FFXIV Shadowbringers

How are you liking it, user? Is it better than Stormblood?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's even better than HW so far.

Are roulette queues still fucked? What's up with healers?

Hard to say as I've not tried end game yet.

What does Hyrule Warriors have to do with Final Fantasy online?

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It was better than SB from the first missions.
Miniphillia > Menofillia

Why can't it be F2P

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I'm still stuck in HW, so who knows?
Mechanical changes feel kind of nice though

Nah something's up with EU. I've been in queue for 2 hours as tank for the titania trial

Just finished Titania, makes me giddy for the Extreme.

But overall, so far this expansion has been great. The quests are long and actually fun to do, story beats HW by far.. and I just finished with the faries so.. who knows?

>That part in the second dungeon where she's slowly trying to cross to the other side, leaving the entire mechanic to you
Love such details.

Absolutely kino

Shit taste

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Everything about it is overall better than SB, even the jobs.
Unless you’re WAR, MNK, SCH, or AST of course

Sub is what keeps the game from degrading into TERA-tier shit

i watched some gameplay from it
how do people even like it?
the UI looks horrendous, straight out of a 10$ free mmo budget game
fights feel really slow and clunky
artstyle is okay, but the scale of characters, world and objects are weird, making the world feel sterile as fuck
the only thing i cant comment on that is people say that classes and gameplay is fun at max level, but i doubt i would have any manpower to get there before giving up

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How much potency is living shadow? 2800?


You must have clicked BfA gameplay instead.

Real talk
Titania was cool but the music fucking SUCKED

just finished the msq, and it's quite possibly the best story in all of xiv, end dungeon and trial is hype as fuck

Haven't played TERA in like 5 years, explain

I'm starting the game right now and I'm pretty sure you have to be autistic to enjoy this gameplay

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What glasses does Nashmeira wear?

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Because everyone is playing the new tank class. Tank queues won’t be instant for a while.


Didn't even get to SB like i hoped since been busy lately, so how does DRK work now?

Nah you just need to have more than 3 abilities to actually use.

Played shitton of WoW before FF14 and yes, movement in combat IS clunky, but overall it's ok MMO.

Its more of the same. Mechanically its worse than every other expansion. I never thought I’d buy an expansion where the upgrade was removing half of my hotbar across all jobs. Good luck to those starting out, its hard to defend this game for the first 20 levels now.

Gets faster as you get more levels.

holy based

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first, its not an argument
second i havent played wow for a long time, but im gonna try classic and from what i remember the combat felt much more fluid than ffxiv combat

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It’s pretty awful in general. The quests/leveling also hub based zones, the world in general feels so cramped.

even if I had 13 buttons the process of limply walking up to enemies and engaging in this weird sterile 2.5gcd slideshow that triggers the exact same gay battle music every time would still wear on me

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>make an FFXI reference with nashmeira
>make her into a dancer effectively ruining the reference
They could have used literally any other name

It’s about keeping up buffs while you unga bunga instead of *dark arts* being *dark arts* about *dark arts* using *dark arts* dark *dark arts* arts *dark arts* after *dark arts* everything *dark arts*

They really made an NPC named nashmeira look as bland as that?

Best way to level alts from 70 to 71?



>the fluid meme

Why are you yelling like a Chinaman?

>Laughs in SCH

am i gonna fuck alisae in this

Ooops :)

What does the last zone look like?

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Lol, most of the pruning was a huge improvement for alot of classes.

Bard is probably the best its been


XIV relies heavily on oGCD abilities to increase the speed of combat through weaving. It means that at high level you’re generally going to be hitting more different buttons in a shorter timeframe than something like WoW but at low level it’s about as stimulating as watching paint dry.

Thancred really going full retard, he's competing with old minfilia and neo-yda for the spot of worst character.

>When you're nutting but she keeps sucking.

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I finally made the Hrothgar Black Mage I wanted, just now completed the 2.1 quests. Honestly, I'm having a blast.

>could have used Laila
>could have used Lilisette since shield samba literally uses the dame exact animation from ffxi
>could have used Portia
>could have made a gay male Human called Mayakov
>could have used their own unique new name like the stupid catgirl
>but no they had to use Nashmeira randomly and completely out of nowhere
I really don’t get it

BRD is fine but I do personally miss my utillity, such as Palisade, and song buffs no matter how minor they were.

>mfw that entire fight

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Unless you’re AST it’s better than Stormblood mechanically

>Doing healer role quest
>Think it'd actually be about the healer role
>Nope, it's just getting into fights spamming your one dps skill
>The plot is literally "lmao the enemy heals and runs away a lot, so I figured I'd get a healer to.... ???? and then we win!???"

Why does Yoshi hate healers?

anyone got the emet-selch boss theme?

bad opinion

does it have the lala lusting after ardbert cock at least

What do you like the most about this game? Is it newcomer friendly?

>it's clearly a woman

I completely disagree. All they did was remove utility so that every job is easy as fuck to play and only dnc gets any. Healers and tanks are now boring to play while dps are now far more selfish to play
I’d understand removing one or two skills but half my hotbar? While just adding one new skill? Fucking stupid.

Tell me the different dialogue outcome about Alphinaud and the shoah shower

Yes. Really blatantly at that.

What job only got 1 new skill?

Just did this literally

>people think this exapnsion is great
>they will defend skill pruning
>they will defend being able to play an mmo without ever having to interact with someone
>they will defend this games atrocious leveling experience
>they will defend the complete removal of micromanaging the pet
>they will defend the dumbing down of jobs
>they will autistically enjoy pressing the same 3 buttons over and over while ocassionally weaving an ogcd (1 button if you’re a healer)

Don't fucking start this bullshit.

