You fucked up by mentioning you like video games

>you fucked up by mentioning you like video games
>girl geeked the fuck out 'OH thank god me toooooo!'

Attached: omgomgomg.jpg (1171x697, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:サークルクラッシャー

>talking to girls
Retard, go back to your website

Shit that never happened.

Man when I was younger I wished girls reacted this way. You zoomers are so spoiled don't know how good you have it. I wish women my age liked video games and/or aren't ashamed of talking about them.

damn i cant wait to talk about harvest moon and animal crossing
as a true gamer i only know about the most badass game franchises there are, like compile heart's neptunia series.

>>you fucked up by mentioning you like video games
are you from the 90s? everyone either likes video games or pretends to like video games now

>ask what games she's playing atm
>oh I don't play them I watch streamers
I could not habeeb it

>be indiedev
>old college teacher gives my both mine and a friend's teams a place to dev
>he often asks us favors to promote the startup system by showcasing progress on various expos and whatnot
>yesterday he brings a bunch of pre-college students to the place (17-19 yo)
>he brought 80 of them
>they had to enter in 3 groups because they didnt obviously fit
>all Chads and Stacies
>we're supposed to show them our games
>Any of you guys have an interest in videogames?
>pfft nah lol
>a Stacy says: you guys are gonna go indie or are you trying to use this project to attract attention of bigger companies
>damn thats a really good question
>just as I begin to speak she turns around and starts talking with her normie friends
>this happened 3 times during the event
>takes the controller and plays our prototype
>sucks terribly bad but if she doesnt play vidya thats perfectly understandable
>Chad says: Hey Stacy you suckk balls haha
>well duh I dont play these videogame thigies man lol
>pls kill me
>some girl says she wants to be a vidya artist
>says: someone has to make those LoL skins ;)
>we talk for a bit as she asks me stuff
>shows me her art
>damn this is almost professional level wtf
>did you use a reference or something?
>well duh I traced Ahk Whateverthefuck's Epic shiny skin illustration! How could you not recognize it?

What a fucking shitshow, I hate normies so much.

>tfw the one girl that I actually shared a connection with moved away
she played Paragon, what a patrician

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You know when you look at a woman's face and you can tell she fucks black guys

I havent talked to a woman outside work or business transactions since college.

Honestly I hate playing games with other people no matter their gender.

I miss Crunch so much, bro

Don't discourage artists, user.

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>Be tipsy
>Talk to dudes about the vidya I like
>Talk about KH
>Talk about the secret ending
>End up everyone worshipping Nomura
I'm glad I got to discover their power level. Now we'll be meeting way more often than before.

Attached: tetsuya-nomura-at-the-62nd-venice-film-festival.jpg (396x594, 24K)

Tracing and bragging won't get her anywhere.

>she only plays Telltaleshit and Don't Starve
Why even bother?


looks cute would carry in fortnite and bang

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>get on my knees and marry her
>next week tell her I'm into femdom and hope for her to get a strapon from under her bed

>make discord server
>just me and some anons from the web
>post links in forums and some people join
>one day, 20 guys and one (1) gril
>server is comfy because for a while no one whiteknights or tries to flirt with the girl and everyone just gets along
>girl gives kudos because we aren't constantly hitting on her
>from then on she keeps complaining about betas trying whenever she goes into vc in any game
>tell her, it's the thirst of beta who never got sum and see her as the only chance, they'd ever get
>she wonders how that can be. Half of all gamers, after all, are gamers
>tell her, if you cut out mobile games, the split becomes 95/5
>she is disappointed
>she starts to become an e-girl out of depression
>ban her
>server remains comfy as the potential thirsters are leaving as well

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she cute

Reminder that actual gamer girls are all lesbians. No straight girl legitimately likes games that arent mobile games, the sims, animal crossing, etc etc

If this was true, I would discourage every artist I knew.


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we need to discourage more artist

Does she have a feminine penis?

good job user you cut the infection before it could spread proud of you

I want to have sex with a female

Honkler where you at!?

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clits are literally that so yes

I like a story with a good ending like that.

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>he talks to girls

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>you fucked up by mentioning your hobby
nigger if you have to walk on eggshells from day one, is it really worth it? No thanks. get a chill girl who can enjoy your interests too. Maybe show some interest in hers while you're at it. that's what an adult relationship is supposed to be

>don't discourage artist
This. I myself, almost usher a new Jew extermination era upon North American culture too.
Luckily I got accepted into an art school before that ever happened.
Phew, to think that I almost start an organised Jew hunting contest!

