Game is impossible unless you have talent

>game is impossible unless you have talent.

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Other urls found in this thread:!UcNG2AiT!jeyWwP1gtQXXz6R29o5bgw!dddXWABS!rYhFlIQL!OX7slmxiS3Vn6JGsY9mUBw

shut the fuck up you bitch nigga

"talent" is just a cope. Skill is built by repetition.

>game filters casuals not willing to put in the effort to git gud

I guess I keep repeating shit after shit.

>He fell for the talent meme.

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And you will keep making shit for at least another year, don't expect to be anywhere near "good" in less than 5.

>you have talent and can finally make your own perfect waifu but even some people enjoy what you do, you're never satisfied with it because you can only focus on the imperfections of it, and you still end up liking others stuff more

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>he doesn't fap to his own porn

Nobody starts out good at something. Same for video games or even driving a car the very first time.

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If you constantly complain about how much better someone is than you at something you’re doomed to suck

you have to know your limitations and work around them. you'll eventually find a place where you're comfortable at. don't be mad if you cant draw hiperrealism or whatever, it's not something every artist can do.

t. Dobson

The people you see who have "talent" have been drawing ever since they were kids. So they passed the "everything I draw is shit" phase without even realizing it.

The upside is that your "everything I draw is shit" phase will be much shorter because you have a fully developed adult brain which you can use to recognize your mistakes easily and make improvements. Right?

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>loomis says just make the face contours and it'll all work out
>make the contours
>realize the shape of the circle was wrong
>the contours aren't angled like a real face
>no clue how to even do that shit
>back at square one
/ic/ lied, people died

the truth is, if your IQ is too low it's impossible to learn complex things like drawing

whats the min iq


"Everything I draw is shit" will follow you to your grave. Many times you will not understand why someone likes or are motivated by your creation, you just did that for fun, other times you are frustraded because no one realy cares about what you did. There are times you look back at older projects and get mindblown over how you did it at the time but can suck right now.

git gud

I draw since i was a kid, you never pass the "everything I draw is shit" phase, your art will get progressive better but you will never be satisfied by it

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No. Loomis specifically says you cannot draw anything unless you understand what makes it whole. When you draw a face you draw a face right? What Loomis says is that you should also draw the back of the head even if it is not visible.

Pretty much any bemani game

>some tourist starts the game
>leaves after the tutorial is over
every time

Wrong, you will stop calling your art shit when you get good. You will still want to get better tho, and that's unironically a good thing.

remember, all digital art is shit.

That's the thing, I don't know how to see it that way. All I could do is just copy his drawings over and over again hoping to understand the process he uses when making them.

>all those hours spent in games
>could be drawing things now

>copying his images over and over
Found your problem.

Digital art isn't any different from paper.

Think about the way he sets up the head, he uses a sphere, not a circle. Even if a perfect circle is round from any perspective you look at it a sphere has a clear backside because of how you think of a sphere. That is how Loomis is mentaly telling himself that the face has a backside and more importantly a form in space.

Damn you're right ma- Hang on I've got another 200$ commission.

/ic/ is laughing at us again

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maybe you have good self-esteem

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Loomis is vastly overrated and is a literal meme at this point. Telling people who ask how to draw or where to get started by getting them trapped in by Loomis is genuinely being unhelpful.

this should be literally every game

Talent does exist but it is still possible to build at least some skill with art, it just takes you a lot longer. You have to constantly draw and constantly fucking fail. Don't do it unless it's something you really want, the constant visual reminders of your failure will fuck you up psychologically.

How do I find a right brush size to draw with.
It's always too small or too large.
Paper is easier.

what he means is you have to learn to see through things, as if they were a wireframe 3d model. to do this you also need to know a bit of perspective which help you place accurate contour lines

anyway use proko, he just teaches loomis methods in a simpler modern way

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>player makes excuses for himself instead of getting good
Is drawing the fighting games of nerd talents?

A.I.-generated art will make most traditional art obsolete within the next 15 years.

Yeah just kys now because fuck humanity amirite?

The most important thing to take out from loomis is that you have to think in 3d. Always consider the thing you're drawing as a photo of a three dimensional object.
Doing some 3d modelling with blender or actual clay can be very helpful.

How do I find the motivation to draw?

Also, how do I do anime heads, Loomis isn't much help there.

I will within the next decade.

"To draw anime you must first recrate the mona lisa."

>Also, how do I do anime heads

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how do i become drawer bros?

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>the game case has a flippable cover

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>game is impossible unless you're bilingual

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Talent is something you obtain by practicing for thousands of hours.

Why is monomi so kawaii :3

>used to draw a lot as a kid
>in my teens entered the phase of "I hate everything I create and it's deeply flawed"
>stopped drawing because of this
>try to get back to it every few months now
>too lazy to stick to it long enough for results

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>That's the thing, I don't know how to see it that way.
Stop thinking about things in terms of symbols.
Don't think "I need to draw the eye" and then draw what an eye looks like, draw what you're seeing. Stop turning everything into symbols in your head, draw the contours of the object, really look at the angles of things, faces are really hard to do this with because our brains aren't made to think of faces that way.

Check out a book called "Drawing on the right side of the brain"

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that's called skill. but yeah it beats talent eventually if talent doesn't practice for those 1000 hours too.

thanks for posting this

talent is just a shit excuse by people who don't want to put in effort or time to gitgud

>game takes years to learn and keeps reminding you of your failure every day
>but it saves your progress over the hours upon hours you keep trying it and git gud
>game also saves your replays and highlights where you fail, and you're forced to go through them every time you want to play another game
>but the gratification you get for beating the game is like nothing else, even cumming inside a woman
Maybe I'm a masochist, but I like that game.

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Talent is really just skill that you obtained as a child through practice without realizing it.

>tfw get literal aphantasia when trying to draw from imagination

what book is this from?

IQ doesn't really match 1 to 1 with the ability to learn to draw. In some ways it requires a kind of intuition that IQ test don't really look at. Some people are dumb as bricks but they have a specific aptitude for picking up drawing techniques. Someone with a high IQ probably has the problem solving skills to figure out the techniques without a natural inclination towards drawing. A person with average intelligence can learn to draw with time and the proper instruction but it's going to take a lot of daily work. The older you get the harder it will be to break bad habits and train yourself to look ay the world like an artist.

dumb may poster

Even level 0 is better than anything I can do.

You might want to check a dictionary.

while I agree talent is a meme what most people unwittingly use the term talent as a substition for is "intelligence"
if you're intelligent, you're going to be good at anything you want to do and put effort into. most people aren't actually all that intelligent though but also won't admit that to themselves, so they blame "talent" instead of their own lack of neurons.

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Bob Ross and lots of fucking up, that's how I learned to be mildly decent

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I am one of those exceptions that realize I have a neuron deficiency but also accept that talent = intelligence

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Fun with a Pencil only made me learn how to draw comic-like old balding Jew faces, but that's the only part I covered. It hasn't helped me learning how to work better with depth and perspective so far.

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admitting you're not a genius makes you smarter than 99% of the people on the planet so you're probably not as dumb as you think you are desu

I fucking love birds

I thought I was on /ic/ for a second.

My goal before the summer is up is to paint 50 of them

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no it's not
sure anyone can learn to draw
but if you dont have talent, you're never going to be great, and people with talent learn much faster
look at shadman, do you think he just lacks practice

How do you cope with the fact that you will never be as based as Loomis? It's been nearly 100 years since he invented art, and we still haven't come close yet.

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See: Talent isn't actually some magical inherent thing you have. Every person with "natural talent" just did a lot of whatever they're talented at as a kid for fun and they either don't mention it or don't remember it. Naturally talented artists doodled as kids in their spare time, naturally talented athletes ran around and played outside and developed their coordination, naturally talented actors played dress up, naturally talented mathematicians just enjoyed math problems and gravitated toward activities that involved math, etc, etc.

