What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: Vrookfull.jpg (900x1336, 402K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> "It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery... and if that would stir you more. Perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall."
No, actually, what the fuck did Kreia mean by this?

Obviously she was suggesting rape.

Kreia's a horny granny and needs to get some smelly Wookie cock ASAP

Kreia should direct porn

Attached: Kreia.png (220x342, 115K)

>"There are dark places in the galaxy, where few tread. Ancient centres of learning, of knowledge. But I did not walk alone. To be united by hatred, is a fragile alliance at best. My will was not law. There were disagreements, ambition, and hunger for power. There are techniques within the force, against which there is no defence... I was cast down, stripped of my power, exiled... I suffered... Indignities - and fell into darkness... Learn from me, my mistakes, and use that knowledge to become greater than I. That is all I ask of you, and that is all I desire. In you all my hopes rest, for the future, for the Force."
Would it be too meta if she directed a porn parody of her rape scene at the hands of Nihilus and Sion?

Are there any r34 pics of that?

What the fuck was the Council's plan to deal with the Mandalorians then? Sit and wait?

Umm, you weren't supposed to ask questions or to think

le grumpy old master

Wtf was her problem?

Attached: Atris_KotORCG.jpg (750x967, 882K)

pretty much. Jedi are big on the whole
>sit in the temple and do nothing

Vitamin D deficiency

She didn't get the Exile's dick

To be fair to them look what happened when they got involved with the clone wars.

They have to be sure a war isn't just another Sithish trick to expand Greater Sithrael.

So if not for Revan and Malak, the Council would have just sat there watching the Republic crumble before the Mandalorians?

Is there fucking anything the Jedi Council did right?

She wasn't playable

visas probably looked like a burn victim under those robes from years of torture

>Why have you approached me?

Attached: Handmaiden.jpg (432x576, 34K)

Ordering all sexhaver normies out of the order


I mean know you

begone thot im playing fem exile with no mods

Attached: palpadab.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

>play as female
>have to settle for the fucking jediboo instead of her
cut my life into pieces in the same way content was cut for this game

*keeps you underleveled on purpose so I can beat you up to get that wis bonus to defense rolls*

The Republic Navy needs an overhaul.

Attached: Inexpugnable_hammers.jpg (1000x1000, 439K)

I tried playing as femexile the other day but I couldn't do it. Seeing that ass in front of me all the time made want to fap to it every 15 mintues.

And that's a good thing. FemExile is a gift.

Idk if that's a good thing. I wanted to concentrate on the game but all I could think of was how I want to bend her over and fuck her doggystyle. The fact that the game starts with your character half-naked isn't helping too.

At least you can relate to Atton's blueballing

this user knows

Attached: 1560814309163.png (264x269, 66K)

When Visas said she loves me, my pp got very hard

Attached: Visas.jpg (250x402, 24K)

>enjoys every second around femExile as much as the player does, and doesn't hide it
Was Atton the realest companion in vidya?

thats nice visas now continue kicking your own ass so nihilus is weakened
me and handmaiden got places to be

He was a boomer asshole

I'd still fuck her of course

Atton was just resisting the urge to strangle and torture rape femExile.

Attached: Rxm3r5fwrr23.jpg (1200x628, 67K)

Pretty much Sion too, fucking FemExile

Currently doing a blaster only run of KOTOR 2, its fucking ridiculously hard until about halfway through the game.

what class?

is it? If you get lucky with some equipment and turn Bao-Dur into your personal crafting bitch then it's pretty easy to get those hyper powerful blaster mods.

No force powers either?

*dies in one hit*

Attached: 351062-baodurfulltelos.jpg (408x640, 29K)


>*calls you general*


All Bao Dur does is make shields

ˡᵉᵗˢ ᵍᵒ

>welcome to my ASMR channel



>has no health
>has fucking negative defense
>has no combat skills
What the fuck were they thinking? Every playthrough he just collects dust on my ship

he comes from a race of jobbers

he crafts, you turn him into your crafter.

skill monkey

It's why making him a jedi is a mistake because he loses his high skill point growth

S tier

A tier

B tier

C tier

Shit tier

Isnt Crafting pretty much worthless once you leave Telos and get better gear?

