Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Snoy
No one cares about you.
Nintendo stopped thinking of Sony and Microsoft more than 13 years ago kiddo.
>we’re not going to market to children (the biggest demographic for video games)
>we’re going to market to manchildren (the most fickle demographic for video games)
Bold move, Sony. Let’s see how this one plays out.
isn't this the same company that said they started their draconian censorship policy to protect their younger consumers
Thats because sony is literally killing the competition.
Why would they? MS said the same thing, but MS actually works with Nintendo.
When they say it's main users tend to be younger, they probably meant their users tend to be more immature aka kids who prefer to play games with more adult themes.
That's because Nintendo don't even cater to the same market anymore and they're so far ahead as it is the switch is dominating in the US and Japan.
They must really fear Microsoft if this is real because they literally released the ps4 pro and said microsoft isn't even their competition they released it because they wanted to stop players migrating to PC. They obviously changed that stance quickly and Microsoft are suddenly their competition again. Maybe they have inside info about Microsoft's next gen plans and that it won't be as shit as this gen. Interesting to hear them say that anyway.
>console war threads
Summer is coming
It worked well this gen.
>Nintendo is for younger audience
>Snoy still censor games
Really makes you think
good. you’re next
*core values demographic
Playstation audiance
>Balanced individuals with happy lives
Nintendo audiance
>autistic trannies/pedophiles/manchildren on the verge of slicing their throats
>because its main users tend to be younger than Playstation's core demographic
even snoy is seething over the success of the switch. Can you imagine? Snoy executives love nintendo though.
Good to see everyone's on the same page.
Why even bother with snoy?
Well Reggie said almost 4 years ago that they don't give a shit what Snoy and Xbox were doing because Nintendo had their own appeal.
How old is that article? 4 years?
Literal cope
About 4 hours old.
k, i'll just enjoy a good balance of exclusives like bayonetta, smt, astral chain, xenoblade, mario maker, smash, splatoon, and more while everyone else goes ape shit over which console is more powerful than which and get realistic games with no soul. also there's a huge list of must haves to get on pc so i'll be tending to that later. i hope playstation gets games with soul, i want to be a nintendo + pc +ps guy
Nintendo makes games and sells consoles at a profit.
Sony makes consoles and sells them at a loss with dated hardware and they make movies they call games.
Sony gets hacked and loses customer information. They also charge $60/year for p2p servers, no refunds on preorders, and dont like crossplay.
So yeah. Nintendo isnt competing with Sony.
He actually meant "Nintendo fans are autistic", but wanted to be polite.
Mostly because the PS4 and the Switch arent the same systems targetting the same market.
If Nintendo decided to release a powerful home console and tried to appeal to 3rd party devs, they would have been seen as a more threathening competitor but no.
The Switch at the end of the day is just an underpowered, glorified handheld that wont get most of the third party games like any of Nintendo's recent hardware. Though it seems like this doesnt matter much to their fans since they seem to only care about their exclusives. And that's fine I guess.
Hopefully MS wakes up next gen so there's some actual competition next time around.
Sony only makes single player movie games.
I can't think of a single couch co-op Sony title. I say this as a PS4 owner.
because they aren't?
dumb mutt, there's a reason why Cuphead and Super Lucky's Tale made to NSW
>no ape escape 4
almost like they can't compete
that's why Sony is a lot worse, if you think about it.
It literally says the date at the top, brainlet
lmao this is literally 1984 doublespeak
How do people fall for it?
Why is that?
He actually meant to evade the implications of switch being a massive success and only compare their brand with the massive fuckup that is ms this gen because it makes them look better.
I mean, duh? There's little overlap between their offerings. They're serving different markets.
what are some ps4 games with soul?
>sony: censors shit
>microsoft: censors shit
>nintendo: doesn't
>technology advances
What the fuck do technocrats mean by this? How exactly does tech advance?
Higher resolution graphics = advancement?
There are block games making billions of dollars.
None of them since they're censored or retroactively censored
honestly good for sony and nintendo for finding the right audience. Its a shame that sony only has movies and nintendo only has bing bing wahoos but its working for them.
No games, just like their new direct competition, MS.
Microsoft doesn't censor games.
Anyone can change the date, user.
shhh only loser and kids like MS and Nintendo make shitty block games
real gamers want high fidelity graphics with deep narrative storytelling
I'll take a few censored beach episode scenes from some niche weebshit that no one plays over nintendo shutting down rom sites and fan projects
That's funny considering Nintendo's top 5 exclusives outsell Sony's top 5 exclusives
They LITERALLY said they are NOT a free speech platform. That screams 1984.
Did you just woke up from coma? Nintendo hasn't been in competition with ms or sony since gamecube.
Are you dense? Nobody but the author can change the date. This was written today. Go and check the guys Twitter he is even updating with info on there right now.
>censors shit
exactly, literal shit. those censored games are trash and no one buys that crap anyway
>high fidelity graphics with deep narrative storytelling
So, movies?
GOW was GOTY2018 and Death stranding has GOTY 2019 on lock. Any other candidates like RE2R and DMCV are on PS4 and sold best there.
>For hardcore gamers
>primarily has movies with motion blur
Kill yourself.
Worked pretty well for Nintendo this generation.
>go check his Twitter
I knew you were shill.
Why take the time and effort of their day to censor so much if it is so insignificant then hmmh?
Sony makes movies, Nintendo makes video games. They don't compete.
It's always been like this though
shit consolewar thread
How many times has PlayStation raped Xbox to death? Not even Microsoft gives a shit about Xbox anymore.
>Nintendo: gimmick machines
>Sony: underpowered PCs
I mean they're kinda right, at least in terms of selling hardware
It funny because nintendo only has 5 top seller IPs.
>Death stranding has GOTY 2019 on lock
>talking about movies
>he actually cares about fan projects
Have some self respect, Jesus
>switch outsells PS4 lifetime sales in Japan
>switch is about to outsell the Xbox One total sales
>"T-t-theyre not a c-c-competitor!'
Fucking kek
let's be honest the switch only has exclusives and first party shit
If you are defending censorship in any way shape or form, kill yourself.
Nintendo unironically has to kill fan projects or by law they lose the right to own their own IP.
The legal system is fucked but it works.
If they let one fan project pass then any future fan project can point to that as an example and the courts have to let them go. And no joke Snoy could just straight up use mario or whatever to make their own game. That's how that works in the US. That's why Nintendo is so fucking protective
it's just a point, but shutting down rom sites is inexcusable
>Sony and Microsoft
>A massive lineup of thousands of original and sequel titles
>Super Smash Brothers Melle #36
>Mario Kart #41
>Final Fantasy #178: The Totally Different Than the Other Weeb Sequels this time WE'RE SURE
>Persona's Kookie Banjo Kawai Lolicon Adventure #628,618
Cant even imagine why they arent taken as a serious competitor!
PS4 has outsold Switch twice in a row.
