SGDQ 2019

Summer Games Done Quick 2019

Now: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Next: Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee!

Attached: gimmick sgdq.png (360x248, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I love trannies

I want to ______ a tranny.

im not buying your game, todd howard

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threadly reminder, don't be like megurankposter, be more like miiarankposter
>doesn't do //s
>does it for attentionwhoring and for reddit karma
>cherrypicks votes despite "hi/v/emind collective voting"
>gets angry if list is touched at all
>does //s
>couldn't care less about anyone's comments while shitposting on Yea Forums
>votes herself and no changes unless mentioned otherwise
>literally opposite ranks of megurankposter without the extra S ranks

Having a good time, bros?

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reminder that you're probably the most autistic person in these threads

>PC game speedrun

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umaru poster

SSS!!: PunchOut!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat / Super Bomberman 2 / SMW (race) / Dark Souls
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2 / Mort the Chicken / Glover / TRAG / Pac-Man World / Star Fox 64
S: Streets of Rage / Alien Soldier / Chasm: The Rift / RE2 / Divekick / Shrek XL / Last Action Hero / Nex Machina / Dead Rising / Remnants of Naezith / Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3 / Chip and Dale / SMB3 / Invictus / Grand Poo World 2 / Banjo-Kazooie / MM2 / Tetris Effect / LoZ: MM
A: The Hobbit / THUG 2 / Marble Madness / Ranger-X / Half Minute Hero / Bloodstained: CotM / Super Mario Sunshine / Silent Hill 3 / Nuclear Throne / Starcraft / Jumper / TMNT 4 / Ristar / Cave Story / Minecraft / MM11 / MM3 / Zelda BotW / Bomberman 64
B: DMC / Spyro / TMNT 3 / Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Metroid / Castlevania: SotN / Metroid Prime / Skylar and Plux / Kirby Air Ride / Kirby 64 / Ape Escape / Crash Bandicoot 3 / PunchOut!! (arcade) / LoZ Randomizer / Furi / C&C / Sonic 3D Blast / Koumajou Densetsu II / Sly Cooper / Diablo 2 / HL / HL 2 / Rockman 4 / Tomb Raider
C: Sonic Generations / DKC2 / LoZ: Minish Cap / Final Doom / Bwaster Master / Solomon's Key / Jackal / Contra 3 / Ninja Spirit / Castlevania / Perfect Dark / Slipstream / Pokemon Crystal / Splatterhouse / Sylvester & Tweety / Clustertruck / Dark Souls 2 / Gauntlet / Mario Kart DD / Hyper Light Drifter / Cannon Spike
D: Portal 2 / Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland / Outland / Contra / STFU / Timespinner / Castlevania: PoR / Prey / Uncharted / Monster Boy / Textorcist / Deltarune / Hylics / Laffy Taffy / Boogerman / LLB / Looney Tunes / Rhino Rumble / Aero the Acro-Bat / Octopath Travler / TAS Tetris / Transition
F: SMB2 / Ducktales 2 / We Love Katamari / Catlateral Damage / Castlevania DOS / FE Fates / KH3 / Quake / TAS MKWii
ZZZ: BL 2 / LoZ: LBW / SMG 2 / TAS Celeste
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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>that one dedicated courier that delivers your mail in the presence of a dragon
thats some dedication, not like the clowns from UPS or fedex

I bet she's a tsundere

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>no later
Thread ruined

I want to ____ a Silt Strider!

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Why doesn't the real game look like this? This is way better

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This is some skitzo posting

>donated $150 and came up with a witty No Comment comment
>doesn't get read out

Not saying I'm mad, just upset

Genki hot header tsuntsun?

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Why they are deleting runs??? And which runs got deleted?


you now remember that Paarthunax was Charles Martinet

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the thread will be dead in like an hour and pokemon is 3 hours

What criteria do you use to make this?

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There won't be another moment like the Katamari tranny having the pause and cry. Too bad it's not on the youtube upload for obvious reasons. Fuck that was based to watch live.

>Donating to GDQ
There's your problem you big dumb idiot

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why are all of these games basically boring as hell and lame and nobody cares

half this shit ive never even heard of and its some meme ass run that nobody would ever watch on their own

Look at this cuck and laugh.

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lmao imagine actually donating to this scam

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>just fucking 360s inside valhalla
Fucking sick

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It's based on the ratings that Yea Forums gives after the runs.

What was so bad about the Metroid Prime 2 run?

they deleted caveman’s run because it’s caveman, and the MM run because of paddy reading out all the money laundering donations

Silly bossy Alduin

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I'm sure there's going to be a lot of crying on stage after the final run. A lot of people seem to be really emotional this event.

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These guys are really beating a dead horse

Skyrim 2 when?

Threadly reminder that MSF:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

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No it's not, he gave Silent Hill 3 an A rank even if a majority of the votes were B or lower. Only because an autistic was seething over the score and started spamming.

So now every single run is a A+ rank.

Rate Todd's game!

Point and laugh at this man.