You can make some really good stuff with crafting and it removes the random element of hoping you get a good loot drop, you just craft something good.

Honestly, the game is far too easy on normal to care about crafting.

no the best upgrade items in the game are all crafting only

Are you using a mod? You cant craft upgrades


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

You must be using a mod because I dont have any of that shit

Are you playing kotor 1?

I've got hundreds of hours in kotor 2 and I've never seen this before, all ive ever been able to make is basic weapons and armor


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A fellow man of taste I see

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his voice dub is terrible
its like he just randomly moves away from the mic
weird because everyone else is really professionally voiced

How do I make grandma Kreia proud of me?

Attached: 1561763317743.png (1280x837, 664K)

Whatever your choices, you made the right ones
She's just hard on you because she doesn't want you to be a fuckup like Nihilus or Sion

Play dark side but don't kill the jedi.

what the fuck is he doing?

As long as you think for yourself and don't act in retardedly dogmatic ways she'll respect you in the end.
Anyway I wish Sarah Kestelman was more involved in vidya voice acting, she was god tier as Kreia
>You were afraid

Just now I realize how she looks like a tranny

I do this every playthrough
Kind of annoys me that you cant side with Vaklu without killing Kavar though
Fuck Kween Talia and fuck the Rep*blic

>Let's retcon the best of the best Star Wars stories so we can have shitty not-Darth Vader and female not-Luke make not-Star Wars movies

Attached: pits_of_despair.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Learn the difference retard

Either get raped by space mongolians or tricked by sith jews.

Give her something nice for space mother's day

>manipulate people
>tell her you'll think about what she's said, or whatever the equivalent option is
Easy influence

I liked it, at least I felt like it made sense. I just think of it like Bob Ross, Bao dur is still bothered by the war so he uses a soft tone rather than a harsh one.

Reviewing $2500 headphones.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at 12.32.44 PM.png (641x520, 103K)

>giant fucking tits

>call her a liar
>say you distrust her
>say you'll view her as disposable
>>>influence gained
Kreia is pretty based desu

she likes rape so it's no wonder she enjoys when you humiliate her

It gets really easy once you get some good upgrades. You can get 2d10 + 2d6 + keen for your gun towards the end. And with precise shot + marauder feats my damage was around 20-60 with 4 attacks per round.
Lightsabers can probably go much higher than that but it works against most enemies.

Yeah I'm at about the halfway point and I have some moderately upgraded Rippers and they do pretty good damage now
Main issue is how frequently they miss in the early game even with 18 dex and attack bonuses, some of the enemies just dont take a fuckin hit
Dex is also completely inferior to Str builds, Str just has more applications and actually scales weapon damage up
Its hilarious how broken lightsabers are if you know the right build

>go to Nar Shaddaa refugee quarter
>"i'm sick what should I do?"
>"lol kys"
>he fucking does it
>Influence Gained: Kreia
>Influence Gained: Mandalore

I would grope Kreia's unconscious body in the Peragus morgue

I mean don't leave out the part before that where she's advises you to make the refugees give in to the Exchange. That context is needed for that entire influence gain shit.

She wasn't unconscious

How would Kreia react if you started hitting on her instead of Visas or Handmaiden

would I gain influence if I groped her?

No, you'd probably get influence if you groped Visas, Handmaiden or Atris though.

positively I hope

Attached: Kreia_gf.png (1200x957, 256K)

Seriously is this a mod or what? There's no way I missed something this big when I've beaten the game like 20 times lol
If I did somehow miss this I'm fucking retarded

young kreia is the most fuckable girl in star wars

What if Kreia was a supple young buxom lady instead of an old fossil

It's not a mod. You're just retarded.

holy shit you played on Very Hard
upgrades are completely busted in KOTOR II, you have no idea

How the fuck did they get away with this?

Attached: atris.jpg (1021x2160, 346K)

Go to any workbench and click the buttons up the top, above View Breakdown Items.

do you think she used it to masturbate? haha

I legitimately do speedruns of this game and I wasnt aware you could craft upgrades lol
All I see at the workbench is combat armor and a few basic weapons

>Helps train two Jedi Watchmen
>They fall to the Dark Side
>train a few more Jedi
>They're all rowdy and listen to Revan, instead
>Try to train Revan and Malak, they deject you and become even stronger in the Dark Side
>Lone Jedi returns from the wars to explain himself and seek council and judgement from the Jedi Masters
>They don't even let the Jedi open their mouth, just exiles them and mumbles about 'muh dark side.'