>not reading Burne Hogarth
never gonna make it bruh

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literally just copy anime head you like, and then try to make your own

i like that one book "drawing on the right side of the brain" or whatever it's called. good foundation along with loomis

just because you can't be the greatest ever doesn't mean you shouldn't try it at all

>tfw I actually have talent and things have always come unfairly easy to me

>but if you dont have talent, you're never going to be great
Defeatist mindset, another cope.

Those arent Loomis heads

>you can get good if you practice or try hard enough
No, I'm being realistic: I don't get good.
There really is no reason to try, if you know yourself, and know that you do not get good.

how? They're loomis heads.

retards like you are why western civ is crumbling desu

Ever noticed how the ones who say talent doesn’t exist are always talented themselves?

because the inferior people know and accept they're inferior, and stay out of the way of everyone else? sounds like a good thing actually

They're way too stylized and look like anime heads instead of Loomis heads.

It takes dozens of hours to not completely suck at something. Hundreds of hours to get decent. Thousands to get good. Tens of thousands to be great. You're not "knowing yourself" you're just giving up because you don't want to put in the work and using this pathetic rationalization to justify your laziness.

it's a mindset thing.

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>not learning art to make composers fall into depression

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>these are the same kind of people that spout git gud at dark souls or laugh at journos for wanting easy mode in sekiro
think about that

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They're loomis heads that were then given anime features.

>plays vidya for hundreds of hours a year
>watches shitty e-celeb youtube garbage for hundreds of hours a year
>wastes hours refreshing the Yea Forums catalog
>slaves away at job for 8 hours a day
>"I can't get good at anything!!!"

people are fucking pathetic.

>Used to draw since a kid
>Continue until high school
>"Lmao user, you suck"
>Open a dA and Tumblr in college
>Literally just followed by irl friends and porn bots
>Only friends reblog and give praise
>Keep on doing this for a while
>Try on other sites and drawthreads
>Get shat on saying that I'm absolute trash
I just wanna draw cool shit

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Anyone can get good at a video game though, they are designed to be beaten if you put the time in.

Hard work wins.

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Different skillsets for different people. Though the value of being a good artist is naturally a lot higher than the value of being good at video games.

>not just putting time and effort to improve
You can't get through Fun With A Pencil not because of a lack of "talent" but because you're just lazy and unmotivated to commit to the tasks in it properly.

you should be having fun. why are you even drawing if it's miserable for you?

i somehow graduated from autistic scribbles to legible enough aspergers scribbles just from drawing for fun, and i know loomis would be the next step. but if you actually don't like to draw and can't handle the process of improving, then it probably isn't for you

>literally just be yourself bro

>Draw for hours a day for 2 years. >Still shit
>slow down workload and barely draw anymore.

If such a person could get good at something, then they would have already gotten good. There's nothing wrong with accepting inferiority and then avoiding the discomfort of 100% futile endeavors. This doesn't have to be a negative thing.

Video games are shit though. It's better to learn a practical skill or hobby like art because you can approach it however you want and it has higher rewards for continuing.

you don't understand what a loomis head is. Apply yourself.

Just fucking draw

Those people lack self-awareness due to autism. They've played video games for countless hours since childhood and have become very skilled, but they just see it as video games being easy rather than themselves being very good. They literally cannot understand that different people have different levels of practice and skill, so it becomes this whole, "If I can do it, why can't you" shitfest. It's literally thought processes of autistic individuals who can't understand that people aren't the same as themselves.

>tfw you have a decent grasp of anatomy and artistic concepts but your hands are jittery as fuck and it hurts to hold a pen
I can't even write two lines on a piece of notebook paper without having to drop the pencil and shake the pain off.
Doing shit with pixel art and vector art and sewing plush dolls is a compromise, but just it's not the same.

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>they passed the "everything I draw is shit" phase
nobody passes this bro

Dude just spend 10000 hours you're bound to get gud.

Because they know how much practice and hard work they put in to get to the point where they're viewed as "talented" and saying they're born with it is a vicious slap in the face of their hard work.

>want to draw cartoony shit
>all my drawings are slow sketchy shit and isn't bold, big or sleek at all

Any advice, my nigs?

I had to draw still lives and models for 3 years straight in art class. Once it becomes routine and you sort of know what you're doing, you stop thinking that everything you draw sucks.

Mind you, I'm still fairly shit in a lot of aspects. But I know what I should be practicing. I'm just too lazy to step out of my comfort zone.

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fucking this.
as i get older and realize what time's worth for me, it's just astonishing how people will ask me "how do you keep up with music/fitness/hobbies" and the moment I tell them there's no secret except dedication they just shut down.

there really is something in a lot of people's brains now, I think from a lifetime of marketing, that if they can't see the finish line from the start they're too scared/don't care.

why don't you just kill yourself then?

>just draw for 10k hrs bro

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This, learning to draw at its core is a really simple activity, you copy shit by literally just following the lines of your subject, you don't need 180 iq for this task and when it comes to drawing from imagination you learn the simple shapes first (cubes, cylinders,spheres etc.) and then put them together to create more complex subjects.
It's a really simple task that just requires a lot of practice, I started out drawing lines and cubes for months before getting decent and moving on.

I can't draw for shit and no amount of hours will change that, people don't like to hear about talent because it puts them in a privilaged position.

you've identified the problems your drawings have, now work on fixing them. Work on making them bolder, bigger and sleekier

>uses the most extreme examples to make his point
Just draw you dumb bastard

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I'm scared

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>wasted my childhood doing dumb kid shit
>decide to get good at something
>learning guitar + music theory, how to draw so i can learn to paint, started studying botany and growing plants, learned poetic meter and form so i can write
>limited my internet time outside of research to an hour and a half and only before noon
>started eating healthy and exercising
>depression is gone, anxiety is going away
>have a girlfriend of 2 years now

Because you calling us talented to justify your lazy ass feels like a slap to the face to our 10+ years of practicing and making shit. Fuck you.

Draw with the intention of learning and improving for 10k hours.

So your saying people shouldnt try or practice if they are not intellegent?

just draw is the worst thing you can do or say
you need to draw with goals of areas to improve in

How though.


Everyone can improve through practice, regardless of what you believe to be "inherent" talent or ability.

If you spend just an hour a day grinding Anki and learning vocab/grammar for a language for the next 6 months, your practice is gonna change to something that hardly resembles "practice" anymore, which is just you enjoying shit and improving through natural means.

If you spend a bit of every day learning how to draw shit, you're eventually gonna be "practicing" by drawing things that would appear pretty fucking impressive to normies.

Getting good is a matter of time and nothing more. The best musicians I knew in college weren't the ones who cruised by without practicing, they were the ones who were putting in the hours playing, and not necessarily just in the practice room. They weren't always the ones who were the "most talented" or whatever, they just did it so goddamn much that it was like nothing to them.

no i'm saying you're unintelligent if you use excuses like talent to excuse yourself from practicing.
look at famous musicians, or artists, or whatever it is. they're usually pretty fucking stupid, they're just really good at their thing. how did they do that? practicing. humans are creatures of habit. the secret to being good at anything is habit. anyone who's ever been good at anything will tell you they're only there because of the hard work and practice, that's it.

How do you limit your time and stick to a schedule? I struggle a lot with that. There's too many temptations, especially when you're using the internet for references.

"Sketch" an outline and then outline it in sharpie. Bam, bold as fuck and clean too.

But just drawing is where you have to start. Goals can be as small as just making nice shapes or as big as perfectly copying a piece you like. You'll naturally come up with goals for yourself along the way, but the biggest problem people have is losing their motivation and just stopping altogether.

because I have a particularly strong biological instinct to live and not die. also I've been socially conditioned to not want to suicide.

unless you have some sort of physical health issue shit you can you learn. Its one of those things everyone can do. I guess if your brain is fucked it may have the side effect of not letting you understand somethings needed for drawing, but i don't know what would effect any of that.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting new results.

