Juri Han

Juri Han

Attached: 1561753599722.jpg (600x768, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Im not into the amazon position


Attached: nonko (81).jpg (478x831, 375K)

i want to lick the dirt between her toes

Any cute hand holding pictures?

Attached: 1561002046681.jpg (700x643, 71K)


garbage thread

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this but interlocking their hands with her feet
feet hand holding...
for comedic purposes

>No feet
Into the trash it goes

R.I.P Juri bros who aren't into feet. I feel your pain


zone's juri animation will forever haunt my boner

Redmoas Juri sfms are god tier

Attached: 1561757767454.jpg (1280x800, 163K)

>Juri thread
>no feet focused pics

Attached: 1561752923558.jpg (1440x2074, 632K)


Attached: 1507449832014.jpg (284x232, 9K)

We better fix this mess

Attached: street f1.jpg (764x758, 149K)

She would be aroused by the lack of consent.

Attached: juri.jpg (855x936, 139K)

That Juri is ugly desu

I'm used to it. I like her tummy.

Attached: Schoolgirl.jpg (709x1004, 77K)

>loved by many black players
Shit waifu

Shut the fuck up or I'll suck your dick.

>loved by many black players
She's fun though.

Attached: Psycho Spider.jpg (830x1200, 105K)

Make me

Attached: Vulgar Spider.png (800x567, 319K)

>waifus a blacked whore
For shame.

I like that SFM video where she beats some other girl and forces herself onto the her.

Not my waifu and I'm black too.

Attached: Fear.png (800x609, 269K)

I want to marry Juri

>almost no feet
Fucking degenerates.

Attached: juri han.gif (400x430, 409K)

Sweet jesus christ marry me juri

But feet are degenerate. Vanilla degenerate.

It's from that SSFIV OVA. They gave us footchads what we wanted.

>being attracted to women because of their physical traits instead of their attitude and personality

what a bunch of virgins

Attached: base sseth.gif (320x180, 1.63M)

Half the reason people like her is her crazy attitude though


honk honk

>anyone displaying the least bit of tomboyishness is now a lesbo or a tranny

and to think its everyone else enforcing gender norms

It is quite nice

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Attached: matt-black-juri-fetishsm.jpg (1000x750, 135K)

I'd be surprised if Juri had some personal issues with fuckin chicks desu. That's not the problem. I've read archive of that and that article was about Juri being harmful to bi people, because she's evil.

I always figured she was bi since she likes tits anyway

meant for

The only way she stops being evil is if she loses her memory

Attached: 5264eba24b953bbe91cbca57991e83fa2cfdd2b7.png (1038x1517, 635K)

>ctrl+f abs
>0 results
Shit thread

hottest vidya character

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Imagine Juri giving you a rough handjob while telling you how pathetic you are haha I mean who would even want that haha

she's all about feet

Attached: 1408724675737.jpg (986x1490, 658K)

I said tummy earlier, bro


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Attached: Tummy.jpg (412x555, 33K)

Her big toe against my nose

Yeah, it was a good thread until you showed up.

>If you're even slightly gender nonconforming then you're trans
This is why I hate the trans community so much

post more feet

Attached: Juri.png (2714x6112, 3.92M)

We had this thread earlier today and yesterday

Imagine the smell

Welcome to Yea Forums

you're not welcome here

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>some buttblasted foot pleb actually wasted their time making this
o i am laffin

imagine loving only certain parts of a woman
how boring of a life that would be

Attached: Kuroinu+best+food+anime+_f3e6e71548c6fa87a141f5d835ab403c.jpg (467x534, 40K)

>Goes into a Juri thread and gets mad about feet

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>brown skin

I'm here to appreciate her midriff, as one should

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Good enough to huff

Attached: ef77143bb8cb0dbb15643aa64f8e9745.png (1726x1500, 966K)

>Chun-Li's face watching this

Attached: 1539673000197.jpg (600x623, 24K)

Search for Juri-chan to Icha Love Suru Hon

>oh boy a new juri doujin
>it contains some fucked up fetish I don't enjoy or it's just another fucking futa one
Goddamnit why do they have 0 imagination

For me it's Makoto

Attached: 1479243359245.jpg (500x684, 259K)

Thanks user


Attached: TsukiRiven-614640-Juri_Han.jpg (640x1200, 340K)

Attached: Juri Feet.jpg (612x792, 271K)

She doesn't even look Korean

Juri fits being giant so well.

