SGDQ 2019

Summer Games Done Quick 2019

Now: Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee!
Next: Super Mario World

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Other urls found in this thread:

first for based pokemon speedruns

Game sucks, but these guys arent too bad

Friendly reminder that no matter how bad your life is, atleast you aren't speedrunning Pokemon Let's Go

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>shaping up to be a fun hours long pokemon run

threadly reminder, don't be like megurankposter, be more like miiarankposter
>doesn't do //s
>does it for attentionwhoring and for reddit karma
>cherrypicks votes despite "hi/v/emind collective voting"
>gets angry if list is touched at all
>does //s
>couldn't care less about anyone's comments while shitposting on Yea Forums
>votes herself and no changes unless mentioned otherwise
>literally opposite ranks of megurankposter without the extra S ranks


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>hanging out with friends
>full crowd behind you
>100k viewers
>making Yea Forums seethe

It's a real nightmare for him.

Where my bunny humpers at?

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Now imagine all the days spend doing the speedrun outside the event

those rocket girls are so hot

>60 dollar console game
>eevee used headbutt
>stands perfectly still

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God I want to fuck Erika

When i was like 12 i cranked it to the red head so many times. We didnt have cable and had shitty aol.

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God I wish I was a poke girl.

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holy shit

Why is Jessie so fucking short?

he has animations turned off
granted, the actual animation is just eevee jumping

Thats a setting they turn off dumbass. Its a speedrun, not a “show off every move”

I just woke up, does this mean I can pokepost?

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My first time whackin it was when those girls gone wild paid programming ads used to play late at night.

>I can ride the Onyx
>It's too big
>Pee Pee UP

100% banned

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sorry anons but that's how it be

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SSS!!: PunchOut!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat / Super Bomberman 2 / SMW (race) / Dark Souls
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2 / Mort the Chicken / Glover / TRAG / Pac-Man World / Star Fox 64
S: Streets of Rage / Alien Soldier / Chasm: The Rift / RE2 / Divekick / Shrek XL / Last Action Hero / Nex Machina / Dead Rising / Remnants of Naezith / Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3 / Chip and Dale / SMB3 / Invictus / Grand Poo World 2 / Banjo-Kazooie / MM2 / Tetris Effect / LoZ: MM
A: The Hobbit / THUG 2 / Marble Madness / Ranger-X / Half Minute Hero / Bloodstained: CotM / Super Mario Sunshine / Silent Hill 3 / Nuclear Throne / Starcraft / Jumper / TMNT 4 / Ristar / Cave Story / Minecraft / MM11 / MM3 / Zelda BotW / Bomberman 64
B: DMC / Spyro / TMNT 3 / Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Metroid / Castlevania: SotN / Metroid Prime / Skylar and Plux / Kirby Air Ride / Kirby 64 / Ape Escape / Crash Bandicoot 3 / PunchOut!! (arcade) / LoZ Randomizer / Furi / C&C / Sonic 3D Blast / Koumajou Densetsu II / Sly Cooper / Diablo 2 / HL / HL 2 / Rockman 4 / Tomb Raider
C: Sonic Generations / DKC2 / LoZ: Minish Cap / Final Doom / Bwaster Master / Solomon's Key / Jackal / Contra 3 / Ninja Spirit / Castlevania / Perfect Dark / Slipstream / Pokemon Crystal / Splatterhouse / Sylvester & Tweety / Clustertruck / Dark Souls 2 / Gauntlet / Mario Kart DD / Hyper Light Drifter / Cannon Spike / Skyrim
D: Portal 2 / Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland / Outland / Contra / STFU / Timespinner / Castlevania: PoR / Prey / Uncharted / Monster Boy / Textorcist / Deltarune / Hylics / Laffy Taffy / Boogerman / LLB / Looney Tunes / Rhino Rumble / Aero the Acro-Bat / Octopath Travler / TAS Tetris / Transition
F: SMB2 / Ducktales 2 / We Love Katamari / Catlateral Damage / Castlevania DOS / FE Fates / KH3 / Quake / TAS MKWii
ZZZ: BL 2 / LoZ: LBW / SMG 2 / TAS Celeste
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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I wanted to forget about these ridiculous move names

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Oh shit its mah nigga drowzee

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this game is getting sexy wtf

why are all pokemon players such gigachads?

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I gave up on an emulator so what can I make in 3 hours?

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believe yourself and watch the runs for yourself
don't let some list tell you what's good and what's bad

>can bank pokémon literally anywhere
what the fuck is this shit

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this run is actually pretty comfy desu

Reminder this run goes absolutely fucking hog wild after the second gym and opens up a shit ton.

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>Buzzy Buzz

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>lets go Eevee
>3 hours

Not 1999 anymore. Wireless tech is better

Cute sneks.
Almost there, you've done great!

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rated by how actually good it is
rated by cringe

One list is shit and the retard making it makes arbitrary decision regardless of the votes and the other is the same shit list but reversed.
They are both shit.

>blocks your path
>"wanna say that to my face wh*teboi?"
what do

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Make a cake with cum


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>trihex doing an etika tribute/donation stream
this nigger is shameless

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The snake one said Split/Second was ZZZ so ignore him.


As much as I hate LeGo, these Runner's are actually pretty alright. Makes the run bearable.

