Are you meant to do most of the sidequests to really get a feel for the world and factions...

Are you meant to do most of the sidequests to really get a feel for the world and factions? I just started the game and am doing the main quest. Im not really stopping to do the sidequests because they seem kind of "we need help with these monsters, kill them for us" kind of thing that don't have much to offer in terms of worldbuilding. So I've basically just been going from town to town trying to find the dude that shot me. Is this the wrong way to play or are the sidequests actually worth doing? I usually don't like to waste my time with silly mundane quests in games.

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just do whatever you feel like doing user, that's the whole point

A lot of the sidequests will impact the ending for whatever factions they're for. Even small things like the fiends have an ending

Make a character, define them with faction alignment and strengths/weaknesses. Then do whatever you feel best suits their skills and person.

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general rule of thumb is that if a sidequest sends you way out of town into another faction's territory or a follower comments on it then it's pertinent to an ending. that said there are endings for when you don't do those quests so you're not obligated to do anything or everything really. it's a role playing game user, you figure out what your character wants and pursue that. have fun!

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The only sidequests I can even think of off the top of my head that are just "go here kill that" are the fiend bounty quests? which ones are you talking about?

You do them for fun and to level up and get other rewards

well for instance in novac, the sniper guy wanted me to go somewhere and clear out ghouls to help them. i had the bachelor perk though so i was able to bypass it. those kinds of quests seem kind of mundane to me, but maybe they have more of an impact than I think

Get the Old World Blues DLC, it will allow you to lobotomize your character and roleplay as yourself.

I found New Vegas to be boring and the map way too small.

You want to do every sidequest
In this game the "we need help with these monsters" quests escalate into something more interesting. One of the best quests start with we need help with these monsters

Since you're in the early game:
Don't take the quest from the ranger in the Mojave outpost, it is indeed a monster kill quest, same goes for Sunny Smiles telling you to hunt on some geckos.
The Primm quest is filler but it's worth playing
Absolutely take every other quest you're offered now except for the DLC ones

But most importantly do what you want first. Play detective for now and try to find the guy in a suit, you can come back later.

I genuinely stopped playing multiple times because there are so many quests to do

But no, most of the quests are worth playing

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Yeah, they do. Quests like that and Ant Misbehavin' often have routes to bypass having to clear out enemies from their relevant spots. In your quests case, it does definitely get deeper than that, but that specific quest doesn't have a lot of variety in how you solve the mission iirc. I would recommend you do every sidequest you can, because most of the ones that seem like "kill these bandits" often develop into something greater.

>even the Misfits have an ending

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Do the ghoul quest, you will not regret it
Don't forget to talk to the man with a white beard in Novac afterwards

New Vegas unfortunately also suffers from the Bethesda syndrome of every single part of the game feeling like a theme park attraction.

remember: always rat out hanlon

>the misfits have an ending
>but the casinos don't
They could've had so much more slides

>Do the ghoul quest, you will not regret it
Nah shut up, that quest is contrived and tedious as all get-up.

Just bought this during the Steam Summer Sale (vanilla for $3.29). I know people say the Ultimate Edition is the way to go, but could you still have fun with the base game, and mod support?

the goal of the game is to get the most advanced ending with every town and faction having the best/worst basis to succeed/fail depending on who you like more

for me pretty much every follower and community is thoroughly helped and upgraded in full by the time the game is over except for the legion and the khans who are mostly dead

Honestly? You are genuinely missing out a fucking LOT by skipping out on the DLC, I genuinely feel this.

thanks. yeah i skipped the primm quest because it seemed kind of unnecessary, i just saved the dude and got out

The point is to play how you want to play. The fact that you're asking this shows you shouldn't be playing it.

It's a controversial quest, play it and decide for yourself
Many say that it's the best quest in the game. This isn't bait, you can google Come fly with me best quest or something and there would be plenty of unironic results.
I liked that the quest had buildup, you probably encountered dead ghouls in green suits in your adventures already
Only Dead Money is worth playing but it's taste dependent, some don't like it either.

A lot of good mods require all the DLC

>You want to do every sidequest
This is a terrible mentality to have when playing an open world RPG. You're basically treating the entire game as a checklist for which cool ride you want to go to next in this big theme park, rather than a RPG.

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The map is sorta small if you come from F3, on the other hand there is less hardly traversable copypasta shit a la Wahington Ruins.

What ticks me off in new Fallout games are radio stations with like 10 songs. I can take making settlements smaller to fit the gameplay, but making song pool so small is unjustifiable.

A lot of the locations in New Vegas make sense though. Meanwhile in Fallout 3, you have random shit like Republic of Dave and Sierra's Nuka Cola museum

RPGs are about supporting varying types of player mentality though.