This is my husband, Malroth. Say something nice about him!

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I bet she would act like Satania

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>knife """skills"""
>is clearly dead after he grabs her arm

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shoutouts to shoutouts

I like the brown one and the blue one. The yellow one can fuck off.

Skyrim 2: Guns and Skyrim 3: Guns and Broken Multiplayer isnt enough for you?

Last run was a D you dolt.

hey, you're not charlieposter

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Fuck I want to cum on those glasses and would nibble her little clit penis after. Do you think she'd be into scat play? Because that nose looks good for a sundae stream.

>even if a majority of the votes were B or lower
Wrong. We were there, retard. We know you're lying.


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Those swings woudnt have even hit her if she stood still.

Yep, they used to ship illegal migrants to Europe on their ships. Supposedly they don't do it any more. Pretty sketchy people.

Did you get banned for posting Charlie or what?

the red one sucks. the blue and yellow ones are the best.

This was the best GDQ of all time. Anyone who disagrees has rose tinted glasses.


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taftar is so cute damn

sue me


Who wants sex?


post webm, i know one of you guys made one

based retard can't google

>4 hours of Pokemon after this
Jeez who wants that? That's not even a speedrun more like a let's play

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nah, I'm not that autistic

Was pretty boring. C

Don't worry bro, they can't memory hole it forever.
It will be publicized eventually.
Also what run was this from?
I seen the katamari one but not this.

He seems to be that anxious teamwork that no one pays attention. He did some runs on last editions and got invited to work at SGDQ. I think that was special to him, be accepted in one group. I would cry too.

Is there a twitch clip?
The ass fag incident is still the only good thing that has happened this entire lgdq+

whys he crying

I was there too, most were B

>anything i don't like is a let's play

>4 hours of casual pokemon
How the fuck is that a speedrun?

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Nep Nep when?

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Anyone remember the really scripted run last year with the awful jokes and the leaked PDF?

Nope, you're just mad that your personal ranking didn't line up with the list. He takes feedback and changes ratings afterwards for many runs, there were a bunch of people rating SH3 high at the end. Keep only remembering the rankings that you want to remember even if it's archived, though. Also, the last run was D and the Pokemon run is going to have a shit rating almost for sure.

Any kino runs since Majora's Mask? Guessing not. Also someone tell this runner to swallow the marbles lingering in his fucking throat thanks

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>the red one sucks

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I'm just going to try and program something. Anyone have suggestions? I was thinking a simple emulator.

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Looks like kipteitei

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It's only been 2 runs since then, both boring. No idea why Transistor got as high as it did but whatever.

Blue is the best because she's a fedora wearing gamer who sucks at vidya

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Relentlessly fuck.


Pokemon runs other than gen 1 literally are let's plays.

Not him, but it was more mixed, a few A+/10s, but then 6s,Bs Ds, etc
But I dunno how that would be averaged out as though

they chopped off his dick after the run

a deepfake program that nudes photos. but only anime characters.

Shute the fuck up, sperg.

Good work, user.

Sounds pretty based. Me and my cousins will take your white women you pathetic autismo cunt. We're in your borders getting away with so much shit thanks to all the pussy laws that want to bring equality. But we're better than you and you know it, which is why you post this shit. Your genes are shit my friend. Your women will marry sandniggers, ahahah.

Hyper Light Drifter iirc.

Its from Kipteitei
They're a fat artist

Where is Paarthurnax and Durnehviir?

Are they speedrunning a gay marriage?

I'm not sure you understand what a let's play is.

When is the mtf speedrun?

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assist suicide

Really fake crocodile tears because drama brings in viewers

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Go make skyrim but not as glitchy

ESA's other charity, Save the Children, still moves people around on ships. They even show it on their ads. Kinda funny how they're supporting a charity that arguably fucks up Europe.

wtf is this thing
why is this allowed
its literally a monster

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>taking a screenshot of your own post on your phone

>trying to beat it as fast as possible? it's a speedrun.
>not trying to beat it as fast as possible? it's a let's play
i swear i need to draw a coloring book diagram for you brainlets

you offering?

Did I just witness a gay marriage in a video game on GDQ......

anything interesting happen after the dark souls run?

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why is she so fat

have sex bigot this is natural

Why the the timer stop

Not even american lmao

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did anything bad happen to him. did he banned?

You can't really do that in 4 hours.

Added Skyrim to C tier. Not many responses though.

