How’s that game you’ve been workin on coming along?

How’s that game you’ve been workin on coming along?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Boy I sure love Twitter screencap threads. But this one could be a bit more political. Especially something race or sex related.

That’s great because Ding Dong is gay and he’s in a relationship with a gay Mexican dude that is also fat. Topical!

must suck being only ever to focus on the negatives in life because you have mental illness.

>waaaaaaaaaah my life is so hard guys

And they’re both furries. Don’t forget that part.

>Twitter screenshot
>Sarcastic comment about another screenshot thread
>Complaint about eceleb
>Some guy asking what happened
>Guy explaining what happened
>Conspiracy theory
It never ends

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cry more bitch

>waaaah I don’t like having money thrown at me for making dumb jokes for the internet

Make this thread again but with a good OP this time. Something generic like a bunch of engine logos or something.

>gets depressed because he's starting to realize he's a hack and his yearly long project is never ever going to release
poor pessimist fag

he's completely neurotic
something tells me his formative years were full of his parents making him feel worthless and guilty for every little thing he did

You must have many friends you heartless bastard.

Man, imagine pretending to be miserable online to get likes even though you literally don't have to work ever for people to give you money and you get to live with your hot bara lucha boyfriend.

The FUCK ding dong.

I'm not ok

Its a jewish guy.


How long until he admits he'll never finish his game

Dingdong is one of the most pathetic and pitiful people I have ever seen in my entire life. Could have made easy money LITERALLY JUST SHOWING UP TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES ONCE A WEEK but he was too much of a bitch for even that. Acts like him and Julian are too good to be let's players so they move to focus on their game development but all they fucking do is stream for donations and seemingly make next to zero progress.

Will not be surprising if they both act like they're on the brink of being homeless soon and beg to move back to Cali to suckle off Chris' irish ape tit. What a bunch of fucking utter fuck ups. I hope Julian or dingdong see this and know how fucking badly they squandered a good deal. Idiots.

I think your mother has cried over her faggot failure of a son enough for the both of us.

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good one

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>A white city guy in his early to mid 20s on the brink of suicide because hes popular from playing videogames

Americans are a joke.

he wants to be recognized for his art

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>white people aren't allowed to be depressed
oof and yikes


If you're able bodied and or succesful in life, you're not allowed to be depressed. Period. Just off yourself.

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my bad, let me just fundamentally change how my brain works due to a mental illness real quick. fuck you

Yet here you are, posting online, wasting time as usual. You belong in a workcamp or an asylum.

"pixel art" like this is actually not that impressive and is what i'd expect from 2019, especially when you haven't put anything in motion and you have nothing to show
if this guy was smart he would see what shiny entertainment did with earthworm jim and do all shading and colour as a final pass from a higher resolution image

>DD's definition of hectic events is having to move, work, and having some people bother him and his family/friends in the past
What a truly terrible and awful life. Poor baby. How can he possibly go on with all those hectic and stressful events. Dude seriously has the mental strength and capacity of a fucking child. Wouldn't be surprised if he just offed himself if something truly catastrophic and life altering happened to him ever. Weak willed, frail, worm of a man.

How many times is he gonna say he's "miserable" and hates the internet while never working on his game?

>A white city guy in his early to mid 20s
I thought most of the people on Oney Plays were nearly 30 at this point.

Man... I was actually hoping to discuss game progress.

go to /agdg/

He latched onto the wrong community. I'd get sick of streaming too if all of my fans were teenage run-offs from Game Grumps.

>let me just fundamentally change how my brain works due to a mental illness real quick
There is one way.

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threads talking about video games get deleted but this is allowed

I said I wanted to discuss game progress.

Oh shit, thanks. I never go on /vg/ so I didn't know about that.

How many times is he gonna whine about his emotional issues on social media and how many times is his fanbase gonna keep falling for it? Why is Chris even friends with this guy? Is he ever gonna finish that game?

wasn't he responsible for thebestgamers falling apart

He's actually a Polish kike. And his people do what they do best and play victim. His literal faggorty and internet fame is merely an engine for his psychopathy.

He was part of it. The whole group was full of spergs and autists. Dingdong or his old name, CosuinSkeeter was the seemingly sane one of the group. Also Dingdong is the reason why Chris does not associate with Arin or Supermega anymore.

If he doesn't want public image why does he keep doing streams and shit? Just focus on your game or get a job, you moved out of california for a reason.

>why does he keep doing streams and shit?
Easier money than working.

Doesn't he ever get tired of whining about the big bad internet and making excuses?

