What went right?

What went right?

Attached: AMID EVIL.jpg (600x800, 194K)

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played it for hour then uninstalled



it was boring. Music was trash enemies were generic weapons felt like taking shit which feels good but in bad way while having hemerroids

>everything is shit

i litteraly just finished it on hard because i couldnt find any harder difficulty bit at the start

my god the end boss was easy as fuck, i also managed to kill the acid boss in like 20 seconds using the morningstar overcharged

Music, art direction and most of the weapons.
Sadly, the rest is kinda shit.

Yes i would give far more constructive critizism but it's not worth my time.

I'm sure.

>It's another "HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW BOOMERS?" game that gets shilled endlessly until forgotten during release
Every. Fucking. Time.

Remember Strafe?
Remember Dusk?
Remember Hedon?
Remember Amid Evil?

All forgotten

Attached: 9069200.png (533x630, 720K)

Dusk, forgotten? Are you fucking high? Is this how insecure you little children are these days?

Classic FPS' are niche, they're never going to be mainstream. These games, except Strafe because it's not in the same category as the others, are types of FPS' that we've been clamoring for for decades, ever since the Halo/CoD style FPS took over.


>amid evil
>in a thread for amid evil

>replying to bait

I'm honestly not liking it so far on Evil. Fumbled around a good bit on map 1 trying to determine how this game does secret areas, then went through most of the second map. There seemed to be invisible barriers in a lot of places, and I ate a good bit of damage trying to get out of the motherfucking bitch of a well. The staff is great for most things, but the axe and sword are so slow compared to these enemies zooming around.

I'd rather just play through Hexen again right now.

Hexen is my favorite game of all time but Amid Evil is fucking incredible. They're also not really comparable outside of being fantasy and FPS.

Alright, I have to know. Is this futa? I'm just looking for some good gameplay here, miss me with that gay shit.

what the fuck would give you that idea

the gameplay is alright but the objective is trying to find some hidden shit for 6 hours with no enemies around
yes its canon futa

im reasonably certain genitals are not mentioned at all in the game

So a failure on both counts.

no but the guy that made the game has also made a bunch of art and lore and according to that zan is futa

is it really canon if it isn't mentioned or referenced in any way


It's not really even trying to be Hexen. It's Quake or Unreal more than anything, pretty clearly.

>Quake or Unreal
But with less variety in monsters, only 3 useful weapons, uglier styles despite being made in 2019, and Andrew Hulshult's meme music of BADASS!!!™

You'll probably wanna stop playing Hexen again when you get to this part where you spawn in with the 3 wendigos right in front of you.. or when you try to ask where the fuck you want to go.

Play through Heretic, it's a lot less hectic in the terms of level design - and is more of a refinement of Doom's gameplay and level design in a fantasy setting than anything.

Attached: file.png (640x400, 138K)

You mean 7 useful weapons.

3 of which are used regularly and the rest are if you are bored and wanna dick around.

>But with less variety in monsters
There's a new enemy set every episode though.
>only 3 useful weapons
What are you even saying? Which the fuck aren't useful?

You mean 7.

It's pretty fun and challenging but certain episodes are way better than the others. I like how the game is super colourful without looking cartoony though, not many developers can pull that off

Six of them are useful, but only three are fun, sadly. Melee weapon is absolutely useless - as it tends to be in this kind of games. Water-staff is super useful, just insanely boring to use. Sword is pretty fucking useless, now that I think about it. Lightning rod, star of torment and celestial claw are the fun weapons. The BFG is incredibly unsatisfying and generally kinda bad, as again BFG's usually tend to be in these kinds of games.

I believe you meant 7.

>Melee weapon is absolutely useless - as it tends to be
Best weapon against those shield assholes in the Solar world, until you get the planet-rod.
>Water-staff is super useful
Weak ammo-hog.
>Sword is pretty fucking useless,
Good against any light enemies, good basic weapon for tight spaces and mid-ranges. The basic weapon in your hand in both Lunar and Solar world. Mace is fun but too slow and inaccurate for the tiny knight-type of enemies.

Nobdy cares what you perceive as 'fun,' it's one of the most subjective things ever. In terms of usefulness every single weapon in AM is good and viable but in different circumstances and, unlike even Doom, no weapon completely outclasses and replaces an older one, ie the pistol to chaingun.


