Trump is messing with us GAMERS now!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>When rival corporations come together to fight for cheap chinese labor

>Trannies now want gamers to rise up after making cringe memes out of our outrage.
Nah get fucked, ResetPEDO trannies

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Only consoleniggers get affected, my PC parts are from Taiwan.

*american consoleniggers
Here's your video game tax, that'll teach you to not shoot up schools

Considering the current status of this board lately I can no longer tell if this is satire

I just checked one of my cheapo shitty laptop Hitachi HDDs and even THAT cheap piece of shit was at least made in Thailand.
Maybe don't make shit in garbage Chinese factories.

go commit suicide already, tranny

>Trumb destroys the console market
I always knew twitterboi was PC master race.

Good. Manufacture them in the United States, Japan, or some country like that where half the workers aren't enslaved Chinese children.

FUCK consolecucks


I've already been fucked over by the left. I just don't care about this shit anymore.

ethics this, censor that..

Just burn the whole country down trump, I believe in you.

A small price to pay to OWN THE LIBS
get rekt fags lmaoooooo

Actually it's your house of representatives, but I get that Americans are too dumb to know who their actual rulers are.

Just don't make them in china lol problem solved.

Only casuals play on consoles.
Not us.

Therefore, we don't give a fuck.
Fuck off reddit.

>house of representatives
The tariffs that Trump raised were done by using the powers accorded to the executive branch, not Congress you stupid fuck.

There was never a law passed by Congress or the Senate that authorized the existing tariffs.

Americans already pay 50% on imported steel from China.

Attached: chinese tariffs.png (1025x678, 226K)

good thing I already have my switch. Who's beta testing now non early adopters mwahaha

I was actually surprised, I was in a meeting at work going over finances and some shit and talking about changes in engineering and manufacturing and there was some process we wanted to outsource to China but it's now uneconomical due to the tariffs. We'd be paying a little under $1 mil in tariffs and fees and it wasn't worth it. We're just gonna do it locally. I'm sure prices will increase because of it but tariffs do actually work to make companies prefer doing stuff domestically. I railed against tariffs for a long time, now I'm reconsidering my stance somewhat.

>Americans already pay 50% on imported steel from China.
you gotta pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers

>Chinese """"steel""""

You mean shit quality pig iron?

The fact you even considered outsourcing means you're a traitor

>b.b.but my Californian right-think utopia cant' survive without foreign slavery!

Poorfags rise up

Typical corporate faggots.
They pay taxes = customers pay more
Even after taxes, they would make ridiculous amounts of profit but no, jews gonna jew and the customer has to pay for it.

Trump might be a retard but these corporations who are abusing cheap chinese labor deserve to be taxed.
Let them burn,
They should either learn to manufacture elsewhere, or grit their teeth and pay the cost

>% the same
>Circle diameter doubled
Sure totally not biased

Fuck off fag. It's business, that's how it works.

>now the price increases by at least 50% instead of 25%
Good move.

Bruh that's not how it works


He's gonna build a wall. And make console peasants pay for it. Based

Californian here, does anyone know what the cure for bubonic plague is? I'm not feeling too good..

We don't believe in facts on Yea Forums, only memes that blatantly push a narrative while pretending they're not.

ok retard

Have you tried bloodletting?

Affects USA only. Who cares?

>muh California
You realize Trump's own party is the biggest critic of tariffs right?

I dunno doc *cough* I think I need something stronger...some sort of *cough* daily...dose

Muttistan consolefags rise up

>he buys games

Oh no you'll have to pay a little more for your chink communist slave labor products.

>there are actual Republicans on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW

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>add significant costs
Imagine if they added shit like microtransactions or half a dozen DLCs to each game. That would be crazy!

>still trying to pretend the left actually cares about rape or ever cared about rape
To think I used to uncritically gobble up the propaganda too


NOOO!! DRUMPF wants to mess with our video games!! Vote with your wallet and vote Bernie 2020!!! Incel-er I mean GAMERS TOME TO RISE UP!!!

Yeah I mean obviously the industry is really holding back on that shit right now amirite

Oi, you got a shitposting license there mate?

talks about consentual rape.