Why would they waste Aoi Yuuki by casting her in some irrelevant entry level boss
I guess Yoshi really wants me to come back to eng dub later on

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SCH only gets art of war (which replaces miasma II, shadow & bane) and that's about it, later you get a special faerie summon that's basically just a cosmetically changed rouse but worse.

when ShB was announced Titania was referenced as He then it was removed on a certain website.

Cope some more, Thancred.

pixies are weird
little redhead bastard looks like a cute girl too but he's very plainly a guy and is named king later
I'm gonna guess they're actually genderless

>Listening to the Japanese voices
I too, love missing half the voiced cutscene because they didn't give it subtitles.

Th fairies all seem pretty androgenous to me desu.

I hate you both and hope you get ass cancer

So a lot of pirates seem to be lalafell in XIV.
And there's also multiple instances of hanging being the go-to punishment for crimes, especially around the LL region. So given their stoutness/weight, do lalafell reach a terminal, neck-snapping drop when they are inevitably hanged from your average gallows, or do they dangle on the rope soiling themselves for a few minutes as they suffocate? This is important for something I'm drawing.

It also has sharding going on right now, but I'll defend that on top of everything else.


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>I don't know multiple languages so other people can't either

Pretty much every job got only 1 or 2 new skills while overhauling certain mechanics like the card gimmick and removing a shitton of skills. I’d say scholar got the worst of it since half their hotbar is gone and they only got 1 new skill to compensate for it.

Damn, she's such a slut that she even has a queue.

t. Cunphillia.
Your protector is bad and you shouldn't stick up for him.

Yeah I will defend all of that accept what they did to the poor AST mains.

You try being sent into another fucked up world were copies of your pseudo-daughter keep dying

Machinist is the best it's ever been
Paladin is the best it's ever been
Black Mage is the best it's ever been
Red Mage was barely touched but technically it was also marginally improved

These are all my favourite classes to play and they're all excellent to play now, especially MCH and basically none of them lost any complexity.
The 4 ShB zones i've experienced are better than the equivalent SB/HW zones.
The story is told better, is more interesting (marginally) and has had more quality put into it. Music is as good as it's always been, bar the generic field combat theme which is atrocious.

So yea, pretty happy with it so far.

>Y-yeah he's a fucking douchebag but he has an excuse!!
Imagine actually being this much of a faggot though?

Rulers are kings, fag

>vauthry ascends mid-fight from fat bastard into shining golden prettyboy
>gets killed
why would he forsake his fat bastardness for that?

spoilers, user

How does this compare to ESO?

red mage was boring and it's even more boring now

The only jobs that lost more than they gained were PLD (which people still seem to like anyway), SCH (which dis get fucked), AST (which also got fucked), MCH (which has been considered a net improvement overall), and MNK (which got fucked too).
Every other job either gained more than they lost or traded evenly. DRK still isn’t great but I’d take it over the dark arts shit it was before, all the casters are better than they were before, NIN is better, DRG and SAM are mostly the same, WHM is better and the most fun healer now (though that isn’t saying much I will admit).
A few jobs got raped but I wouldn’t say that most of them are worse than they were before.

is there a mod to delete the new barafag race from the game?

>remove utility so that every job is easy
Because applying a 60 second debuff baked into your rotation is difficult, sure. You aren't one of those special buff slaves who actually let them fall off, are you?

How can it be more boring it is almost literally the same


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Is that Aoi Yuuki?

>enter Rak-Taki Greatwoods
>>that theme
that's good shit.

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>my class got fucked so I'll go around perpetuating the meme of every job getting fucked to make it sound more severe than it actually is
Pet/healer trannies everybody.


>Aoi Yuuki boss with bgm by Mili
boy looks like i'm resubbing

Post the headpat

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stop being poor you subhuman

I thought WoW was the game with fatties.

don't be rude to the hrothgar, they're good boys

Even poor subhumans like can play desu.

>teased as capitalism gone awry
>scathing criticism of socialism instead


Oi mate, what did you said about our king

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Real talk
ure a NIGGER

this game is full of redpills

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>Even fat chicks are cuter here than in wow

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Do you agree?

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I finally know why Yshtola rejected Little Sun after seeing her get carried in the arms of a strong manly cat

So Indiana Jones and the slutty cat is Raubahn 2.0

alright, cya

>Really like the two Jester characters
>FC tells me they're another lame reference

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>Alphinaud questline
>The architect made a cameo

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How do you see it for a newbie to start this game from the start, for the story mostly.

when exactly is 4.1 coming out?

To what? Jester pairs? That's like saying a ship sinking is a reference to the titanic.

Beginning's rather slow, especially during a certain section of the original ARR story were they make you do a lot of fetch quest shit, but it's still quite comfy and gets better the further you go in

I don't want to fight the Ascians anymore. They just want to have their old life back.


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Two years ago.

5.1 comes out on the second.

>Better than HW
I sure hope so considering I dropped the game at HW.
The whole dragon conflict was REALLY fucking boring.
I could not give less of a shit about the edgy lancer dude who has Nidhoggs eye.

>Didn't play IX
Secondary detected.

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They were a pretty overt reference to Zorn and Thorn.
Shame they didn't remix the theme or employ a similar speech pattern.

I'm in the middle of my first playthrough, I forgot about those character. It's not like FFIX came up with the idea of dual jesters either.