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>he isn't ashamed of his hobbies like a normal person
And you people wonder why you were bullied in school.

Only low IQ kids from broken families bully anyone.

t. bullied in school

>get recruited into an RP Guild in WoW as a teen
>turns out the guild is run by a cute girl
>she's the same age as me
>we share the same interests and sense of humor
>was always a distant friend to her
>quit wow, don't talk to each other for a while
>get back in touch after a few years, we're both adults now
>she tells me that she always had a crush on me, and still does
>reply: "haha that's crazy"

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>Girl mentions she loves video games
>Ask what she plays
>League, Overwatch, Fortnite GTA etc
>More orbiters than than the earth itself
Yeah no thanks.

could be. she is an extreme SJW


>talk about video games with a girl
>she's only into pokemon
Thankfully I'm enlighting her into PC gaming

>we're supposed to show them our games
>Any of you guys have an interest in videogames?
>pfft nah lol
shit that never happened
video games are mainstream now, small amounts of dorkiness are embraced by normalfags. even business savvy Chads understand video games = $$

Pretty much every guy in my school liked vidya. My friend was QB of the football team and we played WoW together. Not every school is Mean Girls.
Of course even if your high school was like that, no one gives a fuck after you graduate. In college it's even more open, you have people interested in violin or solving rubik's cubes, and other people will be genuinely interested and think it's cool.

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If I were to have a nude photo of her, I couldn't post it here in any way could I? Without breaking the rules I mean.

>More orbiters than than the earth itself

>Cute girl comes to class
>sits beside me and on her laptop wallpaper is the 100 Thieves logo
>becomes the girl of my dreams
>start talking to her about e-sports and LCS
>she says "What? No its my boyfriends"

How do i get an cute E-girl GF

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>I couldn't post it here in any way could I?
That rule went away when we became 4channel, much like the waifu autosage trigger.
Post it.

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fix yourself as you would trying to pursue any kind of relationship ie get fit, dress well, learn to socialize
then frequent the places where you can find dorkier girls: cons, meetups, clubs, etc

Then you fucked right?


holy shit she flexed her pecs so hard she crushed his hand between her breasts
Now that's a hardcore gamer.

>saying noob irl
that's a yikes from me

>that the earth
So, more than 1 orbiter? Should have at least said the Sun since that has 8 or some shit. 8, 9, I don't know they are always changing it.

Nah she lives halfway across the country


Would wife.

Who is this? I want to hear her voice

The problem is that they actually don't enjoy video games.
Some girls do enjoy but the more vocal ones like these just use it to look quirky

There are more bodies orbiting the Earth than just the Moon, brainlet.


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>none of them play games
>they know what League Of Legends is

League of Legends is literally normiecore
People that don't like games play League

Who is this boy (female (male))?

Its the only way to
>have sex
Faggots. you're all faggots

nobody that doesn't play videogames knows what League is

You're delusional if you think LoL is even slightly obscure, its basically the old Fortnite.


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it's not obscure it all, normies just don't know or care about it, definitely not the ones mentioned in his story

My normalfag as fuck roommate in college played the shit outta League and begged me to make an account to join him.

I hate nerd culture and anyone who identifies as a geek. People who love blowing money on consumerist shit like funko pops and lightsaber replicas should be avoided at all costs.

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wait a minute hobbits have elvish ears?
i never noticed that in the movies

Same but I also loathe the retards that call themselves gamers. Also, post the Yea Forums version.

What's the problem?
If she claims to play vidya it means you'll get laid in a couple of hours unless you are terribly autistic.

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that fucking hulk in the corner

Is just the hair covered their ears most of the time.

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Who is the far right roastie?

fuck her boyfriend

/r/ law and order svu gamergirl episode supercut screenshots and good quotables

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Wasn't expecting her to be British.

>I hate nerd culture
Aren't WE part of it though?

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Hobbit ears are wider than elf ears, but they do come to a point like elf ears.サークルクラッシャー

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Sauce on this QT AZN? Name/insta?!

I play with a girl who is a huge flamer like this.
She always makes fun of people who speak with an accent, specially if they fuck it up since she gets angry easily.

>he doesn't hate Yea Forums
C'mon, we're huge assholes.

