>14 Gold Relics
>4 Platinum Relics
I just don't think i can do it anons....it's just too much.
CTR Nitro
Just beat the oxide ghosts and pretend you're good at the game like everybody else
Does anyone know about time stop glitch?
How do you deal with it, especially with long jumps?
Got the game last night, beat adventure mode in one sitting and also unlocked Fake Crash. Absolute 10/10 from me so far.
hand over the wumpa coins
It is 2061, and N. Tropy is dying at age 98. I'm 64 right now. N. Tropy was in the hospital about to die. He was breathing heavily, he couldn't barley open his eyes, and could not barley talk either. He even couldn't cry. All he could do is lay there and suffer.
I grabbed his hand and held it tightly. I cried because his body was so numb where he didn't feel anything. "I know that your an Atheist...and i'm kinda like one too...but I just want you to make it to Heaven. You been thru enough torture in your life." I cried.
I cried harder, rubbing his hand. Just seeing him dying...suffering...hard to believe....We've been together for years...and now it's his last day here with me. Suddenly the heart monitor was beeping faster. It stopped...I heard N. Tropy took his last breath out. I also saw N. Tropy's chest stop moving up and down. I laid my head down on his chest. There was no beating sound. I was crying even harder now.
"Why...." I cried.
I was rubbing his head, moving around his hair. I just broke down, and hugged his body tighter. I did not want to let go of him. "*Crying.*. I hope you in Heaven...I hope your in Heaven!" I cried.
>do plats
>save corrupted
don't bother user
He's getting angrier...How do we stop him?
Rate me lads
Literally just break all the crates and do a few mini-turbos here and there, with the exception of N.Gin Labs. You need to be fast in N.Gin Labs.
this isn't a ctr general gtfo
are you a janny? no? then stfu
She's a cutie
stay seething.
Also your list sucks ass
>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock
But that wasnt his list, it was my list you faggot fuck
After week of practice I went to continue the adventure mode on hard and it's not that bad desu.
CTR did not sell well and will be abandoned by the devs
But it sold well
I heard you can get plat in some tracks by being decent enough and without getting all boxes, which are these?
The devs abandoned CTR like 20 years ago dude
Will I finally be able to play as Coco once the ragequitting autists have more girls to choose from?
Guys, where is Dingotard? I'm worried about him...
How do i get more ps+ ? I used up my free trial and can't be bothered to pay since i don't play online outside of ctr.
So what's Happy Hour and hows it work?
make a new account on your ps4. as long as one ps4 user has ps+ all users can play online
Give it to me straight bros, how is this on the switch? I'd really prefer to be able to play this handheld but if it's shit I'll just get it for ps4
I looked at this pic and realized i was sitting exactly like this
It's alright
Can i use the same credit card?
Slide Coliseum and Turbo Track. Tiny Arena is also doable if you keep sacred fire at all time and hit 75% of the crates.
Probably BEENOX stole too many of his reserves, and now he's off on a mission of revenge.
It looks pretty good all things considered. Only downside is load times.
Loading is garbage and visually better on ps4, but it's not bad.
>tfw dingodile autist
>tfw suddenly discover split-tapping brake button and lightning fast return to accelerating while turning around 90° turns
Wew lad
After the pit stop reset, you need to finish one online race. Then you have about 1 hour during which you have a 5X bonus to all rewards in online mode.
July 3rd Cocofags and you're FINISHED
I've noticed that people are hopping a lot online. What's up with that? These are skilled players too since they were the only threat I ran into last night. What secret tech do they have? They were going really fast with Accel and Turn characters and I struggled to keep up with Speed characters.
Rate my taste
I think so but remember to turn off auto renewal. you can also remove the payment details from your account just to be sure.
if you hop you conserve speed
I want to marry and impregnate Coco
have sex
Maybe if they released on PC alongside consoles it'd have done better. Instead they're going to wait a few months for double dippers
Do you unlock skins while playing online?
I need a PC release, then I'll play it again.
Is it really that effective? They started doing it straight off the starting line. Even if they do conserve a speed, shouldn't it still be slower than mine as a speed character? I don't get it but looks like something I need to learn.
That's my wife you're talking about !
threesome then
If you break while on the ground, you lose all your speed and also all boosts you might currently have such as the ultimate boost (Ultimate sacred fire). However if you hope, you can use the break button in midair to make really strong turns without loosing boost. You can also use hopping as a way to shorten down your turns in general, so instead of hitting the break and losing your speed when you get close to a ledge/wall you just jump towards the middle and conserve your speed.
The spiral in papu pyroamid is a good place to practice, and air breaking is easy to practice on electron avanue
Fuck off marketer shill.
No one cares about your censored game.
What's the fastest way of farming coins?
t. i just got online with free trial ps+
Reminder that Coco isn't for lewd.
>55 posts
>28 posters
with bandicoots!
wrong quote
I noticed it too. I had trouble keeping up with a Nash that was hopping all over the place instead of drifting/boosting..
If you win, yes.
Crazy thing is I'm not talking about that. These guys aren't hopping to get around a turn or anything. They're doing it going straight, and they're going fast. It's seriously confusing me.
you earn wumpa coins at a much faster rate while playing online, wumpa coins are used to buy skins/carts/characters
>hopping all over the place instead of drifting/boosting..
YES exactly
What the fuck is that? This Ripper Roo was kicking my ass without any boosts for the majority of a race. Same with a Coco.
Its not bad but the load times are almost double and if your a travel fag like me you have to be connected online just to get wumpa coins reducing its portability to near useless.
Crash is just too stupid to understand that you usually don't have sex with your sister.
Just play online races and don't be too disheartened when you lose. On weekends you get a coin bonus until you've earned 4k coins and then you get less coins for the day, on weekdays you get the coin bonus for 2k before it slows down for the day. You get more coins faster for winning and coming close to winning, but you're still limited to the same bonus per day it really doesn't matter if you don't win every race.
If it's the start of electron avanue where you basically start the race with an USF boost pad, they're probably jumping to conserve the USF. otherwise, I don't see why they would do it. You're not confusing jumping with jumping into a drift boost right?
