesn't reset once used
fuckin hell, who thought these rewards up. this isn't a sale, it's a mugging

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What even is the scale? How much is 1 km, how big of a gap is that in terms of boosts???

>anyone remember when you could get these shit games?

Yeah I prefer the $5 bucks discount towards whatever I like, thanks.

thanks broskis, I'll pick up some Trails and Tales games.

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Added more games. Should i pirate Star Wars and Project Nimbus? Is lobotomy co alright?

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I'm thinking about buying yakuza but never played it before, is it a cutscene heavy story game, or does it have more of a mission scheme like gta?

It wasn't completely random?


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just joined team pig because it had the least amount of trannies with anime avatars
last place by a mile why the FUCK are weebs so wealthy

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where the FUCK my tort bros at?

settle down bunnies, we COCKs will give you second place, as long as we both beat the redditors

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they removed the finish line, so now it's a little less confusing how they're showcasing progress
right now Cocks are all the way to the right with 235km, and Tortoises are all the way to the right with 228km, just slightly less

>makes assumptions about someones personal life because they are on Yea Forums
Yuuuuup dangolredditcorgisarehereitoldyaHanktheydangoldinvadingus


based. Get TIS-100 and SHENZHEN I/O also

Should i buy catherine or wait for the remaster port?

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If you aren't sure if you'll enjoy LobCorp then I would pirate it first, then buy it later if you like it enough.

so I spent about 30 dollarydoos on the sale but didnt receive any points for the grand prix.

anyone else have this problem?

you should wait
the remaster will probably be better in every aspect

If you pick both Vesperia and Berseria, start with Vesperia. Vesperia is much older game so if you start with Berseria, it might be difficult to adjust.
I'm certainly having troubles getting used to Vesperia after Berseria.


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Rate me lads

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more cutscene heavy story game than gta like game


Come here little birdie.


Get fucked, corginiggers

So I have this under race boost:
But I can only claim 100 points from achievements.
Shouldn't I be able to claim 1650 points to fill my boost to max points or what? I don't get it.

Steam says I have 16k points available total but wont let me earn more. Gonna get these when my £5 discount finally works. Dunno how I got so much when all I've bought in the sale so far is Superhot VR and Deadbolt

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cmon birdie
enter my rabbit hole

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it's not a bug, it's a feature

Imagine truck simulator but with much less to do and a much much much bigger grind

Where's the porn?

I have the same thing, user.
I get the feeling the Max Points is bugged and if you boost, it'll show you 9,984 / 9,984

Please sir, may I have the sauce?

Attached: bowl.jpg (480x300, 27K)

I got
>Anonymous Agony (three copies, two for friends)
>Broly and Cooler DLC for FighterZ
>Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (original, not Wildlands shite)
>Tom Clancy's EndWar

Rate me Yea Forums

I wouldn't ger pulsar at this time it gets boring after a few hours

this nigga asking the real questions

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Can someone redpill me on Slay the Spire and the Shantae games? Are they legit fun or a waste of money?

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Wont Valve shit detect CheatEngine? Was interested in playing Kings Bounty games although I don't even know which one to get. Based Falcom added a turbo mode for Trails FC

I want to start with 4X games. Any good fantasy starter for newbies?

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>what is image search

>obvious rigging
>rules keep changing to try and cover up the obvious rigging
>makes the obvious rigging all the more obvious

Fire whoever came up with this shitty event.

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holy shit harebros
we doin it again

Shantae is decent enough worth it to get on sale but not full price.

Unrelated: Will i enjoy Dragons Dogma if i enjoy generic arpgs?

SeeThe points pools don't reset. Most people likely blew their load already.

Really? It seemed like it would be a giggle especially in VR
I want KoFXIV and FEXL but they are dead as fuck on PC

Any other good lesser known games on sale?

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>Tortoise rose mightily
>but fell

I feel like getting into first place is actually not good. you want to hover around 2-3 and look nonthreatening. It's like Mario Kart. You get fucking blue shelled.