>all white except obama in the back on the bride's side

Harvest moon and animal crossing are good though. Unlike neptunia.

I always loved macro anal anyway

>artstyle never got better over the years

Its usually the guys who mess it up by trying to compete with each other and starting fights over girls. Not that a weeb like you would understand since you only see this happen in discord groups.

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pretty based from the (((jews))) to discourage hitler zozzles

Gamer girl is a worst possible type of gf you can have.
The point of gf is having a joy with her.
The point of vidyagaems is having a joy too.
Now imagine her in your house playing your vidya. No you can't have a joy at all because one of your fav playthings is playing with another one.
If you play vidya avoid gamer girls at all costs.

Get together with her, even if it's long distance. Give it a shot, try to make it work. If she's a good girl, you won't regret it.
It's okay to love once in a while, right?

What about Nick Fury and Black Panther?

>just as I begin to speak she turns around and starts talking with her normie friends
>this happened 3 times during the event

Holy fucking shit, this. Most zoomers have absolutely ZERO attention spam. I'm a huge drawfag, met some zoomers that pestered me to show my art and give some tips. They would turn their backs and go talk with their friends and random points of the conversation or walk away for a couple minutes, like I was some machine with stop and play buttons or something or something, it's super fucking weird. At some point I got pissed enough and told them to fuck off
>Have some slightly sexy artwork on on my folder that I usually don't show
>Zoomers immediatly try to fake disinterest and go HAHAHA man, it's not like we have problem with porn can u show us plz
>Girl see one of my trap characters
>Instantly starts talking about hetalia, chobits and shit like I would ever give a fuck about this thrash
>One of them asks if I draw futa
>It's 2019, but imagine my surprise when people still talk about LOVELESS

Just play coop games.

>Nick Fury is black
>Black Panther is black
>Aladdin is arab
>Jasmien is arab
>Hulk is green
>Rocket is a raccoon
>Groot is a tree
>Data is grey
>Night King is blue
>Chewbacca is a wookiee
>Beast is a beast
>Spider-Man could be black

Nice try, there are tons of nonwhites in that picture.

I already have a girlfriend
I love that girl more than I love my girlfriend but I'm in too deep.

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stop talking out of your ass boomer

you need to be 18 to post on this website

I had a gf for 5 years because final fantasy came up in conversation

Well, just keep in contact.
Who knows, maybe one day things will go bad with your current girlfriend.


League is 10 years old buddy I don't touch that shit but just to keep you updated: if you don't live in a flyover, normies play league


What the fuck faggot? What's it worth being with that girl then?

Why is the groom Anita Sarkeesian?

People often stay in relationships because they fear change and loneliness more than being comfortably unhappy.

>talking to coworker
>tetris comes up
>make reference on how everyone knows what tetris is
>he mentions the front desk girl who's my age doesn't know
>ask her
>what the hell is tetris
I know that feeling

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Leena and the president of TSM
Reginald doesn't want to work so he made his GF do everything at TSM

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Sounds based, fuck people with heavy accents.

Yeah, but it can get awkward when trying to calm her down.
I remember playing R6 Siege with her and we got paired with this arab sounding dude who was absolutely terrible.
It was the last round and he was the only one left, and when he fucked it up she started yelling at him and telling him that she wished she was in the military so she could make a living out of killing people like him.

At least she always calms down when her father comes asking why she's yelling so much.

My gf is very happy in our relationship and I like her too much to break it off for another woman. It's not solving a problem, it's just transferring my pain to another person.

The artist gets the last laugh in the end

>she wonders how that can be. Half of all gamers, after all, are gamers
I know what you meant, but that's accidentally insightful in a different way. The majority of people who play vidya don't enjoy the medium for the things it really does well.
Like most movie watchers who are rabid MCU fans might be bored to tears by Lawrence of Arabia.
Good story regardless.

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did he died?

>danger mouse
Britbong detected.

Attached: (474x338, 28K)

A girl liking video games is a definite warning signal. Stay away.

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basedboi pls go

I like deeper nerd culture but consumerist nerds are the scum frothing at the top of the barrel and they disgust me.

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i want to sniff gamer girl stinky feet

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Gay picture but based

>becomes the girl of my dreams
Lol that shit is your problem. You are so lonely that any woman you remotely come into contact with is automatically "the one" because it's the only fucking woman you talk to.