Rats and other animals have sex with their siblings all the time, I could imagine the same for bandicoots. It's just us humans who are weird about incest for some reason. I mean, I'd fuck my little sister in a heratbeat if she asked me to.
No drifts or boost, not even in electron avenue. Just raw jumping even on straight segments. Hopping constantly, not just one or two here and there.
welp, beach is done 100%, so far so good for the Hard playthrough
can't wait to get to papu's, dragon mines and ngin labs relic races and blow my brains out
Nah they straight up froggy like they're playing original CTR, even on map without USF like Coco Park or Mystery Cave.
Coco looks so much better in this image but judging from the smug look on tawnas face i can tell the artist is a blind fag and thinks he drew tawna better looking, jokes on him. She looks black.
what is the story of this shit reddit meme image template?
I never cared for Oxide much as a kid (especially after his atrocious CNK model), but damn is his NF model so fun looking. It has to be one of the best character models they've done for the Crash remakes, period
their faces look really off
Needs her old haircut and needs to show more leg, just give her some spats
Is there a website to check the pit stop and time like fortnite's item shop?
This nigger knows his shit. The hairstyle basically ruins her for me
they have their old haircuts in the slide colleseum* holograms
It's not bad but the old one was cuter. wonder if when the PC version comes out there will be mods that make all of the girls look like their old designs but mixed with the new ones a little.
My track rating for original CTR:
18: Coco Park. Its just a boring standard race track. next.
17:Turbo Track. Wall stops speed which hinders the main gimmick of the track and boring setting.
16: Slide Colosseum. Turbo track without the wall.
15:Dragon Mines. I'm pretty sure the shortcut actually slows you down and the spiral can fuck right off.
14: Crash Cove. Coco Park but it actually tries. otherwise unimpressive.
13: Tiger Temple. dont got much to say bout it.
12: Cortex Castle. See above.
11: Blizzard Bluff. A good starter stage but looses charm latter on.
10: Tiny Arena. Works well and can get you fast speeds but god forbid you do a 7 laper on it.
9: Dingo Canyon. NOSTALGERRRR! Otherwise nice track for quick races but armadillos can fuck off if you please.
8:Poler Pass. Used tolerable ice physics and uses many mechanics but overstays its welcome abit in longer races.
7: Oxide Station. See Above
6: Sewer Speedway. Good for all playstyles and is a really fast map.
5: Papu's Pyramid. Made me shit my pants when i was an autistic 8 year old but now im just autistic and can actually play this great map now.
4: Roo's Tubes. Quick, Easy and fun as heck.
3:Hot Air Skyway: Great to fuck with your friends on multiplayer with illegal shortcuts and frantic as hell in single player.
2: N-Gin Labs. Very challenging even now and just fun in general
1: Mystery caves. No idea why i love this so much but ok.
Is this game worth buying even if I don't have plus for multi-player online? I was too poor as a kid to ever buy the actual game, but I played the fuck out of the demo for it on the Playstation magazine demo disc. Still have it somewhere.
Wouldn't doubt it if their old designs (fully rendered in 3D in SC) are just unlockable costumes you can get for them.
Do you like kart racers? Did you enjoy Diddy Kong Racing's story?
Then yes, get it. Hefty amount of single player content, as long as you enjoy racing.
there is no story. just madness
I played nitro on the gameboy and bought this day one. Its very hard compared to mario kart but very fast and skill based. I would say yeah get it if you are interested. Just make sure you can connect to the internet for the coins and unlockables.
Why is it that 100% of my fucking rockets last 2 seconds before they go into a fucking wall while others launch them and they follow me around corners and over jumps? I can't remember the last time I hit someone with a rocket. My bombs lock on better, those shits literally track you. I have 10 wumpa and they are in my fucking sight. These god damn rockets just need to go straight but, nope, fuck this piece of wall in particular.
There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to marry Coco and start a family with her.
Careful man, I got a 3 day ban for posting that once.
Does it do split screen for local multi?
the tracking is sort of strange especially with other racers around, plus the rockets arent super fast
Sewer Speedway shortcut still the worst fucking thing in the game, fuck that thing and consistently hitting it
yes up to 4 players
there needs to be a reward for doing the CTR tokens on CNK tracks etc.
She'd be liked more if she didn't have blonde hair. Like seriously you got wacky colors like green so why not give her pink hair or at least make her a red head. Having Coco and Tawna makes her kind of disposable (and her new mole is up there in being unwanted garbage just like Samus' mole in Metroid Other M).
>not available on PC
I really really hope the update makes it more consistent. If not even speed runners can agree on the right way to approach it then it is broken.
I think she's cuter than Tawna
Cute. I've chosen my trophy waifu
Not like it matter man. Come the PS5 games the Trophy Girls will be gone from the franchise.
It's amazing what a little femininity like her moving her eyelashes like that does in making her appealing, right? Too bad femininity is forbidden in human twats in western gaming so yeah...
Guess I'm buying it then, sweet
>mfw my brother gets the short end of the stick and has to shell out fifty dollery doos for his own controller when I only have to pay thirty for the game
The tables have turned brother
Tawna is literally worst girl. Isabella replaces her. She's got a much cuter look and superior hair. Tawna's face isn't as pleasing and her hair is ridiculous.
perhaps Tawna can do some shit with the Nitro Squad
Thread rating 7.83/100 needs moar lewds
sewer speedway is shit, it will forever be a garbage map until they fix that glitchy and broken shortcut
>Liz's ear piercing
Yep, there's nut everywhere.
how is ctr on the switch, will it look like ass on a 27 inch 1080p monitor?
She's supposed to be an Italian Bella, the mole fits her stereotype and adds character.
heres some tummy
God these are terrible except for Isabella's
Id practice time trial ghosts to learn the maps especially if you didnt play Nitro Kart (I didnt) you learn all the shortcuts and they work online
I wish they didn't force the thot dance into every win animation of hers.
I don't think we've seen enough of the girls to know how good they look. The fag that took this footage was fucking awful at giving each character equal footage. I'm still in the camp that Megumi is the cutest, she's the only one without resting bitch face.
7.82 now. need lewd
but its cute and it never gets old
Oh, sorry. I was mistaken.
>obtain friend
>play together during bonus coin time
>swap wins on Jungle Boogie.