Not him but I could easily afford the sub, but playing through the early game feels like paying to work, and I really don't like the idea of just skipping everything for a fee either. If the base game without any of the expansions would be f2p I'd pick it up again and start paying once I reach the first expansion

Welcome to the final fantasy series newfriend

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The free trial goes up to lvl 30 or something.

Has Biggs and Wedge always had voices?

its shit until you get to around level 50
but getting there is hard because the main quest design (from the base game) is fucking awful and are 90% of the time walking to talk to some NPC far from the teleporter

Because you have to work for the things in life you want to enjoy.

>try to fight ranjit
>maintain hp
>dodge all AoE
>suddenly oneshot out of nowhere

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They are just referencing zorn and thorn from ff9 but loosely

Did you not do the zenos fight that was almost identical near the start of StB?

I’m not far in the msq but I’m hoping for a fight later on with this

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Get shit on kid

Yeah, they were voiced in ARR when you infiltrated the Castrum to save the Scions.

I did that, but he didn't oneshot me

bros i did it, im 80


Why does this game have so many trannies?

>mfw Thancred kills Ran'jit
This is the worst death for such an antagonist.

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Sorry to hear that
Have fun waiting 3 months until actual content drops

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How good is GNB? I want to not play paladin anymore.


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>SMN becomes lightning fast and replaces pet micro with ability micro and tight oGCD windows
>MCH becomes autistic and you just blindly press all the buttons as fast as possible
>BLM gets 2 more skills and shits out absolutely insane damage to the point where it doesn't even matter if you drop Enochian a few times
>RDM is still boring and useless

Pretty bullshit how they did the Zenos "you cannot defeat me" thing twice.
I get that the WoL can't be stronger than everyone, but I'd prefer they didn't characterise a threat with a cop-out instant-loss fight. Maybe layer the mechanics until you can't dodge fast enough and lose organically.

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This guy is the best character in ShB. I root for him.

Does anyone know if Thancred speaks Gaelic in the cutscene with the Faeries or if it's just made up? It feels like it'd be an easy way to add some texture to it.

Not as good as PLD but by far the most fun tank in the game right now.

Fuck Yoshi for putting a 90fps hard cap.
I have a 120Hz monitor for a fucking reason!

The game feels so fucking sluggish at 90.

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Well, the duty failed in my case, now I'm retrying, but since I absolutely don't know what I did wrong last time, since I dodged absolutely all of his AoE, I'm confused and hope it won't happen again.
Is it a damage check?
Do I need to pop defensives?

I hate SMN now
why did they remove the auto pet spells if you still have to use them on cooldown

our chocobos are manlets ree

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>>BLM gets 2 more skills and shits out absolutely insane damage to the point where it doesn't even matter if you drop Enochian a few times
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. Now that personal DPS is more important than ever BLM will have a meta spot for sure.

I'm trying to summon Feo UI and its not working.
Anyone else had a problem with this?

SMN is so shit now


Its an L , not an I

Why are you pretending to be retarded?

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You are not typing it right. Ya most likely missing a ,

>50k damage Hissatsu: Senei crit

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>he fell for the above 60hz monitor meme

>WHM AF4 is a white burka
wtf were they thinking

What is the best GATE and why is it Leap of Faith?

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Jumping puzzles are fun.

Oh yes.

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>In queue for solo duty
Time to shitpost

Yeah, already been past that
I like the game but 80% of it just feels like pointlessly stretched busywork and I wouldn't mind it if I didn't have to pay for it monthly

>>they will defend being able to play an mmo without ever having to interact with someone
why does this need defending?
quit projecting. it's fine if you don't have any friend sto play with.

... Damn, maybe I need to pick IX back up
Dropped it after the short post Alexander timeskip since I didn't know where to go and even guides didn't help

>minfilia ex
i guess a queue is better than 90001

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>double the big-dick damage
Unfortunately I don't have Tsubame Gaeshi yet, but I am very much looking forward to it.

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I'm playing the free trial and I'm at level 20 at the moment. I believe the trial ends when you hit 35, and since I'm enjoying the game so far I figure I might as well spend 10bux to get the full game. Should I buy the expansions right away as well, or can I keep playing with just the base game for now, until I hit a certain point where I need the expansions to progress?

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>guides didn’t help

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Guess it was a bug. The second time, his oneshot move just dropped my character to his knees and triggered a cutscene, instead of outright killing me and making me do it all over again.

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and people ask why i like jrpg more that the west cuck shit


I don't even remember anymore, I was pretty unmotivated anyways and I think the guide went on to do a bunch of sidestuff

>Bought an item in the mogstation 3 hours ago
>Still hasn't been delivered yet
Is anyone else getting this problem?
It's fucking annoying

Big boys need big chocobos

May aswell just get shadowbringer. I think you can still get the 30% earrings.

Which healer is the most fun to play at 80?

I like Air Force One but wish there were more courses

You can't progress above level 35 but it doesnt end, you can still try other classes

>There are people who unironically are upset that TP was eliminated and believe AoE skills must cost something

>Alphinaud is no longer for you, but Estinien instead
That Dragoon's survival was a mistake

Did you request the delivery in game?

They hate physical dps and want them to suffer?

can i get a shirt i beat off to titania

get some rest champ

Make sure your mailbox isn't full and that yoy hit the request item button in the mailbox and then relog.


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Any pvpers around here?
If i'm getting this right, If i start doing feast right now does the rank transfer over to the next season no questions asked? Does it decay with inactivity?