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hey now, mine's not completely the same shit list reversed, I make my own shit decisions

this dude is literally a foot shorter than etika was lmao

There's one on the couch

>hanging out with friends
>full crowd behind you
Who cares
k viewers
Wow so cool
>making Yea Forums seethe
now THIS is BASED. All is forgiven

So what are those tributes about? Compilations about the idiot screeching at everything?

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Maybe they like them

Yet who's the one that isn't dead?

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At least there's cute anime girls to look at.

Jesus fucking christ these attack animations. Even Stadium a game made a hundred years ago put in 100x more effort to make use of 3D pokemon.

>ugly nigger attention spamming for ugly dead nigger

oh holy fuck the water attack absorbs HP?

Threadly reminder that anything below S isn't worth watching because you retards grade on a curve.

Why won't they make an online MMO style pokemon game bros?

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If you post more like this, sure

Is this game worth getting?

>model her upper thighs
>no panties, just a void
Why did they do this?

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Because they are esport athletes
Can't you see this amazing display of human abilities pushed to the extreme?

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i'd much rather die than be a turbo manlet like trihex

Pay for my bills user how can i stay so soft and cuddly if i don't eat 4000 calories a day

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I agree, there have barely been donation comments. I only wish it had been any other game than Let's Go Pee.

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based retard

That looks, very tight...

I was literally just thinking about if you can see up their skirts. Fuck gamefreak.

Saves triangles.

someone needs to make a "PAY MY BILLS" todd edit of edo

can someone please tell me where this things face is

Game Freak puts in the bare minimum of effort

Continue posting my wife

Check out PokeMMO user

You do realize they have animations turned off, right?

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>Exporting Nintendo models
Calling the f**king police now.
Die pirate

Nah, it's not worth 60 dollars. Go ahead if you can find it for 20.

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This is my starter Primarina and it has been 2 years since she has evolved.

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Was waiting for someone to mention that game.
Pokemon stadium was some fun shit desu, used to rent it from game store and play with my black friend when I was like 10
I remember the cool minigames

The fat Chilean beat him to it!

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Sure is!

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>sunglasses inside
>painted nails
Is he next?

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people don't realise it but all of that food in that picture is solely for edo

i don't like this thread make a new one

>three and a half hours of a baby-easy turn-based RPG

are these kinds of neckbeards only ironic neckbeards or can these people really not grow any hair on their cheeks? i see these everywhere

>go to yakuniku
>Order chicken
Literally low iq

He wore a dress yesterday.

Absolutely not. And I'm a poke fanboy that gobbles up every game they shit out

I have little stuff of her, sorry.

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He's the same guy who was wearing the dress during interviews/prizes
Reminder Narcissa told you to "kiss the nails" before she came out as trans.

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>There are actually people who weigh more than 60kg (132lbs)

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who knows man

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deal with it user

He was in a dress yesterday so yeah probably.

>another pokemon speedrun
lol jet set radio died for this


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It's comfy and casual. Good if you travel a lot

Primarina is perfect.

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"I want to turn into Nidoking and have a big tail" damn dude me too

Do they ever do speedruns for darksiders at these things? that's a run I would love to watch if only to watch people either impressively reliably pull off the trickier portal jumps or watching them fail horribly at them

None of that looks appetizing...

just paid attention to the stream for the first time and realised buzzy buzz and floopsy doop are real move names and not cutesy runner memes

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Sakurai explained this, he said CERO demands to see all the female models upside down to make sure they put in a void.


Why are his teeth so fucked up?

what if you're like 6'7 and muscular though

>korean bbq
Is that cooked dog?

not in this game

little bit of column a, little of b. In Zeros case the harsh truth is that he looks better with facial hair and as a rolley polly, cuz I mean look at this shit.

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nice humor kek


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It's nothing to do with gamefreak, it's a japanese ratings board requirement.
It's funny because certain spirits had to be censored to not show underwear but several of them are blatantly not wearing any at all and that's apparently fine

Threadly reminder that Médecins Sans Frontières:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

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>just ate half a litre of ice cream
I'm weak. Please help me.

Pokemon are our wives

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>197cm tall
It ain't easy being a skeleton

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Wait, romance in Pokemon? WHAT?

When does her movie come out?

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Who /masters/ here?

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Compilations of people jumping off bridges

Just get FRLG

is he bankrupt now?

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>literal rape in pokémon
What the fuck was Nintendo thinking?

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Silly edobese, just let him cum inside you

Then you gotta show me you deserve to be like that

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>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
Based, anti immigration is a shit tier ideology and I am willing to forgive the other shit they do if it makes you retards seethe

why did they pick this game? wasnt streaming ONE pokemon enough?


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Not me, fuck gachashit

that fucking face

Lol remember that guy who got banned because some girl was riding his D in Discord and he wanted to cuddle in bed, and she metoo'd him because she didn't want to get groped too much even though he comped her whole stay.
*deep breath*
And then he posted the whole discord chat on twitter to cover his ass, and everyone attacked him, so he ended up canceling her ticket and kicking her out of his room because he didn't have a cuddle buddy anymore but cucked out in the end and still bought her ticket home.

I want a Pokemon gf

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Yea I thought it was a joke too when I heard him say "zippy-zap" earlier haha
Fucking hell... at least the moves used to sound cool when I was a kid.. like fissure or thundershock
Fucking flamethrower.
Not fucking sparkyspic and zippyzoo

>got weighed a couple weeks ago at 103kg
I didn't think I'd get into triple digits. Fuck. I'd better get back into swimming.