The track is a minute and a half. You get 400 per race and 360 in 2nd place
As in just win the race on adventure..? Well just don't be retarded for one...
So is there a weekend multiplier? Getting decent amounts of coins right now.
So now that we have Velo masks confirmed what do you think about the alliance distribution? (Also add Baby Crash and Baby Coco to good)
should I buy this game? Is the online fun?
online is fun when you know the maps and shortcuts
I only care about tiny arena and the citadel tracks.
Everything else is just fine, but kind of boring
Gonna pick this up today for the Switch.
Does it have a tutorial for some of the advanced stuff or should I look those up online?
Just like my wife Coco!
Megumi and Ami should have been evil since they represented the evil characters in the 1st ctr
>play one afternoon online
>lose all increased coin gain for the week
I really hope the update increases it and doesn't nerf it.
Holds up mostly and the game itself has some useful information in the help section
Remember to use the D-Pad gamer
It has a tutorial for the game basics but it womt teach you how reserves maintain your current boost level for longer or how airbrakes work, you just kinda do them and it feels right
When am I ready for online? Gold relics? I want to race tropy but I'm scared if save corruption? Will backing up my saves to the cloud after every race fix this problem?
What character has the best alt colours?
Fake Crash probably shouldn't be Uka except for consistency with the original
You need to put Penta in his own tier
Also agree with
Relic races aren't a good representation of how races online will work. Play adventure mode to the first oxide race on hard and you should be good.
I've been watching videos and the game seems frustrating and unfair, also the local multiplayer is useless since the game has a huge entry barrier. I could understand that for an actual racing game, but I expected some light hearted fun from this.
why is every cocofag dogshit at the game
>When am I ready for online?
When you beat adventure and learn the shortcuts. Or you can just get rekd over and over while observing what the better players are doing. I learned half the shortcuts from watching people.
I need a stronger dose
>Papu Papu that low
>Fake bitches that high
I would use a reaction gif, but my countrys ip has been banned
I feel nothing but light hearted fun when I play. If that's how you perceive the game then I'm sorry.
is any of the trophy girl all-rounder? I cannot play any other type
Also how does coins work online? In the same lobby I got 400 for the first place and 560 for 4th place
load into time trial and follow the boxes, if they're somewhere sketchy there's usually a jump and shortcut involved.
>Doing Time Trails
>Suddenly Game Crashes on my last track for CTR before i get onto CNK ones
>think i got Tropy'd
>restart the game
>check everything
>still all there
Phew lads, gonna hold off now till next week
the reward depends on the track
Could you elaborate on what this spelling means?
I saw it 1-2 days ago on store
If you want a lighthearted party racer, this is not the game for you. This game is fun, but it is very competitive. The most fun you'll have is when you've practiced a map well enough on your own, and you end up playing it against a group of people of roughly the same skill level.
But you will ALWAYS be fighting for first place. First place will never be an easy breeze of just using a bullet bill and being transported to the front, or shooting a blue shell and easily overtaking first place. No, every single time you want to get to anything but 8th place you will have to FIGHT for it.
No but I half expect either Liz or Megumi to be moved to that class
Depends on the length of the track
Pc when?
Depends on the length of the track.
Also during weekends you get more coins and then there is also the daily "boosted coin" time or w/e its called when you get also more coins. Not sure why cant they show this on the UI.
It's hard to steer and masturbate at the same time
no all rounders in the trophy girls, sadly. I hope they change Megumi, it really sucks to have 2 turning characters
WTF how did he get so powerful....
I wish they would but it pretty much seems only mascot characters are balance characters
so yeah, Spyro and Ripto will be balance, to mimic cortex and crash
>Doing online for coins because I have Gentleman Ripper Roo up on my pit stop
>after 5 races, go to check my coins
>has not moved from what it was before
>restart game hoping that'd fix it
>not only does it not, but ballerina n.gin has taken the costume slot and the timer has not reset
Beenox fix your shit god damnit.
How does it feel?
how the fuck do I beat papu pyramid gold aaaaa
I really hope Spyro is not an all rounder, it would be such a cop out
Snorted raw Kool Aids
Beenox is going to piss Tropy off trying to patch his "feature" that he's going to wreck the Pit Stop next. I'm scared bros
cool. now lewd it
who is dat cutie
>Dixie could look like this if Nintendo would bother to bring back Diddy Kong Racing
What does she mean by this wink
She knows I want to breed her.
These mechanics seem pretty deep for a kart racer, even more so than I expected.
Thanks anons, very pumped to play it.
>they straight up froggy like they're playing original CTR
I don't understand how they even do this, I can never jump that fast
It's honestly not even deep. It's just that you never really have to learn anything when playing a kart racer, just shortcuts and what items do.
The skill ceiling in this game is through the roof. I watched a speedrunner play this game yesterday, and and ended up playing against a white N. Tropy that literally lapped him while he was going full speed.
What in the fuck am I looking at? Post genuine Tropy lewds
Actually, you're not wrong there. But the game seems to have a high skill ceiling and mastering those mechanics seems to reward the player a lot, while other kart racers tend to be super simple and just not fun to play for a long while.
Yeah, I've seem some high level play videos; looks super fun and rewarding. It's gonna be a while until I get there, but the circuits look fun and all of them have a lot of bifurcations and shortcuts, so it will keep me hooked for a long time.
>Can't into reserves
>Always power slide/boost into walls if I try to do more than one chain
I wish I was good, bros.
i fucking love coco bros
>ps4 = can't play on the go
>switch = can play on the go but you'll look like a faggot.
V a c a t i o n t i m e
Basically perfect.
Start with turn characters and don't be afraid to use the brake.
Switch has the cheaper online and the graphic downgrade isnt that bad
Not to mention its 30fps across all systems
Loading screens a bitch but you get used to them
PS4 Pro better graphics and loading time
Switch is only 720p docked and has some little frame pacing issues but you can play it on the toilet without relying on a Vita.
PS4 looks nicer but you can't play it while on bed.