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I am European. How is this supposed to affect me?

Just stop making the games in China, then. Move the factories to some other unrelated country like... Taiwan.


unironically this

Drumpf can't do this bros, think of all the ethics committees, diversity consultants and tranny hires that are going to suffer! They might even downsize HR departments no no no this can't be happening

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The world needs to rely less on cheap chinese manufacturing

What's wrong with pedophilia???

I thought Trump was reducing unemployment.

This only effects day one slaves
Wait for sale with everything bundled together and fixed, don't pre order, don't buy on day one.

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They are just using it as an excuse, even with the tariffs adding to the cost won't make any significant change in cost because of how very little people are paid in foreign countries.

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It would cost some money, but they should move to Vietnam. Vietnam is currently China light but without a culture of being bugs/drones.

as if that justified anything lmao

This but unironically.

Socialism or barbarism.

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>couldn't think of the opposite for early

fuck off you inbred monarchist

>Slavery is OK when its outsourced because of MUH IF I CAN'T SEE IT THEN IT DOESN'T EXIST

imagine unironically saving this infographic on your phone and posting it on a video game forum lmaoo

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>muh bottom line
get fucked, it's only entertainment

Thank God, maybe after 10 years of slumping console sales they can stop artificially gimping multiplats on PC.

I forget who I was watching, but they quoted an older politician as
>I am communist with my family, socialist with my friends, conservative with my local government, and libertarian with my country

>dude I’m gonna raise tariffs on you
>ok I’ll raise tariffs on you too
>ok then I’ll raise tariffs on you
>continue to infinity
Wow what amazing economic policy

Why do you use such word salad infographics? noone reading all this shit.

US has 10x more power regarding tariffs, china hardly buys american shit.

nothing, but when you try to lure children or traffic people, the law is gonna fuck you

don't care, can afford it anyway

no president has ever won without the endorsement of the gaming community

>hurr everything was just peachy til DRUMPF came along I mean we had Free Trade: Euphemism Edition like the man on CNN told me omg Drumpf gonna start WW3 this is why we need to ban straws!

The Chinese already had tariffs in place before Trump did anything in that regard. If rising tariffs is considered "participating in a trade war", then not rising them would be equivalent to "unconditionally surrendering". Low consumer prices were the "hostages" after said surrender. What Trump did was basically ignore the hostages, i.e. consumers, to actually fight back for once.
I mean it's funny how people always talk about "long-term gains" in anything economy-related, but if Trump is involved, suddenly it's all without exception about the immdiete effects as if everyone turned into an economics brainlet and forgot as basic concept as "long-term investments".

>claim for years that liberals are pedos for no reason other than you disagree with them
>trump elected
>trump supports and defends multiple pedophiles (jeffrey epstein, roy moore, etc)
>"t-t-those don't count"
trumpshits never cared about kids, they only view them as tools for sex and labor

Nintendo is moving to twain and Korea so this doesn't effect them
Only affects microsoft but they are doing more in house and sony.
Sony is the only one majority affected.

>implying communism fixes any of the mentioned problems

Capitalism is gay but communism is also gay because no one can pull it off without massive corruption

There is no such thing as "real communism."

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Just kill yourself already you half assed propagandist. Never falling for your lies again.

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This, they may not like it but if they don't take an advantage while their competitors do, they will fail.

muh 1%

Oh, so now you're being the fun police?

>capitalism is gay
How else do you suggest shit get done? Nobody wants to work for free.

Damn lads, now THIS is Cyberpunk

Maybe they should manufacture their parts in America instead of China.

It's almost like that was the while point.

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>thinks I'm going to listen to his opinion
You castrated Eunuchs aren't killing yourselves fast enough.

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removing reliance on cheap chinese shit is a good thing even at a price increase, sorry lad

trump not only visited jeffrey epstein's island, he hired the guy that got jeffrey epstein off after he was arrested.
alexander acosta, the prosecutor assigned to the epstein case, is now trump's secretary of labor. acosta gave epstein an illegal settlement that had no jail time and no justice for the victims. the victims are suing in court to get the settlement thrown out, and trump is defending acota and epstein saying the deal was fine and the victims don't deserve shit.


