Is he right Yea Forums?

Is he right Yea Forums?

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>Kiwi Farms

Kiwi Farms is a bunch of evil bastards. I have a thread on there and they cause me a lot of anxiety.

don't know about that guy but I want Christina Hendricks to smother me with her tits desu senpai

i have an entire board dedicated to me, fucking detractors

What did you do?

Be a transwoman. Kiwi Farms actually brags about its killcount. You know why Etika died?
Kiwi Farms. Yep.

Thought you were dead Boogie

Something smells rotten. Like bait.

It's the danish.

>let's throw our primary demographic under the bus because someone online said women also play video games

Saddest thing is some are doing precisely that and then wondering why their games flop.

What's the vidya equivalent of Christina Hendricks?

>waaaaaaaah my generic thot that makes my peepee hard isn't world famous on account of her tits
This faggot probably gives money to twitch/patreon whores.

thats actually based fuck trans and degeeracy

Absolutely not. This mindset is exactly what’s killing the industry.


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no and he's a fool for thinking there aren't more than one kind of game

You know those are overdubs by Corporate to push their Narrative right? Actual crowd chants are different.

I have never heard of Christina Hendricks.

Color me shocked

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oh she's from some western show


>hating kiwi farms

That chick in VtMB2, I thought it was her for a second

The sound like genuine heroes. Good on them. Hopefully you follow in Etika’s footsteps.

>women gamers
>the same kind that only play bottom of the barrel garbage that somehow manages to qualify as a game on their phone
I don't even understand the tangent he goes on at the end there, but I just know pandering to a demographic that never wanted your game in the first place is fucking retarded. Yet so many companies do it anyway.

>be a transwoman
Hopefully you kill yourself you disgusting degenerate. You repulse me.

>Women don't like complex violent games
>Nintendo makes simple nonviolent games for all audiences
>Still 90% of Switch owners are adult males
What did women mean by this?

I wanna fuck 12 year old Lara Croft.

>all this moralfagging on Yea Forums of all places
thats how you know this place has gone to shit

Women are more mindless spenders than men, especially since they are spending their man's money 80% of the time, so they don't care if they are wasting it

Like look at the WoW mounts, most people who buy them are women & they don't understand why it's a problem

Women don't like games. They only enjoy the social status that "playing" / "liking" a game can bring them.

wah wah wah kiwi farms bad

Nice. They are heroes.

Men spend vastly more than women on video games, so his only actual point is objectively wrong. Everything else is just pointless rambling that has nothing to do with the actual discussion.

By wife plays a lot of games and has done for just as long as anyone on this board. But on several occasions she has commented that she doesn't enjoy them at all. She only plays so we have something to do and to chat to online friends.

Why is the notion of women playing video game so special? Why everyone (including (you) ) talk about it like it's something, when it's nothing. You are giving this theme a value by being retarded.

Same with any other media. Why is Playing video games so special when it's literally just hobby? It's like every single one of you is hired by some fucking company to optimize their way to sell shit. Late state capitalism indeed.

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Shopping malls and commercials are designed around women's interests. There's a Starbucks at the entrance of every mall. Commercials for household products all follow the competent wife and bumbling husband formula.
Women CAN enjoy games as much as men. The vast majority just aren't into gamer culture.

some women spend stupid amounts of money on mobage
I'm like 99% certain all my whale pokemori friends are female

It's his rotting taint wound.

Mummy Hendricks has been in more than just some show.

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You won't find even one example of a shut-in gamer girl spending 12 hrs+ on a game, without social interaction, and not using it to brag in real life.

Does she have a name? I know who you're talking about but I can't find any more images.

meh, she's no Maria Ozawa

>women are stupid paypigs who spend too much on shitty mobile games therefore we should alienate actual video game's core demographic
No fuck off

>Women CAN enjoy games as much as men. The vast majority just aren't into gamer culture.
A woman CAN be an MMA fighter. 99% of them just won't

Mummy Hendricks has it all though, how can any other woman compete with peak Christina?

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>Why is the notion of women playing video game so special?
Because a woman cannot be motivated to do anything difficult or challenging without the enticement of public praise. Why do you think they took so strongly to Twitch? All they have to do is exist in the same vicinity as video game shit and people praise them for it and treat them like they are the same as male streamers who have to actually be funny, or play the game well, or have some kind of gimmick

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Women not liking games isn't to do with gore
Women dont like challenge, systems, mastering, competition, exploring
Games are just boring to them.
The game they like are games that aren't even games. Things like animal crossing were there is no win or lose state, its more like an interactive toy. Or social mmo crap that is just grinding

Kiwifarms isn't that the site for Chris chan

Explain why so many girls play LoL/DOTA/Smite

kiwifarms is a boogeyman scapegoat that sjws love to cite now because they already ruined Yea Forums, and SomethingAwful is left-leaning now too.

it's literally just a dry, more boring SomethingAwful where they make it their business to keep track of the internet's biggest failures or memelords. Their threads aren't even particularly mean or vindictive. It's just them laughing at publicly available info, gathered into convenient threads and mildly commented on.

The potential for huge attention if they get any good at all / streaming / e-begging

Ugly women have to be funny and entertaining though, on twitch. I imagine male attractiveness works in the same way in spaces that are dominated by females.

Being ugly fucking sucks man.

>Ugly women have to be funny and entertaining though, on twitch
>ugly women
>on twitch
where? maybe one in a sea of a billion under the Just Chatting category

Name one genuinely ugly woman who is successful on Twitch. I'll wait.