>Melee weapon is absolutely useless
It's pretty useful though, it's damage is great and dealing with single enemies or melee enemies using it is fairly effective. Especially since they made it pull enemies in.
>Sword is pretty fucking useless
It's a tad underpowered but far from useless once you get good with it. Picking out gaps between enemies, trying to find lines between them and the likes is fairly unlike any other weapon and real effective in certain situations. You can get a *lot* of use out of the fact that the slash does like 2/3rds damage and keeps traveling if you only graze enemies with it.
>Water staff is useful, just boring
I'd definitely agree, but at least its soul-mode is fun.

>The BFG is incredibly unsatisfying and generally kinda bad

It has lots of ammo and you can wipe out several pain in the ass enemies in an instant, how is that unsatisfying or bad?

Depends on the enemies and the world. Mace is very good in robot world and Tentacle Jew-world but bit of an overkill in the Solar world. Not very good when the whole screen is full of small and weak enemies.

>Best weapon against those shield assholes in the Solar world, until you get the planet-rod.
So for the entirety of two minutes?
>Weak ammo-hog.
Absolutely not. It's a shit weapon, but my god is it insanely effective against most weak fast enemies. And the ammo consumption is minimal.

>Good against any light enemies, good basic weapon for tight spaces
Outclassed in just about every one of those categories by other weapons. For weak fast enemies, water-staff is generally far more efficient. In all other circumstances, the Star is always a better choice.

I found the water staff to be incredibly useful in the Solar Solstice and Arcane Expanse episodes.

>Weak ammo-hog.
bruh what
it's got absolutely ridiculous ammo efficiency, it's the weapon's primary purpose.

>It's a shit weapon
>but it's super good and efficient

This. I fucking love retro throwback shooters but Amid Evil is the blandest out of the big three to come out (Dusk and Ion Maiden are actually good). The monsters are forgettable, the maps are boring and generic and the weapons are plain unsatisfying to use. How the fuck can you make a staff that shoot minature planets boring to fire? Just how can you fuck that up?

>and the weapons are plain unsatisfying to use. How the fuck can you make a staff that shoot minature planets boring to fire? Just how can you fuck that up?
This is some next level shitposting.

Amid Evil is, objectively, the most interesting and creative of the recent retro FPS'. Not saying you have to enjoy it the most of the bunch or even at all but it is certainly the most the unique.

>for having an opinion
I'm not saying your game is shit, I'm only saying it personally bores me to tears.

>It's pretty useful though,
Why would you EVER engage anyone in melee safe for maybe the shield guys for those two minutes it takes to get a celestial claw in Solar Equinox?

>It's a tad underpowered
And that is the hot contender for the most understated statement of the century. It's weak as fuck. It's fun in concept, I genuinely like the idea, and I occasionally forced myself to use it just to break up the absolute mind-boggling monotony of the weapons, but it's never the most efficient choice. They should have increased the damage a LOT, and ballance it by either increasing the ammo consumption, or rate of fire.
Again, great weapon in concept, piss-poorly executed in terms of ballance relative to other weapons.
>It has lots of ammo and you can wipe out several pain in the ass enemies in an instant, how is that unsatisfying or bad?
Because it is quite literally "skip this encounter" button. Dusk had a good reason why it dropped the BFG completely. There is little skill to it, and it does not even give you the satisfaction of causing mayhem because it literally just zaps things out of existence.

I want to have fun killing things, not just press a button to NOT experience any thrill or mayham. Again, this is a very inherent issue of most of these BFG type weapons, to be honest. This one is just particularly bad because again: it just zaps things out. No carnage, no weight. Very little skill required as well.

>So for the entirety of two minutes?
Also works against those mid-tier staff wielding enemies since their melee attack is very slow. Its more useful than melee weapons in these type of games in general, usually on each level its decent for the first two levels until you get the mace.
>Absolutely not.
Absolutely yes, trident clears a group of enemies way faster, provided you keep shooting that one enemy until it explodes. Fliers often come in packs so you kill the middle one with trident and all the rest also explode instantly. Trident makes the water rod completely redundant.
>Outclassed in just about every one of those categories by other weapons.
Kills small enemies in hallways and small spaces faster than water-staff or mace or even trident, thanks to the fact the projectile goes through enemies. 3 slices and bunched up 6-7 knights are all dead.

Sure, the mace is terrible at crowd control. But prety much any other weapon, including the water staff, are usually a better choice.

What is so fucking hard to comprehend about weapon being not satisfying to use, but still being efficient? Are you COMPLETELY new to this whole "Shooter" schtick?

I loved it, much more than Dusk.

You not liking it doesn't make it a shit weapon. A 'shit weapon' would mean it's bad at what its intended purpose, which it isn't, therefore it is not a shit weapon.