Why? Because it feels good?
Are you also a vegetarian?

>Be American
>Buy a PS5
>Go bankrupt
>Get shot and robbed afterwards

whether you believe me or not is irrelevant. what i said is the truth, and the truth does not change based on your feelings and emotions.
nothing you say, think, or do will change the fact that trump is defending pedos and you are helping him do it.

>because it feels good?
Over reliance on china and the companies are already freaking out on just a price hike. Imagine if china just spontaneously combusts tomorrow (i wish). Then what?

>Be American
>Get shot

Actually it does. Your cuck logic is the reason everyone will walk all over you in life.

Boy, that sure would suck!
Good thing thats not gonna happen.

> source: The most left leaning biased news websites out there other than buzz feed.

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bad for china is good for humanity

>Literally no argument

>Nobody wants to work for free.
greed is the only thing that stops capitalism from being good.
a perfect society in my eyes is a mixture of both capitalism and communism.
Rich deserve to be taxed - no man should have so much money that they don't know what to do with.
HOWEVER, working should never go uncompensated
this is pretty much the ideal method, but there are unsolved problems such as the fact that there are too many lazy fucks who don't want extra money and just leech off the government.


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He is right you know, this place went from a shithole to Yea Forumssetera

>no man should have so much money that they don't know what to do with

oh I guess people should leave you alone because "i-it's business" then, nice try traitorous faggot get in the hole

You can play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon: Pedo Edition all you like but I'm not one of those retards who think rubbing elbows with someone or being seen in a photo with them means you're BFFs, especially when you ultimately end up banning them from your property.
And as long as you continue ignoring the glaring issues with the left that are paved over constantly, much deeper connections that the media won't touch don't expect anyone to trust you at all.
I actually didn't like Trump at all but seeing as he's become the fucking existential threat to everyone I despise all of a sudden, I'll give him a pass even if he shoots one of you in broad daylight. Fuck off.

Your house could blow up tomorrow with you inside it. Then who's gonna buy your digital distraction devices?

the source is the real world
the links i posted are just relaying what is happening in the real world
whether you choose to believe what is happening or not does not change the fact that it is happening. you can check for yourself. i spoonfed you multiple links already.

As long this doesn't affect me, I don't give a shit

>agreeing with yourself.
Tranny trying to be 2 people now lmao!

because that's retarded.

Anyone who is rich enough to manipulate politics will probably do so, and anyone who is rich enough to buy anything controls the prices

Nigger, I gave you that as an extreme example. What if tomorrow the Chinese Communist Party just decides to cut off all companies manufacturing in their country? There are A LOT of what ifs that are fundamental to think about it when you have all your eggs in one basket. YOU CANNOT BE THIS STUPID TO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS

>tranny is mad because he got called

People overestimate the number of lazy fucks, especially if there is a working educational/indoctrination system.

>because that's retarded
>manipulate politics
So don't let them do that. Money isn't the problem, it's the corruption that is.

based trump

seething snoys

>it's okay when trump does it

that's nothing compared to Keith Raniere and his connection to the democrats and Clinton.

Try again. Maybe bring out another rape accuser who loves to be raped.

What if the absolute richest people were able to influence the media to ignore them completely as they quietly pull strings from the shadows and bully the less rich and poor while becoming increasingly deranged from their detached inhuman lifestyles

It's sick. Real children can't consent. 2d lolis on the other hand...

Well useless dregs of society like you sure as shit aren't any threat to me so I'm not too worried as far as politicians are concerned they can be paid off so no big deal.

What if tomorrow your house explodes and you are in it? There are A LOT of what ifs that are fundamental to think about it when you have all your eggs in one basket. YOU CANNOT BE THIS STUPID TO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS

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Okay sure. If that's what it takes I guess so.
Now that we have that settled, seethe, dilate and suicide in that order.

>Put all your eggs in one basket
>Oh no the bottom fell out
>Oh no the eggs spilled over the top
>Oh no I'm not strong enough to lift the basket
Here, maybe you will understand this since your brain doesn't seem to be much larger than a fucking chicken egg.