Shitch will not even outsell the 3ds. How do you like that cuck?
it takes no effort at all retard
This. Nintendo isn't competing with Sony and Microsoft, and vice versa because Nintendo already has it made with their demographic of young children and Nintendo fans. Nintendo has no reason to compete really. Sony and Microsoft also have no reason to try and fight Nintendo on their own turf (see: Super Lucky Tail, one game as an exclusive then it's pushed onto the switch because nobody owning a Xbox wanted a Mario clone). This isn't necessarily bad for anyone, it's just how it is.
tl;dr: Nintendo has their own demographic of children and fans, Sony and Microsoft fight over the other demographics instead of fighting Nintendo for their audience
This is false, stop parroting this. You can't lose rights to IPs like that. Tradmarks are the onlything that can be lost. Example: Google can lose their trademark on the word Google if the word Google become the general term for searching, which is why they're against the use of using the word for a general web search.
>Sony and Microsoft:
>Draconian 1984 Censorship
>Literally firing treehouse employees to get rid of censorship and keep it off
>shutting down sites illegally distributing your product and profiting from it is inexcusable
>main users of Nintendo are younger than PlayStation's core demographic
doesn't make sense, Nintendo's main fans are people from the 80s, Playstation only started acquiring a fanbase in the 90s.
Not to mention the main games kids play are primarily on PS4 and Xbone (CoD, Fortnite, FIFA/Madden, GTA)
This is not false.
Whoever told you it is is fucking retarded and knows shit.
t. fag studying law
Literally nobody knows what your referencing. Which is also the total number of people that care? ROFL LMAO
Sony makes movies and lesbian icons, so I guess that makes sense.
>guy writes article
>posts updates to said article on social media
>clinical retard (you) thinks its all a lie and they changed the date
>referring to twitter to find out more info from the author makes me a "shill"
how retarded are you? this isn't even a big deal and yet here you are damage controlling hard for some unknown reason and calling this article 4 years old and reference to more information shilling. cope.
They aren't Nintendo basically has their own audience with their own niche. Sony mostly only cares about keeping the normalfag audience which MS is certainly their main competitor for.
Okay then point to the letter in the law that provides the mechanism for Nintendo losing the rights to their IP if they don't shut fan projects down.
ah yes, so many games this year such as Days Gone, Deathstranding and
Days Gone
you underestimate how popular fortnite is on the switch
Why the fuck are you shitposting about this? Obviously Nintendo isn't a competitor to Sony and Microsoft, they have vastly different target audiences. Why are you acting like a retard about it?
Obvious sage and report for instigating a flamewar. Fuck off consolewar faggot
Switch has been out less time and has more total games released for the console(not counting streaming here cuz you have to pay ANOTHER sub for it)
Yes and they need to get rid of the poilicy if they really give a shit about their fans and consumers.
>to her son
Jesus, why was that so funny?
Really? I legitimately didnt know it was that popular on that system
I thought it was primarily played on Xbone, PS4 and Steam, with Mobile and Switch (since Switch now plays on Mobile servers) being secondary
>Guy puts Final Fantasy and Persona in nintendo althought they almost exclusively release on ps4 and xbox
Good job
Oof. Weak bait
Is anything in that pic not photoshopped
Sony makes the best games ever and nintendo makes painkillers for autistic childre, so they are right.
threads like this are pathetic
What a load of bullshit from Sony.
The switch will sizzle out once next gen begins just like every nintendo console
Manchildren from the 80's*
As opposed to manchildren from the 90s.
it's not explicitly stated cause it's legalese
but basically you're not technically required to protect against every fan project and technically you can pick and choose and just get rid of the major ones that can actually threaten your business
but it's so vague that if you don't defend all of them then a judge ruling on a case can just say like "well you didn't stop this one so blah blah"
it all depends on shit like that
so yes while they don't have to stop all fan projects they have to cause it's all interpretation of the law due to how vague it's written
>Nintendo willingly checked out of the competition 13 years ago to pursue their niche
>Sony only claims now it doesn't consider Nintendo competition
>after they blatantly copied Nintendo multiple times inbetween
this company gets more pathetic by the fucking hour
or course they don't
Pretty much.
Sony and Nintendo aren't in the same way anymore.
Doesn't the Xbox alone values more than the entire of Sony?
>all the ninceldos seething ITT
it's literally the other way around. zoomer meme games change every 6 months (fortnite, fnaf, blinky etc...) while boomers keep buying the same old franchises.
>implying most of the PS4 and XONE's top sellers aren't just the latest versions of CoD and Madden
Stop seething so much, tendy.
playstation is the only brand at sony that makes money anymore
sometimes sony pictures does but it's rare
microsoft dwarfs snoy in terms of company size
nintendo doesn't care they have always done their own thing
Stop bullshiting, they're not required to. End of story.
Sony does not make videogames they make movies
Maybe I am retard, who knows. But you are definitely a shill.
Nintendo themselves have stated in the past that they don't consider themselves part of the console wars with Sony and Microsoft. What Sony is saying is just a reminder of that fact yet you console retards think Sony is laughing at Nintendo. I fucking hate all of you.
no, read the text below the headline
Not him, but the primary argument for defending your ip is that it tarnishes, devalues or blurs the public image of your ip, especially if the infringement is difficult to differentiate from the official product. If you allow every retard to make a sonic game, you can’t then argue that this one specific use of sonic is detrimental to your ip and expect a judge to rule in your favour.
You literally cannot selectively kill infringing projects in court.
This, it goes both ways.
Im 34 and play nintendo + PC
Im never touching a censorsnoy system ever again
You don't sound 34.
They don't have any weebshit to censor.
>only argument is "no im right"
fuck off
i'm pretty sure that's wrong because microsoft and sony gaming divisions were within a few billion of each other every year this gen and that's even in times when xbox was failing hard. i have a hard time believing psn suddenly made more money than the whole gaming division (which includes minecraft and stuff) when in previous years they were both very competitive. that would mean playstation would have had to generate like 30bn dollars.
that is because hes a ninceldo manchild
1984 existing is not going to prevent it from happening
>sell system at a loss
>wow, look at all this revenue we’re getting
>what about profit though
You do realize sony hasn't cared about nintendo as a competitor to their home consoles since the ps3 released
yeah what about it? the fact that PSN alone makes more then nintendo's console and game sales is hilarious
Fucking based
Is it possible to dilate with a Playstation Move™ stick?
>playstation is the only brand at sony that makes money anymore
>sometimes sony pictures does but it's rare
You really are retarded
>nincels still seething to this day
>makes more
Yours literally "well, it's all really vague and it doesn't say what I said it says."
That's not a bad statement and it makes sense, Playstation and Nintendo consoles aren't competing because they appeal to different demographics and it's not even an age thing, it's entirely because of what types of games you can find on them.
Only if you realize nintendo hasn't cared about sony as a competitor to their home consoles since the wii released
Those here outraged over Playstation dropping indies are the same who bitched about State of Play. Frankly, I'm glad PS5 will come out of the gate with fucking games this time, as opposed to indieshit.
