Is this game worth getting? Looks like medieval L4D. Hows the playerbase looking?

Is this game worth getting? Looks like medieval L4D. Hows the playerbase looking?

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>Looks like medieval L4D
you are right, but it expand on that area with rpg mechanics and risk and reward mechanics
>Hows the playerbase looking?
Is this game worth getting?
maybe, i think it's fun

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>Looks like medieval L4D
Pretty apt comparison, just, melee is super satisfying
>Hows the playerbase looking?
Reasonable, warhammer has a pretty dedicated following, especially from the old setting
>Is this game worth getting?
Debatable, it can get repetitive, and you will undoubtedly get stuck with true shitters from time to time, also the devs can be slow to fix bugs.

That said, new expansion is coming soon, versus as well, and the voice acting is fucking spectacular for the 5 main characters.

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It's pretty damn good.

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I can't fucking wait for versus mode. I love the game as is, but l4d versus was the best time I had with multiplayer in the last 10 years, and I think this game has a better system.

how do people invest so much time into this game, after finishing up all the maps on 2 difficulties, it just...repeats, that's all

Game is a lot of fun. Some buggy bullshit, bad balance and braindead development aside.

>oi think oi saw one limpin'...

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Legend was more fun on release when it was a buggy, unfair mess. Now it feels way too easy.

Cata is coming, user.

nope its laggy and because of that, not fun

EU playerbase is supposedly a lot better.

I had some nice people playing, very helpful in explaining stuff to noobs
the game is pretty fun too, combat feels pretty visceral and is satisfying especially when you block and parry
it sucks the game takes up 90 gigs of space for no reason though

Same with any multiplayer game - they find the gameplay loop engaging. If you're a completionist type that wants to finish a game and move these games are poorly chosen.

>Still supporting the devs even after they included Redshell spyware...
stupid fucks

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Yes, the game is great and yes it's basically medieval L4D. It is very melee-focused instead of using ranged weapons, though there are classes and builds which use a lot of ranged fire as well. Combat is fun and moving up through the difficulties as you git gud and also upgrade your characters is satisfying.

There's some jank to the game, it's not perfectly polished, but generally speaking there isn't anything which will really hamper enjoyment. It may feel bullshit hard at first, but it gets much better when you learn how to play.

Because the combat is really fun, it's not that bad to repeat something if that thing is really fun to do.

Learn to read patch notes or forum threads retard, it's been gone for a year now or so.

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Honestly what

said, combined with the stellar voice work and endearing characters. Honestly, it's a game I should have been sick of 400 some odd hours earlier, but bisecting rats with meaty swings of an executioner's sword is just so fucking cathartic. It doesn't matter how bad of a day I've had, I can hop on for a map and slash, bludgeon and shoot the troubles away for a bit.

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Devs are lazy fucks and shit out minimum effort DLC.They also ruined the game by making PVP and brought a ton of new fags.

Is the first game worth playing at this point for the "story"?

no, there's a dlc in 2 that gives you all of the 1 maps

Oh, didn't know that.

I would not play any kind of game like this without friends

>Buying anything from FATSHARK ever

The most incompetent dev in the world right now.

When you deck out slayer and he's level 30, it gets really fun to stomp on shit.

It only gives you 3 maps out of the entirety of 1 + a survival map, it gives you 5 new weapons too though

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I wish one of those had been the mages tower. I'm so sick of horn of Magnus. For the first many months of the first game, that was the only map people played online. Sort of like mercy hospital in L4D 1.

I hate Horn of Magnus. Enjoy the graveyard one, though. Only one of friends who knows how to walk through it as well apparently.

While the game may be a bit repetitive after a while, you cant argue it doesnt have someof the best voice acting in a game in a long time.

>drunk Saltzpyre reminiscing about wanting to be a steam tank driver


>I missed the drunk event

I will never forgive myself.

The game is good and cheap but I hate the tryhard fanbase sometimes

It's ok.
Sometimes you'll end up with faggots worse than bots, but overall it's not a bad game. For that many hours of playing I only once had a bug, which prevented me from finishing the mission.
Remember that your main objective is to survive the mission, not to kill as many elites/specials/regular enemies as you can. So focus more on surviving as the group than getting those greens.

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>choo choo