But its obviously fucking him up

Imagine what having to do something would do to him.

And yet this guy still keeps crying about stupid shit over and over. Whining really does pays the bills.

Which is a good thing, since Arin is human garbage.


no wonder he's gay

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Yeah...he's kinda stupid.

I'm not joking. Having free money is too much work for him. Regular work would put him in the grave.

I heard Etika killed himself. Why?

He's an example on how not to be a Millennial.


he ends up feeling guilty because his streams aren't good enough and then refunding everyone that tipped during the stream
he's sick in the head.

Because he's an AHEM *tink* *tink* a NIGGER

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Julian is abusive and DD is extremely self conscious and petty about how fast Oney's game is coming together in contrast to his own

Based and AHEMpilled

Nah, he's just gay.

If Etika taught us anything, it's that even e-famous youtubers with cushy lifestyles can still be genuinely broken and weak/fragile people. Having money doesn't magically fix your life and neither does having sex

DD has been miserable every day of his life. That's what ever but what amazes me is how much he whines about it online. I'm sure plenty of people exist that read one negative comment and it ruins their day, but it's incredible that DD essentially uses his depression as his shtick. He will spend entire streams just acknowledging negative comments, whining about donations, whining about life, etc.

have sex

Having sex, and lots of it, would probably solve all the problems /pol/ has regarding the white race.

>evidence that it doesn't
>lol maybe it does also /pol/ out of nowhere

truly /ourgay/

As someone who has neither of the things you listed, I call bullshit on it. Massive bullshit.

All that means is we need even more money and have more sex.

I just wanna watch his streams desu, if not give me Julian, I like Julian.

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have wealthy sex

I highly doubt Julian is abusive. He's had a far worse upbringing and life than DD but he doesn't spend every moment of his existence being miserable and whining about it online.

How do I get my anime gf to become real?

Helium tank + C pap mask

Give yourself schizophrenia

Look at actual celebrities in Hollywood. What do you often see from them? Eating disorders, divorce, addiction, rehab, relapse, rehab again, exhaustion, meltdown after meltdown. These people have more money than god and more sex than porn stars, and yet they are genuinely more depressed than your average homeless dude, and more insane too. Money and sex don't mean happiness.


I'm not memeing, it will solve his problem.

have sex incel

Ask Etika

Makes me realize I too can manipulate young middle class pieces of shits to donate to my Twitch streams and patreon accounts as long as I whine about pointless shit all day.

Everyone in Hollywood are miserable because of Jews.

Julian or DingDong?

I hate gay people.

I will try these asap. Thanks.

I can only scowl.

>he's completely neurotic
A homo is mental how surprising

Why doesn't Dingdong just kill himself if he's so miserable? He can join that nigger Etika.

Ding Dong's mental fortitude is something to behold. Guy is made of sugar.

As much as DingDong is a whiny weirdo, whats even weirder is the guy on Yea Forums who's obsessed with him to the point of it being fucking disturbing.
Seriously whats with this place and people who cant let shit go?
Pillars of Eternityfag
Final Fantasy XVfag

>is obsessed with people who are obsessed
I guess that makes you the fagfag.

Nothing complicated.
It's just autism. Plain and simple.

The internet never forgets

Ill give you that, user. For some reason I find these people's lunacy deeply interesting. I get reminded of that one guy on Yea Forums who wrote a thousand page book about a tripfag.

I know about the Arin stuff (which is fine cause fuck him) but what happened with them

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I remember watching this dudes streams quite a while back, he ended almost every one of them with "This stream was terrible, I'm deleting the Vod"

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Good enough, fuck this thread

>e-celeb twitter screencap thread
kill yourself

Nothing happened with Supermega, they just stopped hanging out since they stopped working in the same building (GG studio).

>Guy acting aloof while passively defending said eceleb
You're right, it never ends.

gimme a good one

Literally every eceleb ever.

>Everyone who hates eceleb threads is actually defending ecelebs
Hows that schizophrenia working out for you, user?

good get fucked faggot

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I actually liked dingdong for a while, still do to a degree, but not as a whole.
But this image could not be closer to the truth.

>showing it online while you have a name
how to spot a mentally challenged retard

>this'll get deleted
>but not the thread

This won't work as the majority of the posters here are fucking gay.


I hope someone eventually makes an eceleb version.
It'd probably make jannies' heads explode.

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Ding Dong is frustrating.