>tend to be younger than Playstations's core demographic
Here in Britbong land it's the complete opposite.
i just cannot go nintendo instead of playstation.
It's hardware is so fucking ancient and handhelds suck major ass.
how about nintendo releases a console with proper hardware if it want to compete?
And there is the pedo/incel
I never said they did consolewarrior
Nintendo doesn't see Sony as competition, Sony doesn't see Nintendo as competition. Futbal doesn't see Football as competition. They appeal to different demographics, which is honesty better. Do we really need three companies all making the same exact thing?
Nintendo tried that with GameCube, didn’t go so well.
Nintendo started doing its own thing with Wii, and that made them more money then God.
It's wrong, very very fucking wrong.
Hell, the PS5 will be powered by the Azure, which is part of the Microsoft games and services. There will probably be Xbox Live log ins on the PS5.
And has been raped by Sony 3 of the past 4 gens.
snoy makes enough of the same thing for all three
ms and ninty can push the indutry forward while sony works on making movies
seems like it's more of an estimation of brand value then anything
>There’s no answer given in the report, but we can speculate as to the reasons why. One big possibility could be Xbox’s leveraging of cloud technology for its future tech
this is fairly interesting though
it hasn't wanted to compete since 2006 newfag they just want to make money and it's been working out for them just fine a couple red years
>Uncharted 4 (top selling title on PS4 so far): 15 million
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (a """port""" according to Snoyposters): 16.69 million (top selling Switch title, managed to reach it in less amount of time than how long it took Uncharted to reach 15mil)
ds and 3ds say hello psp and vita
also 360 beat ps3 by far
xbone just lost this gen cause of the retarded launch and forced kinect which is why they fired mattrick
both nintendo and microsoft are setting themselves up to win next gen meanwhile sony is betting on more movie games
>handhelds suck major ass
nobody cares about what you think. the mobile/portable gaming market is the biggest gaming market in the world by a country mile. nintendo is coming off selling like 150m 3ds's so going for another handheld was a no brainer for them. they're catering to the market which completely disagrees with what you think. if you care about good hardware then buy a pc. if you bought a playstation and are complaining about "fucking ancient hardware" then you are a hypocrite.
Nobody claimed there’s a law that makes someone literally delete your copyright from some list, retard, what this means is that setting a precedent of allowing your up to be used without your explicit consent gives a judge reason and opportunity to rule against you because copyright is not some absolute god-given right, you fucking imbecile.
LMAO. Xbois don't have faith in Scarlett.
>This thread will hit 500 posts
Why do I even bother coming here
MS has the Xbox Live on everything, phones, other consoles and their cloud services are second only to Amazon by a not so big margin. So I say yeah it's not that much of a long stretch of imagination to think it's the most valuable gaming brand.
Also Minecraft is the best selling game of all time so there's that too.
All Sony has is the PS4 and they don't expand it on to anything else.
fuck off back to r/sony then
Because Sony knows it cant compete with Nintendo cause Nintendo still makes games with GAMEPLAY while sony still tries to "muh graphis" and "muh cinimatic experience", and "muh VR".
I have PS4 and switch and my ps4 has just now been dusted offf for Samurai showdown and Granblue,but it has done nothing but collect dust since the release of the switch.
Being able to handheld in the bed and play on TV is an unstopable combo
Nin-tendies absolutely BTFO
Google stadia is going to flop hard lmao
You know how I know you're retarded?
The argument used in these cases is that it tarnishes the brand, they'd lose the ability to use that argument which is a very effective argument to shutdown anything you don't like, this has been used as a form censorship to shutdown the outrage over Sword and Shield recently too. Sony couldn't just start making a Mario game without their okay and sell it because now that's a legitimate threat to them and their brand and them, they still have that argument.
The top selling game on the PSN is a Microsoft game. You will soon have Xbox Live log ins on the PS5.
Bro I think Sony has already bended over to MS, so I really don't understand where this cockiness is coming from.
Sony beat nintendo so bad they left the console market
the general consensus around scarlett from even neutral fans like most journos or industry insiders and developers seems really promising. i'm seeing the opposite of what you're seeing. it looks to be really high quality tech wise with hw ray tracing, ssd, up to 12 cores, etc
Instead they cancel them
>also 360 beat ps3 by far
except PS3 outsold 360
not by much, but still outsold
that was the only time microsoft came even close
PS3 was the worst selling sony console and it still sold over 80 million
how many non sony home consoles have sold over 80 million, not many
You implied it by being contradictory and choosing to ignore the fact that they wii came out before the PS3, making your point moot
LMAO Xshit is dead and so is Gaylo.
I have a PS4 and Switch. Nice try though console warrior. All I'm stated is you retards chimp out over harmless statements that Nintendo themselves agree with. They're not part of the console wars with Sony or Microsoft they're doing their own thing but you Nintendo manchildern think it's a personal attack
>or by law they lose the right to own their own IP.
that only applies to trademarks, dumbass
but yes, if some form of the mario trademark was being infringed upon, or nintendo's own trademark, they would legit have to defend it or face what is called trademark erosion, aka also known as genericization or genericide
this is not an attribute of copyright or patents
They also BTFO indie devs in the same article.
Yeah I'm thinking Sony's back.
Enjoy the MS cloud servers my dude. You're pretty much part of the family now.
>movie games
like judgement and persona 5R??? they don't seem like movie games to me. In fact judgement is a blast so far
>Microsoft admits nobody wants to engage into their ecosystem and starts putting all their stuff to Steam and Switch and soon Playstation
>Xboners tries to spin this into "Sony is bending to MS"
>legitimate threat to them and their brand and them
Fuck, you're retardation rubbed off on me. One extra thing they can do is just okay all no profit fan projects like Sega does and they still maintain that argument.
>Share the same servers
>won't combine
>PS3 was the worst selling sony console and it still sold over 80 million
officially we don't know how many the 360 sold so arguing with anyone about it is pointless as you'll just go round in circles. as for ps3 selling 80m, it sold because of the ps2. if the ps2 didn't sell 150m then the brand association wouldn't be as widespread as it was, which helped ps3 sales greatly as a lot of people would have bought a ps3 just because they had a ps2 and it was what they knew. the same thing happened to xbox this gen. first xbox sold 24m, the 360 sold 80m+ and the xbox one is around ~50m give or take like 5m either way. if the xbox 360 wasn't as successful as it was, the xbox one wouldn't have sold this many. its funny because the og xbox had a really solid library of exclusives and only sold 24m when the xbox one has like 1 or 2 decent exclusives and sold double that. it's just brand association at the end of the day. very rarely fanboyism.
Still the Don Mattrick boogeyman.
Meanwhile MS Game Studios have released nothing but duds under Phil Spencer. Their track record was way better under Don.
>Sell game consoles and some games
Revenue 1.201 trillion (2019)
>Sell consoles and some games. Tvs, music players, bluray players, audio systems, headphones and earbuds
Revenue ¥8.665 trillion (2019)
>Nintendo btfo sony
i've never bought a nintendo console in my life. cope harder though shill.
