Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan

Well Yea Forums?

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Cat ears

It's in Japanese.

It says made in japan on it

no black people in it

its fanbase berates people who play it in English.

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>Shit anime art style
>Graphics a decade behind
>Garbage forced plot with anime tropes
>Horrendous voice acting
>Dull, repetitive gameplay
>Somehow manages to have heaps of SOUL

degenerates will start claiming "my wife" on some 2D drawing.

Female characters are attractive.

it's shit

It's better then the Western games you recently played

ass and titties

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It's shit, looks and plays like it was made 15 years ago and weeb-fags praise it.

Its good, that's the first sign.


Cute girls.

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>Why yes, I love games that was made in Japan.

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>the game is good

Triggered liberals.

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It's not pushing identity politics with terrible gameplay.

Sony adds a bunch of lighting effects to it

Overly obtuse optional side quests. FF7 Knights of the Rounds quest and the Ash Lake area in Dark Souls come to mind. Not really a bad thing though.

It actually has a positive depiction and outlook of westerners.

>He doesn't want games made like they were in 2004
Shit, this would be fantastic for western devs too. PS2/Xbox/GC was the last consistently great era of vidya.


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Huge empty explorable rooms


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Then play those old games, they aren't going anywhere. They need to come up with new shit.

It's actually good

You end up fighting a god/godly figure at the end

There's no reason they couldn't come up with new shit that has the same quality the old shit had.

It was obviously designed with a controller in mind, and the PC controls make no sense as a result

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It's based and redpiled.

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>unique or quirky gameplay
>attractive females
>fantastic music
basically the exact opposite of western games

>weird mo-cap
>female gets embarrassed/defensive about upskirts and downshirts, said female can fight in bikini attire
>food porn
>fighting darkness
>European word-salad names
>legendary samurai sword(s) exists despite the non-Japanese setting
>the way females run
"It can't be helped"

church is evil

its by a well-known japanese developer

>usually has an artstyle instead of going for photorealistic graphics
>no frankfurt school propaganda
>more gameplay oriented than story oriented

blacks in mgs and ace combat 5

I almost had an aneurysm reading that.

The english voice acting sounds like aliens disguised as humans trying to blend in

Its in chinese

Attached: Japanese Working Women on censorship.jpg (880x2048, 622K)

>game has no SJW bullshit
>devs have no SJWs among them
>devs actively ignore all SJWs and their outrage

The characters actually like America.

It's fun to play

character stats show their blood type

the women don't look like trannies

good gameplay

It's a shitty fapbair dungeon crawler with extremely shallow gameplay

It's shit

Unironically a weirdly specific focus on strange and exotic food.

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Good gameplay
Bad plot

It's good

it`s shit

attractive female characters

Token loli

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That can't be real. How do they manage to sound like such a parody of themselves

Absolute brainlet

Gameplay quality over anything else.

Graphics Options:
Outline On/Off

The "open world" consist of a bunch of small areas connected by corridors.

complete nonsense story
effeminate unlikable male protagonist
harem of obnoxious women around the effeminate unlikable male protagonist that he never fucks
pedoshit disguised as 1000 year old demons
a fanbase of unwashed fattys

America is represented in a positive light unlike in western games.

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

I wish I knew, user.

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People who live or have lived in Japan seem to never know what they are talking about when they start talking about Japan. It is really fucking strange.

borderline pedophillia

You are a pedophile and you are projecting.

I've seen one black dude so far in Judgment.

T, pudding bowl christcuck.

it was made by a japanese studio

>convoluted and retarded title
>everything has retarded proportions, like bulging thunder thigh mecha with a wasp-like waist.

Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry series

Jesus christ .

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>complaining about breast physics
lol. such a stupid thing to get upset over. reminds me of time there was a debate in wikipedia over it.


Look at all that shit she wrote . I'm starting to doubt whos the people that is actually obsessed with tits.

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>Cutesy futuristic sound effect when browsing through menu options
>White-skyBlue colored background
>That peculiar font they kept using
>JPEGs of characters with dialogue bubbles
>Graphics that looked like it came out in 2006

It isn't a shooter.

It's fun

Aint it a goddamn coinecdence?

No one:

Absolutely no one:

Not a single fucking soul:

Yea Forums: *posts resetera screencap*

is not a generic FPS game

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It doesn't take itself seriously but when the jokes starts they're light-hearted instead of self-deprecating black humor.

girls are not ugly swampthings

didnt read lol

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Nice looking, stylistic character models
Horrifically ugly environments using semi-realistic textures that look like they're from the asset store

game was actually adequately playtested and isn't a buggy unplayable mess
game has consistent quality and mechanics and thus doesn't rely on savescumming
game is solidly built enough to actually accomodate save points instead of needing to be able to save anywhere due to dangers of the game breaking on you
game has actual level design and not meandering mazelike bullshit

>game was actually adequately playtested and isn't a buggy unplayable mess

It's not 100% but seriously look at western PC games and look at Japanese console games historically and tell me Japanese games aren't overall far less fucking buggy.

Retweet then dilate.

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>Oh no this fringe minority is saying the opposite opinion of me.

Why do people do this?

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It truly is amazing how they manage to create so many games with SOUL.

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anime looking characters, bad textures, strange story

It's good?

Good soundtrack by people who actually care about music

Has some kind of anti-nuclear weapon undertone because they're still seething after all these years.

Other demographics of people are portrayed accurately and honestly.

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you die of cringe if you accidentaly play it on english

Jazz elements in soundtrack. Noticeable bass guitar, fuzzy guitar and a synthesizer.