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It's true.

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does that even mean

Domechads where at

>dude is a fatass bald cuck


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What are you guys doing/playing/watching to pass the time until this run is over? I'm about to watch an episode of Too Old To Die Young.

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>when you're happy to destroy entire nations to make people who don't want the nations destroyed angry
Peak modernity.

Baddy Bad

Every Partner move has a secondary effect and they're absurd.

Baddy Bad is a 90 base power special Dark move, that also sets up Reflect (halves damage from physical attacks on your team for five turns)
Bouncy Bubble is a 90 base power special Water type move, that also absorbs half the damage dealt as health (Giga Drains effect basically)
Buzzy Buzz is a 90 base power special Electric move that has a 100% chance to paralyze.
Freezy Frost is a 90 base power special Ice type move that also has the effect of Haze (negates all stat changes on Pokemon in battle)
Glitzy Glow is a 90 base power special Psychic type move that also sets up Light Screen (halves damage from special attacks on your team for five turns)
Sappy Seed is a 90 base power physical Grass type move also applies Leech Seed effect
Sparkly Swirl is a 90 base power special Fairy type move that also applies the effect of Aromatherapy/Heal Bell (heal all status effects on your team)

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Demon Slayer when it goes up

Mein Negro

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>don't model something the player would ever naturally see in any context
Only Pokemon fans are this desperate to shit on their own devs.

more Stardew Valley, honestly

what are you going to do when GDQ ends guys?

going to go play detention my friend gifted to me yesterday

I picked up Starbound for the summer sale, its pretty boring

>That beta cuck that doesn't want to put his hands on the qt's shoulders

Which one?

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Nice. Which farm and who'd you marry?

Only 2:30 left!

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hmm, I ((((wonder)))) whose behind this GDQ

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Only retards will defend not having viewable underwear in a game.

Watch anime
Play Bloodstained

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>she has to pull his hand and put it on her shoulder

>he missed baddy bad


oof why even tweet thanking him and not in person?

Sylveon looks the most like a bimbo so her

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Vaporeon > all

He doesn't want to get MeToo'd


Baddy Bad
Glitzy Glow
Buzzy Buzz/Fire move
Sappy Seed/Bouncy Bubble

Die, hopefully.

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Why sylveon of course

Post your bromons

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haven't played in a long while like before new farms were added, I think I married Leah though

Smash doesn't either, and that's because of the ratings board. For once this isn't something that is out of pure laziness with GF

i'm going to make some coffee and finish My Friend Pedro then replay it.

Why are you watching this instead of CEO?

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>tfw had a Gardevoir for 13+ years
>tfw care about him immensely
>tfw people always greentext the him but I don't give a fuck, he's my best bro
He's been a legitimate comforting factor in my life since I was 13.

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She was getting called out on asking for money from people and then eating out. Had to make sure people knew she wasn't spending their money but some friends.

That's pretty cute, bro.

Fap to anime and play Mario Maker 2.

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Sizzly Slide is the fire move and guarantees burn

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I downloaded the first 3 episodes but I still have yet to watch it. I hear its kino though

The dynamic duo, both of them at the same time.

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How sad

Gonna max my shards out in Bloodstained

Imagine being an american cuck that pays girls to shit all over you
Why are americans so dumb?

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>that tranny char though
also I saw you on /vp/ fag

Hey, this artstyle looks vaguely familiar...


>No one can look at their panties if they're not wearing any in the first place!

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Back to daily Yea Forums shitposting as a good neet loser without friends.

figured. 99% of things though just makes it sound more suspect, along with having a hotel room paid for.

But will you take responsibility when they get pregnant?

I want to dress up like this, does that mean I'm trans now?

Shitpost in other Yea Forums threads, play smash, jerk off. Be depressed and alone. You know, nothing different, really.

>beg for money on twitter
>even say you'll send "pictures" as a kind of insentive
>show you're spending all the money on banquets of food to continue being obese

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It's because America doesn't want anyone teaching their kids degeneracy outside of rappers, singers, the porn industry, LGBT community, and the pedos in the government.
I agree adding rendered pantsu in games would definitely put us over the edge.

>that lazy animation when cutting down the tree
fuck off gamefreak

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How long till SMW?

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always espy

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imagine being a cute lesbian anime girl

The characters in this game aren't fuckable enough.

Or maybe you people could open your eyes and realize it only destroyed europe because police were going out of their way to let it happen.

Yeah I was just saying what the optimum moveset would be for Eevee based on what was said.
I dunno I haven't played Pokemon in a while.

>Based, anti breaking and entering is a shit tier ideology and I am willing to forgive the other shit they do if it makes you retards seethe

*forces his way into your home*
pssh, nothin personnel kid...

okay anons in your opinion which run has been the worst so far?

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Korean BBQ is all you can eat.

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That "food" looks digusting

The solution is honestly really simple: you have the models, add panties in.

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with a futa horsecock

This was actually smart of him.
Looks like just as they went out of view she moved his hands on her shoulders herself.
It's fucked that guys have to be so worried about doing shit like this nowadays.
One minute you're doing a GDQ conga line.
Next minute you're getting chased by an angry twitter lynchmob cause the yogapantslut made a post saying you touched her ass.

literal or metaphorically?