>call my coworker a filthy millennial
>he says he's not
>he wasn't even old enough to remember 9/11

So this is what it's like to feel old. Thanks Zoomers!

I don't know, back in high school a ton of emos were into vidya.
Nothing too deep, but they played some stuff.
Playing with one is how I lost my virginity.

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>this ugly wierdo can get a qt
>i cant
What the fuck is wrong with me

>be millennial
>call other people "filthy millennials"

I want to listen to My Chemical Romance with this girl while we lay in a field and stare up at the stars.

It's literally porn. They're both paid to be there.

All the emo/scene/goth kids in my high school were obsessed with Final Fantasy and Disney and Kingdom Hearts.

>My Chemical Romance
>while we lay in a field and stare up at the stars

Post the Yea Forums edit.

Well, it's what those girls listened.

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God I want one

Well, good luck time travelling back to 2005.

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foot fetish != stink fetish

Girls still listen to them actually, they just also listen to Blackbeard, Eden, Jaymes Young, etc. The emo scene has turned into the depressed teen scene, while the old emos just turned into metalheads.

boomer here, me2. All these young girls into games and getting science degrees at an increasing rate it seems.

He died, user.

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What about the sims, girls loved that shit

Anyone else fully accepted that they will die alone, and no girl will ever love them?
Its strangely comforting.

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I refuse to give up. Surrender, acceptance, tolerance is death.

>tfw had a shot with a slim autistic girl with giant fucking tits but didnt do it

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>The emo scene has turned into the depressed teen scene
Well, that's pretty much what it was.
Teenage angst turned into a fashion.
Don't know how it ended up being so cute.

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>I wish women my age liked video games
retard, you have no idea, holy shit you are pathetic, fucking crybaby retard

>Have a girlfriend who's not into vidya
>I'm really into vidya
>Sometimes try to explain to her why I love vidya so much
>Go full passion mode and tell her about my favorite ones, why they make me feel things, what makes them "fun" and emotional.
>She listens and is happy seeing me be so passionate about my hobby
>But then tells me that she still doesn't get it despite my explanation

It's a happy kind of sad.

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I had a girl once, who basically just randomly threw me to the trash because of some legit uglier dude and his friends, she threw everything to the side for those new people, her friends she had known for years, me (when things were going fantastic and even she admitted it), etc.

All because "I want a change", now she's turned into a basic bitch who spends her days cursing at everything and lashing out in anger at anything in her path. To answer your question, yes, I'll end up alone, I had my one, and it all collapsed into shit no matter how hard I tried to fix it.

That's life, sometimes it just fucking sucks user. Pick yourself up and prove to all those people that you were worth it in the end and it's on them for having failed to realize it.

After a few relationships I realized I will never love a girl enough to offset the baggage relationships come with and have decided to remain alone and have been happier for it ever since.

your girlfriend is just more mature than you, she's probably dead inside because she feels like so many other anons, I mean that she's scared because she doesn't want to die alone and that's why she's stuck with you, a video game playing manchild who cries about it on the internet

Never feel like you are forced to have a relationship.
Only get into one if you actually love her.
That's the problem with so many relationships nowadays, that people get together just because they felt horny for each other a couple of times, when that always ends up bad.

>mfw gf enjoys watching me get enthuasistic about my favorite series and is willing to learn

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ignore this user

this thread is going to be filled with lonely incels, the same ones shitposting other threads.

that's why i'm here to tell them how happy i am.

That's a good projector you have there, how much did it cost?

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have sex

I had to...

Attached: DoomFace.gif (349x264, 496K)


Wow, I noticed this too but didn't know how to phrase it.

I have a friend who bought a switch and talks nonstop about the ports while buying shitty t-shirts. I'm constantly staggered by how poorly he manages his money but I guess these people feel something from doing it.

Do white girls like this exist anymore?
>naturally cute
Nowadays its all
>bleach blonde
>heavy tan
>fucking arm tattoos
>meme 'filled' eyebrows and heavy makeup contouring
>makeup ends at neck
>dried face without make up and fucked up skin from pill and drug abuse
>crass and whorish.
I just want a nice white girl. Homely is best. Almost every white girl who has a selfie recording of herself raps along to the most ghetto niggershit and tries to act hard, like they can beat you up. They also copy nigger mannerisms and fucked up speech patterns.
Fuck this future.

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>mfw watching you describe white girls and then claiming "i just want a white girl"

fucking white people are hilarious

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>more orbiters than earth
So more than 1?......