SSS!!: PunchOut!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat / Super Bomberman 2 / SMW (race) / Dark Souls
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar / Titanfall 2 / Mort the Chicken / Glover / TRAG / Pac-Man World / Star Fox 64
S: Streets of Rage / Alien Soldier / Chasm: The Rift / RE2 / Divekick / Shrek XL / Last Action Hero / Nex Machina / Dead Rising / Remnants of Naezith / Metal Slug X / Metal Slug 3 / Chip and Dale / SMB3 / Invictus / Grand Poo World 2 / Banjo-Kazooie / MM2 / Tetris Effect / LoZ: MM
A: The Hobbit / THUG 2 / Marble Madness / Ranger-X / Half Minute Hero / Bloodstained: CotM / Super Mario Sunshine / Silent Hill 3 / Nuclear Throne / Starcraft / Jumper / TMNT 4 / Ristar / Cave Story / Minecraft / MM11 / MM3 / Zelda BotW / Bomberman 64
B: DMC / Spyro / TMNT 3 / Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Metroid / Castlevania: SotN / Metroid Prime / Skylar and Plux / Kirby Air Ride / Kirby 64 / Ape Escape / Crash Bandicoot 3 / PunchOut!! (arcade) / LoZ Randomizer / Furi / C&C / Sonic 3D Blast / Koumajou Densetsu II / Sly Cooper / Diablo 2 / HL / HL 2 / Rockman 4 / Tomb Raider
C: Sonic Generations / DKC2 / LoZ: Minish Cap / Final Doom / Bwaster Master / Solomon's Key / Jackal / Contra 3 / Ninja Spirit / Castlevania / Perfect Dark / Slipstream / Pokemon Crystal / Splatterhouse / Sylvester & Tweety / Clustertruck / Dark Souls 2 / Gauntlet / Mario Kart DD / Hyper Light Drifter / Cannon Spike / Skyrim
D: Portal 2 / Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland / Outland / Contra / STFU / Timespinner / Castlevania: PoR / Prey / Uncharted / Monster Boy / Textorcist / Deltarune / Hylics / Laffy Taffy / Boogerman / LLB / Looney Tunes / Rhino Rumble / Aero the Acro-Bat / Octopath Travler / TAS Tetris / Transition
F: SMB2 / Ducktales 2 / We Love Katamari / Catlateral Damage / Castlevania DOS / FE Fates / KH3 / Quake / TAS MKWii
ZZZ: BL 2 / LoZ: LBW / SMG 2 / TAS Celeste
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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She wants to explode out of her clothes.

They finished the run, it was just bonus incentives

>3 and a half hours of pokemon

I'm out

>got around to watching the Super Bomberman 2 run
>IcePlug cracking up "thank you for everyone for running this game... i like this game..." as he's rubbing his head
why does it have to hurt like this, bros

Attached: 31969-homer-simpsons-mother-death-stars-goodbye.jpg (700x530, 21K)

botw run was actually interesting since it was a half hour this time, runner pulled off some hard tricks

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Please tell me that 300k for a 15 minute OoT run isn't gonna get met.

Because they beat the game and the end was just them fucking around with


over 3 hours of pokemon

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Thanks Anons this is not what I expected

i love you megumin

thats ok, just let me know when its done.

Time for the best run of the marathon. This is what we've all been waiting for :)

>Saw the whole Skyrim run while jogging/showering but didn't see the threads during it

Oh well, at least I can watch Pokemon Let's Go with you

Attached: [Asakura] Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Take on Me [A35960CA].mkv_snapshot_00.13.53_[2019.04.08_15. (1120x1025, 165K)

dude I love EDM remixes of games songs

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>Implying you wouldn't the smegma off her yummy big clit

What are you a fucking faggot?

>More shitty remixes

Is it too much to ask to just have the original music playing? Oh wait copyright

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Throw it to D. I voted F in previous thread already.

That's how little everyone cared about the run. C is fine.

>spending $150 for someone to say 1 sentence on a video game stream
>trusting $150 to an organization that is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to advertise for corporations and "charities"
>One Hundred and Fifty Dollars to a charity that helps rapefugees and ISIS sleepers get into Europe

b a s e d . . .

Keep it in C

is the next game this pokemon go my grandson told me so much about?

>4 hours of pokemon let's go
No thanks, imma play some Risk of Rain 2.

who's the qt wit the absol plushie

Attached: yay.jpg (185x174, 12K)

here, figure out the timestamp

post proof that you took a shower then fag

Why do they even run Pokemon? It has zero tech and is 90% waiting for animations.

I am gay

dude I love Metal remixes of games songs

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>there was an actual minecraft run after people joking about it for years
>there's a pokemon go run and its 3 hours long

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>3 hour zelda + metroid combo "speed"run later

Alright, gonna use the pokemon block to go jogging now that my phone is charged. See you nerds in a bit.

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Only 5 more runs until the end. I gonna miss you.

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are you really asking why theres pokemon in a normie gathering of grown children?

what's the name of the girl with the orange hair from a few days ago
she did some interviews

Remember to dilate between runs, anons!

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Welp, what are you guys going to do while this fucking abortion shitshow of a run is on? In terms of the actual game, not including the runner, this is maybe the worst run on the entire schedule except for little indie shit games.

they have a female doing the announcing as well
do they want it to kill itself

That randomizer is actually great though.

user delivers. Much appreciated.

how comfy will chrono trigger be?

lol didn't read

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-06-29 10-38-35-18.webm (1434x800, 2.86M)

Minecraft run was based you shut your whore mouth

Gather around, I have an announcement to make!