But doesn't everyone like Renamon?

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Which eeveelution should I look at

>all you can eat.
Not when Edobeaner is there



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>I don't think I could ever truly repay him
She doesn't even consider the possibility of not being a broke leach sometime in the future and treating him to dinner a few times.

Sorry, I'm not mentally ill.

I don't know how to model.

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bros i don't want it to end, gdq funposting threads are the highlight of my shit life

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How you coping with the heat Eurobros

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>you can skip some scenes in this game
fast foward when

from the ones I've seen, Metroid Prime 2 and Catlateral Damage. Both were absolute trash

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Remember to stretch your muscles and drink plenty of water throughout the day anons!

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Watching other streamers and donating! They need it to live user!

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This is the most beautiful pokemon game

What are we eating?

>zero humidity

with an AC and drinking plenty of water, of course

Where's the chubby penises and balls in this pic??

Why do you think everyone hates the game

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There's a couple hundred people on deviantart that do. Honestly you just gotta find the right talent.

Get a gf even if she's ugly

It's really reminiscent of the better parts of Only God Forgives such as the visuals, shot, and how slow some scenes are. Miles Teller seems even more autistic than Goose, probably because he looks more autistic naturally. The music is fucking amazing, though, and probably my favorite part of the show so far.

Mah nigga

don't worry, ESA starts in a couple weeks, there's more fun coming up then

No one who speedruns is a millionaire, fucking hot bitches, doing actual important things in life.
Everyone who speedruns is a degenerate and getting world records is the only way to feel good about themselves.

How many hours have I wasted on this bullshit game. Pathetic.
All I do is waste my life away for a temporary goddamn high that lasts about a week or so... it's a complete joke.

Speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has ever come up with.

It's fucking true, the only reason we speedrun is because we're too pathetic to accomplish anything else decent in life, so we fucking speedrun, because it gives us this temporary feeling that
>oh my god I'm good, I'm the best in the world in this thing that hardly anyone else does.
That's all it is, really.

We're all a fucking joke.
We masquerade around AGDQ like 'haha we're so cool making a million dollars for cancer aren't we fucking special?'
We're just a pile of fucking goddamn losers is all we are. It's ridiculous.
People thinking speedrunning is cool is the biggest goddamn meme on the planet.
I'm telling the truth I'm just being real, everyone knows it they're just too afraid to say it.

You know I just exposed all of speedrunning.
It's a thing we do to waste time to feel good about ourselves that's it.

>Holy shit guys! 1:07! it's amazing!
I don't believe it!

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man the fuck up

damn, I haven't seen that picture since 2002

I'm gonna stretch my boner betyween those thighs


Mommy turns on a thing that blows cold air and goes grocery shopping for me so I don't have to leave the house.

this nigga still lives in that basement

I fucking miss being a young NEET and wasting a week watching this, time is cruel

Are you implying they don't put in the bare minimum of effort?

I seen it just now lol


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bought a £400 AC, its great but so loud

le fuarken wholesome!!! thank u based bro!!! xD

Attached: 1546304092328.jpg (1008x1223, 1.6M)

>literally begging for money on twitter
>"I'm so poor help pls I'm gonna be homeless"
>offering to whore self out for money
>a man comes to your rescue
>rather than have some humility, go to the most expensive restaurants you can
>get dessert
>brag about how much you ate on twitter after previously mentioning your weight loss attempts and dire financial situation

Attached: 1555302439833.png (622x464, 313K)

try to get into Kamidori Alchemy Meister

Attached: 1560897294367.gif (540x425, 86K)

I'm fucking dying




>scamming nerds on twitter then bragging about it
Yeah I'm thinking she's based


>slow camera tracking
>characters autistically saying lines with 15 seconds in between each
>emphasis placed on things that really don't need it

It's everything you want from a Refn outing.

>8 $500 donations to pet an Eevee

fucking furries

Attached: 1561817023295.gif (128x111, 50K)

>the absolute state of pokefags

Attached: 1554606173740.jpg (552x414, 44K)

Attached: 1536682549847.png (1000x835, 1.28M)

>these pet the eevee donations

Attached: contempt.jpg (900x900, 72K)

bought a €200 AC, easily enough for my PC room

>half a dozen 500 dollar donations all at once just to pet a virtual animal

No one should trust any fucking donation over 5 dollars ever

never thought about it like that
man i hate her even more



it's broken here for now, rain started about an hour ago

This petting part reminds me of meet'n'fuck games

Attached: 8948aece407f10cc4a5bd2b5d7d17ced.jpg (736x1100, 715K)

This fucking heckler needs to go.

We did it REDDIT
......BOOP X-D

play the new ffxiv expansion until ESA

Attached: 1544763065767.jpg (475x352, 32K)

No it's ok because they use onyx to dilate, it's tranny friendly

Attached: 1543765347537.jpg (1500x1062, 261K)

>sitting in an attic while my skin irritates me and only have a open window to cope

Attached: Aura2.jpg (900x885, 338K)

Eevee are only good for one thing

Attached: 20190509_152953.png (1370x1911, 1.3M)

>Nobody mentionned the massive bout of money laundering that just happened.
>The absolute state of Yea Forums

Attached: 0a12f49f3d1c68e0aced911baf94c52f.png (600x338, 295K)

I want to meet'n'fuck nessa

you underestimate how pathetic donators are. at least one of those is real and that's too many


>people still don't know what money laundering means

How does pokemon get away with such lewd character designs

those are large milkers

scroll up

Attached: 1475396511142.jpg (1200x1600, 1.66M)

You guys are being edgelords

This run is fun and comfy

Attached: 1561572601096.gif (500x417, 47K)

Waiting 2 weeks for dq builders 2

You know when you do something that you think will be fun and then it lasts a moment and it's over and you get that sinking feeling because you're now $500 poorer?