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That's literally what footfags do though

SF has hands down the best female designs in vidya, they aren't as overdesigned as other weeb shit while still being flavourful and full of prime fetish material.
Too bad I'm shit at fighting games

Attached: Juri 3.jpg (1071x1300, 274K)

She doesn't fit shitty low res images though.

Attached: 1558803880404.png (688x1000, 192K)

Chun doesn't look Chinese, bro

giantess shit

Attached: gabe.png (705x709, 732K)

Not all giantess stuff is all about feet.

Attached: 241957[1].jpg (2031x1518, 240K)

Fusion of juri and makoto when?


Attached: makoto.gif (119x129, 158K)

>like juri
>hate footfags

fetishes ruin everything

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my dick so hard rn

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>Korean IRL
>No Juri Han real life gf
Worst timeline ever.

Attached: JH.jpg (800x1200, 105K)

Hard to say no

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I want to make Juri a mother after marriage.

This guy gets it

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Attached: Falkeart-580200-Juri_Han.png (1131x1600, 2.65M)

I love her so much!

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I'm pretty sure this is traced from something else.

Probably. And?

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I want to worship her butt.

Attached: D-Eux3PWsAE4rZr.jpg (900x1600, 264K)

Swimsuit Juri is good

Attached: 0397d33c14221c962aa83e36c5c2edc5.jpg (600x849, 397K)

We all do user :^)

Attached: Juri-chan.jpg (896x694, 52K)

Any Juri is good.

is juri good in sfv yet?

better wait for sf6 or tekken x street fighter

Why in the fuck did they change how she plays so much in SFV? Modifying a move or so between iterations is fine but if they were just gonna chop her up might as well just make a new fucking character.

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No she’s still pretty low tier

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Still hot.
Goddamn right.

have sex, incel

that's every character in sfv, some just got luckier with how they got fucked up

Because they correctly figured out that Feng-Shui Engine was holding her back and preventing them from elevating her from "either btfo or gets btfo based on the use of one ultra every match no matter what". They, however, were just really bad at making characters and shat the bed with Juri's remake. She now needs more than what could be achieved with typical balancing because her core is inherently flawed, and we're stuck with her like this until the next game.

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Attached: Juri Peace.jpg (683x954, 89K)

Only Infiltration could make her look good. Then his wife had to ruin his career.

What did they mean by this?

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Personal best SF girl but I am a complete feetfag hater.

Would you help Chun or watch Juri rape her?

Same. I find feet goddamn nasty but liked Juri since SSFIV

Why help Chun, when you can help Juri?

could I help Juri?

Attached: Duji9BJU0AEf1OH.jpg (900x1600, 256K)

Good point

Attached: Punk.png (2000x930, 562K)

SF girls are just the best, lads.

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Only if you listen to anything she tells you to do

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Attached: D-EuyQDWkAItv7J.jpg (900x1600, 143K)

It's a close fight though

Attached: 757b5d93531a9fa4eb8af9017a13aecf.png (1244x1080, 1.29M)

Fighting games in general have great waifus and husbandos.

could I marry Juri?

No, you're helping her rape Chun. That's it.

I don't think she'd fancy the idea

I want to rape Juri!

Do you want to die?

Attached: Fuck.jpg (909x991, 516K)

Reminder that Chunners belongs to Juri.