In fact, you'll have a hard time finding that kind of trashy people outside of the US.
Eastern Europe specially is full of really nice women.

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>that's why i'm here to tell them how happy i am.

>is full of really nice women.
Bullshit, eastern european women are thots just the same, trust me. They're almost exactly like US women, they're just prettier.

Its this new age of white people. Its all nigger worship. Both guys and girls are copying niggerspeech and singing to dogshit because its pushed hard in the media to make these niggers cool. They think this makes them cool as shit and accepted by nigs but nigs will always fucking hate them for enslaving them and having white privilege.

>bleach blonde
>heavy tan
>fucking arm tattoos
>meme 'filled' eyebrows and heavy makeup contouring
>makeup ends at neck
>dried face without make up and fucked up skin from pill and drug abuse
>crass and whorish.

Why do you think we insist that Americans are not white?
It's not even because of le 56% meme, it's because your culture has turned you all into honorary niggers.

They're thots but not nerdy or meek enough to be like an American homely white girl. Every Euro girl i talked to fucking prioritized telling people that they're very nice, progressive and liberated (whorish).

Very true, people are too afraid of being "alone" and consequently don't put enough stock into their friendships and family relationships. It's actually kind of sad.

I have, and it's not worth putting on as high a pedestal as you closeted incels do.

thats a boy though


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Count all of the artificial sattelites.

This is it! She's the one.

Wife not into games besides Pokemon and simulator games. Doesn't care if I play vidya in my free time or ramble on about them. Sometimes cut myself off while talking about them because I can tell she's not into it as much as me. It's fine, couples won't like everything the other one likes.

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>let me bring in polshit
I hope you fall in love with a white women and she ends up dating some retarded commie instead.

Fuck no, there's some whores, but nothing at the level of the human trash there is in the US.
America almost feels alien in every single way, specially nowadays, it's unpleasant to even stand around there.

>trust me
No I won't, I've spent 7 years there.

I'm fucking tired of you American scum being anti-white just because YOU are trash.
It's you and your cancerous culture that's the problem here, not whites.
What's worse is that you are actually trying to sabotage lands like those.

I've long understood that Americans are the biggest enemies white people have.

i'm not a closeted incel, i just saw an opportunity to post "have sex" and I went for it

>>fucking arm tattoos
why does Yea Forums hate tattoos? it depends what it is but they can be really great. is it just because everyone has one nowadays (and years ago, too) ?

>retarded commie
>berating someone for bringing in pol shit.

"liberals" like you always side with fascists.


Fair enough, carry on.

user , what?

You're 100% correct. I grew up in the 90s were everything was happy and wholesome for the most part. Some crime here and there but the family unit was pretty tight and fun times were had with early gaming systems and new games/movies that were some of the first on that scale in their time (talking big budget super hero movies, innovative games).
Then the 2000s hit and ghetto culture was slowly rising, with Eminem being the most prominent figure, it turned the white subculture from metal to rap. White kids didn't want to be metalheads (fucked up alcoholics and heavy drug addicts) now they wanted to mimic niggers. I hated it, I was hoping for it to be a trend to end sometime down the road. Boy was I fucking wrong, its only gotten worse.


I knew homely meant ugly. Get a dictionary, nigga.

how hard do you get when she gets angry?

>cancerous culture
whatever faggot. Euro whites are like fucking naive golden retrievers, thinking they're cool and not racist so they take in 200 millions arabs and niggers to rape their women because the men are all metrosexual losers. Ethnic whites are going to be the minority in Germany and France as well as the rest of the European soon enough because of your autistic white guilt.

>I knew homely meant ugly.
It depends who you're talking to. In the US we say homely to mean disheveled and unkempt, such as a woman with raggedy hair and bad skin with no make-up. But in the UK they say homely to basically mean comfy, or something that reminds you of home, such as a woman who looks motherly or sisterly.

Many are done on a whim and are trashy, look at the majority of the vidya tattoos posting here ironically. Majority are NOT subtle and are poorly done.
Tattoos on women can be fine, but like a portrait of princess zelda on a bitch's arm and pixel art hearts on her hand are just trashy and unattractive.

>But in the UK they say homely to basically mean comfy, or something that reminds you of home, such as a woman who looks motherly or sisterly.
This, thank you. I don't want some spruced up fake bimbo cunt. Basically all of them look the same, the same shitty tan tone of brown, contouring, dried out dyed hair and eyebrows 'did'.
You all know what I'm talking about. Fuck em. Fake plastic cunts.