Nintendo has an virtual monopoly on the portable games market. They've had one since the Game Boy. Sony has tried twice to get in the way of that, and failed twice, so of course Sony isn't going to see Nintendo as competition anymore when they've tried to compete with them but can't.
MS has already admitted defeat. So instead they just try to stay relevant through services instead.
Dunno mate I'm personally enjoying my 100+ games for $1 a month and Halo coming to pc aswell
microsoft won't let this happen lol. if microsoft wants something they usually get it. in this case the ball is in microsofts side of the field and they get to choose who does what.
Cute, but you're still using MS servers on your PS5 and streaming will be a huge part of the PS5 so......
get off heroin nigtendard
Actually i didn't but believe what you want you and i already know what you are
Sony has no interest in the portable market anymore since their target audience (teens, young adults) are more likely to own smartphones than Nintendo's audience. It was a losing battle for Sony since the PSP owners were the same demographic that quickly jumped on smartphone trend. They're more tech savvy than Nintendo's family/kid oriented demographic.
Thread theme
switch maybe a select few titles, but you'll never get xbox first party on playstation according to the xbox head himself.
>Stating facts
>replies to a comment saying Nintendo hasn't competed with Sony and Microsoft for years
>reply is "haha 720p"
That isn't an argument retard?
I’m not even sure what side of the argument you’re on, holy fuck, you’re retarded.
See: GBA, DS, 3DS, etc.
We also heard very recently that the platforms Xbox devs release on are "up to the studio"
The fact that they left Minecraft and Outer Worlds on Playstation after they bought the studios are a clear enough indication. It will happen soon, Phil Spencer is merely prepearing its fans to the inevitable
>the Japanese law prevents American companies from buying Japanese companies
>Sony moves to America
if you're STUDYING it then by your own wording you're admitting you don't know much of anything about it yet and you're still fucking learning the material
just because i study 3d graphics programming doesn't mean i know that much about it
i mean
that is why the studying part
if you said you were a law student graduate
maybe you'd be able to say you have an expert opinion on things and you'd be able to become an expert witness providing expert testimony in court
but until then you are just a lay witness and the correct objection would be a call for conclusion
they didn't teach you that in law school, dickhead?
>microsoft won't let this happen lol.
but there are. lol
Holy SHIT why is Sony still seething over Nintendo cheating on them with Phillips? It's been OVER 20 YEARS. What the fuck they sound like rhe jealous ex gf who is physically unable to get over one of their past relationshipd
>Niche audience
So, weaboos and big tiddies loving Anons?
If Playstation is for niche audience then what the hell are considered mainstream in console gaming industry then??
how did he jump off the Manhattan Bridge with no eyewitnesses? its fucking new York there are people everywhere
Sony and Nintendo haven't been direct competitors for years, retard
>Not one (1) PlayStation exclusive has sold 82mil copies
Nintendo and Sony have been appealing to different audiences for years.
And if you fall inbetween, then you can buy both unless you're some pathetic consolewarrior like half the thread is.
Nintendo stopped competing with sony and xbox years ago.
You think they give a shit about this?
That's why they made the wii and ds so they can do business on their own terms without competition and without having to worry about keeping up with graphics power, and it worked.
Of course. They won every gen since the first PlayStation
Nintendo had to back off from the home console market and focus on soccer mom and toddler gimmicks because it couldnt compete with Sony directly
Well considering that Nintendo's most prevalent demographic is ages 19-34 I highly doubt the difference in smartphone ownership between Sony and Nintendo's prevalent demographic is that great.
Sony doesn't want anything with mobile because they were forced to cut that branch of their company to reduce losses.
>y-yeah guys Sony doesn't need to expand the PSN outside of the Playstation
Of course not, they can't, they have nothing to expand it onto.
I honestly believe Sony is going to win 9th gen. They have everything going for them now that they are probably leaving the portable market. It it's fully backwards compatible with PS4 I'm making the jump.
Do you want me to post their net income?
Take a guess which company ia profiting more.
There's no way Uncharted 4 is the top selling title. Who even buys that game?
>the Japanese law prevents American companies from buying Japanese companies
The same law is present in every country you turbo retard. Companies above certain worth or deemed strategical assets cannot be traded with foreign investors in majority packs without governmental approval. A good example of this in america would be Microsoft.
>It it's fully backwards compatible with PS4 I'm making the jump.
If that first "it" is meant to be an "if" then, yes, they already confirmed backwards compatibility.
Jew Yorker here. Manhattan Bridge isn't as busy as the Brooklyn Bridge. Only joggers, and schoolfags walk it directly to Chinktown. How he managed to climb over the inverted gate and fall to his death without the trash boats or sea police noticing is a mystery.
Wii beat the PS3
DS slaughtered the PSP
3DS destroyed the Vita
Switch is currently well ahead of the PS5
hmmm, no. Sony is now american. They came straight to the shark tank.
>We also heard very recently that the platforms Xbox devs release on are "up to the studio"
so? you think developers having freedom means they'll suddenly bring halo to ps and a fanbase who historically hated halo? yeah it's not happening and phil spencer said so himself. cope.
>The fact that they left Minecraft and Outer Worlds on Playstation after they bought the studios are a clear enough indication.
1. minecraft isn't halo or gears. microsoft never had any intention of locking it into a single platform. they make absolute billions off it.
2. microsoft doesn't own the outer worlds. take two does. they couldn't make it xbox exclusive even if they wanted to unless they bought the rights to the game from take two, which they apparently tried, and which take two didn't want.
this is some serious cope from sony shills. MS are about to become the richest company in gaming after they take advantage of their windows and console userbases. even sony admitted they're becoming a niche now lmao.
Please do, and provide sources this time
Japanese law for that doesn't even exist though. It's just a meme that's been repeated until people believed it true. Said law only applies to like 15 or so companies, of which Nintendo is not part of
The only people losing are people with only one console.
I really love BTFOing Sony fans with daddy Microsoft full power. They literally can't do anything other than picking fights with Nintendo kids.
Guess I'm buying the next bloodborne machine, then.
>inb4 it's like the PS3 and only for the first few revisions
Why the fuck would they? Nintendo make video games
>Ape Escape 20th Anniversary
>Literally made a Twitter account just for a fucking pop up merch shop
I'd say you have fun with those pretentious fucks but they consider themselves above the concept of fun too.
the gba was done after only three years. the 3ds' launch was abysmal - it didn't sell until nintendo did a price cut (something they never do) and shat out a mario game for it. even after it stabilized, it never reached the success of the ds.
Does that mean more cross play like what Nintendo and Microsoft are doing?
>Deleting your own post
Niche as when compared to mobile shit.
Not your weeb incel trash that barely breaks 10k sales
>mfw consolewar threads
they do it for free
i-its...over bros
>have to pay to view source
>have to pay to view statistic information
Lol no
I said provide sources, not link to a middle man.
You are fucking retarded.
You do realize that Sony Corporation =/= Sony Computer Entertainment, right?