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here's your prize

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Shockingly, it's to see how fast it can be beaten

at least that's a randomizer run so there's something interesting going on

Impressed at how retarded it looks to lift your arms that high when running

>unironically using the term "interwebs"

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I've got a can of strong zero.
I'm gona get some ramen, hang up my washing and mop my floor.
Why haven't you moved to Japan yet?


time to get some sleep in

How was the skyrim run Yea Forums?

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They're encouraging her by surrounding her with fellow women. Are you seriously so insecure about some female empowerment? It's good more women are getting into speedrunning.

I just wanna see how much the runner shit talks it.

Why the hell are 8-4 advertising working for their japanese translation company at this event if they don't want to be filled with revisionist trannies who will butcher the games they get to work on?

is it a girl (girl) or girl (male)

Fucking knife ears
Can't even obey the laws of physics

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what did you do to satania you demon?


I wouldn't mind that autistic arm waving dipshit if he could at least move his arms to the god damned beat.

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yeah dude I like (((randomly generated))) seeds
girl (fat)

Iceplug crying was way more genuine than Covertmuffin.

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I wish it was a girl (male) so I could ram that neg hole



Easily forgettable.

how do you run pokémon go

Why is there a 12 year old boy on the left of the couch?

Did TAS celeste actually happen?


I think he means pokemon let's go.

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That's probably because he had an actual reason too. A runner died before the event and he was friends or knew iceplug.

you run really fast

Why do these threads get so many /visitors/?

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dat cute boi

yes and it was shit

he's a make a wish kid, user.

How was the Majora's Mask run?

im gonna miss you all when this ends

why did I laugh

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Why aren't more people wearing shorts?

because we are all friends here

you made me scrub through an hour of this shit and at no point did it start crying, kys

You go

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Reddit gdq bans all discussion about trannies or people who have been banned

I can’t believe this is the final gdq forever

i won't miss you faggot eat my dick

>There were a lot of Japanese runners, but then we sort of destroyed those disgusting gooks so hard that we made Hiroshima look like a fucking joke

How can they let him say that? Is he banned?

prime shitposting opportunities desu I go to any fast moving threads on any board lol

I'm done

if you can't tell you're hopeless

kek those are medicated zoomers
t. medical expert

it's a big event on Yea Forums after all
any other big event like GDQ, E3, Game Awards has them

It's too soon to be getting sentimental, loo-hoo-zeh-her.

How does one prove they recently took a shower?

>that cali girl accent attempt
I'm in the mood for tranny genocide lads

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Truly a gamer event

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wouldnt that also make you a faggot to allow him to eat your dick?

Is he the kid that gets fucked when dying milfs' wish to fuck a 12 year old boy?

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Like this

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oh don't loike worry, it's only like getting like better from um there

Look at these skinny little whiteboys

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fag marriage broke my immersion because it's more dangerous to the social fabric than than dragon invasions

>sex% bad ending
pleb chat was so fucking good

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Comfy. They only completed 99.99% of it though.

You can't program an emulator either.

I went to bed at the start of Majora, what did I miss?
What's the Bonus game after SMW?

Put down the cock Jamal.

>those knobbly knees
can't decide if they're cute in a chicken way or if I want him to put on some pants

They do seem medicated lol

Well it's not over yet user. We can be sad this time tomorrow.


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How the fuck can anyone unironicly like bobs burgers

see you next month for ESA :^)

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If it's simple you probably can, like an 8080.

why did they put OOT run behind a pay wall? fucking jews

It was Iceplugs friend and he ran the game Iceplug ran, laughing retatd just cried because he wants views.

>woke up to 3 hours of pokemon
Fucking kill me

What'd they miss?

I want to ____ dance dad

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I wish I was the absol sitting on that girl(?)'s shoulder :3

it was good

ocarina of time any%
20 minutes for $300,000

fucking hell

any% of Ocarina of Time but locked behind $300k which is about like $2.5/s for a 20m run

Why wouldn't they? Holding runs hostage has already been given the green light by paypigs so they have no reason to stop.

Postman piece of heart. It requires you to hit A exactly 10.00 seconds, and the runner kept hitting 9.99 or 10.01 seconds on 30-40 attempts, before skipping it to keep the marathon going.

when does the katamari runner cry?

i thought s/he was just awkward and nervous the entire time i dont remember crying what happened

The mailman flipped links tunic and fucked him. Can't believe nintendo put that in. Majora's mask is pretty weird though.

Just woke up. How was Skyrim?


My fucking dick.

God I want a pale, edgy goddess like that to make me her subordinate so fucking bad holy fucking shit. I just want to be made immortal and serve a succubus or demoness so fucking much. I want to be her servant for decades, centuries, and over time gain her trust until I'm her primary butler and most trusted servant. I want her to trust me with her most personal tasks and needs and I want to devote myself to them. I want to so that smug, proud smile when I successfully complete a task none of her other servants could.


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I'm saying you can't.

epic as heck

wow I want to fuck pikachu


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So glad the white race is getting cucked out of existence as we speak

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It's like half posh, half american bimbo. I'm dumbfounded

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Why are grown men doing this?