He gets Harry. She gets Herms and Ron. Her side sucks, lmao.

>I remember playing R6 Siege with her and we got paired with this arab sounding dude who was absolutely terrible.
>It was the last round and he was the only one left, and when he fucked it up she started yelling at him and telling him that she wished she was in the military so she could make a living out of killing people like him.
Holy fuck you found a winner.

Not racist?
The problem with the US is that even the people in your nation who claim to be right wing end up shitting on white people (as if you represented them) and have no problem with racemixing because you are a bunch of horny animals who are incapable of having convictions without "muh dick" getting in the way.
Meanwhile, your own government is pushing propaganda around Europe about the "benefits of diversity".
Europe would be much better if it was allied with Russia instead of the traitors in the US.

>soon enough
Actually even Sweden, even in the worst immigration case scenario, by 2050 would still be 70% white.
Meanwhile, the US is 56% today, although technically it's 0% because the resemblance American "whites" have with white people is skin deep.

>your autistic white guilt.
Zero guilt here, in fact, if it was up to me i'd nuke all of the middle east, which the US would prevent, of course, because your masters live there.

So please, stop looking at the scum that populates your country and go saying
Because there's no white people in the US anymore, just fair skinned niggers.

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I already gave up, I'm dating my sister, no going back now

Not much, normally I mute myself so that she can't hear me laugh whenever she gets mad.
The way she breaths into the mic when she starts to get angry is pretty cute though.

Yeah she's a sweetheart, sadly she lives in the Czech Republic, so it's a bit far off.

Quit projecting user

user, you shouldn't go beyond cuddling with your sister.
It's wrong.

Why is eastern europe so based? Poorer?

Post the Yea Forums edit

Fuck it, we were lonely and now we go out all the time and have a blast, don't care

They feel more distanced from the west because they were part of the Soviet Union.
Of course, this is unacceptable, so the Americans are trying to "fix" that.

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Join the mormon church, it's pretty much the only way nowadays in the Shartnited States of Assmerica

Well, if you are both happy, that's what matters, but you'll have to be very careful with such a relationship, more than an average one.
If you break up, it's not just a girlfriend you are losing, but a family member.
Always act thinking of what's best for her.

>liking video games

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My ex was like this too. She was really happy about seeing me being passionate about something and that's what mattered, in turn I also gave her full attention whenever she spergged about puzzles and cars. As long as there's a mutual understandement of both parties having a private time to enjoy their hobbies this works perfectly fine. God I miss eating her ass

Why isn't this thread dead yet?
I've seen like 10 better threads that actually are about video games 404

games for this feel?

My gf is an environmental lawyer and plays new vegas, Skyrim, and skate 3. Her mom plays VtmBloodlines, fallout 76, new vegas, long dark. Hell I think her whole family used to have a guild in guild wars 1. It's possible anons.

They are not all bad.
My sister is pretty nice and she plays some multiplayer shooters, RPGs, MGSV and recently she's been playing Crysis.

Why do people say girls are more social when a lot of them are complete spergs?

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So how do you actually meet girls?
I tried going outside, joining normie discords ect but I never get much in contact with them, how do you fucks do it?

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>Have files on Guacamelee 2 and Shovel Knight with my gf
>She actually got me to buy Persona 5 and I ended up loving it, 4 is one of her favorite games
Spent yesterday watching Parks and Rec and playing Mario Tennis

You just gotta be honest about your hobbies, anons. Hiding your power level is a meme that only ends in sadness.

Girls are more social, but they are usually on the receiving end of all the interactions.

She's a really sweet girl. I bet you'd like her.

>Hell I think her whole family used to have a guild in guild wars 1
>tfw no gf who played gw1
i never knew i wanted this

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>Yeah she's a sweetheart, sadly she lives in the Czech Republic, so it's a bit far off.
doesn't that give her an accent as well?

Yeah, but it's not too noticeable.

imagine being this bluepilled about women

>you do!? What games do you play?
>League of legends, stardew valley, candy crush, and legend of zelda
>literally the "I'm a gamer girl" starter pack

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Scene girls are everything. Please come back.

