SGDQ 2019

Summer Games Done Quick 2019
Yiff in hell furfags edition.

Now: Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee!
Next: Super Mario World

Attached: 1435637201469.png (600x849, 348K)

Other urls found in this thread:||

threadly reminder, don't be like megurankposter, be more like miiarankposter
>doesn't do //s
>does it for attentionwhoring and for reddit karma
>cherrypicks votes despite "hi/v/emind collective voting"
>gets angry if list is touched at all
>does //s
>couldn't care less about anyone's comments while shitposting on Yea Forums
>votes herself and no changes unless mentioned otherwise
>literally opposite ranks of megurankposter without the extra S ranks

Thanks jannies for deleting the degenerate thread

why was old thread deleted?

Attached: 75401636_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x849, 291K)

based pokefuckers getting the thread deleted

Attached: CA8875A1-A2F8-4E3F-A15F-303952B51969.jpg (1152x1152, 227K)

>doing it for free

Give me a gamer bf (bear friend)!!

I want to lick Anzu's cunny no homo

Fucking anime posters...

wtf why was thread deleted I was talking about the run

Faggot mods.

the fuck?

Canicule apparently means "Summer Days" or some shit.

still an hour and a half on this shit game
at least couch isn't too bad

Fucking dumbass last OP using cropped porn.

Attached: 71776734_p17.jpg (491x1000, 223K)

top 20 for a pretty comfy run

>all the remaining runs are shit
What's the point in watching anymore?

I dont know, maabe the fucking cropped porn OP?

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Based Jannies purging furfags

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Attached: 73890495_p0.gif (720x520, 8K)

these are always pretty good for taking a nap

>pedos get my GDQ thread deleted
NOT based


Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)


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What particular runs you guys thoroughly enjoyed this time? Only one I liked was the Crash 3 remake one. The 3 player race was neat and they're all really cool people (as far as viewing/listening to them goes). Watched bits of a few others but, like seemingly most of GDQ these days, it's no heat and no excitement.

Pokemon, let's go fuck yourself

Attached: 1530e68609d7307bf71b5b1b5f67f54b.jpg (849x1500, 453K)

Please stop wanting to fuck Pokémon, thank you

Attached: Rap (3).gif (342x210, 51K)

God, the turning animation is such balls.

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Pokemon are our wives

Attached: 1349734714824.jpg (800x640, 112K)

Threadly reminder that Médecins Sans Frontières:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

Attached: charlie53.png (1070x1079, 798K)

Fuck you mods, time to derail the thread.

Attached: 2bce0c_6097455.jpg (1250x2812, 928K)

Why is the guy on the couch in sunglasses wearing nail polish?
Why did he wear the dress 5 days after the skit it was meant for?

Attached: 1F6DC542-6128-47C4-91F8-468FC077ED4C.png (444x444, 112K)

Ban pokemon from future events.

Attached: 1561788528148.png (1112x1868, 2.09M)

all the animation is shit and seems lazy as fuck

Why are jannies so anti pokemon?

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oh boy, what quirky avatar will the medecins sans frontiers poster use next

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Me in the middle


Attached: 1547263494942.webm (397x394, 779K)

Never trust a snek list

>furry getting uppity his thread got nuked

only when you stop posting static gifs

Attached: l8bx2c07h8ux.jpg (720x706, 102K)

i'm gonna FUCK ampharos and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

big money big money no whammies

Shut up animal fucker.

please stop posting pokemon porn, I am at work

I want a Pokemon gf

Attached: 7ef630174c9a360ec27135affd04b550.jpg (3000x2300, 434K)

What was so bad about the half-life run?

First for pikachu

Attached: Pikachu.webm (194x210, 2.12M)

Didn't you get banned?
Are you fucking ban evading, tranny?

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Attached: 74140487_p0.gif (720x600, 18K)


what do you gain from this user
who hurt you

Based Amphautist

Pokemon is so boring

Attached: 3a930be3a35b90041e17975210c7eab85fbb20ed.jpg (1200x1408, 190K)

Look at the filename. He's mobileposting lmao.

POST ANTHRO POKEGIRLS and guys too I won't judge

Attached: kek mein sides.jpg (700x700, 98K)

>Gets deleted for posting porn
>Immediately tries to go off topic again
Furries are worse then trannies.

tranny ran it

Let's go Pikachu!

Attached: d74eb6fa3cd0c0d0bdba1fa78bd9e740.jpg (636x900, 309K)

Uh Oh

Attached: 457773.jpg (1920x2580, 309K)

Oh God, enjoy your 3 day vacation my friend.

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>Dr. Zoidberg

This meme is not stale, is fucking spoiled already.