It's pretty simple when you break it down, but it's tough to actually do. When you do a triple boost, the third boost is stronger. If you go over a turbo pad with a boost like that, your turbo becomes even stronger. Then you just try to keep boosting to keep it going. If you do perfect boosts, your turbo will last longer before running out, which is helpful for getting around certain parts of the tracks. That's kinda it, but it's not easy
All that stuff about the turbo pads and reserves is never explained in the game though, they just tell you how to do the basic drift boosts. I almost feel like they should have explained it in the remake, since the super boosts are such a prevalent mechanic now
That's Japanese sign language for "sugoi cum on my face desune"
Dixie cannot look like this because her design is meant to be animalistic like Diddy. And most autist reject the idea of Dixie having a slightly more humanoid body type. This is why Dixie will never be a popular character. She just looks like some stupid animal. Hell Cynder from Spyro looks more anthro than her if only because Cynder knows how to talk while Dixie is just making random animal noises.
You get a feel for it over time, don't worry
>tfw you win your first race
>while outrunning 3 orbs
I did it bros I can finally retire.
where'd you find this?
haha you just doxxed yourself! :)
switch looks like dogshit and has much less players online, but online is cheaper and you can play it on the go
ps4 looks fucking great and you won't have trouble finding full lobbies, but online is expensive and you have to play at home
That's a pretty good and concise explanation, thank you.
Speed sensation in that clip is great as well, looks fun as hell.
Are the blue flames the max turbo speed you can get?
Learn reserves on coco park along with sliding
Go to tiny temple to learn usf control and how to maintain it using what you learned frrom coco park
Go to turbo park if need be as well to learn USF control more
Now go to tiny arena to learn bump mechanics and when to actually jump of them
Then papus pyramid for good drift cornering practicing
Then tiger temple for how to maintain it on narrow parts of tracks
Then electron avenue for how to mid air brake u turn at teo u turns it has. Its great as one is straight after a jump while in air and the other is from ground. Once you keep USF around them good job.
Go to hot air skyway and keep usf to the hairpin u turn and do it or do it with SF
Then good job all tracks are easy mode with a few that have track specific techs like dragon mines spiral or turbo track frogging u turns
I feel like these games are worth nothing without a girlfriend.
>PS4 looks nicer but you can't play it while on bed.
fucking plebs that don't have a television in front of your bed, wireless controllers were invented for a reason
There are a few tiers of speed, all of which are maintained by having any amount of reserve stored but they'll send you back to cruising speed when you run out.
>basic boost
>triple boost/huge hang time
>turbo boost
>super turbo boost
please kill yourself, we don't need you shitting up these threads with relationship bullshit
Nothing feels worth it without a girlfriend but this game makes me forget that sometimes.
I would accept an evil fenale scientist if they made her more Dr. Ghastly esque
Is CTR worth playing/buying ?
If yes/no, why ?
What do you like about this racing game compared to other ones ?
go commit an hero and win the game
Yes and it is called USF, ultra sacred fire, and makes the speed stat useless as all characters are at max speed with it. O tracks that have usf pads all around or one where you can maintain it picking speed is useless as better accel or turn is better if you need it
Or just use balance
>not for lewd
>posting art from a porn artist
Yes. It has pretty deep mechanics, a good skill curve, and oozes personality and heart.
This game made me love Papu Papu of all characters. He went from worst boy to best.
how the fuck does the river jump on blizzard bluff work? It feels incredibly inconsistent, nearly goddamn impossible except for a few times. I mean I've gone into it with the third boost and jumped at the very edge, didn't make it. I've tried reserving the boost from the nearby pad and jumped from the very edge of the jump, didn't make it. Once in a blue moon I will make that jump, and yet I see people make that jump every time online. What the fuck is going on.
yes. it takes a lot more skill than most kart racer type games i.e mario kart, TSR. lots of customisation and nostalgia for crash fags from the 90's.
fun and challenging difficulty for time trials makes it replayable. for £30 it's sick
>time to redo papu's pyramid plat relic
Holy shit the online multiplier right now.
You all need to be playing online.
>Finally grind through all of the gem cups in one sitting
>Complete the last one
>Game crashes on load, save file corrupt.
I backed up two nights ago but I have to do the entire Citadel City again and I just don't have the motivation anymore.
Why is it so difficult? I spent 2 hours on it but my next try it was in about half an hour
>get all n tropy times
>"damn i think i could do the oxide times..."
>do all oxide times
>"damn, maybe I can get all platinum relics!"
>get all platinum relics
>didn't get my save fucked for whatever reason
Feels good to be blessed
The game just feels really nice to play. Even when I'm losing I'm having fun.
Also they've added so much personality to the characters and stages. I'm choosing more characters this time around and the tracks are gorgeous.
You need SF speed to cross it and using max speed characters make it a little bit easier
The first turbo pad you need to maintain the SF you get from it by building reserves prior and after
You then need to approach it while boosting and make sure you try and do one last boost just before jumping
Make sure you are as straight as possible while doing it
The relic course is ideal practice as it has a box bassically where the best line to approach it in the way
>2 orbs take me down behind second place
>not enough time to recover
Jesus fuck this is cancer
I spent like 8 hours on it, but at least now I have the route down, I feel like it should be easier just like the other maps were too
Make sure to get the boxes on the final turn in two laps and on one lap cut the track from the jump to the final turn but onto the final stretch
>bots can get clocks on Hard
honestly whoever let this happen should be crucified and dipped in acid while his whole family is burned alive on a pyre
yea I've already done it, but my save corrupted so now I gotta redo it
Big tip for hard mode
Shields are great but masks are thr best
Basically get a mask powerup and save it for last lap
Easy win with it
That thing. Your wumpa coins.
flat lmao
>just get this powerup that never ever fucking appears or get this other one that only ever appears if you're in 8th place
amazing tips
Where is proof?
What's going down?
95% of all artists draw porn, even if they don't always upload it online.
>N Tropy Blanco (Kart Paint el Platinum) has joined the lobby
It isnt hard doing it like that though, you can even go a bot slower to get the two boxes infront and behind the teo plants before the final turn and still get the plat
Try being me and getting the plat relic without using the shortcut to skip the final turn
7 hours till i remembered how to get the relic as i thought you couldn't do thag shortcut anymore
>The relic course is ideal practice as it has a box bassically where the best line to approach it in the way
I did not know this, I've just been trying to copy Tropy's ghost. Thanks user.