Improving at drawing isn't just mindless repetition, you're expected to study new information and applying different methods than your initial ones. Kodyboy doesn't study, you and others can be above that.

Some interesting mars attacks concept art there.

That isn't JUST it. Natural aptitudes matter. Some tone deaf cunt who only listens to rap music will have a tougher time picking up a guitar than someone who listens to a bunch of metal, classical and folk music.

So pay an artist then.

Making excuses about lacking ability doesn't entitle you to a free meal.

>want to learn to draw for fun, myself, and maybe paetron shekels
>religiously draw every day to the point where I can notice improvements
>lose any kind of motivation at some point and just drop everything
>when I pick up drawing years later I notice I lost everything
>start again
feels like I'm stuck in limbo

I keep practicing for hours a day drawing, but I dont improve.

What went wrong? How I have gotten worse?

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I wanted to learn to draw for years as a kid. But I only ever made it to Deviantart tier. And the lower end at that. I think what made me quit was looking at my attempt to make an anime eyeball with colored pencil and then looking at the 40 or so other failed attempts and realising I lacked the resources to put my artwork out there, abillity to draw like I wanted, capability due to my autism induced lack of hand co-ordination, and motivation after coming to terms with the previous three. It was just another reminder of how my upbringing isolated me from the rest of the things I liked. Fuck my childhood.

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Do you want to be a great artist, or do you just want admiration?

>I just dont have the natural aptitudes to spend 3 years practicing, you being good is because youre talented, your 10+ years of practice don't matter, its all talent, I have none, pls feel bad about me for making me feel inferior
No, eat a dick.

willpower. it's the only way. discipline, like practice, is a habit and it must be built by telling yourself no. there's no other way to build discipline. there are shortcuts like blocking Yea Forums and twitch and youtube or whatever it is you think of as your vice, but that will only work in the short term as you've built no discipline. the more often you tell yourself no, the easier it becomes. eventually you'll click on Yea Forums and get bored immediately. if it wasn't for this thread i'd already be gone but i want to use this opportunity to try to encourage other worthless neets like me to make something of themselves, because no matter how fat stupid or ugly you think you are, there was a fatter, stupider, uglier incel who became successful because they put in the effort.
you also have a biological instinct to achieve goals yet you make excuses for that just like you do for suicide. the problem is with your mindset, not your lack of talent. try harder.
everyone has aptitude for different things obviously but listening to classical or folk would be considered soft-practice anyways. you're pre-exposing yourself to the music you intend to create, it's studying without realizing it. irrelevant post.

how does this happen


i can't download the date naoto book, it keeps erroring out. is it available anywhere else? fucking mega

Broke: Everyone is equal and can do literally anything if they believe in themselves. If they fail they either didn't believe enough or somebody else stopped them.

Woke: Every human is flawed in a different way and that sometimes stops us from achieving what we think we want. Only by accepting our nature can we grow as humans, even if this means giving up on a dream.

as someone who's been stuck in this loop for years you haven't lost everything you just need to refresh yourself on'em. you'll pick'em up faster than someone who is learning it all form scratch.

Try drawing bigger, holding the pencil as softly as posible and moving your whole arm from the shoulder instead of your wrist.
If you still feel pain you may suffer form carpal tunnel syndrome or something, maybe see a doctor.

I delete most things after i'm done drawing them and i'm afraid of showing them to anyone. So the first one i'm pretty sure, but the second would be nice too.

Show me a single artist who started as an adult with skills worse than a child's and actually made it.
I want to believe it's possible, I want to believe that talent is nothing but horseshit, I want to believe that I can achieve my goals by clearing the /ic/ sticky, but I've never actually seen anyone that has made it.

Guy who postedI think he means aptitude is irrelevant. Someone who is good at Guitar can still make shitty music that no one likes except him, even if he plays it well. So I guess its more just trying your best and seeing what happens.

I just wanted to make people happy and maybe even myself.

>I'm literally at level 0 after years of drawing

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>tfw you a really good at a couple of obscure things but they aren’t marketable skills so you still have to be a wagie

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>you also have a biological instinct to achieve goals
such as getting food, shelter, and sex.
nobody has a biological instinct to be creative.

>pls motivate me

/ic/ is filled with losers and hacks, I don't see how they have any ground to stand.

you go to /ic/ to check if they got any new books or learning resources and you stay the fuck away from the other "artists" in there

I have no reason to, I just don't like this stupid preaching. Are you people so afraid to admit that your hours would't have mattered if you didn't have IT? There's no difference between this thread and extremely talented musicians, scientist or athletes having their retarded quotes cropped into a facebook tier image.

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wrong. you don't know how your brain works apparently. you can wire it so that practicing ticks off your dopamine triggers just like finding food or shelter or sex would. like I said, try harder. stop making excuses. your body is made of habits. how do you expect to build new habits without even trying?

I cant draw anything without a refference.
What do I do?

I already get bored when I come here, I have projects I need to work on as well, which just makes it worse when I do waste time. It feels like pure guilt.
No idea how I'm meant to say "no" but I guess I'll have to learn it somehow. And soon.

You're alright, user. Best of luck with whatever you're doing.

Maybe it will work for someone else but it didn't for me.

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image 00024 is broken. anyone has it? i'm downloading each page manually. fuck

at the bottom the second mastery pic is the best looking one
once he starts changing the angles and poses, it becomes obvious he has no idea what he's doing and it just starts looking worse and worse

you're addicted to Yea Forums. you're meant to say no by simply not coming here. every time you get the urge to type Yea Forums into the url bar, just don't instead. it's that simple. replace Yea Forums with something important. every time you want to come to Yea Forums, read a book instead. or work on a project. or practice an instrument. soon you will crave practice instead of Yea Forums. just don't come here. it's extremely difficult at first, we're literally addicted. but the longer you go without it, the less you face withdrawal. it can be done.

imagine being this butthurt you couldnt learn how to loomis

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>I cant draw anything without a refference.
>What do I do?
use reference, I don't see the problem here

Just vote for yang lol

Read material that gives an outline on drawing independently. Start with basic shapes, outlines, perspective and over time it will become easier.

No one will ever care about your art. You will always be obscure and a passing fad among your peers.

I heard wakfu's main artist started drawing when he was 25

talent does not exist though

I think this is what held me back to grow actually. I was spending more hours into shitposting instead of putting more time in my projects to polish them when I was a student in desktop publishing. I was stuck with the mind and feel of having to shitpost. Even in IRL I was thinking about what I could shitpost about when I get home.

this is a dumb mindset. you're never going to make it if the only reason you're learning something is the attention. learn to draw because you enjoy drawing and want to create art, not because you want others to jerk you off. this is probably why you're not good at anything, you haven't found an actual passion and instead have dreams of becoming famous in your head which is entirely unrealistic and will entirely discourage you from trying to become anything in the first place.

project harder. i only draw as a hobby

When are you going to take the /gd/ pill and realism that all your anatomy autism means nothing in the face of slick vectors?
I'd post an image of Hideyuki Takenami's boxart for Puyo Puyo Fever, but my IP Range is banned from image uploads.

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no idiot, you still need a good direction to keep improving

Don't care about your cope, /ic/ faggot. Learn to capitalize at the beginning of sentences.

I figured it's quite literally an addiction. Hard to break bad habits when you've never been told to.
Maybe I just had to have someone tell me that, but I feel a bit more confident. Hope you manage to break free, too.

>have spent thousands of hours playing first-person shooters since childhood
>still can't play anywhere near a professional level
>still can't aim very well, to the point where sniper rifles are basically unusable for me
>still can't even win at the dumb shit I do to pass the time

Attached: I wanna die.png (620x347, 193K)

You motherfucker. I almost believed you were legit.

