What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: went wrong.png (1025x825, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Literally who







>pretending to not know someone because they are richer than you



Nomura wasnt fired.


Attached: herf derf fegitz.png (1058x943, 226K)

>samefagging this hard your thread to relevancy

I'm sorry, who?

I literally don't know who that is though.




>gets an article from a literal who to a literal who that probably never played any other kingdom heart game

>Being a newfag that can't count IPs


If you genuinely thought that was samefag you might be clinically retarded.

Kingdom... Hearts?

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Who are (you)?

>0 shares for an irrelevant article about someone literally no one knows who it is
fuck off retard

member when CSI used to be a popular show

how salty do you have to be to pretend you don't know sodapoppin



>e-celeb orbiting zoomer calling anyone or anything pathetic

woah is that ettika now?

How autistic do you have to be to think Yea Forums cares about twitch streamers


It overstayed a bit too long.

>this whole thread

Attached: 1.gif (249x190, 1.99M)


The only game streamer I know is Werster.

How did you even find this article?

No seriously, who?

I actually don't know who Sodapoppin is. Granted I don't care about Twitch and when I use it I deliberately scroll down the the channels with 50-400 viewers. I much prefer to communicate with a streamer playing a game than spamming faggot ass emotes into the void.


I just ate pizza :)

my cousin does that too and he's borderline autistic

He literally said that he stopped playing because he didn't understand the story, it's the final game in a series of like 9 or 10 games and it's the first one he played are you fucking kidding me

>giving a fuck about streamers
>knowing streamers by name
>watching streamers
Seriously, what the fuck is the appeal? Is it like a MST3K type thing? Do you watch them for insight? If so, why not watch a guide? I don't get these fuckers.

>How autistic do you have to be to think Yea Forums cares about twitch streamers

Attached: archivesoda.png (507x30, 4K)

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imaging thinking this kind of people is famous for people that play games instead of watching other people doing it (and pretending they are friends)

Etika got a stick

>trying to shame people for not keeping up with e-celeb shit

Attached: 54pz7HCU_400x400.jpg (199x199, 8K)

Ah yes, Yea Forums - who streamers and who twitter posts

Attached: 1558168434085.png (546x459, 5K)

Why are you searching for your own posts

>spamming emotes into the void isn't autistic

Attached: 1535055110152.png (811x561, 580K)

that's it?

Who is that e-celeb?

Also e-celeb drama is not video games

> this whole thread

I've heard the name Sodapoppin, but I have no fucking idea who he is. I feel like he got a big after Ninja did, and now people act like he's been around forever. While everyone here has at least probably heard the name, I doubt they're all lying when they ask who the fuck this person is, and why him having the common sense to drop a shit game quickly is news.

The only e-celebs I know are Pewds and that retard from classic wow that keeps appearing on memes here, fuck off.

who ?

I want a containment board this this kind of shit. I don't know this guy, I don't care about him or why he dropped KH III. Why should I?

you don't need to type anything

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Try Vinesauce, Erika or Ninja. Those are the ones Yea Forums gives a shit about. Also in all these years, 1k mentions aren't a lot.

>Why should I?

because this is probably a barry shitposting thread

>pretending to know someone to look smart on...Yea Forums

2459 results for shigeru miyamoto


You don't need to watch other people play games ultimately. Tell me again why someone's upset Yea Forums doesn't care about e-celeb faggots.

I genuinely don’t know who that is and why his opinion specifically matters.

Is he a big Kingdom Hearts fan?

How many for shiggy diggy?

>I don't know every rich person on earth. Therefore, I am sad.

The fuck?

Who hurt you?

I honestly used to enjoy it when it first came out


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>Not caring about streamers makes you salty
Just play video games man
Stop watching others do it
If you watch streams you should take a break and re-evaluate what you spend your time on

That's because your search query was the whole name you when most people type "miyamoto" or "shigeru" you dumbfuck

Attached: Capture.jpg (674x36, 6K)

Now type in shiggy and just miyamoto

You forget that this place isn't Reddit, despite how much people claim it is. We don't talk about ecelebs here openly without threads getting deleted by mods or people getting banned because guess what fuck stick? Regardless of whether or not video games are related to the person, who I still haven't fucking heard of after you dropped his name, it's not on topic because you want to discuss the guy and not the game. No one gives a shit here about ecelebs, go post it on Reddit where you orbit these retards and hail them as gods enough to want to talk about them daily and try to rain shit down upon anyone who doesn't know or doesn't care

This is now a Punch-Out thread
Shoo zoomers

Attached: sodaback.gif (317x554, 9K)

>caring about e-celebs


Specifically the ones richer than you, which is probably way more than you think.

>literally who
>looks through thread
>hits up google
>Thomas Jefferson Chance Morris IV
I thought Trump was kicking out unwelcomed people with 4 names?

Attached: Sodapoppin.png (610x447, 31K)

that turk aussie who rants about that shity final fantasy game I've seen posted about the past week?

>Watching streamers who thank subs/donations every 5mins

Its always nice to see an e-celeb posting faggot get blown the fuck out. Cheers basedfaggots.

