Be 20, tall white guy (half Italian half Northern European so basically half imperial half nord)

>be 20, tall white guy (half Italian half Northern European so basically half imperial half nord)
>get petite qt.34 big tiddy Black spinner gf
>too inexperienced and beta to realize I’m being manipulated by her
>year later come to senses, break things off
>feel like shit for months, developed anxiety/fear with chicks over it
>now two years later made complete 180*, getting /fit/ again socializing, dating
>decide to replay Skyrim because it’s been a while
>play Nord for first time
>early game, run into redguard dudes in Whiterun
>remember all about pic related bitch
>I’ve always helped her in my past play throughs
>reminds me of ex gf
>decide fuck that I’m playing this game with my characters own best interest in mind no fucks given
>put 2&2 together and realize the Alik’r are the ones telling the truth
>sell her out
>bitch gets paralyzed by Kematu, clonks her head on the horse shit covered cobble stone by the stables
>get my reward from kematu
>kill him to play more mind games with her
>talk to saadia, she gives me her reward for killing him still
>kill her anyways, move body to horse stall for keks
>tfw I manipulated the thot this time
>tfw Skyrim is for the Nords

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It never happened

Oh but it quite literally did just happen, dark elf(manlet)

what a stupid fucking thread

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This is my first time visiting and posting on Yea Forums. Think I know why /fit/ calls you guys virgins now hahahaha

Shut up you fucking mutt, you're too much of a bullshitting faggot to ever have a gf, let alone delicious chocolate lmao

I always help her too, but now I wonder if the redguards appear again if you fully cooperate with them. Do they just pay you and then fuck off?


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Yeah they pay you and fuck off back to Africaland. But you can kill them after they give you the reward and then saadia will give you her reward. You can finesse them both

It's known that they kill her because her body can be found in the hall of the dead in Whiterun if you bring her to them
So the part that they will take her back to Hammerfell at least is a lie.

No way, I’m pretty sure she goes on trial and gets executed. If they were lying he’d just end up killing her. You can even kill her in front of him and he’ll bitch at you about it

If you get AA or that other mod (sexlab solutions?), can you get rewarded with sex?

Maybe they "judge" her right there then, Judge Dress style. But it's a fact that she never makes it back to Hammerfell.
Maybe they wanted to torture and interrogate her, and if you kill her before they can do anything, that's a problem for them

>wanting to fuck kematu

I was talking about Saadia.

>spinner gf
Who the fuck even talks like this?

Ehh who cares, I killed them both and got both rewards.

Also I forgot to mention it but before selling her out I stole everything I could from her and then covered her bed at th inn with cabbage&tomatoes to add insult to injury

First day on the Internet?

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Nah, I'm just not so much of a virgin that I use bullshit porn lingo to describe women. Surprised you didn't call her a hotwife too, whatever the fuck that means...

Your thread is just really shitty and unfunny, you should probably lurk more before you post again. I’m not trying to be rude user, but this thread is just really low quality shitposting that sounds like something from /r9k/

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i wanna play skyrim but its so fucking boring

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a thread asking about video games got deleted but this is still here

Idk you seem to know all these terms are inherently associated with porn. Smells like projection.
Ehh whatever I already accomplished what I needed to in posting it. Now I can post the screenshot in a /fit/ humor thread next time one gets created

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I mean to install waifu and sex mods and do a threesome with mommy Valerica and Serana.

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Oh well if you want good jannies who do their job right definitely stay out of /fit/. Got 2 back to back bans for doing nothing wrong but suggesting lifting advice both times