He isn't entirely wrong. The planetary staff, just like the sword, is far better on paper than it is to actually to use. The explosion and way that enemies react is very underwhelming, it feels like a very weak rocket luncher. Which for a weapon that fires planets is just disappointing.

Amid Evil has some of the most interesting IDEAS for weapons, but just like everything in the game, it just does not really work nearly as well as it should have.
It's not bad, just... it's nowhere near the level of Dusk or the demo chapter of Ion Maiden.

>. A 'shit weapon' would mean it's bad at what its intended purpose,
The intended purpose is to be fun to use. And it absolutely fucking fails at that. Again: COMPLETELY NEW to this "fps" thing, aren't you?

>He isn't entirely wrong. The planetary staff, just like the sword, is far better on paper than it is to actually to use. The explosion and way that enemies react is very underwhelming, it feels like a very weak rocket luncher. Which for a weapon that fires planets is just disappointing.
Its the problem of the feel of guns, the planet rod generally kills bigger monsters faster than rocket launchers in these games. Also I suspect the main reason why people think the melee weapon is shit because you get this flash everytime you kill something with it (you collect the soul) and people might instinctively mistake it as them getting hit instead.

It's amazing how retarded you are.

>Why would you EVER engage anyone in melee
Ammo conservation is one. Plus pretty much any situation in close quarters. You really can fucking chew through enemies with the axe almost faster than anything else. Admittedly it's kinda broken on Evil where it takes two hits to kill basic enemies though.
No, it's really not. In terms of crowd control it's easily number three after the BFG, which is the BFG, and the rocket launcher but without the fear of killing yourself. It doesn't chew through ammo like the mace or the voltride, and its DPS isn't as piss-poor as the staff. It's a generally useful all-round weapon which you can make decent use of in a variety of circumstances. If you've got a line of basic enemies following you it will wipe them all out in two strikes easy as shit.

>Trident makes the water rod completely redundant.
Not really. In Sacred Path, most of the swarmers are completely immune to the overcharge mechanic. The leaping knights in solar equinox are a bitch to hit and often disperse very quickly. The water staff is more efficient in both of these cases. Same goes for most flying enemies.

Can you actually fight giant bosses like in that picture?

>generic weapons
What the fuck? In what other games you have a staff that can shoot mini planets? Or a morning star that shoota and impales enemies with spikes?

>why would you EVER engage in melee
First off, it sucks enemies into your range which allows you to kill them before they can initiate their attack. With most weaker enemies at least. Second is that the damage balancing is fucked so several non-melee only enemy types on even Evil difficulty only deal 3HP of damage with their melee attacks, so you won't risk much depending on the enemy type.

Melee also deals a lot of damage and instantly gives you their souls. Just try out how effective the axe is in E1, E4, E3, E6, and E7.

Sometimes, I wish I could be as amazingly self-unaware as you are. It must be blissfull living in such amazing, fascinating ignorance.

Leaping knights are easy to hit with the trident, the main problem is the shield guys which is why you dont use the trident all that much in Solar world. Not a good idea to use a hitscan weapon against enemies who reflect your shots back at you. The water staff is more efficient if you're shit at aiming with the trident, you can clear spawning flocks of flying enemies in few seconds with the trident by abusing the gimmick it has.

I own Dusk but not Amid Evil. The gameplay videos of Amid Evil look insane though. You are a brainlet.

>yfw you blow up the earth

Attached: 1440471140991.gif (388x388, 2M)

Not him.
The weapons aren't generic but they definitely sound better on paper. I have more fun using the guns in Doom 2 than I do with any of the weapons in Amid Evil, they're just so boring to use. I honestly can't understand why people are liking them so much and being a fan of retro shooters it frustrates me so much that I can't enjoy it.
Its the second game I've ever refunded and the disappointment in having to do this sucks ass.

>it's another 'muh satisfaction' pleb
Gameplay > all else

>admittedly it's kinda broken on Evil
Wait, what does Evil difficulty even change compared to Hard? I figure it's just hard but you receive even more damage.

It's a boring attempt at Quake only with shiny magic weapons and forgettable lazy map design. You're the fucking brainlet here.

For me, its the metal world. They made finding the switches there even more obscure than any other level. In fact, the first hub world is a poor level, and the game gets way better after.

Well sucks for you because you are alone on that. Amid Evil's weapons look, sound, and feel great. Even the naming of the weapons is great.

Enemies health, damage, number and especially speed are all increased.

Because its basically like Heretic mixed with a bit of Unreal. If you didn't like those two games, you wont like Amid Evil.