I'm pretty sure Master Vrook is actually just the shittiest Sith that ever lived and he never realized this fact. Every student he had fell to the Dark Side, but it's some how the fault of all his apprentices.

>I can guide you
>Do not deprive others of their struggle. It weakens them.

These two things are inherently at odds. Guiding someone is helping them, which is in turn easing their struggle. Kreia is a hypocrite old bitch who read Nietzche once and now things she understands Die Ubermenschen.

She isnt depriving you of struggle you dumb faggot she's manipulating you for her own goals
Its like you didnt even finish the game

Maybe she even licked it haha

You're missing out. Pic related was my armour at the end of my last run.

Attached: 20190630040749_1.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

Not dark side, neutral. Though it robs you of good guy/bad guy bonuses.

cute femexile

>not getting double 30% energy immunity upgrades
That shit makes you basically invincible to lightsabers, Sion and Kreia can barely tickle you.

Lust for Jedi Jesus's salvation

>he thinks he understood the game


or put it deep in her mouth thinking about exile haha

Since you clearly don't here you go

>Game is good
>Spin-off is better

Attached: KOTR.jpg (688x1039, 451K)

Here you go bro

ᶦ ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ˢ ʰ ᶦ ᵖ ˢ

Attached: KehVen.jpg (800x753, 83K)

>both the Sith and the Jedi are weak
>Galaxy is in rough, weak times
>Strong people with no morals or ethics, psychopaths aplenty, control all the planets and areas you visit
>Kreia walked the path of the Jedi, found their inaction and self-righteousness worthless, so leaves
>Kreia walked the path of the Sith, found their comically narrow view of power and cartoon-like evils to have absolutely no sense or purpose, leaves them
>Says 'fuck it' to the Force entirely, but too cowardly to sever her connection
>Comes across a Jedi who not only severed their connection, but can foster a positive connection to the force in others
>Becomes the opponent they require in order to become a strong Jedi instead of a weak one
>No matter what, becomes angry that you do not make the same choices as her- the ultimate goal of which is to create a new Nihilus that will not destroy life, only the Force, so that the galaxy may rise and fall based on the deeds of individuals and not based on the ideological tsunami of force-users

Not a hard concept here my dude.



Master Fook

>Kreia walked the path of the Sith, found their comically narrow view of power and cartoon-like evils to have absolutely no sense or purpose, leaves them
Not true at all, she is a Sith Lord all along.
She gives Sion and Nihilus shit for not caring about the ways of the Sith when you ask her about them.
She also praises Revan for adhereing to the Sith belief without falling.
She didnt leave the Sith by choice she was cast down and thrown out, but secretly she kept acting as the true Dark Lord behind the scenes pulling the strings, she never abandoned the ways of the Sith, she just disapproved of the corruption and predestination/will of the Dark Side. Not the Sith teachings themselves.
>>Says 'fuck it' to the Force entirely, but too cowardly to sever her connection
>No matter what, becomes angry that you do not make the same choices as her
She doesnt become angry if you pick the right reponses, you can have her completely gushing over you if you get it right.
But yes you're right about everything else.

Its also worth mentioning that if you do take all her advice and follow her teachings its pretty much 100% dark side


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I fapped

bump visas to S tier or dump handmaiden into A tier and you got it right

>most brutal scene in the whole star wars franchise is sion just beating the shit out of kreia without the force
It was smart of obsidian not to do something with the force, force choke is so over used that you can see it and not care.

what's this

This shit is burned into my mind

Attached: Smile.webm (900x900, 1.44M)

it reminds of the dance

ʰᶦ ᵍᵉnᵉʳᵃˡ

>Not true at all, she is a Sith Lord all along.

What a fucking basic reading of the character.

Kreia does not believe in any of the Sith's ideology, she thinks they're all edgy manchildren and psychopaths with a comically unsustainable belief system who would burn the galaxy to the ground just because they can. She ONLY threw in with them because she needed to use their resources against the Jedi and re-adapted the title of Darth Traya just to lure the Exile to Malachor.