I made like 7k 2hours ago
Yeah hard mode is rng but masks are common enough from 4th place and below
Thr problem comes from stopping the urge to use it to get 1st before final lap as it gurantees you raped with missiles afterwards
I'm getting my first taste of racing against permaboosting autists, and I don't like it
What’s the story here? Dont leave my dick hanging, man
I do the grass one and the 3 infront of the plant first, along with the 3s one in the air, on the second lap I get the ones in the inner side of the turn
You think you have it hard? I beat everything up to Oxide, but didn't challenge him the first time; got all the Relics, Tokens and Gems and then did the final battle thinking 2-birds-with-1-stone. Got all the Trophies for it, got the 101%... but it didn't unlock Oxide, the hovercraft or the paint job. So I had to do a whole new save to 101% just for that shit. Took me 2 hours to do everything. While I'm at it, why does the game insist to tell you hints on Hard mode? Seems odd to me
And about the reserves, basically whenever you boost, it will make the turbo last for x amount of time. Whenever you're not boosting, so just driving or drifting, the invisible timer will go down. Perfect boosts essentially give you more turbo time than what it took to do the drift and boost. So if you keep chaining them, the surplus keeps adding up and eventually you can have a "reserve" of time, which can keep the turbo active even for a couple seconds without boosting. But again, all that really needs to be known about that is "do perfect boosts to make the turbo last longer"
>grind 99% with plat relics without beating oxide
>beat him and get 101% instantly
>get achivements and all but no hovercraft
>oh well ok
>do some time trials
>global save corrupt
Beenox is gonna nerf coins on July 3rd
Just ignore the boxes on the ice before and try to line up with the box in the air for the shortcut
But the SF part is most important along with a boost after you hit the snow and a tiny bit before the jump
Then its just line and not turning mid air as that will fuck you up
nigga stole my work
Pfft that's gone for me. Used it all up yesterday. Back to 80 coins per win. Made 10k yesterday though.
You're right.
She's for hitting the gym together with
unlock N tropy before you go online
Nah i mean the ones below the bridge of the first jump after the start
The two opposite sides and one just infront with a box infront of the forst one and box behind the second one
Although that second box can be broken from the shortcut jump down if you are lucky enough to not get eaten, leaving more time to get the the o pther one on another lap
I’ve pulled in 9k and it just ain’t stopping
>beat adventure on medium
>did every trial
>unlocked N Tropy
>beat half the Oxide trials and learn crazy shortcuts
>"maybe I'll be decent online"
>online is whoever gets blue flame first wins
>frame perfect Tiny players fill up lobbies
Fuck me, man.
Now it's time for you to become one of them
I think so too, and they might even introduce microtransactions. Today is my only day off so I’m grinding as much as I can now.
I'm also grinding in advance, have about 10k so far
I fucking love this guy. He was on my list of never evers but now he's my main. I like his voice and mannerisms.
whats the bump limit again?
ah okay
basically I go like this for the first lap:
>clear out entire pyramid thing(including the 4 ones you gotta drop down for)
>take the one on the first plant
>clear the 3 1's in the turn
>get the box on the edge next to waterfall
>get the one hanging in the air next to turbo pad
>u-turn to get the other one in the air and the one on the left bottom of stair
>if timing was right the plants should be non-agressive and I can get the 2 boxes infront of them
>the the one in the grass in that end-turn
>get the 3 ones infront of the plant
>get the one hanging in the air
>get 2 more before the finish line
then the other laps are just cleaning up and I can take the jump shortcut in the 3rd lap
you really think they will? I thought everyone was complaining about not getting enough
Why? You planning on spamming this thread to death because its not on /vg/?
Well damn time to hop online.
Do we know how coins are determined anyway? Some races I get like 40 and others give 400 or some shit. Like why is the disparity so huge? Ive noticed that the easier races like crash cove are the ones that give jack shit for sure.
well aren't you quick to assume things?
I can totally see that happening and that's why they increased the gain right now. Getting coins will be rare events on weekends from now on.
course length, position, and changing character classes are factors
>Everyone leaves
N Tropy Blanco has no one but bots to race against.
I have the budget for 1 game this month.
I can't decide between CTR, Bloodstained or Mario Maker 2. I have a PS4, a Switch and a PC.
>>frame perfect Tiny players fill up lobbies
join the master race(ers)
Why do you have 2 consoles if you are poor?
CTR if you plan on playing online, Bloodstained for single player, and Mario Maker 2 to scratch the autism itch.
I'm not poor, I'm saving a lot of money and leave a budget for videogames each month, I realized I was buying too many games without even playing them.
off to banland with you
they're talking out their ass, microtransactionfags have been btfo so many times now it's not even funny anymore
Yoooo what the fuck? I won and got second even though I'm placed first in the top right. Is N Tropy getting out of control?
Reminder that all penta players are utter try hard shitters.
Literally the Toad of CTR.
Bloodstained or CTR. You can’t go wrong with either.
I love this game
I think Mario maker would be a better use of your money if you are really into those games
Reminder that if you don't play as N.Gin or Coco at least occasionally then you have no soul.
Sorry, no Gearies.
>not playing exclusively as pinstripe
The truly soulful playstyle.
I had the mask and it shoved me to the corner while simultaneously opening it for everyone behind me.
If i am recalling it right yeah
Plat relics are all about clearing as many boxes on lap 1 and 2 while not wasting time as much as possible, leaving boxes that will be easy to get while going fast on the final lap
Dont worry too much about it Papus pyramid ins only hard thabpnks to the two plants under the bridge as they break every plat run if you fuck up those boxes
N gin labs is harder and everytime i get plat time its never more than a second thanks to how tight it gets if you fucl up the boxes right before the start/finish line
this is true, the coco players of the speed type
I was with you man but now I feel like it truly is coming. I'm 100% certain we're getting microtransactions but I don't want it to happen.
>all those Coco's being beaten by one Tropy
Based and clockpilled
I’m just being cautious. I really don’t trust Activision. If they aren’t implemented July 3rd then I’ll trust it.
But I like how the character is small
as a marsupial, she have some needs that need to be satisfied, in this case, she is trying to initiate the courtship with user
CTR on PC when? I don't have any consoles and don't plan on getting one anytime soon since we're both in-between gens with Sony and Microsoft, and Nintendo is inevitably releasing new Switch models.