>pokemon porn got the thread deleted
Peak /vp/ at full display, give em an inch they'll take a mile

Attached: SKELINGTON.jpg (241x210, 15K)

>what's a vpn

degens gonna degen

It's an inverted list

Silly user, this is the reverse run tier list.

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Which one Yea Forums?

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Why are the adults let little girls around dangerous animals? Aren't they worried about them?

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I didn't get banned no.
I don't have other images on my phone. I'm in the shower watching GDQ and posting at the same time.

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I want to marry a Roserade

why are pokefags the worst. I unironically prefer trannys

How is there still 1:30 left of this run? Seems like it shouldn't be that much more left to do? I haven't watched it at all and don't have the stream on, not even sure what's being run but how come 1:30?

Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 361K)

Pokemon speedruns are fucking ass

How long till that pokemon game is done?

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Damn he should have played that up. Stand up, take a bow, get yourself banned.


Attached: mob muscle training.png (449x550, 99K)

i noticed SSS


>Expecting Non-Stale memes
>From GDQ.
Honestly the shame is your for daring to hope.

I have special eyes

Attached: Blue eyes.png (581x821, 323K)

They're comfy

About a hour and half.

Estimate - Current time.


they only have 2 gyms done, and still need some more evolutions

Post water on stomach

Attached: 73827702_p0.gif (680x480, 8K)

I'll check back later thanks friend

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im not sure how it can take 3 hours to finish baby first pokemon game

Cave Story
DOS Castlevania
McDonalds, unironically
Shitposting and scouting for porn to jack off to later
Good but tired

Thread comfy pls

Attached: Digits.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

You're obv full of shit
Do you seriously expect me to believe that you can't spend 10 minutes without Yea Forums?

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Who else is jacking off right now? Anyone want to cum at the same time as me?

Why must you make me choose?

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>they only have 2 gyms done, and still need some more evolutions
What why

oshit yea, good catch
didn't bother to watch that run anyways

>glitchless Pokemon runs

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Fuck grass types.

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Please do not fuck my Ampharos

Gym requirements I assume, I think one gym requires like 50 Pokemon registered in the Pokedex.

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>giving it attention

"speed" runs over 2 hours should not be allowed.


Can a human impregnate a Pokemon?




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Post cock

>Yea Forums in a nutshell

are shineys even rare in these new games?


Out of all the things that you chose to be attracted to, why must it be these shitty 3D models?

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Attached: fug.png (400x484, 338K)

>SHINY SHINY SHINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: nu-male Pokemon.webm (726x418, 871K)

He's avatarfagging for a known copyright infringer

That ass is fat

they're still pretty rare, just a bit less rare than the first few gens

Attached: 74290951_p0.gif (720x600, 18K)

Something that doesn't work on Yea Forums you dummy


imgur link of your cock, now
I'll jerk off to your cock.

>I'm too fat
Even better
Anyone can turn the shower on and not be in it

My comment wasn't read even after donating 50 dollars.

Fuck this scam

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a shiny, wow

Attached: 75409346_p0_master1200.jpg (800x866, 612K)


this ones a little too weeby even for me. who the fuck is ayame?

They're not common, you could argue they're easier to find since they just show up naturally rather than you having to trigger encounters but previous games had way easier methods of finding shinies like chain fishing or the DexNav.

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>Throws Houndooms

Then I guess I'm not posting this right now.

thanks user, shoutouts to you

Attached: 1357951604050.jpg (850x1199, 315K)

>sunglasses inside
>painted nails
>wrist brace
What's next?

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Attached: Shiny.png (1092x1087, 39K)

Shinies look really nice in Let's Go, can't wait to see some of mine in Sword/Shield.

Attached: Dsw-jllU0AAMP-W.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

This run is great its literally putting me sleep.

Attached: 156.gif (480x270, 591K)

who the fuck is mikuru this sucks she’s ugly

sooo are these from a romhack or are they just individual spriteworks?

no. nugen odds are stupid. at least it isn't quite as bad as wormhole hunting.

Post the shiny, I just missed it

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when is OOT going to be?

>this sellout couch

Attached: warriorsabrinagp8.jpg (436x648, 88K)

So was that Raticate a shiny pokemon? Are they that rare?

Also why is he using this bird pokemon? Why not Pikachu?

Attached: pokemon.jpg (4032x2268, 2.67M)

shit where's the text to this

Post your belly
Anyone can put their arm in the shower and still not be in it

I deleted my pic because it was getting too off topic. This is too. Time to get dried off anyway

Is that an MXC reference?

>can't wait to see some of mine in Sword/Shield.
that is if they get added to the game, might scrap some of em

Attached: MXC Lets go.gif (500x384, 1.28M)

post dick

It was shiny. Odds are different from other games because you can see every possible encounter. In normal speedruns you avoid encounters, for example.

tell me there is more of sabrina with muscles?

this game feels so gay wtf pokefags

at least I can get a good nap out of this run

I keep falling asleep and waking up to still find hours left, has there been interruptions?