So if I was to want to learn to draw over, say, a deployment...what would be some good resources for say Manga tier or some shit like that?

lower your mouse sensitivity and stop flicking your wrist you retard

it's tough to quit Yea Forums when it's your surrogate social life. you can replace it with more productive web sites, but then the loneliness hits in because you literally don't interact with a single person. and if Yea Forums has been your surrogate social life for many years, you haven't the faintest idea of how to get a real one.

lol you're so bitter. bet you're depressed, and a virgin, and cope with anxiety by playing video games all day. you dont have to be any of those things if you just accept that you have to put effort into things to succeed. you can do it, dude. you just have to try

Just because it's the best looking one doesn't mean it's the one that takes the most skill. The others are harder to achieve, they just have his persnal style applied to them.

I fucking hate that shit. Its a kike tactic to make you buy Yea Forums Gold.

Google MangaMaterials.

You're the kind of people I hate the most in this planet, you never do anything besides fapping, playing videogames and screeching at others yet you have the balls to blame the rest of the world of your lazyness. No, I don't have IT, I just genuinelly enjoy drawing, even if I sucked my entire life until recently, you people that try it """""""for hours""""""" """"""every day"""""" don't have the right to reject all of our hard work by saying we had something you don't aside from not being an asenine jaded loser.
Unironically kill yourself or heavely reflect on your inner ideas because you sound rotten to the core.

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i am 100% sincere. it's just a term used in passing, considering the fact that many users here are self-proclaimed virgins who are upset at the fact that they cannot get a girlfriend and think they never can (they can)

This post reeks of normalfag.

How long have you been drawing for?
And how old are you now?
Been drawing for 2 years.

This, if talent didn’t exist and all you had to do was practice then I would be a gaming god because it’s literally all I’ve done since I was 4 years old, yet I can’t play anything at a professional level because those people are actually intelligent and have the innate ability to succeed.

Is Loomis a meme or does it work ?

this post reeks of excuses
dont reply to me or my posts ever again faggozoid

My entire life is stuck in the “everything I do is shit” phase, why would my art be any different?

do i have talent

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This is the case for me. I'm addicted to Yea Forums and can't focus on more important stuff in life. Fuck I've been here for over 10 years and I still can't get a job. But my problem is that Yea Forums is my only place to get some sort of discussion/social activity to interact with someone on the internet.

If you don't want to get preached at, don't wine.

Jeez, you're like a homeless man angry that someone offered him food. What the fuck did you expect when your sign says "anything helps."


Does this guy have OCD or is he possessed by an evil spirit or something? Either way he needs help.

at least ten years

Eat my ass.

Meditation actually works, and it's all about nurturing your attention & patience. It's like laxative for a constipated mind.

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Well dont use (((their))) terms user. It makes you seem like something your not. For better or worse its associated with shills.

R-Right, h-haha...ha.....

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Socializing anywhere, even chatting on steam or discord or whatever, is better than Yea Forums. But I haven't the faintest where the best place to meet new people is. I've a hard time doing it through games these days.

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how do you explain athletes? some of them are really dumb

Not one person who talks about all the hard work shit ever git good. Those are just normalfags in denial that are most 1 year into drawing and they eventually have to face their BS. They realize they can't draw for shit and never will but they cope with some "i got no time" excuses and eventually fade out. Sadly they are always replaced by new wave of retards.

Tell me what to improve on. I'm still a beginner.

if you want to get good at art dont go on /ic/. Its as simple as that

>started drawing after his childhood/teenage years at the latest
fucking... why?
You need to do this shit while your brain is developing.
You literally have no chance, no fucking hope AT ALL if you started as a boomer.

>Game has mini-bosses

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post some

I am 100% confident most Jap artists have never seen the pic on the right.

so he managed to get lucky and practiced for hours at a thing he happened to have a talent for?is that how you think these things work?

More than me

I drew a bit here and there in high school but I wasnt serious.

>he doesn't want to bypass captchas

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I don't even interact with people on steam because I don't use it and I'm more a console shitter because I'm poorfag and even when it comes to play 'online' multiplayer games I don't even know how to interact to get friends because I don't have any IRL friends to play vidya with.

they have an intelligence for their sport that they built up by practicing and becoming obsessed with their sport. anyone can learn anything, it's just harder for some than others. they genuinely enjoyed their sport, had fun doing it, and therefore wanted to do it more. they probably didn't even recognize that they were "learning" about their sport, they were just trying to become better than their peers. they had drive and through that built and intelligence regarding their profession. just goes to show that anyone can do pretty much anything no matter how dumb you are. just look at floyd mayweather. dumbass can't even read, yet he's the greatest defensive boxer of all time because he was raised to box and did it all day every day for years. he's indisputably a genius when it comes to boxing, yet he's also indisputably a giant fucking retard in general. you have no excuse, basically.

All your work would've meant nothing if you didin't have a very specific genetic make up, accept it.

No one would deny Einstein's talent, or Mozart's or ANY OTHER literal young prodigy's genius who's extremely good at the one specific thing they do. It's just a spectrum, now go down the spectrum and we receive some of you, we go down even lower and we receive people who can't draw.

this just made me realize how much time I spend doing that kind of stuff, fuck

giving your anatomy a better sense of 3d form

30, drawing actively for 25. No, I'm still shit at it. An adult who has never drawn before could surpass me after maybe one year of serious practice.

>they just have his persnal style applied to them.
no they dont, they're just poorly drawn
the perspective and anatomy are fucked
drawing badly is not "your style", it's just your lack of skill

have you ever seen a guy who learned to draw realistic shit in art school try to draw anime? it always turns out like hot shit because they overthink simple cartoon drawings.

cute stuff, better than what I can attempt to draw.

Attached: Jewtits.jpg (375x583, 40K)

what gets me is most professional manga pictures are fairly realistic and proportional up to the neck and then head is just whatever moe potato

If you think about this exercise you can notice few things. The Image is already looking shit so even if you copy it the mistakes aren't as visible. But try getting some nice lineart with right proportions and you will understand how stupid and pointless this shit is.

einstein was notorious for being stupid as shit outside of physics. terrible excuse.

That is the part most people don't seem to get, the notion that the drawing is an actual reconstruction of a 3d form on to a 2d plane takes a while to actually "click". People don't understand that when you draw a circle to make the head, you are actually making a sphere.
I wish there was an easier way to teach this.

How do I do this?
I already try constructing with 3 shapes.

playing isn't enough to improve you have to do research and learn you stupid faggot

yeah, he had a talent for physics

i'm not even a fucking artist you retard. i've had loomis downloaded for over a year and i just play jrpgs all day instead of ever opening the fucker. there is no genetic makeup, if you want to be good at something you put effort into mastering it. the only brick walls that exist are the ones you put up yourself.


That doesn't make any sense. You cant make a 3d object on a 2d plane.

>hehe if you werent good you'd be bad!
Cope harder artlet.

Is that why western games never have cute girls?

*3d shapes

>Those who are in love with practice without knowledge are like the sailor who gets into a ship without rudder or compass and who never can be certain whither he is going. Practice must always be founded on sound theory, and to this, perspective is the guide and the gateway; and without this nothing can be done will in the matter of drawing.

>just draw dude lmao

Attached: da vinci.jpg (260x336, 28K)

no, he was interested in the world and started learning about it. there's really not much more to his story. if a retard like him can become one of the most influential physicists in recent times what's your excuse?

You kinda do. The slut on the shirt shows that you grasp perspective and anatomy concepts.

Don't practice until you can get it right; practice until you can't get it wrong.

not all birds can fly

There's literally a whole wikipedia page dedicated to his brain and the genetic differences between it and other normal brains.

I'm not Einstein.