>kreia yt guy declaring only HIS kreia interpretation is right

God the old republic era is so kino(minus SWTOR). I hate how Disney flushed it all down the drain.

she wants to hold hands with exile

but can't because of muh jedi codex

Old Republic as an "era" sucks. The only interesting story ever told in it was KOTORII.

and Disney is obviously going to bring back the Old Republic eventually, if you've actually been paying attention to the nu-canon they've been dropping hints EVERYWHERE. There was a Hammerhead cruiser prominently featured in one of the movies, dude, have you even been paying attention?

They're only five years into their new canon and they have two new spin-off trilogies coming alongside a TON of Disneyflix shows on the table. Old Republic will be one of those, I can guarantee it.

Be open minded and think for yourself. Don't limit yourself to just light side and dark side and appreciate her advice

If you do a good thing and she goes "you know that makes them more dependent and not grow stronger themselves right" don't just shift to being a prick. Just go "yknow you have a point. I'll take that to heart."

Also being more toward personal strength and growth rather than solely relying on friendship / bond power.


>Old Republic as an "era" sucks. The only interesting story ever told in it was KOTORII.
This is what mouseketeers actually believe.

>and Disney is obviously going to bring back the Old Republic eventually,
Is this supposed to be a good thing? Disney brought back Thrawn and Pellaeon and completely ruined both of them.

Attached: a74bf830272924e7a90dbabe919bb539.jpg (1024x878, 68K)

Thrawn fucking sucked lmao. He's for wannabe armchair tacticians who fantasize about being le epic space admiral who can discern infallible military strategy from paintings. The Thrawn trilogy is for fans who don't like the Force because they think spirituality is gay xD. They want Star Wars to be some hard scifi military/political thriller.

Also Zahn's prose fucking sucks. There are MUCH better Star Wars writers

Nice bait, also retarded bait since you replied to the wrong person. Don't even think about deleting this post and than reposting it.


Always loved the look of the ships in kotor. Actually just all of the art design. It looked like an ancient version of star wars. Shame that SWTOR threw that out for the most part.

Yeah, We already know have it.

Attached: 1548283162868.jpg (2400x800, 125K)


Attached: Twin_Suns.jpg (850x875, 127K)

the comic series about the mandalorian wars



>tfw blew though my whole stash of grenades for this fight

How many levels of horny was Obsidian on when they made this.

Damn, Kreia should write more smut.

it's kino tho

>She was a Sith all along

Although she does indeed reveal that there are three Sith lords- one of Pain, one of hunger, and one of betrayals, she is completely and utterly sincere in the things she tells you when discussing force-training, diplomacy, and politics. She genuinely cares for your well being. She also hates how weak that makes her, yet has already concluded that her time has passed.

Nailed it completely.

Attached: LukeYoda.jpg (408x408, 18K)

The point of KotOR2 was to show that it didn't really matter if they choose to go to war or not, in both the mandalorian wars and the clone wars it was the failures of the jedi philosophy that led to the dark side. It's not a coincidence that so many priests become kidfuckers, black and white morality/laws polarize people and always end up spewing out a handful of monsters.

she had the coolest way to use lightsabers

Attached: 1505080449375.jpg (800x1169, 420K)

You had to go Consular and use the force to buff yourself blasters to hell.

You were deafened

You were blinded

You were bluepilled

You were a nigger

You were, general

legitimately gave me ASMR

At last, you were based


>Disney brought back Thrawn
Oh god no, what did they do to my boy?


I know 2 is supposed to be the better game but I hate how they went all the way with the Jedi wank.

atton was a great character

dark side disciple is great, hanharr is great.
mandalore is fucking trash what the fuck your list sucks

Furfags need not apply

And it'll be pure ass like the sequel trilogy

just stacking strength is the way to play easy mode.
although dex sentinel is pretty fun

crazy ex-gf

Attached: marriage-counselor.jpg (579x579, 193K)

i knew what this was before even clicking it

he's not sympathetic the least, and the best part is crushing the last little piece of tradition he holds inside his black heart. Breaking him to your service.

what does the restored content mod add?

Cut content.

>HK-47 has self-preservation protocols that forbid him from hurting fellow units of the same series
>yet somehow he's able to torture an HK-50 for information on their factory's whereabouts
How does that work?