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who's the artist, I need to know

>So was that Raticate a shiny pokemon? Are they that rare?
1 in 4,096 chance of spawning.

what's 96 exit in regards to SMW? I've never watched speedrunning. Is it some weird glitch shit?


is that a bowl of fucking vomit
do you spray your polo to cover your shit stank you fatass

>go to bed during a 5 hour run
>wake up and its a 3 hour run

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Why did they fuck with the gyms so much?


Attached: lepelvork_pkmn_abra_2019.png (540x378, 144K)

As someone who only has smash for switch, should I get lets go picka/eevee?

Why the fuck can you fly with evee


raw Takeshi's Castle was so much better than the overdubbed shitshow

Same.. Was tryin to stay up till later to fix my sleep schedule but damn I'm almost passing out

Can you please stop posting samples?

And pikachu



Is Surge the coolest gym leader?

what are these people running from? they're not! they're running to!

It's not a containment board

>So was that Raticate a shiny pokemon? Are they that rare?
Shiny Pokemon are notably rare. In modern Pokemon games the chance to see one are 1/4096. They are more common in Let's Go due to the nature of the games design (every Pokemon appears in the overworld, so you can have several on screen at once, with their own chance of having a shiny). You can also push the shiny chances higher in most games, especially in LGPE, but they're not doing that here.

They'll be in other later games though. I get it user. Everyone gets it.

I was just saying I want to see some shinies in SSs visual style.

Attached: shiny magikarp.webm (1000x562, 2.81M)


NO user!
Don't do it!!!

>2 hours into a 3:30 run and only just now fighting Surge
Am I missing something here or does LeGo let you explore towns in any order

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You have played SMW, right?

All of the HMs are performed by your partner Pokemon rather than you having to waste a move slot.


>2 fucking hours
Only 3 gyms

just cringed

best girl next, wish her luck!

Attached: 1558318712621.jpg (851x1200, 82K)

I miss when goth dudes of the late 90's/early 00's used to paint their nails black

Gen 1 is nonlinear and LGPE is no exception. They specifically saved Surge for later when he'd be easier.

Starmie is cute!

Attached: 312-3128195_gyarados-from-kantooo-kantoooo-meme.jpg (920x783, 188K)

I politely disagree, the dub was hilarious

kek, I have good memories of that show

>They'll be in other later games though. I get it user. Everyone gets it.
just cross your fingers user, I'm worried some of my favorites won't get added

Attached: MXC.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

The definition of a containment board is a board created to contain content because the group of people who discuss that subject are too invasive to other discussion on what would be the relevant board.

/vp/ was specifically created exactly because Pokemon discussion was too loud and invasive on Yea Forums compared to everything else. Literally any news would overrun the board.

rate that banter

>implying it'll take 70+ minutes to get through the rest of the gyms and E4

Attached: 73820322_p0.gif (680x680, 17K)

Yes. You just need to go to Fuchsia for Surf.
You fight Surge and the others after Blaine because it cute down on turn cut.

This protag girl is super cute

They do a Gym rush after they've grinded for a while

I thought you still had to go in order with Brock->Misty->Surge in gen 1

I have, but i don't recall anything called 96 exit when I played it.

never said it wasn't hilarious, but it was a shitshow though let's be honest

Have you been on Yea Forums during/@fter a pokemon direct

except it's not against to rules to post pokemon outside /vp/ like ponies are for /mlp/

Attached: tinsil_pkmn_red_pikachi_2018.jpg (950x650, 196K)

but shes being played by a guy thats kinda gay

Erika is cute, cute!

but that's what made it entertaining
takeshi's castle has more of a story-based angle and is great too

You’re kinda gay

stop it you weirdo

This, she seems super underrated. I might buy the game now when it get cheaper. NEVER EVER

more like virgin forest

Good thing I didn't include that in my definition of a containment board, you stupid fucking cunt.

It would be considerably worse without /vp/

There are 96 total exits in the game. The levels with a red dot have alternate exits, so the 96 exit run requires you to go back to those levels and complete them.

Wait wtf, why is Blue in this game if they made some random rival?

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who gets turned on by this shit

can we agree the posh one was awful though?

are you coming on to me

>im 10 and what is this
>why hasn't she thrown her pokeball yet
>whats going on in my pants i just wanna battle pokemons

quality posts, keep 'em comin'

I wanna cum on your balls bro

You DID get your $200 in for this sweet shield right user?

Attached: D-Pq8VCXoAIBoAX.jpg (5866x3911, 2.72M)

Good thing I didn't read your shitty post in the first place.

Oh. That makes sense. I would have figured they'd just call it "all levels" or "all exits" like with pretty much every other game i've seen, weird naming convention.