Holy reddit

Is there any way to improve the aiming? Even turning mouse acceleration doens't seem to work i always feel like i can never aim reliably and that automatic weapons suck balls

Did you decide who you want to run the town?
Large mods like Fallout new california were written by high schooler level people and smaller mods are for autists.
There is unironically no reason to have any mods except possibly for performance improvement/graphics enhancing ones (depending on your preference). And obviously the more mods you have the more bugs the game will deliver
When you would be tired with the game try console commands, they offer more fun than the mods if you're creative
That's why you do the quests you want to first and then go by a checklist because almost almost all of the quests are worth it if you ultimately liked the game.

Do you meet the strength requirement of the weapon?
Is your guns skill high?
What's with the weapon condition?

The aiming of the reticule and the mouse movement doesn't feel like a hitscan FPS, i allways overshoot what i want to aim at or the mouse doesn't move enough, i can't exactly explain it

Even an old ass game like Counter-Strike puts my reticule where i want it to be without any aim assist or anything

>avoided NCR correctional facility and Fault 3 on first playtrough
>they attecked McNamara and most of NCR bases on Mr House ending

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how do we fix the legion?

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The Followers of Apocalypse, Jacobstown and New Vegas are Republic of Dave tier
I unironically thought that Julie Farkas was a romancable character which would've explain the devs logic a little bit

Probably needs to be modded, NV is not a proper FPS.

just torrent the dlcs, it will work fine

Did you disable the acceleration both in game and in windows? And in your mouse software if you have any
No, it works fine with me
Normal attire, no crucifictions, less sexist, no "hegelian" memery, no lanius and it would've been the most realistic faction

Make them an Enclave-tier antagonist: not being able to join/support them

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This is the only game where I did this
There's just so few shit quests

I did disable it but still, it never feels clean, i can't explain it, i find myself aiming the reticule where i expect my targets to be because i can't aim it at where they are at or i have to move my character left and right while i'm aiming instead of just aim at the enemy

Look at one spot, fix the position of your mouse, do a slow 360, fix the end position of your mouse
Then do the same thing from the same first position but with a fast 360 motion. If you end up in the same place then it's in your head

>"misogyny" as the key point
Because that's worse than slavery and crucifixion, definitely.
The real reason no one wants to join the Legion is no one wants to run around in gay little Roman LARPing outfits, or ally with those who do.

He's just asslicking the female readers
Legion slavery and crucifiction wasn't meant to be offensive to any group, even black people since the legion is never shown as racist

>reticle disappears when aiming
why? fallout 3 didnt do that

Fix it how, gameplay wise or story wise?

Do people play this on very hard? Seems like you waste too much ammo

The legionaries literally acknowledge that an NCR woman is the strongest arena fighter around and consider her unbeatable and altough unrelated the legion is also claimed to be very tolerant towards LGBT
NCR on the other hand doesn't recognize LGBT rights and would never consider a woman an unmatched unarmed fighter.

I usually play on 25 x 400
There is too much ammo available anyway

because you get weapon's reticle

>he doesn't want to join the Enclave

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It's better to use something like Realistic Weapon Damage or Vicious Wastes which have a higher damage multiplier, it makes combat faster

The Legion works in a "you don't get it unless you are in it" way. Someone that was born in the Legion would probably think the same way do about them but for other factions, i'm pretty sure a Legion soldier would complain on Yea Forums that how the fuck does the NCR fuck up so much and let themselves get pushed so much by people with money

The sidequests are identical to the main quest so I'm not sure what you mean. You say worldbuilding but that's how both side and main quests work.
>Here's some world building now talk to this guy
>here's some worldbuilding now kill these guys
>Here's some worldbuilding now help me with this
It will inevitably revolve around combat because the game is combat focused.

Very hard. Caps are easy to get and the only thing you spend it on are stimpaks and ammo, you can't be short
Also try AP bullets for strong enemies, altough they're not balanced
I'm talking about guns though, with energy weapons ammo might be a problem, never done an energy weapon playthrough

What's 25x400

How are you confused?
The game literally has guard rails to guide you along the proper path.
If you struggle with NV get a new hobby.


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u deal 0.25x dmg while others deal 4x

The game can't be balanced with any mods or even limitations you put on yourself because of the retarded AI that can be tricked by flanking and doesn't react well to you hiding behind cover

You're allowed to roleplay as an autistic retard user, nobody will stop you.

[INT < 3]

You realistically can't. Oh, by the way, FUCK FRANK HORRIGAN

Can't post load order cause not at home, but I got a texture issue when modding. I'll list the possible culprits and you tell me what conflicts
>Hitman 1st Person Animation Replacers
I have compatibility patches for all of these but Grenade launcher and Police pistol have a mesh bug. According to FNVedit the last one to load is the AWSO WMX-EVE-DLCMERGED compatibility patch

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>The Followers of Apocalypse,
Fucking how? They're basically an IRL aid work organization/ charity.

