maybe it should have lost the law suit to iron maiden
Cool, another game to never ever spend a cent on.
>No matching fonts
>old article overwritten
Nice fake retard
I love how epic chinks keep filtering games for me, yet another 40$ I'll save, thanks China!
>may 12
>no link to article
>google provides nothing
hmm something doesn't add up here
iron maiden wont be the first game i will never purchase thanks to publisher fuckery. usually its just anything with electronic arts or actiblizz. epicgamestore is on the list now too
Did the devs of that one mod finally tell you to fuck off op?
thought they had to change the name?
This thread smells like that one dude who pops up to shit on Blood to hype up his Duke3D mod.
Op also made this shit
what the FUCK are steam valve fanboys obsession with crying about EPIC Store?
Is Gabens fat kike dick really this far up your ass?
It's fake though
Gaben at least gives you a reach around as he fucks your butt, the chinks just fuck you while they chatter in their insect language like one of the cenobites in Hellraiser.
or you know I'm just sick of games being fragmented across multiple launchers and the epic store provides literally no benefit and multiple drawbacks compared to literally every other digital storefront
The fuck are you talking about, maybe you shouldn't try to post while fellating your chink overlords.
nice source fagot
>Ion Maiden
1. it's fake
2. it's Ion Maiden, Iron Maiden is a metal band
imagine paying no name shit indie devs to have their game on your platform because you have nothing but a cartoon shooter with a 99.99% playerbase of 8 year olds who have never even heard of unreal tournament
redpill me on the epic games store
China's nuclear war funding
Is the lawsuit the reason why they havent released this yet?
>baitposting thread has to start with ana obvious fake
How desperate are these shills? I dont even know who's posting what anymore
How? Gice details
>implying you need to even use the launchers of games
I double click every one of my steam games and they start. I NEVER see the steam interface. This is such a non issue its actually hilarious.
>yet again cant provide details of what his issue is, just use "MUH CHINKS" insults as per usual
PC faggots are so embarrassing.
made by epic which is run (because epic shills get defensive if you say owned) by tencent which has strong ties to the Chinese government
It's also poorly made, it still doesn't have many basic features
>store is a forced meme
>Literally called le epic store
You can't make this shit up
It's not real.
desperate to be a steam competitor
they literally pay developers to steal the exclusivity rights for the epic store rather than the other way around
PEople are saying its fake BUT i can see them signing with Epic for the bonus money so they can cover their legal fees. They're being sued by Iron Maiden for bullshit reasons. That extra chink money for exclusivity could really help their situation right now.
look at the brainlets in this thread
exactly what you'd expect desu
yeah, non issue
chinese crime syndicate
>Bethesda has the heaviest launcher
Why am I not surprised.
>hes such a moronic brainlet he runs launchers at startup
literally not my fault that you're a fucking RETARD.
>huawei is funded by the chinese government in part with grants
>steals info from people who use their products
>epic store is partially owned by tencent
>tencent is funded in part by the chinese government as the big gaming company
>epic launcher accused of being spyware
>both companies are still allowed to operate in the US because US wants to suck tiny chink cock
Makes you really think.
it has been released ages ago, it's just in early access
that lawsuit has no legs to stand on, it's based on skull in Ion Maiden logo to be "same" as Eddie (which is also called "skull" in lawsuit, wtf?)
Regardless lawsuits still cost a fuck ton of money user
>Early access
It's a demo.
Plus you can already purchase the early access version on Steam.
Why do people mad when they get free games?
Pirating that shit HARD
not crazy amount. And generally, unless your goal is to put other party completely out of business regardless of costs, you don't want to rack it sky high, because in the end judge may pin entire cost of legal fees on the plaintiff if he thinks your lawsuit is bullshit and you just try to P2W through it
Shit game on a shit platform.
I'm ok with this. At this rate Epic will filter out all the garbage.