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Feo Ul has some anger issues

Yea my mailbox is empty, and ive been hitting request every 20 mins. Still aint working. Kinda worry since i did buy a mount that was supposed to be account wide

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Is the solo queue something that can be fixed? Will they do even more zone instances?

Man I wish that heavy iron armor had a separate helmet or even a movable visor. It looks weirdly stretched out in the z-axis as well.

She's fae, what did you expect?

>the fairies turn people into bushes
This is horrifying.

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Just got done with that one m8

Dancer is pretty based.

Just keep waiting since their shit may be busy with requests. If 24 hours pass and you still haven't got it then send in a ticket.

i hope not
back to assfaggots and zoomer shooters you go

Is there anything in the First that isn't?

Do you actually get to act edgy or is it another expansion of being a silent goody two shoes?

>buying anything in the cash shop
That's where you fucked up. Don't ever pay more than a sub fee if the game demands it. Else you'll send the message that it's okay to jew the fuck out of the game.
But who the hell am I kidding, they already make more money off fantasia addicts than actual game subs. I spit on these people.

That's pretty par for the course for Faeries, they're fucked up in mythology.

I play that with a controller, and it's still really easy to get S-ranks; I can only imagine how easy it must be with a mouse.

Are there anymore sin eater transformations?

Should i play ff14?

There's a free trial

give the free trial a shot

Is FFXIV the loneliest game of them all, or am I just to autistic to find a FC?
I played for literal thousands of hours, I got all classes to 70 by this point, and I'm pretty sure I know my combat classes and encounters well enough not to be a burden to anyone, but still the only people I know in this game are various ERP trannies who keep friending me for no reason.

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Yes Your Mum turns into one after the penultimate dungeon because She's a pretty sinful eater if ya catch my drift

They explain it in the questline, pixies are the souls of the children who died to the flood, that's why they're stuck in a play mode for eternity.
They're just children.

Not even outside of the norm.

How has no one sent you a random invite?

I don't have free time to play the game due to the work.
Can anyone tl;dr me story of shadowbringers? Who are the enemies? What's the biggest plot twist?

What server should i play?

Can I just buy all the expansions and make a bunny or do I have to play a bit first

Are you actually trying to find an FC or are you waiting to get invited? No one really talks in this game if its not FC chat or discord so you'll get a really abysmal community experience if you're not actively seeking to talk to people. At most you'll get the random mass invite copypaste tell to join an FC

Has anyone actually gotten into a solo instance after being in queue? I'm sitting on 28 minutes and still after 50.

Is that Inu Curry art?

>hit level 72
>unlock both despair and aspect mastery
it begins!

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Whatever's open, considering most of them are locked due to congestion right now


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any low pop server

I'm in one moving pretty fast. I started at 50+ but after 10 minutes it's down to 45.

Looks kinda like it, doesn't it?

Amaro seem kinda nice.

I know, but still, Jesus.

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>Odds - Buy
>Evens - Don't Buy

No, I'm not trying, why woul I?
If someone needs me I'm sure they will ask.

How hard do leveling dungeons hit in ShB? Worth being cautious?

Something something we got to stop the Eight Umbral Calamity/rejoining of the First or we're all fucked

How hard would it be to make a mod that changes the color of 1 small part of hair?
I want to make the hair tie in Viera ponytail black instead of white.

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no user pls I love my mom

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Doesn't look like it but looks inspired from it.

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>light ui

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Well shit now what do I do.

A lot of the regular enemies have tank busters. Make sure you stun if you see a cast bar with no aoe indicator.

As long as you have Shadowbringers, you can make a bun bun.

So you're choosing to play alone, you already know the answer to your question

What's wrong with the light UI? It makes everything easier to read and adds clarity.

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its clearly evens

Steal it.

Mathematically speaking, zero is even.

Only play the free trial

>Zero is even
Next you're gonna tell me 1 is a prime number.

Shit nigga what the fuck

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>50+ person queue for the main story quest
really shouldn't have put this off yesterday

also nice game fftards etc.

the viera's chocobos are bigger than ours

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they dont have light inventory icons with light background and the light UI clashes with the grey inventory icons

If I'm brand new, any helpful advice for starting out.
Is the green data center the one with the best ping?
Does server matter? Which one should I chose?

i took cure 3 off my bar

Maybe you are correct. However, I didn't have this issue in literally every other MMORPG I played, eventually someone would always come up to me and ask for me to join.
Maybe I should try asking someone, but I dislike bothering strangers for no reason, unless they approach me.
It makes no sense. I don't want to beg for sympathy, as I would consider myself a top tier player in all regards. I know my lore, I know how to craft literally everything in the game, I am a fairly friendly, non-inflammatory person, I am a tank/support main, and I know how to play most classes I stuck with near perfectly, but it's still not enough for people to notice me.

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It doesn't even work. I would prefer the lottery style of Raubahn EX. At least you could get past it if you were determined enough by spam clicking.

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No, 1 is not a prime number. The defining trait of all prime numbers is that it has exactly two positive divisors (i.e. 1 and itself). Though 1 is indeed divisible by 1 and itself, since those two are the same it only has one positive divisor, so it's not a prime number.

However, zero fits all defining traits of an even number, so it is even.

Is SCH the least gay healer?

It isn't that bad. Much better than waiting literal days for Raubahn

Attached: Queue.png (438x251, 31K)

Cunnyphillia is adorable and I love her. Much better than her old hag self

>on-demand fairy onahole


Also, as a new comer, what are some of the most fun classes to main starting from level 1?

your datacenter matters more than your server, but i would suggest making a character on a preferred server so you get an xp boost
all the datacenters are located in the same place as well, so pick na if you're na, eu if you're yuro, etc.