It has a gay character but its actually likeable and doesn't feel forced

name 2game


>Europe and the Americas have hundreds of wars

>"Hey guys can we try too?"

>"Hey this war thing isn't so har-"


Why would you be happy that sociopathic global bankers now control the earth, user? How the fuck does that help you?

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Yakuza 3
MGS series

No pandering to trannies or mud hut tribals

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It wouldnt be the first time the jew media has accused someone else of something they partake in.


>bass guitar, fuzzy guitar and a synthesizer
I love this shit. Name some games with this

The protagonists are motivated by the desire to "restore order" and "the natural balance"

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No niggers
No ugly females
Protagonist is not some middle aged criminal or soldier
Game has more colors than brown grey and green

>War crimes? what are those? We wuz good honorable boys who dindu nuffin.

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The villains are of some primative tribe that is no longer being kept in check

They seek to topple the existing power structure. Usually by invading picturesque towns and villages, attacking the ivory castles, etc.

World gets noticeably worse when the royal family is indisposed

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Pointy hairs.
Human size sword.
Lots of talking with a melodramatic history.
Quiet/ edgy character(s).
Flying boats

Very nice music.

it's fun



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>kamikaze enemy combatants is a war crime
>nuking two civilian metropolitan centers without warning and thus leaving no time to evacuate non-combatants is not a war crime

Characters don't have noses.

>without warning
holy shit someone failed history.

>muh war crimes

An estimated 70,000 children were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


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Oy vey indeed. Those pesky japs didn't surrender their entire population when we asked them goyim.

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It had a sense of humor and a general sense of quality; and by that I mean the game was made by Yukes

>a new Era. One that's inclusive to all!
>except for the people we don't like. Fuck them. People who like ass and tits have no place in our world.

Characters wearing excessive belts.

It's worth playing for more than a day.

It does't pretend to look real. It embraces being a video game.

cute girls

>I had to kill 70,000 little kids! I didn't have a choice! Those japs were being mean and defending their homeland!

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female characters all look like children but are actually 50 years old

A character who may look like a 5 year old girl but she's actually 10 million years old!

it's good

Ah, yes, it would totally be feasible in 1945 to evacuate 350,000+ civilians from a dense city within 8 hours in the middle of the night if they somehow knew they were going to drop a nuke instead of a normal bombing run.
>An alert was given and radio broadcasting stopped in many cities, among them Hiroshima. The all-clear was sounded in Hiroshima at 00:05
>At 08:09, Tibbets started his bomb run


>literally shaking
i thought that was just a meme

It's an action game or a fighting game and it isn't awful.


I hate wading through thousands of western indie shit and movie games to find the one Japanese game made by experienced and reputable developers.

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I love shit Japanese games for the SOUL

the women are pretty

Cute and funny characters.

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>8 hour warning
you faggots need to go back to school because clearly you never learned about the leaflets.

Even the rare fun western indieshit are the ones based on japanese video games.

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They dropped warnings literally days in advance on both occasions.

Silence is represented by ". . ." and the textbox makes a "dot... dot... dot..." sound effect.

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it has good gameplay and attractive female characters

*gets drunk off soda pop*

I'm alright with this

An actual decent sense of humor with cute/sexy character designs for everyone.

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So nip browser game that died in 2014.

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i don't remember this scene happening

The duality of Man

It's from the OVA. They have quite a few scenes with Rem being extra cute.

Did we get an influx of weebs recently from somewhere or....

They really milked that character as much as they could.

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We've always been here, in the shadows. Heh, and you've never realized it? Never underestimate us, kid...

There is no contradiction here.

>Mortifyingly bad textures
>Varied soundtrack
>Protagonist is an effeminate beta lanklet
>Female characters have huge tits but no asses
>Actual QA testing and no game-breaking bugs


>>Literally no:
>>Not a single soul:

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Where do you think you are?

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>Hey guys isn't the (religious allegory for the Catholic church) just so neat and kind. They truly have our best interests in min- haha fooled ya! They're actually the bad guys, you dummy!

Can you blame them? Even the author had to with all those extra side stories after The whale incident

>complains about people being predictable
>posts a cartoon frog from a previous historical epoch

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>japan loves a shitty and boring character
Color me not surprised.

>ominous evil laughing is written out as "fufufu"
>black people are rare, and mostly used as a parody of foreigners who can't speak "English" well
>overly detailed food and food collection sidequest, probably a couple scenes where characters fawn over how a meal is cooked
>the use of "businessmen"/salarymen as a common part of everyday life
>use of taboo subjects to draw the eye that aren't violence (rape, incest, torture)
>cousins being in love isn't a weird thing
>gym outfits are basic white t-shirts and short shorts

I just want that fucking meme format to die

>>japan loves a shitty and boring character
>Color me not surprised.
Hey, at least Japan has good taste when it actually matters.

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>hey, America, do you like this Xander guy?
>I dunno, he's boring, uninteresting to look at, and kind of sanctimonious-
>Great! Here's your Xander cameo! And soon we'll have a Xander archetype!

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ugly graphics, glitches

The Japanese continue to portray black people more accurately than anyone else.

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Not being a buggy mess rushed out to market.

Good one, user!

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Incomprehensible mess of a story told exclusively through annoying anime tropes.
Female characters are attractive.

They really don't

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wish one more unique country existed in the video game industry. a shame all western countries do the same shit.

Korea does their own shit that nobody else does, but nobody else does it because it's fucking awful.

they only do crappy phone games and f2p trash. theire art is the same as western weebshit or deviant art like lame realism.

You say this as you post an unwashed alleyway goblin?

It's great and memorable.

Gay Panic humor