Should I watch the Dark Souls or Big the Cat run while I wait for Pokemon to be over?

Will she be back next year? Unironically hasn't been the same without her, not even shitposting

Attached: proto.jpg (1200x800, 133K)


Attached: 0f388d64c8a7bb9a51539f20a803ff73.jpg (610x960, 271K)

Is this a still from Toy Story 4?

Bruh, Korean BBQ is all you can eat. You pay a flat fee and eat whatever you want, even that dessert. It's also shit tier poor people food because it's so cheap, those places are always full of poor college students.

30C here
What about everyone else?

Yeah. It was lagposting I guess.


Attached: 0028_70521047_p03.jpg (868x1228, 152K)

You could watch both since it’s gonna be about another two fucking hours

play a videogame

Pussy is expensive when you're ugly.

Attached: 1547235220054.jpg (729x960, 73K)


not unless xer gathers xit 292 other personalities

that desperate fuck most likely lives in another state what is she to do ?

It's boring. But I guess I'm an "edgelord" for having my own opinion.

that's nothing lmao

get a fan and point it out the window dummy

32 outside, 24 in my room

This literally looks like a cock and balls

Attached: 1547169937795.png (111x174, 45K)

has anyone else in the speedrun community ever been this butt blasted

They didnt
I made sure of that

Attached: ae4748da5dbd343b44cd3bd7e013158c.jpg (785x1440, 145K)

Seems a bit much.

Attached: 1314097145726.jpg (600x851, 218K)

That's also where to take girls who are in college to easy dates

Lorelei is MOMMY

Yeah women are a scam, just fap to anime girls and get on with the rest of your life.


Attached: 419bfa1149c1f4b5f12f4adacd2c4aaa.jpg (557x800, 101K)

Pretty alright, all the heat is rising to the attic and drying my laundry.

>evolution pokemon
>Can't evolve

Attached: 75148020_p0.jpg (800x1133, 553K)

Wish I still had my pass

Attached: 84704ec954e07120a1311594d99ed27b.jpg (851x1200, 111K)

I know you can go faster than that

>Americans brag about how it's hotter where they are but fail to take into account humidity or how warm it normally is in other places


he probably purposely treating her to all this shit because he wants to get laid

Why is hypno the de facto rapist pokemon

I'd say she has a 60,2% chance of returning.

No one can refute anything this man said.

Is this sabrina?

not enough cute pokeboys

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Attached: 1533315487.jpg (512x512, 75K)

>john cena memes
what the fuck

Don't need it

I wish hiromoot accept non memecoin payment
Fuck him

Better start counting down the days until that thirsty nerd gets meetoo'd by edobean then.

By freezing multiple 2 liter bottles of water and hugging them/replacing them when need be each and every day. Seems to be working so far, as long as I keep them close to my arms or in between my legs pressed against my thighs

lmao us NERDS

Attached: __delinquent_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_oras_drawn_by_benten_pixiv15996491__76273c3032c7194acb (1024x768, 136K)

I love NIdoqueen

Attached: 1525534743480.gif (549x598, 1.56M)

>More petting donations
At least he's following through on them unlike the Octoshit run

What is this pokemon let's play doing in a speedrun event?

Attached: 1561819326168.webm (640x360, 503K)

I said the same thing earlier KEK

Would you fuck your Pokemon?

Attached: 113b245d1b3dd994bf868e47eb1d368c.png (3840x2592, 3.61M)

Attached: 1543240250392.png (600x720, 536K)

Never played xd right?

>creepy looking
>kidnapped children in the anime
>can literally hypnotize and brainwash people
>drowzee can fit the fat old man stereotype

might happen

>77% humidity here

Is there sol cal or Unist?
Are they on?

It's because we at plebbit are NERDS XD
*holds up spork*

Attached: 1515362869189.jpg (480x480, 32K)

I'm watching both. By that I mean GDQ is on mute and I haven't tabbed over in an hour

good goy

holy based

To be honest, this run is only around half an hour longer than a Yellow run.

Attached: 75276067_p1.png (662x1000, 407K)

I agree user. It's too much to ask a woman to be fiscally responsible, especially when going on vacation. You wouldn't expect a 10 year old to be able to budget a week long out of town trip, so why would you a woman?


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Post Erika

>can't evolve Eevee to your favorite type
>gets taught three overpowered broken moves that have insane coverage
>can't capture Pokemon normally
>can't turn off exp share

Why did people buy this game?

The only good things about this game are the art-style, the secret techniques replacing HM moves, and the Pokemon following behind you.

Attached: Dom-deluise.jpg (90x55, 2K)

Keizaron is such an obnoxious unfunny faggot

Come watch Tekken


fuck off incel

Why do people keep drawing Pokegirls with bigger proportions than they actually have?
Please stop, it's gross.