How old is OP?
No it means they think themselves the greatest in the world, hell the reason they didn't want crossplay could be summed up as "Well we didn't want out pure and amazing Playstation interacting with those peasants, if they truly want to play together they should join the winning team"
Tell me how Yea Forums isn't NintendoGAF?
It's in those Black Friday bundarus that were like $250. Same thing with TloUR.
>I don't like those numbers
>Give me something that proves my false point
Think Sony killed him?
fucking based, consolewars is the only entertainment that vydia offers period
>no one buys that crap anyway
that crap was the only reason ps3 survived
I mean, come on now.
They aint got no games nigga. Zelda? Running with lil bitch with lil ass sword and lil shield going HAAAH HAAH HAAH.
Yeah why think about beating a invincible enemy right?top kek
Sony Always Wind Baby!
PlayStation focuses on indies = Playstation has no games.
Playstation focuses on AAA = Playstation is doomed.
HAHA eat shit.
It is
Nintendo x Sony isn't even a debate in the real world because normal people think of Nintendo as Tamagotchi levels of toddler gaming
>Give me something that proves my false point
You posted the net income of the Sony Corporation.
You do realize that encompasses all of their business right? Not just PlayStation?
You can use that number against Nintendo because you're comparing a multimedia conglomerate company to a strictly video game company.
Give me the numbers for Sony Interactive Entertainment (their PlayStation division) and then we'll talk.
You mean ports. All their "original" titlea are shovelware.
They shouldn't, Nintendo has games.
neglect of protecting copyright doesn't set some kind of precedent, knucklehead, that hasn't been a thing since at best 1989 and that was a procedural neglect, not a court turnover
from plagiarismtoday.com
>Copyright is not like trademark. Copyright has a set period of time for which it is valid and, unless you take some kind of action, you do not give up those rights.
>To be fair, the level of enforcement or protection you’ve provided a work can be a factor in how much damages are awarded. For example, if a photo you took has been circulating widely for years with no action and you sue one user of the work, that would mitigate the market value of the work, the damage the infringement could have done and how the court feels about the infringement itself. All of these things can affect the final judgment.
>However, unlike trademarks, which do have to be defended, there is nothing the precludes you from enforcing your copyrights at a later date.
and even if you start bringing that kind of thing into court, you would probably most likely face an improper foundation objection, and relevance
(modern) copyright law is not something where the work loses protection simply because you don't protect it from infringement
i mean if that were the case there are millions and millions and millions of cases caused by masturbating to marie rose, like fanart, where the companies have failed to protect their work
but nintendo still owns mario and can pick and choose where they want to c&d for someone's badly drawn peach rule34
copyright primarily expires only due to time
but its really weird
because compared to PC, the ps4 playerbase is really fucking young too
i remember my brother playing fortnite/Apex on PC and then on console, ive never heard so many high pitched voices in my entire life when he played fortnite squad on ps4
How is a thread this low quality even possible without some exclusive coming out, what the fuck
>PS4 only has serious games for serious gam-
Its Sony's best selling game GTAV is the best selling game on PS4
>all their "original" titles are shovelware?
I would much rather play Zelda or Mario than Detroit: Become Human
didn't snoyfags cry out that GOTY was just a joke when BotW won? and that nobody should take it seriously?
The argument is disingenuous to begin with since a vast majority of Switch users also own a PS4. Yea Forums is warped beyond belief
citation needed
Still seething Snoyfag.
>didn't snoyfags cry out that GOTY was just a joke when BotW won? and that nobody should take it seriously?
Yes they're mentally ill and OBSESSED with Nintendo. Thats why they delude themselves with "Nintendo Bonus" rather than accept reality.
Because it was a sour deal they tried to force and Nintendo said no.
They wanted 50% co-ownership of all Nintendo IPs
That’s a horrible idea
>normal people think of Nintendo as Tamagotchi levels of toddler gaming
>Nintendo's most prevalent demographic for the Switch is male ages 19-34
Seething Snoyfag
Here's my citation faggot.
>On vacation and have Mario Maker 2 already downloaded on my Switch
>Have Judgment on my PS4 at home waiting for me
Console Warriors are the cancer killing gaming
>A console out for 6 years has outsold a console that has been out for 2 years.
Yeah no shit dumbass. That isn't an argument to begin with.
They aren't direct competitors. It's always been
>Sony or Microsoft
The idort knows this.
Fucking based.
I blame Sega. Earliest account of trying to stir up console wars.
The platform intended for an older audience censors the shit out of their games while the one for the younger audience is very hands off
What the fuck is this world
>unironically being a smelly nonce-cel
Good. Will Snoy fans stop obsessing about Nintendo now?
are snoyfags heads this fucking hollow?
Its not a competitor because Nintendo has its own exclusive market.
It doesn't need to fight for publishers to put their games on their platform.
Sony doesnt have any rivals
Xbox is dumb and reall whos going to buy stadia?
>male ages 19-34
I was talking about normal people
>Genesis does what Nintendon’t
And from that moment a blight was born
Funny enough I remember Sega almost sued Sony for copyright infringement of “Nintendon’t”
Not him but it's true that PS4 outsold Switch in the Fiscal year of 2018-2019.
PS4 sold 17.5m. Switch sold 16.9, revised downwards from 20m.
Hmm, more sales doesn't equate to more profit and they've literally lost every Gen in terms of sheer units when you factor in portables or profit excluding wii u, so nice try
If Microsoft goes into next gen with the kind of 2.5:1 lead like Sony did this gen is it possible Sony backs off on this cocky attitude and backtracks on all these destructive policies?
The PS4 isn't a good console, it's just a poorman's PC with zero exclusive titles and paid online.
If I had the money I'd just get a nice gaming PC and do away with this accursed, tranny-pandering platform forever.
>b-but handhelds
This is exactly why Sony doesn't take Nintendo seriously anymore you tard.
Because they can't compete?
what is the ps4 audience then? 10-14?
>dismissing rivals
>2017 - 19M
>2018 - 17.8M
Is that why PS4 has outsold Wii U + Switch combined?
why should anyone?
the last time nintendo was a threat was the gamecube.
And why don't they make handhelds anymore?
Normal people who have sex
>Sony tries twice to beat Nintendo in the handheld market.
>Sony fails hard both times.
>"the person said"
What the hell? I don't remember such a phrase in any news articles ever unless it's some super secret leaked information by a source that's hidden by the journalist(s) which doesn't seem to be the case considering they are explicitly mentioning "Sony officials". Sounds rather unprofessional.
Trannies ages 8-12
so 18-whatever, got it
No, this is why.
As opposed to Ninten
And Nintendo tried to beat Sony in the console market and got their shit handed to them so hard they resorted to making handhelds with HDMI Outs instead.
>3/5 of the top selling games are FIFA
you're obviously not from here. someone can be getting robbed in front of me and i won't give a fuck.
mind your business and go home, bro.
Is this somehow worse than Switch's top selling game being a literal Wii U port geared towards toddlers and girls?