Attached: juri and chunners.jpg (770x652, 98K)


Attached: 1561766976708.png (900x600, 770K)

licking Juris armpits and tickling her tummy

Too bad

Attached: Smug Delinquent.png (900x1540, 237K)

Attached: 1548878996008.png (1110x1637, 2.25M)

Cumming inside of Juri and making her a mommy

its anti-footfag faggots that cant comprehend liking feet because they think the feet are gross and cant be attractive

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I want to FUCK Juri

Attached: 1542772097743.jpg (1280x960, 334K)

Same but only after marrying her, Juri is a good girl who deserves pure love.

patrician taste user

Why do Japs always do stringy saliva and weird kissing?
It's like they're a nation of incels. You don't kiss a chick like that usually.

>It's like they're a nation of incels
user I...

Attached: d7fd55dc01d79eacce5e499832164a7d.jpg (650x934, 80K)

Yes I know, I was being hyperbolic.
That hentai was quite tame desu, more footwork needed to be done.

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Hara pan and juri han

is fat

Attached: 006.jpg (1247x1808, 1.27M)

hell yeah

This only motivates me

Attached: must_spank_juri.jpg (1249x1817, 622K)

please more

My one earlier didn't really take off, so thanks bro.


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Always happy to see a Juri thread on Yea Forums.

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That's pretty great. You're a great man.

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>tfw you're a Jurifag and a Mileenafag

Attached: Mileena x Juri.jpg (1000x1467, 495K)

>The Juri we will never get

Attached: bestjuri.jpg (1043x631, 289K)

Attached: 72386999_p0.png (1000x1421, 313K)

If Juri gives you chocolate, would you accept?

Attached: fd7faae7d0ffc1a0cde327ee626b5718.jpg (566x800, 104K)

Of course!

Attached: 74482377_p22.jpg (560x675, 147K)

Only if it contains her foot sweat

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Attached: Pillow Boner.png (691x597, 16K)

Attached: How_to_win_Evo.jpg (2500x2500, 894K)

>Juri thread with barely any feet art
Today is a good day

Attached: b8aaa1611c32772458335c2067160a33.jpg (905x1280, 721K)

Always happy to see my wife Juri

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Attached: 1367341347676.jpg (1200x1440, 263K)

Good doujin

Attached: lets_trade.jpg (933x1400, 830K)

As much as I'd like to see Makoto, I don't want her to be ruined in the game.
Also where my Makotofags at

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Attached: 74482377_p5.jpg (1200x1019, 144K)

I love Menat!

Attached: 73439863_p16.jpg (1064x1200, 157K)

Attached: Healthy.jpg (800x1229, 417K)

Did it
was worth it

Would you commit crimes with Juri?

Attached: Thuggery Juri.jpg (356x316, 50K)

Attached: 73439863_p18.jpg (1186x687, 69K)

No, but i'm willing to hide her from cop Chun-Li.

>ywn egg Chun's house with Juri

Attached: Fucking Chun.png (1000x701, 463K)

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Attached: 1493324411959.jpg (356x316, 32K)

I like how this evolved from sexy Juri to cute/cuddly Juri

I would marry Juri!

Attached: 66521889_p16.jpg (1134x1200, 122K)

Best Juri

Attached: Han.png (1000x1124, 518K)

Attached: 74482377_p26.jpg (731x573, 109K)

>feet are gross
they are, you mental ill person

Attached: Haha.png (800x2690, 709K)

Attached: Please.png (690x2246, 343K)

Attached: My mains.png (1200x556, 215K)

Has Otaking finished his fan animation?

Attached: winprogress.jpg (931x633, 142K)

>tfw ywn be her shrunken foot slave

I am enjoying this video game thread.

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Attached: Fat Chink.jpg (2207x1984, 756K)

Attached: Juri Numbah 1.jpg (700x501, 57K)

I like Juri, but i'm not a footfag, which is the main attraction for a lot of people.

Is ota short for rotoscope?

Attached: 1560381150854.jpg (290x1024, 56K)

I mainly gravitate towards rushdown and kicking dudes

Attached: SF Girls.jpg (1024x765, 103K)

Attached: Juri players.jpg (800x593, 79K)

All i know is that he gives his work 80's anime feel. He made the TIE Fighters Star Wars short

Such a cringe character

Take your gay trap posting back to .