Prepare your back up save user
You are about to grt Tropy'd.
Reminder not to diss Tropy online lad he will get you
yea, just got it, guess it didn't take more than 20 minutes
jesus christ it seems to easy compared when I first did it and I had an 8 hour session almost leading me to a mental breakdown
the only challenging ones I had were polar pass, ngin labs dragon mines because of that box that's in the air before the finish line, fuck that piece of shit and whoever put it there
We'll get through this, brother.
I read someone from a user leak that microtransactions where planned but where scrapped because of all the legal lootbox stuff and the fact CTR would be very appealing to younger children
>juggled into fifth on velo's track
>cunt who gets first is too far ahread for me to make it to the finish in time
I exclusively play TINY because all other characters are just too small and insignificant
Considering N-sane trilogy and Reignited trilogy took about a year each between consoles and PC, I'm fairly certain PC release comes in a year.
Announcement around 10 months from now.
r8 me too
I want Coco to bounce on my cock
Rate Plz
Why is more than half of my roster cnk bosses I'd never even heard of them until the customisation trailer (my first and only crash game before this was the ds version of crash of the titans)
When are we getting a new platformer Crash with the classic designs?
being an absolute retard and shitting up the threads with baseless claims that "OOOH THE GAME IS ABOUT TO BE RUINED" is fucking annoying. Stop it. Until we actually have microtransactions, we do not fucking have microtransactions. Kill yourself.
i think the proper term is "an hero"
VV is supposedly working on a new game at the moment, though I don't see why them suddenly going back to using the classic designs over the new ones they made.
There is a currency in this game? What it is used for?
Fuck you, I'm scared and need to vent. I'm not the fucker who spammed these threads before release.
old meme is old
Beenox is just VV's B-team
There's one I haven't heard in a while.
Unlocking cosmetics and characters.
Womb coins are used to buy characters and cosmetic stuff
Cant give you any hints for any but N Gin labs
The best way i found doing N Gin labs is for the bunch of 3s boxes prior to the finish line is to drive through them row by row
So like this
Then next row then next row doing sharp u turn to get to the next row all on your first lap so there isnt any more left
As for the first lot of boxes as you start you can get the 1s and 2s box then 3s right around the corner on one lap makes it easier to breeze around that corner last lap
First lot of boxes prior to USF tunnel or blue tunnel should be the ones to the right as its harder to keep speed and get them
Then get the boxex on two laps after the tunnel right after you exit
The two on the curve get the one on the inside first then the two prior to the drums of waste rolling
So that leaves the last two laps as speed laps as you should get the difficut boxes all lap one
Now comes the challenge
With the USF tunnel you need to build reseves in it so you can maitain all the way across the part with the drums rolling down on two laps
If you can do all thag the only thing that will stop a plat is the bunch of 3s before the finish and how long it took you to get them
And i found going row after row is better then coloumns and turning around
>racing in mystery cave
>Prepare to jump on a turtle standing up
>Phase through the turtle and lose SF
Definitely not mario maker. I wont buy anything nintendo related after what they did to emuparadise
Reverse at the start
and then there's this guy
Oh no no no no no. Your game has problems, user, allow me to fix it. There, it's done, you're welcome.
damn I still need to block a missile with a bomb for the ps4 trophy
>is to drive through them row by row
yea that's how I did it but holy shit it's a pain in the fucking ass because the karts control like absolute garbage at low speeds or when you really need to be precise
the rest of the boxes are pretty much 1 box per lap
I didn't really bother with USF that much and still managed to pull it off I guess
now this seems smart, I'll try that thank you
Damn calm your autism.
fuck you faggot.
I was at least hoping to unlock you before my save gets corrupted but instead it shit itself right after I did the first CNK map
Honestly when i got plat i did it my row by row at the end of first lap
Tried reverse and never made it
Tried coloumns at end of first lap. Couldnt do it either.
All are viable as i have seen people get plats with each ,method so it honestly comes down to what you feel most comfortable with but theh need to be done all on first lap or leaving one line for second lap
yeah. dont wanna end up like chris chan
no, I have a legal right to be goddamn assmad as fuck and then some on the internet
Alright I have to ask; when you play online, do you get a lot of your countymen in your lobbies? Because I do, and this isn't a big country. Seems like the game really tries to find players from as close as possible, unless we just have some kind of weird fascination with the game here
Play the cnk tracks. They’re rarely fan favorites but you only pick from a pool of theee random maps in matchmaking so you’re going to have to learn them regardless
Yes happens to me a lot
You gotta air uturn, makes it much eaiser to do such a sharp turn
Again though each method is viable, just down to what you are comfortable with
USF is more of a safety net that allows you to spe shittier in other parts as you can save abit of time keeping it for the drumps part to breeze through it for two laps
both are good
>have first for first two laps
>get hit within a few turns of the finish and lose it to the fucking egg
Yeah but we wish you wouldn't be this way :(
"wah i got buthurt over some newfags posting things and now im all mad at everyone. also they took my lolly. wah"
>You gotta air uturn
I know but I just overshoot with it and miss a box or two
turning around again to fix that isn't viable and neither is slowing down in any of the other laps
Can somebody clarify if the USF autism from CTR is basically just maintaining blue fire in this game? I remember CTR you had to not drift or something to not cancel the unlimited USF. Does that still exist?
I'm really questioning why I'm even playing online, I just get unhappy. Are the coins even worth this
You jusf gotta go slower especially with the line up for the first row
Again try each method and see which one works for you i guess.
I mainly like the row by row as it leaves no boxes for the second lap to get and it became annoying trying to adjust the the turn to get the column i needed and still feel llike i didnt waste timd
USF is buffed in this game so no, other turbos don't overwrite it, you keep USF speed so long as you keep boosting.
>I remember CTR you had to not drift or something to not cancel the unlimited USF. Does that still exist?
no, you can drift now, so it's even more autism
Are the turtles in Mystery Caves fucked or am I just retarded? I can't consistently get air time from them.
they're fucked
You gotta drift boost to retain USF
As long as you dont brake while on thr ground or hit something, if you are maintaining reserves, you will never lose USF
Having a girlfriend does not make other things better or worse
What's making you unhappy?