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Whens Dark Souls

Oh I saw that part before I went to sleep, thought they'd come back with the bunny ears.

Is metallia's game any good?

>3 and a half hour pokemon let's play
>they're going to use this to try and hype people up to reach 300k for oot
please god no

>Mention it's not in the youtube upload because why would they upload that part
>Scrub through the youtube link
"What the fuck it's not there?"

You are the dumbest cunt I have seen on this board today. Actually kill yourself so you don't reproduce. Learn to read at least.

But then who will give you the gibs?

broken and inconsistent with backup saves as usual


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You better be here in 3 and a half hours.

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>Playing the girl

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Like an arrow in the anus


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You're late for the culling Ompbro

Interesting taste you have there.

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dio haha so funny

Yesterday you absolute fuck

>it's another pokemon run where the audience shouts a reference none of them have seen before

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It'll definitely net more donations, I'm way more excited about the run now

Does he ever stop talking about reddit? Also, why the fuck did people name the rival Steve Irwin?

Attached: D97ntk2XUAAZLtV.jpg (2048x1366, 275K)

>more jojobrony shit

That's officially it, I'm done, see you lads next year

Attached: 1561762308910.jpg (640x295, 65K)


>playing as a girl
>names her Steve

Attached: 1559665830516.jpg (400x400, 27K)

>Steve Irwin, my girl

>Ask an adult to help you choose a language

>girl (fat)

Attached: 1458882986174.jpg (480x270, 68K)

>could have watched the zelda run
>watched dororo instead
pretty smart if I do say so myself

>Steve Irwin, my girl!
>everyone starts laughing
>oh fuck we might get in trouble for laughing uh "don't laugh please I don't want to get banned"

What should I do now while this boring run is going on?
I want to fap but I shouldn't be fapping this week anymore so give me some alternatives!

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I got bored of pokemon in early primary school why should I bother with it now all these years later?

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Mechanically it's a little rough and definitely repetitive, but I liked some of the bosses. The story, characters and music are fantastic and an absolute ride and gets pretty dark at times.

I love it a lot.

complete shit already

Watch a kino.

it's a big Yea Forums related event
just like Yea Forums threads for sports finals can get a lot of /trespassers/

just in time

Attached: 1561438412367.gif (598x450, 16K)

>more pokeshit
kill me

Yell nigger repeatedly

Yeah he went back to it near the end and gave it a bunch more retries. He didn't need the bunny ears, but he was within .01s of hitting it for a good portion of his tries and the game just wasn't cooperating. It was the only real blemish on the run.

Pallet Town is so comfy, ah the memories

Attached: time moving too fast.jpg (1408x959, 175K)

You are super fucking based user

Attached: 1550751142161.jpg (666x935, 146K)

>Looks like an arcanine made it out for the #SGDQ2019 Pokėmon Let's Go speedrun!

Attached: D-PMXhLWsAAS0n_.jpg (648x720, 89K)

>Unskippable Animations and Cutscenes: The "Speed"run

Attached: 8674563423345.gif (500x418, 957K)

what will you do during this boring run, anons?

Attached: 764.jpg (576x740, 351K)

dont, the next gen will be deleting a lot of pokemon from existence

post some pokewives

Attached: 1484015392680.jpg (700x988, 281K)

Don't worry I'm going to watch Pokemon

>announcer sings
>her voice is cute
>no one cares to mention because MUH tranny

Attached: tumblr_ozpjqyYUlu1wyi8heo1_400.gif (320x180, 746K)

Attached: 1252885005269.png (252x221, 61K)

Well, I was gonna watch the first 10 minutes, but I can't even make it that far. See you after the run.
>John Cena
haha funni

John Cena haha ha ha..

Attached: 1029879724792.jpg (236x211, 8K)

what is the best pokemon game and why

Attached: 1561811129978.png (710x698, 77K)

Cute girls with boy names is my fetish

Learn C.

Attached: 1551689536482.png (1000x1400, 1.31M)

You shouldn't
Only manchildren and actual children play these games

Attached: 1552654009665.gif (350x197, 2.92M)

I love 2015 memes!!!!1!

Attached: 1514939685492.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Probably fap to some Pokeyuri now.

>Nearly 4h of this

Based run will have JOHN CENA


Don't forgot to pet le doggo! (:
......BOOP :^D

How bad does your life have to be to want to speedrun fucking pokemon lets go?

Attached: 1486391263149.jpg (1440x810, 122K)

Why does Gary look like such a fag

there's not many cutscenes in this though, the bulk is in the beginning

>john cena
Well, I'm out
Time to play some mario maker

my god what the fuck is that creature

Team Noble btw

Attached: D-PLmJCWkAELjIG.jpg (5741x3827, 2.61M)

my man

Yuuka netted me 50k in a fight. It's a long story

BW2 because I said so
Also, because it is not XY, ORAS, SM, USUM or LGPE

they didn't pause at any point during the game retard. you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.

fucking hell.

funneh meems

I donated for the epic JOJO name but I'm not even mad, did you guys see the arrow on the knee jokes also? That was epic!