Attached: you want to be the girl right.jpg (955x770, 108K)

Yes. Best pokegirl.

Attached: 1536962079365.png (735x1000, 749K)

Just how old is Hapu anyway?

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Attached: 46f.png (819x1390, 592K)

>Our artists are at it once again! Here's a little "preview" on the upcoming Super Mario World run.

Attached: D-PZXseXUAAfHE-.jpg (6000x4000, 2.71M)


Attached: 473.jpg (500x718, 234K)

t. Never been to Florida.

Thank you for these pics brother.

Attached: 1561752076834.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

Don't want to

Attached: 1559535105594.jpg (1520x1009, 298K)

Going by official merchandise, Rosa is actually very busty.

Attached: 1552280085007.png (1000x1019, 1.38M)

>gets taught three overpowered broken moves that have insane coverage
Eight. One for each Eeveelution.

And because it's still pretty fun.

>The crowd and the back couch are definitively having a blast during this Pokémon Let's Go: Eevee run but wait, is that a wild Kirbymastah among all these beautiful people?
Are you having a blast too Yea Forums?

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Attached: c55df8bf26d7b4cbf44ddd62c28a2e08.png (1240x1754, 1.55M)


>giving your money to a human trafficking organization instead of your sick and suffering family and friends
i hate the modern world

Attached: cover5.jpg (1600x900, 68K)

hes an esports pro gamer look at his official uniform

I'm not the one who's been posting them aside from that one but thanks anyway.

Attached: 1554631625019.png (707x1000, 524K)

It is what it is till we get WWIII started

Fuck I have that same exact hawaiian shirt from a thrift store awhile ago

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Attached: 1561557306686.jpg (960x585, 90K)

what the hell... how did I get into this speedrun thread? the last thing I remember I was fapping to pokemon...

Attached: 1549910076778.png (900x808, 587K)

>3+ hour "speedrun"

They should just stop with this bullshit. Everything that can't be finished in 60-90 minutes should not be allowed

She has a C cup at best. Not the D cup like you posted.
Notice how her combined bust is less voluminous than her head. In your picture each breast is as large as her head.
Male sexuality is disgusting.

Attached: bd6470e90070482b8b0a801f8380a26e.jpg (800x1500, 101K)

Being thirsty as fuck like that makes you oblivious to people manipulating you.
It's sad to see, even worse to experience. Sometimes it's referred to as being "food-zoned".
Not even friend-zoned. Just being used for food and other expenses. As fucking terrible as it feels to be used like that, at least it helps you learn when to recognize it, and stop it.

Attached: disgust.jpg (305x404, 24K)

Don't worry user, they surely spend the whole year saving money to throw it at this specific event. Is disposable income!

Attached: 1522587261033.png (800x800, 341K)

i'd fuck that motorcycle

What's fun about a game where to win all you have to do is mash A to proceed. No thinking required.

Obviously. Why the fuck would I or anyone else ever want to go to Florida?

every sabrina poster is a brother so don't worry.

Attached: 1561496245945.png (1003x1416, 1.83M)

t. anorexic tranny

That's gross.

I don't know how I got here either.

Attached: critical hit 2.jpg (192x183, 14K)

Oh and I forgot that they replaced Gary motha fuckin Oak with some pussy who gives you items. What the hell, a rival shouldn't be actively helping you!

well damn

Attached: 1561487267427.jpg (640x480, 48K)


I enjoy collecting and battling creatures. Sometimes I like putting thought in it, sometimes I don't.

If you don't find it fun if it's too easy that's fair though, not saying you can't think that.

I bet you bitch in Hex Maniac threads.

Attached: 1531433983606.png (830x976, 386K)

I would poke her mon

Attached: ddbcbb6c6bf6d4e6324adc270a7f2383.png (1240x1754, 1.88M)

Bros, why did Pokemon have to end up this way? I love Pokemon so much. I just want a new Pokemon game to be good again.

Attached: 74997151_p1.jpg (1597x1950, 649K)

HG/SS or FRLG Sabrina

Attached: 1448216780931.jpg (800x750, 545K)

Blame it on the artstyle. Sugimori style has always focused on big heads which makes the rest of the body look smaller in comparision. If some kind user could post the Rosa figurine as a comparision, she's very busty and that's official merchandise.

Same situation with Cynthia. Original art has her quite flat, a B at best, but check Masters and how busty she actually is. The weird proportions can all the tracked back to Sugimori.

Attached: 1532739585518.jpg (1000x1200, 158K)


>Why would you go onto the internet and assume someone isn't gonna call you out on your hypocritical though processes.

Attached: 219b7dff2b92d93275be90aa136144b0.jpg (1400x1883, 808K)

A blowjob would be a nice start.

ew don't talk to me, barafag!

Pokemon fans sure get upset at really specific shit.

Go away retarded American


I do because Hex Maniac is one of my favorite trainers and thirsty virgins ruin her with unrealistic proportions.

Deal with it

Isn't it better if the proportions are realistic?

I'll never get used to it, but that's the power of male sexuality I suppose.

Attached: 6c5ce16ea7f00c3393e16e3ba8afe757.jpg (474x600, 38K)

Just replay the older games.

Attached: nani the fuck.png (296x470, 202K)

Attached: 1526498189124.png (1024x768, 712K)

Please you know all the girls were busted up to sell gacha.