Do you like deckbuilder games and rogue lite games? if so then slay the spire will be fun for you

never had problems with singleplayer games

the legend, crossworlds, warriors in the north, get those 3, dark side is good too but i was so burned out i didnt really care for it and moved on. played them on like 5x speed at times

It seems interesting enough but eventually you will keep doing the same thing over and over on the same 5 planets. Also it used to be playable with a pirated copy online dunno about now maybe try it out beforehand

>open Fallout 4
>open console
>type caqs
>literal thousands of free points in seconds

arigato Todd

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Valkyria Chronicles, yay or nay?

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Lagomorph? More like Lagging behind!

Don't achievements get turned off once you open the console?

>Project Nimbus
Damn, those looks great.
SpaceChem is good if you are into autism shit I envy people who can play this, wish I wasn't stupid

Nope. That's mods.

>still believing this is anything but rigged

But you're not buying a $5 coupon for $150. You're getting a $5 coupon if you spend $150 on other shit during the sale. If you don't want $150 worth of games then don't buy them, and you'll save more than $5.

>a mugging
Maybe if they held a gun to your head and demanded that you rack up 15000 tokens. Otherwise it's just you autistically thinking that you need to do something just because it's possible to do.

why nuke turtle instead of corgi?

pig might actually win this one

>>the legend, crossworlds, warriors in the north, get those 3
Nice. Is the Collector's Pack worth it? It includes Armored Princess and Warriors Ice and Fire

Nope. 2000 points for everyone from here on out would mean everyone gets a $5 coupon, even people who have never even spent $5 on Steam in the first place.

There's no indication that there will be another set of qualifying tasks tomorrow, and that's because there won't be another.

>my life as a tortoisefag

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>implying Mario Kart isn't rigged

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should I ?

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...and of course Turtle will be last after having won last time. Fucking rigged bullshit

Its not 4x but Total war Warhammers are good fun for fantasy.

>only triple digit attacks on pig
Pig is haram, remove.

do it

yes its worth it, i got it, crossworlds is basically an upgrade to armored princess so you dont need to play that game, its in crossworlds and has extra content, ice and fire adds nice content to warriors in the north, if after that you still have the drive to play you could buy dark side in a future sale but you will likely be put off

still had great fun with these games, and remember, speed up the shit out of them cause i wouldnt play them in a million years without cheatengine

new mario kart is rigged if you look at the code.

If I remove all games from my wishlist and only leave Cyberpunk 2077 will it increase my chances

I'm still pissed about day 3. Did Valve ever say what was up with that?

Pig wins simply by being the most likable team.

Attached: cutepiggu.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Hare bros are the real winners. Fuck Corgi, and Steam owes me those $5 dollars plus a wishlisted game.

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Any good lewd games? Got mirror.

dude just put cyberpunk at the top of your wishlist
they only take the top game of the wishlist.

What the fuck valve, please fix.

Attached: whatthefuckisvalvedoing.png (663x436, 65K)

No, just make 2077 the #1 on your wishlist (make sure it's categorized in ranked order) and you'll get it if you win.

>on team tortoise
>neck n' neck with our mortal foe, the hare
>spent all my boosts for our team, and slowdowns on the hare
>we win 1st!
>don't get anything
haha figures

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This, they pretty much can't compensate any more now since the amount is dangerously close to because of that, even if they want to.

That Infinity collection with all the Infinity engine games is tempting. Are the BG Enhanced editions really that bad? Or should I go for it anyways?

I'm guessing Valve will let every team win at least once.

I'm having the same problem. This shit is bugged to all hell.

Yay to both Valkyrias if you like that type of gameplay.

>60 bucks with DLC even in sale
Excuse me?

Attached: 1449294904679.png (360x269, 99K)

Share your Wishlist top 3, Yea Forumsros

1. Cyberpunk 2077
2. Substance Painter
3. Marvelous Designer

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It got my hopes up that'll I finally be able to get 15000 tokens but then and goes and cockblocks me from redeeming points.