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I'm only here to wait for the pokegirl lewds.

But I just learned C# already

Attached: 5.png (421x484, 160K)

I'm sorry what?


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why are they wearing esports jerseys?

Wait for me.

Attached: 1515899391735.jpg (960x960, 79K)

Play American Truck Simulator.

Attached: notthepeppers.gif (1100x918, 296K)

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Attached: My negro.jpg (800x400, 35K)

From the cover of that book I always assumed it was a big doorstop

quick now tell him to have sex


Attached: 63625016_p0.png (600x847, 468K)

Watch some Too Old To Die Young

Attached: Refn directs the Sonic movie.jpg (1680x940, 144K)

Best mechanics, dex, music, difficulty level, postgame content and the region's okay.
HG/SS has better style and im a johtofag but the level scaling is awful so you ether run with like 3 mons or grind hard before the E4.

Wait what the fuck?
Does the attack are just fucking particles like that? and the pokemon don't even move?
Top fucking kek nintendo fags, how do you defend this.?

Cringe. Seethe more incel.
Have sex

Never played this game, is this at least going to be a semi comfy 3h?

Attached: 1435170817161.jpg (636x900, 93K)

Why are there so many men with babyvoices at these events? is there a correlation between playing video games and being a fucking baby that never learned to speak properly?

It's Phosu!

Attached: 1560013997869.jpg (675x675, 44K)

I wish he had the bullets

Pokemon yellow cause of surfing pikachu
Haven't played Pokemon in 15 years tho so I may be wrong


I'm not even watching this anymore, i'm just lurking for pokegirl lewds

Someone get to it.

Play pokemon platinum

Where's the pokegirls at?

C# is just better on all aspects. Even C++ is more fun.

New chapter W H E N

>chat is full of VOI

I forgot how adorable this game is. I got like 5 mons from a full dex, I should probably finish the dex some time soon.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 58 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.46_[2018.09.22_17.50.45].jpg (642x720, 75K)

Phos is a boy (girl)

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Anons, we need to have a discussion.
Before this event ends, we all need to make one last decision together.
Unless someone shouts racial slurs, the rest of the runs will be B tier at best.
So I ask all of you once and for all...

Which run in SGDQ2019 deserves the coveted ALPHA (α) tier?

Just remembered the addition of the "baddy bad" moves. Is it what this run comes down to?

he disabled attack animations

>Mario Maker
Should I get it? I'm not a super creative guy with stage building but I want to get into mario more.

saved your list to a text document, thanks for doing this again!

Attached: 1439484282_302486851.jpg (600x848, 110K)

>recently had a dream where I was a teenager again
>was gonna get my old friend and skate all over town
>there was this perfect, idealized version of pokemon go in the dream (which didn't exist at the time)
>we were gonna go all over town and catch our dream teams and then battle other people
>wake up
>im old ass fuck
>have to go to work soon
End blog.

Attached: maximum over feel.gif (320x382, 1.88M)

this one

Punch Out, definitely.

>C# is just better on all aspects

Attached: 1559406113777.jpg (600x848, 94K)

They're very good moves, so if he sticks to Eevee the whole run, probably yes. The Partner Eevee also has naturally higher base stats than a normal Eevee too, but it can't evolve.

dark souls 1

>those non-animations
Looks like a fucking unfinished beta lel

What happened?

Dank SSSSoulS

Well, Yea Forums?

Attached: nothing unwholesome about this.png (314x73, 7K)


Punch-Out (Wii). Now, go dilate.

one more
good taste gen 5 bro

Attached: 1561775037881.jpg (1512x2150, 200K)

get dabbed on by life loser

All aspects might have been a wrong way to phrase it, but C# is easier to use to make games, which I assume most people here, on Yea Forums, would like to make.

Please tell me the Lass model has panties up the skirt


Attached: 1549561772436.png (600x840, 173K)

They have animations switched off, which is an option in every Pokemon and a lot of JRPGs in general.

You're a moron.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 51 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.05_[2018.08.27_18.59.08].jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Is this game fun to watch? Or does it get boring in 20 minutes like every other game? I don't know the difference between this and the normal games.

Attached: e9d.jpg (600x600, 18K)


split/second no contest


Remember that everything, including the current state of video games, is Martin Luther's fault.

Attached: 220px-Martin_Luther_by_Cranach-restoration.jpg (220x236, 13K)

correlation? Yes
causation? Also Yes

>he has never played pokemon
Fuck off, fag.

what the fuck were they thinking taking out the battle part of catching pokemon, this looks awful lol

Attached: 1561801937489.png (600x609, 37K)

>evening in Europe
>yet another multi-hour long Pokemon / RPG run
fuck whoever made that schedule

Attached: 1549582908521.png (400x400, 197K)

Grow up already

Attached: 1400755502045.jpg (900x900, 298K)

>speed running with motion controls

are we gonna see mega buff / lean AGDQ runners in the next 10 years running VR games?