The only Pokemon run I liked on a GDQ was that 151 glitched run.

Attached: 1556985649561.png (300x300, 42K)

So the best way to sum it up is that even with more realistic proportions in his later artwork, Sugimori designs are still disproportionate and arguably slightly deformed in an exaggerated chibi kind of way without going full SD

post actual pokemon

spooky time

Attached: sample-ce847b313427ebd4dfb11b8303c2d780.jpg (749x1000, 183K)

S-She's fast!

This is the worst possible pokemon game to speedrun lol

>I do because Hex Maniac is one of my favorite trainers and thirsty virgins ruin her with unrealistic proportions.
I guess you got to cope then.

"battling creatures" is having one overpowered sweeper clearing every Pokemon it comes across because it has (eight) over powered moves that kill everything remotely the same level.

A balanced game would have those moves on your opponents Pokemon as well. That's a true fair battle.

What this game gives you is cut scenes that you press A to proceed.

Attached: 1475382523159.jpg (750x581, 160K)

Would you be her pokémon Yea Forums?

Attached: 70af9c86af9a88665534356f0261b584.jpg (1120x1200, 646K)

>retarded American
That's redundant lol

>Oh no he can't think of anything smart to say, quick tell the American that he's dumb.
That'll show 'em

Attached: 1537218868301.jpg (727x480, 38K)

what happens if I choose the wrong one? FRLG
>Isn't it better if the proportions are realistic?
sometimes but as a draw fag my benis takes control and decides

It's only like 30c and 60% humidity here in Florida. It ain't even that hot it was 34c yesterday.

Charizard -- 1,107 votes
Gengar -- 1,056 votes
Arcanine -- 923 votes
Bulbasaur -- 710 votes
Blaziken -- 613 votes
Umbreon -- 607 votes
Lucario -- 604 votes
Gardevoir -- 585 votes
Eevee -- 581 votes
Dragonite -- 551 votes

And it fucking worked like a charm.
That gacha game can't come soon enough.

Attached: 1555435367722.png (286x313, 124K)

>two (2) fucking full Pokémon RPGs without glitches
why the fuck GDQ

I have, countless times.

Attached: 2c7dbf4d4fe4796702cbf16e3c168fce.jpg (3508x2480, 1.54M)

Go eat a burger or deny evolution lol

>That gacha game
pokemon gacha soon?

I was going to waste some time but I almost don't even want to bother. Am I going to have to do this again if I buy the game through steam?

Attached: Capture.png (366x225, 51K)

denoting someone as your rival means that they are actively competing against you.

Helping you by giving items is the complete opposite. They should just relabel the character as a friend and have done with it.

Charizard is such a meme pokemon

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A reminder that we're headed towards a trashfire

Attached: ohboy.png (1246x112, 9K)

Every mainline Pokemon game is good, you just don't like some of the design decisions because, after 20 years of playing every game, you have high expectations and expect a challenge, but refuse to accept that the audience for these games is literal children.

In terms of content and production values, there are very very few JRPGs that consistently reach the amount of content or quality of production that Pokemon does.

I'm going to be greentexted into oblivion by Pokemon fans who insist everything post BW2 is terrible instead of just not what they personally want.

Attached: arceus stare.jpg (552x665, 109K)

>first year i haven't watched any runs
Is this standard no fun allowed tranny shit for nu-GDQ or have there been any good runs this year? It sucks they ruined this event.

Attached: 1413576282613.png (281x350, 10K)


>$40k target to watch cutscenes

Everything after gen2 is terrible thbqfamlam

Attached: 48d3d1d52d96e771b3803fecbac3cae2.jpg (627x885, 223K)

Sick burn bro.

Yeah watch the Katamari run :)

>missed the best GDQ in years

Attached: 779ec4dacd0eb9b0b8c906cd32b245f1.jpg (705x1143, 443K)

This game has a pretty interesting speed run. I wasnt interested in it when it came out because of how insultingly easy it is.

Pokemon Masters.

You actually collect pokegirls as your partners to do 3vs3 fights. The motherfuckers finally cracked the code for unlimited money.

Attached: 1553206123973.jpg (225x315, 28K)

Garbage opinion

You can just say "I don't like that it's easy", you know. You don't have to try and belittle or act like you're being smart by saying it's cutscenes.

I wouldn't mind difficulty options either.

Literally none of this is true. That you can even say this makes you an idiot or a drone of the highest order.

Attached: tumblr_mkn1j8pvSZ1rxldc4o1_1280.jpg (1195x651, 369K)

those boobs

Attached: 1561748753871.jpg (300x300, 15K)

there is no wrong answer
This year's surprisingly better compared to the past 3

That's not true, Misty got hipped up instead.

Attached: 65527068_p0.png (595x842, 404K)

I'd rather be a Delphox's pokemon.

Attached: tumblr_nucsevYcb31rslow9o1_1280.png (1000x1500, 449K)

That smiley makes me think it's terrible.

you leave my boi alone

Why can't they do both? Game's have had difficulty levels forever. Just add one to Pokemon and all of these problems go away.

I don't want to have to work 2 jobs

For what purpose

>Quality production

have you found purpose in your hollow life through this
get a job user

what is the most reddit pokemon? Who is our pokemon 4channel bros?

Attached: 1530107182874.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

I'd rather be Sabrina's doll.