>Dropped drawing despite being good at it for my age beacuse family was saying art is dumb and won't pay for anything
>Over the years develop depression and realise I'm shit at everything
>Get back to drawing 2 years ago, first time I found something to be fun in years
>Feel like I'm improving
>Despite that I'm literally cringing at whatever the fuck I make, I basically can't look at anything I've made without it being extremaly painful
>Still spend as much of my time as possible on drawing beacuse it's one of the few things I enjoy doing
I wish I could just afford living on drawing alone but I doubt I'll ever get to the point where people will want to give me money for the shit I produce, the only other alternative is wagecucking forever since I'm a piece of garbage with no useful skills and too dumb to learn anything.
I wish I could look at what I make and at least be happy with the final product.

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I used to draw a ton as a child and a teen, up until I turned 20 or so, to the point that it was my main hobby outside of videogames. Then I realised how shit I actually was, and when I tried to relearn from first principles I realised that I didn't actually enjoy drawing, I just liked people praising my drawings. (I always put more effort in when I drew stuff for other people)
Since I wasn't satisfied by my current skill level and was continually frustrated whenever I tried to improve, I just gave up. I haven't drawn seriously for ~9 years now, and videogames are my main hobby. and I'm not even that good at videogames

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I started to study drawing in 2016 and even though I wasn't active consistently I have noticed improvement. You can do it guys, I believe in you.

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>practice without studying
No good artist will ever advocate for this.

Based newfag

yeah and they say it was a retard brain so you have zero excuse

T overlaps my friend, also varying lineweight too

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Prove you're not lying.

What do you do if you don't draw anything even vaguely human shaped?

>but I doubt I'll ever get to the point where people will want to give me money for the shit I produce
step 1: draw porn.
step 2: never worry about money ever again.

Attached: mity patreon.jpg (867x566, 72K)

Your capacity to learn skills is inherent from either a very early age or birth. Skills like singing definitely fall into the latter category, although there are a ton of delusional people who think otherwise.

You'd be surprised how shit some of the art is that people pay for, especially in the realm of furshit and niche fetishes.

>draw head and upper body shape
>lmao what the fuck are legs


Oh my word.

No, what you draw is a representation of the 3d object in a 2d plane, but to make it you need to be aware of how the tridimensional form is constructed

Draw more legs lol.

This is why I never finish any of my art.

>saw a thing on Yea Forums where you break down an image you like into smaller shapes then redraw the shapes by eye
>kind of worked but not really
Should I stick with it or try something else?

Attached: Aiko1.png (1434x1358, 300K)


It's not as hard making money off art as you think. You just have to get decent enough and know the market. Keep drawing out of enjoyment first and foremost, you'll be able to monetize it somehow later.

Just don't draw porn. The money is enticing, but your clients are insufferable and you'll trap yourself in terms of career options. You don't want your legacy to be something as short-lived and worthless as being a fap aid to lonely degenerates. There's other, more graceful ways to make money with your art.

Basically what I've gathered from this thread is that every single way to learn how to draw is wrong. Literally the trust no one, not even yourself of hobbies.

>Using X method
>Wasting time with Y
>just b urself :)

Yes, which makes it two dimensional not three dimensional. Words don't have found just because you wrote the cat said meow.

How do I know when I can start committing to more cartoony and stylised things anyway? People always swear back and forth about anatomy study and I get that it's important (and will probably never stop) but my interest lies primarily in more cartoony looks. When do I know that it's okay to start shifting my focus?


I don't believe you.

Any skill can be learned unless there is some physical limitation or is somewhat dependent of other people.

Talent is just a shitty excuse, but the best time to learn anything is when you are a child/teenager.

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>just b urself :)
unironically this, find out what works best for you, even if that's quitting like a bitch

>any other skill
>practice a little every day and you'll get better
>spend half the day every day without exception drawing and after 10 years you may be allowed to post a doodle without getting mocked, and if you go even one day without drawing, you are back to square one

some shit works for some people and some shit doesn't. learning a skill is all about finding what works best for you. there's no conspiracy, it's just experimentation. do what feels best to you and lets you see the most improvement, then if you hit a wall try something else. the important part of study and research is learning how to practice efficiently so you don't build bad habits, not to learn how to do what other people do. learn the foundation and then find your process

Jesus fuck.

Attached: 1558650726055.jpg (900x875, 58K)

>decide to pick up drawing
>do OP's pic
>realize drawing isnt fun

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I used to draw a lot as a kid and I still hate everything I draw. You have a better handle on basic shapes than faggots who start in their twenties but that's about it.

don't shit on my boy kody. he's just a simple man who wants to draw his scuba creatures.


when you stop symbol drawing.

probably 90, honestly

i think the average iq for creative occupations is like 110 and 90 would probably the absolute cutoff where if you were any dumber, art would be impossible

that said, those 110 iq artists had to work extremely hard for countless hours just to be mediocre

I'd been playing a lot of smash and I decided to attend a locals tourney a few months back. I got my ass kicked in both the main and losers bracket. Fast forward to now and I'm able to at least get 2 wins off of sets. I garentee if I actually put time in every single day that I could get half way through the brackets or even more without being severely touched, and I'm still doing better than I initially was my first time

What is it with all these posts making it sound like you lose all progress if you take a break from drawing for a while? That's not how the brain works unless you learned literally nothing other than how to copy everything.

considering i get hard to threads with ms paint drawfags idk why i havent learned just a little

how do i get better at drawing people?
i tried timed figure/gesture drawing, am i doing it right?
I sometimes don't end up finishing it before it moves on to another pose

Attached: 1557165917301.png (1976x1324, 504K)

where the fuck do you even start here?

Nah. Isn't the same.

That pic has cope written all over it. You need to have the IQ and personality for it.
If you're smart but not creative then you'll never get there, likewise if you have a big imagination but you're in the two digits you'll fail just as well.

>its been five years and I still cant do it
when does drawing become fun?
so far its just been
>do challenge
>hate it
>do drawing for fun
>hate it
>do exercises
>hate it
what is fun part of drawing

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drawing porn is a oversaturated market

If you don't like the process of drawing itself, you never will

Get a different hobby

I don't think you're doing it right. The idea of timed figures is that you reduce your detail to whatever lets you draw the entire person, not leave it as a chopped in half body.

Is it?

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This is the right thing to do when you don't enjoy it. Too many people keep trying to get into drawing despite not finding it fun even though it's a shit paying job and you can get commissions from artists who are better than you'll ever be (if you don't enjoy art) for less than $100.

>holding yourself to the standard of giants so you can look down on other people and their achievements all the while being unable to maintain a sleep schedule

Attached: 1557825916814.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>If you don't like the process of drawing itself, you never will

this is a very hard pill to swallow

i had to settle for language learning because it is the only hobby that doesn't make me want to die

I started with the top-left and worked counterclockwise. That's just my method.

That's not gesture, don't worry about doing timed either.
That's basically just drawing the outer contour, you're not feeling the form at all. There's too many straight and short lines with no sense of asymmetry to lead the eye. You need Vilppu

you are probably the first person i have talked to who has told me the truth. Im going to go burn all these supplies now

There's always room for one more good one.

Get a different hobby, you're never going to enjoy it.

Anyone can get good at drawing if you're willing to learn from your mistakes.

If you can't then you won't. Simple as that. Don't make excuses.

You stopped using reference

Such is the human condition.


this guy gets it. the people who cringe at their own shitty drawings are just super insecure, it has nothing with drawing, their problems are more deeply rooted and will continue no matter what hobby they pick up.

>OP makes u should learn to draw pic
>OP makes u should leran japanese
>OP makes u should learn X
>none of them are fun like videogames
>/fit/ comes by and says you can't lift weights because their own board doesnt even lift weights
>decide to lift weights
>deadlifts are fun
>its literally just standing up with a bar
why is my brain like this lads?