Literally none of them. None of the classes start to get good until after 30.

None, it's unanimous that early game is shit, play what you want bas on what it looks like at 35,50,60

>AST has sparkles and horoscope bullshit only girls believe on
>SCH has fairies and butterflies
>WHM has blood lilies

Is this trial even worth it? Did I fuck myself by not grinding MSQ to the expansion?

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Why did I get MP here? This happened again during the same astral fire phase like 5 seconds later too

Attached: blm MP.webm (1000x562, 2.81M)

Alright, thanks user.

Anyone know why the bonus changes color for some classes?

Attached: well-rested bonus.webm (546x106, 203K)

the trial is just an extreme version of ultima which gives nothing relevant

blue means it continues into the next level you babboon

It's okay user, when you have a nice job someday with plenty of disposable income you can do whatever you want

you got a server tick before the client updated. it's what happens when you lag.

I know nothing about this, is there sfm porn

>I don't want to beg for sympathy,
Isn't that what you're dong posting here right now?

Do you reckon Voidsent have the same ability to infect things as Sin Eaters?
Or is that a unique property of the light?

>how are you liking it
Monk feels totally barebones to play at 50-60 now, shit sucks

Yes, but keep in mind that this is an anonymous image board, and as such, I am posting as an anonymous person right now.

Not very good sfm porn no. The models are not very high quality.


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hydaelyn being hydaelyn.

Are ex trials already available, or I still have time to level up and farm gear in 80lvl dungeons?
>literal days for Raubahn
It was fixed in day

Voidsent on the 13th had, that's why nero had that crispy purple look at the end of the crystal tower questline. But the voidsent that are summoned to the source are probably too weak to do it.

How old is she supposed to be now?

it doesn't get better at 70 or 80

did somebody upload the song from the cinematic trailer already
i'm retarded and can't find it

An anonymous person begging for sympathy lol

begging for anonymous sympathy, the lowest of all things

People are already defeated the final boss user what's taking you so long?

You can see them doing it in some side quests.

i didnt think it was possible to make a more vapid and anoying character than lyse but yoshi p really outdid himself with minfila. truly based



The que you dumb fuck

Not that other guy, and I don't doubt what you say, but:
>It makes no sense. I don't want to beg for sympathy, as I would consider myself a top tier player in all regards. I know my lore, I know how to craft literally everything in the game, I am a fairly friendly, non-inflammatory person, I am a tank/support main, and I know how to play most classes I stuck with near perfectly, but it's still not enough for people to notice me.
If your main interaction with other players is the one off interactions in dungeons and the like, how will the other players know these things?
With the other games you mention people going up and inviting you to stuff. Those people are players as well, so they're in the same position as you. Someone has to make the first move at some point, and with an MMO the expectation is that people can and will talk to you, so I don't think everyone will try to run away if you approach them.
I mean I'm a massive hypocrite since I'm fairly new and don't interact much with other players so I'm in a similar position. But I guess I'll need to try and make some friends if I want to be in a group.

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Did they make any changes to ereka or pagos?

>do fun dungeon
>now have to watch 10 hours of cutscenes
>do fun trial
>10 more hours of shit cutscenes

cant wait for it to be over already. my autism is not leting me skip the custcenes

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have you fuckers even seen what a reassembled drill is capable of yet?

lol just finish the queue and hurry up with the main quest

thanks bros

If it's been bright outside for 100 years, why do towns have lamps?

was race to a tunnel that has to end? the story is half of the game

Just incase the warrior of darkness happens to appear and restore the night.

>Doing DRK shit
>Running alongside other players
>Tank their quest mobs along with mine
>Know that nobody cares, but I feel cool so whatever

>Encounter BLM
>They blow the fuck out of both our mobs
>Pull ahead of them briefly
>Clear out that sin eater attacking that old bitch
>BLM is there as I finish the cutscene, getting fucking murdered
>Provoke and hold its attention long enough for the BLM to drop some Fire 3 and kill it

>meanwhile the city's military is led by a refugee

all the changes were done in sb

I don't know bro. WHM also has really girly animations like spinning around and shit.

My sympathies

Who is using Light Mode?

>It's shit until you get to leave 50 and do 200 quests to catch up
Yoshi should be executed.

Give me 1 (one) reason why you're not level 80 yet user.

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because im level 78

more like 90%. nothing but paded shit most of it

because I'm not a cutscene skipper or NEET

So NOW can someone tell me what Shadowbringers even is about?
Where in the world does it even happen?


Girlfriend won't let me play more than 3 hours a day.

>Where in the world does it even happen?
It's an isekai.

I'm a casual.

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Because I only started a few weeks ago, have been leveling MRD and LNC/DRG roughly in step, and I don't like skipping story stuff. Also I spent way too much time in the Golden Saucer.

I still wonder how they managed to turn this guy from cocky homofag into a slightly rough but total bro dude.

The fairies and Feo Ul are shit in Japanese so basic and boring.

>Filthy PS4 plebian
>Shuffled around hotbars so Edge of Darkness rests where I used to keep Souleater
>Get up to Syphon Strike in a combo
>Instinctively hit "Souleater"
>Then fuck up the combo by hitting Hard Slash
>"wtf where's my Souleater heal?"
THis has been me for the past day

Literally anything would be better than StormShit

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>Horoscope falls off without doing anything if you don't manually trigger it in the time limit
What the fuck Square. It's bad enough that the base version is like 100 potency so it's worthless unless you spend a gcd to power it up.