It's okay to be sad. It's okay to recognize that in yourself and it's better sooner than later. The majority of his fanbase agrees; the tweets underneath this all say things similar to "take time to get better, we love you." Yet all he ever fucking fixates on is WAH THE INTERNET MAKES ME SAD

Then get off the fucking internet. No one is forcing you to stream. No one is forcing you to be on Twitter. You are surrounded by absolute positive energy and ravenous fans who are willing to sell bone marrow just to make sure you have money. Yet you continue to say you don't want it. Which is fine! BUT QUIT COMPLAINING ABOUT NEGATIVITY AND SADNESS FROM BEING ONLINE THEN

I just have never seen a more selfish streamer. Seriously. People think, "oh, he turns down this money. He's so honorable." This would be true if he didn't turn right around and constantly bitch and complain about his life and how the internet is mean to him and how life is unfair. He turns down more money in a day than most people would see in a month then goes on to play the victim.

Ding Dong, leave the internet. Do what makes you happy because streaming culture isn't it. Enjoy life with Julian making video games and living life. But please, for the love of Christ, leave the public/social eye of the internet.

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have sex

Come over then, door's unlocked

Well yeah whenever the OP and the general consensus is shitting on the eceleb it gets deleted but circlejerks stay undisturbed.

>dude i hate e celeb stuff
>now let me talk about this random lets player private life for 150+ comments.

let's go

Good post, user. Unlike the other poster I will not say have sex. I will instead say, you deserve sex.

Bless you, sex genie.

>hot bara lucha boyfriend.

>Having money doesn't magically fix your life and neither does having sex

This is what poorfag incels tell themselves to cope.

I don't hate Dingus Dongus, but I feel no sympathy for someone who can throw on a stream and make ez cash for basically doing nothing then later claim to be so miserable.

>I just have never seen a more selfish streamer. Seriously. People think, "oh, he turns down this money. He's so honorable."
Fucking THIS. He does things that seem selfless on the outside but deep down, he only cares about himself (and by extension, Julian). He is so incredibly self-absorbed that seeing people give him money (despite him turning MOST of it down) makes me mad.
DD doesn't deserve a tinker's damn. The only time he interracts with his (strangely) loyal fans, is to bitch and moan.

How new r u.

my dick is hard enough right now for this

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Look up Julian Marcel. He's actually a fat fuck though so don't get your hopes up.

i dont follow the dating lives of e celebs

I know dingdong and joolian are both furrypurry fagbags but i didnt know they were actually dating. Where was that confirmed?

Get with the times, grandpa.

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let's see

Fucking ages ago. It was painfully obvious from the start too if you aren't autistic.

When someone with more than 3 braincells figured it out by putting 2 and 2 together. They're literally always together, they're both fags and when they talk about something that happened at their apartment, they sound nothing like roommates.

Didn't they quite literally explain on stream, on multiple occasions how they're just not good at putting on a mask in front of a mic?

Correct me if I'm wrong but that's about the opposite of calling yourself too good for let's plays.

>unironically posting a Twitter thread
>unironically knowing who made this tweet
>unironically further knowing his sexual orientation
>unironically knowing his relationship status
>unironically playing video games

I would napalm every single poster in this thread if I could. You all need to be purged.

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Yikes! Dilate and have sex you seething copefaggot.

Bullshit. They both more or less said that they thought doing let's plays was a waste of time and that the current video game/let's play culture was trash and too below them. Julian specifically said seeing his younger brother watch let's plays in particular was one of the reasons why he wanted to stop doing it. That selling merch felt like they were "selling out".

Ding dong has only said having an online persona period is too taxing for him. AFAIK their recording with Chris were always fun and enjoyable.

It's going great,soon I'll spam Yea Forums with it.
My only motivation is to show those weakling e-celebs/patreon scammers and their shill defence forces how its done.

Good riddance, Richard

Based. What are you working on? What genre it is?

Based Zach!

I want more of Julians art

This faggot being so goddamn lazy and self-centered makes me wanna get off my ass and work on that project I've had on my mind for a while, but haven't started up on yet.
Are platformers the best thing to start out with when it comes to vidya-based programming, or one of those block puzzle games? I don't wanna bite off more than I can chew and get tired of it.
Twitter screencap threads are like those shallow programs on TV that serve no purpose other than "you hear about what this guy did?". People tune in to get out their popcorn and watch a shitty person burn, but they don't really get much from it other than a quick laugh.
Off topic threads can be fantastic, you know that saying about boards being better discussing things unrelated to the topic, but you can't really take away much from a screencap thread besides being glad that's not you.

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Basically a mashup between breeding season and xcom.