Attached: SF4 Juri Mains.png (797x951, 118K)

Attached: __han_juri_street_fighter_iv_series_and_etc_drawn_by_aiba_tsukiko__sample-421017968655052eb935475c5a (850x1108, 271K)

Attached: Butt.jpg (706x988, 344K)

Attached: Hair Down.jpg (850x1056, 143K)

selfcest is underrated

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Attached: 66929270_p0.jpg (500x700, 314K)

I'd commit war crimes on Juri

Attached: 63775136_p0.jpg (1578x2350, 1.79M)

You can certainly try. She'd probably kill you first.

Attached: 74877867_p0.png (866x868, 289K)

All I see in this pic is Azula cosplaying

Attached: 1540067962945.png (1280x1280, 935K)

You should check the 7th post

I'd commit marriage on Juri.

In both cases, til death do us part.

Attached: 72813692_p0.jpg (2500x4700, 2.49M)

Of course, I want to spend the rest of my life with Juri as my wife!

Attached: 1560359488408.jpg (887x727, 37K)

Juri sex doll when?


Attached: 1542761724614.gif (802x800, 292K)

>Juri Ham

Attached: Korean.jpg (668x1200, 112K)

Purification arc when?

Attached: 1520401578533.jpg (311x296, 26K)

Attached: 74482377_p44.jpg (1074x945, 82K)

don't play with your food now

When her parents come back

Where do I find a Juri gf

Attached: 67119498_p0.png (1000x1616, 647K)

Bison mains definitely got the worst of that

check your local mental asylum

Attached: 1561745321668.jpg (613x674, 91K)

Bison is OP though

Attached: 005.jpg (1246x1817, 600K)

Where is this from

Attached: 1559859600031.jpg (1129x1590, 366K)

Did you ever look through the thread?

Attached: Think.png (700x700, 347K)

very nice

Attached: ss+(2019-06-30+at+02.21.38).jpg (703x950, 299K)


Attached: 73439863_p30.jpg (297x268, 29K)

thats an edit

You will now Imagine Juri using Feng Shui engine during sex

Attached: 1556843369840.gif (200x150, 243K)

I will now imagine how embarrassed she'd get if I proposed to her.

Juri and Ivy are the hottest fighting game characters lads and I don't even play these games

Juri with hair down is patrician taste.

I want to HUG Juri!

Attached: 1561763148811.jpg (1000x1358, 467K)

2007 called, it wants it's most popular haircut back.
I seriously can't tolerate foreheads covered by bangs due to how widespread that shit was back in the day. It's the half-shaved head of it's time

I like how Juri went from being femdom bait to people wanting to treat her like a princess.

Juri is a qt who deserves comfort from the bad things that happened to her

Juri had a hard life

Attached: Happy Punk.jpg (984x1199, 255K)

Capcom forcing her to wear boots in so many of her costumes is a terrible fate indeed. It's like those fuckers are having a laugh.
Juri with boots is like Chun-Li with tiny thighs, it's just wrong.

Attached: 1560385410662.jpg (600x1000, 96K)

I want to hug and kiss her and tell her I love her.
and to protect her smile

Attached: 1545724804544.png (1080x1440, 1.34M)

I wish I had a cute gf that can kick my ass

I just want Juri.

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What do?

Attached: 1457838520269.png (733x1000, 545K)

Check the bindings and then rale the ever loving shit out of her until her body becomes addicted to my cock. Then let her go.

Let her go and hope she doesn't kill me

Untie and cuddle with her.

fuck repeatedly

>love juri
>feel nothing for feet

what a weirdo lmao

Is Juri good for a beginner?

Attached: 1445886687721.jpg (1500x843, 379K)

>you will never fully submerge yourself in Juri's footsweat
>you will sip her bathwater
>she'll never suffocate you into a state of unconsciousness with her tremendous sweaty ass while laughing at you

give me one fucking reason why I should keep living

Attached: Aww fuck.gif (400x265, 2M)

I miss you

echoes of a better time

You and reisen posters should never die