Played the first hour and I'm already bored

Played the first hour and I'm already bored
Does it get better?

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it gets better but its still pretty boring overall.

Not shitposting
Just trying to find out if the game has a slow start and eventually gets better

Oh good another GOW cry thread

Kinda, but you have to play through half of it to get there. The sad thing is that the last quarter of the game is literally nothing but a sequel tease.



Unironically yes, combat gets more varied and faster as you unlock more shit and the story goes into interesting places

You lost. Get over it already.

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If it’s boring you’re not playing on a high enough difficulty

np, it's shit till the end which is shittoo

Yea it does.
You get more moves and abilities and enemies get more challenging.
Also the worlds gets somewhat more open and free for exploration kinda like a Zelda game.

It becomes playable when you finally get the fucking Blades. I hope whoever thought the boring ass Axe would be a great weapon steps on a fucking LEGO with their bare feet.

the first boss fight was fun to watch

No, it's pretty fucking boring. Couldn't finish it either. Stopped at the point where Valkyries are braindead easy, but so overtuned that you need to hack away at them for 15 minutes while not being allowed a single mistake. Horrible design.

Yes. Once the world opens up its more fun.

Just wait until you get the blades and delay combos.

Higher difficulties is exactly where it becomes a boring slog.

Yes. When the brat isn't around is the best part.

Is there a skip cutscene option?

>Does it get better?
no not really. i'm in the same boat as you. it's a very linear game with small hub "worlds" and it's not very interesting unless you either really love god of war, loves everything sony does blindly or really love these small scale hack and slash games.

its called not playing the game

Yes. It actually does, the first or two hours are boring because your move set is pretty basic.

The game is like 30 hours long. The first hour is spent mostly just setting up the rest of the game. Yes it gets much better.

Xcuck, aren't you bored of false-flagging every day? Every day you're here, every day you're seething. Always the same post, always pretending to be a bored new player. Just stop mate. Xbox lost. Take the L like a man.

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