Pokekmon Pikachu!Eevee looks so crisp while sword/shield looks like it belongs on ps2 how that happen

The canon is different in LGPE, the playable characters are doing their adventure the year after Red, Blue, and Green did theirs.


Guys honest opinion, is Crono Trigger 6hour run worth watching? Will have to stay up all night nad not sure I wanna bother, although it's fun to see the end and say bye to everyone itt

>the playable characters are doing their adventure the year after Red, Blue, and Green did theirs.
oh that's actually pretty cool

>bolt falls off

fuck no. I wish they'd go back to having actual games as raffle prizes. I won an SNES and some games in raffle in 2014

LGPE may look more SD'd and cartoonier than 3DS games, but the roundness blends in better with the world.
Meanwhile SS is just a halfassed effort anyway, even town looks better

It's worth it for the music alone, also puwexil is an OG nig

Only 1 hour left bros :(

Fuck no

>is Crono Trigger 6hour run worth watching?
only if you're vinesauce, otherwise no

I can't eat snacks without falling back asleep

Attached: cherartsthings_pkmn_slowpoke_2018.png (1280x3832, 675K)

b-but it's just a cover it's fine user

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-06-28 16-01-09-15.webm (1920x1080, 2.11M)

z o o m

not worth it

puwexil is an incredibly informed guy and very calm. So if you want something hype that'll keep you awake with tons of flashy swag shit, pass on it. it's assloads of incredibly optimized menuing.

Why did he go out of his way to rub the nut thing? Was it another one of his stupid skits?


You could double that time window and still not even come close to beating it.

I only got a 15 minutes ban
Never got that before
Cant. Too big pictures while posting from url keep crashing firefox

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>real oldfags suck a dick for a taste of jrpg

Because people won't stop spamming one particularly shit tree texture.

SS actually looks really nice style wise in the cities and characters.

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>There's lots of cool games down in the game room! Its the last day of #SGDQ2019, so play them while you can!

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Do you guys like choco?

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Optimal would be the to have it running in the background while doing something else and only comming back when shit gets real, 6 hours its too much to just sit down and watch, unless you're aspergers for it

Attached: Ready at Dawn developer.jpg (480x360, 36K)

>was planning to stay up all night and all day
>it's 3am and I just want to go to bed
What do I do. If I sleep now I probably won't want to get up until 12pm.

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why don't you go out of your way to rub my nuts lmoa

>grease can't melt stee-


To get banned

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Anyone want to explain how we got so behind schedule?

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what are those shoes

Attached: download.jpg (724x1024, 163K)

okay when and where


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holy shit

Attached: 1536165997821.png (1280x850, 1.43M)


Why are Pokefags so shit at this thing? All of you fuck it up and seem to not actually have any understanding of romanization of the accent. Makes it way, way harder to read because you get it so off, and it's always the Pokemon related ones this is true of.

You literally just multiplied letters in "behave" for some reason?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.34_[2017.04.17_14.20.50].jpg (1280x720, 126K)

a LOT of stalling to meet donation incentives, and spoilers we're not done yet

They keep her afloat on water
Too bad not her head tho

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Dark chocolate is the best!

yeah I always game or do something else, GDQ is just nice background noise

why is this thread so fucking lewd right now, i'm trying to watch this run

Man I hate Keizaron, even on the couch he is annoying as hell.

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But really, long runs like this are fine, but they should be in the "Dead hours" in the night, not in the middle of the day.

its okay shes an airhead

What a specific gripe you have.

>masterball a Psyduck
199IQ play

Attached: 128040450199.gif (679x604, 36K)

she looks too young

setup. They refuse to put proper 15 minute blocks of time in between every run for setup, so we always end up hours off schedule, even if every single run went under estimate, we'd still be hours behind.


This guy caught a Psyduck with a masterbal during a speedrunl for his gf, Yea Forums, what have YOU done?

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>tfw no gf to catch psyduck for

its not even half an hour off likely lmao

its basically right on time

How's the run been? I haven't been watching.

Am I the only one who actually watches this run?

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>SDQ is almost over
I'll miss you guys. See you around...

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edge until you can sleep

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>gf named jess
what are the chances that used to be jeff

I tried reaaaaaaaaaaally hard to not fap while in this thread

>tfw no gf EVER except 2d ones

Attached: 400 - Copy.png (1050x671, 106K)

She's old enough
Just look at her tits

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shoutout to emily

Chrono Trigger is fine because its the closing run, CT is a very huge and well beloved game, and for good reason, but yeah GDQ puts long ass runs during prime time when they know itll get the most donations (pokemon, zelda, mario etc.) or they got paid for them (borderland)

The event was supposed to end at like 1:00 AM CST today.