You have to realise despite the mechanics being deep for a kart racer, online is still casual so should never be taken seriously.
If you get hit a bunch and the guy in first place never does there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Sometimes you're the guy in first sometimes you get hit by items that's generally how it goes.
You dont want air time from them user
Try and slide over them and boost mid air or just before but on the ones that arent upwards towards the sky
You lose too much time jumping off them
You shouldn't jump on them anyways, just drift over them or go fast enough through the water. They're kind of fucked though.
Either you get stuck in weapon hell or then you get away and just drive around by yourself. Neither is particularly fun. I don't mind weapons existing, but they just decide so much about the race
>tfw listening to friend play with his girlfriend while we're on voice chat
I am a very polite, helpful and generally nice human being. I never snap at anyone, I never get aggressive. Which is why I am always fucking mad, and why I reserve the fucking right to be angry as fuck whenever I god damn fucking please when people SHIT on the things I like on my time off from being around other human beings.
New thread
Not really unlike other kart games where you can go from last to first no problems with one power up. In CTR even with clocks and masks galore the moment you get first you wont keep it if you are good
You still get 75 fucking percent of the coins if you come deadass last place and don't finish the race.
There is barely anything lost if you fuck up except a slight and temporary bump to your pride.
Someone pissed in your cereal this morning. You dont have to sperg out like a 7th grade kids first time on a forum.
fuck off homo
now you've done it
Post your megumis
I do wish they would add a weaponless mode. Other kart racers get boring without them but this game has satisfying mobility and could carry the game on its own. Some of the best moments online is drifting next to three other people at high speeds but that gets ruined quickly.
I don't have to, but I see no reason not to as long as I'm enjoying it
One of my recent races had me as Geary, a Penta, and a Creatura de Gasmoxia all racing neck and neck on Android Alley. It was sick as fuck having all three of us side by side. The good times will come, especially as the general skill level increases over time.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little SKUNK? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Time Twister, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Cortex Vortex, and I have over 25 confirmed Power Crystals. I am trained in relic races and I'm the top time trial in the entire Crash Team Racing cast. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe your save data the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Timeline, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across time and space and your console hard drive is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your game progress. You're fucking erased, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can delete your data in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my time trial ghost. Not only am I extensively trained in kart racing, but I have access to an entire arsenal of time travelling and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the time trial leaderboards, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Your time is up, kiddo.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little SKUNK? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Time Twister, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Cortex Vortex, and I have over 25 confirmed Power Crystals. I am trained in relic races and I'm the top time trial in the entire Crash Team Racing cast. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe your save data the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Timeline, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across time and space and your console hard drive is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your game progress. You're fucking erased, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can delete your data in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my time trial ghost. Not only am I extensively trained in kart racing, but I have access to an entire arsenal of time travelling and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the time trial leaderboards, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Your time is up, kiddo.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little SKUNK? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Time Twister, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Cortex Vortex, and I have over 25 confirmed Power Crystals. I am trained in relic races and I'm the top time trial in the entire Crash Team Racing cast. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe your save data the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Timeline, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across time and space and your console hard drive is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your game progress. You're fucking erased, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can delete your data in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my time trial ghost. Not only am I extensively trained in kart racing, but I have access to an entire arsenal of time travelling and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the time trial leaderboards, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Your time is up, kiddo.
Is it period blood?
Go on..
dingodile is literally the self insert of gay furries
and male furries in general
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little SKUNK? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Time Twister, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Cortex Vortex, and I have over 25 confirmed Power Crystals. I am trained in relic races and I'm the top time trial in the entire Crash Team Racing cast. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe your save data the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Timeline, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across time and space and your console hard drive is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your game progress. You're fucking erased, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can delete your data in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my time trial ghost. Not only am I extensively trained in kart racing, but I have access to an entire arsenal of time travelling and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the time trial leaderboards, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Your time is up, kiddo.
Yeah you'll get a race like that occasionally. They're pretty rare though. Silly to say about a kart racer but I wish you could race without weapons
Yeah this basically
>being this much of a fag
Have Sex with Dingodile
hopefully never.
Luckily VV are already making a new crash platformer..
The cycle is looking like Crash Year-Spyro Year- Spinoff Year.
So in 2022, after a new Crash from VV in 2020 and a new Spyro from TFB in 2021.
Don't look at your feet. Because they are missing.
Never ever user which sucks as the ps1 era of kino crash will never be complete without it
>Which is why I am always fucking mad, and why I reserve the fucking right to be angry as fuck whenever I god damn fucking please when people SHIT on the things I like on my time off from being around other human beings
One of these things is not like the other
you're goddamn right
Never, that game was shit and doesn't deserve a remake
What the fuck were you thinking
never, I hope
as someone who has actually fucking played the game, I'll say it's best left forgotten
that and the crash franchise desperately needs to move on from remasters
I am getting very angry with the game so please excuse me while I post some butthurt webms
Thank you classic CTR user, I beat Oxide on Cortex Castle!
Can you bring Etika back?
That's the worst
They're so happy together being weebs and playing games together. I get super depressed after every play session with them. I'm happy for them though.
>first place is so far ahead that I get an orb in second
Who the fuck is taking adderall before playing this game, god damn
Here we go again.
I don't have much Megumi. I save just the ones I stumble across.
>that game was shit
>Buying all the characters from the Pit Stop replaces the character purchase slot with an additional costume purchase slot
That's cool as hell. First time I've seen Komodo Khan in there, now i GOTTA buy it
Is the weekend bonus already over? i'm getting jack shit rn
Good advice, thanks. I'm not that good at the game honestly. I don't remember the initial relic races being this hard in the original. Also kinda funny how the crash remakes all have fucked turtle jumping mechanics.
you know what's even worse? Because his girlfriend is your friend as well, you hangout or something for a bit and your parents and other acquaintances think she's your girlfriend and comment on how cute you look together
Fuck, is that how you get Fake Crash's? This pit stop shit is getting on my nerves, when they add stuff its just going to get harder and harder to get what you want,
Jesus Christ, I'm not letting my girlfriend having male friends.