>Check my phone
>It's an email
>fucking college shit spam
>It's from steam
>open it up
>"You have 3 new items on sale"

dogs get put down

Attached: attack corgi.png (593x763, 1.09M)

They changed the rules. In the very unlikely chance you win, they pick the game from the very top of the wishlist. Just view wishlist by "Your Ranked Order" and it will show you which game will get chosen at the top.

Winning game is yellow with red icon in the center.

I changed some things in mine
>dark souls remastered
>dark souls 3
>metal gear rising
I am going to wait with cyberpunk just in case.

>corgi day 1
>corgi day 3

Attached: 1560200066863.png (720x720, 437K)

>all the teams are filled with brazilian and russian bot accounts
>sure i will win :)
Delusional all of you

Wait, if you play this right and use sam to farm achievements you could in theory stack enough $5 vouchers to buy a full priced game right?

1. Hyper Light Drifter
2. Hollow Knight
3. Cyberpunk 2077

>earn points by completing achievments
>earn 14k
>can only cash out 1k

it will never go lower than that either

But corgi won day 3

1 - Doom Eternal
2 - Cyberpunk 2077
3 - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Not getting shit anyway, so what's the point.

Attached: lookatitgo.png (761x530, 13K)

didn't stop the shitshow

Tortoises seethe today

Are they really letting preorder games qualify? Or will those default to the second game on your wishlist?

1. GTA 5

1. 2077
2. Halo MCC
3. Rain World

1. Cyberpunk
2. 3 chinkdoms
3. Nier Automata


I bet once this is all over, they'll just reward everyone who participated and make everyone mad

Post your dogs to gain power Corgi Chads

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Is Monster Hunter World a good entry point for someone who has never ever played the series before?

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I see. Anything else?

>Cyberpunk 2077
>Nier: Automata
i considered changing one of them for the n. sane trilogy or RoR 2

do i get free shit even if i don't buy anything in the whole sale

yeah most people got cyberpunk and doom eternal

Probably not. The winners are picked by RNG but I'm sure the RNG takes into account plebshitters by mostly filtering them.

>god eater 3

Is My Time at Portia just a lamer version or Stardew?

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If 15,000 tokens are 5$, Steam owes me like $60.

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you have to spend money to increase your capacity and you don't need to "farm achievements" just play any game were you already a boatload of them already for half an hour a day and you get tons of points, which doesn't matter of course unless you have the capacity to claim that many every day.

you have to spend points to qualify

people compare it to harvest moon so maybe

Is Atom RPG good bros?

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>Steam owes you 60 dollars because you play a lot of games
Steam owes you nothing more than the things you pay for, user.

that's not how it works. you have to use the points in boost to turn it into tokens

1. GTA 5

you can't turn the points into token unless you have the capacity and to increase that you gotta spend money. really makes you think doesn't it?

The general consensus is that if you like Fallout and Eastern Euro jank then it's perfect for you.

Those are points not tokens user.

You don't need to get all the DLC for it anyway they just add factions to use if you want to play the big map mode in WH2.

>Trials Of Mana (Coming Soon, wouldn't get picked as "Free Game" if i win multiple)
>Tales of Beseria
>The Messenger

Not expecting to win shit, was planning to get DQ for Switch, but i figured i could go for the "worse" version for free when the opportunity presented itself.

I would rather have something i can enjoy right away to bask in my Billion-To-One win then a preorder, hence no Cyberpunk.

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sure thing, just spend $1800 first to increase your capacity

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make sure you pick the DS3 with all the DLC, it's absolutely worth it

Does the points capacity reset every day?

if you buy this and play it there will be long stretches of time where you wish you were playing a better game

nope. you just get 100 more capacity each day.
cool event huh

GameMaker Studio 2 desktop
A Hat in Time
Va-11 Hall-A

t. poorfag

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No, you just get 100 additional.