Same reason why Nintendo doesn't do home consoles
Still in denial over the Wii lmao
not to mention the ps4 is the first one that actually sold solely as a game console
ps1 was a CD player
ps2 was a dvd player
ps3 was a blu ray player
all of which alone were costly at the time on their own and sony took advantage of being able to add that feature in netting them way more sales than if theyd been exclusive to gaming
>sony: we don't think about nintendo nintendo
>conglomerates don't view each other as competition
Great sign for the consumer.
Nintendo stop competing with everyone after Gamecube. They're just doing their own thing throwing whatever at the wall and seeing if it innovates. I miss old Nintendo honestly.
Nintendo's greatest fad. Playstations are late bloomers, Nintendos are early fads.
Mario Kart is the better video game young pleb.
Nintendo hasn't been competitive with Sony since the GameCube.
lmao no. Play a real racing game instead and not the toddler babby shit.
>only 1 of the Ps4 top selling games is an exclusive
OH no Sony bros
They tried again with Wii U and it bombed so hard it became their last "real" console. Switch is just a handheld with HDMI Out. Nintendo will never make a real console again.
Nintendo has always innovated kiddo.
The best selling Switch game is a literal Wii U port though. How is that any better?
Reminder that the "core" market, the few million consumers that bought stuff like Metal Gear Solid and the PS1 Final Fantasies and first party nintendo titles, from the 90s has remained the same size into today, look up and compare the sales yourself of big 90s games and their modern sequels.
The competition Sony is referring to is for casuals that buy AAA EA garbage and Ubisoft games which of course they aren't competing with Nintendo for.
>They tried again with Wii U
What retardation are you spouting now
*never innovated
Okay, while you're in your little bubble the rest of the world will be here playing games and not caring about muh innovation
>Hardcore gamers
You mean nintendo is for Hardcore gamers and sony is for cucked movie watchers.
>Play a real racing game instead and not the toddler babby shit.
>One of Nintendo's consoles failed
Yeah the Wii U was a failure so?
Are you just gonna ignore the two times Sony tried to fuck them over in the handheld market and failed much harder both times?
>Wii U wasn't a console
is this a new cope mechanism?
For me, it's based CTR NF
Is that a fucking vibrator
Do you think people are just standing by to grab you incase you try to jump? Lol. He jumped by jumping the fese and you know, jumping.
Snoy fans are older and yet need the company to censor suggestive material because they know those fans are worse than children
why would they see Ningoydo whose a game publisher that releases trash hardware once every few years as a threat? the majority of ningoydo owners are adults who buy it out of nostalgia for their young kids to pay and then a subset of total goyboys who are crazy for anything ningoydo
and you forgot that it's a port
PSP sold more than 3DS.
Of course PSP is a failure but 3DS is a hit right? In fact, Nintendo suffered a greater loss of install base from NDS to 3DS than Sony did going to Vita.
Wii U failed for numerous reasons that were mostly Nintendo's fault, I don't see how you think they "tried to make it a competitive console".
Like the other guy said the Gamecube was the last time they tried that and for some reason it sold like shit so they said fuck it and stopped pandering to retards who care about grafix.
I don't get the point of this thread. Yeah, Nintendo aims generally at the younger groups, while Sony aims at the older groups. Is this supposed to be shocking? It's like saying DNV-GL don't consider McDonalds competition despite both being huge corporations and that's somehow SHOCKING.
Swear I remember reading a headline just like that about 14 years ago when Sony was Hyping the PS3.
>our demographic is virtue signaling transgender women of color, we are going to fight microsoft tooth and nail to capture this lucrative .5% of the marketshare.
sounds like a great plan for corporate suicide.
Its true PS4 sold more in the 2018 fiscal year, nintendo is already set to take over 2019 with a landslide
PS4 has been losing 1M sales year by year while Switch has had a 24% increase
I don't really care about that. I just miss playing games fro them that doesn't revolve around motion controls or tablets. StarFox Zero was a clear example of how much they've fucked up trying to change everything for the sake of change. Give me the N64 and GC anyday.
Pride precipitates a dizzying fall.
>two times
oh boy what a tragedy, how many console Nintendo got dabbed on by sony?
why the fuck do you compare the 3ds to the psp? DS released in 2004 and PSP in 2004
Getting desperate
holy hell you are retarded and have not even the slightest clue of how copyright laws work. please stay in highschool
>Nintendo fans tend to be younger than Sony's intended demographic
No, it's just that they are perpetual man-children. They are just in a constant state of arrested development. Nintendo knows this trust me. That's why they sell them amiibos and cardboard accessories, and make a killing doing it.
Congratulations, you beat a console that has sold 100m in its sixth year. BRAVO!
B-But muh PS5...
They just leaked the benchmark tests sonybros... We can't lose before it already began.. Not again....
LMFAO this mentally ill baby actually posted this retarded image right on schedule.
You might as well include pic related and claim Nintendo ripped it off for their GameBoy. L O L
>the rest of the world will be here playing games and not caring about muh innovation
Yawn. Meanwhile, Nintendo's most recent flagship titles are among the most critically acclaimed games of all time. In fact, a quick Google of ANY "Best VIdeo Games Of All Time" list is always completely saturated with Nintendo games in the Top 20.
CRY little baby, CRY.
Why is 80m PSP sold a failure but 76m 3DS sold a success?
>These are considered "hardcore audience" by the gaming industry leaders now.
T-Then what are we supposed to be called then Yea Forumsros?
I read this imagining a fatlard in Mario shirt crying his guts out because someone said something bad about daddy Nintendo online.
You haven't used an intellivision if you think it has a dpad
>how many console Nintendo got dabbed on by sony?
Yeah, how many was it?
>unironically caring about, let alone listing a "quick google" of your opinion as an argument
damn bro.
it must be rough being a nin10yearold lately.
>they won't allow me to creep over underage looking loli porno in my games. REEEEEEEEE
>PSP sold more than 3DS.
3DS wasn't even it's main competition? It was the Nintendo DS, and that sold 150 million compared to the PSP's 80-82 million.
The PS Vita was meant to compete with the 3DS, and guess who lost that battle too?
Jesus are you this stupid?
>can't compete
>"we're not even competing lol!"
GTA is arguably in the """hardcore""" audience it's just old and no one really plays it outside of meme multiplayer stuff now.
I had a job interview yesterday and the guy asked if I played video games, I said yea and he asked which ones. It become quickly apparent the only video game he knew about was fortnite because his 8 year old kids played it
>tfw Rich Chad who owns both the Switch and PS4
Only poorfags engage in console wars
Why any of you sonybros can't fucking write?
Utterly fucking seething and zero argument? Why are Snoyfags in such a state of meltdown right now? Is it because their system is now dead with no games coming?
Vita's main competition wasn't even 3DS but smartphones. Something you keep ignoring in order to make 3DS look like some kind of victor.