Fucking germans why can't they keep their autism to themselves.
I don't even know how many civilizations they've collapsed already.

Does this game still require you to trade to evolve into Gengar/Golem?

Attached: 1376004915345.jpg (259x383, 81K)

Teach me how to program an emulator.

Roxie a fucking cute. her voice in BW2 was adorable. Pokemon!

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Attached: of course you do you gay furry.png (299x73, 7K)

lunch is on me, what you getting Yea Forums?

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agree with that
i think every battle should be like the legendary battles in this game, where you have to battle them before it swtiches to catch mode

I start posting them in an hour when I start drinking

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poor guy

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Attached: 1489077040423.png (170x273, 33K)

imagine buying a switch to play a mobile game lmao

Program my cock on your face.

tendies with hunnie mustie

I don't feel like pokeposting today.

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Yo gimme Yoshi's Hot Dog


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the bbq sammich sounds ok

I’m getting the fuck out of there because the menu is horrible

If we judge by run performance quality, Punch Out. If we judge by what appeals to shitposting quality, Split/Second. If we judge by run entertainment value, Dark Souls. What you value will determine what you consider the best run of the marathon.

Stop stuffing your face with shit, edobese

Massage prostate


Nothing. He was just talking about how much GDQ and the community means to him. Nothing out of the ordinary. He just got a little choked up.



Attached: cock_slut9.jpg (173x290, 5K)

Your opinion on Edobean?

My absolutely based cat. His name is Patch.

Attached: 20190629_080807_HDR-01.jpg (1549x2713, 1.09M)

You were right. I've already given up. Why am I so fucking useless.

Attached: 1472860069099.png (600x979, 191K)

But I shouldn't masturbate at all.

Attached: 1423752345847.png (592x664, 531K)


Last month was May

Attached: 807cbf25980592bf2672144c170541b6.jpg (605x1461, 79K)

Coinflip between BUHRGAH and bbq sandwich. Seeing only one vegetarian and one gluten-free option is depressing though.

Nice kitter.

kek /cgl/ is so full of bitches

Attached: idghiudhgf.png (763x115, 14K)


>hey I would like to buy this food
>> sure, here is your food
>Thank you so much for this. Here have some extra money
>>oh thanks, now I won't spit in your food the next time

americans are fucking weird

Attached: 1560637905315.jpg (600x550, 25K)

for what reason are you holding back?

Attached: 1555666564394.jpg (500x735, 47K)

what the fuck

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at 11.15.47 AM.png (1896x186, 79K)

>Majora's Mask on S
It was really good, or what happened?

No one gives a shit about your cum rag faggot

Attached: 1323518212.jpg (184x184, 22K)

Why is it so slow?

He was asking for it. He did the same thing last time.

Why is the music in LGPE so snooze-inducing? Too many strings, it makes battle themes lose all their impact.

Attached: 1552695366070.png (500x554, 154K)



based women

You’re just like Jeb Bush, nobody cares about you and you will never be liked

just put the burg back in the bun crying anime girl. its not that bad

Those are some noice pokeballs

Attached: 1561576059594.jpg (489x1136, 560K)

Only a fraction of bans end up listed there.

can you read?

Attached: 1D635018-EB87-48AB-83F4-DDF632474EF8.jpg (1752x2048, 339K)

Pretty sure NSFW bans never show up

worst pokegirl

boys make the best girls

Attached: 1554855353890.png (360x864, 164K)

but we can't have multiple alpha winners. only one can be there. the tier list maker (or some user) stated we could only have one OMEGA tier game despite the fact that many games deserve that tier. the same HAS to apply for alpha tier.

so pick one, faggot.

Look at them right now.

Better then a gen 7 speedrun.

Holy fuck source please

Attached: 1561820349755.jpg (426x341, 47K)

I've been fapping so much that my orgasms don't feel good anymore

Attached: [Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 01 [237246D9] 00_12_46.png (1280x720, 2.37M)

I just saw a hard cock when I checked a minute ago

Oh, never mind lol. Pretty nice cock though ngl

Lots of people care about Jeb!

Attached: 1519695662.hexe_pixpix.png (1047x1033, 519K)

I'm not picking one. I'm just explaining why there's a discrepancy. What ends up on the list doesn't matter to me because I've already watched the runs.

>Global 6 - Irrelevant catchphrases/copypasta

Any way to see all the bans?

Oh, sorry.

>takes as long to beat in a speedrun as a regular pokemon game
>it's not the same as a regular pokemon game
What did the Yea Forums mean by this?
Furthermore why the FUCK would anyone watch a speedrun longer than 2 attoseconds?

Attached: 1456212548800.png (346x360, 52K)

>Any way to see all the bans?

Attached: sup.webm (1920x1080, 1020K)

Hehehe :bee::gun:

so are the Pokemon games basically over at this point? I'm not sure how the series can survive gamers rising up against it. will it become purely for little kids?