Thank fuck, I've got shit to do

Time to battle Lusamine's feet

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I did lol. I shot a load about 5 feet, I've been practicing. It was pretty based.

Yes watching CEO and sorting out my folder while this is on mute

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50/50 either she was or she wasnt

I've just noticed it a lot lately. There's a really easy formula for this stuff and yet when it's specifically used for Pokemon (which it has been a lot recently due to the drama) people fuck it up consistently.

I'm too busy posting pics
plus im bored of this

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Man I pray OoT does not get met

Attached: 0Ivmopp.jpg (793x793, 53K)

Im watching, i missed most of the week though.


Fuck no, not only they've had Chrono Trigger as a finale several times, but being the last run means you'll have to suffer the super obnoxious and loud crowd and announcers as they get more donations.

w-where is your penis

>that expression Sabrina makes after you beat her
>that anger
God I want her to step on me

Attached: 1484419694746.jpg (1014x1024, 60K)

>Pokemon run
>Terriermon plush on the couch

Why is THIS allowed?

>You're the reason why she doesn't speedrun anymore.

This is my wife

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didn't know Yea Forums was John Fucking Numbers
the more you know huh
GDQ corrupted him anyways

Attached: 6bb.jpg (782x1035, 110K)

I was watching until I realized MAHVEL was on CEO

Because they force jokes about it.



Attached: Rabite2.jpg (1649x1422, 160K)

Fucking trim already
You also need to lose weight

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I've been watching and enjoying it. I only ever played Gen 1 and 2 pokemon games when I was a kid and didn't know there was a 3D remaster now of the 1st gen, so it's been nice to watch

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it's no fun alone

This Sabrina is cute
I like that there's an audience too
I'm glad I slept through this, I wanna play this someday

Nice wife.

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showing masuda that they're willing to hop franchises if they don't fix swsh.

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I'm calling animal control

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watch JOI videos and don't cum at the end

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Cute belly

oh god
I'm getting dizzy just by reading this

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In your mom

>our pp is kind of important
This is hate speech.

its a really shit pokemon game, its only good if you literally wanna catch them all.


Quality read

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give me your favorite

I missed most of this run
How is it?

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One might even call it Baddy Bad

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>Walking around as a LITERAL terrorist is fine in Kanto

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Absolute fucking trash filled with bad leddit jokes

Cute 3D pokemon, trainers, and spruced up Kanto environments are enough of a novelty for me to enjoy

Bimbos are the best

Attached: 1560971289540.png (2896x4096, 1.57M)

>boost sp atk
>oneshot everything
why is pokemans so easy

Does lets go even have a national dex?

is it over yet, I'm not watching

It's okay. Average.

Not bad, but not good. 6/10 so far? Just kinda boring.

It's a perfectly decent game if you like Gen 1 and don't get hung up over the motion controls. The shitstorm over it was extremely exaggerated.


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I want Jessie to thrust her teeth upon me

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not nice

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So Pokéfans what's the final Yea Forumserdict on the Let's Go games? I remember a lot of people hating on them prior to release

Not too bad. Nothing special but not particularly offensive, either.

its only the original 151. Its just a remake of red/blue but its extremely casual, even by pokemon standards.

Just okay

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Play Sword and Shield

>$300k for a 20 minute oot speedrun everyone has already seen
are these niggers serious

>Gen 1 remake
>National Dex

its cute but stupid easy with no replay

Doesn't this guy accidentally restart the console or something while flapping around like a little kid?

Run's boring As FUCK! so we're passing the time with softcore pokegirl porn

Attached: show dem butts.gif (200x200, 163K)

>motion controls are a problem

Nah, the problem is that its the most casual pokemon game ever made.

It's an ultra-casual Gen 1 remake. If that's your thing then you'll love LGPE. If it isn't then there's no reason for you to play.

just play FRLG. let's go is a downgrade in everyway. plays worse, looks worse. it's like the link's awakening remake.

Yeah it's a scam

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So Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun are actually the last games with all the Pokemon in them.

Isn't that more Gyaru/Ganguro then Bimbo? Im not too knowledgeable about that stuff other then that one game.

literally $2.5 per second of a run

Meh, ok I guess.

Does the Eevee fucking talk? What are those noises it's making?

And who is that girl getting a bouquet for?



More Sabrina?

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I think that is the Japanese version of bimbo.

And? Pokemon in general is a casual series, I don't understand this complaint at all. It wears its casualness on its sleeve, if you went in expecting anything else then that's your fault.

It's a game for kids

I mean, yeah, but the two have stereotypes that are kind of interchangeable

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Yes please

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mediocre. Catching and wild battles are replaced with pokemon go's "WAGGLE YOUR HANDS TO CATCH THE POKEMON!" bullshit, battles are entirely ruined by your main mon being able to learn stupid shit like pikachu getting a double kick equivalent before brock. It's ultra casualized and just not very good.