They worded it as "reset" earlier in the first two races though.

my wishlist sucks because the only shit i really want and can't already afford isn't even available to buy yet but
remnant from the ashes

Octopath Travler

bird is doing bad right now

alright then. could be cool if you could add bundles to your wishlist.

Excuse me what the fuck

Attached: What.png (1198x542, 111K)

No. Just keep buying games so you can keep playing.(>:

the points you get from playing games aren't lost anymore. but again you need capacity to turn points into tokens and you only increase that by 100 every day or spend money.

Fuck. Guess I don’t get to use the rest of my points then.

>GameMaker Studio 2
Yikes just use Godot if you are making 2d gamemaker shit.


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Seethe harder turtletard

i am done with this event lol what a shitshow

Wait, there are just factions? No story or anything? Then why are so expensive?

So long gay turtle

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You can literally hear the seething

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1. cybercuck
2. devil may cuck 5
3. monster cuck: world

and then buy Everything

Attached: everything.jpg (1920x1080, 1.34M)

so turtle is not that far behind also SLOW THE CORGI DOWN NOW

what an interesting turn of events
this dumb race is kinda fun

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>Destiny 2

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1-Bloodlines 2

its rigged. every animal will end up with the same amount of grand prix points to make up for the idiotic decision of letting everyone pick the same team.

>feel like the only one playing pig

Attached: 1517163338499.png (638x359, 247K)

>corgi has almost the same amount of attacks as all other teams combined
>still first
Yea Forums eternally BTFO

Why not slow the hare down in the one in the lead?

>has no effect
epic algorithm

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corgi is now first.
we are doomed

>popular thing is popular
>B T F O
god, you're such a lemming.

do qualifier tasks reset every day?

based and Wattspilled

corgi is the strongest one
if it isn't checked, it'll steamroll
like what's happening now

why did you take a photo of your screen you mong

a majority of people are in corgi which makes the most boost. If you don't slow them down they will take the race.

>not wanting to win
god, you’re such a loser

No, it was a one time thing



no, volvo isn't gonna give you that money tokens for free every day lol

Fucking corgis everytime. Choosing teams was a fucking retard decision on valve's part - of course all the retard whales would be on reddit and choose corgi.

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1. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
2. Devil May Cry 5
3. Total War: WARHAMMER 2

shoutouts to the retards who believed that qualifiers tasks would actually reset

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I think it's where it's the weekend and now even the Corgi players that weren't participating until now are all steroiding the Corgi with a mountain of boosts.

>dilute chances of prize to win a meaningless Steam sale "game" that changes rules everyday


fuck reddit, fuck corgis

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Imagine thinking task to qualify would reset everyday


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>Turn on steam and see five lines with faces
>"Corgi loks the least like shit, might as well join that"
>See everything about it and reddit the next day
Well fuck

Remove it all

Don't care much, but I just don't understand this boost system. Most of the time it's 100 and only once, but then sometimes it's like few thousands and can do it multiple times. Makes no sense.

>even people who have never even spent $5 on Steam in the first place.
Limit accounts can't earn points at all.

>Went from level 33 to 65

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Valve has gone mad.

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how do i earn big points easy?

just want that discount

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Last night they were held back by ~16,000 attacks. I think the "speed" display is broken because they were losing last night with 2000x speed and -19000 attack. I think that after a certain point the speed gets fucked regardless of it supposed to be after attacks factored in.

How does this effect your level?
I've boosted an absolute fuckload and my level hasnt changed.

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why is cock being slowed down anons?

>be corgi god
>get an undeserved nerf because you are too much of a chad and the other teams are all crybabies shitters
>keep dabbing on then anyway

Upgrade the badge you retard

just playing a game with steam achievements will get you points. I think 30 minutes will give you atleast 3k

is this a hotline miami character?

>the limit says 11 000 / 14 000
>can't gather points
as if this shitshow couldn't be worse

I've been doing stardew valley.
4 hours and around 2700 points.
Never played before and I'm in no way being optimal too, so I'm sure you could get a lot more for that time.