Attached: 1561206774576.png (441x569, 410K)

would stopping really help with that? maybe i should give it a shot.

Attached: 1556823795467.jpg (850x920, 388K)

Vote for Skyla 2020

Attached: 1362273748651.jpg (825x1320, 87K)

>another 30 days
Wow He must have really pissed off some mod

Attached: 1554114682534.jpg (688x971, 106K)

I remember this guy from these threads earlier lmao. based

Attached: ban.png (859x171, 17K)

>Despite being a speedrunning event, we also have some casual gaming going on! Little peek on some "Puyo Puyo Tetris" matches and Guitar Hero stations!

Attached: D-PRNfaXYAUYbVJ.jpg (5676x3784, 2.47M)

Im going to play The Division 2 instead of this.

>will it become purely for little kids?
It always was.

Attached: 1311513535784.png (688x384, 340K)

>/cgl/ needs a specific rule for drama/vendettas
lol women

>Dota Epicenter, SGDQ, SFV and forsen live at the same time
How many streams are too many?

it was for kids ever since the first generation of games, user
also checked

Surviving what? Less than 1% of the fanbase being manchildren and "boycotting"?

Despite people rightfully getting sick of that shit, SS will still sell millions, and merchandising will make a chunk of money too. Plus mobile shit



Attached: D-PRNfZWwAEKdJG.jpg (5536x3691, 2.55M)

Let's go still sold 15 million despite outcry, shit will keep going.


Attached: T6rTjfM.png (540x502, 391K)

Same kek
He'll be back I'm sure

>missed skyrim
>now pokemon

Have you ever played a videogame?

I really hope so because I want those nice feelings back!

Attached: 1560129467089.png (913x1200, 358K)

Yeah, even a single day off makes a difference.

>it's so big it doesn't even fit

>adults playing as a little poke girl

i don't follow videogame news is there some drama with it?

I don't think this is a very good speedrun game lads tbqh

it was intended to go full mobile, so yes

I assume it's all because new games aren't 1:1 copies of Red/Blue.

This, should have been Skyla. Gooks has shit taste.

Attached: 86771de1be65cb7d565f31dd2eae5c4d.png (565x800, 428K)


In the newest game they are taking out like half the pokemon along with reusing shitty animations. Just seems lazy.

~3 more hours of this

Python is more fun.

Attached: GET_YE.jpg (147x388, 9K)


I just said it was an assumption. Looks like you got really angry instead of presenting any sort of evidence. Maybe you should actually participate in the discussion instead of stomping your stumpy little legs.

Only Pokemon already catchable in the region will be allowed to transfer in and they said that's the plan going forward so no non Kanto starter/legendary will be transferable to HD Land. Also shit like Luxray or Purugly will never be usable again past the Sinnoh remakes.

Hey, I like Skyla as any man with taste, but Elesa is top tier too.

Attached: 59370699_p0.png (1219x874, 719K)

You tell him!

Poke run = Poke fun

Attached: 1382666427610.jpg (1147x1202, 280K)

Just tuned in. Is this game just Red/Blue but you can ride your pokemon?

oh that does sound weird, i suppose there must be like 2k of them by now though so maybe it had to happen eventually

I disagree, but at least you didn't say Java.

Uh ohh he dissed the Hotel
He's fucked now
Bitcoin ninjas waiting in his minishampoo in his room

Why does Elesa keep changing her hair color

It's standard for fashion models

They said the reason was it was too much effort to animate all the pokemon but then they just reused animations for the other ones anyway lol

At first glance I thought this image was another one of those repulsive anteater blowjob pictures where the girl's mouth is elongated 5x more than normal because the graphic on her shirt looks like lips. I need to stop spending so much time on /d/.

Attached: 1350822961401.png (253x224, 88K)

She's a model following fashion trends.

Attached: 1552695284575.jpg (850x1133, 118K)

it's just yellow but you can ride pokemom, no radnom encounter wild battles, and overworld pokemon. also the pc is just a box available everywhere.

She is a model.

>he doesn't play as a girl in Pokemon games because he likes seeing cute girls as cool adventurers

Attached: team.png (800x720, 1019K)

>Helix fossil
It would make the run disastrous.


More best pairing

Attached: 1353908202256.png (827x976, 687K)

I've seen this exact image posted by someone in a particular server

>Not helix
Get fucked plebbit

Java is so gay.

My PP goes up when I see the MC of this game.

>pp up

Attached: smug blowfish.png (329x291, 86K)

It's my Pokemon team so someone is posting my team around? That's cool I guess.

Attached: aqgftf.jpg (400x240, 28K)

New Bread?

Attached: Elesa 13.jpg (800x800, 210K)

>The guy asks you to show a level 15 pokemon to get in
What the fuck is this baby shit

new bread over here

wtf? There are lolita outfits in pokemon? Picked the fuck up


Would it have killed Game Freak to add texture filtering?

EWW furfag thread

Attached: 1553337610535.png (520x632, 278K)

Gems don't have gender you inbred.