Attached: images.jpg (248x203, 10K)

the purpose of the exercise is to prevent your brain from taking over and instead draw what you see on the page 1 to 1

Bros, what's seishoujo's construction method?

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The thing is I'm so dumb that I don't learn from my mistakes, it's a huge problem for me. It's something I realized only as an adult but I often still act like a child/teen who didn't manage to go through puberty like a normal person.

>learning to draw at its core is a really simple activity, you copy shit by literally just following the lines of your subject
I literally cant even do that and tbf it angers me a lot everytime people claim drawing is easy. Maybe its easy for you for me its literally impossible.

I'm sure this book is really helpful since I've heard so much about it but man looking it up this dude has one of the most repulsive art styles I've ever seen.

>can draw cartoony shit that looks ok
>the moment I try to draw actual people and realism it all goes to shit

Attached: 1561771259835.png (750x729, 402K)

>tfw still looked better than the normal copies I did afterwards

>this guy gets it. the people who cringe at their own shitty drawings are just super insecure, it has nothing with drawing, their problems are more deeply rooted and will continue no matter what hobby they pick up.
No its not that i dont go "ah this is shit i will never be better" its that no matter how much i work on it i really just dont fucking like doing it. It is like working at mcdonalds but i dont even get payed to fucking do it

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It's true that he's worse when working without reference, but practice should eventually result in being able to draw good shit without reference.

Runner's high is a real thing. literally thousands of years' worth of physical activity is hardwired in your brain.

Thanks, so how do I get better at drawing people then, do i use vilppu?

Post your art, faggot.

this and people don't get paid if they are bad.
t. me


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realism is important to learning.

It's true that anyone can get good at something, even something you hate doing. But if you hate doing it, you shouldn't be doing it.

Then why did you want to start doing it in the first place?

Even so, he needs a bigger visual library that you get when you draw from life. That and building blocks

>google runners high
>your body gives you fucking pain killers for exercising
>you can literally just keep exercising to get high
oh god im going to be one of "those" faggots who always smiles and shit god damn it

delete this

Attached: 24rolu.jpg (494x363, 14K)

Dude even famous artists who’s doodles sell for millions of dollars thought they’re work was shit.
Maybe stop being so fucking hard on yourself?

>learning the piano
>making noticeable improvements every day
>nothing like this with drawing

There are different kind of intelligence. This is important to point out. Being good at drawing I think comes down to spatial intelligence and honestly just being good with your hands.

this. it takes some self awareness and intellectual honesty to come to that conclusion so you're probably not stupid. just unironically apply yourself and quit drinking/smoking weed

Different people need different approaches. I personally don't like how loomis teaches.

>if you want to be good at something you put effort into mastering it. the only brick walls that exist are the ones you put up yourself.
Lol youre braindead if you believe that. There are millions of meatheads going to gym everyday, counting calories and roiding like motherfuckers and they're all outclassed by some 17yo genetic freaks who literally squatted 250kgs in their first year of lifting. Genetics are literally everything, sure you can be better than average if you train a lot, but you will never be great if you're not lucky to have proper genes.

Because people are always like
>videogames? Why dont you just learn a fucking skill hobby like drawing, art, or writing
these threads are posted yearly on this board and /r9k/ and im a fucking loser so i try to look for whatever might help me not be miserable.

you are probably right about your original post about excuses and shit with people who actually like drawing im just fucking stupid is all

Yeah sure, you should copy a lot too, copying other peoples gestures will help your own. Also copying drawings or paintings of people is easier than real life references!rYhFlIQL!OX7slmxiS3Vn6JGsY9mUBw

The best part of drawing is being able to make your waifu, don't @ me I'm right

Attached: NO WAIT I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS.png (911x1379, 430K)

Besides Loomis, what else have you tried?

Paint miniatures


>Winners don't use drugs
>Exercising is inherently for losers

True. But it is also true that people grow from being challenged and by getting through things they hate. Of course hobbies are the one thing in life you get to choose so you're right that you should pick something you enjoy.

it's helpful but his books can be very very ambiguous. especially the head and hands one

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I want a reason to look down on others.

Learning to draw is honestly not worth the effort unless you've been loving it since you were a kid. And I don't mean just cute doodles and shit, I mean properly knowing how to draw like a professional.

Its not like cooking or playing an instrument, were only a fundemental understanding can yield pretty big results. The human eye is so incredibly good at immediately spotting bullshit that you need an insane amount of practice to create compelling illusions. The worst part is that if you actually geniunely want to get good at it you need to practice stuff you don't even want to draw literally all the fucking time, only drawing for practice and not enjoymemt.

Attached: L9MlEPw_d.jpg (640x523, 21K)

Where's the dick?


I'm still not professional though. I can't render yet and am still focusing on anatomy.

Attached: Muh painting.png (1047x887, 1.19M)

>can draw realistic
>cant draw anime for shit


Attached: 1519859344618m.jpg (1024x768, 65K)

Thanks for the link

I want to draw cute girls

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Is there a book like this but for cute little anime girls?

Attached: 1537297883868.jpg (1280x905, 298K)

based defeatist retard who will never achieve anything

>winners dont use drugs
>accept every famous bodybuilder, athlete, and soldier
thanks Arnold for helping your stupid wife make steroids illegal because you wanted her family to like you
>daily reminder that Arnold literally started helping the kennedies on the anti-steroid campaign because he is a cuck
fuck you arnold!

Vilppu and Hampton are pretty good in my opinion.

I would lay off the big renders and focus on smaller, quicker drawings for better practice.

Attached: 1560591970440.jpg (1145x794, 261K)

Actually based
Its honestly one of the main reasons Ive been learning to draw

So now you have to spend 10 hours a day practicing, be intelligent enough to learn and also not be insecure? What the fuck just admit talent is real you fucking faggots.

Thanks for the advice user. I tend to do both to be honest.

I just want to draw my waifu in cool poses and not just portraits

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I agree but repetition without an effort to fix your mistakes will get you nowhere.

That's assuming that the ultimate goal of drawing should be to create illusions. Artists already knew to doubt this when photography was first invented.

>"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe"

>10 hours

Lmao, try 4.


Everyone is somewhat insecure but you have to push through it.


wrong. /ic/ introduced me to tons of ways to actually study and i'm 10x better for it.

talent = genes. Insecurity comes from hurtful life experiences growing up when socializing with others. Probably from parents who had high expectations from you as well.

do you guys have any hobbies you would reccomend a neet trying? I have money but I dont know what people do besides exercise and cook

Attached: RmXqJ.jpg (1279x981, 191K)

>extreme insecurity
>schizophrenia so can't bring myself work on anything for longer than 1 hour per day
>think back on how I got an IQ of 109 on that test I took that one time
it was over before it even began

>Wanted to learn how to draw serious machines
>Always end up slapping anime tits on every drawing

Attached: fffff.jpg (1608x1124, 232K)

>Implying youve ever spent thousands of hours practicing a skill without getting good
As someone who learned two languages I know you're full of shit. You probably do the same thing I do every time I try to start working out where I go to the gym for like a month and then just quit. I bet you've never stuck with anything for longer than a couple of months.

i have this

Why does he wield Soul Edge?

Mixing and making music literally every loser is doing that nowadays.

>I drew for the first time ever and the drawing was shit, that means I shouldn't bother to practice.
Lemme guess, you also tell yourself that you're "smart, but lazy".

i like your picture user but also i am horny

Do want, post moar

I dunno. It looked cool I guess.

Good shit
Keep drawing guy

Greatest /ic/ meme

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I just can't help it

Attached: massivekorp.png (552x1200, 248K)

>Implying you need help

true, but some people have a stronger affinity towards tolerating the repetitive nature of practice with sheer autism, or they find it fun. i know this guy whos a human photocopy machine and he made some money doing comisions from that, but he literally couldnt draw goku from memory even tho he can copy manga pages near perfectly using microns. i havent believed in talent ever since i met him, his ability to autistically copy every detail of an existing image comes from patience and practice, not from an innate ability to just be good at drawing considering he sucked dick at drawing without photos

>As someone who learned two languages
Is that supposed to be impressive? Pretty much everyone in europe knows 3 languages.