Strafe has indeed been forgotten, rightfully. Hedon isn't even a game, it's a glorified Doom mod. Dusk and Amid Evil are quite quality and haven't been forgotten at all (especially AE, which just released literally last week).

>destroy countless worlds in order to save 7
sasuga champion

actual spoiler yes, its the last boss.

Far too easy.

Dont know what the fuck the designers were smoking when they made that room, its easily the hardest fight in the game.
Pretty cool game as a whole but some levels feel more like weird usermaps than a quality official product.

>and then John was the Evil

Attached: 1561312774132.png (1920x1080, 2.79M)


No, thats actually your arm and after each and every level your guy grabs this weird tiny knight who chops your thumb off as a ritual.

Playing Amid Evil now and its great overall. But most enemoes are rather bland and forgetable and i feel like it should have more items, maybe even the useable items like heretic and hexen.

Each world has their own set of monsters.

>was expecting some grand tweest at the end when Evil says he knows who you are
>beat him
>"good job champion, you saved our lands, you may rest now"
My subversions got expectated

When is Ion Maiden coming out? Is the only that interests me out of all these boomercore shooters. Dusk graphics stops me from playing it.

Dusk was shit, should I try this? Is this has fun weapons at least?

>Dusk was shit,
You won't like Amid Evil either. Go back to Fortnite.

It was nice seeing a good ending for once.

>Doom: Earth is fucked, Daisy's dead
>Heretic: cursed to never be able to return home
>Hexen: implied to go power crazy and at some point die to Eidolon as he retrieves the Chaos Sphere
>Shadow Warrior: Villain escapes
>Blood: everything you ever cared about is dead
>Quake: trapped in eldritch shit for eternity
>Unreal: lost is space

Weapons are fun, enemies and maps are bland and boring.

Maps are excellent, what are you on about?

Dusk is actually really great, user. Ion Maiden also looks fantastic though.
Shame about this dull magic shooter though. Someday they'll make a good game where you play a battlemage. Someday.

Attached: 1561807715483.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Amid Evil is great, piss off.

>Someday they'll make a good game where you play a battlemage

Why is AMD evil?

What are (you) on about? I haven't seen such boring maps since Serious Sam. They remind me of the indoor sections of the first Halo.

>They remind me of the indoor sections of the first Halo
Oh, you're just rolling. Got it.

>only got it because it was in a bundle with Dusk
>its actually better than Dusk

Attached: protok.png (500x385, 217K)

>I honestly can't understand why people are liking them so much and being a fan of retro shooters it frustrates me so much that I can't enjoy it.
I'm very much in the same situation. I would very much love to love the game, I have a MASSIVE fetish for fantasy FPS and Amid Evil has so many interesting ideas, but it fumbles the execution really badly. There are ballance issues, there are MAJOR variety issues, there is a shitton of very mediocre, and some downright terrible level design: the game feels like it was made by people who don't REALLY know what they are doing.
It's such a stark contrast compared to Dusk, which is really devoid of any interesting ideas or charm, but nails the execution so god damn amazingly.

>Gameplay > all else
Are you actually, I mean CLINICALLY mentally deficient?
And what is it about Amid Evil that it attracts retards? I seriously don't fucking get it.

>pseudo-retro trash with shitty bosses and boring generic FLOATING weapons

Yeah, even fortnite don't fall so low.

>Amid Evil is great, piss off.
Its really fucking not, being the only old style shooter that's ever managed to bore me.

>its actually better than Dusk
Fuck off

>>its actually better than Dusk
Guy who wanted to enjoy AE but couldn't here:
In what way? Because Dusk was fun for the entire game (up until that shit second to last map), but AE feels like a chore to play.

But it also never uses the more fun enemies again
>knights who can lob bouncing orbs? you know how much mileage Quake got off Ogres? too bad
>flying spaghetti monsters who fire homing projectiles? too bad
>knights with shields who can repel yo shit? too bad
>plants whose acid spit leaves damaging goo on the floor? too bad
>hedgehogs with close-range hitscan? too bad
>enemies who can graplling hook you towards them? too bad
>mages who can dodgeroll your shit? too bad

It makes no sense to cripple encounter variety by imposing these thematic limitations, Doom and Quake worked so well because of how all the enemy types were combined

>Maps are excellent, what are you on about?
There are maybe three excellent levels, rest is either mediocre, or fucking god awful. The Sacred Path level 2 and 3 are some of the worst level design I have seen in the shooter. Same goes for the entirety of the Forge. Sentinel's Realm is probably the best, both Solar Solstice and Lunar Equinox are absolutely bland and generally not very well put together. Arcane Realm is... fine. Passable. Nothing great. Really neat landscapes, but the levels themselves are just barely functional.