But in reality Nintendo had to panic price drop it and even then didn't even reach PSP's sales.
jesus, what a shithole life you have to lead to be unironically posting that
Imagine the rectal ragnarok required to draw this pic
cope more snoyfag
user, you haven't posted any arguments either.
You literally said "google says so"
Kill yourself my man.
Back when Nintendo cared about Sony as competition? Debatable, but maybe the N64.
Nobody's engaging but sony niggers with a chip on their shoulder
It's already more than the ps vita
the psp is literally more powerful hardware than the Ningoydo switch
t. nigga getting robbed
don't come to NY
As far as I can remember they haven't considered them competition since like the Wii era.
Well yeah Nintendo does not compete with Sony or Microsoft.
The target audience and somewhat even game genres are extremely split.
The only real competitor to Sony is Microsoft.
This is honestly fucking pathetic.
GTA5 sold 110M , GTA has been mainstream since 3
It is only poorfags that do that.
I also have both, but play most of my vidya on my hacked 3ds.
Stay mad
From this gen I own a PS4, Xbox, Wii U, 3DS and Switch. And my Switch is my most played system by a country mile.
I haven't even turned my PS4 on since October last year.
>tfw own xbone, ps4 and switch/wiiu
feels good being able to play all the best games
>calls people poor but is too broke for portable games
Ok I'll give that to you. 3DS had an extremely rough start, but once it got back on its feet it did very well.
It's sold 75m compared to PSP's 80m yeah, but like I said, PSP wasn't its primary competition at all. The 3DS released towards the end of the PSP's lifespan.
are we saying that something mainstream can't be ""hardcore""?
based retard
>if its a console then it MUST be competing with Sony
Is this a new kind of bait?
>Vita didn't compete with 3DS
I cannot imagine what is going through the mind of people who unironically post this
So go look up any Best Of list kiddo. Tell me whats at Number 1? Tell me how many Nintendo games you count in the Top 20?
I don't even need to check. I KNOW.
It's like sony shitposters pride themselves on making retarded posts
Honestly if I didn't know any better I'd say they were Canadians
Switch has been outsold by PS4 twice in a row.
It wasn't because of 3DS that Vita didn't sell. It was because of smartphones. The demographic had moved on.
>these are the images toddlers make to cope
Getting your dick in your brother's boypussy is not having sex
Nintendo and Sony occupy different niches. Microsoft and Sony do not.
Well it's hard to keep track anymore, because what are we comparing? If Nintendo is just going to release a new console every 4 years, it's kinda hard to keep track of what's competing with what.
I mean, are we comparing the Wii U to the PS4? The Switch to the PS4? The Wii U and Switch together? To tell you the truth, Nintendo could release a new system once a year, they still won't have any games to play. Nintendo shits out a first party bing bing title every 2 years WOOOAH MAN epic. Let me run out and spend 300 dollars to buy a system with 60 dollar games that I already played in 2013.
Oh yeah, the Wii stood no chance against the mighty PS3!
>Nintendo and Sony occupy different niches
What fucking niche does Sony offer
video games
they are aiming for completely different markets, why would they see each other as competition?
that's like asking why a dog food manufacturer doesn't think of an ice cream company as competition
Fucking based
Fuck poorfags
>PS4 has been out for nearly 6 years
>Switch has been out for a little more than 2 years
Of course it has sold more in total dumbass.
But if you want to get petty and throw sales numbers around, Switch has outsold the PS4 in units sold in Japan.
>but nintendoooooooooo
Chad gamer, Nintendo can take the nincel demographic
Sold my Snoystation since the only people making games for it anymore are the Yakuza spinoff guys and fighting game developers who all will release their stuff on PC a few months later.
I really have no interest in a console controlled by Americans, much less Californians, and I don't understand people who do.
The "I want to play video games of all kinds" demographic.
>I haven't even turned my PS4 on since October last year.
I haven't turned mine on for 2 years now, and I played most my vidya on PC and Switch nowadays.
I don't know what happened but I somehow just stop turning my ps4 on all the sudden. I even bought the new God Of War too, and still haven't even open the package yet.
I don't know why but playing vidya on Switch are just more enjoyable for me. And I felt like just when I wanted to play an exclusive ps4 titles it will just come to PC eventually like Yakuza Kiwami.
>in Japan
You really thought no one would notice you picking cherries like that
nice blog weeb faggot, nobody cares.
Switch has outsold the PS4 when it was the Switch's age
2 of these games are exclusives.
The best edition of DQ11 is on Switch too.
this doesn't disprove anything i said. we don't know how much the 360 sold. end of story.
I mean, yeah. Nintendo doesn't think of them as competitors either. They haven't in a long time. They've served very different markets for over a decade now.
>no competition
Won't stop the faggot normies thinking otherwise
Would you take any of these subhumans seriously? One Sonybro could beat the shit out of an entire group of Nintensoyboys
Uh Oh! Time to deny reality again!
Show me worldwide sales nincel
A niche: denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.
Just because niggers flock to Sony like a KFC hotbar doesn't mean they offer a niche
lol faggot
Right so the same experience I can get anywhere but Nintendo thanks
it's right on there
I bought mine in may 2018 and it has max. 50 hours played
This. Nintendo slay qween.
>The best edition of DQ11 is on Switch too.
Except that for all this talk about NIntendo brand loyalty I hear, those 100 million Wii owners where were they when the Wii U was selling 15 million consoles. PS3 owners went out and bought a PS4, I guarantee it. Not one person who owned a PS3 last gen gave up a PS4 for a Switch or an Xbone, I guarantee it.
Not the same experience you can get anywhere else since only Sony offers a PS4 with its price, ecosystem and games.
>US and Japan are the only countries in the world
give me those worldwide sales nigger
it says we only know 360 numbers till 2014 and don't know how many it sold up till it ended production in 2016. it literally even says the figure has increased since then. you're acting retarded. nobody knows how many units the 360 sold. end of story.
Sony is branded as losers for taking billion dollar losses on PS3 instead of abandoning it. But it turned out to be genius because the PS3 owners were satisfied enough with their console they went and bought PS4.
How many nintenfags didn't get completely burnt on Nintendo prematurely killing Wii U?
>not the worldwide
what a fucking joke
but death stranding is already goty lol?
The patrician video gamer of many styles and genres niche. If you love vidya of all shapes and sizes, you are definitely a PS4 Chad.
There's never any games for it.
I remember checking store weekly and after about a year didn't even see a single game I gave a shit about.
No, that's Ace Combat 7.
The witnesses were busy being stabbed and mugged
>Not one person who owned a PS3 last gen gave up a PS4 for a Switch or an Xbone, I guarantee it.
i did. now what?
If you love shovelware you mean.
Income != Profits
Lol the irony is MS considers Google their main competitor.
>Nintendo dominating Japan.
>Nintendo dominating America
>B-B-But Sony sold more in Bangladesh!
Fucking KEK.
PS4 dominates worldwide.
That statistic is wrong anyways. Snoyfag tried using the net income of the entire sony corporation, including all the other consumer electronics they make.