>started drawing on paper 2 months ago
>actually pretty ok at it
>try something on digital
>mfw can't do a single line without pen going miles off and can't use cps for shit

fuck me and fuck anyone who says digital is invalid, that shit is 10 times harder than paper

This but instead I want to draw cute Milfs.

Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI_ Echoes of an Elusive Age_20180911103514.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

>game tells you not to start out symbol drawing
>do it anyway


Attached: fff18.png (407x467, 59K)

that's how I got into drawing in the first place my fetish is niche

Do you upload your stuff somewhere?


A lot of start is simply muscle memory and reacting
It’s like a video game except you have more than just an achievement to show off

Do you have friends? If so play tabletop rpgs

yeah but you can ctrl+z at any time that means you're cheating lolololol

so many people talking as an authority on drawing and nobody is posting their shit

as expected from Yea Forums

Who gives a shit about realism, just start on where you want to end at and you'll reach your goal much faster.

>I can't git gud because I'm not talented
this is just an excuse for the lazy

Stop drawing loyalists.

>can't pick up any creative hobbies due to insecurity
>decide to stick to consumptive hobbies (videogames, anime, music)
>get mocked for being a dumb consumer
>feel insecure
There is no escape. I can't even kill myself because I'm too afraid to die. All I can do is keep consuming and distracting myself. One day my consuming habits and unhealthy lifestyle will trap me in a health problem I can't escape and I will die as a bloated, brainless coward, unwilling to fix my problems but afraid of my inevitable death, like a rat trapped in the corner of a burning building.

Attached: stuckiedog.jpg (900x477, 100K)

>i want instant progress now!

Attached: IMG_4473.jpg (1600x1200, 304K)

I believe it.
>making a game
>get a battle tune I like just playing around for like 20 minutes with no experience whatsoever
>spend hours pixelating grass
sorry to hear that, are you getting help?
>Insecurity comes from hurtful life experiences growing up when socializing with others.
That's literally every social experience for me so I guess that explains afew things, but what, now you need to have had a healthy childhood too to be a good artist? And if not you need money for counseling I guess? Where does the drawing part come in?

What said.
Would absolutely follow and commission.

from all the times I tried to draw digital I ended up reaching to the conclusion that ctrl+z is a big ass bad habit. its fine sometimes but in a lot of cases you're actually better using the eraser tool

No one here draws, everyone is an expert though.

I sometimes dump some stuff here


Attached: orky4.png (1022x1192, 450K)

I like drawing boys making out.

Attached: Hot.png (3600x2860, 3.6M)

are you a girl?

fuck you faggot
look at this

Attached: merc_wip.jpg (916x1100, 571K)

Reminder that art schools understand the simple truth that the social aspect is important to learning. If you're not going to an art school (smart, saving money) you still need a community for critique and more importantly social interaction and support. Double reminder that online communities are shit compared to real life communities. Drawing 8 hours a day alone in your room can be a pretty miserable experience. Also the bigger projects require more than one person, it takes a team of people.

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For how long have you been drawing, user? Was it instant quality or did you had to put effort into your techniques?

yeah people get too caught up in drawing as realistically as possible because they see a few photo realistic drawings and they aspire to want to draw like that, not realizing that they should have just went out and bought a cheap camera instead of wasting years of their life being an extremely slow photo-copier.


based instant gratification addicted retard

What's the story on that monkey thing again? An album cover?

*suck* kid looks pretty bored with it

based and workinprogresspilled

don't worry bros I know how you feel, desu though I have not practiced enough, and i'm sure you have not either, unless you really, really want to get better and genuinely do it every day, it won't happen.

Neither. I just want to be somewhat superior to the average grade-schooler. The amount of effort required to reach even that level is pretty daunting, though. With most skills, if you completely suck and have no idea what you are doing it's possible to improve extremely rapidly for a while until you reach a basic level of proficiency, but this doesn't seem to be true with drawing.

I'll probably achieve my goal, but only by abandoning the idea of ever achieving anything with actual pencil and paper. Digital tools are much easier to work with. Any line I draw with a pencil is completely terrible and disgusting no matter how much effort I put into it, and I have no idea what the problem is there or how to address it.

Proko drawing from imagination

No its not supposed to be impressive. It's supposed to be evidence that I have engaged in a long time consuming activity. My point is that nobody is naturally good at things. You need to put in the time to learn anything. You don't just start out fluent in a foreign language or able to draw. You need to actually apply yourself and study.

show your work

It was Proko drawing from imagination right?

How would improve user?

I think realism is important to learn but you should be able to deviate from it whenever you feel like it.
Thing is that learning realism will teach you a bunch of things like perspective, proportion form lighting all at the same time, and those are really important things to learn, so it shouldn't be totally dismissed

Thanks user! I will keep practicing more.

I've been drawing since 2015 always as a hobby. I sucked plenty! I never practice as much as I should, but loomis really did helped me.

I draw but I'm only an amateur hobbyist.

>5 years is instant now
Why am*ricans are this retarded holy shit? I curse the humans rights because a good am*ritrash is a fucking dead one.

shes missing her rope

>advertising your fucking stream
holy shit kill yourself

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>been pretty decent at drawing ever since I was a kid
>Slowly lose interest
>End up only drawing casually when bored. Play vidya instead
>Always tried to draw here and there but never found the motivation to consistently do it
>Have some OCs I liked to draw all the time, dreamed of one day create a story with them, like a web comic
>Constantly get new ideas but never actually start working on it, just planning and planning
>This goes on for years, probably almost a decade
>One random day, for whatever reason, decide to say "fuck it" and draw the first page and upload it
>No fucking clue where I'm going with this, but just keep going forward
>Forcing myself to upload consistently, I feel pressured to get my shit together and start working on a story as I keep uploading
>Some mistakes here and there, but at least I'm actually getting shit done rather than just day dream all day
>Legit enjoy drawing now, by forcing myself to a schedule.
>Got a shitton of ideas so I'm not stopping anytime soon

sometimes "just fucking do it" is the only answer

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left is a study/copy, rigt is from your imagination. let me tell you being good at copying and being good at just drawing from imagination are two different beasts

>Makes 1/3 of my yearly salary in a month
>Doesn't even draw that good

Enjoy that ride while it lasts little girl.

What is the trick for drawing hands?

lmao, yeah, that was it, I'm confusing it with the Yea Forums meme


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Thinking talent isn't real is incredibly arrogant.

you can not become a professional counter-strike player unless you were born with a talent for it

It says his everything got deleted because he was harassed. What now?


Sekiro was made for the fan, not the pretend journalist.

How do I stop feeling anxious and impatient about learning a new hobby?

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lol I pretty much learned english in 2 weeks. Its just brute forcing through thousands of new words and then getting used to a new grammar.

lower DPI to 800, lower in game sens, go to CSGO workshop and download aim maps or buy the aim training game on steam. otherwise i'm sure you've practiced by playing casual FPS which will never improve your aim, I played thousands of hours of halo on xbox, i was damn good, then I went to PC to play CS:S, I was garbage but eventually I got fine and now I can do ok in CSGO, I went back to halo 5 on xbox, I sucked shit, if you don't play competitive online FPS above your comfort level of skill, you won't get better, also you do worse as you age.

>no indication or implication that either poster is American
based obsessed retard

once they finish book 4 (1-2 more years) they can just start a new project and the fans will stick around.

Enjoy the journey not the destination.