But that's what's already happening, though

you posted a picture of a tweet from one of trump's employees saying that bill clinton went to epstein's island
trump not only went to the island (same as clinton) but has been helping epstein ever since, including hiring the prosecutor that gave epstein his illegal deal and having the trump justice department defend said illegal deal.
whether your biases and delusions allow you to recognize this pattern and accept these links are, again, irrelevant. the links exist. trump is using the office of the presidency to defend jeffrey epstein, and the conservatives who pretend to care about pedos don't care that he is doing it.

Roy Moore was a casualty of dems having to uphold their rules when they had to sacrifice Frank at the height of #metoo because they couldn't get people to give a shit about Trump fucking a porn slag. How convenient Moore's accusers to suddenly find their stones to out him during midterms. Not like it mattered much since the guy he lost to is a Dino.

Yeah you know what else is happening in the real world? Stuff that actually matters. Nobody cares about some rich pedo getting off on charges rich people do that all the time.

>Real children
I sleep
>2d lolis

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>Chink has no argument as usual

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>switched from defending yourself with a justification to "ethics are for cucks"
lol gay

don't you mean underestimate?

>tranny is mad because he'll never be a woman no matter how much cosmetic surgery he gets.

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>it's okay when trump does it

>"l-l-liberals are pedos"
>"no conservatives are pedos, here are pedo scandals trump is involved in right now""
>"those don't matter, the chick from smallville was in a sex cult, that means liberals are perverts for some reason!"
you lost, kill yourself pedo

They are for cucks. Nothing in this world matters except money. And the ends always justify the means.

Says the tranny fag

Thanks to Trump and his tariffs and 'tax cuts' Americans get to pay more for the same shit and they'll happily applaud more tariffs and tax cuts for corporations because Americans were raised from birth to be corporate bootlickers.

>the sky is blue
>well the grass is green

>What if tomorrow your house explodes and you are in it?
You can't physically be in different places so the eggs in one basket here is absolutely necessary, what a dumb comparison. If you could why the fuck you only be in one place lmao.

So you're perfectly fine with only having one house? Stop hiding behind your supposed massive intellect, wagelet.

Who says I'm arguing and not just stirring shit in bad faith, wasting your time? Because that's exactly what I'm doing
>wow get a load of this libtard snoychick tranny just pretending to be stupid
Are you upset?

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>shitania poster

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Question: why does the media crawl all over one case and not the other? Why does Clinton get a pass for all sorts of filthy behavior everyone has known about for decades much worse than 'Grab em by the pussy' that , something that is frequently misrepresented as rape when it obviously is just a rich guy grabbing sluts?
You fuckheads are so untrustworthy at this point, turning over a leaf is not even an option. Play to win, that's all that's left. Every lie and half truth just reminds us what scum you are.

Congress are not going to block Trump tariffs, Republicans mostly support Trump no matter what & Democrat Senate leader Chuck Schumer enjoys the tariff's because it's a tax & Dems love taxes, especially since if it goes bad, they can blame Trump, it's a win win for Dems

the gulag is too good for people like you

>"pedos don't matter if they are on team trump"
and there it is. the trumpshits admit they love pedos that wear maga hats.
trumpshits are traitors and terrorists. kill them all.

>seething tranny still can't cope with being a mutant.

>Chink now pulls the I was only pretending card

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at least I'm not a tranny like you

You can own multiple pieces of property. If one blows up and you aren't in it, big deal!
Insurance will cover it and you can live in another one for the time being

Try not being poor.

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So, you just conveniently ignore my other point? just one mentally ill rich guy would be able to ruin entire markets, should they want to do so.
For example, what if some rich faggot hobbyist decided to buy all the old rare videogames they can and then burn them? essentially This would be destroying history and ruining the prices for any sales made afterwards.

Just because it's not necessarily happening (on the surface) doesn't mean it can't.

instead of asking me why I think there should be an income limit, you'd have a better argument if you rather told me why there shouldn't be one.
Why should people super rich people and companies be allowed to control everything, assimilate all of their competitors and rule the world?

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I only hope that the next tariffs that get implemented hit consoles and computers, since that will affect Californian-based companies disproportionately.

>He just agreed that these companies shouldn't be manufacturing in just China