1st game is a solid 8.5-9/10

>1st game is a solid 8.5-9/10
>2nd game is a solid 9.99/10
>3rd game is a piece of dogshit 2/10 at best

How did R*ckstar fuck up this badly?

Thread theme

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The first one was a better game than 2.

3rd game is great, what the fuck user?


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You forgot the best part:
>Second game is underappreciated and swept aside shortly after release
>Third game is also touted as a generation defining game by every gaming journalist in the universe.

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And now barely anyone cares about Infinite.

3rd game was fine but had nothing in common with 1-2.

better theme

>it isn't perfect
i can't even

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1 > 3 > 2

Yeah, this, MP2’s slow motion breaks that game hard.

Also does the difficulty in MP1 never reset when you quick save? I always felt like the first game just gets brutally hard quickly and never lets up.

I know that feel...

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Max Payne 3 is a good Rockstar game, but a bad Max Payne game.

Max Payne 3 is the best thing Rockstar ever did.

Are you kidding? Infinite was a very divisive game, and it's reputation has only gotten worse as time has passed.

I love 3 I just wish the fucking crosshair wasn’t unseeable. Game literally unplayable on harder difficulties unless you’re using Mouse/Keyboard.

>max Payne 1 and 2
heavily stylized slow-motion shooting gallery with a pulpy story
>max Payne 3
heavily stylized slow-motion shooting gallery with a pulpy story


Every single part of OP's post is incorrect.

Max Payne 1 is a literal 10 out 10 video game.
Max Payne 2 is a 9 because the story is fucking retarded and you can tell the first game was not written with a sequel in mind.
Max Payne 3 is a 7 with a fucktarded(in a different way) story that basically pretends 2 doesn't exist by implying his thing for Mona was just retardation. The gameplay is really good but the game has too much unskippable bullshit cutscenes.

3 is a bad game because it had a bad story, like 2?

This is like the Mario Kart discourse. If you think Max Payne 1 or 2 are somehow better than 3 than the only possible conclusion is that you're a boomer.

>max payne 3


>max payne 3

yeah I'm sorry the game has cutscenes instead of gay comic book panels. I really like the """""game play"""""" in the max Payne dream sequence where you answer the telephone over and over again. I love scoring big points

>max payne 3

I 100% guarantee there is more gameplay in Max Payne 3 than in either of the first two.

MP3 had great gunplay. Looked really good. And was torn apart but all the loading/cutscenes. It was really my first experience with what I'd call a "movie game".

>cinematic railshooter
>more gameplay than in either of the first two

>2 better than 1
Are you retarded?

How is that the only possible conclusion? You really think there isn't some zoomer who likes 1 more than 3? Your claim is far more ludicrous than anything I said.

Btw, Max Payne 1 > Max Payne 2 > Max Payne 3

>it has a good story that falls apart once you think about it
>but the gameplay sucks

you guys really are showing your age. What's it like complaining about all games being movies but also being too retarded to play any game that isn't AAA? Go back to Sonic the Hedgehog, grandpa.

People wrote off bioshock 2 just because it didnt live up to the ebin twist of the first game. Imho bioshock 2 is better than 1.

>calls 29 year olds "grandpa"
No, I'm in the physical and mental prime of my life, user. You're a baby.

do you have children? Are you married, user?

>It isn't perfect, since nothing is
This is the most retarded soiboy sentiment of all time. Lots of things are perfect.

Yes to both.

stop larping

I'm not larping. I've been married for 8 years and I have a 6 year old son and a 5 year old son.

I'm sorry you're a friendless, loveless loser but not everyone here is. I've also been on Yea Forums since 2006. I'm basically better at this and real life than you are.

Goodbye, user.

yeah playing Max Gayne 3 requires big brains for sure, moving from cutscene to cutscene and headshotting perfectly lined up favela monkeys in forced slowmo....only hardcore 200IQ gamers like myself can understand



agreed. it was so annoying to have a cutscene after every top tier shootout. also:
>turret sections
>3 weapons limit
>meh story
>boring setting

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wow what a cool fucking dude. What's your wife up to while you're posting here?

I will never understand fags who liked MP2 more than MP1.

>MP1 is a masterpiece
>MP2 is also good
>everything else they made is dogshit
How did R*medy fuck up this badly?

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It was divisive between people who liked video games. Marketers unanimously agreed its farts smelled like the cure for cancer.

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Finally decided to buy Alan Wake, it better live up you faggots.

Facts aren't opinions user.

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A. Wake is alright, but I'd say by and large Sam Lake is just western Kojima

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MP3's gameplay is legit great and achieves what the previous two games were trying. That said, the first few levels are too claustrophobic and cutscene heavy to enjoy. Closing the plot lines in the previous game with "they all fall down" in the graveyard was just bullshit. MP3's own story felt too much like Man on Fire.

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Alan Wake is pretty good though.

my problem is
>lol just switch shoulders when the camera is on the wrong side
by the camera shouldn't be on the wrong side
>lol just switch shoulders, what's the problem?
the game should have been made with the camera in the right place
>rofl you really can't be bothered with pressing a button what a loser
*goes back to play Max Payne 1 and not switching shoulders because the camera is in the right place*

Attached: shoulders - 3rd person vs OTS.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)


MP3 would have been a much better game if the cutscenes didn't chop it up so much.
A modern remake that made them skippable would instantly make it a 9/10 game. Sadly, it was limited by consoles of the time, as those cutscenes covered up loading screens.