I am dumb and have always been curious about map or level design. What are the requirements for a map to be considered good?

You would think going
>oh noes, the borders between walls are collapsing
and shoving in enemies from other worlds into the last 2-3 would be ezpz justification for inventing so many more and different challenges.

Top tier levels
>all of Episode 1
>all of Episode 4
>all of Episode 6

Great Levels
>all of Episode 7
>levels 1 and 2 in Episode 2
>level 1 in Episode 3
>level 3 in Episode 5

>And what is it about Amid Evil that it attracts retards? I seriously don't fucking get it.
Maybe you should stop showing up in every Amid Evil thread and spouting off the same retarded fucking lines that nobody will take seriously, and you'd stop encountering these "retards".

Right now I'm arguing with something that does not understand that weapon feedback and satisfaction is not part of gameplay. Yeah: the problem really isn't on my side.

>Dusk: You become Nyarlathotep's henchman and you never get over the death of your family

its highly subjective but the key ingredient is fun

devs say soon
they have the full game and they are testing it apparently

Enjoyable parts that you remember along with enough challenge to make sure you don't get bored.

Yeah, that's probably the part Amid Evil is missing.

>being such a colossal retard you think weapon satisfaction is gameplay
Graphics and sound are not gameplay. You cannot just scree until this isn't the case.
>repeatedly shouting retard instead of ever making any actual points
Kill yourself you literal slime.
At the end of the day it's all subjective. The big elements are presenting some level of unique environments and/or challenges, as well as guiding the player through in an instinctive way.

>What are the requirements for a map to be considered good?
It's fairly complicated, and a shitton of factors play a role. But one thing that Amid Evil fucks up very frequently, and that is actually quite a common fault of less-than-experienced level design, is scaling. The level must not be too large, because that will result in a lot of "dead air" - space that needs to be traversed but does not actually provide anything in terms of meaningful interaction. The Sacred Path level 2 and 3 are ESPECIALLY guilty of this in Amid Evil, it's like a fucking textbook of how not to design a level of this kind of game, but it often appears to be an issue in other levels, such as the third level of solar solstice and some of the forges.
Enemy placement, and it's relatioship to level geometry is also crucial. You have to mix things up, to make each encounter feel distinct - again something that Amid Evil frequently struggles with, this time due to very poor enemy variety on a per-episode basis.
It's also good if the level is expansive, but uses interconnection rather than one long round-about path. It makes the level feel more natural. Some levels, like the fist in Sacred Path or the second in Sentinel's realm do this extremely well in this regard, but many, especially in the first episode, later Sacred Path and Forge really fucking fumble this.

>Graphics and sound are not gameplay. You cannot just scree until this isn't the case.
Again - and for the last time - AM I BULLING A CERTIFIED TARD HERE?!
Weapon feedback, you spastic cretin, is an absolutely INTEGRAL part of the gameplay experience. If your weapons feel like shit, then the GAMEPLAY is bad. How the fuck do you not know this? Did you never play a shooter before? Fuck me this is IMPOSSIBLE. NOBODY should be this fucking dumb. Visual and auditory feedback are part of gameplay. How can you not fucking realize this?

>ctrl-f "Overload"
>no replies
Wow you guys really disappoint sometimes.
It's probably the best of the "new" old fps games, basically descent II style game, fucking great, you should play it.

care to share a level you've made then?

I'll say it again: the weapons look, sound, and feel good. There, your entire point is moot.

>Weapon feedback, you spastic cretin, is an absolutely INTEGRAL part of the gameplay experience. If your weapons feel like shit, then the GAMEPLAY is bad. How the fuck do you not know this? Did you never play a shooter before? Fuck me this is IMPOSSIBLE. NOBODY should be this fucking dumb. Visual and auditory feedback are part of gameplay. How can you not fucking realize this?
imagine being this primal where things need to make loud noises or pretty colors to be fun and interesting to use
anyway even if you are a gorilla monkey that only responds to visual and auditory stimulus surely you understand that there's more to a game than the weapons being """satisfying to use""" right? like level design? enemy design? etc? this is why people complain about user maps in, say, doom2. hint: the shotgun didnt get less fun to use, but some levels are better than others.

Everything is a part of "the gameplay experience". Nobody refers to the music playing in the game as gameplay though, do they? Gameplay is the actual mechanical interaction with the game, nothing more.

