

Attached: tentacles.png (1100x618, 587K)

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No bully, motherfucker.

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>tfw The Mad Lad was right about everything

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racist cunt that has a tentacle fetish

he'd fit right in


>grow up a privileged, white male in a time where white privileged males ruled with an iron fist
>lived in an upper class white, gated, community in which he never left
>a hateful bigoted piece of shit despite never interacting with blacks or any other persons of color

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Niggerman is seriously the funniest fucking cat name ever though.


>you need to put shit in your mouth before you can comment on how shit tastes

what did he mean by this?

I don't need to interact with gorillas to know that they can be savage.

>Dark Corners of Earth
>Call of Cthulhu
>The Sinking City
The holy trinity of janky Lovecraft games. Anyone ever play Conarium and know if it's any good?

>lel shit analogy
Worse then food analogies

But I spend 0 time thinking about gorillas or eating shit. I just don't get the obsessive aspect.

"filled him with vice and called nigger"

Now HP thats a bit wild don't you think? True,but too wild a statement.

he was one of the first to believe in the slippery slope argument

he was right to

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A little something for the elite at heart
>Cultist simulator
>The shrouded isles

First it's black people getting to use the white people water fountain and then before you know it Cthulhu

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>Never use analogies for anything, you aren't allowed to ever think critically about stuff and point out obvious parallels. Just blindly accept what I tell you, in the manner in which I tell you

and that's a good thing. Remember, correlative evidence is not real and first person/eye witness accounts don't matter because they aren't peer reviewed unless it's specifically about the holocaust.

>be blind
>dont believe in color

watching the democrat debates that ain't too far from the truth

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Are people forgetting he stopped being a racist bigot and talked about he regretted being so igorant. You know, like how you little shits eventually will.

>>Cultist simulator
>The shrouded isles
These are good, I'm just not much of a managment kind of guy. The Last Door series is pretty under the radar I feel.

Lovecraft? More like Basedcraft

He was just some beta from the northern states though. His racism was actually very tame compared to a southerner. He was practically a progressive in fact.

Would like to know this too. It's been on my wish list for ages. I don't mind the occasional horror walking sim but I refuse to pay much money for them. Is the Sinking City actually any good? Kinda bummed I have to wait for a Steam release.

>redditors and youtubers disowning lovecraft and all of his inspirations in media because he was racist

>dies alone and forgotten
>the only people that remember you are sòyboys
Had to change IPs because tranny mods banned me for replying to an offtopic thread.

He wrote of how his letters and correspondence with the wider world opened his eyes and changed his views, but he was still pretty racist, he believed that no cultures should mix i.e the Celt shouldn't mix with the Frank. But yeah he became much less racist.

>Is the Sinking City actually any good?
I haven't finished it yet but so far it's been really meh. The detective work is extremely simplistic even on Master Sleuth and the combat is pretty mediocre. Just for reference, I have never played any of this developers Sherlock games so I don't know how they compare.

>hate jews
>marry one

Try living with Tigers then

This is Saya

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Hey, those cult sacrifices aren't gonna make themselves

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>this thread
you americans are fucking pathetic

but that's not what's happening
they're constantly copying his works
they just have to make sure everyone knows they hate lovecraft because he was a "racist"

eldritch lmao

>a hateful bigoted piece of shit
>making a moral judgement of someone who lived a century ago by today's hyper sensitive standards

>not throwing liquid nitrogen at this abomination

This is Nyarlathotep the crawling chaos of the outer gods.
She already knows you're thinking something nice about her.

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Blog posting, but it's so weird how I hear people flat out admit that they are hateful or prejudiced. The words are getting thrown out so much that they have lost all power. They'll say "i'm not a homophobe, i'm not afraid of gays, i just think they're disgusting and should be dragged out in the street and shot". The bar I frequent has a lot of that, even the token black dude was a Trump voter.

Lovecraft was noted to be particularly racist even by his contemplates in the business. The dude wrote a poem about how blacks were half created beings by a eldritch being. His dog was called "Nigger", he softened up as he grew older but he was hilariously racist and you can see it in his earlier works.

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

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hold the fuck up, isn't his best friend a black guy?

Anime was mediocre as fuck but both OP songs were really catchy

Sorry we aren't as superior as you foriegn fag.
Or are we?

>Learn that the key to immortality is racism
>Lovecraft changed his name to Sam Raimi and started directing movies
>Had some pretty good dark humor
It adds up

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there's a difference between being afraid of something and hating/being disgusted by it

He actually had a double life as D. W. Griffith

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This is Cthugha. She's dead

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he shows that you can still appreciate somebody's work of even if that person was a huge piece of shit

but he wasnt a huge piece of shit

Yes he was. He was a man who liked cats. I've never known a respectable man who was obsessed with cats.

oh it's another pitnigger

Did he like them or was he obsessed with them. Which is it

t. nigger

Dogs are for men cats are for women. End of fucking story. You kids probably played with barbies.

Seething dognigger

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I need to play Cultist Simulator again but im too brainlet to play it well.

Fuck you too, user.

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>you can't like an animal if you're that gender
based retard

What did he name his cat again?

african-american gentleman

why did he call him nigger anyways?

I mean, you can wear a dress if you're a man too but it's gonna make you less of a man gayboi.
Dogs are the superior animal. Cats are fine for women though.

because he was black

That's actually pretty sensible. People from all kind of cultures are nice, but if they mix their identity will disappear.