If you read my posts so far you would have seen I know pokemon is casual.

Its just LGPE is EXTREMELY casual, its literally for moms and kids, or 30 year old boomers who clap when they see a shiny.

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Dropped it, was way too boring. 3/10 imo

They gave Eevee a "voice" to match Pikachu's. Eevee is voiced by Aoi Yuuki. If you've ever heard an angry loli character in any anime ever there's a 50% chance she was voiced by Aoi Yuuki.

>rice? Didn't you mean gohan?
That's you right now

At this rate it won't, a 300K 20 minute %any run is a fucking scam anyway.

It's linked with Pokemon Go to give casual players the same nostalgic feel with newer graphics on Nintendo's new flagship.
With Pokemon Go being such a huge success among extremely casual players it wasn't a bad move.

>those proportions
Is this a joke?

>Pokemon in general is a casual series

Now imagine it being even easier than ever. Also Platinum, B2W2 Challenge mode and USUM are known for being pretty hard games for Pokemon standards.

I went to bed after the Celeste trainwreck tas run. What did I miss so far anons?

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Or watched Symphogear since she voiced (and sings as) the main character, honestly i consider that role her at her best.


Time for sex maniac

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Sure since you said please.

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I can't stand it, it sounds so dumb, and I can't stand annoying loli type characters either

They made the celeste run.

Every mainline Pokemon game is good, you just don't like some of the design decisions because, after 20 years of playing every game, you have high expectations and expect a challenge, but refuse to accept that the audience for these games is literal children.

In terms of content and production values, there are very very few JRPGs that consistently reach the amount of content or quality of production that Pokemon does.

I'm going to be greentexted into oblivion by Pokemon fans who insist everything post BW2 is terrible instead of just not what they personally want.


Attached: 0ba6c70e849bf3325f02028334e21c69--sexy-pokemon-pokemon-games.jpg (686x960, 109K)

>speedrunning the easiest, most baby pokemon game

snooki clones

Is there any art of Hex Maniac as a Mismagius

It is almost as if i was asking because i knew i was ignorant and wanted to learn or something.

bayo legs

Artist wants the Bayonetta audience

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>Now imagine it being even easier than ever.
Okay? Pokemon games aren't hard. If I wanted a challenge I'd try to find an informed opinion on /vp/.

I like this

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dark souls was fun, so that runner's never getting into a gdq again

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This is now my new favorite pasta.

The mainline games are okay, let's go is not. It's a total abortion and an attempt to see how easy and braindead they can make it and still have people buy it. SWSH was another step and we can see now that removing the national dex is about as far as people are willing to go.

Such a soft tummy

Attached: HETigpB.gif (498x276, 946K)

Good riddance.

>jerking off at 2 in the afternoon
Yeah, nah

Why not just make double battles more of a thing

>content or quality of production

Here let me educate you ignorant ass some more. If you don't know something, go Google it and just lurk here for 2 more years before posting again

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despite LGPE feeling like a shitty spinoff, it's actually a mainline remake.

I prefer Pokemon

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Why are purple haired girls in Pokemon the best?

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Those baps needs to be bapped.

Nice bait

Because they are always spooky sluts

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I have literally never used those X special items.

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It's $250 per second.

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>an informed opinion on /vp/

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JRPGfag here

What's wrong with this statement?

they just are

Attached: Tawawa.jpg (709x1001, 153K)

The pokemon designs in gen 5 are maybe the worst in the series but BW2 were last good pokemon games. I actually liked mega evolution but everything gen6+ has been trash in terms of quality and content.

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Now you are making a ass of u and me because i did, hence why i was confused since it says Fashion-style about dyed hair and dyed skin in what popped for me while Bimbo is not really fashion and more a Stereotype about being hot and dumb.

shit game but good bantz

great post

Attached: sample_e2746034a4f29cb992fd443b1498452b.jpg (850x1337, 181K)

please wear a bra patchy


This game is shit.

whoa it's in 3D

gen 6 is the most generic, forgetable, cookie cutter gen.

my pp has become BIG pp.

for the advertisers!

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Unironically the best Pokemon run I've ever seen at a GDQ because there's barely any retarded RNG manipulation.


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Nice fake donations

thanks, much better!

I don't even have the stream running and I'm in these threads lol.

Ignorant and disobedient, color me surprised. You ready to start the 9th grade, user?

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Asking the tough questions

>Every mainline Pokemon game is good
Imagine the mental gymnastics and gamefreak fanboyism required to actually believe this

NPC meme always makes me laugh because there's this hilarious lack of self awareness of using what is effectively a modern rageface meme to try and ridicule normies for sheep culture.