Attached: 1555375818394.gif (250x251, 1003K)

>A tier

Attached: 1534500362104.png (348x362, 175K)

tell her to fuck off at every opportunity

>got me into ASMR

th-thanks bro

Attached: 1559858493575.png (1200x1000, 46K)

by torture he means just talking about pacifism

Attached: 1561418627829.jpg (1280x1024, 243K)


She was super gay for the exile and took her leaving the order on a really personal level because of it. Even went yandere and tried to convince the council to imprison the exile so that she could keep tabs on them.

this comic had potential but it was so mediocre, it has really good moments though

Is there any way to save Revan and the Old Republic setting from the mouse?

no. your only recourse is ignoring all the shit the mouse puts out.

No because it already went to shit by the time TOR happened and you could loot Revan's pants

shit taste right here, yikes.

Many pedos were pedos before becoming part of the church because nobody would give a shit about a priest not having a sex life plus they all know the church sweep accusations under the rug.

>forgot to level and equip Atton

Attached: 1475331192780.jpg (332x332, 13K)

haha fuck me the writing is so good

>No Star Wars games with the Tales of the Jedi aesthetic and Ulic's story

Attached: TOTJ1-FC.jpg (1024x1463, 656K)

never putting anything even vaguely related to the games in the subject or OP text and making every single thread a hassle to find

Attached: C70C37D9-D334-4FD3-B244-57A2AFEE1402.jpg (1091x565, 297K)

How do you just forget to manage your active companions, user? You WERE hanging out with him at all times... right?

dark jedi Atton can dom them you fools

>Used her and visas exclusively with male exile as my harem team
Also do you fuck visas? I vaguely remember a really "intimate" conversation and then it fades to black and you're just in the chamber room alone.

no dumbass the game doesn't even have actual romances

My crew HK-47 and Hanharr. Pop pop chop chop watchin niggas drop.

Is that some Jizz music?

Not unhappy about it, but why so many kotor 2 threads lately?

Don't really know, but I've reinstalled already thanks to it.


dunno. i played 1 because of the threads and its so fucking abysmal. The ending is so shit and edgy

I had mind tricked one of them and make them kill each other.



kotor 1's dialogue is so fucking childish. especially darkside.

>Oh god no, what did they do to my boy?

They actually have treated him pretty well.


Just think of how hot she must have been in her younger days. Damn if the Jedi would only acknowledge emotions and the need to love and breed as not evil, they would easily win over the sith. All that self-denail about celibacy goes completely against instincts.

Speaking of breeding, she must have been a real beast in the bed. Just look at those thighs.

Attached: Exquisite is dogs oppinion.jpg (500x330, 35K)

yeah it was dark side. very bad, don't recommend.
the big problem is that there's very little dialogue that's not info dumps. And what is there is pretty fucking boring.

Fucking based avellone

Why are all his games still discussed 20 years later?

Attached: file.png (795x611, 666K)

People only talk about KotOR 2 and New Vegas lol

Because he knows how to write evil well.

She's the Kimblee of vidya. She likes to she strong wills clash. Develop an exile with a consistent code.

Attached: solf-j-kimblee-2095.jpg (317x446, 32K)


and planescape torment.

Never heard of Planescape Torment?

never heard of it

probably TOR which actually isn't as bad as Yea Forums says and lets you do a lot for free but nevertheless reminds you of these games makes you wish there'd been some better writers on board

A woman in need of dick is a dangerous thing

She’s telling you that need to fuck Visas

Kawana boata

>rape victim has a rape fetish
Really makes me think


Attached: index.jpg (194x259, 7K)

>rape fetish
That's one of the most common ones. Though yeah, to be fair, I'd expect actually getting raped would change that.

That stupid T3 droid is probably joyriding through the system right now
Laughing at us
Laughing at ME

Why not both?

Attached: know him at fuck.jpg (420x315, 14K)

>If you do a good thing and she goes "you know that makes them more dependent and not grow stronger themselves right" don't just shift to being a prick. Just go "yknow you have a point. I'll take that to heart."
So "think for yourself" means "Agree with Kreia whenever she criticizes you"?

Line always puts a huge ass smile on my face

She'd still be a cunt.