I don't fucking know dude, I barely go on twitch except when I feel like laughing at trannies

even trannies aren't making much headway on twitch, look at narcissa, their career went down in flames because they didn't even remotely pass

theres big trans streamers?

The only people who hate kiwi farms are people that fucked up. Kill yourselves

Who could have guessed shit opinions and shit taste in alcohol would go hand in hand

KarmaRL was a rocket league streamer that pulled 100 viewers every day because she was good enough at the game. Not as good as the pros but just below them. Like a semi-pro I guess?

That's the type of person I wish I could bash his head against a wall until he dies.

>100 viewers every day
I won't say this is nothing, but... it's pretty close to nothing

I dno, you figure it out.

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>kiwi farms
where else am I supposed to get my dobson updates now that fucking jannies delete lol threads?

>being this much of a weeb

mobile games

>even trannies aren't making much headway on twitch
Why do you say that like you're surprised? People will virtue signal to they're blue in the face and turn around about how creepy the tranny in the girls bathroom is when they actually see it in real life

Chris? Is that you?

Lmao they don't go after anyone for -just- being a tranny; you must've done something extra on top of that to get their interest

oh no dude i'm soooo sorry i haven't watched the classic show of this decade, Mad Men

even if i did it would only be for Alison Brie.

Have you ever thought about not posting complete arseshit on social media under your name?

They days of julayfags and ALogs are gone, if you get bullied by kiwifarms it's your own fault

Close but the "detractors" gave it away

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>Hendicks is the modern equivalent of Marilyn Monroe
except she could actually act, was great on mad men and had a ton of vocal public support because she was thicc and not like a standard bimbo. And she's not just doing voice work. Shit, even Good Girls is a solid show and it just got renewed.

How the fuck are you going to throw one woman under the bus to appeal to women as a whole? That's genuinely retarded.

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Yes that too, but even when they play "normal games", 99% of them won't be the ones spending a lot of time, playing for 5-10 hours and spending a lot. They're thinking of it more like a diversion on the time to work, not something one can do and keep at seriously like watching a series or a movie for several hours.

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if you're going to start your post with "be me" try to write it in appropriate matter using greentexting

like this

>be tranny
>cry about eceleb nigger dying
>kiwifarms laughs at me
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everyone walks a dinosaur

Narcissa doesn't even pass for human.

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remember that when executives say (((diversity and inclusion))) or use buzzterms like (((gaming is for everyone))) they're using politics as a shield for the fact that they are dumbing down games to try to increase their market share. when there's a crippled fag dyke nigger in a game it's just in hopes that more people will buy a game.

You need to work on reding comprehension user. It's a reply.

Everybody shut the fuck up, post more Christina Hendricks.

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>The only people who hate People Magazine are people who are JEALOUS of celebrity lifestyles!

this is how retarded you sound right now

>still this obsessed

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She is perfect, my goodness me. What a divine woman.

Based Kiwifarms accelerating the 40%

That's kinda true though. If you weren't jealous you just wouldn't give a shit; to outright hate something takes a level of emotional commitment.

>If they don't like it, change it so they will like it
You either like it or you look away. Don't go changing it because you hate it.

>occassionally pointing and laughing when a subject is directly mentioned means you're obsessed

I think it's perfectly reasonable to identify sources of cancer and misery in society and detest them. Then again, if I were on some shitposting crusade(like the OP picture poster is)then yeah, you may be right. However, the only reason I've mentioned People magazine this year was just now to point out the untruth of the statement that someone could only possibly hate kiwifarms if they had committed some faux pas. That isn't true, I think they're annoying attention whores but I don't do anything wrong because I'm too boring to do anything wrong or for anyone to care if I did.

>that pic
he was a speedrunner, there is basically 50/50 chance of him dilating anyway, I would not blame it on anything

lemme guess: non passing voice, broad shoulders, visible adams apple, too tall, watch too much anime, and a neet


BS. They deliberately eased up on Chris Chan for being a tranny. You are lying.

Go there to talk about it, retard.

>you'll never be chris-chan
why even live

They eased up on Chris way too much cause some other fucks were going too far and have a bunch of word filters or something

ITT: seething kiwiniggers
your site and your lives are worthless and actively take harm society

>They actually pushed Butterfree song autist to suicide
The only thing worse than a kiwi farm user is two kiwi farm users

He's not wrong, but he's ignoring the concept of target audience. 50% of the population won't just disappear because you stopped making stuff for them. Someone is bound to try to capitalize on them.

same reason why a man knitting or sewing is seemed as special

same reason why women play mercy in overwatch. they play easy roles and can have a team carry them

because those aren’t real video games?

Attention whoring, you fucking idiot.

Equality I guess.
Nowadays every hobby must be open to all people and genders, and those hobbies with great equality receive brownie points.
This is why they coun the females who play mobile games as gamers despite most of them just being people who aren't interested in the gaming market and solely play such mobile games as a pass time from time to time.
There's nothing wrong with women in gaming. The problem comes when you are desperate for them to be included for shallow reasons

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7/10 bait, man.

This is only valuable post itt. Post more mommy.

Aren't adult women the most numerous demographic of videogame users?

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>kiwi farms
>no kiwis

That's because you deserve it. Kiwi Farms are heroes of justice who seek to destroy evil maniacs such as you.

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take one for the road fend

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