Attached: 2019-06-29 21_44_30-Steam.png (1286x440, 39K)

whoever gets first will get all the attacks and falls, whoever replaces it will be the next target
even turtle is starting to pick up pace now because it was completely ignored

Tales of Vespiria.

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badge XP nerf when?

>tortoise out of nowhere
this event is such a pile of garbage, nothing makes sense whatsoever

why the fuck would you spend tokens on a badge that does literally nothing when you could get free money

If you mean your profile level then you have to go to the pit stop and spend tokens on the badge reward for 100 tokens. From there you can keep pumping tokens into the badge to upgrade it. I went from LV4 to LV12.

its rigged dummies.

Why won't it let me select a fuckin race team to join?


I'm fairly sure that Valve was going to rig this shit from the beginning to allow every team to be multiple times on podium throughout the event so nobody can whine to them for never winning.

Because the badge is what gives everyone crazy XP to level up. Either try to save 15k for 5 bucks or upgrade the badge you faggot


not the person you're replying to, but the badge increases your booster pack chances for cards which are literally free money for life you stupid dense motherfucker

Because not everyone will play enough games during the sale to get the 15k points needed to get the $5 off on their next Steam purchase.

will trade risk of rain 2 for amid evil

>a 4x that is complete and not to old, also beginner friendly

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You can join team moon if you want

>Get handed a win even though you clearly lost
>w-we got nerfed fellow corgichads!

I hope it doesn’t get nerfed. I like seeing the people who paid for their steam numbers get mad.

i need 7000 more capacity but i never planned on spending 70 dollars this sale in the first place so unless they introduce more tasks to increase capacity it's not like i have anything better to spend them on.

they removed that user you cannot trade games since last year.

>add those qualifier tasks yesterday
>it didn't reset today
What the hell is the point? This event is fucked.

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If you get the discount is it a flat amount? can I get a game for free if it has a price lower than the discount?

it says tradable in my inventory though

It’s kind of difficult at the higher ranks but it was my first game in the franchise and I had an absolute blast for like 100 hours before the grinding for parts/gems/ranks began to bore.

>free money for life
>7 cents every few weeks (since they nerfed the drop rate)
>minus steam tax
yeah, I'm sure you'll make more than 5 dollars in only 10 years


it's rigged to make losing teams look like they have a shot at winning so they spend more money

Thanks user. Just to be sure, Ice and Fire is an expansion and I have to start the game through its .exe or should I play after WitN og/base version?

you cannot get anymore game to trade. if you trade it it gets add to games not inventory.
risk of rain came out after this change so nobody has it in inventory

what game should I buy

Attached: meh.png (985x544, 381K)

So I have two coupons now, thanks to this race, what should I get Yea Forums?


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They never said they'd reset. It sucks, i know.

sleeping dogs DE

you're not gonna get that money free tokens every day you dingus, the qualifier tasks are there to unfuck people who blew all their bosts on day 1 and 2 when the rules made no sense and people gimped themselves.

oh, well fuck

>4864/9801 max points

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For some reason the free copy you get is tradable in the same way you use to be able to.

Gabe is taking the piss on us at this point.

based steam preventing my competition from getting their boosts

>check Steam
>Pig had won 3rd
>no free copy of Cyberpunk
>event continues to be complete shit
>plug in my big and huge 100 points and go back to doing something else

It doesnt unfuck anything. Just throwing 2000 points at you one time doesnt make this event any less shit and uninteresting.

I'll trade you if you're willing to send first, user.

Repeat with me... SLOW AND STEADY


Attached: Screenshot_20190629-165728_Steam.jpg (809x1413, 367K)

ok thanks


>Cyberpunk 2077
>Gears of War 5


None of them, rearrange them so the ones you want are at the very top.

kingdom come

Literally all of it

3030 was not that great

Explain this shit.

Attached: Captura.png (598x147, 13K)

All of it except I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.


all of it


everything. jesus fuck, literally no good games there.

eh why not, i guess if i get scammed i can just trick myself into thinking i gave it away