I bought the starter edition last week

Oh no.

to keep brown faggots like you out

all right ill take the bait
>bragging about faust minion

They're voiced by Aya Endou, the same seiyuu as Lyse.

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So is there ever a reason to turn grit off anymore?

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>skips every cutscene and is 80 in a day
is he based ior what?

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I'm actually surprised what they did with Minfilia. I thought it was going to be that she's either our Minfilia but regressed to a child with memory loss. But this....holy shit they are really making everyone suffer huh.

Anyone got any idea when ACT might be updated?

>is autist
Like poetry.

i put dfissipation where i used to have esuna and i've been eating my fairy every time someone gets poisoned

was it worth skipping all the cutscenes and playing for 24 hours straight

It's been one day and the good players are already doing Titania EX and talking about BiS and materia stuff. I feel so slow and shitty now.

are there things to do for people who play solo?

why, what happened

when you're offtanking.

Jokes on you, I skipped all the cutscenes, played ~18 hours straight then 5 hours sleep then 9 hours straight. Haha you look like such an idiot now.

G'raha Tia

you are forced to play in parties to continue the story but nobody gives a fuck if you're autistic and antisocial, you don't have to say anything

The child isn't minfilia, she's just being possessed like what the asciens do, by minfilia

>the good players
you mean the NEET players that skip everything

>being good means rushing content asap
lmfao what? just take your time and enjoy the game, it's not meant for rushing like an autist, that's literally WoW mentality.

>tfw computer died a month before release
>still didn't even get new parts yet
I want to play but shit is expensive

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Reminder you can spend bicolor gemstones on mount speed maps.

why she gotta be like that

>caring about fflogs trannies

he is a retard

They'll be the first ones complaining about the lack of content while waiting for .1.

Presenting her cunny to her protector

Who? What anime have they been in.

Okay, and what's the advantage of that, unless you're a loser who does hunts?

how long do you think tank queues will be fucked for?

Why bother? It doesn't effect flying.

>whats the advantage of moving faster
Did you really just ask this?

SCH has literal pocket sluts, the other dude is obviously just a closeted WHMfaggot.

I did for a second too, but they just paid 40 or more dollars to skip everything they paid for

Until SCH and AST get fixed.

It's even worse, Old Minfilia comes back and tells Thancred that if the girl can handle her destiny she will reliquinsh her life to the girl. Otherwise old Minfilia will take over her body.

Thancred...doesn't take it well

I only have heavensward

Do farms with the party finder and actually talk. I often spend hilarious evenings farming nidhogg scales or primal mounts with strangers

working on gathering an crafting to keep all my jobs even leveled

>Can't take the shitshow that is WoW anymore
>Consider looking for other games to fill the hole

Do I try this on steam or directly? Right now most anything could be a better option than BFA

It's even WORSE, she's done this countless times over the course of a hundred years, possessing babies, making them become warriors to doe to the sin eaters before being reborn again in another child

How much time do you spend doing shit in the overworld though, once you've finished the MSQ, unless you're hunting or a gatherer?
For most people there's no reason to bother.

You'd probably know her best as the Sword Maiden from Goblin Slayer, the sleepy scientist from Date A Live, or as Kid Gil and Quetzalcoatl in Fate. Also Akane from Ar Tonelico Qoga.

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Is it true that Shadowbringer lets you solo all story dungeons and trials with ease with this trust system?

get the non steam version

Ahhhh grinding back to 70 is the most annoying part


and I haven't even unlocked HoH yet

I'd kinda agree with you. I've made a ton of "friends" and my FL is full. But I have to constantly initiate conversation or its a one way street. It's a way of life though. Not sure if I'm happy about it but hey someone to talk to.

Because I leveled GNB and got to 72 in the first day.

only 5.0 story dungeons. no trials, no raids, no older content.

You can't solo trials but yea

Are you? It is hard capped. Care to retort?

You're an idiot, seriously. Or blind. Or 40 years old or poor.

Seriously fuck Yoshi for the 90 fps cap. Refresh is not the same as for, FYI.

>women place is in the kitchen
>SCH attack is called broil

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Worse still, Thancred so learns that if the child doesn't want to live anymore old minfilia will take over, and he ends up becoming an abusive cunt

>He doesn't know true chefs are all men
As expected from a cockwrangler.

>all the SCH's bitching because healing is hard now and they can't even DPS because of it.


Yikes phone poster-kun

Anyone know what the blm aoe rotation is with their new trait at 72?

Just buy a used PS4

If any healer should be bitching it's AST after the celestial reaming they got.

True chefs aren't surrounded by fairies and butterflies.

>40 minute wait for Dohm Meg with a tank/healer.

Yea Forums, how can one man be so incredibly based and redpilled?

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I love the new ast making sure to get my 3 seals, but divination should be 120 not 180.

but muh account
muh lvl 70

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>likes new AST
That's a yikes.

>its a I spend 20 minutes in que for trails episode
>i get in
>its Titania with 30 minutes remaining

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Quite the contrary, true chefs are also followed by a flock of bitches.

>Guy so homo he somehow thinks having your own personal pocket slut is somehow gay
Just how?

Are healer mains really going to spend ths entire expansion projecting about how everything is ruined because their special boy class has a couple less DoTs to manage?

You have to be 18 to post here kiddo.

True chefs also don't dress like schoolgirls.

>Less gameplay is good duurrrrrrr
Seriously where the fuck do you retards come from?