>Stardew Valley
Why do girls love that game so much? I found it pretty stressful watering my crops, feeding the animals, doing the villager quests/birthdays, buying more seeds for crops and trying to do 10 levels a day in the mines before 2AM

Why don't you introduce us, then?

she sounds like a bitch and a whore

How much younger? I graduated 2008 and I was friends with 3 girls who all three played Counter Strike, I only keep in touch with one of them now and she has moved on to League.

Only if you trigger her racism.
She has yet to get mad at me, at least.

fake and gay, also fuck her right in the pussy

girls like the multitasking shit. It's why games like animal crossing and the sims is so popular among females.

>no source
>2050 when we can't even figure out what will happen next year

Might as well say "Source: My ass"

26 years old, sometimes I feel this way. But I also don't want to give up.

i dont. im glad i wasn't mislead into believing it's socially acceptable now when in reality the only people treating them different is the people that want their money.

Maybe when a decade comes by with 2000s nostalgia.

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Yeah it's not like I'm complaining, my gf actually enjoys looking at me play vidya and was mildly interested in E3.
I just wish it was possible to explain to someone who never played a game outside of Professor Layton why I get so invested into this shit.

Kys already

He's the bull

What am I looking at here?

Read again.
He mentions that girls doesn't necessarily need to like or pretend liking videogames but being more open to the idea of adults liking them is still a win.

I'm 28 and no gf I have had liked vidya but they accepted it as normal hobby for a man, even one them bought me KOF XIV as a birthday present.

>Do white girls like this exist anymore?
>>naturally cute
Only in rural areas of Eastern Europe.

Sounds like you're just shit at explaining. Go hang around a car dealership and learn a few tricks kid. Go ahead and challenge me, I'll sell you on anything you see that is in your nearby vicinity.

>my gf actually enjoys looking at me play vidya and was mildly interested in E3.
Why don't you show her Telltale TWD then have her make the decisions?

>tfw i knew a qt in college who used to gush about stardew valley every chance she got.
i dont really care about stardew valley but the way her eyes lit up when she started talking about it made me feel warm inside.

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He looks like Nathan Fielder

You can find them in most rural areas, and if you are lucky in cities too.
Not in America, though.

This guy gets it.

Yeah that MCR would be for her, not for me. I remember in 2008 there was this girl I knew who liked this band called Tokio Hotel. They looked like the queerest bunch of little fuck boys you could imagine. I hated them, but everytime she was around and wanted to listen to them, I was Tokio Hotel's Number 1 fan.

Might do something like that but with an actually good game.
Telltale games and visual novels would be really shitty at explaining why I like videogames, they are glorified choose your own adventure comics with no gameplay.
Story might be nice, but I'd like to show the whole package.

So the guy who initiated the suplex was the one who died?

Damn more orbiters than Earth?? Wow

The red and white plugs are Left and Right audio. The reason the white plug is so far away is that most TVs back then didn't use stereo sound so the plug for a second audio channel is tucked away so it doesn't confuse people with mono sound TVs.

My sister was one of those emos, and I have the feeling they liked Tokio Hotel because of the singer's weird as fuck haircut that kinda looked like the ones scene girls had, but a lot wilder.

Quasimodo playing in a NES.

This. I'm still stuck with the habit of never bringing up video games at any social function unless someone brings it up first. Even then, I only show half-hearted interest. Doesn't matter if I'm talking to a man or woman.

>I am a retard who doesn't know what a satellite is

Holy fuck the mere mention of Tokyo Hotel pulled me right back to 2010 or something where that was popular
What a fucking time.

You absolute fucking retards.
This is what Earth would look like if satellites were like 50 times bigger.

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I had a crush on a girl back in high school who was crazy about them. She was kind of dumb and vapid despite being hot as fuck.

I wish I weren't shit with women.

Eminem is when it started harcore. I mean, it was obviously already around, Eminem himself had to come from somewhere after all and I remember the term "wigger" being used in like 1993, but Eminem brought it to the masses by the millions. I remember kids suddenly talking about renting studio time for their "rap" careers, and talking with the thickest fucking accent you ever heard and saying "my nigga" all the timer.

I swear to God, if there were cell phones back then, I could blow your minds with cringe with some of the shit I used to see.

I knew a cute girl in elementary school who was into video games and we would even trade PS1 games and she'd come over to play pretty much all the time. She even started to hit on me. I was in a bad family situation though and I was emotionally distant so when she started making moves I cut her off, only realizing many many years later the mistake I had made.

