Did Sony turn on niche japanese games because those consumers don't play online and don't buy into PS Plus?
Did Sony turn on niche japanese games because those consumers don't play online and don't buy into PS Plus?
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And they also dont buy last of us, days gone, god of war, or any of the other sony exclusives
Yes, Sony only wants multiplayer games from now on. Notice how their first party games are nearly all multiplayer focused now? It’s because they want you to buy a ps plus subscription. Honestly I fucking hate them for this now, they used to be cool in the 90s.
Speaking of PS1 era, I went back and downloaded a whole bunch of games from that Yea Forums's recommended games wiki and holy shit that list is so good. I never had any playstations when I was a kid (or now I guess but emulation).
Cali Sony finds Japanese games to be embarrassing and wants nothing to do with them from pride alone.
>Did Sony turn on niche japanese games because those consumers don't play online and don't buy into PS Plus?
That's part of it yes. The western normalfag audience this gen is much more lucrative. They make mountains of money just from their share of millions of copies yearly games like FIFA/CoD and the PSN+ subscription people will pay to play them online.
>Notice how their first party games are nearly all multiplayer focused now?
What? No they aren't. The majority of first party exclusives this gen has been single player games. Uncharted 4 had a multiplayer no one really cared about but games like Spiderman, GoW, and Horizon were very much single player only games. If your going to criticize anything criticize the fact they follow the same damn template and continue making over the shoulder 3rd person cinematic games that focus on graphics over everything else.
>What? No they aren’t.
Yeah just pretend LBP3, new predator game, MLB, Helldivers, Killzone shadow fall, Gran turismo, dreams and Bloodborne don’t exist. Sony makes a few small singleplayer games to placate the “hardcore” gamer crowd but they have been putting most of their effort into multiplayer focused games for the last few years in an attempt to push PSplus
>PS Plus
>Gran Turismo
oh god I just remembered the multiplayer nightmare that was GT Sport, what a fucking disaster
fuck you sony
Ayup, jap games tend to be slightly more sexual than its western competitor too, Sony policies have ensure everything will be available uncensored on PC and Xbox and probably the switch. They will still make a PS5 version but it will be censored. I don't get why Sony abandoned them they were Sony's second most loyal group. Bros and kids aren't loyal. Maybe they won over casuals but I really don't think so, I think the cheapest way to watch Netflix and play Fifa is the winner of next gen by default
>Everything will be available uncensored on Xbox
Most of the games Sony censors aren’t available on Xbox
Xbox isn't even a name in Japan. Switch and PC (in that order) will almost certainly become the next Japgame platform
Fuck jews and fuck subscription fees.
Any most the types of games Sony censors will not be on the next playstation either.
>censoring a few borderline porn visual novels is "turning on niche Japanese games"
Only those "borderline porn" games actually ended up releasing with things explicitly censored, the new guidelines apply to lots of standard tropes and such that appear in more mainstream japanese titles and are causing devs to have to alter their games to meet the requirements.
>Thinking jap devs will leave Sony
Lel, the games will still be on PS5, just neutered to hell.
These games only continue to release because executives see an install base and can't say no even if it won't actually sell in the neutered state. Next gen is a clean slate, no install base excuse means there's no reason to release a title that won't fucking sell. Depends on the title, but I feel like stuff like neptunia and games in that "tier" and below will end up being PC and Nintendo only.
>causing devs to have to alter their games to meet the requirements.
Oh no now they have to focus on making good gameplay and stories instead of relying on weak minded virgins for sales
I see you're not up to date
The whole thing is Sony talking about how they only care about AAA games, and how that includes not giving a shit about TGS anymore.
Considering Sony's PlayStation division isn't even Japanese anymore this makes total sense. You know this, I know this, and Japanese developers know this. PS4 will be the last PlayStation to have Japgames and in a few years it'll fade into obscurity just like Xbox.
Rest in peace, Sony. It was a good two decades.
>we live in a timeline where nintendo gets lewd games
What the FUCK happened? You told me Nintendo was the family friendly kiddie toy.
>games need to cater to MY taste and "quality" standards
these games have as much a right to exist as any other because as with all entertainment products, it's all individually subjective
Think of Nintendo like Disney. The majority of first party games that carries the brand's reputation is family friendly stuff but they have their hands in all sorts of markets at the same time because most people are reasonable and don't just boycott Mario games because of some lewd niche title like Xenoblade exists too.
Fuck off zoomer, Xenoblade was actually good before it turned into generic anime trash.
>most people are reasonable
guess we found one of the exceptions, you gonna skip Mario Odyssey 2 over this?
You are reaching here retard
who are you quoting?
I honestly don't see much difference between Xenoblade 1 and 2 aside from the art style, they're both your standard anime sci-fi filled with the tropes that come with them.
There's still no denying XB2 turned the weeb up to 11.
my statement about how most people are reasonable and won't change their purchase patterns over your favorite company publishing some fucking niche thing that's not for them.
>the multiplayer nightmare that was GT Sport
lol get REKT you casual GTSport is great
It's got more to do with the times, Xenoblade 1 was nearly 10 years ago, the tropes and culture has simply evolved with the times. Fans are lucky most of the actual substance to the series is intact despite all that.
to add to this I should mention that there is a perfect example of "going to far" with FE Fates where all the substance and identity was basically thrown away to match modern tropes and culture.