Again, how? Mutants are ostracized in a lot of places and they're ageing and suffering from mental illness. The premise of a town of Super Mutants isn't absurd at all.

>New Vegas

Is this bait?

You realistically should
and Frank fucks (You)

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Is that a super mutant in a power armor!? Man I definitely need to play the classics..

Even RL charities aren't as crazy as the FoA or Jacobstown. Dude is literally voluntarily helping a bunch of Schizophernic supermutants, you can't make this up. The FoA is fucked both from the absurd motivation of it's members and the fact that they are considered a relevant group while having guards and shit, these dudes are risking their lives to help some hobos
New Vegas is kinda pointless, why does House even need it and why are there so many gamblers, it's a huge gimmick

>these dudes are risking their lives to help some hobos
What do you think the peace core is?

>"Frank Horrigan is the Enclave's finest instrument of warfare, the final boss, and main antagonist of Fallout 2. Described as a kind of "ultra super mutant in power armor", having been witnessed laughing off plasma rifle fire and ripping deathclaws and armored humans in half with his bare hands, he is one of the deadliest entities to have walked the wasteland. "

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How is stating facts misogyny?

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Fine, U sold me the game

Make sure Caesar reads the full history of the Roman Empire and don't repeat its mistakes like integrating tribals and actually giving power to some cities besides the capital
Choosing Lanius as the sole heir to Caesar is incredibly retarded when Vulpes and Lucius are way better candidates, instead you just make Lanius the general of the armies like Oliver

>mfw I side with the Boomers because I ride for my people

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>mfw they think this was supposed to make them seem like the "bad guys"

WROOOOOOONG. Or else Obsidian actually has unironically red-pilled devs working there, in which case absolutely BASED.

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Is it even possible to like BoS? Don't they just hoard technology for them self while letting no moral choises stop them on their way?

It's not exactly misogyny but it shares aspects that makes it look like it

The Legion treats women as people who are there to procreate and take care of the children, it is just as primitive of a view as seeing men as just soldiers who die for the emperor, in this case Caesar. What most people fail to point when criticizing the Legion is that is not exactly misogynistic but it's more of a they don't see any individual values to each person, women are treated like objects and so do men. There is rape involved but only with foreign women who are not part of the Legion, a women that has been born in the Legion understands her role just as a man who is also born in the Legion and understands that he will be just another soldier in the front line

It's a whole different culture, if people on the Roman empire could see us now they would probably think we are retarded and we can't ever reach our maximum potential as a species or as a nation the way we have become

>Fallout universe

The BoS have always been iffy
They're essentially Boomers with power armor which actually has power throughout the United States with differing ideologies for each chapter
The Mojave Chapter were known as hoarders because Elijah and McNamara were Scribes that studied military tech
Veronica was actually echoing the sentiments of the DC chapter which actually did the things she suggested

Yes but Bethesda sees them as the "good guys" and wants their logo plastered on everything Fallout.

They are meant to be high level enemies that dispense power armor for you. You are never supposed to agree with them and their ideology is meant to conflict with everyone else's so we have reasons to fight them

So basically, you don't like it when anyone does something for people other than for payment, right? Do you hate the Salvation Army as well?

FoA are simply trying to help people. Hobos or not, they're people. Jacobstown is a scientist trying to help the results of pre-war military experiments to atone for science's mistakes.

House directly says he saved New Vegas because he loved it; not as a moneymaker, not as a business, but as a place of great meaning to him. He would have saved more, if he had the power to.

>Skyrim and FO4 have VR support
>but no good Bethesda games do
I would kill for a competently ported VR New Vegas

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>walk the wastes in full VR
>bump into Cazadores
>bump into Centaurs
>bump into Radscorpions
>bump into Nightkin
no thanks

Do Come Fly With Me. It's a good quest.

A lot of the more complex questlines start with a simple task like that, just do them and you'll be surprised.

The Followers are a humanitarian group. Those exist in real life.
Jacobstown is a resort occuppied by super mutants after the fall of The Master
New Vegas is Las Vegas, a real location, but revitalized.

There is no wrong way to play.

Quests, by and large, will be defined by you, for you. But you don't have to do quests, entire areas are loaded up with shit you can rifle through, and a lot of locale based quests will either be made easier with quick travel or else you can retrieve an item on site and bring it to the questgiver regardless of not having dealt with the quest.

Frank Horrigan is literally a super mutant in power armor, also the only one.

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Love the Sierra Madre one