Jesus christ look at the way you're typing, are you genuinely this obscenely mad? Are you going to devolve this into another argument where you prove you don't know what a fact is?

Overload's great, I'm not sure why you'd expect it to be outright referenced in every thread for all the oldschool FPS threads.

Also saying it's "basically" descent II "style" is an understatement, it's a through-and-through clone, if a damn good one.

I like the level design but the rest is shit
I only did the 4 first levels and the weapons are boring as fuck

>I'll say it again: the weapons look, sound, and feel good. There, your entire point is moot.
The water staff? No. It really, really doesn't.

I have never been very good at level design myself, to be completely honest. I did quite a few levels both in Build Engine, in Hammer editor and in the good old Serious Sam level editor, all of that more than ten years ago, but I am really not the right person to do level design.
That said, you don't have to be talented level designer to know what is and isn't good level design. This is the most fucking lame attempt to marginalize criticism I can fucking imagine. Are you twelve by any chance?

I did. It was pretty fun.

>Overwhelingly positive reviews
>Even Yea Forums loves it
>Play it myself
It's Heretic but crap
No, really. Why is this almost universally loved? I feel like there's this joke I'm not in on and its driving me crazy.

Literally me. These games all suck. They're like terrible remakes of good movies. Like Ghostbusters or A Star is Born or whatever. All this shit is garbage. It's like there are 100+ doom, duke, quake, rott, wolf3d user maps/mods/total-conversions that are infinitely better than all this shit. I'm not saying it all needs to be as good as Orb of Dilaaria but holy shit if your whole game is just riding on nostalgia but worse than games that came out 20, 25 years ago, it's fucking embarrassing.

underrated. yeah the I is easy to miss.

The weapons are fun as fuck
>impaling crystals that turn homing
>light wave emitting sword with beams that penetrate and ricochet on powerup
>fucking planet launcher (though it could be a little better for AOE)
>lightning that'll jump to and explode nearby enemies if you overkill your target
>lethal squirt gun
>propeller axe
>confetti ribbon BFG that creates black holes

this looks good.
tell me about it? if you've played it i mean.
damn as weird and bizarre this game is you can't say it isnt' at least sort of creative and unique. even if its not perefct. some cool shit going on here. reminds me of american mcgee's alice.

damn i love both
guess i have to pick it up

>you need to be a professional chef to say a steak doesn't taste how it's supposed to
>you need to be a professional woodworker to say a chair is uncomfortable
>you need to make your own successful videogames in order to criticize any

It's kind of pathetic if you consider that the only way people know how to make good singleplayer shooters these days is to make more Doom/Heretic/whatever clones which were released 25 years ago

>imagine being this primal where things need to make loud noises or pretty colors to be fun and interesting to use
Is this how low you'll steep to defend this game? "GUNPLAY IN A SHOOTER DOES NOT MATTER!"
What the fuck is wrong with you? I can't make this shit up. You are literally saying that gun-fucking-play in a fucking shooter, a game entirely based around providing satisfaction from blowing shit up, is irrelevant.

>that there's more to a game than the weapons being """satisfying to use""" right?
First of all: In a shooter, if the weapons are unsatisfying to use, then the most basic gameplay loop is shit. It's a pretty fucking VITAL component of the game, because it's literally the 99% of all the actual interaction.

Second of all: this is fucking irrelevant you mongoloid. Ignoring the fact that Amid Evil has MAJOR issues both in terms of level design and enemy design, the entire argument was about people not being able to comprehend how the WATER FUCKING STAFF can be useful, but is incredibly dull to use. You fucking mongoloid. Can you even hold on to a single thought for more than ten seconds, you spastic? Level design and enemy design, both pretty shit, do not change JACK SHIT about how fun or unfun the fucking water staff is to you. Do you get that? Or did I just fucking overloaded whatever you have instead of a brain?

How is it compared to haxen? I might get the GOG one if it's available there

>lethal squirt gun
Time to crash this party!

Attached: Duke_Nukem_3D_-_Duke_Caribbean%3A_Life%27s_A_Beach_Video_Games_baefabf2-dfa6-4cdc-96b7-3e8abde0f9be_ (360x270, 57K)

>Gameplay is the actual mechanical interaction with the game, nothing more.
Which involves feedback, which is essential part of gunplay. That is: how satisfying the guns are to use. God this is beyond insane. I'm fucking screencaping this shit. I'm actually having to explain how weapon feedback is important to gameplay of a shooter in a throw-back shooter thread, to a alleged shooter fan.