But that's the only thing he knows how to write well.

Apathy is death

Attached: 1558305295348.png (669x1358, 734K)

Attached: apathy is weird.jpg (400x449, 52K)

computer 34 for max focusing lens or some shit

Attached: 0403c4b570a907fc48af4d80f65d48b0-arrenkaeappearance0.jpg (1280x768, 461K)

Play Kotor 2 and take a shot everytime someone says Malachor.


Malachor V

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (293x459, 26K)


I feel like constantly fantasizing about having rough sex with a video game character is a sign of a bigger problem.

What was their past relationship exactly? Were they friends, were they associates?

Niggas I'm not going to argue with your headcanon
Its on the wiki

>not playing Space Jesus

Just stop.

Can I blast him now, Master?

Attached: HK-47.png (276x368, 157K)

delete this


It's certain that they knew each other and it's implied that there was something that Atris should have expressed to the exile.
I think Kreia said that she loved him like someone who loves a champion or something like that

Atris has a crush on male exile and feels jealousy that he was able to express himself and go to war while she was restricted to acting like a Jedi robot
In a nutshell


patrician taste fellow space jesus

>Originally, the light side and dark side endings differed from each other more significantly than in the final game. One possible ending featured Kreia's redemption and Atris's total shift to the dark side, which culminated in the scene where Atris attacked the player wearing a black robe and claimed that she, not Kreia, was Darth Traya. Her dark side model remained in the PC version of the game and can appear in the main menu if the CurSithLord option is set to 1 in swkotor2.ini.

would it have been kino?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-29 Atris.png (637x627, 375K)

Incase would be the best, check 9:40
and the most expensive

What the FUCK is that pic

it's the dark side model of Atris which you can view on xbox 360 with an action replay, apparently

No I'm glad they changed it. I read somewhere that the devs thought it was way too hamfisted for her to literally show up in black robes and I agree. It's too bad she doesn't join your party tho

>fights you by wielding multiple lightsabers with muh force
>never does this once while in your party, forcing you to give her duelist feat and run around handicapped the entire game
What the fuck was her problem?

I would've picked bad end in every run.

Kino outfit, they should have at least kept the outfit as an incredibly rare drop for female characters to find.

Too corny. Wardrobe changes to show philosophy change are stupid.

Attached: 1532318494706.png (798x490, 95K)

Attached: 1558737182096.jpg (461x394, 67K)

Yes but what the FUCK is it

>bastila turns "evil" for 5 seconds
>modifies her lightsaber to red
>wears black robes
>puts on goth makeup
>heh... nothin personnel jedi.....

Especially when it's a wardrobe change that makes her look like the evil queen from Snow White.

She didn't have a choice during the final boss fight, because she loses her remaining hand in the first phase.

okay but she could just do that whenever
why didn't she wield three lightsabers for ME
or four since she still had a hand

She's literally hiding her powerlevel

>for 5 seconds
look at this republic lackey...

Even if you never actually hit her with a lightsaber. Somehow a Force Storm will cut off her hand, but not her head.

>actually trusting the wiki for anything

Daily reminder that according to wookieepedia Obiwan is officially from the planet Stewjon because George said it as a joke while being interviewed by Jon Stewart

>tfw plagued and choked her so hard her hand fell off

>Has lines in the game where she says she cares for you, and all of her hopes and dreams about the future lie with you.
>Has cinematics in the game that clearly show her falling out with the Sith
>Shits on you for making cheesy saturday morning cartoon decisions
>Shits on you for casually solving everybody's problems with the force
>Shits on you for casually solving problems in the first place, without at least asking for compensation or utilizing it to your own personal advantage- whatever your personal goals are, light or dark
>Herp derp, she never communicated this shit whatsoever

user, I legitimately think the education system has failed you. We've had these debates on Yea Forums for over 13 years, now. oldfags know the truth, why don't you accept that your reading of the game is wrong?

>Shits on you for casually solving problems in the first place, without at least asking for compensation or utilizing it to your own personal advantage- whatever your personal goals are, light or dark
That's a very Sith way of looking at things.

>your reading of the game is wrong
Or maybe it's the fact that Kreia essentially preaches selfishness, and a lot of people think that's very dark side/Sith.