Don't worry you're not missing much.

bras are too lewd for the advertisers
don't do this.

I watch them.

Attached: 1555036979946.png (2112x3796, 2.21M)

>implying the Pokemon Blue 151 glitched run wasn't the coolest shit

>Hex Maniac
>Tits larger than medium
Pick one

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>1k donation
Wish I had that much money to just waste

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Vulpix and user
Together forever
Together forever


fuck you faggot


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Post lubby chudder already

do blankets as clothes work for them?

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How come these girls are never drawn with modest B or C cups? They are always either flat lolis or much more often unrealistically busty.

And as I type this, I notice this about as close as I've seen.

Attached: D-PzFztXsAAzda0.jpg (4841x3227, 2.81M)

What the fuck bros, why did no one told me that the female trainer in LGPE is fucking adorable? Did you see that cutscene before the E4?

Can't believe this run is almost done

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>that pit slip

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Depending on what coyntry you live in you can write it off for tax.

why are these people so damn ugly man I feel bad for them

Have a sit user

When has a female trainer ever not been cute as hell?

those are some thiccies on the right

Attached: thighs aku no hana thic.png (960x540, 814K)

There's enough of them, people here just have terrible taste in fanart and only post shit.

I guarantee you're just as ugly

Thank fuck

Everyone told you. You just didn't notice.

Why would anyone want to watch someone trying to do the same skip for 20 minutes and going over estimate?

>literal Let's Go Pee incentive

what does 96 exit mean for Mario?

The pokemon run was comfy fun but admittedly a bit too long

Still an

Attached: 565784666767.jpg (1024x744, 65K)

Everything, its written by a blind retarded fanboy
>t-they are all good!
>you just have too high of expectations!
>n-no other jrpgs are this deep and involving!
>People are gonna respond to my retarded comments, but if I point out that that will happen beforehand it means they are invalid!

>all that noise
Good lord what iso is that? 12800?

Maybe I should donate some then

Attached: 04da5609fee69f21c5a0bae168987086.png (708x1000, 708K)

Peezaron XD


Unlock all the 96 levels, instead going to star world and finishing the game under 15-20 mins.

Only if you get me a time machine and have me use it to go back to when the aforementioned Game was big and everyone played it. It is Ganguro Girl, just in case you are the brat here and didn't pick up on what was the game mentioned.

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Is the run over yet?


Artists like boobs. the same could be said about butts as well. The sexual parts are exaggerated in a majority of fanart, for any character really.

Guys this is bad
I'm running out of beer

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>>n-no other jrpgs are this deep and involving!
That's not what was said.

What was said was that few JRPGs can match Pokemon in terms of quality or amount of content. Which is true. It's very rare that they do.

>the only ghost types in Gen 1 are also poison type for no reason despite the fact that poison was already the most common type
Are gamefreak retarded?

Attached: 19460861758.jpg (660x574, 31K)

Open all the routes, including hidden. So it't like a 100%.

>few JRPGs can match Pokemon in terms of quality

Not even close

Attached: f851923153eeeaf2cbb92718c9a340e9.jpg (790x840, 97K)

I can tell you play very few JRPGs.

>Which is true.
Except it isn't

There aren't 96 levels but rather 96 ways to finish all the levels. Some levels have multiple exits.

Good. Stop being an alcoholic

Attached: Maternal.jpg (1011x1400, 303K)

>Gyarados is not Water/Dragon due to hardware limitations
You tell me.

>Pokemon run talking about peeing


Go get more after lets go ends.

why does this game takes so long? 4 hours is alot already ffs and I need to pee.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

>Are gamefreak retarded?
C'mon user don't ask questions you already know the answers to.

How are you even asking this of course they're retarded.

Name some.

>due to hardware limitations

drink rum instead

>What was said was that few JRPGs can match Pokemon in terms of quality or amount of content.
Yeah and this is blatantly fucking wrong and would only be said by a retarded fanboy who has no actual scope of jrpgs and was probably born in 2005

I've never heard that one before.

>You can 2v1 fights
Why is this allowed?

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No fucking way
Alcohols my friend
I def will
I only have palinka

Attached: f38e9d41afe6f64cbf779398343a5bb6.png (1000x1490, 1.54M)

wtf that was like a 90 second loss

>Trading a shiny Raticate for a single Quick Candy

Attached: 1520379853116.jpg (620x720, 49K)

oh god this image

>Rival looks like an NPC
Good job gamefreak.

Made SPECIFICALLY for Zoomers, do you need more explaination? My nephew loves Let's Go.

It's a kids game you retard.

Good examples gentlemen, what sound counter arguments.