>Alan Wake
Reading the previews in the magazines, it had a clear case of being directed by George Brousard, and like DNF, the dev team was being driven around in circles with crazy shit like dynamic plot generators and constantly adding shit like driving and crafting mechanics. The fact that they pushed out something like supernatual Max Payne was probably Microsoft putting pressure on them.

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Alan Wake is TRASH. One of the most boring games I've ever had to endure. All you do is walk through forest corridors and shoot the same shadow zombies over and over again in the most unsatisfying manner. It's clear they put all their effort in the story and cutscenes. If you like games that put story way above gameplay then sure it's alright.

Hmm... I'm not so sure. Lake's writing is much more grounded and rips off basic bitch noir. His stuff isn't trying to create false impressions of brilliance by pointing fingers at contrivedly weird and intentionally unexpectable avant-garde ridiculousness and hyping it up in front of his cult so they'd evangelize it. And because Sam is Finnish the last thing he'd do is to try desperately to get his picture taken with as many celebrities as possible to generate an aura of importance mostly to himself.

3rd one is kino gtfo here

MP3 is unironically the best out of the series. best gameplay. best story. unparalleled graphics


The 3rd game is hands down the best Max Payne game.
1 and 2 are good games, but they're just not good Max Payne games.

haha epic

Alan Wake was amazing
QB - could be amazing but Microsoft rushes them so hard.
control... I really hope is good
3 is only good because of da gameplay


The main game has some good moments, but it's not as good gameplay-wise as MP. Avoid the American Nightmare shit tough, that's just wasted money.


Max Payne 3 is one the best third person action shooters ever.


I still remember reading the first few info articles about it, how they wanted an open-world, with forests where you get hunted by the police and how the surreal shit starts to change the landscape more and more. Then they had to cut all of that out for some reason and you ended up with a game that didn't seem to know what the fuck it wanted to be.

>ended up with a game that didn't seem to know what the fuck it wanted to be.
It seemed to be a fine Verizon Wireless advertisement.

>for some reason
It was a PC exclusive until Microsoft decided to make it a 360 exclusive to push sales and made them butcher the game entirely to make it run on that piece of shit


modern rockstar doesn't know how to make games fun to play

Based. Fuck you, OP, 2 had a shit story and levels (except for the tv set which was underutilized). The only standout part of 2 are the still great graphics and slomo reload otherwise it's embarrassing.

*they don't know how to make gameplay

Nobody remembers Max Payne 1 and 2 besides retarded boomer fucks, and there's been two sequels to the Max Payne1/2 gameplay style and they're both shit (Control and Quantum Break)

The only part of 2 I absolutely love is finding Mona the first time in the fun house and the escape from the hospital. Other than that, the game was a chore.

and Energizer advertisement

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Control isn't out yet in our year, timetravel cuck

I love Max Payne 3, one of the best games R* made. I rate it parrot shirt/10.

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2fags are so cringe and have the shittiest opinions discard them immediately.

Not him but you don't need to be a time traveler to see that it's a lazy QB reskin

Is that still in the game? The AMD promotion was patched out of Deus Ex when the product placement contract expired. I wouldn't be surprised if devs have to get rid of that stuff because intellectual property law is so ridiculous that they'd probably be able to make the case that once a promotion contract expires, it's no longer an advertisement of the product but exploitation of an intellectual property and the game publisher would need to start paying license fees.

I want a lazy QB reskin. That game was ruined by all the bullshit they tried to tie in with it. If Control actually ends up being a game first and other media last it could save Remedy.

Based and blessed
I played MP 1&2 on launch and sunk hundreds of hours into both of them and only played MP3 couple of years ago, expecting it to be shit, and was blown the fuck away by how great it was. But honestly i just wish there were a bit less cutscenes and shit, it breaks the flow of the game a lot

Didn't they stop selling the game on Steam? I think that was for music though.

>Quantum Break but you're an ugly stronk womyn and noguns (one gun that transforms lol)
looks promising

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Mona stinks, I hate her

Everyone in Remedy games is ugly except live action Scratch. And MP2 was the last time shooting was fun in a Remedy game so I don't mind them trying something else.

I don't understand 3. It's like the game was made by multiple studios that never interacted with each other. You got the beginning which is pretty much okay but at the stadium mission it fucking falls apart. The amount of unnessary cutscenes and the level design itself is fucking terrible, the same goes for every mission in the brazil slums. It's like a completely different dev worked on it, it's so fucking terrible. But then you got the glue factory and the final mission at the airport where the game picks itself up again, only to later be ruined with that "final boss" fight in the hangar and the chase. What a god damn mess.

Third is alright

only if you are a groid

look at this lobotomised groid.

It feels like someone wanted to make a movie that's too long and they had such a huge budget that they were able to buy out an experimental game designer who had a decent idea for a shooter game, and they mashed their movie together with tiny sections of said shooting with zero thought. So they ended up with a bad movie with small interactive parts that were never tested and all the level design sucks.