Comfy battlestation thread. Post gaming setups. I'll start.
Comfy battlestation thread. Post gaming setups. I'll start
Btw another pic of my epic battlestation!
>anime profile pic
Have sex.
what table top and desk legs are you using?
dis b mine
>framed picture of yharnam
>6 19 inch monitors
>tfw you turn the AC on
truly, playing vidya with the AC on is the best way to do it
same goes for being all bundled up in the winter. dammit I love New England
Based and coolermasterpilled
Cute. Why did you go through the effort of blurring your desktop icons?
apart from all the obvious things to say about this, using a mousepad on top of a mousepad is what really tickles my balls
Based, I hope you havent slit your wrists yet
>Pepsi max
Truly a man of culture
Did your mom all of that>division
>8th gen consoles
>giving people shit about alienware and consoles while having a prebuilt gaming pc yourself
m8 uwot
at least I didn't waste 2k on an overpriced piece of shit
comfy enough
kill yourself
end your life
clean your shit up
How do you spread your legs underneath that desk?
too bad i didn't notice this the first time
clean your shit up, then end your life.
opinion automatically discarded
>all the newfags that can't reverse image search.
i'm replying to you on my pc right now, cope more
>inb4 someone derails the thread with THOSE battleststions
hey buddy I can't see shit turn the light on or switch your lamp to a different angle
>all that orange
>chair is gay green
you failed me user
The fuck is wrong with your brain?
looks fucking gorgeous
look at all those pinks being exactly the same. it's a fucking modern miracle
That's because they're all from the same product line.
dental clinic reporting
yes I see that but still. Cables not even a smidgen off, pleather on the headphone just right; quite amazing.
nice feet-thing
>it's another "look at me, I have money" thread where the same dozen people post the same pictures for the hundredth time
>implying i want to check all the images
aside from that streamer faggot most of the builds here don't look that expensive
>taskbars on all 6 monitors
>streaming shit
I hope to god that you're at least a camwhore
cool setup bro
that's a lot of screens
Anyone got suggestions for a limited space setup with a laptop? I've got ~15 cubic meters to work with, and I gotta have at least a bed, closet and small refridgerator in there as well.
use laptop in bed
I mean I could, but I pretty much never have and can't see myself doing it.
I play all my games on it too. Of course I want a regular desk+chair space for it. I also use a secondary monitor tilted sideways, great for internet browsing and reading mangas.
no space/10
>starts of looking comfy
>scrolls down and sees all the clutter,dust and that fucking mouse pad
i don't think you know what that word means
i could tell you placed your LED strip worng, you put it under the glass, on the metal part of the desk, which is why the bottom of your desk is glowing and not the top, which is stupid unless you like staring at your own feet while at your desk.
Bird cage on the left hand side.
>Not gaming with your pet
yeah just letting your bird chirp away while taking shits at the same place he sleeps. that is what i call heaven on earth
Thats a really nice set up for someone who doesn't use a computer often or doesn't use it for vidya
Otherwise I'd say the monitor needs to be replaced.
You don't put LED strips to look at shit, you put them down to accent shit. You can put them behind or whatever you want.
fuck you that monitor's boss
it's just the angle of the shot it's facing at a downward angle. desk is made out of wood, gives me just enough of a glow to not blind me
Pic of bird friend?
I doubt we're talking to the person who sits infront of this.
If you are here, You should be using the same make/model monitors, especially with this many. If someone is going to commit to a setup like this, you might as well get the monitors right.
What is it than? Because it looks cheep, and I've never seen it before.
That's because it's not a monitor, it's a Sony "3D" TV sold alongside PS3s.
looks kinda comfy, what's with the basket to the left though? is that a laundry basket or something?
It's not great, but not bad either.
It looks like one of those 3D PlayStation TVs they were bundling when 3D was being pushed during the PS3's lifecycle
>is that a laundry basket or something?
Unsure if you're being sarcastic, but it's his favourite spot. His cage is always clean, and if he wants to be covered + sleep, he will let me know. Birds are very intelligent animals.
Here you go!
Dude I have the exact same mat.
always wanted to get a parakeet or a lovebird or something similar. how do you keep them from shitting all over the place?
You don't. If you let them out of the cage they will shit on somehthing.
Bros why is my motherboard and CPU so hot, idling at 70c both, I've chnage the thermal paste and dust off case too
which board and cpu?
I7 6700, Asus z170k
they're within acceptable temps but they shouldn't be that high at idle have you checked gpu usage or checked airflow? maybe somethings disrupting your airflow
Ok shit sucks man, I'll check out thanks user
You don't. He shits every 15 minutes, sometimes more. BUT, it's tiny, doesn't stain, extremely easy to clean up, and has no odour. It's much easier than the poo of say, a dog or a cat. My only advice would be to make sure their diet is good. A diet of only seeds will mean their shits are green and runny. Pellet poops are more brown, and a bit harder.