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I know it as a fact but I'm still annoyed.

better than losing a girl who does love you

Are you that one 18 year old guy about a year ago where we discussed silent hill on /x/? It divulged into you spamming emo girl picture.

>Hulk at the window.

I don't think so, i've never been a regular of /x/ for a long time now.

I'd take that. Zelda is already a big win honestly. It could be WAY worse

>he wasn't even old enough to remember 9/11
I was 10, and the thing I remember most vividly was being pissed off that they were showing news coverage every day for a month, and that meant no Simpsons reruns.

Based commie knows what's up.

Ehy, it's no problem
I really dislike Metal and my first girlfriend would go to sleep while listening to fucking Burzum.
What is inexcusable is going for dumb bitches, even hot ones.

There's an army of average-ugly girls waiting for your dick and you go for the boring one out of your league? You stupid?

It's always boys. The ones guys think would be perfect are all guys.

Just go gay and save yourself the trouble of finding out.

Every girl who gets easily excited about games I've met, has never completed one, but spends hours upon hours talking about spyro and zelda.
"Have you finished any of them?"
"Well, no..."
Every single time.

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How the fuck do I meet new people?

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>Haven't met a white girl in years that isn't skidded the fuck out.
>Black and arab chicks always interested in me.
Forgive me, my white allies.

back in my times you were a disgusting nerd only if you touch a PC, now thots are posting ass ten times per sec from their smartphones.

You know what, it might have been 2010, not 2008. They had a video on MTV called "Monsoon", so whatever year that was. What a time indeed.

Consider the following

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Hobby, pub, exhibitions, concerts. Basically any social environment.

Now I haven't exactly had much success in dating but the ones that I've managed to at least become interested in me for a short while have all been average-ugly and it fucks with me hard. I just want to have a romantic and sexual relationship with a qt with a nice body who genuinely loves me for who I am. I don't care about race.

What fucking sucks is that all the hot girls are, like you said, kind of boring and also kinda dumb. At least a lot of them are. Even the ones who like to seem intellectual by reading books and listen to music generally have shitty taste because they only read erotic or YA fiction and only listen to surface-level bullshit.

Meanwhile I can hold a conversation way longer with the average-ugly girls but they can't get my dick very hard for shit. I'd settle for a 7/10 girl at the very least but I can't even get that.

Nah, fuck that and fuck you.

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That's Weezy F baby, please say the baby

Her mom is pretty sick if she's into those games. Better taste than most of Yea Forums

Fallout 76 invalidates her taste.

Bro, if you're ugly what the fuck do you want from life.
An ugly girl with a personality of gold is much better to your dick than any hot vapid bitch will ever be.

Love boners are the strongest boners that exist, lower your standards a bit and find love you fuck

Keep hope alive brother. Sometimes it's all we got.

Exactly, retards should shut the fuck up about girls not liking vidya back in their days. Of fucking course Becky wouldn't like Counter Strike, user, she's a fucking Becky.

Back in your day they weren't trying to make Mario into a black gay handicapped illegal immigrant trying to rescue his Muslim trans princess dressed in a burqa from the evil white republican Bowser - and then threaten to not have sex with you (implying they did/would) if you didn't agree to wanting the design changed.

>my birdman hand rub explosion background GIF is missing

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>at work
>a few weeks ago
>boss tells me I'm getting a new co-worker
>monday comes
>it's a turbostacy

Long story short, she initiated (!) the topic of video games, and claimed to love them. She cited the Uncharted series and games by David Cage as her favorites.

I'm not even sure what to think. I mean, those aren't your typical phone games. She actually owns a PS3. Despite looking like an Instagram model.

I really don't get it.
Picture related, it's very close to what she looks like, down to wearing a tight sweater. But she has less of a manface, and isn't balding.

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>uses Nintendo as an example
retard, they actively avoid politics.

well uh good on you user. the uncharted series is an exquisite example of pinnacle video games for true connoisseurs

>Bro, if you're ugly what the fuck do you want from life.
That's the thing. I'm actually not really that bad-looking. Not a god by any means, but I'm probably at least a 7 myself. I might even be a 7.5-8 if I worked out, which I plan on doing in the future.

My issues are all mental probably. I can never just simply talk to girls I'm attracted to or flirt with them like literally anyone else because my brain turns to mush around them and I can never find the right words to say so I just end up being extremely awkward and overly polite.

This happened to me yesterday