On that jump, I was able to land on an invisible platform to the left for a brief moment before falling into a no-zone
>all the Cocos following Tropy
>Geary getting cockblocked
>Crash in last
This is a work of art
What's the best skin?
Any other tracks you want tips on?
And for refrence pretty much all jumps that arent from turbo pads you dont actaully jump from unless it is a small jump enough to keep turbo reseves prior to a drift chain
I think the stuff they're adding can 100% be unlocked by just participating in the events. I also am just making baseless claims here, but that's what the patch notes made it seem like
This hurts my head. The eyes look closed and open.
Chef N-Gin
Komodo Khan
Gangster Pinstripe
We don't serve your kind here.
yea, please don't for their sake
Yeah that's happened to me in the past but this girl in particular I see as a little sister. Man he got so lucky though. She's cute af, has a similar sense of humor as us, plays games, watches anime, sees all the porn and hentai on her BF's phone but doesn't give a single fuck, calls other girls thicc, etc. It's like a dream.
that's what you get for being a cocofag
Literally the worst taste
General Tiny
Musketeer Pura
Summer dingodile
Cowboy best boy
What is sacred fire?
At least I bought the summer skin pack before I stopped winning most matches
cowboy fake crash in pit stop WHEN?!
Damn, I barely bought anyone. I've been mostly buying karts and skins. I need this Ballerina N. Gin to get the fuck outta here though. Worst skin in the game. They did my boy dirty this time.
>implying youll get a gf
>implying youll manage to not get cucked if you get that far
In my experience none of that stuff matters, any girl will do stuff with you even if she doesn't do it on her own, like watching anime/tv shows or playing games.
What actually matters in a girl is her personality, if she's fun to be around and if she's not crazy or jealous, well that and her being a loving girlfriend who actually puts effort on the relationship, a lot of people take that for granted but there are seriously a lot of shitty girlfriends out there, even if they like the same crap as you, that doesn't make up for the rest at all.
Ballerina N. Gin
that one was admittedly stupid but also what the fuck were you doing, where were your reserves, why did you just aimlessly brake for no reason, why did you pass up a great place for speed characters to powerslide
>I see as a little sister
kinda same, she's just such enjoyable company, it's the only female I could even call a friend. But this sucks since I've never had a girlfriend and those comments really get you
also can anyone tell me what the fuck is this sudden speed boost here
>cocomain fails the sewer shortcut twice
>proceeds to drive wrong way and tries to hit everyone with akus and bombs
>next race he goes wrong way right at the start to spam clocks and orbs
I hope none of you do this.
why isn't it a regular box?
The ? boxes usually break immediately
All CNK tracks and you dont even have to be that decent
I used them as practice for later time trials so i sped around them only hitting easy 2s and 3s
Beat most lpy like 20+ seconds
I'm 28 and have had 4 girlfriends by now, I'm sure there will be another one coming.
It's fine if they're your friend too and I mean actual fucking friend where you don't fear him trying to take your girl.
Stop voting Dingo Canyon for fucks sake
Kabuki Norms
Well, attraction is not a choice, I had a friend made a move on my girlfriend and she told me about it, she even showed me the conversation and I told him to fuck off. Then after I broke up with this girl, I found out months later that she was dating another guy who used to be my friend, honestly it didn't matter at that point, but fuck, everyone is the enemy and women have no code at all.
>I'm 28 and have had 4 girlfriends by now, I'm sure there will be another one coming.
They really need to increase the DNF timer, it's kinda ridiculous if even second or third place can barely finish
Fisherman Polar
Maintaining the speed from a boost pad by powersliding and doing mini-turbos constantly. You know you do it right when you don't lose the huge flames.
Wonder how the Nitro Granprix rewards are going to be handled if a PC release actually happens 1 year later. Would they just have the stuff there at the start or would PC have it's out event calendar.
>Well, attraction is not a choice
This. I'm attracted to my full blood sister.
Can you faggot take it to /soc/ I've got no interest in you being depressed over girls.
Why do you fags do this?
Why the fuck do you come into vidya threads and begin talking about non vidya shit that makes fucking everyone depressed. I hope all of you get cancer and die virgins.
stop watching anime
>I mean actual fucking friend where you don't fear him trying to take your girl.
that still happens tho lmao, 2 of my highschool buddies got into that mess even though both of them considered each other good friends.
The problem was that the other one was just too desperate for some affection I guess.
why didn't you get in on that, incest is the purest form of love after all
Has there been a single Yea Forums lobby yet? I swear I haven't seen one.
I can't play this game because I don't own any console
the fishnets makes her extra sophisticated
>create Yea Forums lobby
>no one races
>everyone tries to see how much they can fuck over the other
>mass line up at the finish line at the end with everyone driving forward at the same time to see if the game can handle 8 1st places
It would be a nightmare.
welp, this thread has gone to shit
let's just post bara and be done with it
god I hate these gay ass relationship fags
That just sounds like normal online
I just really hate dingo canyon, I've no idea how to play this shitty map
I'm still wondering how I even beat the plat relic and time trial on it
Westermarck effect yo. Anime corrupts.
That's how it be sometimes.
Perhaps you've been playing with Yea Forums all this time then
I think the reset time is on the item shop itself
No they don't you fucking queer, you're already wasting enough of my Wumpa Time by being bad as it is.
If it makes people depressed they should take the initiative, get some spine and go out to change it. Fairly simple cut and dry.
>tfw straight but still sorta miss when I had big burly men holding me when I was experimenting in college
life is weird sometimes
I guess things that take some time and show slow progress are just harder to do while depressed so you end up in a loop
>when it inevitably comes out on PC the playerbase won't last because no arcade racer ever does
Fake Coco
post daddy crunch
I mean if I could kill you people so you'd stop shitting up my board then yes, I obviously would. But things aren't always that simple. I mean, you could be living in other countries, I doubt I could get you to give me your home addresses, and I don't particularly want to go to jail so I'd have to come up with some very elaborate plan not to get caught.
Remove weapons and I'll change my mind
>tfw I don't play online for anything so it works out for me
being annoyed isn't depression
Post yfw 2+ orbs are on the track
Well stop fucking annoying me you massive fucking lala candyass
>your board