>healing is hard now
i got the vault in roullette and it was a fucking nightmare. thing is, there's not enough wiggle room for healers to carry if dumbasses start fucking up mechanics. there are a lot of dumbasses that have been carried by us and i'm afraid healers are gonna start getting blamed now

It doesn't really matter about losing buttons but that the developer philosophy behind it.
It just means healers are going to keep getting easier to cater to people who can barely handle strictly healing let alone anything else thrown in the mix.

Bros, Im gonna fuck the Fairy King!

I just want bane back so I can spread biolysis.

Your account will still be there. It's shared across pc and ps4.

Real men don't need to walk around in a can kiddo, that's for pussies and bitches.

But what does a heckling little sap know?

So why is she a child now?

any classic players playing this instead of retail until august? it's ok, but I'm only 54

Steam version has some issues I'm guessing? Going non-steam anyway

What's the point of flamethrower now that it doesn't build heat?

Thinking that players will be taking the same kind of damage at all times throughout an expansion is naive.
Eventually people will understand mechanics and get better gear, and then where do healers fit in terms of "getting better"?
DPS can maximize their cooldowns, lessen movement. Tanks can sit outside of Tank Stance more and be more aggressive with their cooldowns. Healers get to push 1 some more, if that. It's just lame to have the ceiling brought down so low.

steam version is more expensive and soon if for whatever reason steam is down then you can't log into the game

It was already explained in the thread.

>Literally getting aetherflow off cooldown with two chargers left on the previous one because healing is so fucking trivial
>Spend more than 80% of combat spamming broil
What the fuck are you doing to make this hard? Literally rolling your face over the keyboard? Healing naked? What the fuck man?

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens

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Should I level a MCH or get my BLM main to 80 or whatever the new cap is first

did the new changes even effect BLM at all I feel like the rotation would be the same

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>>Spend more than 80% of combat spamming broil
This is the entire reason healers should be given more damage options not less by the way. People will still bitch that they are whining though, like to see how any job feels when your "optimal damage rotation" is pushing literally 2 buttons.

What's the point of flamethrower anymore?


>just finished the msq
wow, it must be pretty short

Your main attack is a cooking method. You dress like a school girl. You walk around with a fairy that's made from your own aether, a book with butterfly wings and you have spells that spawn butterflies from thin air.

No matter how much you try SCH does sound really gay.

Guys did SE fuck up the leveling?

I've just started Il Mheg and I'm already level 75 just doing all the quests and some Fates and DR. While Il Mheg is asking you to be at level 72. Meaning I'm still at least at the beginning of the story correct? Why is it easier this time around to level up?

>Tank Stance

but yeah, healer changes suck

I mean that or actually give healers something to heal, right now it's just broil or art of war, I feel almost like a fucking SMN pet just spamming my one attack cooldown and occasionally throwing out an actual spell.

more xp from msq and fates plus synced shit. Plus updated roulettes since sb launch. I was 76 on titania and havent done single side quest,

Lol what's even the point of gunbreaker? Worse in everything and still does less damage than warrior lol

Brain still in SB mode but you know what I mean.

That's what I'm saying. It's so easy this time around and the levels don't match up where you actually are.

don't sidequests now scale exp based on level instead of giving a flat rate?

I have a job and I like to take it slow

You explained it yourself.

is TERA still alive?

dont forgot how much rested exp we have im well into 77 and its still full

Is it true? I don't know how to whistle but is it that easy?

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>Chef, one of the manliest professions indicative of leadership and calm under great duress
>Little wee girly is obsessed with how people dress, SCH doesn't give a fuck
>Has personal pocket slut for personal use, lets it deal with the menial chore of healing plebs while they get down to business
>Cool Lepidopterology shit on the side

Come out of the closet already, faggot. You're seeing homos everywhere and that means something.

>You're an idiot, seriously. Or blind. Or 40 years old or poor.
can't see the difference if I never tried
you're the idiot that will have to keep buying expensive monitors and hardware because you can't go back to 60 now

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>synced quest

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Haven't gone to Il Mheg yet. Is it an early ShB story map?

>be a lalafell
>get read children's picture books

do NOT patronize the warrior of light

>He can't whistle

I never tried machinist before, when wildfire ends it automatically deals damage right? or do I need to actually activate detonator?

Poetics won't be used for some entry level level 80 gear right?

Not all healer mains.

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You seem obsessed with the pocket onahole but you're forgetting that she's made from your aether.

You're literally dicking yourself.


fae are some of the most powerful and terrifying creatures in human mythology, you irl lorelet

it's a movie reference

so i just looked up final boss and why the fuck it's a Hades? Wasn't it Solus? Who the fuck is hades? New primal that Solus merged with like Zenos did at the end of SB?

Just because they can censor mainstream garbage media by crying doesn't mean they have any real power.

Implying slapping 3 dots instead of 1 then spamming broil isn't just as boring.

How is new WHM I'm thinking about burning my books and astrolabe and embracing the cane.

It’s the same but more damage and easier to get to Umbral ice and fire

SCH just needs energy drain back and it's perfect. The issue then is having content that's difficult enough to force out more gcd heals.

AST feels underwhelming and probably needs a few more things than that.

WHM is better than it's ever been.

Is it officially acknowledged instance queues are fucked? Someone mentioned that there's ghost dungeons being left up so the maximum number of instances is sitting at cap i.e. leading to super long queues. I'm taking this with a grain of salt unless there's an official post.

