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>using keyboard instead of mouse dragging for movement
You don't actually do this, right guys?

fuck off Andy

Was worried that we would use the numpad or something

As opposed to not letting you move your character? I don't understand.

I really wish they'd fix that shit, it's been a problem in gaming since the early 2000s.

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i use arrow keys for movement and numpad for camera

Use mouse-dragging for movement, mouse wheel scrolling for vertical camera and mouse wheel tilting for horizontal camera. You'll never go back to using keyboards again.

i always loved when you had someone try to play halo or any other console shooter for the first time and they spend the entire game looking at the sky or the ground spinning in circles.

The look up look down thing in halo is used to determine if you want inverted camera or not

Shame not many other games do this

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>guys,you can play the game too,not just watch on youtube!

tremendous if truthful

wat? that trope was in pretty much EVERY early 2000s shooter.

That's genius.

I can go through FPP-only, but WSAD as controls? Not buying it anymore.

Yep, keyboard aiming, those were the days

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>He didn't get used to inverted y-axis from GoldenEye on the n64
Not sure if that was inverted by default or if I inverted it as a kid but I've played with inverted y-axis ever since then.

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Name one. It's probably a "you woke up and we need to make sure that you're okay" test, anyways

Just get a controller, you faggots

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Holy fucking shit finally I can get rid of my flight stick.

Did you not read the article???

kill yourself

>playing MGSV during the camera calibration part
>character is "getting tested for brain damage"
>doctor tells me to look up
>try to look down expecting some extra dialogue
>camera is now stuck inverted
>can't change the settings until the cinematic intro sequence is over


Attached: soiception.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

still have nightmares about it

what the hell is that place, its like Yea Forums for leftists

What's annoying to me is that test in first person, so of course I press up to look up. But then in third person mode I want to look up by moving the camera down, so I naturally press down. Of course that moves the camera up to look down instead and suddenly I can't play properly at all.

Whomever decided that first and third person modes should not be able to be set seperately in this game is a wanker and he must die.

Welp the ship has sailed, the game is officially RUINED

This is a kind of autism I haven't encountered before.


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>not using numpad 4,6,2,8

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Titanfall 2.

Makes perfect sense m8. In first person you control the character's eyes and head. In third person you control a camera. You have to rotate it down to look up. It feels weird and wrong to so many people to press up to move the camera down while also feeling weird to press down to have the character look up in first person. First and third person quite often have different controls. It's only recently that games have been getting lazy and having one control scheme for all modes.