Post world numbers, incel
We can see you sweat from here
That's why the Vita hit the bucket
obviously they can't come out and say Sony is their main competitor when they're getting raped by them
>Love vidya of all shapes and sizes, many styles and genres niche.
Name the last AAA-title Sony heavily pushed that wasn't M-Rated.
That's not diverse video games.
My PS3 Slim I bought in Nov. 2009 never had one problem, and I smoked cigarettes right next to it for 6 years. This thing has been a steady beast ever since I bought it.
Right let me pay out the ass for a watered down gaming PC that's already obsolete before it even hits the market
At least Nintendo offers a niche for weird portable hybrids and great first party exclusives and Microsoft has multiplayer covered
What the fuck does Sony even have?
Nobody wants to be in a room full of niggers playing FIFA, not even other niggers
I can get games anywhere on anything, tell me why exactly I would own a Playstation over say a Switch with Zelda, Metroid, and Mario
An Xbox with a better online service as far as consoles are concerned
or a PC that I can personally customize to how ever I see fit that can still out perform Sony's consoles 2 gens later
Makes sense, Sony is about the whole entertainment package, Nintendo is more about the games and a shitton of peripherals. Regardless if all you care about is games then it doesn't really matter which one you pick, Nintendo will always have it's staple exclusives.
I think they fear their core potentially jumping ship to MS.
And by core I do not mean the folks playing only sony exclusives. What if we have a PS3 vs xbox 360 situation but where both are priced the same and 3rd party plays better on the xbox.
I wonder how many PS3s were sold because it was a blu-ray player
So this is the designated shitposting thread?
Poo poo pee pee hahahaha pee pee poo poo
underage fanboi mad mommy won't buy him M rated games huh?
yikes, cringe and dilate. have sex zoomer
Even EA and Activision Blizzard make more money than Nintendo
How the fuck? They don't even make consoles
This, Reggie even said they weren't trying to compete early during the Switch's launch
Probably the same amount that the PS2 sold because it was DVD player
Ye cuz sony has lost in japan, nobody there like movie games
Holy yikes of yikes. Have sex, please.
Yeah right, any "chad" worth their salt isn't religiously sucking corporation dick and giving a fuck what other people think of their shitty consoles
The fact that literal retards like you embrace the chad meme and believe you are one is fucking hilariously pathetic you literal obese pimple assed nobody
If Sony's really so fucking great tell me why instead of giving some half assed vague
>dude trust me, sony's great it's where the chads get their game on lmao
cope harder nincel
>i did
Oh yeah I remember you. I remember I had that one picture of you. Wait I'll post it.
I do say, the holy land of yike, has hereby labeled this a comment worthy of one YIKES.
>ynr that Sony has won 4 generations in a row
Are nigtendo and micropenis even trying?
Homosexuals and hysterical women.
sony has the console market pretty much locked down. at best microsoft will probably be able to compete in the americas and certain spots in europe like uk but playstation brand is very strong in the console market globally. i think they fear windows more than anything else because microsoft rightly said pc gaming has 2bn players globally and counting and it's the pinnacle of gaming pretty much as its the most open platform too. i mean, even mark cerny himself said they released the ps4 pro not as a competitor for xbox but to stop people migrating to pc for better graphics and framerate. windows just became a massive threat to sony globally because of microsoft going all in with windows gaming and gamepass. that's also why cerny in his wired interview probably said ps5 will be priced as a premium product because they want to most likely be on par with midrange pc's so people consider them as an alternative pc. this gen if you wanted to decide between a ps4 or pc you could build a pc which smokes the ps4 for much less with some old ass i5 and 750 ti.
yikie wikies, user-chanafamalamadingdong, have zoomer and dilate sex.
that's cute
It's literally the best version and it doesn't even need to release. We already know what they're adding and even though graphics are taking a hit it doesn't matter. We've also seen how it runs and it runs fine.
>My toy is better than your toy
This is one of the saddest threads I've ever seen in my life.
ps3 was shit. i owned one but rarely played it. i built a pc in 2012 and used it ever since and just bought a switch. i have no interest in ps4 at all seeing as 99% of its library i have on pc already.
I'll just take that jab as fact that you can't provide me an example.
Sony having a hardon for M-Rated games is not what I'd call a diverse game ecosystem.
Snoyfags don't care though, cuz at least it's not "bing bing wahoo"
>waahhh I can't play my shitty tile matching games with softcore hentai characters in them
Uninstall your life
>The witnesses were busy being stabbed and mugged
better than dying of boredom in a shitty hick bible belt southern shithole surrounded by corn.
in reality, you incels are afraid of your own shadows
as shitty as Nintendo may be they likely don't see Sony as competition either, people will ALWAYS buy Nintendo and shit like pokemon proves that
You know replying like this doesn't really help. Ignoring is the best way to deal with obvious shitposts, don't point out the obvious reply that you are probably revving up right at this moment because the thread is almost dead.
They're right. Nintendo makes video games. Snoy makes movies. Two completely different audiences.
Yeah PS2 was pretty great
Too bad it was before your time
>t.underage Ningoydo gamer
Seethe some more buddy
Take the yellow mask off, reveal your true identity. You know what I'm talking about...
>Sony puts a DVD player in the PS2/Bluray player in the PS3 to appeal to people who don't play video games often/at all to get them to buy their products.
"What a genius idea Sony"
>Nintendo also tries to appeal to that same audience
internet technology can advance all it wants but that won't stop the big isps from cockblocking smaller isps preventing infrastructure growth
>Sales equal quality
Then by that logic EA is based because FIFA.
>b-but sales doesn't count
getting desperate pretendo
imagine being this retarded LOL
Considering that people older than the age of 11 don't give a shit about console wars I think you're the child here.
not him but if sales meant it was good then all apple products and diablo 3 are the fucking best
oh wait they aren't because people will buy a name brand even if it is shit
>competing with mario company
snoybois wished they could even dream those numbers
I'm not saying anyone was gonna save him I'm just surprised nobody saw it
The PS3 pissed me off many times, I must admit. When I tried to play New Vegas and the system kept crashing or freezing or taking forever to load, I gave up on DA: Origins for the same reason. There were some games that just felt like they were not meant to be played that way.
Movie games
yeah and let me guess Ningoydo is going to put an HD DVD drive in their next console. always outdated by at least a decade and obsolete
>Mom I asked for some Nintendo stuff for my birthday. This is just a box.
>"No I paid money for this. I bought this at the store."
Damn. The Switch really broke snoyfags, didn't it?
That isnt a niche considering majority of games on the list are on multiple consoles and even on pc
>playstation the mature console for mature gamers such as myself
>Nintendo sold more hardware this gen than Sony
>Sold more hardware last gen than Sony
Not a competitor though
>Ningoydo is going to put an HD DVD drive in their next console
This retard still thinks physical media is a thing. Top kek.
Labo didn't sell well though. Must be that it's not Nintendo's actual audience. Meanwhile, Movie games are the best selling games on Sony's platform. The audience speaks.