I literally wound have never fucking dreamed such utterly insane and bizarre scenario could occur.

Again: What is it about Amid Evil that attracts this kind of retardation? Dusk did not do this. The only other game I've seen attracting people this fucking damaged is Halo, and that was because the game was specifically designed and marketed to severe retards.

This is just surreal.

Look at him. He's really trying to defend being such a brainlet he can't see any purpose to FPS gameplay than 'weapon satisfaction'. Remember, there's no other element to gunplay than the fancy effects that play when you push the shoot button, it turns out.

Attached: 1383029378364.jpg (413x570, 72K)

Amid Evil is fantastic but it's nothing like Hexen. It's not a hub based game with an emphasis on exploration and switch/key hunting. There are no classes or inventory system. The game its most similar to is Heretic and even has its own Tome of Power effect.

It's not really hexen. It's unreal or quake with a fantasy skin.

>Oh hey, cool, an Amid Evil thread

More like Quake levels but with Heretic-themed weapons.

Attached: 1555824827330.png (600x600, 65K)

God-tier level design.

Attached: amid evil13.jpg (1920x1080, 680K)

Most people seem to like it. I found it bland and boring but I seem to live in a weird alternate universe where we got a game with the same name but the combat and level design were forgettable.

>if you've played it i mean.
Have not but saw it recommended in one of the obscure game threads so might as well bring it up.


Your timeline sounds like shit.


He didn't imply they were the same. Now, can you explain what is fundamentally wrong with that level?

>tell me about it? if you've played it i mean.
Warlock is neat. I played it a bit when it first came out. It's got some interesting enough gameplay but it really is a wolf-3D based game, complete with all the fundamental simplicity that implies.

The worst part of this fucking insanity is that I'm not even criticizing Amid Evil's gunplay in general. In fact, the game has some weapons that are fucking amazing. The Star and the Trident are absolutely great, and the sword would be pretty good too if the damage wasn't so pittiful and if it had more of a utility. Hell, even the melee, as pointless as it is, has weight to it, more than most similar shooters. I was actually only criticizing the fucking Water Staff.

But no. You fucking sorry SHITSTAINS are so god damn delusional, so god damn insecure that you'll rather screech that fucking gunplay does not matter in a shooter than admit that one or two of the weapons are lackluster as fuck. God dammit, again:
This is Halo fandom level of retardation. I haven't seen Yea Forums sinking this fucking low in ages. Absolutely. Fucking. Stunning.

>amid evil
>blood remaster
>ion maiden
>wrath: aeon of ruin

what the fuck is going on

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Weapons feel really weak except for the star and bfg clone

>How is it compared to haxen?
Very, very different. At it's absolute best, it feels like a juiced up Heretic. It has none of the emphasis on puzzling, switch-hunting, or class focus that Hexen had. It's far more straight up shooter.

Where did I imply that it has bad level design

>I was actually only criticizing the fucking Water Staff.
>a-a-a-actually I only meant this one weapon
>also I was saying the game is shit because the pistol weapon doesn't feel impactful enough

Probably where you screeched at someone for posting a glamour shot.

Then he probably implied that aesthetic and design are the same by posting a glamour shot to exclaim about design rather than a map.

The first-person platforming in Episode 5 sure as hell was unwelcome

>put a message saying "Patience is a virtue" right before a moving platform jumping puzzle where you just have to wait before you can jump up
I felt like I was being trolled

>In what other games you have a staff that can shoot mini planets?
You mean a staff that shoots explosive balls.

Hurr durr the text says they're puhlaynets so it must be cool! Fucking retard.

Hey, you absolute piece of garbage: See this?
Those are the posts with which this particular discussion started. I LITERALLY did just say the fucking staff is shit, even if it has utility. Then either you, or some other FUCKING RETARDED MONKEY started literally screeching that gunplay does not matter and isn't actually gameplay.
That fucking just happened. And you participated on this shit. How do you live with yourself? How does one became such an insanely broken person?

Only grip I have so far with the game is the music. Why is it so boring and generic. Game's fun otherwise.

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Our patience is being rewarded.

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DUSK's soundtrack at least fit the crazy mood and intensified when necessary, with AMID EVIL I can't remember any other track than the one for the first level of E6

It really is a cool idea. Shame they absolutely wasted it.
The Planetary Claw should have been the game's BFG, and they could have played around with it, give the planets actual pull that sucks enemies towards it, which would make it not only feel far more satisfying and actually capitalize on the fucking IDEA of firing planets, but would also mean the game's BFG still requires some skill.
They should have scrapped the Ethernity entirely (it's such an amazingly bland and boring weapon), and they should have added at least two more weapons on top of the existing. Plus the sword needs buffing and. the water staff nerfing

Yeah, Dusk's soundtrack fit the game really well and there were some really good tracks that I still remember. It's such a shame that Amid Evil's is forgettable because otherwise the game's pretty good. I really don't know what they were going for with the soundtrack.