I agree with the anons saying this year is pretty good, but I have to ask - why the fuck is Big the Cat in SSS tier? That was reddit levels of crowd screaming for nothing, runners just playing game and hyping moments instead of explaining the game. The run doesn’t seem particularly interesting or hard so they have a two people playing gimmick but only commit for a little over five minutes. Why did you guys like it so much?

You could always try the yokai watch games if you have a hacked 3ds.
They are surprisingly good, just skip the first one.
The SMT games are also great if you like jrpgs.

Attached: 1496941942857.png (423x467, 271K)

Yeah it's one of the only runs this year with a tranny, you want a genuinel good run try Zelda ALBW or SMG2 both pretty good

>there are very very few JRPGs that consistently reach the amount of content
I can kind of agree here since there's still no other game that scratches that capture itch like Pokemon.

>or quality of production that Pokemon does.
Now you're being stupid on purpose and I'm not even going to bother to repeat every single argument that has been given forever.

I'm going to be greentexted into oblivion by Pokemon fans who insist everything post BW2 is terrible instead of just not what they personally want.
A.K.A. "I'm writing this to protect myself for saying stupid shit because I'm totally right".


yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes

Like this?

Attached: 1539130613837.png (1588x1103, 2.34M)

nice. pleasantly surprised it's a decent year

If you even have to ask who /ourmon/ is, you don't belong here.

Attached: 386Tentaquil.png (457x457, 163K)

I don't like Yokai Watch's gameplay. I'm also a longtime SMT fan and I've played every English release in the series.

Attached: ffa7ba51ad00694e06077ea136a17bc9.jpg (888x740, 752K)

Wait I forgot the

Attached: giphy.gif (480x314, 991K)

Play the mystery dungeon games. They're pretty good.

damn son just dab on him

Attached: 1561483815087.png (1024x1097, 602K)

datafgc on twitch

I love Vulpix

There's Melee too, gimr is just a jew and not advertising it, and the one CEO thread I saw here didn't mention Melee either.

When has this ever not been true? Go play Red and Blue again.

Attached: sample-d0a689b0146c99bfe15fe2405218ae6c.jpg (1250x1000, 174K)

Someone post a clip of the tranny breakdown

the games keep getting easier and easier its a walking simulator at this point

>missed all the fun runs
proto and his tranny entourage aren't even there anymore, there's barely any trannies in general at gdq now

I don't want to entirely disagree here, but the thing is, Pokemon up the Gen 5 never had any problem with striking the balance between appealing to children and long time fans in design and difficulty. They never had to completely sacrifice fun and/or challenge just to appeal to kids. Games like Minecraft that also have a mixed legacy and newcomer demographic never dumbed itself down n order to appeal to the child demographic and they succeeded just fine.

hex would be my girl if it was for sabrina

Yeah boobs are awesome

Attached: 0e4f508e0f0c344a3a26139ebf05bfef.png (936x946, 624K)

why the fuck can real women not look like this. I'm done bros

Attached: 1440784716044.jpg (662x684, 54K)

Pokegirl designs have consistently improved while the games have consistently declined in the past ten years. How depressing.

Shut up retard the game's have noticeably gone downhill with the 3d era.

yes pls

Attached: unknown (27).png (269x269, 150K)

he sure did
yes they are

Attached: 1561434283316.png (475x594, 20K)

Be honest with me, was this a good GDQ? I lost interest after watching the godawful first day and assumed it was going to be the same boring shit of always. I at least watched the Punch Out run which was amazing.

Thanks man
Where the fuck are the CEO threads

You live in the age of let's plays and movies with quicktime events, kids are retarded

Pokemon was intended to be all audiences, hence the raunchy jokes in the first season and the drunk man early in gen 1 that got changed to a "tired man" in the US. There's also a couple games in the series that aren't exactly tackled in a childish manner and we still get some more teen-focused side stuff, manga, and nostalgia boner-intended movies.

Basically everything you said is wrong besides content per game, and even that is mostly the same shit with different 'mons and assets.

There was a lot of the same honestly, TASbot did pretty much the same boring shit it did last year. There's been a few good moments though, it's just fun watching it with everyone here anyway

Attached: sample-f5b0f060df366f3c9e01fae7d2c002a0.jpg (688x1000, 171K)

How do you think Sabrina would react if she shrunk you after you lost against her and instead of running away in terror you start begging to be her toy?

Attached: 1559347766008.gif (640x482, 1.84M)

back to the ghetto with you

i dont usually notice threads for any sort of fgc tournament until finals day

Attached: ceo.png (1728x828, 152K)

Where are their pants?

the fem MC from shield is so shit bros how could they 90% of the entertainment from pokemon comes from shitposting with its girls and they even messed THAT up


My issue with TASbot is that I think they need to balance something like their Mario Kart Wii tracks with something nuts like when they played Portal through Mario or whatnot. Normal TAS is cool, but 3 runs of it wears you down.

new bread

>Pokemon was intended to be all audiences, hence the raunchy jokes in the first season and the drunk man early in gen 1 that got changed to a "tired man" in the US.
The fucking story in Gen 7 involves straight up child abuse.

Uh oh

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Attached: Surprised 2.jpg (188x188, 15K)

do you think she would of jerk me off with her psychic power?

she's better than the last 2. but all the new pokegirls are basically just reskins at this point.