If you can't enjoy the process to some extent there is no point.

my drawings are nsfw furry porn

Found it

Attached: math rock.png (1406x224, 48K)

anime is symbol drawing, the complete antithesis to construction and form


Attached: images.jpg (226x223, 4K)

Talent means that after 1000 hours of drawing you can draw really well.
Untalented means after drawing for 1000 hours ypu dont improve beyond the most basic shit.

Thanks for answering user. I really wish I finally picked up my slack on drawing more basic shaped machinery, but what can I do? Anime pin up is more fun for me.

Attached: Unknown - Mechanical Object Tips.jpg (2048x768, 326K)

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It's impossible. Just give up now.

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I mean all it takes is for some rules or laws to change and Patreon cracks down on shit like this.

Literally and unironically just let go and enjoy the process of getting better. I recently started painting miniatures, and I'm so fucking proud of what I've done so far

Focus on having fun first. If you wanna draw weeaboo shit just draw weeaboo shit. when you feel like improving try drawing from life and figure drawing

For that specific picture, just different eyes would do. I think my main advice is gonna be to try to copy some works from artists you like and learn some more like that. On the three-quarter-views you drew you got the placement of the features wrong, especially the nose, so try to practice that too.
But most of all keep at it and keep it fun.

At least I'm willing to show that I try to draw.

God, I wish I could draw realistic floors

Attached: nicefloor.png (414x335, 324K)

with the most simple shapes/lines.

holy shit thats great

how is the furboner money treating you user?

keep seething lmao


W-who wants to be my drawing buddy through thick and thin? Together we will win!

how's my samus? this was probably at the peak of my drawing skill, did it in a uni lecture. it's obviously referenced, but do ya think I can get good? I am going to get into game dev but I want to be able to make my own art

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>On the three-quarter-views you drew you got the placement of the features wrong, especially the nose, so try to practice that too.

Would you mind redlining it? I can't see it.

break them down to their components and draw wach part carefully, but keep one eye on the whole.

Attached: 1-18.jpg (700x824, 154K)

first things first, practice line work. im sure you can see its chicken scratch right now. second, try to understand the forms of what you draw so they look like an actual shape that can exist in 3d space and not a 2D shape. third, the way you color is very blurry, try to do a cel shaded look first for anime before going for complex gradations

No, it really isn't, it's all about IQ and different types of it. Perspective, creativity, etc. are all linked to IQ, just like you cannot become talented at mathematics just by repetition.

It all depends on your genetics, sorry. Sure you might squeeze out more if you train a lot but at the end of the day if you want to excel you need to be born with it.

I'm not that quick digitally so I'll see if I can do it before the thread dies.


you can have hope without having talent

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Here's a little picture I drew! What do you think?

Attached: 20190628_170415.jpg (3264x2448, 1.66M)

You could always pick up gardening

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post your steam id

a little chicken-scratchy but you have a good sense of proportions

What if you don't find any creative hobby where you enjoy the process?


>missing the point this hard
im not even that guy but youre a retard
you dont draw in 3 dimensions, but a 2D drawing is a projection of a 3D view. what he's saying is you need to be aware of the 3D view youre projecting onto a 2D drawing, by drawing even the stuff that is blocked by other stuff

I dont want to learn to draw by drawing characters I like because when I see those shitty versions of my favorite characters, I'll feel like I have let them down.

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>art schools understand

They understand a fool is easily separated from their money.

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I wish I could recommend some good books about machines, I used the "fun with a pencil" book to practice bulk blocks but after that I just studied from life. I truly believe that reference will make a drawing more meatier, so I search plenty even before laying the pencil. Good luck with your drawing journey buddy!

Attached: Peter_han_-_Dynamic_Bible-043-043.jpg (4950x3150, 1.36M)

Then give up.

At least you have shame to be a am*rilard retarded.

is there a name for that kind of shading, where would you learn it?


If you guys are serious hit me up at my throw away email.

[email protected]

I get outta work in a few hours

if you want to get good, you'll have no fun, because your mindset is that of a consumer who expects results.
if you want to enjoy something, you'll start doing things, because you objectively can verify that doing it makes you feel better and joyful (not delusional joy, i mean actually enjoying it, just like enjoying food or movies).
enjoying something doesn't always mean you produce something of value. but that's the point.
from the perspective of the do'er, you only have to enjoy it.
only the consumer expects quality.
having a hobby means enjoying the activity, not enjoying the results. while a consumer never cares about acitivty, but exclusively about results.
but again, you have to objectively realize that i actually is enjoyable, forcing yourself to do something because you THINK it will make you feel better never works.
western thinking doesn't really help, you need to go into eastern thinking, e.g. realism (e.g. as teached by krishnamurti)

just trace them

Do I have to learn to draw real people to draw anime?

Once you're blind you'll be able to depict every crevice with your improved sense of touch, user

It's not blocked off by anything. Everything you draw is 2D, you just make it not look that way at a glance.

Welcome to being an artist.

The ability to try things repeatedly is a talent not everyone has.

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>in this post, everyone is born exactly the same, and we can all do the same things equally


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have you started or are you getting back into it?

I'm finally getting the hang of things, just spent 700$ in furry porn bucks on a new 22" drawpad

combination of dithering and cross hatching

>pulls out cock

Attached: bbb.jpg (2016x1512, 398K)

very good, solid lines, good construction and shading

t. keeps copying loomis' heads and cant figure out why he isn't getting better


You can use a pencil just as good as anyone else, unless your hands are crippled,.

I hate tumblr artist so fucking much. Even more after they started pissing off someone who was doing free helpful manga tutorials and made them delete all of them and not have future tutorials be published in English.

I love how plush your art looks. Do you have anywhere you post your work?

Calarts, not even once

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MangaMaterials? I looked that up. I wanted to learn. Now I have nothing.

Source that claim.

this is what i do

do whatever stylized stuff you want, then when you run into a hurdle like for example drawing a gun, you might want to stop and copy a photo of a gun so you know how to render its materials and understand the way it reflects light since its a hard surface object. now when you do your anime girl with a gun, the gun will look believable and nice

very rarely do i just copy and study without having an end result that benefit my current drawing

I believe in talent to some degree, but I don't think it automatically makes you into a master without hard work. Maybe talent has to do with how disciplined you are, how much mileage you are putting into it and most importantly, take note of your mistakes and correct them. Still, some people may be extraordinaire and have something that puts them above the average guy.

I like what Kim Jung Gi said. Something along the lines of "however much hours people think I've drawn, I've done a lot more".

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 233K)


I draw and paint a lot of weird/dumb shit when i dont do birds. I started off with Ross maybe a year back, and have moved onto animals. I'll do more people at some point, i need to get away from just faces and do entire bodies.

Attached: ross.png (957x855, 1.39M)

Might also be that you're less susceptible to the Dunning-Kruger effect when drawing because the end product leaves little room for lying to yourself.

With many other skills you can scratch the surface and suddenly think yourself an authority on the subject. Like programming.

Every hobby I've ever picked up, I have wondered wether I truly like it and am actually having fun, or im just telling myself that I am.
Plauged with doubt, eventually I stopped doing anything other than playing video games.

just do it and believe in yourself.

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>Erasure of Japanese to blackwash

This is why we have monkey Nessa, folks

>tfw not asian so I was born without the "hard worker" gene

feels bad.

thank you

No seriously. I wanna learn how to draw Manga but I dont know where to start. Im at -1 level and I need help. Is there any resources?

learning jp is a literal joke, if you can't even figure it out i doubt you'll ever amount to anything art related.

This is a good thread. Lets have one again in 3 months

start with the basics until you stop symbol drawing. If you don't know what symbol drawing is, head to

Just be yourself

Why do black people always draw other characters as black regardless of their actual ethnicity? smdh

Attached: DOv-zuJUMAEvc4V.png (1280x720, 321K)

it's not a gene, it's built into their culture fundamentally, you are worthless if you don't put effort into everything you do and kill yourself working.

i don't