Fallout New Vegas

How do you go from this...

Attached: 9jxcfnj4n4dy.jpg (1280x800, 598K)

Other urls found in this thread:


...to this?

Attached: Freeside_arial.jpg (2000x1125, 482K)

Reminds me of cyberpunk 2077, another shitty game made by overrated SJW devs.

to this?

Attached: 1560928761392.png (611x655, 439K)

not even once

Attached: C7C1EA04-8E76-40AB-9BE3-D780A420EB4B.png (900x600, 770K)

Just remind's me how FO4's city actually looked like that and was almost too massive to explore.
Game gets unfairly shat on here.


To this day I don't understand why people praise NV.

Deadlines, shitty engine, consoles

The mohave was better.

I think it might have something to do with it being an excellent video game

literally consoles
wow a game that came out in 2015 has a massive city to explore. there are no other games that do that at all. very cool.

its a good game with memorable characters and decent storylines. no need to overthink it.

I still play it, but it's definitely overrated

moving goalposts
I'm saying New Vegas disappointed me greatly when it first came out (learned to enjoy it later) and FO4 was actually impressive at times.

Bethesda's 12 month deadline. It's pretty impressive the game they made in that time, but it hurts to imagine what they could have done with a proper dev period.

obsidian wasnt sjw back then for sure

>Yea Forums is now turning on New Vegas
Good to see the cycle of contrarianism continue. Some things never change.

cyberpunk its fucking with this board heavily.

nah I've always held New Vegas as overrated. maybe u just haven't been paying attention

that's some shitty concept art. Can't even tell what the fuck is going on anywhere.

On that note, have there been any mods that attempt to make settlements look more lived-in? The Mojave is supposed to be untouched by the Great War but a lot of postwar settlements look empty and uninspired. Nipton and Searchlight have the excuse of being razed by the Legion, but Primm and Novac hardly feel like towns.

Attached: Primm.png (1729x1080, 2.59M)

>Arcade Gannon
>that bald bitch from Dead Money
nah they definitely were cucked by then

combination of console limitations and the fact they're forced to use bethesda's garbage engine
still made a good game out of what they were forced to use though

How? Because she was a dyke?

console limitations. It'd look slightly better if it was PC exclusive but that's what mods are for.

Holy shit dude, just fucking kill yourself

I absolutely hate the entire design of Primm.

you first

New Vegas was built on 32 bit architecture. That means without memory maps (which are very limited on 32 bit) you can get 3.2 gbs of memory. The base/vanilla game hits that frequently. Without some mod voodoo and a bit of luck you can barely put anything into certain areas of the game without crash city.

The whole game could be redone from scratch if they would release a 64bit version like they did with Skryim SE, which has a memory cap that well exceeds what anyone can even put in their computer.

You should read that article. That guy says he's always thought NV was overrated but here you are claiming your own anecdotal experience trumps his for some reason.

I'm saying nobody gives a shit about his opinion, making a statement like "Clearly you haven't been paying attention to me, the most important figure on this board" is tripfag levels of selfimportance

It's not self-importance at all, I am simply more important than you are

the IRL Primm isn't too far off from this.


lmao this retard can't even type real words

Not to mention the transgender Super Mutant.

>Stronk dyke only one willing to see what's good for BROTHERhood
>Either shuts up and falls in line under white Male leader or leaves and can't be close to anyone because those misogynist pigs might kill them

One year to make the game


Shitty engine (seriously, Freeside was originally supposed to be open but the engine kept fucking it up)

Yes I just love how the board has gone from
>Arcade Gannon was a decent gay character
>Arcade Gannon is gay, so the game is SJW so that means it's bad
just shows how many 15 year olds browse this shithole

>Install Open Freeside
>Install more looters and gangwars mod
>Set my house there
I love how chaotic it is.
I loved wandering the town at night looking for chumps with bottlecaps to steal.

Lmao kill yourself tranny

being gay was okay before the gays ruined it

Felicia Day

>No hit by nuks
>Roads still destroyed and not all houses open even though it's populated

>72% of all leaders are women
>Bro, they were cool. Just look how grey the game is, the Legions just slaughters everyone for uhh...b-but look at all the Legion missio....

>Arcade Gannon was a decent gay character
Literally who has ever said this? Veronica is okay because her homosexuality is a provoking point that encourages her to go out and question a lifestyle she was attached to and admires, even if she sees flaws in it, as she is fundamentally incompatible with the demands of that lifestyle

Arcade Gannon's homosexuality is irrelevant to his character's entirety, and exists solely to meet a diversity quota among the lackluster companions.

>Literally who has ever said this?
If you've been on Yea Forums longer than the beginning of summer you would know.

15 month, and a deal Obsidian signed themselves. Bethesda even lent Obsidian engine workers but refused to work with them, hence why the game was unplayable for like 6 months after release because of save bugs and etc.

Oh, lovely. They've sent me a mo-ron

Attached: SergeantDornanEnclave.png (803x414, 514K)