I liked it. e1m1 in particular (False Prophets) is gorgeous.





>I haven't seen Yea Forums sinking this fucking low in ages
Agreed. It fucking disgusts me to see that even top-tier shooters like this will get REEE'D at because it focuses on actual FPS gameplay instead of on EPIC base effects and autistic screenshake every time you press the fire button.
If all you care about is MUH WEAPON IMPACT then go play one of the countless shitty Doom wads out there.

>devil daggers

Is shit.

>it's SS but on a tiny platform so you can barely move

>So desperate for a good retro shooter he'll ignore forgettable enemies and bland maps
Why though? Dusk and Ion Maiden exist and do this all better. Do people act like this is the retro shooter second coming because it reskins basic weapons as mystical artifacts?

that one plays way differently from any other FPS in existence even if it has the same looks

>>it's SS but on a tiny platform so you can barely move
because you aren't quick enough at killing all the enemies and let them overwhelm you

AE is better than Dusk.

The only spastic that is REEEing here is you, you god damn insecure trashpile.
Again: How does one become like you? What kind of insanity has happen to break a person down like this? Why is this game so insanely important to you that you'll loudly and insanely humiliate yourself this fucking much for it?

I'd expect you'd need a fucking 1984 Ministry of Love torture to do this to a former human being.

As a whole I do think Dusk's soundtrack was more memorable but I still really liked Amid Evil's. It's much better in-game than when listening separately I feel.
Aenigmata is fucking perfect though.

Oh yeah, of course. I'm really not trying to shit on it but it's just that I think the ambient music wasn't a really good fit for the game. I kind of see how the juxtaposition might work but at some point I just turned off the music and I started listening to other stuff.

How? I've played both and Dusk is a fun atmospheric throwback to the 90s while AE is a bland multicoloured mess with quirky weapons.

Yeah these games are okay at best
. Strafe is way better.

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I honestly feel bad for the people that backed that shit.

Strafe was the worst of these self-proclaimed throwback shooters. Mostly because it wasn't what it claimed to be.

AE is massively overrated but it's not THAT bad, user.
I just want to know why people think AE is so great when it seems to do the same as other throwback shooters but slightly worse and with too much colour vomited on the screen. I love the idea of a magic staff that shoots planets but the levels aren't interesting and the monsters aren't fun to kill.

>AE is massively underrated

Not him, but I like AE much more than Dusk. Thing is, I fucking loved Unreal as a kid and the level design and atmosphere of AE reminds me exactly of that.

>Ion Maiden will never come out because a bunch of old dad rock wash out losers want more money
Man fuck those guys.

the real key to good maps is it has an ungodly amount of enemies, 100s in the early levels and 1000s in the last few levels

Nobody asked for your opinion From Software.

>I just want to know why people think AE is so great
Well, I think people screeching that gunplay isn't important in a shooter more-or-less answer that question.
Ignoring the mentals, AE has a unique atmosphere that I myself, despite a lot of issues I have with the game, absolutely fucking love. There are very few titles that feel like this. Even Dusk, though incomparably better on every mechanical level, does not scratch that particular itch: the strange ballance of abstract and "real" landscaping, the strange and creative ideas for weapons, the distinct-looking and thematically appropriate enemies. I can completely understand why the mode and visuals for the game can be really, really compelling for a lot of people.
It's really quite gorgeous and there are very few games that compare in that regard. Plus, it does show good ideas. Almost every weapon comes with some interesting quirk or gimmick that gives it a somewhat unique dimensions and to the game's credit, they really did try to build a lot of the levels and enemy encounters to encourage as much variety and exploration in the weapon-use as they could.
Again: it's all mired by numerous faults in the execution, and I personally am particularly biased against it because I can see the potential that is being squandered: but it IS fair to say that seeing potential is at least more than we usually see in the industry. At least somebody bloody well tried with this game.

More like Croteam.

You do realize that A) the band isn't the one filing the lawsuit, and B) the lawsuit is obviously fucking frivolous and will not be taken seriously by any fucking court, ever?

blessed crotes.

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It has an overwhelmingly positive rating on steam. How the fuck is that underrated, especially when it brings nothing of any substance to the table?