Where did I say SB was perfect? I'm saying removing options is bad. They should've built up Healers ability to do damage instead of just homogenize it.
Could you imagine actually questing 70-80 as a pure healer? It'd be mind numbingly boring.

>turn on some random stream of xiv yesterday while waiting in queue to join
>streamer keeps skipping all the cutscenes and dialogues
>barely pays any attention to the game and just keeps reading her chat
Why even play this game at that point?

It's always nice when people out themselves as idiots that don't play the game when you see this come up. This is a non-issue out of the many, many actual problems that can be brought up. When I see this, I know I'm dealing with bait.


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That's not how aether works buddy, next you'll tell me BLM's are literally just bodyslamming the enemy too.

You also seem to forget these are two rather specific faeries and not just something of your own making, but you knew that already, you're just desperate for a way out of a lost cause.

We can't have too many skills because of ability bloat and not enough hotbars to be able to hit everything, unless they make all the combo skills a single button press similar to pvp.

from a canon standpoint, shouldn't all adventurers start in limsa lominsa?


Lots of niggers and raid trannies are doing that. I've been playing since the servers came up save an 8 hour sleep last night and I'm still in the Rak'tika Greatwood. Those people also complain about the game having nothing to do/being boring too.

Do they have manvoice in the JP dub as well? This may finally get me to switch.

How come? I thought Gridania was a perfect start.

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this basically. skill culling every expansion is because controllerfags dont have enough buttons

Man, Hydaelyn really fucked Minfilia, and this kid over


Lol what's even the point of [Insert tank class]? Worse in everything and still does less damage than warrior lol

>mfw the cutscene after the endboss of the lvl 80 dungeon when the "thing" happens and the music starts playing

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>Japanese ripoff of wow plays like a cheap ripoff of wow
Oh who could have guessed
There is a reason why wow at its best expansion had 12 million players and 1 million at its worst
Whereas faggot fantasy at it's BEST expansion has the same amount of players as BFA and it's worst point almost bankrupted SE.
It's just a shit game from the ground up

They sound like girls in Japanese

Most XIV content creators suck.
Saw this guy shilling his stream and he had the personality of a brick.

what? why?

It wouldn't be terribly difficult to give healers a stance that augments abilities and add new interactions to them.

I just started a few weeks ago and grinded up to 60 on potd and then realized I couldn't level past 60 if I bought shb until the 28th, and now I realize I have to do this stupid main story anyway. This game had been working hard to not get me to play. Fortunately WoW is trash so whatever.


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Uldah you mean


didn't she die ages ago what's going on?

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There's a little bit of tongue action involved, but pretty much.

No, it's the fat guy. Solus is now one of your buddies.

they could call it something like Cleric Stance lol

yes i'm still salty about that

Now that's a fucking lie. a single W cross hotbar without needing to change a page has 32 spaces, an addition 8 or 16 if you activate the L2 and R2 or R2 and L2. All they'd do to be able to visually see them is put the skills on the normal hotbars for to check for cooldowns only. Learn to play with a controller before you shit on that you uncultured swine.

I was playing HoH and PotD with some friends to help the m level DNC and GUN. I was also sick as a dog and sleeping half the day. I was also playing Mario Maker 2, which is a lot of fun. That fucking Eraser, man. He's too hardcore for me.

Probably the best it's ever been. Even spamming Holy, with the new MP regen you don't run out. The two Afflatus heals that everyone bitched about at first because they're GCDs feed into this because they're a free to cast Cure II and Medica. Think of it as sort of being bottomless... not the same way or mechanics as BLM, but still that same feeling of never having to stop. Also the upgrades into Dia and Glare are nice with those who have enough XI autism to be annoyed at having had to use Stone and Aero all those years.

I don't know user, I'm not the one doing a lot of mental gymnastics to prove fairies and butterflies don't sound gay.

Is the cat for sale?



>Solus is now one of your buddies

I think you are bullshitting me. I remember leaks showing datamined arts for each duty. The last one had Solus while in background was the same destroyed green sity like in Hades fight

Yes actually


I'm at work suck my dick.

It's cheap, retard. I bought my 1070 5 years ago and my monitor 4 years ago. Cost total 800. Sorry you're poor. I also play shooters.

The writing in the story is good. I can't believe people play a Final Fantasy game and skip that.

Were people right?
Do we get Solus as a trust?

So the 13th turning into the void was only a bad thing because the Ascians didn't have a corresponding Calamity set up on the Source for a rejoining to occur, right?

Welp, shit. I actually liked the dub actors for the most part, too. But this is way too distracting and obviously an "agenda" ploy.

That's a bait and switch, the actual data mined boss model was zodiark despite solus being on the duty finder art

Ul'dah is the canon starting city, almost everything that happens after 2.0 revolves around it.

>32 spaces
>25 of them taken up by things like mount and the equip screen that you need relatively often, but dont need in battle and are too much of a pain to get to on a controller

>notices bombs were put in place, and were about to explode
>doesn't even bother to give a heads up
You fucking assholes

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I play shooters too, at 60fps with a gtx 1080
how many recent games can you play at 144fps with your 1070?

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ok good. i never know around here because you still see retards defending the cleric stance removal

Wonderfull. I need to increase my family.

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Emet-Selch is literally the best character of this addon. You can't prove me wrong.

Any Siren player here? Just re-subbed and I stopped playing before HW came out.

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Yea Forums hates em but vtubers do an insanely good job at streaming XIV then literally anyone under the twitch section

>like the equip screen
>when it takes literally two button presses, start and X to get there


This isn't a general you faggot