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Re:coded should be moved up two tiers but otherwise I'd say it's accurate

Having a bias in a definition makes the thing your defining look terrible. Why do people do this?

The only streamer I care about is CarlSagan42.

>that turk aussie who rants about that shity final fantasy game I've seen posted about the past week?

Yeah, he shits on everything else because he thinks FFXV is the best and thinks anyone who hates XV is a, and I quote, "Nomura cocksucking fanboy who has never played XV"

I've legitimately never heard of this man. Not even memeing

>358/2 has great character development
>the story and gameplay are shit
It's not fair.


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Literally fucking who kid? Take e-celeb trash to

>no one gives a shit about ecelebs
Just because the threads usually get deleted by 150-300 posts doesnt make that true, as evidenced by the fact that they are always at the top of the activity feed when they're up.

You sound really underaged.

>people being triggered over a literal who making millions playing vidya
>people being triggered over those being triggered

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Might be an unpopular opinion but the only story I really like is KH1. It is a really nice simple story and did not need to turn into the cluster fuck it is now. It also really hasn't paid off except arguably the end of KH2. I haven't beat KH3 yet but man the plot is complete ass. The game is good on Critical mode though.

If all the game listed are on their FM version then i agree and i hope the Remind dlc can atleast push 3 to be on par with 2 fm

who? im sorry but I thought Kiwifarms was the place to talk about e celebs. you must be in the wrong place


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Who? Is that that one gay kid that lives with xqc?

I've never played KH
Can I just play the main 3 games and skip the other 1 trillion side games

t. never played re:coded
KH2 FM is absolutely a cut above everything else though

Yeah Final Mix is implied.
I think Re:MIND will do it. They said they want comparable bosses to 2FM.


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I legitimately have no idea who this is.

>implying anyone knows this literal who
Are you him by any chance

Playing kiddy games like kh3

If you don't care about the story then yes

That's great and all, but why did he quit

Because no one knew who he was and it made him salty

So he quit because nobody knew he was on his own stream? Why did he quit playing KH3 you nut.

>E-Celeb explains why he breathes air


>give Etik a sticky
>now every zoomer fuck thinks they have clearance to shill their own ebin eceleb
thanks mods
really. this is what we needed all along

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As stated above it was because he didn't understand the story

literally whomst?

I replayed DDD and it's my least favorite KH. Everything from story, characters, the premise, plot, gameplay, and even how Sora and Riku are portrayed. It is fucking horrible.

And my dude, have to replayed 0.2 since it came out? Game runs like trash. It's literally just a beta for KH3, but with story that's cut from 3. It's so rough and unrefined.


>"wahhh why didn't Square give me special privileges :((("
same shit with bl00dybizkits they're all fags

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now I'm glad I don't know who it is, the fact it genuinely upsets kids makes me happy.

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Holy fuck that room

soda is not zoomer shit

i still dont know who etika is,only he jumped of a bridge or whatever but i know soda from years and years ago

fucking faggots

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Is this the guy from the "LOOKING TO GET KEKED? ASK FOR ME" Image?

literally fucking who

this was the worst fight I have ever seen. what the fuck is going on?

what is going on here

Understandable, but also very retarded that he tried to into KH3 without researching it first.

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Before this thread 404s somebody give me context or something to google for this

literally who?


Re:coded is a good game faggot

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I wish this would happen to all weebs.

The absolute state of zoomers

Correct. He stopped playing because of it.

Who the fuck plays KH?
Its one of the worst games out there.
Its on the same bullshot level as Hollow Knight



>pretend you don't know
Top kek. You honestly fucking believe the majority here gives a shit about celebs, let alone these nobody e-celebs, get real.

>BbS 0.2


What is this, a story tier list?

Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Remix is an underrated masterpiece and as an overall balanced gaming experience (no level 1 only or weird gimmicky bullshit) it's the best entry in the series.

KH 2 has absolutely garbage storytelling, worse pacing, and most importantly they reworked the mechanics to the point it goes from being an Action RPG to just a straight up Action game basically.

BBS Final Mix is objectively a far more flawed experience than either 1 and 2 Final Mix from a mechanical perspective, but it has Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty worlds, and is the only game besides 1 to properly tie in the main character's stories towards the worlds they visit and the overall plot.

Attached: kh tier list.png (1216x370, 163K)

Literally who?

Its all shit and you should kill yourself, you pathetic Disney Furry Fag

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KH1 being an "action RPG" and not "just a straight up Action game" means braindead buffs like aero are the optimal way to play.

I love KH1FM, I even went and platinum'd it this year finally, but the game is incredibly basic even on proud. Throw MP berserk/haste on Sora, cast aero on yourself, then spam attacks to replenish MP in KH1's extremely flawed MP system so you can cast cure. The game just does not reward you for doing anything else UNLESS you play with specific restrictions like Lvl 1.


Who gives a shit about this discount Bl00dy?

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Don’t forget about Tinkerbell and Cure spam. Or Bambi for that matter.