>Two episode story arc in the anime showing ghosts as being the best counter to psychic types with Sabrina
>The 3 ghost types in gen 1 have no ghost moves and are just cannon fodder for psychics
>Bug type is super effective against psychic
>Every bug type in gen 1 is poison type and just gets owned

Gamefreak has always been braindead

Off to get some beer after this

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a based magyarbro? in a GDQ thread? what is this

So was every single pokemon game before this one.

Are you ESL or autistic? Don't mean to be mean, I'm just genuinely curious.

>>The 3 ghost types in gen 1 have no ghost moves and are just cannon fodder for psychics
Doesn't matter because psychic is immune to ghost moves in Gen 1 anyway


I'm a world record holder now...!
... aw man

What are you going to be posting when you get back?

>>Rival looks like an NPC
I mean, he IS an NPC.

magyars are everywhere you know

Attached: a4e0199f5de1f3300e2b4c4d845f5a50.png (700x800, 332K)

Probably some more garbage.

aye, én is az vagyok
how's GDQ so far in your opinion

samefag harder kid

This shit is finally ending.

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Cute nipples!

Yeah i worded that wrong, should've said a generic NPC.

>beating the elite 4 with a starmie
not impressed

Probly nothing

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I forgot how cute the animation in the ending credits was.

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Only true for Lick. Night Shade and Confuse Ray bypass type check.


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Best team!

Attached: Misty.jpg (818x1500, 348K)

>The only bug attacks that exists are weaks shit and learned by 3-4 pokemon at most.
Who thought it was a good idea?

World record/10

This is the last day pretty much and they still are 400k away from 2 million?
They probably are trying to pretend they don't launder money as hard anymore

Fucking christ, finally


How often do trainers fuck their Pokemon?

Attached: 1561823349656.jpg (1006x1280, 145K)

D, and that's being generous

I can pee


where edobean at

I watched most of it, and do not know why. D

A bit long, but the runners actually got to have fun


Attached: 546358467858.png (240x240, 2K)

Look how hard I can pee.


Lehetne jobb is de az első napokat nem láttam
Azokat amiket láttam egész jók voltak vagy iszonyat szarok

Attached: 311f00f7fb593677f70ad6bf93ba57c3.png (944x1237, 838K)

Couch was comfy as hell. A or B.

>Eevee Pet
>World Record
Yep, that's an A


>No backsack bulge

Couldn't even be bothered to have it on in the background/10

Started watching near the end but Starmie is pretty great so i'd assume the run was decent at worst.

Nice dodge

Pretty entertaining.

B - I had it in the background most of time but commentary was fun.

Attached: 71238383_p0.jpg (1080x1528, 1.12M)

B for Bretty good I guess

Begging for money behind the hotel to pay for her restaurant dinners

C boring but okay for background noise

diabetic coma


Attached: return.jpg (281x200, 14K)

They add up other shit to the total during the finale. Stuff like sales and twitch subs etc

Wow I hate this fucking donation and I hate the guy reading it.

Sinnoh books in the jap. version implied always.

SSS Misty

Comfy, on the sillier end, route got interesting after the second gym and the idea of having to route in 50 individual species is interesting. Not remotely interesting on a skill level though.





A. I mean come on, you gotta admit they had a fun runner and couch.

Why choose when you can have both? Some other things making me type like shit too, No need to worry about insults though bro, let's just say i DID lurk 2 years before posting like suggested. over two decades ago.

If fun back to these events?

Off to get some beer
bye Yea Forums

Attached: faa710c468d6abc80f31ad2d7f98a9d9.jpg (966x1476, 157K)

Where's new thread niggers?

kimaradtál sok jó dolgon
csekkold a kejgyóposztolót s fordítsd meg hogy kapd me a legjobbakat
otherwise GDQ was alright this year

What the fuck are these god awful remixes

>-20 dollars per minute

Is this some new laundering scheme?

Attached: wat.png (984x610, 48K)

thank you based Hexposters

ugh cringe

Fuck new threads I'm riding this one into the dirt.

Get some taste while you're at it.

>getting out of breath

Ewww, beer
Cute pubes peek though



solid ender hex poster


100% degenerate.

You're right of course. Pokemon, the franchise that completely embodies lazy cheap soulless rehash with 0 innovation, terrible gimmicks, game design for literal babies, graphics from 2 generations ago and hilariously bad programming, is of "higher quality" than most other JRPGs. I simply cannot argue with that.


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Why does this random announcer guy have a better singing voice and ability than that stupid whore that was singing yesterday?

It rolled over. It's actually 65555.

>Worst main pokemon game
>no stakes other than mild RNG
Only saving grace is the couch was constantly talking and making puns, pokemon games just make for bad speedruns to watch but lets go is specially bad

That should be "A" not "Two" in the spoiler, not exactly proofreading when the thread is about to fall off any second and all.

A for a couch that actually had fun while enhancing the run and wasn't a total cringefest